Hotchkiss automobiles & trucks made between 1903 and 1955 in Paris France

1950 Hotchkiss Anjou 1350 cabriolet Saint-Tropez logo and name

Hotchkiss logo

Hotchkiss logo on GS car.

1906 Targa Florio driving a Hotchkiss 35 hp Hubert and Mme Le Blon
Hubert and Mme Le Blon at the 1906 Targa Florio driving a Hotchkiss 35 hp
1931 Hotchkiss F
1931 Hotchkiss Sports
Hotchkiss 686 produced from 1936 to 1952
Hotchkiss 686 produced from 1936 to 1952

Hotchkiss were lux­ury cars made be­tween 1903 and 1955 by the French com­pany Hotchkiss et Cie in Saint-De­nis, Paris. The badge for the mar­que showed a pair of crossed can­nons, evok­ing the com­pany’s his­tory as an arms man­u­fac­turer.

The com­pany’s first entry into car mak­ing came from or­ders for en­gine com­po­nents such as crank­shafts which were sup­plied to Pan­hard et Lev­as­sorDe Dion-Bou­ton and other pi­o­neer­ing com­pa­nies and in 1903 they went on to make com­plete en­gines. En­cour­aged by two major car dis­trib­u­tors, Mann & Over­ton of Lon­don and Fournier of Paris, Hotchkiss de­cided to start mak­ing their own range of cars and pur­chased a Mer­cedes Sim­plex for in­spi­ra­tion and Georges Terasse, pre­vi­ously of Mors, was taken on as de­signer.

Early cars

The first Hotchkiss car, a 17 CV four-cylin­der model, ap­peared in 1903. The en­gine of the 20 CV type C was heav­ily based on the Mer­cedes Sim­plex ex­cept that wher­ever pos­si­ble it used ball bear­ings rather than plain ones (in­clud­ing the crank­shaft) and ex­cept the Hotchkiss drive. Six-cylin­der mod­els, the types L and O fol­lowed in 1907.

The ball bear­ing en­gines lasted until the 30CV type X of 1910. In that same year Hotchkiss moved into a smaller car mar­ket with the 2212cc type Z.

With the out­break of World War I, the fac­tory turned to war pro­duc­tion and a sub­sidiary plant was opened in Coven­try, Eng­land. Car pro­duc­tion re­sumed in France 1919 with the pre war types AD, AD6, AF and AG. Dur­ing World War I, they pro­duced ma­chine guns and tested them from the fac­tory roof.

Inter war production

After an at­tempt to enter the lux­ury mar­ket with the AK, which did not get be­yond the pro­to­type stage, the com­pany de­cided on a one model pol­icy and in­tro­duced the Coven­try de­signed AM in 1923. Later that year the Coven­try plant was sold to Mor­ris. Henry Mann Ainsworth (1884–1971) and Al­fred Her­bert Wilde (1889 – 1930) who had run it, moved to Paris to be­come gen­eral man­ager and chief en­gi­neer of the car di­vi­sion re­spec­tively.

In 1926 con­struc­tion of the new fac­tory in the Boule­vard Or­nano was com­pleted and in 1929 Hotchkiss got hold of a steel press al­low­ing in-house man­u­fac­ture of steel bod­ies. The one model pol­icy lasted until 1929 when the six-cylin­der AM73 and AM80 mod­els were an­nounced. “73” and “80” stood for the bore of the en­gines used, a nam­ing theme picked up again later in 1936 after a brief hia­tus.

Al­though most cars had bod­ies that were fac­tory built, Hotchkiss still was a lux­ury car brand, and so coach­builder Veth and Sons built a small num­ber of bod­ies for the AM80.

The AM mod­els were re­placed by a new range in 1933 with a new nam­ing sys­tem. The 411 was an 11CV model with four-cylin­der en­gine, the 413 a 13CV four and the 615, 617 and 620 were sim­i­lar six-cylin­der types. The 1936 686, which re­placed the 620, was avail­able as the high-per­for­mance Grand Sport and 1937 Paris-Nice with twin car­bu­ret­tors and these al­lowed Hotchkiss to win the Monte Carlo Rally in 1932, 1933, 1934, 1939, 1949 and 1950. The new nam­ing scheme in­tro­duced in 1936 con­sisted of the num­ber of cylin­ders, fol­lowed by the bore of the en­gine (in mil­lime­tres).

Second World War

The ar­ma­ment side of the com­pany and the body stamp­ing plant were na­tion­alised in 1936 by the Front Pop­u­laire gov­ern­ment. The car com­pany in 1937 took over Amil­car. With re-ar­ma­ment speed­ing up they also started mak­ing mil­i­tary ve­hi­cles and light tanks. When France de­clared war, in Sep­tem­ber 1939, Hotchkiss were sit­ting on an army order for 1,900 H35 and H39 tanks pow­ered by six-cylin­der mo­tors of re­spec­tively 3.5 and 6 litres ca­pac­ity, and at the time of the Ger­man in­va­sion in May 1940 they were still work­ing through the order. How­ever, as the mil­i­tary sit­u­a­tion de­te­ri­o­rated the de­ci­sion was taken, on 20 May 1940, to aban­don the Saint-De­nis plant which by now was fully con­cen­trated on war production. There was a dis­or­derly evac­u­a­tion, ini­tially to­wards Aux­erre and then Moulins and then fur­ther to­wards the south, as em­ploy­ees des­per­ately tried to keep in­for­ma­tion on the mil­i­tary pro­duc­tion out of the hands of the Germans. How­ever, the na­tional ca­pit­u­la­tion im­plicit in the sign­ing of the armistice on 22 June left these ef­forts look­ing some­what ir­rel­e­vant, and most of the em­ploy­ees drifted back in the en­su­ing weeks. Two ex­cep­tions were the Com­mer­cial Di­rec­tor, Jacques Ja­cob­sen and the Eng­lish born Gen­eral Di­rec­tor, Henry Ainsworth, both of whom man­aged to avoid cap­ture and to leave France. Dur­ing the war, like many busi­nesses in the oc­cu­pied (north­ern) zone, the com­pany was obliged to work for the oc­cu­piers and was en­gaged in the re­pair of mil­i­tary vehicles.

In 1941 François Lehideux, then a lead­ing mem­ber of the gov­ern­ment’s eco­nomic team, called Jean-Pierre Peu­geot and his Gen­eral Di­rec­tor Mau­rice Jor­dan to a meet­ing, and in­vited them to study the pos­si­bil­ity of tak­ing a con­trol­ling share in the Hotchkiss business. The sug­ges­tion from Lehideux de­rived from a Ger­man law dated 18 Oc­to­ber 1940 au­tho­ris­ing the con­fis­ca­tion of busi­nesses con­trolled by Jews. The Peu­geot busi­ness it­self had been op­er­at­ing, grudg­ingly, under over­all Ger­man con­trol since the sum­mer of 1940. In any event, in July 1942 Peu­geot took a con­trol­ling share in the Hotchkiss busi­ness and to­wards the end of 1942 the names of Peu­geot and Jor­dan were listed as mem­bers of the Hotchkiss board. There is no ev­i­dence of any at­tempt to com­bine the op­er­a­tions of the two busi­nesses, how­ever: after the war Peu­geot would in due course re­lin­quish their hold­ing in Hotchkiss.

With lib­er­a­tion in 1944, Ainsworth re­turned and pro­duc­tion restarted in 1946 with the pre-war cars, a light truck and a trac­tor.

Post war models

1955 Hotchkiss Anjou
1955 Hotchkiss Anjou
1951 Hotchkiss Gregoire
1951 Hotchkiss Gregoire rear

After the war, car pro­duc­tion re­sumed only slowly with fewer than 100 cars pro­duced in each of 1946 and 1947, but by 1948 things were mov­ing a lit­tle more rapidly with 460 Hotchkiss cars pro­duced that year. This vol­ume of out­put was wholly in­suf­fi­cient to carry the com­pany, al­though truck pro­duc­tion was a lit­tle more suc­cess­ful with more than 2,300 pro­duced in 1948, and it was sup­port from the truck vol­umes and from

Jeep Hotchkiss M201

the Jeep based M201 that en­abled the com­pany to stag­ger on as a car pro­ducer slightly more con­vinc­ingly than some of France’s other lux­ury car mak­ers, at least until the mid-1950s. The cars that rep­re­sented the busi­ness in the sec­ond half of the 1940s were es­sen­tially the com­pany’s pre­war de­signs. The 2,312 cc four-cylin­der car was now branded as the Hotchkiss 864 while the six-cylin­der car was badged as the Hotchkiss 680 with a 3,016 cc en­gine or as the Hotchkiss 686 with the 3,485 cc engine.

The lux­ury au­to­mo­bile range was mod­ernised in 1950 and a new car, the four-door sa­loon Anjou, was avail­able on the 1350 (re­named from the 486) and 2050 (686) chas­sis. The high-end Anthéor cabri­o­let was added in 1952. Some Anthéor mod­els were coach­built by Swiss coach­builder Worblaufen.

In 1948 Hotchkiss had bought the rights to the Grégoire front-wheel-drive car and this car en­tered pro­duc­tion in 1951 but was ex­pen­sive. Sales in gen­eral were falling, and on reach­ing his 65th birth­day in 1949 Ainsworth re­tired, to be suc­ceeded in the top job by Mau­rice de Gary. The Peu­geot fam­ily sold their in­ter­est in the com­pany. Coupé and cabri­o­let ver­sions of the Hotchkiss-Grégoire were an­nounced in 1951, but sales did not im­prove, and pro­duc­tion stopped in 1952 after only 247 were made.

Hotchkiss had made 2.700 cars in 1951. The Grégoire de­sign had in­te­gral con­struc­tion, in­de­pen­dent sus­pen­sion all round, a 2.2 Litre flat-four en­gine and front wheel drive. Claimed top speed was 95 mph. Buy­ers did not wel­come its smooth shape. End­less teething trou­bles brought pro­duc­tion to a com­plete stand­still in 1952. Hotchkiss pro­duced 230 cars of all their mod­els in 1953. When the fac­tory fi­nally closed there had been just 250 Hotchkiss-Grégoires built. In 1955 Cit­roen in­tro­duced the DS19 and Peu­geot its 403. Aside from the Grégoire de­sign Hotchkiss could only offer pre-war de­signs. Ex­port sales were lim­ited by the fail­ure to pro­vide left-hand-drive cars.

Merger and closure

Hotchkiss merged with De­la­haye, an­other French lux­ury car brand, in 1954 to be­come Société Hotchkiss-De­la­haye, but car pro­duc­tion stopped in 1955 to be re­placed by li­cence built Jeeps. In 1956 the com­pany was taken over by Brandt, a house­hold ap­pli­ance maker, to be­come Hotchkiss-Brandt, who were again taken over in 1966 by Thom­son-Hous­ton. Mil­i­tary ve­hi­cles were made until 1967 and trucks until 1971.

Pictures from my own collection:

1904 Hotchkiss 20HP C1904 Hotchkiss C 20HP dashboard1904 Hotchkiss C 20HP fr1904 Hotchkiss type c 20HP1906 hotchkiss stokvis ad1906 Targa Florio driving a Hotchkiss 35 hp Hubert and Mme Le Blon1908 Hotchkiss1909 Hotchkiss Automobile blindé & Etat major de Chefket Pacha1909 Hotchkiss type V 40-50HP Armored car1909 Hotchkiss with weapons and pantzer1909 Young Turk in Hotchkiss revolutionaries entering Istanbul in 19091910 Hotchkiss Limousine VY 7777 4cyl 20-30 hp 1785 engine no. 1104 a1910 Hotchkiss Limousine VY 7777 4cyl 20-30 hp 1785 engine no. 1104 b1910-1912 HOTCHKISS V 40-50 Classic Car1911 Hotchkiss AD Amiet Enclosed Limousine1911 Hotchkiss-AD Amiet-DV-14-PBC 011912 Hotchkiss Alex Lagé, Arc De Triomphe, Champs-Elysées1913 Hotchkiss AD 20-30 Fire engine1913 Hotchkiss Classic Car Original French Advert Print Ad - U1913 Hotchkiss Z2 side + load1913 Hotchkiss Z2 side1913 Hotchkiss Z21913-1914 HOTCHKISS Type AD1914 D9136mkk Australia maxicard ASPC148 1983 Fire Engines 1914 Hotchkiss postcard1914 Historic Fire Engines- Hotchkiss1914 HOTCHKISS type AD1915 Effie Hotchkiss & her mama Avis setting out in 1915 on a 3-speed Harley for a trans-continental Cannonball Run from New York to San Francisco & back - first females to ride acros1916 Hotchkiss 11920 Hotchkiss AF Limousine1922 Hotchkiss 18cv 6cyl Musée des maquettes à nourrir et courir le monde à Clairvaux-les-Lacs - 151922 HOTCHKISS CAR AUTO MEMORABILIA TOURING LUXURY MACHINE GUN TRENCH 213811923-1932 HOTCHKISS AM1924 HOTCHKISS AD 20 30HP1924 Hotchkiss AM1925 Hotchkiss advertising1926 Hotchkiss ad1926 Hotchkiss Autocar Motor Car Advert 19261927 Ad Hotchkiss Automobiles Car Transportation 168 Blvd Ornano St Denis VENA31927 Hotchkiss AM2 Torpedo (6853791825)1928 Hotchkiss AM 80 - The Vehicles - GT & Production - Auto Rally Card1928 HOTCHKISS AM 80 VETH CABRIOLET1928 hotchkiss greve1928 Hotchkiss Sedan ad1929 HOTCHKISS AM 80 Tourer Weymann1929 Hotchkiss AM80 Torpedo Sport1930 Hotchkiss 1930 am 801930 Hotchkiss 1930 partir ad1930 Hotchkiss ad1931 Hotchkiss carrossée par Pourtout1931 Hotchkiss F1932 E.M. Hotchkiss AM 80S1932 Hotchkiss 412 brown1932 Hotchkiss 4121932 Hotchkiss AM 80S b1932 Hotchkiss AM 80S Coach Riviera (34875682281)1932 Hotchkiss Coupe ORIGINAL Print French wz32021932 Hotchkiss Le juste milieu ad1933 Hotchkiss 411 white coach cote d'azur1933 Hotchkiss 4111933 Hotchkiss 1933 411 coach cote d'azur1933 Hotchskiss 411 (34990789640)1933+1954 SALMSON 2300S (1954) et HOTCHKISS 412 (1933)1933-1934 HOTCHKISS 4111934 Hotchkiss 2 seater sports fr1934 Hotchkiss 2 seater sports1934 Hotchkiss 411 at the Musée Automobile de Vendée pic-11934 Hotchkiss 411 at the Musée Automobile de Vendée pic-21934 Hotchkiss 411 at the Musée Automobile de Vendée pic-31934 Hotchkiss 411 pic11934 Hotchkiss 411 pic21934 Hotchkiss 411 pic31934 Hotchkiss 4111934 Hotchkiss 413 Cabourg front left1934 Hotchkiss 413 Cabourg rear side1934 Hotchkiss 1934 berline cabourg1934 Hotchkiss 1934 rmc1934 Hotchkiss 1934 roadster hossegor1934 Hotchkiss 19341934 Hotchkiss record race ad1934-1935 HOTCHKISS 615 COUPE BASQUE1935 Emile Audiffred (audi)1935 Hotchkiss 600 Biarritz (rear), Saint-Cybranet1935 Hotchkiss 600 Biarritz dashboard, Saint-Cybranet1935 Hotchkiss 600 Biarritz, Saint-Cybranet1935 Hotchkiss 1935 411 break1935 Hotchkiss 1935 480 cabrio1935 Hotchkiss Biarritz, Saint-Cybranet1935 HOTCHKISS GAZOGÈNE CAMIONETTE1935 Hotchkiss H39, 14 Batallon de carros, Francia 19401935 hotchkiss_poster_351935 hotchkiss--Lancefield1935 Tickford Salmons Hotchkiss Gladys Cooper Photo c222-RWX7H81935 TKS (W- HOTCHKISS MG) - WW II ARMOURED RECCE VEHICLE1935 WWII Hotchkiss H35 (Char léger modèle 1935-H) French Light Tank Stamp

1936 Hotchkiss 680 rmc1936 Hotchkiss 686 Cabourg1936 Hotchkiss Biarritz1936 HOTCHKISS et CIE COUPE1936 Hotchkiss H-35 light tank ( armor - 34 mm gun - 37 mm SA 18 speed - 28 km-h produced - 1200)1936 hotchkiss h351936 Hotchkiss SPZ kurz 81 mm Panzermörser1936-39 Hotchkiss Type 686 GS, 1936-391936-1940 HOTCHKISS 486 Classic Car1936-1940 Hotchkiss 680 Cabourg a1937 Hotchkiss - 680 - (M.A.R.C.).1937 Hotchkiss 680 pic11937 Hotchkiss 680 pic21937 Hotchkiss 686 PN Cabriolet 11937 Hotchkiss 686 PN Cabriolet 21937 Hotchkiss 8641937 Hotchkiss basque1937 Hotchkiss Biarritz1937 Hotchkiss L-480H, 4x41937 Hotchkiss Streamline Coach ORIGINAL Print French wz32111938 Hotchkiss 684 coach decouvrable1938 HOTCHKISS 686 Cabriolet Biarritz1938 HOTCHKISS 686 Monte Carlo1938 HOTCHKISS 864 limousine Vichy fr1938 HOTCHKISS 864 limousine Vichy1938 Hotchkiss 864 Roadster Montlhéry 2 rear1938 Hotchkiss 864 Roadster Montlhéry 21938 Hotchkiss 864-based pickup truck at the Ecomusée d'Alsace - four-cylinder cars can be identified by having 26 louvres on the bonnet, while six-cylinder cars sport 30 louvres1938 Hotchkiss cabourg1938 Hotchkiss Cote Dázur adv1938 Hotchkiss cote d'azur1938 Hotchkiss speed record at Montlhéry by Geo Ham1938-1939 Hotsckiss Puissance Organisation1938-1950 HOTCHKISS 20 CV GS Classic Car1938-1951 HOTCHKISS 8641939 Hotchkiss 1er ad1939 Hotchkiss 686 Chantilly limousine1939 Hotchkiss 686 Paris-Nice Monte-Carlo1939 Hotchkiss 686 PN (Paris-Nice) Monte Carlo1939 Hotchkiss 686 PN Monte Carlo back1939 Hotchkiss 686 PN Monte Carlo1939 Hotchkiss Cabourg adv1939 Hotchkiss cabourg1939 Hotchkiss GS adv1939 Hotchkiss Le temps passe la qualite totale demeure1939 Hotchkiss Monte-Carlo Coach Decouvrable (15215885794)1939 Hotchkiss R15R Command & Reconnaissance 4x41939 Hotchkiss Sport Cabriolet Factory Photograph wy96201939 Hotchkiss W-15Т, 6x61940 Hotchkiss S-20TL, 6x61940 Hotchkiss1940-1950 Hotchkiss truck PL201946 hotchkiss pl20 sapeur pompiers1946 Hotchkiss truck PL 20 (7358510232)1947 Hotchkiss ORIGINAL Photo ouc62501948 Hotchkiss 686 S49 Provence1948 Hotchkiss 864 S49 'Roussillon' 2dr rear1948 Hotchkiss 864 S49 'Roussillon' 2dr1948 hotchkiss-pl-25-1948-(france)--109011949 Hotchkiss 686 6 cylinder, 3485cc Cabourg, Conduite Interieure 19491949 Hotchkiss 864 S 49 Artois1949 Hotchkiss 864 S49 'Artois' fr1949 Hotchkiss 864 S49 'Artois' rear1949 Hotchkiss 864 S49 Artois1949 Hotchkiss artois berline1949 Hotchkiss gregoire1949 Hotchkiss Type 686 S49 Gascogne back1949 Hotchkiss Type 686 S49 Gascogne front1949 Hotchkiss Type 686 S49 GascogneKONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA1950 Hotchkiss 13-50 anjou berline1950 Hotchkiss 686 S491950 Hotchkiss 864 S 49 Biarritz interieur1950 Hotchkiss 864 S49 Artois1950 Hotchkiss ad1950 Hotchkiss Anjou 11950 Hotchkiss Anjou 21950 Hotchkiss Anjou 1350 cabriolet Saint-Tropez logo and name1950 Hotchkiss Anjou 1350 cabriolet Saint-Tropez1950 hotchkiss anjou 1350 cabriolet1950 Hotchkiss Anjou Chapron october1950 Hotchkiss Anjou fr-si1950 Hotchkiss Anjou rear1950 Hotchkiss DH 50, Transports A. Maingret (F-79)1950 Hotchkiss DH 501950 Hotchkiss Gregoire ad1950 Hotchkiss pl 25 50 France1950 hotchkiss s-49 reklame rmc1951 Hotchkiss & Cadillac Buick Chevrolet France Ad wi3816-S8SRKI1951 Hotchkiss anjou 13-501951 Hotchkiss Gregoire rear1951 Hotchkiss Gregoire1951 Hotchkiss Gregoire-interior1951 Hotchkiss PL 201951 Hotchkiss PL 50 Fourgon1951 Hotchkiss saint germain paris1951 Hotchkiss1951-53 Hotchkiss-Gregoire Coach Chapron1951-1953 HOTCHKISS GREGOIRE Classic Car Photograph1951-1954 HOTCHKISS 2050 ANJOU1952 Advertising Hotchkiss Anjou1952 Hotchkiss 13-50 anjou berline1952 Hotchkiss Anjou 13-501952 Hotchkiss Antheor convertible1952 Hotchkiss de 19521952 Hotchkiss Gregoire cabrio1952 Hotchkiss gregoire coach1952 HOTCHKISS PL 251952 HOTCHKISS PL25 TRUCK BROCHURE a1952 HOTCHKISS PL25 TRUCK BROCHURE b1952 HOTCHKISS PL25 TRUCK BROCHURE c1952 HOTCHKISS PL25 TRUCK BROCHURE d1952 HOTCHKISS PL25 TRUCK BROCHURE e1952 HOTCHKISS PL25 TRUCK BROCHURE f1952 HOTCHKISS PL25 TRUCK BROCHURE g1952 HOTCHKISS PL25 TRUCK BROCHURE h1952 Hotchkiss PL251952 Hotchkiss, France1952-1953 HOTCHKISS 2050 ANTHEOR1953 Hotchkiss 20-50gs1953 Hotchkiss Anjou 13CV1953 Hotchkiss Antheor 20.50 Kübelwagen von Letourneur & Marchand1953 Hotchkiss antheor ad1953 Hotchkiss Gregoire (2295526168)1953 Hotchkiss Gregoire Berline1953 HOTCHKISS J.A.G. GREGOIRE CABRIOLET BY HENRI CHAPRON1953 Hotchkiss Grégoire1953 Hotchkiss-Grégoire JAG pic31953 Hotchkiss-Gregoire-DV-12-SJ i02-800 dashboard1953 Hotchkiss-Gregoire-DV-12-SJ-001-8001954 Hotchkiss anjou 13-501954 Hotchkiss antheor1954 Hotchkiss Gregoire berline1954 Hotchkiss Monceau1954 Hotchkiss PL 50 Premier Secours Moiusse1954 Hotchkiss-Latil М-17Т2, 4x41955 Hotchkiss Anjou 2061955 Hotchkiss PL20 fourgon d'incendie1955 Hotchkiss VP90 Carrier, Armoured, Full-Track, Low Silhouette1955 Hotchkiss М-201, 4x41955 Hotchkiss-PL-25

1956 Hotchkiss truck back1956 Hotchkiss truck cockpitt1956 Hotchkiss truck fr-si1956 Hotchkiss truck insides1956 Hotchkiss truck open1956 Hotchkiss truck si-back1956 Hotchkiss truck side open and back1956 Hotchkiss truck windowsside and front1956 Hotchkiss truck1958 Hotchkiss 686 PN 20CV 8 cyl Meillant1958 Hotchkiss Carrier, armoured, Full-Track, Ambulance1960 Hotchkiss 5 Ton Truck Brochure 31963 echelle.sur.porteur.hotchkiss.-.1963.-.photographie.cne.ranvoisy1963 Hotchkiss PL 50 EP Gugumus-Charton1963 Hotchkiss PL50 DH50 4 Ton Truck Brochure French wu4821 a1963 Hotchkiss PL50 DH50 4 Ton Truck Brochure French wu48211963 HOTCHKISS PL50 Plateau brasseur1963 hotchkiss-pl501964 Hotchkiss PL50 Camion Citerne Incendie1964 HOTCHKISS PL50 Premier Secours1965 Hotchkiss PL70 4x4 19651965 Hotchkiss PL50 ex-Pompiers1965 hotchkiss_truck_brochure_1_651965 le camion hotchkiss dh 60 et 701966 Hotchkiss 6-8 Ton Truck Brochure French wu78861966 Hotchkiss DH701967 Hotchkiss PL-90, 4x41968 Hotchkiss PL90 MAV1969 HOTCHKISS PL701970 HINO model RC RE bus 24-941970 Hotchkiss WU78871971 Hotchkiss-Lancia-Büssing1973 Ford England Hotchkiss 2.6 Liter V6 Tank ORIGINAL Factory Photo ww7003automobiles HOTCHKISS plateautomobiles HotchkissBROCHURE CAMIONS HOTCHKISS ELIGORCatalogue camions HOTCHKISS - Brandt DH 50, PL 50 et PL 50-6 (avec cachetCatalogue camions HOTCHKISS DH 50, PL 50 et PL 50-6 (Couverture)Citroën Hotchkiss sur tous vos achats recéclamezzzzzzÉcusson de calandre (8612912979)Emblem Hotchkiss-GregoireHotchkiss (9457595613)Hotchkiss (9457595623)Hotchkiss 8f5a753ed7Hotchkiss 20.50 Anjou Worblaufen - viertüriges Cabriolet für den EklektikerHotchkiss 413Hotchkiss 432 AW 89Hotchkiss 600Hotchkiss 686 Monte Carlo CabrioletHotchkiss 686 Monte Carlo In FieldHotchkiss 686 PN Monte-Carlo (34764054912)Hotchkiss 686 produced from 1936 to 1952Hotchkiss 686Hotchkiss 864 S 49 - Peugeot 402Hotchkiss 864 S 49Hotchkiss advHotchkiss adverHotchkiss AM2 Prescott HillHotchkiss AM2 TorpedoRheinbach Classics 2007Hotchkiss Anjou (24797837547)Hotchkiss Anjou 1350 (1953)HOTCHKISS Anjou et side-car URALHotchkiss Anjou MontlhéryHotchkiss Anthéor BrochureHotchkiss Belle autoHotchkiss Biarritz CabrioletHotchkiss BiarritzHotchkiss Bouffort HB 40Hotchkiss CaramuloPT DSCN0152Hotchkiss DH50 plateau A.Maingrethp photosmart 720Hotchkiss DH80 Dropside LorryHotchkiss du GuilvinecOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHotchkiss Fire and rescue truckHotchkiss Fire CarHotchkiss Fire engine in actionHotchkiss fireenginehotchkiss genderingen advHotchkiss Gregoire (6034133989)Hotchkiss Grégoire signHotchkiss GregoireHotchkiss gsHotchkiss H35 tankHotchkiss H38 serie DHotchkiss HistoriqueHotchkiss Jeep JH102 4X4Hotchkiss Le triomph du Bon Sens posterHotchkiss logoHotchkiss M18-T2 Truck, 1.25 tonne, 4x4, Cargo (Air Force)Hotchkiss M201 Jeep kopie willys mb jeepHotchkiss M201 with ENTAC missileHotchkiss Paris (6031011309)Hotchkiss ParisHotchkiss Paris logoHotchkiss pickup - pic1Hotchkiss pickup - pic2Hotchkiss pickup - pic3Hotchkiss pickup - pic4Hotchkiss pickup for saleHOTCHKISS PL 20-25-50 TruckHOTCHKISS PL 25 adHotchkiss PL 50 380 AWC 35Hotchkiss PL20 4x4 Diecast Model Lorry EL101489Hotchkiss PL20 ex- pompiers de Tours 974Hotchkiss PL50 Collection Eure aHotchkiss PL50 Collection Eure bHotchkiss PL50 Paris 2Hotchkiss PL50 ParisHOTCHKISS PL50HOTCHKISS PL70 4x4 MILITARY TRUCKHotchkiss PL70 Truck, 3-tonne, 4x4, CargoHotchkiss PL90 MAV Truck, 3-tonne, 4x4, CargoHotchkiss Pompes Guinard LRHotchkiss Porte FersHotchkiss porte-fers - 4 modèlesHotchkiss posterHotchkiss PS nr 51Hotchkiss rally Monte-Carlo aHotchkiss rally Monte-CarloHotchkiss Saint-Cybranethotchkiss siebergHotchkiss Six Cylinder 1929-1954 Profile No. 47 AM80 Type 686 620 2050 +HOTCHKISS SUPERBE DOCUMENT D TIME GLUE ON LEAVES A4.16Hotchkiss Tourer (753758201) 4 cylinder 20-30 hp, 6 litre, restored with an ex-Rolls Royce Silver Ghost body. Car no 3386, engine no.88 aHotchkiss Tourer (753758201) 4 cylinder 20-30 hp, 6 litre, restored with an ex-Rolls Royce Silver Ghost body. Car no 3386, engine no.88 bhotchkiss truck brochure 2 65Hotchkiss truck Louwman Collection, HollandHotchkiss TTC501 (1970) & HB40 (1966) Carriers, Full-Track, CargoHotchkiss verhuiswagen van Fa. Bus uit LarenHotchkiss Vieille voitureHotchkiss Ville de DieppeHOTCHKISS vintage poster black and white advertising by OldMagHotchkiss W15T Walk AroundHotchkiss-411-arHotchkiss-411-avhotchkiss-620-automobile-models-photo-u1Hotchkiss-Brandt JeepHotchkiss-built Jeephotchkiss-gregoire-8hotchkiss-hb40Hotckhiss PL 50 immatriculé 56 et portant l'inscription Mesnil le Roi.Jeep Hotchkiss M201Laffly-Hotchkiss W15TLES VEHICULES UTILITAIRES HOTCHKISS BROCHURE aLES VEHICULES UTILITAIRES HOTCHKISS BROCHURE bLES VEHICULES UTILITAIRES HOTCHKISS BROCHURE cLES VEHICULES UTILITAIRES HOTCHKISS BROCHURE dLES VEHICULES UTILITAIRES HOTCHKISS BROCHURE eLES VEHICULES UTILITAIRES HOTCHKISS BROCHURE fLES VEHICULES UTILITAIRES HOTCHKISS BROCHURE gLES VEHICULES UTILITAIRES HOTCHKISS BROCHURE hParis-Hotchkiss-020 PL50 was a 4-cylinder, 2.3 liter, 70HP engineSoldat before Hotchkiss tankTrucks Hotchkiss PL20 platWWII Press Photo- Hotchkiss Panzerkampfwagen 38H 735(f)- Yugoslavia- Panzer Tank

See also


  1. ^ “Index entry”FreeBMD. ONS. Retrieved 28 May 2012.
  2. ^
  3. abcdefghi “Automobilia”. Toutes les voitures françaises 1940 – 46 (les années sans salon). Paris: Histoire & collections. Nr. 26: Page 41. 2003.
  4. abc “Automobilia”. Toutes les voitures françaises 1948 (salon Paris oct 1947). Paris: Histoire & collections. Nr. 7: Page 48. 1998.
  5. ab “Automobilia”. Toutes les voitures françaises 1952 (salon Paris Oct 1951). Paris: Histoire & collections. Nr. 20: Page 40. 2001.
  6. ^ Lago America, page 168, Motor Sport magazine, February 1985

External links