Hotchkiss automobiles & trucks made between 1903 and 1955 in Paris France

1950 Hotchkiss Anjou 1350 cabriolet Saint-Tropez logo and name

Hotchkiss logo

Hotchkiss logo on GS car.

1906 Targa Florio driving a Hotchkiss 35 hp Hubert and Mme Le Blon
Hubert and Mme Le Blon at the 1906 Targa Florio driving a Hotchkiss 35 hp
1931 Hotchkiss F
1931 Hotchkiss Sports
Hotchkiss 686 produced from 1936 to 1952
Hotchkiss 686 produced from 1936 to 1952

Hotchkiss were lux­ury cars made be­tween 1903 and 1955 by the French com­pany Hotchkiss et Cie in Saint-De­nis, Paris. The badge for the mar­que showed a pair of crossed can­nons, evok­ing the com­pany’s his­tory as an arms man­u­fac­turer.

The com­pany’s first entry into car mak­ing came from or­ders for en­gine com­po­nents such as crank­shafts which were sup­plied to Pan­hard et Lev­as­sorDe Dion-Bou­ton and other pi­o­neer­ing com­pa­nies and in 1903 they went on to make com­plete en­gines. En­cour­aged by two major car dis­trib­u­tors, Mann & Over­ton of Lon­don and Fournier of Paris, Hotchkiss de­cided to start mak­ing their own range of cars and pur­chased a Mer­cedes Sim­plex for in­spi­ra­tion and Georges Terasse, pre­vi­ously of Mors, was taken on as de­signer.

Early cars

The first Hotchkiss car, a 17 CV four-cylin­der model, ap­peared in 1903. The en­gine of the 20 CV type C was heav­ily based on the Mer­cedes Sim­plex ex­cept that wher­ever pos­si­ble it used ball bear­ings rather than plain ones (in­clud­ing the crank­shaft) and ex­cept the Hotchkiss drive. Six-cylin­der mod­els, the types L and O fol­lowed in 1907.

The ball bear­ing en­gines lasted until the 30CV type X of 1910. In that same year Hotchkiss moved into a smaller car mar­ket with the 2212cc type Z.

With the out­break of World War I, the fac­tory turned to war pro­duc­tion and a sub­sidiary plant was opened in Coven­try, Eng­land. Car pro­duc­tion re­sumed in France 1919 with the pre war types AD, AD6, AF and AG. Dur­ing World War I, they pro­duced ma­chine guns and tested them from the fac­tory roof.

Inter war production

After an at­tempt to enter the lux­ury mar­ket with the AK, which did not get be­yond the pro­to­type stage, the com­pany de­cided on a one model pol­icy and in­tro­duced the Coven­try de­signed AM in 1923. Later that year the Coven­try plant was sold to Mor­ris. Henry Mann Ainsworth (1884–1971) and Al­fred Her­bert Wilde (1889 – 1930) who had run it, moved to Paris to be­come gen­eral man­ager and chief en­gi­neer of the car di­vi­sion re­spec­tively.

In 1926 con­struc­tion of the new fac­tory in the Boule­vard Or­nano was com­pleted and in 1929 Hotchkiss got hold of a steel press al­low­ing in-house man­u­fac­ture of steel bod­ies. The one model pol­icy lasted until 1929 when the six-cylin­der AM73 and AM80 mod­els were an­nounced. “73” and “80” stood for the bore of the en­gines used, a nam­ing theme picked up again later in 1936 after a brief hia­tus.

Al­though most cars had bod­ies that were fac­tory built, Hotchkiss still was a lux­ury car brand, and so coach­builder Veth and Sons built a small num­ber of bod­ies for the AM80.

The AM mod­els were re­placed by a new range in 1933 with a new nam­ing sys­tem. The 411 was an 11CV model with four-cylin­der en­gine, the 413 a 13CV four and the 615, 617 and 620 were sim­i­lar six-cylin­der types. The 1936 686, which re­placed the 620, was avail­able as the high-per­for­mance Grand Sport and 1937 Paris-Nice with twin car­bu­ret­tors and these al­lowed Hotchkiss to win the Monte Carlo Rally in 1932, 1933, 1934, 1939, 1949 and 1950. The new nam­ing scheme in­tro­duced in 1936 con­sisted of the num­ber of cylin­ders, fol­lowed by the bore of the en­gine (in mil­lime­tres).

Second World War

The ar­ma­ment side of the com­pany and the body stamp­ing plant were na­tion­alised in 1936 by the Front Pop­u­laire gov­ern­ment. The car com­pany in 1937 took over Amil­car. With re-ar­ma­ment speed­ing up they also started mak­ing mil­i­tary ve­hi­cles and light tanks. When France de­clared war, in Sep­tem­ber 1939, Hotchkiss were sit­ting on an army order for 1,900 H35 and H39 tanks pow­ered by six-cylin­der mo­tors of re­spec­tively 3.5 and 6 litres ca­pac­ity, and at the time of the Ger­man in­va­sion in May 1940 they were still work­ing through the order. How­ever, as the mil­i­tary sit­u­a­tion de­te­ri­o­rated the de­ci­sion was taken, on 20 May 1940, to aban­don the Saint-De­nis plant which by now was fully con­cen­trated on war production. There was a dis­or­derly evac­u­a­tion, ini­tially to­wards Aux­erre and then Moulins and then fur­ther to­wards the south, as em­ploy­ees des­per­ately tried to keep in­for­ma­tion on the mil­i­tary pro­duc­tion out of the hands of the Germans. How­ever, the na­tional ca­pit­u­la­tion im­plicit in the sign­ing of the armistice on 22 June left these ef­forts look­ing some­what ir­rel­e­vant, and most of the em­ploy­ees drifted back in the en­su­ing weeks. Two ex­cep­tions were the Com­mer­cial Di­rec­tor, Jacques Ja­cob­sen and the Eng­lish born Gen­eral Di­rec­tor, Henry Ainsworth, both of whom man­aged to avoid cap­ture and to leave France. Dur­ing the war, like many busi­nesses in the oc­cu­pied (north­ern) zone, the com­pany was obliged to work for the oc­cu­piers and was en­gaged in the re­pair of mil­i­tary vehicles.

In 1941 François Lehideux, then a lead­ing mem­ber of the gov­ern­ment’s eco­nomic team, called Jean-Pierre Peu­geot and his Gen­eral Di­rec­tor Mau­rice Jor­dan to a meet­ing, and in­vited them to study the pos­si­bil­ity of tak­ing a con­trol­ling share in the Hotchkiss business. The sug­ges­tion from Lehideux de­rived from a Ger­man law dated 18 Oc­to­ber 1940 au­tho­ris­ing the con­fis­ca­tion of busi­nesses con­trolled by Jews. The Peu­geot busi­ness it­self had been op­er­at­ing, grudg­ingly, under over­all Ger­man con­trol since the sum­mer of 1940. In any event, in July 1942 Peu­geot took a con­trol­ling share in the Hotchkiss busi­ness and to­wards the end of 1942 the names of Peu­geot and Jor­dan were listed as mem­bers of the Hotchkiss board. There is no ev­i­dence of any at­tempt to com­bine the op­er­a­tions of the two busi­nesses, how­ever: after the war Peu­geot would in due course re­lin­quish their hold­ing in Hotchkiss.

With lib­er­a­tion in 1944, Ainsworth re­turned and pro­duc­tion restarted in 1946 with the pre-war cars, a light truck and a trac­tor.

Post war models

1955 Hotchkiss Anjou
1955 Hotchkiss Anjou
1951 Hotchkiss Gregoire
1951 Hotchkiss Gregoire rear

After the war, car pro­duc­tion re­sumed only slowly with fewer than 100 cars pro­duced in each of 1946 and 1947, but by 1948 things were mov­ing a lit­tle more rapidly with 460 Hotchkiss cars pro­duced that year. This vol­ume of out­put was wholly in­suf­fi­cient to carry the com­pany, al­though truck pro­duc­tion was a lit­tle more suc­cess­ful with more than 2,300 pro­duced in 1948, and it was sup­port from the truck vol­umes and from

Jeep Hotchkiss M201

the Jeep based M201 that en­abled the com­pany to stag­ger on as a car pro­ducer slightly more con­vinc­ingly than some of France’s other lux­ury car mak­ers, at least until the mid-1950s. The cars that rep­re­sented the busi­ness in the sec­ond half of the 1940s were es­sen­tially the com­pany’s pre­war de­signs. The 2,312 cc four-cylin­der car was now branded as the Hotchkiss 864 while the six-cylin­der car was badged as the Hotchkiss 680 with a 3,016 cc en­gine or as the Hotchkiss 686 with the 3,485 cc engine.

The lux­ury au­to­mo­bile range was mod­ernised in 1950 and a new car, the four-door sa­loon Anjou, was avail­able on the 1350 (re­named from the 486) and 2050 (686) chas­sis. The high-end Anthéor cabri­o­let was added in 1952. Some Anthéor mod­els were coach­built by Swiss coach­builder Worblaufen.

In 1948 Hotchkiss had bought the rights to the Grégoire front-wheel-drive car and this car en­tered pro­duc­tion in 1951 but was ex­pen­sive. Sales in gen­eral were falling, and on reach­ing his 65th birth­day in 1949 Ainsworth re­tired, to be suc­ceeded in the top job by Mau­rice de Gary. The Peu­geot fam­ily sold their in­ter­est in the com­pany. Coupé and cabri­o­let ver­sions of the Hotchkiss-Grégoire were an­nounced in 1951, but sales did not im­prove, and pro­duc­tion stopped in 1952 after only 247 were made.

Hotchkiss had made 2.700 cars in 1951. The Grégoire de­sign had in­te­gral con­struc­tion, in­de­pen­dent sus­pen­sion all round, a 2.2 Litre flat-four en­gine and front wheel drive. Claimed top speed was 95 mph. Buy­ers did not wel­come its smooth shape. End­less teething trou­bles brought pro­duc­tion to a com­plete stand­still in 1952. Hotchkiss pro­duced 230 cars of all their mod­els in 1953. When the fac­tory fi­nally closed there had been just 250 Hotchkiss-Grégoires built. In 1955 Cit­roen in­tro­duced the DS19 and Peu­geot its 403. Aside from the Grégoire de­sign Hotchkiss could only offer pre-war de­signs. Ex­port sales were lim­ited by the fail­ure to pro­vide left-hand-drive cars.

Merger and closure

Hotchkiss merged with De­la­haye, an­other French lux­ury car brand, in 1954 to be­come Société Hotchkiss-De­la­haye, but car pro­duc­tion stopped in 1955 to be re­placed by li­cence built Jeeps. In 1956 the com­pany was taken over by Brandt, a house­hold ap­pli­ance maker, to be­come Hotchkiss-Brandt, who were again taken over in 1966 by Thom­son-Hous­ton. Mil­i­tary ve­hi­cles were made until 1967 and trucks until 1971.

Pictures from my own collection:

1904 Hotchkiss 20HP C1904 Hotchkiss C 20HP dashboard1904 Hotchkiss C 20HP fr1904 Hotchkiss type c 20HP1906 hotchkiss stokvis ad1906 Targa Florio driving a Hotchkiss 35 hp Hubert and Mme Le Blon1908 Hotchkiss1909 Hotchkiss Automobile blindé & Etat major de Chefket Pacha1909 Hotchkiss type V 40-50HP Armored car1909 Hotchkiss with weapons and pantzer1909 Young Turk in Hotchkiss revolutionaries entering Istanbul in 19091910 Hotchkiss Limousine VY 7777 4cyl 20-30 hp 1785 engine no. 1104 a1910 Hotchkiss Limousine VY 7777 4cyl 20-30 hp 1785 engine no. 1104 b1910-1912 HOTCHKISS V 40-50 Classic Car1911 Hotchkiss AD Amiet Enclosed Limousine1911 Hotchkiss-AD Amiet-DV-14-PBC 011912 Hotchkiss Alex Lagé, Arc De Triomphe, Champs-Elysées1913 Hotchkiss AD 20-30 Fire engine1913 Hotchkiss Classic Car Original French Advert Print Ad - U1913 Hotchkiss Z2 side + load1913 Hotchkiss Z2 side1913 Hotchkiss Z21913-1914 HOTCHKISS Type AD1914 D9136mkk Australia maxicard ASPC148 1983 Fire Engines 1914 Hotchkiss postcard1914 Historic Fire Engines- Hotchkiss1914 HOTCHKISS type AD1915 Effie Hotchkiss & her mama Avis setting out in 1915 on a 3-speed Harley for a trans-continental Cannonball Run from New York to San Francisco & back - first females to ride acros1916 Hotchkiss 11920 Hotchkiss AF Limousine1922 Hotchkiss 18cv 6cyl Musée des maquettes à nourrir et courir le monde à Clairvaux-les-Lacs - 151922 HOTCHKISS CAR AUTO MEMORABILIA TOURING LUXURY MACHINE GUN TRENCH 213811923-1932 HOTCHKISS AM1924 HOTCHKISS AD 20 30HP1924 Hotchkiss AM1925 Hotchkiss advertising1926 Hotchkiss ad1926 Hotchkiss Autocar Motor Car Advert 19261927 Ad Hotchkiss Automobiles Car Transportation 168 Blvd Ornano St Denis VENA31927 Hotchkiss AM2 Torpedo (6853791825)1928 Hotchkiss AM 80 - The Vehicles - GT & Production - Auto Rally Card1928 HOTCHKISS AM 80 VETH CABRIOLET1928 hotchkiss greve1928 Hotchkiss Sedan ad1929 HOTCHKISS AM 80 Tourer Weymann1929 Hotchkiss AM80 Torpedo Sport1930 Hotchkiss 1930 am 801930 Hotchkiss 1930 partir ad1930 Hotchkiss ad1931 Hotchkiss carrossée par Pourtout1931 Hotchkiss F1932 E.M. Hotchkiss AM 80S1932 Hotchkiss 412 brown1932 Hotchkiss 4121932 Hotchkiss AM 80S b1932 Hotchkiss AM 80S Coach Riviera (34875682281)1932 Hotchkiss Coupe ORIGINAL Print French wz32021932 Hotchkiss Le juste milieu ad1933 Hotchkiss 411 white coach cote d'azur1933 Hotchkiss 4111933 Hotchkiss 1933 411 coach cote d'azur1933 Hotchskiss 411 (34990789640)1933+1954 SALMSON 2300S (1954) et HOTCHKISS 412 (1933)1933-1934 HOTCHKISS 4111934 Hotchkiss 2 seater sports fr1934 Hotchkiss 2 seater sports1934 Hotchkiss 411 at the Musée Automobile de Vendée pic-11934 Hotchkiss 411 at the Musée Automobile de Vendée pic-21934 Hotchkiss 411 at the Musée Automobile de Vendée pic-31934 Hotchkiss 411 pic11934 Hotchkiss 411 pic21934 Hotchkiss 411 pic31934 Hotchkiss 4111934 Hotchkiss 413 Cabourg front left1934 Hotchkiss 413 Cabourg rear side1934 Hotchkiss 1934 berline cabourg1934 Hotchkiss 1934 rmc1934 Hotchkiss 1934 roadster hossegor1934 Hotchkiss 19341934 Hotchkiss record race ad1934-1935 HOTCHKISS 615 COUPE BASQUE1935 Emile Audiffred (audi)1935 Hotchkiss 600 Biarritz (rear), Saint-Cybranet1935 Hotchkiss 600 Biarritz dashboard, Saint-Cybranet1935 Hotchkiss 600 Biarritz, Saint-Cybranet1935 Hotchkiss 1935 411 break1935 Hotchkiss 1935 480 cabrio1935 Hotchkiss Biarritz, Saint-Cybranet1935 HOTCHKISS GAZOGÈNE CAMIONETTE1935 Hotchkiss H39, 14 Batallon de carros, Francia 19401935 hotchkiss_poster_351935 hotchkiss--Lancefield1935 Tickford Salmons Hotchkiss Gladys Cooper Photo c222-RWX7H81935 TKS (W- HOTCHKISS MG) - WW II ARMOURED RECCE VEHICLE1935 WWII Hotchkiss H35 (Char léger modèle 1935-H) French Light Tank Stamp

1936 Hotchkiss 680 rmc1936 Hotchkiss 686 Cabourg1936 Hotchkiss Biarritz1936 HOTCHKISS et CIE COUPE1936 Hotchkiss H-35 light tank ( armor - 34 mm gun - 37 mm SA 18 speed - 28 km-h produced - 1200)1936 hotchkiss h351936 Hotchkiss SPZ kurz 81 mm Panzermörser1936-39 Hotchkiss Type 686 GS, 1936-391936-1940 HOTCHKISS 486 Classic Car1936-1940 Hotchkiss 680 Cabourg a1937 Hotchkiss - 680 - (M.A.R.C.).1937 Hotchkiss 680 pic11937 Hotchkiss 680 pic21937 Hotchkiss 686 PN Cabriolet 11937 Hotchkiss 686 PN Cabriolet 21937 Hotchkiss 8641937 Hotchkiss basque1937 Hotchkiss Biarritz1937 Hotchkiss L-480H, 4x41937 Hotchkiss Streamline Coach ORIGINAL Print French wz32111938 Hotchkiss 684 coach decouvrable1938 HOTCHKISS 686 Cabriolet Biarritz1938 HOTCHKISS 686 Monte Carlo1938 HOTCHKISS 864 limousine Vichy fr1938 HOTCHKISS 864 limousine Vichy1938 Hotchkiss 864 Roadster Montlhéry 2 rear1938 Hotchkiss 864 Roadster Montlhéry 21938 Hotchkiss 864-based pickup truck at the Ecomusée d'Alsace - four-cylinder cars can be identified by having 26 louvres on the bonnet, while six-cylinder cars sport 30 louvres1938 Hotchkiss cabourg1938 Hotchkiss Cote Dázur adv1938 Hotchkiss cote d'azur1938 Hotchkiss speed record at Montlhéry by Geo Ham1938-1939 Hotsckiss Puissance Organisation1938-1950 HOTCHKISS 20 CV GS Classic Car1938-1951 HOTCHKISS 8641939 Hotchkiss 1er ad1939 Hotchkiss 686 Chantilly limousine1939 Hotchkiss 686 Paris-Nice Monte-Carlo1939 Hotchkiss 686 PN (Paris-Nice) Monte Carlo1939 Hotchkiss 686 PN Monte Carlo back1939 Hotchkiss 686 PN Monte Carlo1939 Hotchkiss Cabourg adv1939 Hotchkiss cabourg1939 Hotchkiss GS adv1939 Hotchkiss Le temps passe la qualite totale demeure1939 Hotchkiss Monte-Carlo Coach Decouvrable (15215885794)1939 Hotchkiss R15R Command & Reconnaissance 4x41939 Hotchkiss Sport Cabriolet Factory Photograph wy96201939 Hotchkiss W-15Т, 6x61940 Hotchkiss S-20TL, 6x61940 Hotchkiss1940-1950 Hotchkiss truck PL201946 hotchkiss pl20 sapeur pompiers1946 Hotchkiss truck PL 20 (7358510232)1947 Hotchkiss ORIGINAL Photo ouc62501948 Hotchkiss 686 S49 Provence1948 Hotchkiss 864 S49 'Roussillon' 2dr rear1948 Hotchkiss 864 S49 'Roussillon' 2dr1948 hotchkiss-pl-25-1948-(france)--109011949 Hotchkiss 686 6 cylinder, 3485cc Cabourg, Conduite Interieure 19491949 Hotchkiss 864 S 49 Artois1949 Hotchkiss 864 S49 'Artois' fr1949 Hotchkiss 864 S49 'Artois' rear1949 Hotchkiss 864 S49 Artois1949 Hotchkiss artois berline1949 Hotchkiss gregoire1949 Hotchkiss Type 686 S49 Gascogne back1949 Hotchkiss Type 686 S49 Gascogne front1949 Hotchkiss Type 686 S49 GascogneKONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA1950 Hotchkiss 13-50 anjou berline1950 Hotchkiss 686 S491950 Hotchkiss 864 S 49 Biarritz interieur1950 Hotchkiss 864 S49 Artois1950 Hotchkiss ad1950 Hotchkiss Anjou 11950 Hotchkiss Anjou 21950 Hotchkiss Anjou 1350 cabriolet Saint-Tropez logo and name1950 Hotchkiss Anjou 1350 cabriolet Saint-Tropez1950 hotchkiss anjou 1350 cabriolet1950 Hotchkiss Anjou Chapron october1950 Hotchkiss Anjou fr-si1950 Hotchkiss Anjou rear1950 Hotchkiss DH 50, Transports A. Maingret (F-79)1950 Hotchkiss DH 501950 Hotchkiss Gregoire ad1950 Hotchkiss pl 25 50 France1950 hotchkiss s-49 reklame rmc1951 Hotchkiss & Cadillac Buick Chevrolet France Ad wi3816-S8SRKI1951 Hotchkiss anjou 13-501951 Hotchkiss Gregoire rear1951 Hotchkiss Gregoire1951 Hotchkiss Gregoire-interior1951 Hotchkiss PL 201951 Hotchkiss PL 50 Fourgon1951 Hotchkiss saint germain paris1951 Hotchkiss1951-53 Hotchkiss-Gregoire Coach Chapron1951-1953 HOTCHKISS GREGOIRE Classic Car Photograph1951-1954 HOTCHKISS 2050 ANJOU1952 Advertising Hotchkiss Anjou1952 Hotchkiss 13-50 anjou berline1952 Hotchkiss Anjou 13-501952 Hotchkiss Antheor convertible1952 Hotchkiss de 19521952 Hotchkiss Gregoire cabrio1952 Hotchkiss gregoire coach1952 HOTCHKISS PL 251952 HOTCHKISS PL25 TRUCK BROCHURE a1952 HOTCHKISS PL25 TRUCK BROCHURE b1952 HOTCHKISS PL25 TRUCK BROCHURE c1952 HOTCHKISS PL25 TRUCK BROCHURE d1952 HOTCHKISS PL25 TRUCK BROCHURE e1952 HOTCHKISS PL25 TRUCK BROCHURE f1952 HOTCHKISS PL25 TRUCK BROCHURE g1952 HOTCHKISS PL25 TRUCK BROCHURE h1952 Hotchkiss PL251952 Hotchkiss, France1952-1953 HOTCHKISS 2050 ANTHEOR1953 Hotchkiss 20-50gs1953 Hotchkiss Anjou 13CV1953 Hotchkiss Antheor 20.50 Kübelwagen von Letourneur & Marchand1953 Hotchkiss antheor ad1953 Hotchkiss Gregoire (2295526168)1953 Hotchkiss Gregoire Berline1953 HOTCHKISS J.A.G. GREGOIRE CABRIOLET BY HENRI CHAPRON1953 Hotchkiss Grégoire1953 Hotchkiss-Grégoire JAG pic31953 Hotchkiss-Gregoire-DV-12-SJ i02-800 dashboard1953 Hotchkiss-Gregoire-DV-12-SJ-001-8001954 Hotchkiss anjou 13-501954 Hotchkiss antheor1954 Hotchkiss Gregoire berline1954 Hotchkiss Monceau1954 Hotchkiss PL 50 Premier Secours Moiusse1954 Hotchkiss-Latil М-17Т2, 4x41955 Hotchkiss Anjou 2061955 Hotchkiss PL20 fourgon d'incendie1955 Hotchkiss VP90 Carrier, Armoured, Full-Track, Low Silhouette1955 Hotchkiss М-201, 4x41955 Hotchkiss-PL-25

1956 Hotchkiss truck back1956 Hotchkiss truck cockpitt1956 Hotchkiss truck fr-si1956 Hotchkiss truck insides1956 Hotchkiss truck open1956 Hotchkiss truck si-back1956 Hotchkiss truck side open and back1956 Hotchkiss truck windowsside and front1956 Hotchkiss truck1958 Hotchkiss 686 PN 20CV 8 cyl Meillant1958 Hotchkiss Carrier, armoured, Full-Track, Ambulance1960 Hotchkiss 5 Ton Truck Brochure 31963 echelle.sur.porteur.hotchkiss.-.1963.-.photographie.cne.ranvoisy1963 Hotchkiss PL 50 EP Gugumus-Charton1963 Hotchkiss PL50 DH50 4 Ton Truck Brochure French wu4821 a1963 Hotchkiss PL50 DH50 4 Ton Truck Brochure French wu48211963 HOTCHKISS PL50 Plateau brasseur1963 hotchkiss-pl501964 Hotchkiss PL50 Camion Citerne Incendie1964 HOTCHKISS PL50 Premier Secours1965 Hotchkiss PL70 4x4 19651965 Hotchkiss PL50 ex-Pompiers1965 hotchkiss_truck_brochure_1_651965 le camion hotchkiss dh 60 et 701966 Hotchkiss 6-8 Ton Truck Brochure French wu78861966 Hotchkiss DH701967 Hotchkiss PL-90, 4x41968 Hotchkiss PL90 MAV1969 HOTCHKISS PL701970 HINO model RC RE bus 24-941970 Hotchkiss WU78871971 Hotchkiss-Lancia-Büssing1973 Ford England Hotchkiss 2.6 Liter V6 Tank ORIGINAL Factory Photo ww7003automobiles HOTCHKISS plateautomobiles HotchkissBROCHURE CAMIONS HOTCHKISS ELIGORCatalogue camions HOTCHKISS - Brandt DH 50, PL 50 et PL 50-6 (avec cachetCatalogue camions HOTCHKISS DH 50, PL 50 et PL 50-6 (Couverture)Citroën Hotchkiss sur tous vos achats recéclamezzzzzzÉcusson de calandre (8612912979)Emblem Hotchkiss-GregoireHotchkiss (9457595613)Hotchkiss (9457595623)Hotchkiss 8f5a753ed7Hotchkiss 20.50 Anjou Worblaufen - viertüriges Cabriolet für den EklektikerHotchkiss 413Hotchkiss 432 AW 89Hotchkiss 600Hotchkiss 686 Monte Carlo CabrioletHotchkiss 686 Monte Carlo In FieldHotchkiss 686 PN Monte-Carlo (34764054912)Hotchkiss 686 produced from 1936 to 1952Hotchkiss 686Hotchkiss 864 S 49 - Peugeot 402Hotchkiss 864 S 49Hotchkiss advHotchkiss adverHotchkiss AM2 Prescott HillHotchkiss AM2 TorpedoRheinbach Classics 2007Hotchkiss Anjou (24797837547)Hotchkiss Anjou 1350 (1953)HOTCHKISS Anjou et side-car URALHotchkiss Anjou MontlhéryHotchkiss Anthéor BrochureHotchkiss Belle autoHotchkiss Biarritz CabrioletHotchkiss BiarritzHotchkiss Bouffort HB 40Hotchkiss CaramuloPT DSCN0152Hotchkiss DH50 plateau A.Maingrethp photosmart 720Hotchkiss DH80 Dropside LorryHotchkiss du GuilvinecOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHotchkiss Fire and rescue truckHotchkiss Fire CarHotchkiss Fire engine in actionHotchkiss fireenginehotchkiss genderingen advHotchkiss Gregoire (6034133989)Hotchkiss Grégoire signHotchkiss GregoireHotchkiss gsHotchkiss H35 tankHotchkiss H38 serie DHotchkiss HistoriqueHotchkiss Jeep JH102 4X4Hotchkiss Le triomph du Bon Sens posterHotchkiss logoHotchkiss M18-T2 Truck, 1.25 tonne, 4x4, Cargo (Air Force)Hotchkiss M201 Jeep kopie willys mb jeepHotchkiss M201 with ENTAC missileHotchkiss Paris (6031011309)Hotchkiss ParisHotchkiss Paris logoHotchkiss pickup - pic1Hotchkiss pickup - pic2Hotchkiss pickup - pic3Hotchkiss pickup - pic4Hotchkiss pickup for saleHOTCHKISS PL 20-25-50 TruckHOTCHKISS PL 25 adHotchkiss PL 50 380 AWC 35Hotchkiss PL20 4x4 Diecast Model Lorry EL101489Hotchkiss PL20 ex- pompiers de Tours 974Hotchkiss PL50 Collection Eure aHotchkiss PL50 Collection Eure bHotchkiss PL50 Paris 2Hotchkiss PL50 ParisHOTCHKISS PL50HOTCHKISS PL70 4x4 MILITARY TRUCKHotchkiss PL70 Truck, 3-tonne, 4x4, CargoHotchkiss PL90 MAV Truck, 3-tonne, 4x4, CargoHotchkiss Pompes Guinard LRHotchkiss Porte FersHotchkiss porte-fers - 4 modèlesHotchkiss posterHotchkiss PS nr 51Hotchkiss rally Monte-Carlo aHotchkiss rally Monte-CarloHotchkiss Saint-Cybranethotchkiss siebergHotchkiss Six Cylinder 1929-1954 Profile No. 47 AM80 Type 686 620 2050 +HOTCHKISS SUPERBE DOCUMENT D TIME GLUE ON LEAVES A4.16Hotchkiss Tourer (753758201) 4 cylinder 20-30 hp, 6 litre, restored with an ex-Rolls Royce Silver Ghost body. Car no 3386, engine no.88 aHotchkiss Tourer (753758201) 4 cylinder 20-30 hp, 6 litre, restored with an ex-Rolls Royce Silver Ghost body. Car no 3386, engine no.88 bhotchkiss truck brochure 2 65Hotchkiss truck Louwman Collection, HollandHotchkiss TTC501 (1970) & HB40 (1966) Carriers, Full-Track, CargoHotchkiss verhuiswagen van Fa. 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See also


  1. ^ “Index entry”FreeBMD. ONS. Retrieved 28 May 2012.
  2. ^
  3. abcdefghi “Automobilia”. Toutes les voitures françaises 1940 – 46 (les années sans salon). Paris: Histoire & collections. Nr. 26: Page 41. 2003.
  4. abc “Automobilia”. Toutes les voitures françaises 1948 (salon Paris oct 1947). Paris: Histoire & collections. Nr. 7: Page 48. 1998.
  5. ab “Automobilia”. Toutes les voitures françaises 1952 (salon Paris Oct 1951). Paris: Histoire & collections. Nr. 20: Page 40. 2001.
  6. ^ Lago America, page 168, Motor Sport magazine, February 1985

External links

DELAGE Cars 1905 – 1953 Levallois-Perret, France


Founded 1905
Founder Louis Delage
Defunct 1953
Headquarters Levallois-Perret, France
Products Cars
Delage D8-120

Delage was a French luxury automobile and racecar company founded in 1905 by Louis Delage in Levallois-Perret near Paris; it was acquired by Delahaye in 1935 and ceased operation in 1953.

Early history

The company was founded in 1905 by Louis Delage, who borrowed Fr 35,000, giving up a salary of Fr 600 a month to do so.

Its first location was on the Rue Cormeilles in Levallois-Perret. The company at first had just two lathes and three employees, one of them Peugeot‘s former chief designer. Delage initially produced parts for Helbé, with the De Dion-Bouton engine and chassis assembled by Helbé; Delage added only the body.

The first model was the Type A, a voiturette which appeared in 1906. It was powered by a one-cylinder De Dion-Bouton of 4.5 or 9 hp (3.4 or 6.7 kW; 4.6 or 9.1 PS). Like other early carmakers, Delage participated in motor racing, entering the Coupe de Voiturettes held at Rambouillet in November 1906 with a 9 hp (6.7 kW; 9.1 PS) racer. Seven days of regularity trials decided the entrants, and one of the two 9 hp (6.7 kW; 9.1 PS) Delage specials was wrecked in the rain on the fifth; nevertheless, Ménard, the other works driver, came second in the event, behind a Sizaire-Naudin.

In 1907 the factory moved to the Rue Baudin Levallois, where a 4,000 m2 (43,000 sq ft) workshop allowed it to grow. The two-cylinder Delages were no match for the competition this year at the Coupe des Voiturettes.

In 1908, the success enabled the development of the factory and entry into more Grand Prix races. That year, racing success returned: Delage won the Grand Prix des Voiturettes held 6 July. This event, six laps of the 47.74 mi (76.83 km) Dieppe Grand Prix circuit, saw 47 starters. Delage fielded three cars: a pair with 1,242 cc (75.8 cu in) (78 by 130 mm (3.1 by 5.1 in)) De Dion-Bouton twins, driven by Thomas and Lucas-Bonnard, and a radical 28 hp (21 kW; 28 PS) 1,257 cc (76.7 cu in) (100 by 160 mm (3.9 by 6.3 in)) one-cylinder (built by Nemorin Causan) in the hands of Delage dealer Albert Guyot. Guyot won at an average 49.8 mph (80.1 km/h), not needing to stop for fuel. All three Delages finished this time, Thomas the quickest of the two-cylinder cars, while the team also took home the regularity prize. These good results contributed to total sales exceeding 300 cars for the year.

Delage converted to four-cylinder engines in 1909, at first provided by De Dion and Edouard Ballot; shortly, the company were producing their own sidevalve fours, too.

After an increase in sales, the existing facilities were too small, so in 1910 the factory moved to a new facility at 138 Boulevard de Verdun, Courbevoie. The following year saw the creation of advanced bodywork. By 1912, 350 workers were producing over 1000 cars annually, and offered four- and six-cylinder sidevalve engines.

During the First World War, Delage produced munitions. Production of passenger cars virtually stopped, with the exception of some fabrication for the Army. But the Delage factories were running full support for the war effort.

When the war concluded, Delage moved away from small cars and made its reputation with larger cars. First up was the CO, with a 4,524 cc (276.1 cu in) (80 by 150 mm (3.1 by 5.9 in)) fixed-head sidevalve six producing 20 hp. The CO plans had been drawn up during the conflict; this was the first passenger car with front brakes. It was joined by the DO with a 3-liter four.

The 1920s were really the first “Golden Age” of Delage. The most famous were the DE and DI: 4 cylinders of about 2 liters and 11 hp. Delage also attempted to compete with Hispano-Suiza, with the GL of 30 hp and 5954 cc, with some success. After that came a new generation of six-cylinder cars, like the MD (3174 cc) and DR (2516 cc), the best-selling vehicle in the history of the brand, designed by engineer Gaultier.

Both the CO and DO were replaced in 1922. The CO became the CO2, which changed to an overhead valve twin-plug head, producing 88 hp (66 kW; 89 PS), while the DO was supplanted by the DE with a 2,117 cc (129.2 cu in) (72 by 130 mm (2.8 by 5.1 in)) sidevalve four and, unusual in a production car even in this era, four-wheel brakes. The CO2 completed the Paris-Nice run in 16 hours, an average of 67 km/h (42 mph).

The next year, the new 14 hp (10 kW; 14 PS) DI also switched to OHV with a 2,121 cc (129.4 cu in) (75 by 120 mm (3.0 by 4.7 in)) four, fitted with magneto ignition and thermosyphon cooling; all had four-speed gearboxes and Zenith carburettors. At the other end of the scale, the GL (Grand Luxe), also known as the 40/50, replaced the CO2, being fitted with a magneto-fired 5,344 cc (326.1 cu in) (90 by 140 mm (3.5 by 5.5 in)) overhead cam six.

In 1923, a hillclimb car with DI chassis, larger wheels and tires, and 5,107 cc (311.6 cu in) (85 by 150 mm (3.3 by 5.9 in)) CO block (with three Zenith carburetors) was produced. Delage scored successes at La Turbie and Mont Ventoux. This car was joined by a 10,688 cc (652.2 cu in) (90 by 140 mm (3.5 by 5.5 in)) V12, which broke the course record at the Gaillon hillclimb, with Thomas at the wheel. Thomas would set the land speed record at Arpajon in this car, at a speed of 143.24 mph (230.52 km/h), in 1924. A 1925 car had a 5,954 cc (363.3 cu in) (95 by 140 mm (3.7 by 5.5 in)) six, again using the GL block, with four valves per cylinder and twin overhead cams. Driven by Divo, it broke the Mont Ventoux course record in its debut. It would be destroyed by fire at the Phoenix Park meet in 1934.

The 1924 and 1925 DIS, with a 117 in (3,000 mm) wheelbase, switched from Rolls-Royce-type locking wheel hubs to Rudge knock-ons, better cam, and bigger valves, while the 1925 and 1926 DISS on the same wheelbase. Some of the DISes were bodied by Kelsch. The DIS became the Series 6 in 1927, switching to coil ignition and water pump.

In 1926, Delage introduced the DM, with a 3,182 cc (194.2 cu in) (75 by 120 mm (3.0 by 4.7 in)) six, which made it emblematic of the era for the marque. The high-performance DMS had hotter cam, twin valve springs, and other improvements. A DR, with a choice of 2.2- and 2.5-liter sidevalve engines, also briefly appeared.


Delage entered the 1911 Coupe de l’Auto at Boulogne with a 50 hp (37 kW; 51 PS) 2,996 cc (182.8 cu in) (80 by 149 mm (3.1 by 5.9 in)) four with two 60 mm (2.4 in)-diameter bellcrank-operated valves per cylinder controlled by camshafts in the crankcase. The five-speed gearbox gave a top speed of 60 mph (97 km/h), and the four voiturettes each carried 26 imp gal (120 l; 31 US gal), as the factory planned for a no-stop race. Works driver Paul Bablot won, at an average 55.2 mph (88.8 km/h), with a 1m 11s over Boillot’s Peugeot, followed home by Thomas in a second Delage; Delage also took the team prize.

Delage would move up to Grand Prix racing in 1912, with a Léon Michelat-designed car powered by a four-valve 6,235 cc (380.5 cu in) (105 by 180 mm (4.1 by 7.1 in)) four-cylinder of 118 hp (88 kW; 120 PS), coupled again to a five-speed gearbox and fitted this time with 43 imp gal (200 l; 52 US gal). Three cars were built for the 569 mi (916 km) Amiens Grand Prix, though only two, Bablot’s and Guyot’s, actually entered. On the day, Bablot’s Delage proved the fastest car in the field, turning in a lap at 76.6 mph (123.3 km/h), but it was Guyot who would fall out of the lead with a puncture, and the race went to Peugeot, while the Delages were fourth and fifth. At the French Grand Prix, Delage put Bablot first, Guyot second, ahead of Pilette’s 1908 Mercedes GP car, Salzer in a Mercedes, with Duray coming in fifth in the third Delage.

In 1913, the new type Y set the fasted lap time at the French Grand Prix at Le Mans, and in 1914, this same car won the 1914 Indianapolis 500 with René Thomas at the wheel. Thomas, Guyot, and Duray would return to the French Grand Prix with 4½-liter twin-cam desmodromic valved racers featuring twin carburettors, five-speed gearbox, and four-wheel brakes. While quick, they proved unreliable; only one finished, Duray’s, in eighth.

In 1914, Delage emphasized its focus on competition by creating the type O Lyon Grand Prix, while at the same time moving towards the luxury car market with 6 cylinders of a large class. However, racing was severely curtailed during World War One.

Delage D6

In 1923 Louis Delage returned to competition with the innovative 12-cylinder 2-liter type 2 LCV. This car won the 1924 European Grand Prix in Lyon and the 1925 Grand Prix of ACF Montlhéry. The 12-cylinder DH (10,5 liters) of 1924 beat the world speed record on the highway, at 230 km/h (143 mph). A Delage 155 B won the first Grand Prix of Great-Britain in 1926, driven by Louis Wagner and Robert Senechal. The production of cars continued with the DI and the DI S SS. The DM evolved into the DMS and DML, equipped with a 6-cylinder 3-liter engine designed by Maurice Gaultier.

Delage’s Grand Prix effort saw a Plancton-designed 1,984 cc (121.1 cu in) (51.3 by 80 mm (2.02 by 3.15 in)) four overhead cam V12. The 110 hp (82 kW; 110 PS) car, driven by Thomas, fell out of the French Grand Prix in 1923, but went on to perform well for the bulk of the 1923 and 1924 season. With supercharger added in 1925, bringing output to 195 hp (145 kW; 198 PS), it won at Montlhéry and Lasarteproving as fast as the Alfa Romeo P2, but rarely racing it directly. This car was supplanted in 1926 by a Lory-designed supercharged 1.5-liter twincam straight eight of 170 hp (130 kW; 170 PS); capable of 130 mph (210 km/h), it was the company’s last Grand Prix entrant.

A Delage supercharged straight-8 racing engine

Always passionate about racing, Louis Delage designed an 8-cylinder 1500 cc, the type 15 S 8. This car won four European Grands Prix races in 1927, and won Delage the title “World Champion of Car Builders” that same year.

A 2,988 cc (182.3 cu in)-powered D6 won the 1938 Tourist Trophy at Donington Park and came second at Le Mans. A single V12-powered car, intended for Le Mans, tragically caught fire at the 1938 International Trophy at Brooklands.

Postwar, the best results Delage had were seconds at the 1949 Le Mans and 1950 Paris Grand Prix.

The D6 and the D8: The Classic Era

1930 saw the launch of the 6-cylinder Delage D6 which would form the mainstay of the manufacturer’s passenger car range until 1954.

For 1930 Maurice Gaultier designed an 8-cylinder in-line 4,061 cc, evolving the type D8 into the type D8 S (S for Sport).

1939 Delage D8

The D8 was the pinnacle of the marque. It was offered in three wheelbases, “S” or “C” at 130 in (3,300 mm), “N” at 140 in (3,600 mm), and “L” at 143 in (3,600 mm), all powered by a 4,061 cc (247.8 cu in) (77 by 109 mm (3.0 by 4.3 in)) straight eight, making it capable of 85 mph (137 km/h). Delage followed in 1932 with the Grand Sport, on a 123 in (3,100 mm) 130 in (3,300 mm) in 1934) wheelbase, capable of 100 mph (160 km/h).

But the backlash of the economic crisis of 1929 arrived and manufacturers of luxury cars all over the world suffered from poor sales. The commercial and financial situation of the firm was badly shaken. In 1932 Delage introduced the type D6-11 (6-cylinder 2101 cc), and two years later the new eight-cylinder Delage, type D8-15 (2768 cc). These two models, equipped with independent front wheel suspension did not increase sale figures. The transverse leaf and wishbone independent front suspension was licensed by Studebaker for their cars.

The junior D6s shared Delahaye front suspension design, but had hydraulic rather than Delahaye cable-actuated brakes, also shared the Cotal gearbox with the D8. The D6/70 of 1936 was powered by a 2,729 cc (166.5 cu in) (80 by 90.5 mm (3.15 by 3.56 in)) six, the 1938 D6/75 a 2.8-liter six, and the postwar D8/3L Olympic a 3-liter six. At the bottom of the range was a 1.5-liter four that lasted until 1936.

Financial pressures never disappeared, however, and during the Spring of 1932 Louis Delage was obliged to take out a 25 Million franc loan in order to finance the tooling needed to put the D6 into production. It was at this time that he also entered into negotiations with Peugeot about using their dealership and service network. These negotiations went nowhere, and discussions with other possible partners/rescuers also came to nothing. There were also personal problems involving his marriage which necessitated a rearrangement of Delage’s personal finances, although in the event it was the sale of his expensive home in the Champs-Élysées that reduced the pressure on his finances if only in the short term.

The last models to emerge from the factory in Courbevoie were the types D6-65, D8-85 and D8-105, designed by engineer Michelat. On 20 April 1935 the factory in Courbevoie went into voluntary liquidation.

But Louis Delage would not admit defeat, and with the help of a businessman called Walter Watney created the Société Nouvelle des Automobiles Delage (SAFAD), to market Delage cars, assembled from production Delahayes. This union created the 4-cylinder DI 12 and the D8 120, and also the 6-cylinder D6 70. Watney had taken control as president of SAFAD, but he was a British national and in June 1940 he was obliged to leave Paris as the German Army arrived. Watney stayed in France, at his villa in Beaulieu, until the end of 1942 after the Germans had completed their occupation, but already in December 1940 the presidency of the SAFAD business had passed directly into the control of Delahaye. In any event, since the outbreak of the war Delage had been largely inactive, although they did undertake work on a project to replace the six-cylinder engine of the Hotchkiss H39 tank with the more powerful 8-cylinder unit from the Delage D8 120.

Racing aero-engines

Delage produced at least two types of racing aero-engine during the early 1930s. The Delage 12 CED was fitted to the Kellner-Béchereau 28VD racing aircraft, intended to compete in the 1933 Coupe Deutsch de la Meurthe air race. Unfortunately the aircraft crashed during qualification trials for the race on 12 May 1933. The second engine type, the Delage 12 GV, remains a mystery, with very little information available.

After the Second World War

A large prototype Delage D-180 limousine appeared at the 1946 Paris Motor Show but there were evidently no further developments on this project and by the next year the big prototype had quietly disappeared. At the 1947 Paris Motor Show only a single model was exhibited as the business focused on its six-cylinder 3-litre Delage D6 which in most respects will have been familiar to anyone who had known the 3-litre Delages of the 1930s. The car was offered with bodies by firms such as Chapron, Letourner & Marchand and Guilloré. A variety of coupe and cabriolet bodied D6s were produced. In addition, both Guilloré and Chapron produced a large saloon/sedan body. The two were remarkably similar, both being six-light four-door cars with conservative 1930s style shapes. Something else the two had in common was unexpectedly narrow rear doors, enforced by the combination of a long body, a long rear overhang and a relatively short wheelbase provided by the D6 chassis. A longer wheelbase 1952 special version, bodied by Guilloré, was owned by National Assembly president Edouard Herriot.

Nevertheless, these were difficult times for luxury auto-makers in France and by now the company’s registered head office was the same as that for Delahaye: production statistics from the period group Delage and Delahaye together. Louis Delâge himself, who had lived in poverty and quasi-monastic isolation since bankruptcy in 1935 had enforced the transfer of his company to Delahaye, died in December 1947, and during the next few years any residual autonomy that the business had enjoyed disappeared. Increases in motoring taxes, most notably in 1948 and most savagely targeting cars with engines of above 2 litres, combined with the depressed economic conditions of post-war France to create a difficult market for luxury car manufacturers. In 1950 Delahaye produced 235 cars which will have included a significant number of Delages. In 1951 the combined production figure for the two brands slumped to 77: in 1952 it was down to 41. In 1953 Delage production ended.

Delage was absorbed into Hotchkiss along with Delahaye in 1954, and car manufacturing ended.


1920 Delage (type S) CO 4 ½ litre Salamanca (1918, 6 cyl, 4,524 cc)

1924 Delage Di(1920, 2,121 cc)

1920-delage-type-co2-22d181v-dual-cowl-tourer Delage CO2 (1921)

Delage 2 LCV (1923, 12 cyl, 2L)

Delage GL (5,954 cc)

Delage DE

Delage DH (12 cyl DH, 10,5L)

Delage DI S

Delage DI SS

Delage DMS (6 cyl, 3L)

Delage DML (6 cyl, 3L)

Scuderia Giddings black 1927
Delage. Beautiful 1500cc twin cam straight eight, blown alloy engine created almost 200 horse power.

Delage 15 S 8 (8 cyl, 1,500 cc)

1924 Delage GL Labourdett DV-08

Delage GL (5,954 cc)

Delage DM (6 cyl, 3,174 cc)

Delage DR (6 cyl, 2,516 cc)

Delage D4 (4 cyl, 1,480 cc)

Delage D6-11 (6 cyl, 2,101 cc)

Delage D8-15 (2,768 cc)

Delage D6-65

1935 Delage D8-85

Delage D8

Delage D8 S (8 cyl, 4,061 cc)

Delage D8-105

1926 Delage DI Torpedo 11CV 4Cyl

1936 Delage DI-12 Pillarless Saloon Delage DI 12 (4 cyl)

Delage D8 120

Delage D6 70 (6 cyl)

My personal collection, found on www:



Scuderia Giddings black 1927
Delage. Beautiful 1500cc twin cam straight eight, blown alloy engine created almost 200 horse power.

Delage DI 1926 All Weather Tourer. Launched in 1923 the Delage DI was given a 4-cylinder ohv 2120cc 30bhp engine
Delage DI 1926 Drophead Coupe



Delage op You Tube:

Production volumes

During their years of independence, Delage made almost 40,000 cars at their workshops in Levallois and Courbevoie. After Delage production was subsumed into the Delahaye operation, approximately another 2,000 Delage badged cars were manufactured between 1935 and 1940. With the post-war resumption of passenger car production, 330 Delage cars appear to have been produced by Delahaye between 1946 and 1953.

Sources and further reading

  1. Jump up^ Hull, Peter. “Delage: Speed and Elegance in the French Tradition”, in Ward, Ian, executive editor. World of Automobiles (London: Orbis, 1974), Volume 5, p.517.
  2. Jump up to:a b c d e f g h Hull, p.517.
  3. Jump up^ Hull, p.517. One was de Dion powered, the other Aster-engined; it is unclear from Hull which was involved in this crash.
  4. Jump up^ It featured four spark plugs, four valves per cylinder, two flywheels, and thermosyphon cooling. Hull, p.518.
  5. Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Hull, p.518.
  6. Jump up^ Hull, p.518-519.
  7. Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i Hull, p.519.
  8. Jump up^ Hull, p.520. It would later be famous at Brooklandsin the hands of John Cobb. In the 1970s, it was still campaigned in veteran and vintage racing by Johnty Williamson and Cecil Clutton.
  9. Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Hull, p.520.
  10. Jump up^ Hull, p.519 caption.
  11. Jump up^ Powered by an experimental overhead cam six. Hull, p.518.
  12. Jump up^ Hull, p.520, says 1995cc, which is belied by the cylinder dimensions.
  13. Jump up^ Hull, p.520, says 4,050 cc (247 cu in) which is belied by the quoted cylinder dimensions.
  14. Jump up to:a b c d “Automobilia”. Toutes les voitures françaises 1934 (salon [Paris, Oct] 1933). Paris: Histoire & collections. Nr. 22: 30. 2002.
  15. Jump up to:a b c “Automobilia”. Toutes les voitures françaises 1940 – 46 (les années sans salon). Paris: Histoire & collections. Nr. 26: 32. 2003.
  17. Jump up to:a b c d “Automobilia”. Toutes les voitures françaises 1948 (salon Paris oct 1947). Paris: Histoire & collections. Nr. 7: 9. 1998.
  18. Jump up to:a b c “Automobilia”. Toutes les voitures françaises 1953 (salon Paris oct 1952). Paris: Histoire & collections. Nr. 19: 22. 2000.
  19. Jump up to:a b c “Automobilia”. Toutes les voitures françaises 1954 (salon [Oct] 1953). Paris: Histoire & collections. Nr. 24: 23. 2002.
  20. Jump up^ The chassis number range runs from 1 in 1905 to 39,100 in 1935.
  21. Jump up^ Chassis numbers 50,000 to 51,999.
  22. Jump up^ Chassis numbers 880,000 to 880,330.

Hull, Peter. “Delage: Speed and Elegance in the French Tradition”, in Ward, Ian, executive editor. World of Automobiles, Volume 5, pp. 517–520. London: Orbis, 1974.

External links

Les Amis de Delage, website of Delage-collectors

Delage World, web site maintained by collector Peter Jacobs

Continue reading “DELAGE Cars 1905 – 1953 Levallois-Perret, France”


DELAHAYE Automobiles and Trucks

for Delahaye Buses see :

Industry Manufacturing
Founded 1894
Founder Emile Delahaye
Defunct 1954
Headquarters Tours (France)
Products Cars

Delahaye automobile was an automotive manufacturing company founded by Emile Delahaye in 1894, in Tours, France, his home town. His first cars were belt-driven, with single- or twin-cylinder engines mounted at the rear. His Type One was an instant success, and he urgently needed investment capital and a larger manufacturing facility. Both were provided by a new Delahaye owner and fellow racer, George Morane, and his brother-in-law Leon Desmarais, who partnered with Emile in the incorporation of the new automotive company, “Societe Des Automobiles Delahaye”, in 1898. All three worked with the foundry workers to assemble the new machines, but middle-aged Emile was not in good health. In January 1901, he found himself unable to capably continue, and resigned, selling his shares to his two equal partners. Emile Delahaye died soon after, in 1905. Delahaye had hired two instrumental men, Charles Weiffenbach and Amadee Varlet in 1898, to assist the three partners. Both were graduate mechanical engineers, and they remained with Delahaye their entire working careers. Weiffenbach was appointed Manager of Operations, and, with the blessing of both George Morane and Leon Desmarais, assumed control over all of Delahaye’s operations and much of its decision-making, in 1906. Amadee Varlet was the company’s design-engineer, with a number of innovative inventions to his credit, generated between 1905 and 1914, which Delahaye patented. These included the twin-cam multi-valve engine, and the V6 configuration. Varlet continued in this role until he eventually took over the Drawing Office, at 76 years of age, when much younger Jean Francois was hired in 1932 as chief design-engineer. In 1932, Varlet was instructed by Weiffenbach, under direction from majority shareholder Madam Desmarais, Leon Desmarais’ widow, to set up the company’s Racing Department, assisted by Jean Francois. <Club Delahaye archive>. Those who knew him well at the factory affectionately referred to Charles Weiffenbach as “Monsieur Charles”.


Delahaye 135 MS Pourtout cabriolet

Delahaye began experimenting with belt-driven cars while manager of the Brethon Foundry and Machine-works in Tours, in 1894. These experiments encouraged an entry in the 1896 Paris–Marseille–Paris race, held between 24 September-3 October 1896, fielding one car for himself and one for sportsman Ernest Archdeacon. The winning Panhard averaged 15.7 mph (25.3 km/h); Archdeacon came sixth, averaging 14 mph (23 km/h), while Delahaye himself was eighth, averaging 12.5 mph (20.1 km/h).

For the 1897 Paris-Dieppe, the 6 hp (4.5 kW; 6.1 PS) four-cylinder Delahayes ran in four- and six-seater classes, with a full complement of passengers. Archdeacon was third in the four-seaters behind a De Dion-Bouton and a Panhard, Courtois winning the six-seater class, ahead of the only other car in the class.

In March 1898, 6 hp (4.5 kW; 6.1 PS) the Delahayes of Georges Morane and Courtois came sixteenth and twenty-eighth at the Marseilles-Nice rally, while at the Course de Perigeux in May, De Solages finished sixth in a field of ten. The July Paris-Amsterdam-Paris earned a satisfying class win for Giver in his Delahaye; the overall win went to Panhard.

Soon after the new company was formed in 1898, the firm moved its manufacturing from Tours to Paris, into its new factory (a former hydraulic machinery plant that Morane and his brother-in-law Leon Desmarais had inherited from Morane’s father). Charles Weiffenbach was named Operations Manager. Delahaye would produce three models there, until the close of the 19th century: two twins, the 2.2-litre 4.5 hp (3.4 kW; 4.6 PS) Type 1 and 6 hp (4.5 kW; 6.1 PS) Type 2, and the lighter Type 0 (which proved capable of up to 22 mph (35 km/h)), with a 1.4-liter single rated between 5 and 7 hp (3.7 and 5.2 kW; 5.1 and 7.1 PS). All three had bicycle-style steering, water-cooled engines mounted in the rear, automatic valves, surface carburetors, and trembler coil ignition; drive was a combination of belt and chain, with three forward speeds and one reverse.

In 1899, Archdeacon piloted an 8 hp (6.0 kW; 8.1 PS) racer in the Nice-Castellane-Nice rally, coming eighth, while teammate Buissot’s 8 hp (6.0 kW; 8.1 PS) was twelfth.

Founder Emile Delahaye retired in 1901, leaving Desmarais and Morane in control; Weiffenbach took over from them in 1906. Delahaye’s racing days were over with Emile Delahaye’s death. Charles Weiffenbach had no interest in racing, and focused his production on responsible motorized automotive chassis, heavy commercial vehicles, and early firetrucks for the French government. Race-cars had become a thing of the past for Delahaye, until 1933, when Madam Desmarais caused her company to change direction a hundred-and-eighty degree, and return to racing.

The new 10B debuted in 1902. It had a 2,199 cc (134.2 cu in) (100 by 140 mm (3.9 by 5.5 in)) vertical twin rated 12/14 hp by RAC, mounted in front, with removable cylinder head, steering wheel (rather than bicycle handles or tiller), and chain drive. Delahaye also entered the Paris-Vienna rally with a 16 hp (12 kW; 16 PS) four; Pirmez was thirty-seventh in the voiturette class. At the same year’s Ardennes event, Perrin’s 16 hp (12 kW; 16 PS) four came tenth.

Also in 1902, the singles and twins ceased to be offered except as light vans; before production ceased in 1904, about 850 had been built.

Delahaye’s first production four, the Type 13B, with 24/27 hp 4.4-litre, appeared in 1903. The model range expanded in 1904, including the 4.9-litre 28 hp (21 kW; 28 PS) four-cylinder Type 21, the mid-priced Type 16, and the two-cylinder Type 15B. These were joined in 1905 by a chain-driven 8-litre luxury model, one of which was purchased by King Alfonso.

All 1907 models featured half-elliptic springs at the rear as well as transverse leaf springs, and while shaft drive appeared that year, chain drive was retained on luxury models until 1911. In 1908, the Type 32 was the company’s first to offer an L-head monoblock engine.

Protos began licence production of Delahayes in Germany in 1907, while in 1909, h. M. Hobson began importing Delahayes to Britain. Also in 1909, White pirated the Delahaye design; the First World War interrupted any efforts to recover damages.

Delahaye invented and pioneered the V6 engine in 1911, with a 30° 3.2-litre twin-cam, in the Type 44; the invention is credited to Amadee Varlet, Delahaye’s chief design-engineer at the time. The Type 44 was not a success and production stopped in 1914. It had been designed by Amadee Varlet, who had joined Delahaye at the same time that Charles Weiffenback was hired by Emile Delahaye, in 1898. The Type 44 was the only V-6 engine ever made by Delahaye, and it was the last time the company used a twin-cam engine.

Delahaye engineer Amadee Varlet designed the Delahaye “Titan” marine engine, an enormous cast-iron four cylinder engine that was fitted into purpose-built speedboat “La Dubonnet” which briefly held the World Speed Record on Water. With the ‘Titan’ Amadee Varlet had invented the multi-valve twin-cam engine in 1905, the same year that Emile Delahaye died.

At the Paris factory, Delahaye continued to manufacture cars, trucks, and a few buses. By the end of World War I, their major income was from their truck business that included France’s firetrucks.

After the war, Delahaye switched to a modest form of assembly line production, following the example of Ford, hampered by the “extensive and not particularly standardized range” of cars for Chenard et Walker, and itself, and farm machines for the FAR Tractor Company. The collaboration with FAR Tractor Company and Chenard-Walcker did not last long. This continued until continually reduced sales volume made a change necessary, for the company to survive. It has been alleged that Monsieur Charles met with his friend, competitor Ettore Bugatti, to seek his opinion on turning Delahaye around. Whether or not this meeting actually occurred, it is on record that Madam Leon Desmarais, the majority shareholder and Leon Desmarais’ widow, instructed Charles Weiffenbach to come up with a new higher quality automotive-chassis line with vastly improved horsepower, and re-establish a racing department. That pivotal decision was made in 1932, the year that Jean Francois was hired. By 1933, Delahaye was back in the racing game, and promptly went about winning events and setting records.

At the 1933 Paris Salon, Delahaye showed the Superluxe, with a 3.2-litre six, transverse independent front suspension, and Cotal preselector or synchromesh-equipped manual transmission. It would be accompanied in the model range by a 2,150 cc (131 cu in) four (essentially a cut-down six), and a sporting variant, the 18 Sport.

In 1934, Delahaye set eighteen class records at Montlhéry, in a specially-prepared, stripped and streamlined 18 Sport. They also introduced the 134N, a 12cv car with a 2.15-litre four-cylinder engine, and the 18cv Type 138, powered by a 3.2-litre six — both engines derived from their successful truck engines. In 1935, success in the Alpine Trial led to the introduction of the sporting Type 135 “Coupe des Alpes”. By the end of 1935, Delahaye had won eighteen minor French sports car events and a number of hill-climbs, and came fifth at Le Mans.

Racing success brought success to their car business as well, enough for Delahaye to buy Delage in 1935. Delage cars continued in production from 1935 to 1951, and were finally superseded by the Type 235, a modestly updated 135. The truck business continued to thrive. Some of the great coachbuilders who provided bodies for Delahayes include Figoni et Falaschi, Chapron, and Letourneur et Marchand, and Joseph Saoutchik, as well as Guillore, Faget-Varlet, Pourtout, and a few others less well known.

Delahaye ran four 160 hp (120 kW; 160 PS) cars (based on the Type 135) in the 1936 Ulster TT, placing second to Bugatti, and entered four at the Belgian 24 Hours, coming 2-3-4-5 behind an Alfa Romeo.

American heiress Lucy O’Reilly Schell approached the company with an offer to pay the development costs to build short “Competition Court” 2.70- metre wheelbase Type 135 cars to her specifications for rallying. Sixteen were produced, most having been uniformly bodied by “Lacanu” a small coachbuilding firm owned and operated by Olivier Lecanu-Deschamps. Joseph Figoni also bodied one of these chassis. Lecanu could respond quickly, build economically, and was favored by Delahaye for its race-cars. All four Type 145 race-cars were bodied by Lecanu, to a weirdly homely design by Jean Francois. Lecanu both designed and built the last of the four Type 145 bodies, this one on chassis 48775.

In 1937, René Le Bègue and Julio Quinlin won the Monte Carlo Rally driving a Delahaye. Delahaye also ran first and second at Le Mans. Against the government-sponsored juggernauts Mercedes-Benz and Auto Union, Delahaye brought out the Type 145, powered by a new, complicated 4½-liter V12 with three camshafts located in the block, with pushrod-actuated valves and four overhead rocker-shafts, dual Bosch magneto ignition, and triple Stromberg carburettors. Called “Million Franc Delahaye” after a victory in the Million Franc Race, the initial Type 145, chassis 48771, was driven by René Dreyfus to an average speed 91.07 mph (146.56 km/h) over 200 kilometres (120 mi) at Montlhéry in 1937, earning a Fr200,000 prize from the government. Dreyfus also scored a victory in the Ecurie Bleu Type 145, again number 48771 at Pau, relying on superior fuel economy to beat the more powerful Mercedes-Benz W154, in 1938. Third place in the same race was claimed by Gianfranco Comotti, driving Delahaye Type 145 number 48775. Dreyfus brought his Type 145 number 48771 to its second grand-prix win at Cork, in Ireland, but the German teams had boycotted this event, being another between-the-houses race where they could not exploit their superior power. Type 135s also won the Paris-Nice and Monte Carlo Rallys, and LeMans, that year, while a V12 model (Type 145 number 48773) was fourth in the Mille Miglia. These victories combined with French patriotism to create a wave of demand for Delahaye cars, up until the German occupation of France during World War II. The Type 145 was also the basis for five grand-touring Type 165s, three of which exist today. The other two were demolished during the second World War.

In early 1940, one hundred Type 134N and Type 168 chassis were built (Renault-bodied) as military cars under contract for the French army. The government had ordered private sales to cease in June, 1939, but small numbers of cars continued to be built for the occupying German forces until at least 1942.

After the Second World War

After World War II, the depressed French economy and an increasingly punitive luxury tax regime aimed at luxurious non-essential products, and cars with engines above 2-litres, made life difficult for luxury auto-makers. Like all the principal French automakers, Delahaye complied with government requirements in allocating the majority of its vehicles for export, and in 1947 88% of Delahaye production was exported (compared to 87% of Peugeot and 80% of Talbot output), primarily to French colonies, including those in Africa. Nevertheless, Delahaye volumes, with 573 cars produced in 1948 (against 34,164 by market-leader Citroën), were unsustainably low.

Production of the Type 135 was resumed, with new styling by Philippe Charbonneaux. The Type 175, with a 4.5-litre inline overhead-valve six, was introduced in 1948; this, and the related Type 178 and 180, proved unsuccessful. The Type 175, 178 and 180 were replaced by the Type 235 in 1951, with an up-rated 135 engine producing 152 hp (113 kW; 154 PS).

Until the early 1950s, a continuing demand for military vehicles enabled the company to operate at reasonable albeit low volumes, primarily thanks to demand for the Type 163 trucks, sufficient to keep the business afloat.

A 1-ton capacity light truck sharing its 3.5-litre six-cylinder overhead-valve engine with the company’s luxury cars (albeit with lowered compression ratio and reduced power output) made its debut at the 1949 Paris Motor Show. During the next twelve months, this vehicle, the Type 171, spawned several brake-bodied versions, the most interesting of which were the ambulance and 9-seater familiale variant. The vehicle’s large wheels and high ground clearance suggest it was targeted at markets where many roads were largely dust and mud, and the 171 was, like the contemporary Renault Colorale which it in some respects resembled, intended for use in France’s African colonies. The vehicle also enjoyed some export success in Brazil, and by 1952 the Type 171 was being produced at the rate of approximately 30 per month.

As passenger car sales slowed further, the last new model, a 2.0-litre jeep-like vehicle known as VLRD (Véhicule Léger de Reconnaissance (Delahaye)), sometimes known as the VRD, or VLR, was released in 1951. The French army believed that this vehicle offered a number of advantages over the “traditional” American built jeep of the period. It was in 1951 that Delahaye discontinued production of the Types 175, 178 and 180. During 1953 the company shipped 1,847 VRDs as well as 537 “special” military vehicles: the number of Delahaye- or Delage-badged passenger cars registered in the same year was in that context near negligible, at 36.

Financial difficulties created by an acute shortage of wealthy car buyers intensified. Delahaye’s main competitor, Hotchkiss, managed to negotiate a licensing agreement with American Motors, and obtained sanction to manufacture its Willys MB Jeep in France. The French army had learned to appreciate the simpler machine, available at a much lower price, and cancelled Delahaye’s contract for the more sophisticated VLR reconnaissance vehicle, dealing a hard blow to Delahaye. In August 1953 the company laid off more than 200 workers and salaried employees. Rumours of management discussions with Hotchkiss over some sort of coming together proved well founded. Hotchkiss were struggling with the same problems, but it was hoped that the two businesses might prove more resilient together than separately, and an agreement was signed by the two company presidents, Pierre Peigney for Delahaye and Paul Richard for Hotchkiss, on 19 March 1954. Delahaye shareholders agreed to the protocol, which amounted to a take over of Delahaye by Hotchkiss, less than three months later, on 9 June. Hotchkiss shut down Delahaye car production. By the end of 1954, for a brief period selling trucks with the Hotchkiss-Delahaye nameplate, the combined firm was itself taken over by Brandt, and by 1955, Delahaye and Hotchkiss were out of the automotive chassis business altogether, having their facilities absorbed by the giant Brandt organization with its own objectives for its captives’ assets. By 1956, the brands Delahaye, Delage, and Hotchkiss had forever disappeared.


1899 Delahaye 0910

1899 built vehicle in 2006
1936 1937 1938 Delage DI-12 (Delahaye 134) France Car Photo Spec Sheet Info CARD 1936 Delahaye 134N Berline Autobineau at Monthléry 1938 Delahaye 134 N Chapron Delahaye 1939 134 G Berline Delahaye 1939 134 GDelahaye 134 – 1933-40

1935 Delahaye 135 roadster 1935-1936 Delahaye 135 Coupe des Alpes Car Photo Spec Sheet Stat French Card 1935-1950 Delahaye 135 Competition Le Mans Race Car 1935-1952 Delahaye 135 (1936 Coupe des Alpes) Car Photo Spec Sheet French Card 1936 Delahaye 135 Competition Court by Figoni & Falaschi 1936 Delahaye 135 DS Cabrio DV PBC 04 1936 Delahaye 135M Figoni & Falaschi Competition Coupe 1936 Franay Delahaye 135 Convertible 1936-1954 Delahaye 135 Convertible France Luxury Car Photo Spec Sheet Info CARD 1936-1954 Delahaye 135 MS (1948) Henri Chapron Car Photo Spec Sheet Info CARD

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1937 Delahaye 135M Figoni et Falaschi Torpedo Cabriolet 1937 Delahaye 135M Figoni 1937 Delahaye 135MS Competition 1937 Delahaye 135MS 1937, Delahaye 135M Saoutchik Cabriolet 1938 Delahaye 135 MS Competition Cabriolet by Figoni 1938 Delahaye 135m ad 1938 Delahaye Type 135M W-COA b 1939 Delahaye 135 M Drophead Coupe, Body by Chapron 1946 Delahaye 135 Guillore Break de Chasse 1946 DELAHAYE Cabriolet PININFARINA Design Car Rare Art Print a 1947 Delahaye 135 MS Cabriolet par Franay - 1947 1947 Delahaye 135 MS ChapronDelahaye 135 – 1935-54

 Delahaye 138 only 300 Lucy O’Riley Schell with the very first Delahaye 138 Sport, probably coach-built in a clumsy way by the small Delahaye racing department workshop.Right This was Lucy's favourite, coach-built by Figoni, a very elegant and fast roadster.
Delahaye 168 – 1938-40
1947 DELAHAYE 175 COUPE - 1953 CHRYSLER THOMAS SPECIAL 1947 Delahaye 175 1947 Delahaye 175S Aerodynamic Coupe 1947 DELAHAYE TYPE 175S AERODYNAMIQUE Dream Cars CARD 1947 Delahaye Type 175S, Imperial Palace Co. LV, Car Trading Card - Not Postcard
1949 Delahaye 175S Roadster 1947 Delahaye 175S competition version Delahaye 175-175-180 Promo Poster 1949 Delahaye Type 175 Roadster Delahaye 175 Roadster 1949 Delahaye Type 175 Saoutchik Coupe de Ville c 1951 Delahaye 175S Franay 1949 DELAHAYE TYPE 175 SAOUTCHIK COUPE DE VILLE b 1949 Delahaye Type 175S coachwork by Saoutchik Delahaye 175S roadster bugnotti top
Delahaye 175 – 1948-51
1949 Delahaye 178 Drophead Coupé, once owned by Elton John.
Delahaye Chapron factory bodied 235 delahaye 235 08 delahaye 235 02 delahaye 235 01 delahaye 235 04 delahaye 235 07 delahaye 235 09 delahaye 235 06 1951 DELAHAYE 1951-1954 235 ADVERTISING BROCHURE a 1951-1954 Delahaye 235 Convertible Car Photo Spec Sheet Info CARD 1952 1953 1951. Delahaye 235 1951 Delahaye 235 M Chapron Cabriolet a 1951 Delahaye 235 M Chapron cabriolet 1953 Delahaye 235M Pillarless Coupe Delahaye 235 Cabriolet Chapron 1951 Delahaye 235 Saoutchik Roadster 1951 Delahaye 235 coupe von Henry Chapron 1954 Delahaye 235-chapron-saoutchik 1953 Delahaye 235-cabrio-chapron 1952 Delahaye 235-coupe-chapron-paris 1952 Delahaye 235-figoni-cabriolet 1952 Delahaye 235-letourneur-marchand 1951 Delahaye 235-coach-chapron 1951 Delahaye 235-letourneur-marchand 1951 Delahaye 235-cabrio-saoutchik 1950 Delahaye 235M Pillarless Saloon by Ghia 1951 Delahaye 235 Saoutchik Cabriolet - rvr 1951 Delahaye 235 Saoutchik Cabriolet 1951 Delahaye 235 Saoutciik Cabriolet delahaye 235 05Delahaye 235 – 1951-54

Picture gallery


  1. Jump up^ Hull, Peter. “Delahaye: Famous on Road and Race Track”, in Ward, Ian, executive editor. World of Automobiles (London: Orbis, 1974), Volume 5, p.521.
  2. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f Hull, p.521.
  3. Jump up^ Hull, p.521 caption.
  4. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j k l m Hull, p.522.
  5. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j Hull, p.523.
  6. Jump up^ Hull, p.522 caption.
  7. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j Hull, p.524.
  8. Jump up^ Hull, p.523 caption.
  9. Jump up^ “Automobilia”. Toutes les voitures françaises 1948 (salon Paris oct 1947) (Paris: Histoire & collections). Nr. 7: 26. 1998.
  10. ^ Jump up to:a b c “Automobilia”. Toutes les voitures françaises 1953 (salon Paris oct 1952) (Paris: Histoire & collections). Nr. 19: 23. 2000.
  11. ^ Jump up to:a b c “Automobilia”. Toutes les voitures françaises 1954 (salon [Oct] 1953) (Paris: Histoire & collections). Nr. 24: 24. 2002.

1895-1899 Delahaye Type 1 France Car Photo Spec Sheet Info CARD 1896 1897 1898 1898 Automobiles Delahaye Vintage Style Paris Auto Poster 1899 Delahaye 0910 1901-1956 Delahaye 1905 Delahaye Fire Truck 1905 Delahaye-6В 1906 Delahaye Fire Truck DSCF 1907 Delahaye Firebrigade 1907 delahaye ham-1 1910 Camion Delahaye 20cv en 1910 1910 Delahaye balayeuse a paris 1910 Delahaye Type 32 Roadster F 1910 Delahaye type-n-12 1911 Delahaye 48 Open Drive Opera Coupe '1911 1911 Delahaye Fire Truck outfitted by carrosserie et de charronnage paris 1911 Delahaye Fire Truck 1911 Delahaye Fire-Truck-outfitted-by-Carrosserie-et-de-Charronnage-Paris 1911 delahaye type-43-truck 1912 Delahaye transport 1912 Delahaye Type 47 10-12hp Estate Car by H.M. Hobson Ltd 1912 Engine Delahaye Type 32L Limousine 1912 1913 Delahaye Farcot Fire Truck Photo 1913 PUBLICITE AUTOMOBILES VEHICULES DELAHAYE AD 1913 - 1Hb 1913 PUBLICITE AUTOMOBILES VEHICULES DELAHAYE AD 1913 - 12G 1913 PUBLICITE AUTOMOBILES VEHICULES DELAHAYE AD 1913 a 1913 PUBLICITE AUTOMOBILES VEHICULES DELAHAYE AD 1913 1913 PUBLICITE AUTOMOBILES VEHICULES DELAHAYE GRANDS MAGASINS DU LOUVRE AD 1913 1913 PUBLICITE CAMIONS MILITAIRES DELAHAYE MILITARIA WWI RUSSE CAR AD 1913 1913 PUBLICITE DE 1913 VOITURE CITERNE SUR TRAIN DELAHAYE POUR ARMEE RUSSE WW1 AD PUB 1913 PUBLICITE VEHICULES DELAHAYE TAXI CAR AD 1913 1914 Delahaye Twin Winch WW1 Balloon Truck 1914 Publicite Automobile CAMION DELAHAYE 1915 Delahaye-78 with balloon winch 1918 Delahaye VTB Truck 1920 DELAHAYE AUTOMOBILE CAR PUBLICITE ~ 1920 FRENCH AD 1920 DELAHAYE AUTOMOBILE CAR PUBLICITE PUB ~ 1920 FRENCH AD 1922 Delahaye 'Genoveva' fire truck 1923-1927 Delahaye Type 87 10hp Car Photo Spec Sheet Info Stat French Atlas Card 1924 ANCIENNE PUBLICITE 1924 DELAHAYE AUTOMOBILE VOITURE 1925 DELAHAYE (France) 1925 Delahaye Tourer F 1925 Delahaye Type 87 with a 1.8 liter four-del-545 1926 Delahaye 10cv 1926 Delahaye 1926 Publicité Automobile Delahaye car vintage print ad 1926 1926 Publicite Camion Delahaye Truck AD 1926 1G 1927 Delahaye 1927 Fire truck, Sapeurs-pompiers 1927 Publicité Ancienne Voiture DELAHAYE Profil 1927 1927 PUBLICITE AUTOMOBILE DELAHAYE 10 CV 12 CV SPORT 16 CV CAMION DE 1927 FRENCH AD 1927 Publicité Automobile Delahaye car vintage ad 1927 1927 PUBLICITE CAMION A GAZOGENE DELAHAYE POIDS LOURDS TRUCK AD 1927 11G 1927 PUBLICITE VOITURE DE POMPIER DELAHAYE CAMION DE POMPIERS FIREMEN AD 1927 1927-1930 Delahaye Type 107 Car Photo Spec Sheet Info Stat French Card 1928 1929 1928 La Delahaye Type 107 1928 McConnachie-Delahaye Charab 1928 Publicité Automobile Delahaye Mascot car Mascotte vintage print ad 1928 1929 Delahaye VTB Truck


1929 PUBLICITE AUTOMOBILE DELAHAYE CAR AD 1929 1929 PUBLICITE AUTOMOBILE DELAHAYE CHEVALIER SIGNE FELL DE 1929 FRENCH AD ART DECO 1929 Publicité Automobile Delahaye mascotte mascot car vintage print ad 1929 1929-34 DELAHAYE 5 PUBLICITES 1929 1934 LOT 40 AUTOMOBILE PUBLICITE ANCIENNE 1930 Delahaye ad a 1930 Delahaye ad 1930 Delahaye Six cylinder Madrid 1930 Publicité Automobile Delahaye car vintage print ad 1930 - 6 1930 Publicité Automobile Delahaye car vintage print ad 1930 a 1930 Publicité Automobiles Delahaye car vintage print ad 1930 1931 PUBLICITE ANCIENNE DE 1931 AUTOMOBILE DELAHAYE CAMION POMPIERS CAR TRUCK AD 1931 Publicité Automobile - DELAHAYE Type 108 6 Cyl 1931 PUBLICITE AUTOMOBILE DELAHAYE SES 4 ET 6 CYLINDRES SIGNE RENE RAVO DE 1931 AD 1931 PUBLICITE AUTOMOBILE DELAHAYE TYPE 108 CAR AD 1931 1931 Publicité Camions Delahaye Poids Lourds Trucks vintage print ad 1931 1932 bus delahaye etoile 1932 PUBLICITE AUTOMOBILE DELAHAYE CAR AD 1932 2E 1933 Delahaye Ad (3) 1933 Delahaye ad 1933 Delahaye Boek 1933 1933 PUBLICITE AUTOMOBILE DELAHAYE VICTOIRE TOUR DE FRANCE MEDAILLE D'OR DE 1933 AD 1933Publicité Automobile Delahaye car ad 1933

1934 Delahaye Sport October 1934 DELAHAYE..PUBLICITE PRESSE 1934..( automobile ) 1934 Publicité Automobile Delahaye Superluxe car vintage print ad 1934 1935 - Original DELAHAYE AUTOMOBILIA Ad RENE RAVO Vintage Advertising 1935 DELAHAYE PARIS NICE RENE RAVO AUTOMOBILE PUBLICITE ANCIENNE 1935 Delahaye 135 roadster 1935 Delahaye 135 1935 Delahaye Charab Buses-CN-McConnachie-Delahaye Charab 1935 PUBLICITE AUTOMOBILE DELAHAYE LA SUPERLUXE SIGNE RENE RAVO DE 1935 FRENCH AD CAR 1935 PUBLICITE AUTOMOBILE DELAHAYE SUPER LUXE WEEK END REVE R. RAVO DE 1935 FRENCH AD 1935-36 Delahaye 135 MS,(1978-08), D. v. d. Lof 1935-1936 Delahaye 135 Coupe des Alpes Car Photo Spec Sheet Stat French Card 1935-1950 Delahaye 135 Competition Le Mans Race Car 1935-1952 (1938) DELAHAYE 135 Car PHOTO SPEC SHEET BROCHURE BOOKLET a 1935-1952 (1938) DELAHAYE 135 Car PHOTO SPEC SHEET BROCHURE BOOKLET 1935-1952 Delahaye 135 (1936 Coupe des Alpes) Car Photo Spec Sheet French Card 1936 1937 1938 Delage DI-12 (Delahaye 134) France Car Photo Spec Sheet Info CARD 1936 1937 1938 Delahaye Type 165 France Car Photo Spec Sheet Info ATLAS CARD 1936 Bus Delahaye 140 1936 DELAHAYE MONTE CARLO C S AUTOMOBILE PUBLICITE ANCIENNE 1936 Delahaye - Nice 1936 Delahaye 134N Berline Autobineau at Monthléry 1936 Delahaye 135 Competition Court by Figoni & Falaschi 1936 Delahaye 135 competition court 1936 Delahaye 135 DS Cabrio DV PBC 04 1936 Delahaye 135 Figoni et Falaschi Torpedo Cabriolet F 1936 Delahaye 135 MS Pourtout Coupe Aerodynamique 1936 Delahaye 135 S Competition Roadster 1936 Delahaye 135M Figoni & Falaschi Competition Coupe 1936 Delahaye 135S by Figoni and Falaschi 1936 Delahaye 135s Competition 1936 Delahaye 135-S 1936 Delahaye ad 1936 DELAHAYE COUPE DES ALPES France Classic Car b 1936 DELAHAYE COUPE DES ALPES France Classic Car 1936 Delahaye Delahaye-135-MS-1936 1936 Delahaye 1936 Delahaye-135-MS-Chapron-Convertible-For-Sale-19503 1936 Franay Delahaye 135 Convertible 1936-1954 Delahaye 135 Convertible France Luxury Car Photo Spec Sheet Info CARD 1936-1954 Delahaye 135 MS (1948) Henri Chapron Car Photo Spec Sheet Info CARD


1937 DELAHAYE 135 SPORT RENE RAVO AUTOMOBILE PUBLICITE ANCIENNE 1937 Delahaye 135 competition figoni & falaschi nr676 1937 Delahaye 135 CS Le Mans 1937 Delahaye 135 MS Cabriolet Pourtout

test 022
test 022

1937 Delahaye 135 sport roadster 1937 Delahaye 135M Figoni et Falaschi Torpedo Cabriolet 1937 Delahaye 135M Figoni 1937 Delahaye 135MS Competition 1937 Delahaye 135MS Roadster 1937 Delahaye 135MS 1937 Delahaye 145 Chapron Coupe 1937 Delahaye 145 Franay Cabriolet 1937 delahaye ad 1937 Delahaye 'Bella Figura' Bugnotti Coupe 1937 delahaye hinlopen 1937 Delahaye t145 roadster 1937 delahaye type 103 1937 delahaye-type-103-1937 1937 delalhaye16 1937 PUBLICITE 38 x 28 AUTOMOBILE DELAHAYE 1937 STERLING SILVER METAL INGOT, Delahaye 1937 STERLING SILVER METAL INGOT, 1937, Delahaye 135M Saoutchik Cabriolet 1937-1938 Delahaye Type 145 France Race Car Photo Spec Sheet Info ATLAS CARD 1938 DELAHAYE Model 103 A (Fire truck) 1938 Delahaye 134 N Chapron 1938 Delahaye 135 figoni & falaschi 1938 DELAHAYE 135 M - 6 CILINDRI #63 IN BOX 1938 Delahaye 135 M Roadster - Mullin Automotive Museum 1938 Delahaye 135 M 1938 Delahaye 135 ms cabrio 1938 Delahaye 135 MS Competition Cabriolet by Figoni 1938 Delahaye 135 MS 1938 Delahaye 135 1938 Delahaye 135m ad 1938 Delahaye 135m roadster 1938 Delahaye 135m 1938 Delahaye 135ms cabrio 1938 Delahaye 148 1938 Delahaye 1938 ad a 1938 Delahaye Racing Pin Le Manns Racing Pin Auto Pins 1938 Delahaye Type 135 1938 Delahaye Type 135M Competition Roadster 1938 Delahaye Type 135M W-COA a 1938 Delahaye Type 135M W-COA b 1938 Delahaye Type 135M W-COA c 1938 Delahaye Type 135M W-COA d 1938 Delahaye Type 135M W-COA g 1938 Delahaye Type 135M W-COA h 1938 Delahaye-01 1938 Delahaye-103 1938 PUBLICITE DE PRESSE DELAHAYE AUTOMOBILE VICTOIRE A PAU ILLUSTRATION RENLUC 1938 1938 PUBLICITE DELAHAYE VEHICULE UTILITAIRE TRUCK AD 1938 1F 1938-46 Delahaye 145 Coupe Chapron. 1939 Delahaye 1 1939 Delahaye 2 1939 Delahaye 77 1939 Delahaye 134 G Berline 1939 Delahaye 134 G 1939 Delahaye 135 M Chapron coupé 1939 Delahaye 135 M Coupe F 1939 Delahaye 135 M Drophead Coupe, Body by Chapron 1939 Delahaye 135 M reklame 1939 Delahaye 135 MS Figoni & Falaschi 1939 Delahaye 135 MS Grand Sport Roadster 1939 Delahaye 135MS Speciale x4 1939 Delahaye 148 1939 Delahaye 165 figoni et falaschi 1939 Delahaye 165 V-12 Cabriolet 1939 Delahaye 165 1939 Delahaye 165-DV dashboard 1939 Delahaye 165M 1939 Delahaye cabrio figoni et falaschi 1939 Delahaye F

Highlites from early Road & Track issues
Highlites from early Road & Track issues

1939 Delahaye T165 1939 1939 Delahaye T165 1939 DELAHAYE Type 165 Car Stamp Keyring (Auto 100 Automobile) 1939 Delahaye Type 165 Figoni & Falaschi 1939 Delahaye Type 165 Silodrome 1939 Delahaye+165+M+1939+Figoni+et+Falaschi 1939 PUBLICITE DELAHAYE VOITURE LUXE FRENCH CAR AD 1939 4d 1940 DELAHAYE PUISSANCE AUTOMOBILE PUBLICITE ANCIENNE 1940 Delahaye 163 Friehöfer Truck 1946 Delahaye 135 Guillore Break de Chasse

1946 Delahaye 135 m pennock 1946 Delahaye 163 Besset 1946 DELAHAYE Cabriolet PININFARINA Design Car Rare Art Print a

Highlites from early Road & Track issues
Highlites from early Road & Track issues
Highlites from early Road & Track issues
Highlites from early Road & Track issues

1947 Delahaye 135 Franay Cabriolet Ticona April 1999 Reflections Calendar B8159 a 1947 Delahaye 135 M Cabriolet 2 1947 Delahaye 135 MS cabriolet Franay 1947 Delahaye 135 MS Cabriolet par Franay - 1947 1947 Delahaye 135 MS Cabriolet par Franay 1947 Delahaye 135 MS Chapron 1947 Delahaye 135 MS n 1947 Delahaye 135 MS 1947 DELAHAYE 135M 1947 Delahaye 163 Long 6cyl 3557cc 1947 DELAHAYE 175 COUPE - 1953 CHRYSLER THOMAS SPECIAL 1947 Delahaye 175 1947 Delahaye 175S Aerodynamic Coupe 1947 Delahaye 175S competition version 1947 Delahaye 178 1947 Delahaye CFA 163 essence ou diesel 1947 DELAHAYE TYPE 175S AERODYNAMIQUE Dream Cars CARD 1947 Delahaye Type 175S, Imperial Palace Co. LV, Car Trading Card - Not Postcard 1948 Delahaye 135 cabriolet Pourtout 1948 Delahaye 135 Cascogne dub7 1948 Delahaye 135 coach Chapron 1948 Delahaye 135 M (135M) 1948 Delahaye 135 M Figoni et Falaschi 3-Postion Cabriolet 1948 Delahaye 135 M Pourtout 1948 Delahaye 135 m 1948 Delahaye 135 MS cabriolet by coachbuilder Franay 1948 Delahaye 135 MS Cabriolet by Franay 1948 Delahaye 135 MS Figoni&Falaschi-Cabriolet 1948 Delahaye 135m cabriolet 1948 Delahaye 135MS Cabriolet Chapron 1948 Delahaye 163 Cottard Geo Ham 1948 Delahaye 180 (long wheelbase) 1948 Delahaye Gascogne 135dub7 1948 Delahaye Sales Sheet Brochure Selborne Mayfair Limited - Earls Court Motor a 1948 Delahaye Sales Sheet Brochure Selborne Mayfair Limited - Earls Court Motor 1948 Delahaye Type 135M Sales Sheet Brochure Selborne Mayfair Limited The Motor 1 1948 Delahaye Type 135M Sales Sheet Brochure Selborne Mayfair Limited The Motor 2 1948-1951 Delahaye Chaboud Special Race Car Photo Spec Sheet Info CARD 1949 1950 1949 Delahaye 135 m roadster figoni 1949 Delahaye 135m coach grand sport guillore 1949 Delahaye 135M 1949 Delahaye 135MS Roadster by Selborne 1949 Delahaye 163 Tank Dump Van Truck & Bus Brochure French wu7805 a 1949 Delahaye 163 Tank Dump Van Truck & Bus Brochure French wu7805 b 1949 Delahaye 163 Tank Dump Van Truck & Bus Brochure French wu7805 c 1949 Delahaye 163 Tank Dump Van Truck & Bus Brochure French wu7805 d 1949 Delahaye 175S Roadster 1949 Delahaye 178 Drophead Coupé, once owned by Elton John. 1949 Delahaye D1630 Autocar a 1949 Delahaye D1630 Autocar

Highlites from early Road & Track issues
Highlites from early Road & Track issues

1949 Delahaye ghia aigle 1949 Delahaye graber geneva 1949 Delahaye Roadster 1949 Delahaye type 148 L Berline Letourneur et Marchand front 1949 Delahaye Type 175 Roadster 1949 DELAHAYE TYPE 175 SAOUTCHIK COUPE DE VILLE b 1949 Delahaye Type 175 Saoutchik Coupe de Ville c 1949 Delahaye Type 175S coachwork by Saoutchik 1949 Delahaye type 178 Drophead Coupe 1949 Saoutchik Delahaye 175S Roadster fr 1949 Saoutchik Delahaye 175S Roadster 1949 Vintage Race Poster 1949-53 Delahaye-182 Delta, 4x4 1950 DELAHAYE 131 (50 places) 1950 Delahaye 135 M Letourneur & Marchand 1950 Delahaye 135 MS Vanden Plas (Vose) 1950 Delahaye 135 saoutchik paryz 1950 Delahaye 135M DHC 1950 Delahaye 135M Franay 1950 Delahaye 135m terenowy 1950 Delahaye 180 Cabriolet Franay Convertible Car Photo Spec Sheet French Card 1950 Delahaye 235M Pillarless Saloon by Ghia 1950 Delahaye saoutchik 1950 DELAHAYE Type 135 M - 148 L - 135 MS - 175 - French text - 8-pgs brochure 1 1950 DELAHAYE Type 135 M - 148 L - 135 MS - 175 - French text - 8-pgs brochure 2 1950 DELAHAYE Type 135 M - 148 L - 135 MS - 175 - French text - 8-pgs brochure 3 1950 DELAHAYE Type 135 M - 148 L - 135 MS - 175 - French text - 8-pgs brochure 4 1950 DELAHAYE Type 135 M - 148 L - 135 MS - 175 - French text - 8-pgs brochure 5 1950 DELAHAYE Type 135 M - 148 L - 135 MS - 175 - French text - 8-pgs brochure 6 1950 DELAHAYE Type 135 M - 148 L - 135 MS - 175 - French text - 8-pgs brochure 7 1950 DELAHAYE Type 135 M - 148 L - 135 MS - 175 - French text - 8-pgs brochure 8 1950 Delahaye VLRD (Wielka Enc. Sam. 87) 1950-1953 Delahaye VLR (Type 182) Army Jeep Car Photo Spec French Card 1951 1952 1950's DELAHAYE 1951 Delahaye 175S Franay 1951 Delahaye 235 coupe von Henry Chapron 1951 Delahaye 235 M Chapron Cabriolet a 1951 Delahaye 235 M Chapron cabriolet 1951 Delahaye 235 Saoutchik Cabriolet - rvr 1951 Delahaye 235 Saoutchik Cabriolet 1951 Delahaye 235 Saoutchik Roadster 1951 Delahaye 235 Saoutciik Cabriolet 1951 Delahaye 235-cabrio-saoutchik 1951 Delahaye 235-coach-chapron 1951 Delahaye 235-letourneur-marchand 1951 DELAHAYE 1951-1954 235 ADVERTISING BROCHURE a 1951 Delahaye Ad 1951 Delahaye b 1951 Delahaye Cape Rally-photo 1951 Delahaye 1951 Maes Delahaye b 1951. Delahaye 235 1951-53 Delahaye VLR, 4x4 1951-1954 Delahaye 235 Convertible Car Photo Spec Sheet Info CARD 1952 1953 1952 Delahaye 148 1952 Delahaye 235-coupe-chapron-paris 1952 Delahaye 235-figoni-cabriolet 1952 Delahaye 235-letourneur-marchand 1952 Delahaye Lourdes 1952 Delahaye vlr 1952 The station at Billy Montigny showing a Delahaye bus at the railway station. 1953 Delahaye 171 1953 Delahaye 235-cabrio-chapron

1953 Delahaye Lourdes 1953 Delahaye-185 Cob, 4x4 1954 Delahaye 235-chapron-saoutchik 1957 Delahaye 103 1960 DELAHAYE 103 1960's Delahaye & Dellow Logo Lapel Pin Tin Sixties 60's 1967 3.5 Litre DELAHAYE Type 135 a 1967 3.5 Litre DELAHAYE Type 135 b 1967 3.5 Litre DELAHAYE Type 135 c 1967 3.5 Litre DELAHAYE Type 135 d 1992 42nd Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance 1992 Poster Print Delahaye William Motta 2006 SIGNED Pebble Beach Concours Poster 1936 DELAHAYE 135 Comp Sport Coupe KOKA a 2016 Delahaye b Delahaye - Car Hood Ornament Lalique Delahaye 20 delahaye 83-03 delahaye 83-04 delahaye 83-05 delahaye 83-08 Delahaye 103 Bonneville Fire Truck delahaye 103 delahaye 103-01 delahaye 103-02 delahaye 103-04 delahaye 103-05 delahaye 103-06 delahaye 103-09 delahaye 103-10 Delahaye 104 delahaye 134-01 delahaye 134-02 delahaye 134-03 delahaye 134-05 delahaye 134-06 delahaye 134-07 delahaye 134-08 delahaye 134-09 delahaye 134-10 Delahaye 135 Art Deco on Wheels - Beautiful delahaye 135 competition 36

2009 Amelia Island Concours d'Elegance
2009 Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance

delahaye 135 coupé 02 delahaye 135 coupé 03 delahaye 135 coupé 04 Delahaye 135 Delahaye 135 Delahaye 135 m pennock 1946 Delahaye 135 MS Cabriolet Pourtout Delahaye 135 MS Vanden Plas (Vose) 1950 Delahaye 135 S Desplates Roadster Delahaye 135 S in action Delahaye 135 S Delahaye 135 sport drawing Delahaye 135, Alfetta Delahaye 135, Alfettaa Delahaye 135, Alfettab delahaye 135-competition 04 delahaye 135-cs-01 delahaye 135-cs-02 delahaye 135-cs-03 delahaye 135-cs-04 delahaye 135-cs-05 delahaye 135-cs-06 delahaye 135-cs-07 delahaye 135-cs-09 Delahaye 135dub delahaye 135m abbott roadster 08 Delahaye 135M DHC Delahaye 135M delahaye 135-m-cabriolet-03 delahaye 135-m-cabriolet-09 delahaye 135m-chapron-coupe-07 delahaye 135m-chapron-coupe-09 delahaye 135m-chapron-coupe-10 delahaye 135-ms-07 Delahaye 135-MS-Figoni-and-Falaschi-Cabriolet-8980 Delahaye 138 only 300 Delahaye 140 ambulance delahaye 143-01 delahaye 143-05 Delahaye 145 Chapron Coupe Delahaye 148 Labourdette delahaye 148-chapron-03 delahaye 148-chapron-05 delahaye 148-chapron-06 delahaye 148-chapron-07 delahaye 148-chapron-08 delahaye 148-chapron-09 delahaye 148-chapron-10 delahaye 155-03 delahaye 155-04 delahaye 163 besset autobus 01 Delahaye 163 in Le clan des Siciliens, 1969 delahaye 163-01 police delahaye 163-02 delahaye 163-03 delahaye 163-04 Postes delahaye 163-05 Firebrigade delahaye 163-06 Rizzla+ delahaye 163-07 autobus delahaye 163-10 autobus ad DELAHAYE 165 + single seater racer 2 color photo+specification CARDS, FREE POST a DELAHAYE 165 + single seater racer 2 color photo+specification CARDS, FREE POST b Delahaye 175 Roadster Delahaye 175-175-180 Promo Poster Delahaye 175S roadster bugnotti top Delahaye 175S Roadster delahaye 178 180-09 delahaye 178 chapron 01 delahaye 178 chapron 05 delahaye 178 chapron 07 delahaye 178 chapron 10 delahaye 180 chapron 05 Pebble Beach 2008 delahaye 180-01 delahaye 180-02 delahaye 180-03 ad delahaye 180-04 delahaye 180-06 delahaye 180-07 delahaye 180-08 delahaye 180-transformable-limousine-01 delahaye 180-transformable-limousine-02 delahaye 180-transformable-limousine-05 delahaye 180-transformable-limousine-06 delahaye 180-transformable-limousine-09 delahaye 235 01 delahaye 235 02 delahaye 235 04 delahaye 235 05 delahaye 235 06 delahaye 235 07 delahaye 235 08 delahaye 235 09 Delahaye 235 Cabriolet Chapron Delahaye 235 delahaye ad bl Delahaye Ad business cars Delahaye ad delahaye ambulance-12 Delahaye Automobiles Vintage Poster delahaye autopompe 42ap 09 delahaye autopompe 42ap 10

Maastricht Interclasics & Topmobiel
Maastricht Interclasics & Topmobiel

Delahaye Bl Truck in Film Delahaye Bugnotti delahaye bus Delahaye by Laurent Durieux (Regular)


Delahaye Car EMPTY Envelope Lot Paris France Stamps DELAHAYE CAR POSTER Antique Classic Car by EncorePrintSociety DELAHAYE CFA MODEL 163 FACTORY MECHANICAL PARTS BOOK a DELAHAYE CFA MODEL 163 FACTORY MECHANICAL PARTS BOOK b Delahaye Chapron factory bodied 235 Delahaye Digital Art delahaye emblem 6 Delahaye Figoni et Falaschi Delahaye Fire Engine '924 AP 62' Sapeurs Pompiers Ville de Therouanne Delahaye fire truck, a photo from Hordaland, South Delahaye fire truck delahaye firebrigade 83-02 delahaye firebrigade unknown-04 Delahaye Franay l Delahaye GFA a40 camion Le Chassis 163 delahaye gfa logo1 Delahaye GFA Delahaye grill Delahaye Hood Ornament Delahaye hood with ornamentation Delahaye Jeep Delahaye letter logo delahaye le-vlr DeLahaye logoCD Delahaye ma131a DELAHAYE MOTOR CAR CO.. - hat pin, lapel pin delahaye noger hand Delahaye Oldie DELAHAYE OWNERS CLUB French Magazines Mars 2000 and 2006 French 1 DELAHAYE OWNERS CLUB French Magazines Mars 2000 and 2006 French 2 DELAHAYE OWNERS CLUB French Magazines Mars 2000 and 2006 French 3 Delahaye Pickup truck Bl Delahaye Pin-speld Delahaye Racing Pin Le Manns Racing Pin Auto Pins (#543 Racing) Delahaye reloaded Delahaye roulant au gaz Delahaye S Delahaye Sapeurs Pompiers de paris Delahaye sketch brightdesign_05_resized Delahaye sketch Delahaye the hood ornament of all hood ornaments! Delahaye was a French company started in Tours in 1895 delahaye truck postcard 14 Delahaye Truck Delahaye trucks (Fire truck and the green one) and a Fiat truck Delahaye Type 103 Bonneville Firetruck Delahaye USA Bugnotti Coupe Ride in one of these someday, and model infront of-on it Delahaye USA - Cars Under Construction Delahaye USA - The Sultan Delahaye USA Bella Figura Type 57S Coupe delahaye usa bugnotti 09 Delahaye Van Fire truck - 6 Cylinders engine DELAHAYE VINTAGE SIGNS ADVERSTISING AUTO CAR RETRO - METAL PLATES delahaye vlr 03 delahaye vlr 04 delahaye vlr 05 delahaye vlr 06 delahaye vlr 08 delahaye vlr bretagne 09 delahaye vlr bretagne 10 delahaye vlr firebrigade 07 delahaye vlr-c12-03 Delahaye winch truck SPoelstra1150573 Delahaye winch truck delahaye-20171-20pick-img Delahaye-Auto-echelle de pompiers Dinky-Toys-F-n-32D- Delahaye's Awesome Car Hood Ornaments Delahaye-Truck Dinky-Toys-F-n-32D-Delahaye-Auto-echelle a FIGONI ET DELAHAYE - LA HAUTE COUTURE AUTOMOBILE - 9782726896761 gare de Dreux Lucy O’Riley Schell with the very first Delahaye 138 Sport, probably coach-built in a clumsy way by the small Delahaye racing department workshop. Right This was Lucy's favourite, coach-built by Figoni, a very elegant and fast roadster. Talbor or Delahaye

This is all i could find about Delahaye on the World Wide Web.

DELAHAYE Cars Tours France 1895 – 1954


Industry Manufacturing
Founded 1895
Founder Emile Delahaye
Defunct 1954
Headquarters Tours (France)
Products Cars

Delahaye automobile was an automotive manufacturing company founded by Emile Delahaye in 1894, in Tours, France, his home town. His first cars were belt-driven, with single- or twin-cylinder engines mounted at the rear. His Type One was an instant success, and he urgently needed investment capital and a larger manufacturing facility. Both were provided by a new Delahaye owner and fellow racer, George Morane, and his brother-in-law Leon Desmarais, who partnered with Emile in the incorporation of the new automotive company, “Societe Des Automobiles Delahaye”, in 1898. All three worked with the foundry workers to assemble the new machines, but middle-aged Emile was not in good health. In January 1901, he found himself unable to capably continue, and resigned, selling his shares to his two equal partners. Emile Delahaye died soon after, in 1905. Delahaye had hired two instrumental men, Charles Weiffenbach and Amadee Varlet in 1898, to assist the three partners. Both were graduate mechanical engineers, and they remained with Delahaye their entire working careers. Weiffenbach was appointed Manager of Operations, and, with the blessing of both George Morane and Leon Desmarais, assumed control over all of Delahaye’s operations and much of its decision-making, in 1906. Amadee Varlet was the company’s design-engineer, with a number of innovative inventions to his credit, generated between 1905 and 1914, which Delahaye patented. These included the twin-cam multi-valve engine, and the V6 configuration. Varlet continued in this role until he eventually took over the Drawing Office, at 76 years of age, when much younger Jean Francois was hired in 1932 as chief design-engineer. In 1932, Varlet was instructed by Weiffenbach, under direction from majority shareholder Madam Desmarais, Leon Desmarais’ widow, to set up the company’s Racing Department, assisted by Jean Francois. <Club Delahaye archive>. Those who knew him well at the factory affectionately referred to Charles Weiffenbach as “Monsieur Charles”.


1938 Delahaye  135ms cabrio

Delahaye 135 MS Pourtout cabriolet

Delahaye began experimenting with belt-driven cars while manager of the Brethon Foundry and Machine-works in Tours, in 1894. These experiments encouraged an entry in the 1896 Paris–Marseille–Paris race, held between 24 September-3 October 1896, fielding one car for himself and one for sportsman Ernest Archdeacon. The winning Panhard averaged 15.7 mph (25.3 km/h); Archdeacon came sixth, averaging 14 mph (23 km/h), while Delahaye himself was eighth, averaging 12.5 mph (20.1 km/h).

For the 1897 Paris-Dieppe, the 6 hp (4.5 kW; 6.1 PS) four-cylinder Delahayes ran in four- and six-seater classes, with a full complement of passengers. Archdeacon was third in the four-seaters behind a De Dion-Bouton and a Panhard, Courtois winning the six-seater class, ahead of the only other car in the class.

In March 1898, 6 hp (4.5 kW; 6.1 PS) the Delahayes of Georges Morane and Courtois came sixteenth and twenty-eighth at the Marseilles-Nice rally, while at the Course de Perigeux in May, De Solages finished sixth in a field of ten. The July Paris-Amsterdam-Paris earned a satisfying class win for Giver in his Delahaye; the overall win went to Panhard.

Soon after the new company was formed in 1898, the firm moved its manufacturing from Tours to Paris, into its new factory (a former hydraulic machinery plant that Morane and his brother-in-law Leon Desmarais had inherited from Morane’s father). Charles Weiffenbach was named Operations Manager. Delahaye would produce three models there, until the close of the 19th century: two twins, the 2.2-litre 4.5 hp (3.4 kW; 4.6 PS) Type 1 and 6 hp (4.5 kW; 6.1 PS) Type 2, and the lighter Type 0 (which proved capable of up to 22 mph (35 km/h)), with a 1.4-liter single rated between 5 and 7 hp (3.7 and 5.2 kW; 5.1 and 7.1 PS). All three had bicycle-style steering, water-cooled engines mounted in the rear, automatic valves, surface carburetors, and trembler coil ignition; drive was a combination of belt and chain, with three forward speeds and one reverse.

In 1899, Archdeacon piloted an 8 hp (6.0 kW; 8.1 PS) racer in the Nice-Castellane-Nice rally, coming eighth, while teammate Buissot’s 8 hp (6.0 kW; 8.1 PS) was twelfth.

Founder Emile Delahaye retired in 1901, leaving Desmarais and Morane in control; Weiffenbach took over from them in 1906. Delahaye’s racing days were over with Emile Delahaye’s death. Charles Weiffenbach had no interest in racing, and focused his production on reeponsible motorized automotive chassis, heavy commercial vehicles, and early firetrucks for the French government. Race-cars had become a thing of the past for Delahaye, until 1933, when Madam Desmarais caused her company to change direction a hundred-and-eighty degree, and return to racing.

The new 10B debuted in 1902. It had a 2,199 cc (134.2 cu in) (100 by 140 mm (3.9 by 5.5 in)) vertical twin rated 12/14 hp by RAC, mounted in front, with removable cylinder head, steering wheel (rather than bicycle handles or tiller), and chain drive. Delahaye also entered the Paris-Vienna rally with a 16 hp (12 kW; 16 PS) four; Pirmez was thirty-seventh in the voiturette class. At the same year’s Ardennes event, Perrin’s 16 hp (12 kW; 16 PS) four came tenth.

Also in 1902, the singles and twins ceased to be offered except as light vans; before production ceased in 1904, about 850 had been built.

Delahaye’s first production four, the Type 13B, with 24/27 hp 4.4-litre, appeared in 1903. The model range expanded in 1904, including the 4.9-litre 28 hp (21 kW; 28 PS) four-cylinder Type 21, the mid-priced Type 16, and the two-cylinder Type 15B. These were joined in 1905 by a chain-driven 8-litre luxury model, one of which was purchased by King Alfonso.

All 1907 models featured half-elliptic springs at the rear as well as transverse leaf springs, and while shaft drive appeared that year, chain drive was retained on luxury models until 1911. In 1908, the Type 32 was the company’s first to offer an L-head monoblock engine.

Protos began licence production of Delahayes in Germany in 1907, while in 1909, h. M. Hobson began importing Delahayes to Britain. Also in 1909, White pirated the Delahaye design; the First World War interrupted any efforts to recover damages.

Delahaye invented and pioneered the V6 engine in 1911, with a 30° 3.2-litre twin-cam, in the Type 44; the invention is credited to Amadee Varlet, Delahaye’s chief design-engineer at the time. The Type 44 was not a success and production stopped in 1914. It had been designed by Amadee Varlet, who had joined Delahaye at the same time that Charles Weiffenback was hired by Emile Delahaye, in 1898. The Type 44 was the only V-6 engine ever made by Delahaye, and it was the last time the company used a twin-cam engine.

Delahaye engineer Amadee Varlet designed the Delahaye “Titan” marine engine, an enormous cast-iron four cylinder engine that was fitted into purpose-built speedboat “La Dubonnet” which briefly held the World Speed Record on Water. With the ‘Titan’ Amadee Varlet had invented the multi-valve twin-cam engine in 1905, the same year that Emile Delahaye died.

At the Paris factory, Delahaye continued to manufacture cars, trucks, and a few buses. By the end of World War I, their major income was from their truck business that included France’s firetrucks.

After the war, Delahaye switched to a modest form of assembly line production, following the example of Ford, hampered by the “extensive and not particularly standardized range” of cars for Chenard et Walker, and itself, and farm machines for the FAR Tractor Company. The collaboration with FAR Tractor Company and Chenard-Walcker did not last long. This continued until continually reduced sales volume made a change necessary, for the company to survive. It has been alleged that Monsieur Charles met with his friend, competitor Ettore Bugatti, to seek his opinion on turning Delahaye around. Whether or not this meeting actually occurred, it is on record that Madam Leon Desmarais, the majority shareholder and Leon Desmarais’ widow, instructed Charles Weiffenbach to come up with a new higher quality automotive-chassis line with vastly improved horsepower, and re-establish a racing department. That pivotal decision was made in 1932, the year that Jean Francois was hired. By 1933, Delahaye was back in the racing game, and promptly went about winning events and setting records.

At the 1933 Paris Salon, Delahaye showed the Superluxe, with a 3.2-litre six, transverse independent front suspension, and Cotal preselector or synchromesh-equipped manualtransmission. It would be accompanied in the model range by a 2,150 cc (131 cu in) four (essentially a cut-down six), and a sporting variant, the 18 Sport.

In 1934, Delahaye set eighteen class records at Montlhéry, in a specially-prepared, stripped and streamlined 18 Sport. They also introduced the 134N, a 12cv car with a 2.15-litre four-cylinder engine, and the 18cv Type 138, powered by a 3.2-litre six — both engines derived from their successful truck engines. In 1935, success in the Alpine Trial led to the introduction of the sporting Type 135 “Coupe des Alpes”. By the end of 1935, Delahaye had won eighteen minor French sports car events and a number of hill-climbs, and came fifth at Le Mans.

Racing success brought success to their car business as well, enough for Delahaye to buy Delage in 1935. Delage cars continued in production from 1935 to 1951, and were finally superseded by the Type 235, a modestly updated 135. The truck business continued to thrive. Some of the great coachbuilders who provided bodies for Delahayes include Figoni et Falaschi, Chapron, and Letourneur et Marchand, and Joseph Saoutchik, as well as Guillore, Faget-Varlet, Pourtout, and a few others less well known.

Delahaye ran four 160 hp (120 kW; 160 PS) cars (based on the Type 135) in the 1936 Ulster TT, placing second to Bugatti, and entered four at the Belgian 24 Hours, coming 2-3-4-5 behind an Alfa Romeo.

American heiress Lucy O’Reilly Schell approached the company with an offer to pay the development costs to build short “Competition Court” 2.70- metre wheelbase Type 135 cars to her specifications for rallying. Sixteen were produced, most having been uniformly bodied by “Lacanu” a small coachbuilding firm owned and operated by Olivier Lecanu-Deschamps. Joseph Figoni also bodied one of these chassis. Lecanu could respond quickly, build economically, and was favored by Delahaye for its race-cars. All four Type 145 race-cars were bodied by Lecanu, to a weirdly homely design by Jean Francois. Lecanu both designed and built the last of the four Type 145 bodies, this one on chassis 48775.

In 1937, René Le Bègue and Julio Quinlin won the Monte Carlo Rally driving a Delahaye. Delahaye also ran first and second at Le Mans.[4] Against the government-sponsored juggernauts Mercedes-Benz and Auto Union, Delahaye brought out the Type 145, powered by a new, complicated 4½-liter V12 with three camshafts located in the block, with pushrod-actuated valves and four overhead rocker-shafts, dual Bosch magneto ignition, and triple Stromberg carburettors. Called “Million Franc Delahaye” after a victory in the Million Franc Race, the initial Type 145, chassis 48771, was driven by René Dreyfus to an average speed 91.07 mph (146.56 km/h) over 200 kilometres (120 mi) at Montlhéry in 1937, earning a Fr 200,000 prize from the government. Dreyfus also scored a victory in the Ecurie Bleu Type 145, again number 48771 at Pau, relying on superior fuel economy to beat the more powerful Mercedes-Benz W154, in 1938. Third place in the same race was claimed by Gianfranco Comotti, driving Delahaye Type 145 number 48775. Dreyfus brought his Type 145 number 48771 to its second grand-prix win at Cork, in Ireland, but the German teams had boycotted this event, being another between-the-houses race where they could not exploit their superior power. Type 135s also won the Paris-Nice and Monte Carlo Rallys, and LeMans, that year, while a V12 model (Type 145 number 48773) was fourth in the Mille Miglia. These victories combined with French patriotism to create a wave of demand for Delahaye cars, up until the German occupation of France during World War II. The Type 145 was also the basis for five grand-touring Type 165s., three of which exist today. The other two were demolished during the second World war.

In early 1940, one hundred Type 134N and Type 168 chassis were (Renault-bodied) as military cars built under contract for France’s Army. Private sales had been ordered by the government to cease in June, 1939, but small numbers of cars continued to be built for the occupying German forces until at least 1942.

After the Second World War

After World War II, in late 1945, production of the Type 135 was resumed, all with new styling by Philippe Charbonneaux. The Type 175, with a 4.5-litre inline overhead-valve six, was introduced in 1948; this, and the related Type 178 and 180, proved unsuccessful.The Type 175, 178 and 180 were replaced by the Type 235 in 1951, with an up-rated 135 engine producing 152 hp (113 kW; 154 PS). After the war, the depressed French economy and an increasingly punitive luxury tax regime aimed at luxurious non-essential products, and cars with engines above 2-litres, made life difficult for luxury auto-makers. Like all the principal French automakers, Delahaye complied with government requirements in allocating the majority of its vehicles for export, and in 1947 88% of Delahaye production was exported (compared to 87% of Peugeot and 80% of Talbot output), primarily to French colonies, including those in Africa. Nevertheless, Delahaye volumes, with 573 cars produced in 1948 (against 34,164 by market-leader Citroen), were unsustainably low.

Until the early 1950s, a continuing demand for military vehicles enabled the company to operate at reasonable albeit low volumes, primarily thanks to demand for the Type 163 trucks, sufficient to keep the business afloat.

A 1-ton capacity light truck sharing its 3.5-litre six-cylinder overhead-valve engine with the company’s luxury cars (albeit with lowered compression ratio and reduced power output) made its debut at the 1949 Paris Motor Show. During the next twelve months, this vehicle, the Type 171, spawned several brake-bodied versions, the most interesting of which were the ambulance and 9-seater familiale variant. The vehicle’s large wheels and high ground clearance suggest it was targeted at markets where many roads were largely dust and mud, and the 171 was, like the contemporary Renault Colorale which it in some respects resembled, intended for use in France’s African colonies. The vehicle also enjoyed some export success in Brazil, and by 1952 the Type 171 was being produced at the rate of approximately 30 per month.

As passenger car sales slowed further, the last new model, a 2.0-litre Jeep-like vehicle known as VLRD (Véhicule Léger de Reconnaissance (Delahaye)), sometimes known as the VRD, or VLR, was released in 1951. The French army believed that this vehicle offered a number of advantages over the “traditional” American built Jeep of the period. It was in 1951 that Delahaye discontinued production of the Types 175, 178 and 180. During 1953 the company shipped 1,847 VRDs as well as 537 “special” military vehicles: the number of Delahaye- or Delage-badged passenger cars registered in the same year was in that context near negligible, at 36.

Financial difficulties created by an acute shortage of wealthy car buyers intensified. Delahaye’s main competitor, Hotchkiss, managed to negotiate a licensing agreement with American Motors, and obtained sanction to manufacture its JEEP in France. The French army had learned to appreciate the simpler machine, available at a much lower price, and cancelled Delahaye’s contract for the more sophisticated VLR reconnaissance vehicle, dealing a hard blow to Delahaye. In August 1953 the company laid off more than 200 workers and salaried employees. Rumours of management discussions with Hotchkiss over some sort of coming together proved well founded. Hotchkiss were struggling with the same problems, but it was hoped that the two businesses might prove more resilient together than separately, and an agreement was signed by the two company presidents, Pierre Peigney for Delahaye and Paul Richard for Hotchkiss, on 19 March 1954. Delahaye shareholders agreed to the protocol, which amounted to a take over of Delahaye by Hotchkiss, less than three months later, on 9 June. Hotchkiss shut down Delahaye car production. By the end of 1954, for a brief period selling trucks with the Hotchkiss-Delahaye nameplate, the combined firm was itself taken over by Brandt, and by 1955, Delahaye and Hotchkiss were out of the automotive chassis business altogether, having their facilities absorbed by the giant Brandt organization with its own objectives for its captives’ assets. By 1956, the brands Delahaye, Delage, and Hotchkiss had forever disappeared.


1899 Delahaye 09101899 built vehicle in 2006

Picture gallery

1949 Saoutchik Delahaye 175S Roadster

Delahaye 175S Roadster (1949)

1935-36 Delahaye 135 MS recarrossée après guerreDelahaye 135 MS (1936)

1953 Delahaye 235MS CoupéDelahaye 235MS Coupé (1953)

1948 Delahaye 135Delahaye 135 (1948)

1939 Delahaye 165 Figoni et Falaschi a

Delahaye 165 Figoni et Falaschi (1939)

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADelahaye Cabriolet (1937)

1948 Delahaye 135MS Cabriolet ChapronDelahaye 135

Delahaye cabriolet1948 Delahaye 135 Cabriolet Pourtout

1948 Delahaye 135 M PourtoutDelahaye 135 M Pourtout (1948)

1925 Delahaye Tourer  FDelahaye Tourer (1925)

Delahaye 135MDelahaye 135M

1953 Delahaye 235M Pillarless Coupe by SaoutchikDelahaye 235M Saoutchik (1953)

1949 Delahaye type 178 Drophead CoupeDelahaye 178 Drophead Coupé (1949), once owned by Elton John.

For the Buses from Delahaye you have to be Here:

Book Cover 1899 Delahaye 0910 1907 Delahaye 1910 Delahaye Type 32 Roadster  F 1910 delahaye2 1911 Delahaye Fire Truck Exif_JPEG_PICTURE 1914 Delahaye Trucks postcard. 1918 delahaye 103 ... 1919 delahaye logo 1923 Delahaye 1925 Delahaye Tourer  F 1925 Delahaye Type 97 Torpedo Open Tourer  F 1925 Delahaye- 1927-33 Delahaye 180 1928 692_002 1928 78388715_o 1930 Delahaye ad a 1930 Delahaye ad 1931 Delahaye Type 180 Brochure 1932 6359091373_5bb0dd07c1_z 1933 Delahaye Ad a 1933 Delahaye ad 1934 delah 1934 Delahaye  Sport October 1935 Delahaye 135 roadster 1935 Delahaye 135 1935-36 Delahaye 135 MS recarrossée après guerre 1936 Delahaye 1 1936 Delahaye 134N Berline Autobineau at Monthléry - 1936 Delahaye 135 competition court 1936 Delahaye 135 compétition 1936 Delahaye 135 Engine 3557cc S6 1936 Delahaye 135 Figoniet Falaschi Torpedo Cabriolet 1936 Delahaye 135-S 1936 Delahaye Boyd Coddington OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 1937 Delahaye 135 competition figoni & falaschi nr.676 1937 Delahaye 135 MS roadster x octavio 1937 Delahaye 135 sport roadster 1937 Delahaye Cabriolet Torpedo 1937 Delahaye t145 roadster 1937 Delahaye type 134 N Chapron convertible 1937 Delahaye_em 1937 delahaye-hinlopen 1938 Delahaye  135ms cabrio 1938 Delahaye 135 figoni & falaschi 1938 Delahaye 135 ms cabrio 1938 Delahaye 135 1938 Delahaye 135m roadster 1938 Delahaye 135m 1938 delahaye_135_m_emblem_36 1938-46 Chapron Delahaye 145 Coupe A 1939 Delahaye 1 1939 Delahaye 2 1939 Delahaye 7 LA165 1939 Delahaye 134 G Berline 1939 Delahaye 134 G 1939 Delahaye 135 M Coupé 1939 Delahaye 135 M par Figoni & Falaschi 1939 Delahaye 135 M reklame 1939 Delahaye 135M Coupe  F 1939 Delahaye 165 Figoni et Falaschi a 1939 Delahaye 165 figoni et falaschi 1939 Delahaye 165 M Figoni+et Falaschi 1939 Delahaye 165M A 1939 Delahaye cabrio figoni et falaschi 1939 Delahaye F 1939 Delahaye Le 148 1939 Delahaye Roadster 1939 delahaye_wood-Ken Eberts 1939-Delahaye-135M_B50E7B8 1942 delahaye_emblem_6 1946 Delahaye 135 Guillore Break de Chasse 1946 Delahaye 135 m pennock 1946 Delahaye 135M Coupe by Dubos 1946 delahaye-logo 1947 Cabriolet Delahaye 135 MS Pourtout A A 1947 Delahaye 175 1947 Delahaye Type 175 catalog cover. 1947 Delahaye Type 178 catalog cover. 1947 Delahaye Type 180 catalog cover. 1947 delahaye_logo2 1948 Delahaye 8-page catalog cover. (for models 135-M, 148-L, 135 MS, 175, 178 and 180). 1948 Delahaye 135 Cabriolet Pourtout 1948 Delahaye 135 cabriolet Pourtout 1948 Delahaye 135 M Pourtout 1948 Delahaye 135 m 1948 Delahaye 135 1948 Delahaye 135m cabriolet 1948 Delahaye 135MS Cabriolet Chapron 1948 Delahaye 135-MS Figoni&Falaschi Cabriolet 1948_DELAHAYE_(GFA)_01 1949 Delahaye 135 coach 1949 Delahaye 135 m roadster figoni 1949 Delahaye 135 MS Coach Ghia Aigle Ghia 1949 Delahaye 135m coach grand sport guillore 1949 Delahaye 135M DHC 1949 Delahaye 135MS Roadster by Selborne A 1949 Delahaye ghia aigle 1949 Delahaye graber geneva 1949 Delahaye Type 175S coachwork by Saoutchik 1949 Delahaye type 178 Drophead Coupe 1949 delahaye_logo 1949 Delahaye-175-deVille-DV-12-PBC 1949 Saoutchik Delahaye 175S Roadster 1950 Delahaye 135 M Letourneur & Marchand 1950 Delahaye 135 MS Vanden Plas (Vose) 1950 Delahaye 135 MS, 3 carburettors Convertible by Chapron 1950 Delahaye 135 saoutchik paryz 1950 Delahaye 135M 3 carburettors Convertible by Guilloré 1950 Delahaye 135m terenowy 1950 Delahaye 235M Pillarless Saloon by Ghia 1950 Delahaye saoutchik 1950 Delahaye VLRD (Wielka Enc. Sam. 87) 1950 DELAHAYE-08 1950 Slide-logo 1951 Delahaye 235 coupe von Henry Chapron 1951 Delahaye 235 Saoutciik Cabriolet 1951 Delahaye 235-cabrio-saoutchik 1951 Delahaye 235-coach-chapron 1951 Delahaye 235-letourneur-marchand 1951 Delahaye Cape Rally-photo 1952 Delahaye  vlr 1952 Delahaye 148 Labourdette 1952 Delahaye 148 1952 Delahaye 235 coupe chapron 1952 Delahaye 235-coupe-chapron-paris 1952 Delahaye 235-figoni-cabriolet 1952 Delahaye 235-letourneur-marchand 1952 delahaye5 1953 Delahaye 235 Cabriolet 1953 Delahaye 235-cabrio-chapron 1953 Delahaye 235M Pillarless Coupe by Saoutchik 1953 Delahaye 235MS Coupé 1953 Delahaye VLR ayant participé à un rallye 1953 Delahaye-185 Cob, 4x4. 1954 Delahaye  235-chapron-saoutchik 1954 Delahaye VLR, 4x4. 1954 LogoCD Delahaye 77 Delahaye 135 sport drawing Delahaye 135M Delahaye 175S roadster bugnotti top Delahaye Figoni et Falaschi Delahaye limousine used by Crown Prince of Thailand logo-delahaye-370x370