BORGWARD Automobiles and Trucks





For Borgward Buses:

Borgward is an automobile manufacturer originally founded by Carl F. W. Borgward (November 10, 1890 – July 28, 1963). The original company, based in Bremen in Germany, ceased operations in the 1960s. The Borgward group produced four brands of cars: Borgward, Hansa, Goliath and Lloyd.


The marque has since been revived by Carl Borgward’s grandson, Christian Borgward, together with his partner Karlheinz L. Knöss, with assistance from Chinese investment, and unveiled the company’s first new car in over 40 years, the BX7 at the 2015 International Motor Show.

Origins of the component companies

The origins of Bremen’s most significant auto-business go back to 1905 with the establishment in nearby Varel of the “Hansa Automobilgesellschaft” and the foundation in Bremen itself of “Namag”, maker of the Lloyd car. These two businesses merged in 1914 to form the “Hansa-Lloyd-Werke A.G.”. After the war, in the troubled economic situation then confronting Germany, the business failed to prosper and by the late 1920s faced bankruptcy. For Carl Borgward, already the successful creator of the Goliath-Blitzkarren business, the misfortunes of Hansa-Lloyd presented an opportunity greatly to expand the scope of his auto business, and he took control of it.

1920 BORGWARD Blitzkarren

Carl Borgward’s first “car”, the Blitzkarren

The first “automobile” Carl Borgward designed was the 1924 Blitzkarren (lightning cart), a sort of tiny three-wheeled van with 2 hp (1.5 kW), which was an enormous success in the market gap it filled. Traders with a small budget bought it for delivery. The Reichspost ordered many of them for postal service.

00-Hansa-Lloyd-Epinglette - DSCN4259a

Hansa Lloyd

In 1929, Borgward became the director of Hansa Lloyd AG having been able to merge his “Goliath-Werke Borgward & Co.” with “Hansa-Lloyd. The small Goliath-Blitzkarren had by now evolved into the still three wheeler timber framed synthetic leather bodied 5 or 7 hp Goliath Pioneer. Borgward turned his attention to the other businesses and led the development of the Hansa Konsul. In February 1937, there came the new Hansa Borgward 2000and in 1939 the name was shortened to Borgward 2000. The 2000 model was followed by the Borgward 2300 that remained in production until 1942.


After World War II, in 1946 Carl Borgward used some of the brand names from businesses he had acquired over the years to found three separate companies: Borgward, Goliath and Lloyd. This was intended to increase the quantity of steel allocated to his business at a time of austerity and rationing. For many purposes the companies would be run as a single entity, but in a business operated by a man to whom delegation did not come naturally the proliferation of legal entities nevertheless added unhelpful layers of complexity through the 1950s and encouraged a broadening of the range which in the end proved financially unsustainable with the sales volumes achievable. In 1949 company presented the

1949 Borgward Hansa 1500

Borgward Hansa 1500.

One of the top engineers at Borgward from 1938-1952 was Dipl. Ing. Hubert M. Meingast.

Isabella and P100

Production of the Borgward Isabella began in 1954. The Isabella would become Borgward’s most popular model and remained in production for the life of the company. In 1960 the Borgward P100 was introduced, equipped with pneumatic suspension.

Sports racers

Borgward introduced a line of 1500 cc sports racers in the late 1950s, with the 16-valve engine from these becoming a successful Formula Two power unit (which was also used by some F1 privateers in 1961).

Financial problems

Although Borgward pioneered technical novelties in the German market such as air suspension and automatic transmission, the company had trouble competing in the marketplace. While larger companies like Opel and VW took advantage of economies of scale and kept their prices low to gain market share, Borgward’s cost structure was even higher than necessary for its size, as it basically operated as four tiny independent companies and never implemented such basic cost reduction strategies as joint development and parts sharing between the company’s makes. Borgward suffered quality problems as well. The

1959-61 Lloyd Arabella 58721959-61 Lloyd Arabella 5872Borgward Arabella de Luxe 01Lloyd Arabella was technically advanced as a water-cooled boxer with front wheel drive, but plagued with problems such as water leakage and gearbox glitches. Lloyd lost money on the car even though it was more expensive than its direct competitors.

Controversial company bankruptcy

In 1961, the company was forced into liquidation by creditors. Carl Borgward died in July 1963, still insisting the company had been technically solvent. This proved to be true in the sense that after the creditors were paid in full, there was still 4.5 million Marks left over from the business.

Controversy over the bankruptcy persists

Reports of difficulties at Borgward surfaced in an article that appeared in Germany’s leading news magazine, “Der Spiegel” on 14 December 1960”. The very long, detailed, and in places repetitive Spiegel article was highlighted by means of a picture of Borgward, cigar in mouth, on the magazine’s front cover. It was strongly critical of Carl Borgward’s business approach, and included many of the arguments later advanced to explain or justify the company’s demise. The widest range of cars from any manufacturer in Germany, produced by three till recently operationally autonomous companies (Borgward, Goliath and Lloyd) was supporting a turnover of only 650 million Marks, placing the overall sales value from the combined Borgward auto businesses only in fifth position among Germany’s auto-makers. The 70-year-old Carl Borgward’s “hands-on” insistence on an increasingly manic proliferation of new and modified models featuring adventurous, but under-developed technological innovations (“[ein] fast manischen Konstruierwut“) gave rise to components which too often did not work, broke down or fell apart, resulting in massive bills for pre-delivery remediation and/or post delivery warranty work that found their way back to the company.

The December 1960 Spiegel article was not the only serious public criticism targeting Borgward at this time: suddenly stridently negative (if more succinct) comments also turned up in the influential mass-market Bild newspaper and in television reports. Critical media commentaries also appeared concerning large loans to the Borgward Group provided by the local Landesbank.

It is apparent that the business was confronting cash-flow difficulties at the end of 1960. Capital intensive businesses such as auto manufacturing use their expensive machines and tools most efficiently if they use them constantly at full capacity, but the car market in Europe in the 1950s/60s was more seasonal than today, with sales diminishing in Winter, then peaking in the early summer months: Borgward’s inventory of unsold cars at the end of 1960 was higher than usual, reflecting ambitious growth plans, most obviously in respect of the United States market The December 1960 Spiegel article speculated that of the 15,000 Borgward cars ordered by the North American dealers in 1960 (and of the 12,000 delivered to them) 6,000 might have to be taken back following a slump in North American demand. (Borgward was not the only European auto maker hit by a North American slump in demand for imported cars during 1960. In the same year two ships carrying Renault Dauphines were turned back in mid-Atlantic because the docks in New York were overcrowded with unsold Dauphines.”)

At the end of December 1960 Borgward approached the bank for a further one million Marks of credit, the loan to be backed by a guarantee from the Bremen regional government which initially the Bremen senators agreed to provide. However, following the flood of critical press comment the senators withdrew their guarantee. They now required Carl Borgward to pledge the company itself to the state in return for the guarantee. After a tense 13-hour meeting widely reported in a still hostile media, Borgward agreed to the senate’s terms on 4 February 1961, thereby averting the bankruptcy of the business.

The Bremen Senate also insisted on appointing its own nominee as chairman of the company’s supervisory board. The man they chose was Johannes Semler whom reports generally describe as a “Wirtschaftsprüfer” (public auditor), though this designation, especially once translated into English, does less than full justice to the breadth of Semler’s career. He had studied law at university and worked initially as a lawyer. The scion of a leading Hamburg political family, in 1945 he had himself been a founding member of the centre-right CSU party, and was a member of the Bundestag between 1950 and 1953. Despite his Hamburg origins, Semler was by this time based in Munich, with a network of contacts in the Bavarian establishment that probably included fellow CSU politician and the future German chancellor, Ludwig Erhard, who in 1948 had succeeded Semler in a top administrative position within the Bizone. The appointment of Johannes Semler as the representative of the Bremen senators to chair the Borgward supervisory board would, in retrospect, contribute to the controversy that followed the Borgward bankruptcy.

On 28 July 1961 Semler, as Chairman of the supervisory board joined the directors of the three companies Borgward, Goliath and Lloyd to instigate proceedings for the establishment of a “Vergleichsverfahren”, which would have provided for a court sanctioned scheme of arrangement enabling the business to continue to trade while at the same time protecting the interests of creditors. Two months later, however, in September 1961, the Borgward and Goliath businesses were declared bankrupt, followed in November by the Lloyd business. Subsequent “conspiracy theorists” have suggested that Semler, for reasons of his own, never had any intention of allowing the Borgward auto-businesses to survive.


The conspiracy theory

Carl Borgward himself would not accept that the Borgward, Goliath and Lloyd auto businesses were technically insolvent, and the fact that none of the companies’ creditors lost money supports his case. In the light of what was known at the time, and increasingly in the light of subsequent events, the argument that the business was not really insolvent at all has, if anything, gained support. Nevertheless, evaluation of the issues requires informed and careful judgement, and the opposite case can also be made, that had the company continued trading beyond 1961 there was no reasonable prospect that it would generate sufficient cash to repay existing debts within a contractually established or reasonable period nor, indeed, to repay all necessary subsequently incurred financing and other business debts. At best, Borgward by the middle of 1961 was seen by potential investors and lenders as a much riskier prospect than it had been a year earlier.

The case for a conspiracy

It has been suggested that the media onslaught launched against Borgward at the end of 1960 was part of a well orchestrated covert campaign by other German auto-makers, jealous of Borgward’s success and spotting an opportunity to eliminate a significant rival. Even now, the Spiegel article of 14 December 1960 is strangely shrill, partisan, and out of line with the dry tone that characterised most serious business reporting at the time.

Johannes Semler, appointed by the city fathers to chair the supervisory board, ostensibly, in order to guide the business towards a more secure future, appeared a strange choice for the role despite his excellent network of contacts and long experience at the interface between business and public life. The appointment appeared stranger still after his simultaneous appointment, in 1960, to the board of BMW in Munich, his more recent political power base and by now his adopted home city. BMW had lost its old manufacturing facility in 1945 when Eisenach had ended up under Soviet control and since then had itself struggled to survive financially.

Cui bono?

In fact, the appointment of Semler to the BMW board was one of several events which, in rapid succession, marked an improvement in the fortunes of BMW. BMW had itself come close to bankruptcy in 1959, but had been rescued thanks to a massive additional investment by Herbert Quandt, who became, behind the scenes, a remarkably successful “hands-on” principal BMW shareholder. Key to the company’s future was a new saloon/sedan smaller and more sporty than a Mercedes-Benz yet larger than a Volkswagen, and more stylish than anything then to be expected from Opel or Ford. Quandt also recruited an energetic sales director for BMW called Paul G. Hahnemann who later would assert that the BMW 1500, launched at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September 1961, created an important new niche in the German car market. Hahnemann repeated his boast so often that he gained the soubriquet “Nischen-Paule” in the press. Those who contend that Semler’s role in the Borgward bankruptcy was part of a conspiracy orchestrated on behalf of BMW to bring down Borgward point out that the “niche” allegedly defined by the mid-weight BMWs from 1961 actually bore an uncanny resemblance to the niche previously occupied by the Borgward Isabella during the 1950s.

The case against a conspiracy

Cases against conspiracies are seldom as compelling as cases in support of conspiracies. Nevertheless, Carl Borgward’s management style had never been collegiate, and during several decades as a swash-buckling engineer-entrepreneur he had never shown much appetite for opinions at variance with his own. The Spiegel article that kicked off the press onslaught in December 1960 included a withering attack on Borgward for having recently laid off 2,000 people as part of a belated attempt to streamline administration and production. In a period of boom there was little doubt that the affected workers would have found job opportunities with other German automakers, but they would have needed to relocate away from Bremen, and the Spiegel’s description of Carl Borgward’s implementation of the redundancies savagely implied a singular absence of human sensitivity. One way and another, Borgward had over several decades enjoyed plenty of opportunities to create enemies, able to feed toxic stories to the media without any need for a conspiracy among rival auto-makers.

Borgward’s approach to “product planning” was remarkably profligate. In West Germany only Opel, at this time, came close to Borgward in terms of frequency of model changes and facelifts. But Opel were backed by the financial muscle and the strong management support of General Motors, the world’s largest auto-maker and at that time itself a fabulously profitable corporation. In contrast, Borgward had only a generous (but not bottomless) credit facility from the local state bank which he coupled with a personal disinclination to delegate or discuss business decisions. Opel, for all their flamboyant marketing and a domestic market share second only to that of Volkswagen, at this time offered only two models, the Rekord and the Kapitän. It is difficult to keep up with how many different models the Borgward group was supporting. In addition to various commercial vehicles, the 1961 passenger car range included the1957-61 Lloyd AlexanderLloyd Alexander, the Lloyd Arabella, the1957-59 Goliath 1100Goliath 1100 (rebadged in 1959 as the Borgward 1100), the1961 Borgward Isabella TS SaloonBorgward Isabella and the 1961 Borgward P100 with air springBorgward P100. The company’s reputation for serious teething troubles on new models was not simply the result of malicious press reporting. Borgward was managed by a 70 year old autocrat without an obvious succession plan. At the height of the crisis talks in 1961 Carl Borgward received (and robustly rejected) a 200 Million Mark offer for his business from Chrysler corporation. Even without his own personal BMW connections, chairman Semler might reasonably have concluded that the Borgward business as then configured had no realistic prospect of remaining solvent for more than few more months without collapsing into a yet more destructive bankruptcy from which creditors would not recover all their cash, and which could easily end up with the company becoming a third significant foreign transplant to compete on financially unequal terms with the domestically owned auto-industry.

Post mortem

The German magazine Der Spiegel published a thoughtful piece in 1966, implying that with more a little more support, and if the proprietor had been more willing to take advice from his own directors, the Borgward company could have easily overcome its financial problems of 1961. But Carl Borgward was financially naive and reluctant to accept advice: his preferred source of credit had always involved shunning the banks and simply taking extra time to pay his creditors, rejecting advice on the financing of his business from his own Finance Director. By Autumn 1960 he was holding on to unpaid creditor invoices worth more than 100 Million Marks for sheet metal and tyres alone. Given that all the company’s creditors were eventually paid in full, the liquidation decision appeared nevertheless to have been taken prematurely.

Production in Mexico

As part of the bankruptcy process, in 1963, all manufacturing equipment for the Borgward Isabella and P100 was sold to a buyer in Mexico. Production in Mexico was delayed, but was started in August 1967 by entrepreneur Gregorio Ramirez Gonzalez. Production in Mexico ceased in 1970.



1938-39 Borgward MHV Hansa 2000 011938-39 Borgward MHV Hansa 2000 01 Borgward 20001940 Borgward Hansa 2300 (6 cyl, 2247cm3, 55 KM)1940 Borgward Hansa 2300 (6 cyl, 2247cm3, 55 KM) Borgward 23001949 Borgward Hansa 1500 a1949 Borgward Hansa 1500 a Borgward Hansa 15001952-54 Borgward Hansa 18001952-54 Borgward Hansa 1800 Borgward Hansa 18001952 Borgward Hansa 1800 DBorgward Hansa 1800 D1954 Borgward Hansa 2400Borgward Hansa 24001960 Borgward Isabella SaloonBorgward Isabella1960 Borgward P1001960 Borgward P100 Borgward P100

1959 Borgward 2,3 LrBorgward 230


borgward 611 02 borgward 611 03 Borgward 611 08 Borgward 611 folder2 b611-bus a

Borgward B 611 OmnibusBorgward B 611Borgward 622 2 (6) Borgward 622 2 (7) Borgward 622 2 (8)

aufgenommen beim Borgward-Treffen in Willich
Borgward B622

Borgward 622 Pritsche Borgward B 622 Pritschen-Lkw (klein) Borgward b622 Borgward B622-2 Borgward b622-3Borgward B 622Borgward B555folder kant aBorgward B 655Borgward B1000 Pictures, Images & PhotosBorgward B 10001947 borgward-toledo B-1000ZBorgward B 1000Z1949-52 borgward b-1250-pritschenwagen1949-52 borgward b-1250-pritschenwagen Borgward B 12501954-60 Borgward B 1500 Pritschenwagen1954-60 Borgward B 1500 Pritschenwagen Borgward B 15001957 Borgward B 1500 F

1959 borgward 1500 diesel flatbed tipper original 1959 Borgward B 1500 F diesel flatbedBorgward B 1500F1953 Borgward B2000 bus npe-borgward-53 1955 Borgward B2000 Kübelwagen 1955 borgward b2000-der-6-zylinder-1495 1956 Borgward В2000А-О, 4x4

DCF 1.0

1958 Borgward B 2000 Tragkraftspritze (1958) 1958 Borgward B 2000 Tragkraftspritze 1958 Borgward B2000 A 1958 Borgward В2000А, 4x4 1960 Borgward b2000a-33-003 1960 Red Cross Borgward truck

DCF 1.0

Borgward B 2000 A der Bundeswehr Leighkraftwagen 0,75 tonnen 4x4 Borgward B 2000 Kranwagen borgward B2000 brandwee Hattert Borgward B2000 Feuerwehr 1 Borgward B2000 Feuerwehr Borgward B2000 R Borgward B2000 Troop Truck Borgward b2000a-1 Borgward b2000a-2 Borgward_5 lieferwagen-borgward-b-2000-a-10432 logo1Borgward B 20001957 Borgward B2500-frontstuur

Borgward b2500 1Borgward B2500 A-O TLF8Borgward B2500 DrehleiterBorgward B2500 STUURCABINE (1)Borgward B2500A-f1Borgward B2500A-f2Borgward b2500fBorgward B 25001939 Borgward B3000S-O Cargo Truck

1939 Borgward B3000S-O Cargo Truck1942-50 B 3000. The B 3000 was the first truck that left the factory after WW II

1953 Borgward b3000-omnibusBorgward B3000

Borgward B3000 (2)borgward b-3000-12Borgward 2de serie B3000 trekker met opleggerBorgward B3000 armyBorgward B 3000

1951-61 Borgward B 4000 - B 45001951-61 Borgward B4000-11952 Borgward B40001952 Borgward b4000-omnibus LOFI1952 Borgward BB 5.3 Diesel 4862cc1952 Borgward BO 4000 Neoplan Diesel 5-6 cyl 4962cc1953 Borgward omnibus1953 borgward-b-4000-1953--1124781956 Borgward b40001957 Borgward B4000 AutotransporterBorgward B-4000 feuerwehrborgward b-4000 mit-einem-frueher-z-77698Borgward B4000 Truck met opleggerborgward b-4000borgward b-4000-08Borgward B-4000-weinrot-ThieleBorgward B-4000-Zimmermann-Eischer-150706

German carmaker Borgward announced comeback during the 85th International Motor Show in Geneva Swi


Borgward B4000 in Berlijn

Borgward B 4000

1951-61 Borgward B 4000 - B 45001953 Borgward B 4500 A in Raven 19961953 Borgward B 4500 Pritschen-Lkw1953 borgward-b-4500-pritschenwagen-1953-860481956 Borgward B 4500 4x41956 Borgward B4500-11957 Borgward B 45001957 Borgward B 4500 von 1957 mit einem Strüver Tankauflieger von 19601957 Borgward В4500А, 4x4

DCF 1.0
DCF 1.0

1964 Borgward b4500f-11965 Borgward b4500-17borgward b 4500 #6Borgward B 4500 A Rungen-LkwBorgward B 4500 A whiteBorgward B 4500 ADBorgward B 4500 IMCDb.orgBorgward B 4500 in die Hamburger Krankh.....Borgward B 4500 kipperBorgward B 4500 PilsenerBorgward B 4500Borgward B-4500 AK Rote KreuzBorgward B-4500 KüchenwagenBorgward B4500-2Borgward B4500-7borgward b-4500-a-06Borgward B-4500-AK-gruen-040905-02Borgward B-4500-AK-gruen-040905-03borgward4Borgward B 4500

Borgward B522 ... Borgward B522 brandweer Antwerpen borgward b-522-als-27 Borgward b522ao-b8 Borgward B522 freigestellt

Borgward B 522 Pritschen-LkwBorgward B 522Borgward b533-a folderBorgward B 5331973 Borgward B 544 1957 Borgward b 544Borgward B 544borgward b 555...1960 borgward b 555 -125borgward-car-12 Borgward B 555 in the Formula 1980 borgward b-555-a-12 borgward-b-555-a-pritschenkipper-44778 Borgward B 555 A als Gerätekraftwagen (GKW) des THW borgward b-555-ak-pritschenkipper-82289 Borgward B 555 A Pritschenkipper borgward b-555-02Borgward B 555Teletanketka Borgward-IV (Sd.Kfz.301)c Teletanketka Borgward-IV (Sd.Kfz.301)b Teletanketka Borgward-IV (Sd.Kfz.301)a Teletanketka Borgward-IV (Sd.Kfz.301)

Borgward-IV (Sd.Kfz.301) a Borgward-IV (Sd.Kfz.301)

sdkfz301-borgward-b-iv-ausfb B IV, Schwere Ladungsträger (Sd Kfz 301)

SdKfz 301 Borgward B IV

Goliath Sdkfz302elektr British soldiers with captured German Goliath tracked mines.

Goliath 303a captured by the Polish troops during Warsaw Uprising on display in the Polish Army Museum in Warsaw Sprengpanzer "Goliath" Russland, Sprengpanzer "Goliath"SdKfz 302/303a/303b Goliath tracked mine


2016 Borgward BX5Borgward BX52016 borgward-bx6-ts-03Borgward BX62016 borgward-bx7Borgward BX7


Helicopters1958 Borgward-Focke BFK-1 Kolibri at the Bückeburg Helicopter MuseumBorgward Kolibri



Borgward BX7
 Borgward BX7 at IAA 2015

On May 21, 2008, Christian Borgward, grandson of Carl F. W. Borgward, together with his partner Karlheinz L. Knöss, founded Borgward AG in Lucerne (Switzerland). In 2005 Borgward (President) and Knöss (CEO and Vice President of the Supervisory board) started the revival of Borgward. They started the development of the new Borgward automobiles with Norwegian stylist Einar J. Hareide, who had previously worked on the Mercedes-Benz E-Class, set up the organisation and engineer team and developed a car concept.

Christian Borgward owns the brand Borgward. Borgward AG is responsible for the development, production, sales and marketing of Borgward cars, ships and aircraft.

Borgward has announced plans for a new car at the 2015 Geneva Motor Show after a 54-year hiatus. The new company will be backed up financially by Chinese truck manufacturer Foton.

The Borgward BX7 SUV was introduced at the IAA, Frankfurt in September 2015.

A concept version of a second, smaller SUV, to be named BX5 when in production is to be announced at the 2016 Geneva Salon.

See also

List of automobile manufacturers

Borgward-Emblem auf Lkw Borgward B 2500

00-Borgward LOGO - 71973 00-Hansa-Lloyd-Epinglette - DSCN4259a 60 Jahre Lloyd 300 60 Jahre Lloyd 300a 89e9b16ad9baeaecd8a6efee9fbc6dea 1907 Hansa 18 1908 Hansa Typ A 16 1909 Hansa Stanislav Kiriletz 1914 Hansa G 12-36 Renntorpedo 1914 Hansa-Lloyd L 6-10 PS Doppelphaeton 1915 33015 1915 Hansa Lloyd 1915 hansa type E 1917 33017 1920-30's photo of Hansa-Lloyd Elektrolieferwagen Reichspost omnibus 1921 Hansa-Lloyd E-4322 1922 hansa lloyd 1 1924 BORGWARD Blitzkarren 1924 BORGWARD-01 Blitzkarren 1924 Hansa-Lloyd mit 18 Sitzplätzen 1928 Borgward Isabella 1928-61 Goliath Werke Borgward & Co 1929-30 hansa konsul Img2 1929-39 HANSA-03 (Hansa-Lloyd) (Grupo Borgward) 1930 Hansa Konsul en cabriolet 1930 Hansa Matador 1930-31 hansa konsul Img1 1931 goliath back 1931 Hansa 500 L3- the first model produced after the Borgward-Goliath takeover 1931-34 Goliath Pionier Dreirad-Pkw, 1-Zyl.-Zweitaktmotor von ILO, 200 und 250 cm³, 5,5 bzw. 6,7 PS bei 3200min 1932 goliath hansa-schoenow-bei-bernau-65308 1932 goliath pionier 1932 goliath schoenow-bei-bernau-65309 1932-35 Goliath GD 750 für die Firma Saade im Einsatz. 1933 Borgward Goliath Lloyd dreirädriger Lieferwagen 1933 goliath 2 Germany Hout en driewieler 1933 goliath pionier cabrio 1933 Hansa 500 1934 goliath pionier 1934 Goliath Rapid Alga 1934 hansa 500 1934 hansa 1100 1934 hansa 1700 1934 hansa a 1934 hansa UG-31-90-3 1934 hansa 1934 images (1) 1934-37 Hansa 1100 1934-39 Hansa 1100, gebouwd als two door limousine 1935 - 1941 Goliath Goli by Georg Sander 1935 Goliath 9 1935 Goliath Dreirad GD 750 Kofferaufbau BOSCH 1935 Goliath Dreirad 1935 Goliath F200 1935 Goliath flying 1935 Goliath GD 750 1935 goliath goli 6ru 1935 Goliath images 1935 goliath van by mechanicman-d27de1l 1935 goliath 1935 Goliath-Goli-Dreirad-Kasten-blau 1935 hansa 35 1935 hansa 1700 sport (2) 1935 Hansa 1700 Sport 1935 Hansa H 1700 Cabriolet 1935 MHV Goliath Truck 01 1935 TRICICLO BORGWARD GOLIATH 1935-41 Goliath GOLI Kastenwagen 1936 Borgward werpt zich op grote luxe personenwagens en ontwerpt de Hansa 3500 Privat 1936 borgward-goliath-am-29062009-76689-20375 1936 Goliath Goli 1936 hansa 3500 1936 hansa 1936 hansa-lloyd-busse-oldtimer-02b-0121 1936 tempo dreirad wood 1937 Borgward Hansa 1100 1937 Hansa 1100 a 1937 hansa 1100 cabrio 1937 hansa 1100 i 1700 1937 hansa 1100 1937 hansa 1700 cabrio 1937 hansa 1700 coupe 1937 hansa 1700 kabrio 1937 hansa konsul Cabrio 1937 hansa Lloyd express 1937 Hansa rosier ad 1937 Hansa-Lloyd Express 1938 Borgward B-4500-RKW-MB-03

1938 Borgward FW 200, 199 cm³B 1938 Borgward Hansa 1100 Cabriolet 1938 Borgward-FW-200-170905-02 1938 Goliath Goli ein-optisch-sehr-gut-erhaltenes-38638 1938 Goliath L35212f2 1938 Goliath 1938 hansa 2000 (2) 1938 Hansa 2000 1938 Hansa Konsul 1938 Hansa Lloyd Merkur IV Omnibus 1938 Hansa Lloyd NSDAP Propoganda Vehicle 1938 1938 hansa 1938-39 Borgward MHV Hansa 2000 01 1939 Borgward 2300 kabriolet na IAA w Berlinie 1939 Borgward Hansa 1100 1939 Borgward RS 55 racer 1939 Borgward В3000S 1939 Goliath 3-2-19-wib.large 1939 Goliath Dreirad 1939 hansa bus e 1939 hansabus RP-33990Zamosk 1940 Borgward Hansa 2300 (6 cyl, 2247cm3, 55 KM) 1940 Borgward HLkl6 (Sd.Kfz.11) 1940 Hansa Merkur Bus 1940 Hansa sammel-stern33 1942 Borgward ad Russland, Sprengpanzer "Goliath" 1946 borgward police 0310 2 1946 borgward police 0310 1947 borgward-toledo B-1000Z 1948 borgward-b1500-krankenwagen-b 1948 Goliath 4 1949 Borgward Hansa 1500 a 1949 Borgward Hansa 1500 1949 borgward hansa newsdetail 1949 borgward-b-1250-pritschenwagen-1949-86004 1949 Goliath 494 1949 laesst-der-hansa-1500-dank-pontonform-die-borgward-konkurrenz-alt-auss 1949 wegweisende-innovationen-borgward-als-blinker-pionier-1949-fuehren-die-bremer-die-lichtgestalt-moder 1949-52 borgward b-1250-pritschenwagen 1950 Borgward b1000-krankenwagen 1950 borgward hansa 1500 1 1950 Borgward Hansa 1500 1950 borgward hansa rosier 1950 Borgward pullmann-kleinbus 1950 Borgward Reisebus 1950 DKW regenkleding 1950 Goliath 1100 Express 2 1950 Goliath 3560ExpressRekla 1950 Goliath Express 1100 LieferWagen 1950 goliath express-05 1950 Goliath Express-1100ad 1950 Goliath GExpBus1100 1950 Goliath GP700 Sport Coupe drawing 1950 Goliath GP700 1950-53 Lloyd 300 1950-56 Goliath GP700 (1950-56) 1950's Borgward coach from Germany travels through the Austrian countryside 1951 Borgward 1500 Station Wagon 1951 Borgward 1500 1951 Borgward B 4000 1951 Borgward B1250 1951 Borgward cache 6436479 1951 Borgward Hansa 1500 Cabrio Luxus-Cabrios-der-fuenfziger-Jahre 1951 Borgward Hansa 1500 RS 1951 Borgward Inka 1951 Borgward pullmann-kleinbus 1951 borgward-b-2500-pritschenwagen 1951 borgwards-benzinspar 1951 Goliath 1709 1951 Goliath GP700 kombi 1951-52 Borgward Goliath GP700 Sport 1951-61 Borgward B 4000 - B 4500 1951-61 Borgward B4000-1 1952 Borgward 2400 1952 Borgward 3000 1 1952 Borgward B 1500 - B 511 1952 Borgward B1000 1952 Borgward b1000-1 1952 borgward b1250 bus2 1952 Borgward B1250-1 1952 Borgward B4000 1952 Borgward b4000-omnibus LOFI 1952 borgward b4000-omnibus-lofi 1952 Borgward BB 5.3 Diesel 4862cc 1952 Borgward BO 4000 Bus 1952 Borgward BO 4000 Neoplan Diesel 5-6 cyl 4962cc 1952 Borgward BO 4000 1952 Borgward Hansa 1500 (2) 1952 Borgward Hansa 1500 Kombi 1952 Borgward Hansa 1500 vuodelta 1952 Borgward Hansa 1500 1952 Borgward Hansa 1800 (2-door), 1952-1954 1952 Borgward Hansa 1800 D 1952 Borgward Hansa 2400 Limousine 1952 Borgward Hansa 2400 promotional artwork 1952 borgward hansa 2400 1952 borgward hansa cabrio 1500 1952 Borgward Hansa Coupe z 1952 Borgward Henseler 1952 Dkw wagon 1952 Goliath GP 700 (2) 1952 Goliath GP 700 02 1952 Goliath GP700-GERMANYup to 1liter 1952 Goliath station wagon sedan delivery brochure 1952 Lloyd LP300 150dpi 1952 Lloyd lp-300 1952 Lloyd LS 300 Bremen (D) 1952-53 borgward-hansa-1500-cabriolet-4-sitzer-97468 1952-53 lloyd Gutbrod Superior Viersitzer specifications 1952-54 Borgward Hansa 1800 (1952–1954) 1952-54 Borgward Hansa 1800 Heck, 1952-54 Borgward Hansa 1800 1952-55 Borgward Hansa 1800 1952-55 Borgward-Hansa 2400 1952-55 Hansa 2400 mit Fließheck 1953 Borgward B 1500 D MB Diesel 1953 Borgward B 1500 mit Aufbau von Pollmann 1953 Borgward B 4500 A in Raven 1996 1953 Borgward B 4500 Pritschen-Lkw 1953 Borgward B622 2 (9)

1953 Borgward b1250-bus2 1953 Borgward B1250-f1 1953 Borgward b1250-krankenwagen1 1953 Borgward b1500-busje 1953 Borgward b1500-kleinomnibus2 1953 Borgward B2000 bus npe-borgward-53 1953 Borgward b3000-omnibus 1953 Borgward Hansa 1800 cabriolet 1953 Borgward Hansa 1800 Diesel 1953 Borgward Hansa 1800 kombi 1953 Borgward Hansa 1800 Sport-Cabriolet 1953 Borgward Hansa 2400 Limousine ad 1953 Borgward hansa brochure 1953 Borgward Hansa1800-kombi-a 1953 borgward isabella 2 1953 Borgward omnibus 1953 Borgward Rennsport 1953 Borgward Sieger 5 ad 1953 borgward_hansa_brochure_53 1953 borgward4 1953 borgward-b-4000-1953--112478 1953 borgward-b-4500-pritschenwagen-1953-86048 1953 Lloyd 350 cc renwagen 1953-55 borgward hansa 2400 schrägheck 1953-55 Borgward Hansa 2400, Isabella, P 100, Arabella 1953-55 borgward hansa-2400-07 ad 1953-55 hansa2400 1954 Borgward 2,5 Diesel Bus 1954 Borgward B 1500 bzw. B 511D, 1,6-Tonner 1954 Borgward B 2500 Ottenbacher 1954 Borgward B 2500 60ps vom Karosseriebauer Ottenbacher 1954 Borgward B 2500 Ottenbacher 3308cc 60p 1954 Borgward b1250-bus1 1954 Borgward B1500 carr. Smit, Joure NS-74-85 1954 Borgward b1500-bus 1954 Borgward b1500-omnibus 1954 Borgward BO 1500 Schwarze, F. H 1954 Borgward Hansa 1500 Coupe de course 1954 Borgward Hansa 1500 Sport Coupé 1954 Borgward Hansa 1500 Sportcoupé 1954 Borgward Hansa 2400 1954 Borgward Hansa Pullmann 2400


1954 Borgward Isabella ad 1954 Borgward RS von 1954 1954 Borgward te Noordwijk 130506 Meering UN 21-60-rts 1954 borgward-12807 1954 Borgward-busse-oldtimer-02b-100009 1954 borgward-busse-oldtimer-02b-200001 1954 DKW PA-28-38 1 1954 Goliath Rot 1954 Lloyd LP-400 (D) 1954 Lloyd LT 500 1954-57 borgward b 2500 kassbohrer kleinbus 1 1954-60 Borgward B 1500 Pritschenwagen 1955 Borgward 1500 Traumwagen, silver rear 1955 Borgward 1500 Traumwagen, silver 1955 Borgward auf der IAA 1955 Borgward B 4500 Ludewig, Essen 1955 Borgward B2000 Kübelwagen 1955 borgward b2000-der-6-zylinder-1495 1955 Borgward Bl 1955 Borgward CmOQF-mWIAANNLc 1955 Borgward Dream Car 1955 Borgward flughafen-omnibus 1955 Borgward hansa 1800 pickup 1955 Borgward Hansa 2400 II, 345 Stück gebaut von 1955 bis 1958 1955 Borgward Isabella Cabriolet TS ad 1955 Borgward Isabella coupe (2) 1955 Borgward Isabella Coupe ad 1955 Borgward Isabella Coupe 1955 Borgward Isabella kombi 1955 Borgward Other Other Classic Vehicle photo 1955 borgward pickup - G 1955 Borgward Traumwagen in aluminium by Premium ClassiXXs 1955 Borgward Traumwagen Model Cars 179 1838 1955 Borgward-Hansa 2400 1955 borgward-isabella-pickup-1 1955 DKW-Schnellaster-Kasten-Rot 1955 DKW-Schnellaster-Weiss 1955 Goliath 900 1955 Goliath 900-voorganger-Hansa-1100 1955 Goliath Catalog 1 1955 Goliath Catalog 3 1955 Goliath Catalog 4 1955 Goliath Catalog 5 1955 Goliath Catalog 6 1955 Goliath Catalog 7 1955 Goliath Catalog 8 1955 Goliath Catalog 1955 Goliath Hansa 1100a 1955 goliath-pkw-nach-1945-express-1100-bus-01a 1955 hansa 2400 1955 Lloyd LP 600 1955 lloyd.htm 1955 Lloyd-Gutbrod Van 1955-58 Borgward Pullman-Limousine Hansa 2400 1955-61 Borgward Isabella Bakkie PU2 1955-61 Borgward Isabella Cabriolet von Deutsch 1955-61 borgward isabella combi-2 1955-61 Borgward Isabella Coupe Special 1955-61 Borgward Isabella Coupe und einen Borgward B611 Bus 1955-61 Borgward Isabella Isabella Limousine 1955-61 borgward-isabella-COMBI-POSTCARD 1955-61 Borgward-Isabella-TS deluxe 1956 Borgward b 611 34 1956 Borgward B 2000 Kübelwagen 1956 Borgward B 4500 4x4 1956 Borgward B611 autobus SJ-81-13 1956 Borgward B611-bus 1956 Borgward B1500 1956 Borgward B1500-0032 PJ-37-50 1956 Borgward B2500 Diesel 1956 Borgward b4000 1956 Borgward B4500-1 1956 Borgward Brandweerbus 1956 Borgward busjes 1956 Borgward Combi Argentinië ad 1956 Borgward Combi Argentinië 1956 Borgward folder-b611-bus-a 1956 Borgward Isabella coupe- 2 1956 Borgward Isabella Coupe a 1956 Borgward Kieper 1956 Borgward Veewagen 1956 Borgward В2000А-О, 4x4 1956 Lloyd 600 Cabrio limousine 1956 Lloyd LS-400S Kombi (D) 1956 TK-11-38 Borgward Isabella NL 1956 wagens Lijstertours vlnr de DAF 12, de Büssing 14, de DAF 9, de Borgward 10, de Bedford 7, de Franse Ford 4, de Volvo 3 de Opel 8 en de Opel 16 1956-61 Lloyd 600 1956-61 Lloyd Bus T1 1956-61 Lloyd Bus 1956-61 Lloyd Bus-T2 1956-61 Lloyd Kleinbus b

aufgenommen beim Borgward-Treffen in Willich
aufgenommen beim Borgward-Treffen in Willich

1956-61 Lloyd LP 300, 400, 600, Alexander 1956-61 Lloyd LT 500a 1956-61 Lloyd Lt 500c 1956-61 Lloyd LT-600 Traveler 1956-61 lloyd lt-600-bus-lwb 1956-61 Lloyd LT600LBC 1956-61 Lloyd-LT LT 600 und sein Zweitakt-Vorfahr LT 500 den Spitznamen Theodor

1956-61 Lloyd-LT-600 1957 Borgward 2400. Begrafenisauto 1957

aufgenommen beim Borgward-Treffen in Willich
aufgenommen beim Borgward-Treffen in Willich

1957 Borgward b 544 1957 Borgward b 611 05 1957 Borgward B 611 Keinbus-Kombi 1957 Borgward B 1500 F 1957 Borgward B 4500 1957 Borgward B 4500 von 1957 mit einem Strüver Tankauflieger von 1960 1957 Borgward B4000 Autotransporter 1957 Borgward Buch 0 1957 Borgward Combi (2) 1957 Borgward Combi 1957 BORGWARD HANSA 2400 BESTATTUNGSWAGEN HEARSE FUNERAL CAR front 1957 BORGWARD HANSA 2400 BESTATTUNGSWAGEN HEARSE FUNERAL CAR 1957 Borgward Hansa 2400 Hearses black 1957 borgward hansa 2400 limousine 1957 Borgward Hansa 2400 Rappold Hearse NEW 1957 Borgward Isabella cabriolet 1957 Borgward Isabella Coupé, umgebaut zum Cabriolet 1957 Borgward Isabella Kombi VX-30-54 1957 Borgward Isabella, gebaut zwischen Dezember 1956 und August 1958, mit großem Rhombus, aber ohne Kühlschlitze unter dem Kühlergrill 1957 Borgward Saloon 1957 Borgward serie a 1957 Borgward voor fabriek 1957 Borgward В4500А, 4x4 1957 Goliath Transporter 1957 hansa 1100-coupe-03 1957 Lloyd 600 1957 Lloyd Alexander 600 Cabriolet 1957-59 Goliath 1100 1957-61 Borgward B2000A 1957-61 Lloyd Alexander 1957-1959 Goliath GP1100 Zweiturer 1958 Auto Motor Sport 1958 Borgward 2400 RS (Motor'59-9-14) 1958 Borgward 2400 1958 Borgward B 1500 F-D als Möbelwagen (1958)

DCF 1.0
DCF 1.0

1958 Borgward B 2000 Tragkraftspritze (1958) 1958 Borgward B 2000 Tragkraftspritze

DCF 1.0
DCF 1.0

1958 Borgward B2000 A 1958 Borgward Bus der Bremer Verkehrsbetriebe 1958 Borgward Bus Sparkasse Bremen

Photos of CLASSIC MOTORSHOW 2011 exhibition in Bremen (Germany) on February, 4th of 2011.
Photos of CLASSIC MOTORSHOW 2011 exhibition in Bremen (Germany) on February, 4th of 2011.

1958 Borgward Coupé 1958 Borgward Hansa 2400 1958 Borgward Hansa 2400a 1958 Borgward Isabella a 1958 Borgward Isabella Coupe 1958 Borgward Isabella PickUp PU4 1958 Borgward Isabella TS coupé 1958 Borgward rhombus sst Isabella 1958 Borgward В2000А, 4x4 1958 Borgward-Focke BFK-1 Kolibri at the Bückeburg Helicopter Museum 1958 borgward-hansa 2400 1958 Goliath 0,25t gl, 4x4 1958 Goliath 1100 (2) 1958 Goliath 1100 Coupe 01 1958 Goliath 1100 Coupe 06 1958 goliath 1100 1958 goliath 1958 1100 coupe 1958 Goliath Express 1100 Station Wagon Bus 1958 Goliath express 1100 1958 Goliath Express1100Luxusbus-200 4 takt 1958 Hansa 1100 Coupe (2) 1958 hansa 1100 coupe 1958 hansa 1100 1958 Lloyd Alexander 1958 Lloyd amstelkade 1958 Lloyd LP-600 Alexander(D) 1958 Lloyd-Alexander 1958-59 Hansa 1100 Coupe. 1959 74-Lloyd Arabella Coupe 1959 - DSCN4255 1959 Borgward 2,3 Lr 1959 borgward 1500 diesel flatbed tipper original 1959 Borgward B 1500 F diesel flatbed 1959 Borgward B 2500 Pritschen-Lkw mit Plane 1959 Borgward Coupé Automatic 1959 Borgward Goliath 1100 Express 1959 Borgward Goliath Jagdwagen Typ 34 1956 року 1959 Borgward Isabella (c1959) - The World Admires 1959 Borgward Isabella Ad 1959 Borgward Isabella Combi (03) 1959 Borgward Isabella Combi a 1959 Borgward Isabella Coupé 1959 Borgward Isabella IM 1959 Borgward Isabella s 1959 Borgward Isabella Sedan 1959 Borgward Isabella TS Coupe 1959 Borgward Isabella TS 1959 borgward isabella-combi-07 1959 Borgward LKW Prospekt LKW B655 1959 Borgward P100 2300cc V6 folderp100-2-b 1959 De nieuwe Borgward 2300 wordt op de IAA in Frankfurt ten toon gesteld P100 1959 goliath tiger usa 1959 hansa 1100 Coupe 1959 Hansa 1100 coupé 1959 Lloyd Alexander Frua (Arabella) 1959 Lloyd Alexander TS 1959 Typenschild – hier Isabella Coupé Cabrio 1959-61 Lloyd Arabella 5872 1959-62 Großer Borgward P 100 (1959–1962) 1959-63 Borgward arabella-kant-a


1960 Borgward 2 1960 Borgward 230 1960 Borgward Atkinson Coupé DR-66-65 White Nederland 1960 Borgward Atkinson coupe 1960 Borgward b2000a-33-003 1960 Borgward Coupé a 1960 Borgward Coupé 1960 Borgward Isabella Pick-Up aus Süd-Afrika ist eine absolute Rarität 1960 Borgward Isabella Saloon 1960 Borgward Isabella TS 958 XUT HRDC 1960 Borgward Isabella TS Coupe 1960 Borgward Isabella TS De Luxe Hansa-Matic 1960 borgward isabella-combi-09 1960 Borgward Javier Anselmo Goñi from Argentina 1960 Coupé 1960 Borgward Lloyd arabella-de-luxe-13


1960 Borgward P 100 rear 1960 borgward p100 hearse pollmann 1960 Borgward P100 1960 Borgward В555А, 4x4 1960 borgward-coupe-2-k 1960 fs argentina goliath hansa coupe 002 1960 Goliath 1100 1960 goliath express 08 1960 Goliath Express 1100 wie die Tempo-Transporter 1960 Goliath Express 1100. Goliath, part of the German group Borgward 1960 Goliath Express 3095 1960 Goliath Express Reklame 1960 Goliath Express 1960 goliath express-04 1960 Goliath Pritsche 1960 Hansa 1100 coupe a 1960 Hansa 1100 Coupe 1960 Hansa Coupé Argentinië 1960 Hansa Lexus 1100 Sedan 1960 Lloyd Alexander Kombi 1960 lloyd alexander22 1960 Red Cross Borgward truck 1960-61 Borgward p100-a-klein 1961 Borgward 2,3 Liter, Frontansicht 1961 Borgward 2300 Pullman NL 1961 Borgward Arabella de Luxe 1961 Borgward B 522 A-O Feuerwehr 1961 Borgward B 522 1961 Borgward B 611-D, 1,7-Tonner 1961 Borgward B 2000 A-O Fernmeldebauwagen 1961 Borgward Big Six Arg 1961 Borgward Coupé Super D 1961 Borgward Hansa Combi Wagon 1961 Borgward Isabella TS Saloon 1961 borgward isabella-cabriolet-11 1961 Borgward P 100 small 1961 Borgward P100 (1961) 1961 borgward P100 91-1 1961 Borgward P100 with air spring 1961 Borgward P100, blau weiss 1961 Borgward p100-3-a-klein 1961 Borgward Saloon TS de Luxe Arg 1961 borgward-b555 1961 borgward-p100 1961 hansa 1100 coupe e 1961 hansa 1100 1961 Lloyd LP-600 Alexander Kombi achterzijde TS(D) 1961 Lloyd LP-600 Alexander Kombi TS(D) 1962 Borgward Goliath Hansa Small Car 1963 Borgward Isabella TS

DCF 1.0
DCF 1.0

1963 Lloyd-Alexander-re 1964 Borgward b4500f-1 1965 Borgward b4500-17 1967 Borgward Mexico 1968 Borgward mexico 1969 Borgward 230 GL Mexico 1969 Borgward Frontal F-81 Argentina DINFIA B-611 1970 Borgward Koelwagen met frontstuur 1973 Borgward B 544 2013


2015 Borgward-BX7_TS_Concept-2015-pics-1 2015 Logo marque automobile Borgward

2015-17 Borgward Projekt BX6 TS & BX5 2016 Borgward BX5

Das Heck erinnert ein wenig an den Porsche Macan
Das Heck erinnert ein wenig an den Porsche Macan

2016 Borgward BX7 ad 2016 Borgward BX7 is an X5-sized SUV 2016 borgward bx7-hero 2016 Borgward Isabella New 2016 Borgward 2016 borgward-bx6-ts-03 2016 borgward-bx7 2016 Borgward-BX7-rear-three-quarters-right-side-at-Auto-China-2016 2016 borgward-china-2 2016 Borgward-X7-2 2016 Old and new Borgward 2017 Borgward BX5 picture 2017 Borgward BX6 TS Kmph – Cars HD Pictures 2017 borgward bx6-ts-1 33017 2672949_1_urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-151213-99-298502_large_4_3 515664447_b47360cfec 20150303152559fbcac Annual Borgward Meeting Dubbo Australia B IV, Schwere Ladungsträger (Sd Kfz 301) BARREIROS DIÉSEL, BORGWARD ISO ESPAÑOLA, SANTANA MOTOR BCA bor-borgward-sedan-rva-2764224653545063684 Borgeard Hansa 1800 Kombiwagen Hearse Borgwaardigheden Borgward 1,5 Diesel Borgward 2 (2) borgward 2 Borgward 2de serie  B3000 trekker met oplegger Borgward 3 Borgward 231 Historisches Polizeiauto Borgward Isabella borgward 611 02 borgward 611 03 Borgward 611 08 borgward 611 09 Borgward 611 28 Borgward 611 folder2 b611-bus a Borgward 622 2 (6) Borgward 622 2 (7) Borgward 622 2 (8)

aufgenommen beim Borgward-Treffen in Willich
aufgenommen beim Borgward-Treffen in Willich

Borgward 622 Pritsche Borgward 661 serie Die Letzte Fahrt borgward 1500 F611 01 Borgward 3000 Borgward Arabella de Luxe 01 BORGWARD ARGENTINA LOGO IN 1976 Borgward Auto-Wabbel-040905-01 Borgward Auto-Wabbel-040905-02 Borgward B 522 A-O Feuerwehr Borgward B 522 Pritschen-Lkw borgward b 555 -125borgward-car-12 Borgward B 555 A als Gerätekraftwagen (GKW) des THW Borgward B 555 A Pritschenkipper Borgward B 555 in the Formula 1980 borgward b 555...1960 Borgward b 611 19 Borgward b 611 26 Borgward b 611 27 Borgward b 611 30a Borgward b 611 39 Borgward b 611 40 Borgward b 611 42a Borgward B 611 Omnibus Borgward B 611 Wohnmobil Borgward B 622 Pritschen-Lkw (klein) Borgward B 655, 5-Tonner

aufgenommen beim Borgward-Treffen in Willich
aufgenommen beim Borgward-Treffen in Willich

Borgward B 2000 A der Bundeswehr Leighkraftwagen 0,75 tonnen 4x4 Borgward B 2000 Kranwagen Borgward B 3000 Borgward B 4000 in Berlin Borgward B 4000 mit Kässbohrer Aufbau borgward b 4500 #6 Borgward B 4500 A Rungen-Lkw Borgward B 4500 A white Borgward B 4500 AD Borgward B 4500 Borgward B 4500 in die Hamburger Krankh..... Borgward B 4500 kipper Borgward B 4500 Pilsener Borgward B 4500 borgward b-511-02 Borgward B522 ... Borgward B522 brandweer Antwerpen Borgward B522 freigestellt borgward b-522-als-27 Borgward b522ao-b8 Borgward b533-a folder


borgward b-555-02 borgward b-555-a-12 borgward b-555-ak-pritschenkipper-82289 Borgward b555-b1 Borgward B555folder kant a Borgward b611 11 Borgward B611 ambulance KTW Borgward B611 Camper Borgward b611-2 Borgward b611-5 Borgward b611-b3 Borgward B611-bus Borgward B611-f1 Borgward b611-kw-1 Borgward b622 Borgward B622-2 Borgward b622-3 Borgward b622-5 Borgward B655 Tanklastwagen Borgward b655-f1 Borgward B1000 Pictures, Images & Photos Borgward b1000-krankenwagen-a Borgward b1000-krankenwagen-b Borgward b1000-krankenwagen-c Borgward B1250-f1 Borgward B1250-f2-1 Borgward b1250-krankenwagen2


Borgward B-1500 Hearse Borgward b1500-b1 Borgward b1500-brandweer

DCF 1.0
DCF 1.0

Borgward B1500-f1 Borgward b1500-krankenwagen Borgward b1500-krankenwagen-b borgward B2000 brandwee Hattert Borgward B2000 Feuerwehr 1 Borgward B2000 Feuerwehr Borgward B2000 R Borgward B2000 Troop Truck Borgward b2000a-1 Borgward b2000a-2 borgward b-2000-a-10432 Borgward b2500 1 Borgward B2500 A-O TLF8 Borgward B2500 Drehleiter Borgward B2500 STUURCABINE (1) Borgward B2500A-f1 Borgward B2500A-f2 Borgward b2500f Borgward B3000 (2) Borgward B3000 army Borgward B3000 RK Borgward B3000 borgward b-3000-12 Borgward B-4000 feuerwehr Borgward B4000 in Berlijn Borgward B-4000 in Berlin borgward b-4000 mit-einem-frueher-z-77698 Borgward B4000 Truck met oplegger borgward b-4000 Borgward B4000-1 borgward b-4000-08 Borgward B-4000-weinrot-Thiele Borgward B-4000-Zimmermann-Eischer-150706 Borgward B-4500 AK Rote Kreuz Borgward B-4500 Auto-Wabbel-040905-02 Borgward B-4500 Küchenwagen Borgward B4500-2 Borgward B4500-7 borgward b-4500-a-06 Borgward B-4500-AK-gruen-040905-02 Borgward B-4500-AK-gruen-040905-03 borgward bestel (2) Borgward bestel Borgward big-teaser Borgward BMC images Borgward BO 611 borgward brandweerwagen 2 Borgward brandweerwagen BORGWARD BÜSSING B 2000 4x4 passagier bestelwagen Borgward ClidxpUUkAIRUUl Borgward de Lelie front Borgward DSCF2061 Borgward Gallery borgward global-brand-bremen Borgward Goliath 1100 Coupé Borgward goliath-express Borgward Group AG pioneering-innovations-carl-f-w-borgward-quickly-and-automatically-shifted-gear Borgward Hansa 1500 - interior Borgward Hansa 1500 Cabriolet Borgward Hansa 1500 station wagon Borgward Hansa 1800 ad 5319 Borgward Hansa 2400 Hearses Black Borgward Hansa 2400 Rappold lijkwagen hearse zwart BORGWARD HANSA ad borgward hansa express-08 Borgward Hansa lorry with Thiele assembly Borgward Hansa sunshine 1500 Borgward Hansa-Front Borgward huybrechts meubelen 1 borgward images Borgward Isabella 11 ad Borgward Isabella Ambulance in White BORGWARD ISABELLA AMBULANCE Borgward Isabella combi-folder1-ad Borgward Isabella Coupé Borgward Isabella Coupe TS Borgward Isabella Lijkwagen Borgward Isabella Limousine, dark red Borgward Borgward Isabella Limousine, dark red Borgward Isabella TS Deluxe 128 Borgward Kienzle Borgward kolibri


Borgward LKW Borgward Logo Borgward Logo.svg Borgward na-1962 Img2 Borgward P&C Borgward Pritsche Borgward pullmann-kleinbus Borgward RV-60-90 Borgward SJ-84-14 Borgward super Borgward TypInka 1500 Borgward V12-035 Borgward vraagteken Streng Apeldoorn Borgward wt BORGWARD. Company borgward Borgward_5 borgward_hansa borgward_logo_1 borgward_logo2 Borgward+logo+oud+en+nieuw borgward-2-crop borgward4 borgward-ad-dk borgward-b-555-a-pritschenkipper-44778 BORGWARD-B611-AMBULANCEs-l300 borgward-b-1250-aus-72328 Borgward-B-1500-F-Esser-190605-01 borgward-b-2000-a-10432 borgward-b-3000-05 Borgward-B-4500-DRK-Toepsch Borgward-car-logo-3 Borgward-Emblem auf Lkw Borgward B 2500 Borgward-IV (Sd.Kfz.301) a Borgward-IV (Sd.Kfz.301) borgward-lloyd-goliath-groupe-hansa-(deutschland)-8324 borgward-logo borgward-logo

German carmaker Borgward announced comeback during the 85th. International Motor Show in Geneva, Switzerland, on Thursday, March 4th, 2015. (CTKxPhoto/RenexFluger) CTKPhotoF201503040852401 PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY rfl German carmaker Borgward announced Comeback during The 85th International Engine Show in Geneva Switzerland ON Thursday March 4th 2015 CTKxPhoto RenexFluger  PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY RFL
German carmaker Borgward announced comeback during the 85th. International Motor Show in Geneva, Switzerland, on Thursday, March 4th, 2015. (CTKxPhoto/RenexFluger) CTKPhotoF201503040852401 PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY rfl
German carmaker Borgward announced Comeback during The 85th International Engine Show in Geneva Switzerland ON Thursday March 4th 2015 CTKxPhoto RenexFluger PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY RFL

Borgward-p03 British soldiers with captured German Goliath tracked mines. Sprengpanzer "Goliath" Chausson AHP. De 294 deed dienst in de groep Luik Dkw 1952 wagon DKW Auto Union Schnellaster vans type F800 DKW_3-6_F800-3_1956 flettner kolibri 4 Goliath 2 Goliath 303a captured by the Polish troops during Warsaw Uprising on display in the Polish Army Museum in Warsaw Goliath 1707 Goliath GP700 kombiwagen-geschäftswagen Goliath GV800 Reklame Goliath Hansa 1100 Coupé goliath Jagdwagen Goliath logo sst-large Goliath lt600 by mechanicman-d240cjh Goliath Sdkfz302elektr goliath van range goliath-logo goliath-rosier ad hansa 400 hansa 1100 drawing Hansa 1100 tek Hansa 1700 L4 Sport hansa 1700-06 hansa 2300-40 Hansa Lloyd 2 lost marques Hansa Lloyd LF 15 hansa-1100-07 Hansa-Lloyd Automarke Logo.svg hansa-rosier Historische Borgward Isabella Polizei images images importd1 Khrushchev bus kolibri ccb6449695836d044b04fceaef8efc7a Lloyd 350 lloyd 600 Lloyd Ad Lloyd Alexander TS Lloyd Alexander Lloyd Arabella 2005 Andernach lloyd arabella c Lloyd Automarke Logo.svg Lloyd beim Tanken lloyd cars logo.svg lloyd chrome lloyd der wagen fur dich lloyd logo 2 Lloyd lp-300 Img1 Lloyd maicobrochure resized lloyd-autos-blechschild-aa260 logo Borgward logo1 Logo-Club-Daenemark-200 New Borgward logo Screen-shot-2015-03-05-at-11.30.55-AM Sd.Kfz. 301 Borgward B IV Ausf.B sdkfz301-borgward-b-iv-ausfb Teletanketka Borgward-IV (Sd.Kfz.301) Teletanketka Borgward-IV (Sd.Kfz.301)a Teletanketka Borgward-IV (Sd.Kfz.301)b Teletanketka Borgward-IV (Sd.Kfz.301)c 2013

That was all I could find about Borgward, Goliath, Hansa, Lloyd. There is more about DKW, Horch, Audi, EMW, Glass, Goggomobil, Tempo and other marks with somethimes the same look. Look at publications on further. See you all later. Enjoy.