Trucks, Cars, Buses FUSO, MITSUBISHI, Japan

Trucks, Cars, Buses FUSO, MITSUBISHI, Japan

Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Bus


Japan, Asia-Pacific, Mid-East, Africa, South America, its principal competitors are Isuzu GalaNissan Diesel Space ArrowHino S’elega

Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Bus
Manufacturer Mitsubishi Fuso
Production 1982-present
Class Rear wheel drive vehicles
Body style Bus
Engine 8DC8, 8DC9, 8DC10, 8DC11, 8M20, 6M70
Transmission 6-speed manual
INOMAT 6-speed automatic
Wheelbase 6.5 meter (MS7), 6.15 meter(MS8), 6.0 meter(PJ-MS86 and MS9)

1946 fuso b461946 fuso b46

1946 mitsubishi-fuso history 1

1946 mitsubishi-fuso history 11947 Fuso

1947 Fuso

1948 FUSO 3

1948 FUSO

1948 Fuso SS000016-1

1951 Fuso

1952 Fuso W80 JR Hokkaido Bonnet Bus Fuso W80 Front

1952 Fuso W80 JR Hokkaido Bonnet Bus Fuso W80 Front

1952 FUSO

FUSO BonnetBus

1955 FUSO Old

1955 FUSO Old

1956 MitsubishiFuso1956EmpresadeTransportesColectivosdelEstadoStgo

1956 MitsubishiFuso Empresade Transportes Colectivos del Estado © Luis Hernan Holley

1958 MitsubishiFusoBusesETCdelERevistaEnViaje1958

1958 ShizutetsuFusoBonnet-1

1958 ShizutetsuFusoBonnet-1

1958 Mitsubishi Fuso Buses ETC del ERevista En Viaje © Luis Hernan Holley

1959 ShizuokaFusoRosaConventionalAlt

1959-ShizuokaFusoRosaConventionalAlt © Colin Davison

1960 his fuso-rosa

1960 Mitsubishi Fuso

1960 Mitsubishi Fuso



CollageMitsubishi Fuso R32 Empresade Transportes Colectivosdel Estado © Celso Torres / Hidetoshi Yamamoto

1962 Fuso-T380 5e301

1962 Mitsubischi Fuso M654

1962 Mitsubischi Fuso M654-80410-Kanto-K-MS504R


1964 Bussen Fuso bus in the snow Abashiri bus Mirage Hokkaido,JAPAN

1964 Bussen Fuso bus in the snow Abashiri bus Mirage Hokkaido,JAPAN

1973 Fuso ++

1972 Mitsubishi Fuso x 3

1973 Fuso 6845791708_81b332f6c9_z

1973 Fuso

1974 Fuso's

1974 Fuso’s

1980 HayashidaFusoKureha-IL1

1980 Hayashida Fuso Kur ® Ian Lynas

1982 Mitsubischi Fuso P-MS715N-Shizutetsu

1982 Mitsubischi Fuso P-MS715N-Shizutetsu

1982 Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Bus

1982 Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Bus

Fuso-T380 0bb85

Fuso-T380 0bb85 Truck

1988 Mitsubishi Fuso Banahaw Transport

1988 Mitsubishi Fuso Banahaw Transport

1991 Mitsubishi Fuso Kantetsubus-kashima-1640it-20070923

1991 Mitsubishi Fuso Kantetsubus-kashima

1992 Mitsubishi Fuso S654-87481-P-MU525TA-kai

1992 Mitsubishi Fuso S654

1994 Mitsubischi Fuso K-MS615S-Hayashida

1994 Mitsubischi Fuso K-MS615S-Hayashida

1996 Mitsubishi Fuso P-MS729SA-Kanachu-A701

1996 Mitsubishi Fuso P-MS729SA-Kanachu-A701

2000 Mitsubischi Fuso Aero Bus U-MS826P

2000 Mitsubischi Fuso Aero Bus U-MS826P

2005 Mitsubischi Fuso Aero Bus (NSK 92MC body) KC-MS829P

2005 Mitsubischi Fuso Aero Bus (NSK 92MC body) KC-MS829P


2005 Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Queen II KC-MS822P


2007 Mitsubischi Fuso H674-06401-Tohoku-PJ-MS86JP

2007 Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Queen I KL-MS86MP

2007 Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Queen I KL-MS86MP

2007 Supergreat-FUSO 07

2007 Supergreat-FUSO Truck

FUSO Blueprints

2010 Fuso


2010 Mitsubischi Fuso Limousinebus 505-80242M96 aeroace

2012 Mitsubishi Fuso Kitami bus Ki230A 2074

2012 Mitsubishi Fuso Kitami bus Ki230A 2074

FUSO FWD-SU-COE-Special 169e5

1946 Heavy Duty FUSO B1 Bonnet Trucks

Photo by Best DSC!

Fuso FK fire engine

2001 Ambulance Mitsub Fuso


2011 Seibu bus Mitsubishi-fuso OEM PKG-AP35UK A9-338


FUSO BonnetBus

FUSO BonnetBus

Fuso-RK127JL 0e055




FusoMR620bus © James Danko

Fuso-RM11FNL4 a7077

Fuso-RM11FNL4-a7077 Canter High Security



Fuso-T480 12c1c

Fuso-T480 12c1c

Fuso-T380 e1d9a

1948 Fuso-T380 e1d9a

Fuso-T380 10545

Fuso-T380 10545

Fuso-RM11FNL4 bfc36

Fuso-RM11FNL4 bfc36 © sap32aaa

Fuso-T380 0ffb3

Fuso-T380 0ffb3 © James Danko

Fuso-Canter e39da

Fuso-Canter e39da





2006 Fuso Fighter

2006 Fuso Fighter

Fuso-Super-Great 8d14b

Fuso-Super-Great 8d14b

2002 KantoJidoshaFusoAeroKing-1

2002 KantoJidoshaFusoAeroKing-1 © Kentaro Hiraoka

2003 Fuso Aero DD


2005 Fuso Aero DD


Fusos Elderly

Fuso’s Elderly

This is it

Author: Jeroen

In Dutch, my homelanguage: Ik ben Jeroen, tot januari 2015 was ik al dik 26 jaar werkzaam in een psychiatrisch ziekenhuis in een stad vlakbij Werelds grootste havenstad Rotterdam. Eerst als verpleegkundige/begeleider op high care, later op afdeling dubbeldiagnose (verslavingen) en ook nog een tijdje als administratief medewerker. Ik heb een spierziekte "Poli Myositis" (alle spieren zijn ontstoken) daardoor weinig energie. Sinds augustus 2015 is daarbij de diagnose Kanker gesteld, en ben ik helemaal arbeidsongeschikt geworden en zit middenin de behandelfase. Gelukkig ben ik daarnaast getrouwd, vader, en opa, en heb de nodige hobby's. Een daarvan is transportmiddelen verzamelen en daarmee een blog schrijven. Dit blog begon met bussen, maar nu komen ook sleepboten, auto's trucks en dergelijke aan bod. Kijk en geniet met me mee, reageer, en vul gerust aan. Fouten zal ik ook graag verbeteren. In English: I'm Jeroen, till januari 2015 I was already 26 years working as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital, near Rotterdam, Worlds biggest harbour with more than 98 nationalities living within it's borders. First I worked on closed high care ward and the last years on a ward with mainly addicted people. I liked my work very much. In 2007 I got ill. I got the diagnose Poli Myositis, a musscle dissease. Al my mussles are inflamed. And last august I got another diagnose. Cancer. It's plaveicelcel carcinoma and treated with Chemo and radioation. So I've even less energy than the last years. Still I try to make something of my life and the blog is helping with surviving with some pleasure.

2 thoughts on “Trucks, Cars, Buses FUSO, MITSUBISHI, Japan”

  1. Hallo Jeroen, No.2 of the pictures in your Fuso section of Septemeber 2013 that requires removing from this section. It concerns the picture which you show as a 1946 Heavy Duty Fuso B1 Bonnet Truck, with on the photo printed – http://www.armyvehicles,dk. If you had thought about it before posting the pictures, you would have realized that it could never be a Fuso used by the Danish Army, as the Japanese only started exporting vehicles in the early 1960s. I posted the picture of this vehicle in my FB vintage car group today, with the following explanation – 1951 FWD SU COE (cab over engine) Heavy Duty Truck – as used in the Danish Army and was delivered as a part of the American aid program (MDAP) between 1951 – 1955 – the Four Wheel Drive Auto Company, more often known as Four Wheel Drive (FWD), was a pioneering American company that developed and produced all-wheel drive vehicles – it was founded in 1909 in Clintonville, Wisconsin, as the Badger Four-Wheel Drive Auto Company – a Canadian subsidiary was set up in conjunction with Dominion Truck of Kitchener, Ontario by 1919 – a British subsidiary was set up at Slough in 1921 – in 1926, the British FWD, also known as the Quad, was produced with a larger 70 bhp engine – in 1932, AEC took a controlling interest in the British company and began to use more standard AEC components in the Slough-built vehicles – to distinguish these from imported U.S. FWD vehicles, they were marketed under the name Hardy – production ceased about 1936 in the UK, but AEC exploited its experience with all-wheel drive in its Second World War Matador (4×4) and Marshall (6×6) vehicles. The yellow triangle on the roof of the truck, illuminated at night, was compulsory in Germany and by the looks of it in Denmark as well, for trucks towing trailers. The regulation was abandoned in Germany in 1959. I hope that this will be of assistance to you. Greetings, Andre

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