About Me, your host Jeroen

Schiedam, Appelmarktbrug
Schiedam, Appelmarktbrug (Photo credit: Truus, Bob & Jan too!)
coa Schiedam, Netherlands
coa Schiedam, Netherlands (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Location of the province of Noord-Holland (Nor...
Location of the province of Noord-Holland (North Holland) in the Netherlands. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’m Jeroen, your host on this page. You can find info here about all sorts off Transportation. But not only Info, also history and possibly future.

It started as a hobby, but daily I’m studying, scanning and collecting, but also taking pictures, sites, books etc. to make my collection broader and more complete.

I began with Buses, with the A, not knowing that there are more than hundred markes with an A.

What I show as a result of my study is not complete and I’m always interested in more and new info so this is directly an invitation to improve and actualysize this blog with your INFO, Pictures and so on. You can reach me on hotrose60@gmail.com

Please join me in this adventure through the past, the now and the future.

You’re very welcom

I great you all

Hello, it’s september 2018, more than 2 years ago I gave you a update. Last May I had my last re-evaluation about my health and the result was that I’m officially 100% disabled. That gives me the right to get a montly payment of 75% of my last wages. It’s not very much but we can survive reasonably and pay everything without getting serious debts. It’s more difficult to explain this in English. My health is more or less stable. With lots of medicins it’s possible to do the most neccesary things. I do not have energy enouph to make long days but when I rest two hours in the afternoon its possible to make the day complete. I still make blogs here on myntransportblog.com The cancer is away. I still get controles 2 times each year, and for the rest I’m quiet happy. When there is more changing fact you get a update again. For now greetings. Jeroen

It’s 26 januari 2016. Losts of things are happened in my life since I wrote to you readers. Fysical my payed workingtime is over. My mussle disease Poli Myositis got worse, and last july doctor’s found Cancer. It’s called plaveiselcelcarcinoma. I got Chemo and 36 radiation treatments. Since that heavy treatment is nothing the same anymore. It’s impossible to work anymore so our income became criticly low. I became incontinent, have lots of medicaments and problems with my memory, sometimes I can’t find words, I’m very tired, sleep a lot and my motivation is not the same anymore. Working on myntransportblog.com is less important but when I feal a little bit oké than it’s a terrific way to be buzy.

I don’t miss my work anymore, and that’s the same with most of my collegeas. The patiënts are giving lots off support and that’s surprising. Lots of cards, messages, or motivational words. They miss me and that’s a good feeling.

I will try to continue myntransportblog.com, but my treatment is not over yet, and also I don’t know about results and so on. I try to stay positive and working with this blog helps me hereby.

Since half may 2014 I learn to become consultant for patiëntslogistics in the same hospital. It’s for 20 hours a week, and that’s better. I couldn’t work for 36/40 hours a week because my mussle disease “Poli Myositis”, For now I like it, but I miss the job that I did before, in blue. It costs some time to become stabel again.

My name is Jeroen, and I was a nurse on the Detox ward. Since Januari I work half time on a centre where people come on their way back to the normal way of live. They get structure there and get the opportunity to work with wood, textile, making food and so on. It’s nice to work there and to help people to get back their self confidence and more.

My name is Jeroen, I’m a nurse in a psychiatric hospital on a ward for edicted people. It’s a great job but I need relaxing too, and this is besides my other hobbys a great way to relax and enjoy. I live in the town of Schiedam, that’s near to Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Western Europe. hotrose60@gmail.com


My WIFE Els de Roos has a blog also, sometimes I write there also. You can find her on http://elsderoos.blogspot.com


English: Windmill De Kameel in Schiedam
English: Windmill De Kameel in Schiedam (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Schiedam (Photo credit: Silvain de Munck)

11 thoughts on “About Me, your host Jeroen”

  1. Hallo,
    ik hebben gewerkt met Google Translator.
    Ik heb uw site gevonden in het net. Ik heb een oude document van het bedrijf Gaubschat uit 1934/11/26 in mijn collectie die ik wil verkopen. Zal dat niet wat je voor? Als ik een foto kan versturen via e-mail.
    Groeten Ralf


  2. Een vriendin rijdt met een Jonckheere-DAF schoolbus rond, waarvan ik het model in de fotoreeks niet aantref. Zijn spoorbreedte is merkwaardig smaller dan het koetswerk. Hoe kan ik jullie er foto’s van opsturen?


  3. Hallo Jeroen, I came across your wonderful web blog a few days ago. It looks like we enjoy the same hobby, Starting to go though it from the very beginning September 2013. Loved seeing the pictures of the old E.R.F. SAS/SAR (Suid-Afrikaanse Spoorwee/South African Railways buses. I remember these buses very well as I lived in South Africa at that time. These were long distance buses and visited many rural communities over mainly un- surfaced roads. Your second section is on Fuso trucks and buses and contains a few mistakes. 1. Your green/white and blue 1951 Fuso bus is in fact a c.1965 Isuzu TX series bus. Before I can get to mistake no. 2, I have to get back to that section on your blog, I have lost my reply to you three times now, so I will send you this off before losing it again. Regards, Andre


  4. Hi Jeroen,
    You have a very nice collection of bus photos here, including my 1940 COE Chevrolet Schoolbus Camper. I think that photo was taken at an air show near Columbia, MO. It was my first time to display the bus in public. Since then I have acquired two additional Chevrolet buses, 1956 and 1958.


  5. Hello Jeroen,
    I am amazed on how you manage to unearth stuff and also on your consistency in presenting the story of transport in all its variety..
    I’ll mail you soon on a personal base.

    Marcel Rouweler


  6. Hi Jeroen,
    Goed initiatief! Je opent jouw blog met een kaart van NL. Tekst noemt Noord-Holland, kaart toont een uitgelicht Zuid-Holland! Verder wordt Schiedam genoemd, in Zuid-Holland. Ra ra, wat is de bedoeling?
    P.S. Onlangs nog een Flexble – eind jaren veertig – gezien. Mooi!


    1. Hallo Wim, het is een soort introductie, maar er is sinds dat ik dit blog begon wel het een en ander veranderd en bijgekomen. Zo zijn we een maand geleden van Schiedam naar Arnhem verhuisd. Ik loop nog een beetje achter in het actualiseren. De blogs zijn veel interessanter dan de introductie. Gegroet. Jeroen.


  7. Ik probeer informatie te vinden over een auto van mijn opa die in 1920 met een bedrijf begon.
    Volgens mijn vader had hij eind jaren 20 begin jaren 30 een FN.
    Zou u aan de hand van deze foto informatie kunnen geven of het een FN is en of er nog zo’n auto ergens te bekijken is?


  8. Hello from UK
    I like your blog and useful information, thank you.
    I follow Sheffield Buses.
    You have a pucture in Weymann of CWJ 405
    Do you know where it was taken and who owned the bus
    It looks rather special to me


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