Buses + more CHOLLIMA JIPSAM CHONGNYONJUNWI Pyongyang North Korea

Today a blog about CHOLLIMA, JIPSAM and Chongnyonjunwi,  buses made in Pyongyang, North Korea. All the buses are based on Karosa, Skoda, PAZ, and so on.

01 CHOLLIMA 9.11, earlier named CHOLLIMA 1 and CHOLLIMA 2. Made from 1961- 1970 NK

CHOLLIMA 9.11, Made from 1961- 1970 NK

 02 CHOLLIMA 9.25. Made from 1963- 1967 NK

CHOLLIMA 9.25. Made from 1963- 1967 NK

03 ① 천리마-70형 무궤도전차 (Chollima 70 trolleybus)

CHOLLIMA 70. Made from 1970- 1972.  NK

04 CHOLLIMA 72, earlier named PHIPATA. Made from 1972- 1974 NK

CHOLLIMA 72, earlier named PHIPATA. Made from 1972- 1974 NK

 05 CHOLLIMA 74. Made from 1974- 1984 NK

CHOLLIMA 74. Made from 1974- 1984 NK

06 CHOLLIMA 82. Made around 1982

CHOLLIMA 82. Made around 1982

07 CHOLLIMA 84. Made from 1984- mid 1990s

CHOLLIMA 84. Made from 1984- mid 1990s

08 CHOLLIMA 90, original name SOGIRYON, also named Chollima 903 or CHONGNYONJUNWI. Made from 1990- 2000s

CHOLLIMA 90, original name SOGIRYON, also named Chollima 903 or CHONGNYONJUNWI. Made from 1990- 2000s

09 CHOLLIMA 862. Made from 1986- 1990

CHOLLIMA 862. Made from 1986- 1990

① 집삼-74형 무궤도전차 (Jipsam 74 trolleybus)


① 천리마-70형 무궤도전차 (Chollima 70 trolleybus)a

① 집삼-74형 무궤도전차 (Jipsam 74 trolleybus)

10 CHOLLIMA IKARUS conversion


11 CHOLLIMA Service Vehicle. Early 2000s

CHOLLIMA Service Vehicle. Early 2000s

14 CHOLLIMA Working Platform. Seen in Pyongyang in the early 2000s

CHOLLIMA Working Platform. Seen in Pyongyang in the early 2000s

12 CHOLLIMA SONYON, also named CHONGNYONJUNWI. Made from 1999- present
 CHOLLIMA SONYON, also named CHONGNYONJUNWI. Made from 1999- present

13 CHOLLIMA SONYON. Made from early 2000s- present

CHOLLIMA SONYON. Made from early 2000s- present

15 Chollina e-9-21-6-0

Chollina e-9-21-6-0

16 Pyongyuan Trolleybus

Pyongyuan trolleybus

Pyongyanf Chollima Yellow

Pyongyang Chollima Yellow

18 New-type Trolley Bus Manufactured in DPRK Pyongyang

New-type Trolley Bus Manufactured in DPRK Pyongyang

 19 PAZ 672 bus in Pyongyang

PAZ 672 bus in Pyongyang

 20 Pyongyang 9.25 bijsnijding Chollina 1963

Pyongyang 9.25 bijsnijding Chollina 1963

21 Pyongyang bus full

Pyongyang bus full

22 School bus in Pyongyang

School bus in Pyongyang

23 buses-tram-pyongyang


24 small tram underpass Pyongyang

small tram underpass Pyongyang

 25 Bus terminal in front of Pyongyang Station,DPRK, Chollima bus

Bus terminal in front of Pyongyang Station, DPRK, Chollima bus

26 A double-decker bus in Pyongyang! And there’s a Mercedes-Benz car too!

A double-decker bus in Pyongyang! And there’s a Mercedes-Benz car too!

 27 Pyongyang buses

Pyongyang buses

28 ① 집삼-74형 무궤도전차 (Jipsam 74 trolleybus)

① 집삼-74형 무궤도전차 (Jipsam 74 trolleybus)

 29 ② 집삼-88형 버스 (Jipsam-88 bus) 청진버스공장

② 집삼-88형 버스 (Jipsam-88 bus)   청진버스공장

 30 Chongnyonjunwi 10

Chongnyonjunwi 10

31 Chongnyonjunwi


32 Pyongyang Chongnyonjunwi in the Iris Effect

Pyongyang Chongnyonjunwi in the Iris Effect

33 Пхеньян, Chongnyonjunwi 1 № 448

Пхеньян, Chongnyonjunwi 1 № 448

34 Trolleybus 210 Chongnyonjunwi 1 (Kim Il Sung square)

Trolleybus 210 Chongnyonjunwi 1 (Kim Il Sung square)

 35 Pyongyang-Chongnyonjunwi


 36 Chongnyonjunwi 374

Chongnyonjunwi 374



A ČKD-Tatra T4D-B4D on Line 1 PyongyangA ČKD-Tatra T4D-B4D on Line 1 Pyongyang


DPRK trolley Pyongyang Tram



Many Thanks for the Risc’s taking the photograps and google and aspecially to © erik@chinesecars.net

Filed Under: CHOLLIMAChongnyonjunwiJIPSAMKAROSANorth KoreaPAZŠKODA




Author: Jeroen

In Dutch, my homelanguage: Ik ben Jeroen, tot januari 2015 was ik al dik 26 jaar werkzaam in een psychiatrisch ziekenhuis in een stad vlakbij Werelds grootste havenstad Rotterdam. Eerst als verpleegkundige/begeleider op high care, later op afdeling dubbeldiagnose (verslavingen) en ook nog een tijdje als administratief medewerker. Ik heb een spierziekte "Poli Myositis" (alle spieren zijn ontstoken) daardoor weinig energie. Sinds augustus 2015 is daarbij de diagnose Kanker gesteld, en ben ik helemaal arbeidsongeschikt geworden en zit middenin de behandelfase. Gelukkig ben ik daarnaast getrouwd, vader, en opa, en heb de nodige hobby's. Een daarvan is transportmiddelen verzamelen en daarmee een blog schrijven. Dit blog begon met bussen, maar nu komen ook sleepboten, auto's trucks en dergelijke aan bod. Kijk en geniet met me mee, reageer, en vul gerust aan. Fouten zal ik ook graag verbeteren. In English: I'm Jeroen, till januari 2015 I was already 26 years working as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital, near Rotterdam, Worlds biggest harbour with more than 98 nationalities living within it's borders. First I worked on closed high care ward and the last years on a ward with mainly addicted people. I liked my work very much. In 2007 I got ill. I got the diagnose Poli Myositis, a musscle dissease. Al my mussles are inflamed. And last august I got another diagnose. Cancer. It's plaveicelcel carcinoma and treated with Chemo and radioation. So I've even less energy than the last years. Still I try to make something of my life and the blog is helping with surviving with some pleasure.

One thought on “Buses + more CHOLLIMA JIPSAM CHONGNYONJUNWI Pyongyang North Korea”

  1. Hallo,
    Thank you so much for these beautiful pictures! 🙂
    Especially because you don’t see pictures from Pyongyang that often. It’s really interesting to see those buses and other vehicles!


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