
Audi AG
Traded as FWBNSU
Industry Automotive
Predecessor Auto Union GmbH
NSU Motorenwerke AG
Founded Historic
Zwickau, Germany
(25 April 1910; 108 years ago)
Neckarsulm, Germany
(1 January 1969; 49 years ago)
Founder August Horch
Headquarters IngolstadtGermany
Number of locations
11 production facilities in 9 countries
Area served
Key people
  • Abraham Schot, Chairman of the Board of Management
  • Marc Lichte, Head of Design
  • Ulrich Hackenberg, Head of Technical Development
Products Luxury vehicles
Production output
Increase 2,024,881 units
Revenue Increase €58.42 billion (2015)
Increase €4.836 billion (2015)
Increase €4.297 billion (2015)
Total assets Increase €16.832 billion (2009)
Total equity Increase €3.451 billion (2009)
Owner Volkswagen Group (99.55%)
Number of employees
84,435 (2015)
Footnotes / references
Audi History: Chronicle, 2011 Annual Financial Report

Audi AG (Ger­man: [ˈʔaʊ̯diː ʔaːˈgeː] (About this soundlis­ten)) is a Ger­man au­to­mo­bile man­u­fac­turer that de­signs, en­gi­neers, pro­duces, mar­kets and dis­trib­utes lux­ury ve­hi­cles. Audi is a mem­ber of the Volk­swa­gen Group and has its roots at In­gol­stadtBavaria, Ger­many. Audi-branded ve­hi­cles are pro­duced in nine pro­duc­tion fa­cil­i­ties world­wide.

The ori­gins of the com­pany are com­plex, going back to the early 20th cen­tury and the ini­tial en­ter­prises (Horch and the Au­di­w­erke) founded by en­gi­neer Au­gust Horch; and two other man­u­fac­tur­ers (DKW and Wan­derer), lead­ing to the foun­da­tion of Auto Union in 1932. The mod­ern era of Audi es­sen­tially began in the 1960s when Auto Union was ac­quired by Volk­swa­gen from Daim­ler-Benz. After re­launch­ing the Audi brand with the 1965 in­tro­duc­tion of the Audi F103 se­ries, Volk­swa­gen merged Auto Union with NSU Mo­toren­werke in 1969, thus cre­at­ing the pre­sent day form of the com­pany.

The com­pany name is based on the Latin trans­la­tion of the sur­name of the founder, Au­gust Horch. “Horch”, mean­ing “lis­ten” in Ger­man, be­comes “audi” in Latin. The four rings of the Audi logo each rep­re­sent one of four car com­pa­nies that banded to­gether to cre­ate Audi’s pre­de­ces­sor com­pany, Auto Union. Audi’s slo­gan is Vor­sprung durch Technik, mean­ing “Being Ahead through Tech­nol­ogy”. How­ever, Audi USA had used the slo­gan “Truth in En­gi­neer­ing” from 2007 to 2016, and have not used the slo­gan since 2016. Audi, along with BMW and Mer­cedes-Benz, is among the best-sell­ing lux­ury au­to­mo­bile brands in the world.


Birth of the company and its name

Au­to­mo­bile com­pany Wan­derer was orig­i­nally es­tab­lished in 1885, later be­com­ing a branch of Audi AG. An­other com­pany, NSU, which also later merged into Audi, was founded dur­ing this time, and later sup­plied the chas­sis for Got­tlieb Daim­ler‘s four-wheeler.

On 14 No­vem­ber 1899, Au­gust Horch (1868–1951) es­tab­lished the com­pany A. Horch & Cie. in the Ehren­feld dis­trict of Cologne. In 1902, he moved with his com­pany to Re­ichen­bach im Vogt­land. On 10 May 1904, he founded the Au­gust Horch & Cie. Mo­tor­wa­gen­werke AG, a joint-stock com­pany in Zwickau (State of Sax­ony).

After trou­bles with Horch chief fi­nan­cial of­fi­cer, Au­gust Horch left Mo­tor­wa­gen­werke and founded in Zwickau on 16 July 1909, his sec­ond com­pany, the Au­gust Horch Au­to­mo­bil­w­erke GmbH. His for­mer part­ners sued him for trade­mark in­fringe­ment. The Ger­man Re­ichs­gericht(Supreme Court) in Leipzig, even­tu­ally de­ter­mined that the Horch brand be­longed to his for­mer company.

Since Au­gust Horch was pro­hib­ited from using “Horch” as a trade name in his new car busi­ness, he called a meet­ing with close busi­ness friends, Paul and Franz Fikentscher from Zwickau. At the apart­ment of Franz Fikentscher, they dis­cussed how to come up with a new name for the com­pany. Dur­ing this meet­ing, Franz’s son was qui­etly study­ing Latin in a cor­ner of the room. Sev­eral times he looked like he was on the verge of say­ing some­thing but would just swal­low his words and con­tinue work­ing, until he fi­nally blurted out, “Fa­ther – au­diatur et al­tera pars… wouldn’t it be a good idea to call it audi in­stead of horch?” “Horch!” in Ger­man means “Hark!” or “hear”, which is “Audi” in the sin­gu­lar im­per­a­tive form of “au­dire” – “to lis­ten” – in Latin. The idea was en­thu­si­as­ti­cally ac­cepted by every­one at­tend­ing the meeting. On 25 April 1910 the Audi Au­to­mo­bil­w­erke GmbH Zwickau (from 1915 on Au­di­w­erke AG Zwickau) was en­tered in the com­pany’s reg­is­ter of Zwickau reg­is­tra­tion court.

The first Audi au­to­mo­bile, the Audi Type A 10/22 hp (16 kW) Sport-Phaeton, was pro­duced in the same year, fol­lowed by the suc­ces­sor Type B 10/28PS in the same year.

Audi started with a 2,612 cc in­line-four en­gine model Type A, fol­lowed by a 3,564 cc model, as well as 4,680 cc and 5,720 cc mod­els. These cars were suc­cess­ful even in sport­ing events. The first six-cylin­der model Type M, 4,655 cc ap­peared in 1924.

Au­gust Horch left the Au­di­w­erke in 1920 for a high po­si­tion at the min­istry of trans­port, but he was still in­volved with Audi as a mem­ber of the board of trustees. In Sep­tem­ber 1921, Audi be­came the first Ger­man car man­u­fac­turer to pre­sent a pro­duc­tion car, the Audi Type K, with left-handed drive. Left-hand drive spread and es­tab­lished dom­i­nance dur­ing the 1920s be­cause it pro­vided a bet­ter view of on­com­ing traf­fic, mak­ing over­tak­ing safer.

The merger of the four companies under the logo of four rings

In Au­gust 1928, Jørgen Ras­mussen, the owner of Dampf-Kraft-Wa­gen (DKW), ac­quired the ma­jor­ity of shares in Au­di­w­erke AG. In the same year, Ras­mussen bought the re­mains of the U.S. au­to­mo­bile man­u­fac­turer Rick­en­backer, in­clud­ing the man­u­fac­tur­ing equip­ment for eight-cylin­der en­gines. These en­gines were used in Audi Zwickau and Audi Dresden mod­els that were launched in 1929. At the same time, six-cylin­der and four-cylin­der (the ”four” with a Peu­geot en­gine) mod­els were man­u­fac­tured. Audi cars of that era were lux­u­ri­ous cars equipped with spe­cial body­work.

In 1932, Audi merged with Horch, DKW, and Wan­derer, to form Auto Union AG, Chem­nitz. It was dur­ing this pe­riod that the com­pany of­fered the Audi Front that be­came the first Eu­ro­pean car to com­bine a six-cylin­der en­gine with front-wheel drive. It used a pow­er­train shared with the Wan­derer, but turned 180-de­grees, so that the drive shaft faced the front.

Be­fore World War II, Auto Union used the four in­ter­linked rings that make up the Audi badge today, rep­re­sent­ing these four brands. How­ever, this badge was used only on Auto Union rac­ing cars in that pe­riod while the mem­ber com­pa­nies used their own names and em­blems. The tech­no­log­i­cal de­vel­op­ment be­came more and more con­cen­trated and some Audi mod­els were pro­pelled by Horch or Wan­derer built en­gines.

Re­flect­ing the eco­nomic pres­sures of the time, Auto Union con­cen­trated in­creas­ingly on smaller cars through the 1930s, so that by 1938 the com­pany’s DKW brand ac­counted for 17.9% of the Ger­man car mar­ket, while Audi held only 0.1%. After the final few Audis were de­liv­ered in 1939 the “Audi” name dis­ap­peared com­pletely from the new car mar­ket for more than two decades.

Post-World War II

Like most Ger­man man­u­fac­tur­ing, at the onset of World War II the Auto Union plants were re­tooled for mil­i­tary pro­duc­tion, and were a tar­get for al­lied bomb­ing dur­ing the war which left them dam­aged.

Over­run by the So­viet Army in 1945, on the or­ders of the So­viet Union mil­i­tary ad­min­is­tra­tion the fac­to­ries were dis­man­tled as part of war repa­ra­tions. Fol­low­ing this, the com­pany’s en­tire as­sets were ex­pro­pri­ated with­out compensation. On 17 Au­gust 1948, Auto Union AG of Chem­nitz was deleted from the com­mer­cial register. These ac­tions had the ef­fect of liq­ui­dat­ing Ger­many’s Auto Union AG. The re­mains of the Audi plant of Zwickau be­came the VEB (for “Peo­ple Owned En­ter­prise”) Au­to­mo­bil­w­erk Zwickau or AWZ (in Eng­lish: Au­to­mo­bile Works Zwickau).

With no prospect of con­tin­u­ing pro­duc­tion in So­viet-con­trolled East Ger­many, Auto Union ex­ec­u­tives began the process of re­lo­cat­ing what was left of the com­pany to West Ger­many. A site was cho­sen in In­gol­stadtBavaria, to start a spare parts op­er­a­tion in late 1945, which would even­tu­ally serve as the head­quar­ters of the re­formed Auto Union in 1949.

The for­mer Audi fac­tory in Zwickau restarted as­sem­bly of the pre-war-mod­els in 1949. These DKW mod­els were re­named to IFA F8 and IFA F9 and were sim­i­lar to the West Ger­man ver­sions. West and East Ger­man mod­els were equipped with the tra­di­tional and renowned DKW two-stroke en­gines. The Zwickau plant man­u­fac­tured the in­fa­mous Tra­bant until 1991, when it came under Volk­swa­gen con­trol—ef­fec­tively bring­ing it under the same um­brella as Audi since 1945.

New Auto Union unit

A new West Ger­man head­quar­tered Auto Union was launched in In­gol­stadt with loans from the Bavar­ian state gov­ern­ment and Mar­shall Plan aid. The re­formed com­pany was launched 3 Sep­tem­ber 1949 and con­tin­ued DKW’s tra­di­tion of pro­duc­ing front-wheel drive ve­hi­cles with two-stroke engines. This in­cluded pro­duc­tion of a small but sturdy 125 cc mo­tor­cy­cle and a DKW de­liv­ery van, the DKW F89 Lat In­gol­stadt. The In­gol­stadt site was large, con­sist­ing of an ex­ten­sive com­plex of for­merly mil­i­tary build­ings which was suit­able for ad­min­is­tra­tion as well as ve­hi­cle ware­hous­ing and dis­tri­b­u­tion, but at this stage there was at In­gol­stadt no ded­i­cated plant suit­able for mass pro­duc­tion of au­to­mo­biles: for man­u­fac­tur­ing the com­pany’s first post-war mass-mar­ket pas­sen­ger car plant ca­pac­ity in Düssel­dorf was rented from Rhein­metall-Bor­sig. It was only ten years later, after the com­pany had at­tracted an in­vestor, when funds be­came avail­able for con­struc­tion of major car plant at the In­gol­stadt head of­fice site.

In 1958, in re­sponse to pres­sure from Friedrich Flick, then the com­pany’s largest sin­gle shareholder, Daim­ler-Benz took an 87% hold­ing in the Auto Union com­pany, and this was in­creased to a 100% hold­ing in 1959. How­ever, small two-stroke cars were not the focus of Daim­ler-Benz’s in­ter­ests, and while the early 1960s saw major in­vest­ment in new Mer­cedes mod­els and in a state of the art fac­tory for Auto Union’s, the com­pany’s aging model range at this time did not ben­e­fit from the eco­nomic boom of the early 1960s to the same ex­tent as com­peti­tor man­u­fac­tur­ers such as Volk­swa­gen and Opel. The de­ci­sion to dis­pose of the Auto Union busi­ness was based on its lack of profitability. Iron­i­cally, by the time they sold the busi­ness, it also in­cluded a large new fac­tory and near pro­duc­tion-ready mod­ern four-stroke en­gine, which would en­able the Auto Union busi­ness, under a new owner, to em­bark on a pe­riod of prof­itable growth, now pro­duc­ing not Auto Unions or DKWs, but using the “Audi” name, res­ur­rected in 1965 after a 25-year gap.

In 1964, Volk­swa­gen ac­quired a 50% hold­ing in the busi­ness, which in­cluded the new fac­tory in In­gol­stadt, the DKW and Audi brands along with the rights to the new en­gine de­sign which had been funded by Daim­ler-Benz, who in re­turn re­tained the dor­mant Horch trade­mark and the Düssel­dorf fac­tory which be­came a Mer­cedes-Benz van as­sem­bly plant. Eigh­teen months later, Volk­swa­gen bought com­plete con­trol of In­gol­stadt, and by 1966 were using the spare ca­pac­ity of the In­gol­stadt plant to as­sem­ble an ad­di­tional 60,000 Volk­swa­gen Bee­tles per year. Two-stroke en­gines be­came less pop­u­lar dur­ing the 1960s as cus­tomers were more at­tracted to the smoother four-stroke en­gines. In Sep­tem­ber 1965, the DKW F102 was fit­ted with a four-stroke en­gine and a facelift for the car’s front and rear. Volk­swa­gen dumped the DKW brand be­cause of its as­so­ci­a­tions with two-stroke tech­nol­ogy, and hav­ing clas­si­fied the model in­ter­nally as the F103, sold it sim­ply as the “Audi”. Later de­vel­op­ments of the model were named after their horse­power rat­ings and sold as the Audi 60, 75, 80, and Super 90, sell­ing until 1972. Ini­tially, Volk­swa­gen was hos­tile to the idea of Auto Union as a stand­alone en­tity pro­duc­ing its own mod­els hav­ing ac­quired the com­pany merely to boost its own pro­duc­tion ca­pac­ity through the In­gol­stadt as­sem­bly plant – to the point where Volk­swa­gen ex­ec­u­tives or­dered that the Auto Union name and flags bear­ing the four rings were re­moved from the fac­tory build­ings. Then VW chief Heinz Nord­hoff ex­plic­itly for­bade Auto Union from any fur­ther prod­uct de­vel­op­ment. Fear­ing that the Volk­swa­gen had no long term am­bi­tion for the Audi brand, Auto Union en­gi­neers under the lead­er­ship of Lud­wig Kraus de­vel­oped the first Audi 100 in se­cret, with­out Nord­hoff’s knowl­edge. When pre­sented with a fin­ished pro­to­type, Nord­hoff was so im­pressed he au­tho­rised the car for pro­duc­tion, which when launched in 1968, went on to be a huge suc­cess. With this, the res­ur­rec­tion of the Audi brand was now com­plete, this being fol­lowed by the first gen­er­a­tion Audi 80 in 1972, which would in turn pro­vide a tem­plate for VW’s new front-wheel-drive wa­ter-cooled range which de­buted from the mid-1970s on­ward.

In 1969, Auto Union merged with NSU, based in Neckar­sulm, near Stuttgart. In the 1950s, NSU had been the world’s largest man­u­fac­turer of mo­tor­cy­cles, but had moved on to pro­duce small cars like the NSU Prinz, the TT and TTS ver­sions of which are still pop­u­lar as vin­tage race cars. NSU then fo­cused on new ro­tary en­gines based on the ideas of Felix Wankel. In 1967, the new NSU Ro 80 was a car well ahead of its time in tech­ni­cal de­tails such as aero­dy­nam­ics, light weight, and safety. How­ever, teething prob­lems with the ro­tary en­gines put an end to the in­de­pen­dence of NSU. The Neckar­sulm plant is now used to pro­duce the larger Audi mod­els A6 and A8. The Neckar­sulm fac­tory is also home of the “quat­tro GmbH” (from No­vem­ber 2016 “Audi Sport GmbH“), a sub­sidiary re­spon­si­ble for de­vel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion of Audi high-per­for­mance mod­els: the R8 and the “RS” model range.

Modern era

The new merged com­pany was in­cor­po­rated on 1 Jan­u­ary 1969 and was known as Audi NSU Auto Union AG, with its head­quar­ters at NSU’s Neckar­sulm plant, and saw the emer­gence of Audi as a sep­a­rate brand for the first time since the pre-war era. Volk­swa­gen in­tro­duced the Audi brand to the United States for the 1970 model year. That same year, the mid-sized car that NSU had been work­ing on, the K70, orig­i­nally in­tended to slot be­tween the rear-en­gined Prinz mod­els and the fu­tur­is­tic NSU Ro 80, was in­stead launched as a Volk­swa­gen.

After the launch of the Audi 100 of 1968, the Audi 80/Fox (which formed the basis for the 1973 Volk­swa­gen Pas­sat) fol­lowed in 1972 and the Audi 50 (later re­badged as the Volk­swa­gen Polo) in 1974. The Audi 50 was a sem­i­nal de­sign be­cause it was the first in­car­na­tion of the Golf/Polo con­cept, one that led to a hugely suc­cess­ful world car. Ul­ti­mately, the Audi 80 and 100 (prog­en­i­tors of the A4 and A6, re­spec­tively) be­came the com­pany’s biggest sell­ers, whilst lit­tle in­vest­ment was made in the fad­ing NSU range; the Prinz mod­els were dropped in 1973 whilst the fa­tally flawed NSU Ro80 went out of pro­duc­tion in 1977, spelling the ef­fec­tive end of the NSU brand. Pro­duc­tion of the Audi 100 had been steadily moved from In­gol­stadt to Neckar­sulm as the 1970s had pro­gressed, any by the ap­pear­ance of the sec­ond gen­er­a­tion C2 ver­sion in 1976, all pro­duc­tion was now at the for­mer NSU plant. Neckar­sulm from that point on­ward would pro­duce Audi’s higher end mod­els.

The Audi image at this time was a con­ser­v­a­tive one, and so, a pro­posal from chas­sis en­gi­neer Jörg Bensinger was ac­cepted to de­velop the four-wheel drive tech­nol­ogy in Volk­swa­gen‘s Iltis mil­i­tary ve­hi­cle for an Audi per­for­mance car and rally rac­ing car. The per­for­mance car, in­tro­duced in 1980, was named the “Audi Quat­tro“, a tur­bocharged coupé which was also the first Ger­man large-scale pro­duc­tion ve­hi­cle to fea­ture per­ma­nent all-wheel drive through a cen­tre dif­fer­en­tial. Com­monly re­ferred to as the “Ur-Quat­tro” (the “Ur-” pre­fix is a Ger­man aug­men­ta­tive used, in this case, to mean “orig­i­nal” and is also ap­plied to the first gen­er­a­tion of Audi’s S4 and S6 Sport Sa­loons, as in “UrS4” and “UrS6”), few of these ve­hi­cles were pro­duced (all hand-built by a sin­gle team), but the model was a great suc­cess in ral­ly­ing. Promi­nent wins proved the vi­a­bil­ity of all-wheel drive race­cars, and the Audi name be­came as­so­ci­ated with ad­vances in au­to­mo­tive tech­nol­ogy.

In 1985, with the Auto Union and NSU brands ef­fec­tively dead, the com­pany’s of­fi­cial name was now short­ened to sim­ply Audi AG. At the same time the com­pany’s head­quar­ters moved back to In­gol­stadt and two new wholly owned sub­sidiaries; Auto Union GmbH and NSU GmbH, were formed to own and man­age the his­tor­i­cal trade­marks and in­tel­lec­tual prop­erty of the orig­i­nal con­stituent com­pa­nies (the ex­cep­tion being Horch, which had been re­tained by Daim­ler-Benz after the VW takeover), and to op­er­ate Audi’s her­itage op­er­a­tions.

In 1986, as the Pas­sat-based Audi 80 was be­gin­ning to de­velop a kind of “grand­fa­ther’s car” image, the type 89 was in­tro­duced. This com­pletely new de­vel­op­ment sold ex­tremely well. How­ever, its mod­ern and dy­namic ex­te­rior be­lied the low per­for­mance of its base en­gine, and its base pack­age was quite spar­tan (even the pas­sen­ger-side mir­ror was an op­tion.) In 1987, Audi put for­ward a new and very el­e­gant Audi 90, which had a much su­pe­rior set of stan­dard fea­tures. In the early 1990s, sales began to slump for the Audi 80 se­ries, and some basic con­struc­tion prob­lems started to sur­face.

In the early part of the 21st cen­tury, Audi set forth on a Ger­man race­track to claim and main­tain sev­eral world records, such as top speed en­durance. This ef­fort was in-line with the com­pany’s her­itage from the 1930s rac­ing era Sil­ver Ar­rows.

Through the early 1990s, Audi began to shift its tar­get mar­ket up­scale to com­pete against Ger­man au­tomak­ers Mer­cedes-Benz and BMW. This began with the re­lease of the Audi V8 in 1990. It was es­sen­tially a new en­gine fit­ted to the Audi 100/200, but with no­tice­able body­work dif­fer­ences. Most ob­vi­ous was the new grille that was now in­cor­po­rated in the bon­net.

By 1991, Audi had the four-cylin­der Audi 80, the 5-cylin­der Audi 90 and Audi 100, the tur­bocharged Audi 200 and the Audi V8. There was also a coupe ver­sion of the 80/90 with both 4- and 5-cylin­der en­gines.

Al­though the five-cylin­der en­gine was a suc­cess­ful and ro­bust pow­er­plant, it was still a lit­tle too dif­fer­ent for the tar­get mar­ket. With the in­tro­duc­tion of an all-new Audi 100 in 1992, Audi in­tro­duced a 2.8L V6 en­gine. This en­gine was also fit­ted to a face-lifted Audi 80 (all 80 and 90 mod­els were now badged 80 ex­cept for the USA), giv­ing this model a choice of four-, five-, and six-cylin­der en­gines, in Sa­loonCoupé and Cabri­o­let body styles.

The five-cylin­der was soon dropped as a major en­gine choice; how­ever, a tur­bocharged 230 hp (170 kW) ver­sion re­mained. The en­gine, ini­tially fit­ted to the 200 quat­tro 20V of 1991, was a de­riv­a­tive of the en­gine fit­ted to the Sport Quat­tro. It was fit­ted to the Audi Coupé, and named the S2 and also to the Audi 100 body, and named the S4. These two mod­els were the be­gin­ning of the mass-pro­duced S se­riesof per­for­mance cars.

Audi 5000 unintended acceleration allegations

Sales in the United States fell after a se­ries of re­calls from 1982 to 1987 of Audi 5000 mod­els as­so­ci­ated with re­ported in­ci­dents of sud­den un­in­tended ac­cel­er­a­tion linked to six deaths and 700 accidents. At the time, NHTSA was in­ves­ti­gat­ing 50 car mod­els from 20 man­u­fac­tur­ers for sud­den surges of power.

60 Min­utes re­port aired 23 No­vem­ber 1986, fea­tur­ing in­ter­views with six peo­ple who had sued Audi after re­port­ing un­in­tended ac­cel­er­a­tion, show­ing an Audi 5000 os­ten­si­bly suf­fer­ing a prob­lem when the brake pedal was pushed. Sub­se­quent in­ves­ti­ga­tion re­vealed that 60 Minutes had en­gi­neered the fail­ure – fit­ting a can­is­ter of com­pressed air on the pas­sen­ger-side floor, linked via a hose to a hole drilled into the transmission.

1982-91 Audi 100
Audi 100 C3, sold as the Audi 5000 in the U.S.

Audi con­tended, prior to find­ings by out­side investigators, that the prob­lems were caused by dri­ver error, specif­i­cally pedal misapplication. Sub­se­quently, the Na­tional High­way Traf­fic Safety Ad­min­is­tra­tion (NHTSA) con­cluded that the ma­jor­ity of un­in­tended ac­cel­er­a­tion cases, in­clud­ing all the ones that prompted the 60 Minutes re­port, were caused by dri­ver error such as con­fu­sion of pedals. CBS did not ac­knowl­edge the test re­sults of in­volved gov­ern­ment agen­cies, but did ac­knowl­edge the sim­i­lar re­sults of an­other study.

In a re­view study pub­lished in 2012, NHTSA sum­ma­rized its past find­ings about the Audi un­in­tended ac­cel­er­a­tion prob­lems: “Once an un­in­tended ac­cel­er­a­tion had begun, in the Audi 5000, due to a fail­ure in the idle-sta­bi­lizer sys­tem (pro­duc­ing an ini­tial ac­cel­er­a­tion of 0.3g), pedal mis­ap­pli­ca­tion re­sult­ing from panic, con­fu­sion, or un­fa­mil­iar­ity with the Audi 5000 con­tributed to the sever­ity of the incident.”

This sum­mary is con­sis­tent with the con­clu­sions of NHTSA’s most tech­ni­cal analy­sis at the time: “Audi idle-sta­bi­liza­tion sys­tems were prone to de­fects which re­sulted in ex­ces­sive idle speeds and brief unan­tic­i­pated ac­cel­er­a­tions of up to 0.3g [which is sim­i­lar in mag­ni­tude to an emer­gency stop in a sub­way car]. These ac­cel­er­a­tions could not be the sole cause of [(long-du­ra­tion) sud­den ac­cel­er­a­tion in­ci­dents (SAI)], but might have trig­gered some SAIs by star­tling the driver. The de­fec­tive idle-sta­bi­liza­tion sys­tem per­formed a type of elec­tronic throt­tle con­trol. Sig­nif­i­cantly: mul­ti­ple “in­ter­mit­tent mal­func­tions of the elec­tronic con­trol unit were ob­served and recorded … and [were also ob­served and] re­ported by Trans­port Canada.”

With a se­ries of re­call cam­paigns, Audi made sev­eral mod­i­fi­ca­tions; the first ad­justed the dis­tance be­tween the brake and ac­cel­er­a­tor pedal on au­to­matic-trans­mis­sion models. Later re­pairs, of 250,000 cars dat­ing back to 1978, added a de­vice re­quir­ing the dri­ver to press the brake pedal be­fore shift­ing out of park. A legacy of the Audi 5000 and other re­ported cases of sud­den un­in­tended ac­cel­er­a­tion are in­tri­cate gear stick pat­terns and brake in­ter­lock mech­a­nisms to pre­vent in­ad­ver­tent shift­ing into for­ward or re­verse. It is un­clear how the de­fects in the idle-sta­bi­liza­tion sys­tem were ad­dressed.

Audi’s U.S. sales, which had reached 74,061 in 1985, dropped to 12,283 in 1991 and re­mained level for three years. – with re­sale val­ues falling dramatically. Audi sub­se­quently of­fered in­creased war­ranty protection and re­named the af­fected mod­els – with the 5000 be­com­ing the 100 and 200 in 1989 – and reached the same sales lev­els again only by model year 2000.

A 2010 Busi­ness­Week ar­ti­cle – out­lin­ing pos­si­ble par­al­lels be­tween Audi’s ex­pe­ri­ence and 2009–2010 Toy­ota ve­hi­cle re­calls – noted a class-ac­tion law­suit filed in 1987 by about 7,500 Audi 5000-model own­ers re­mains un­set­tled and is re­mains con­tested in Chicago‘s Cook Countyafter ap­peals at the Illi­nois state and U.S. fed­eral levels.

Model introductions

In the mid-to-late 1990s, Audi in­tro­duced new tech­nolo­gies in­clud­ing the use of alu­minum con­struc­tion. Pro­duced from 1999 to 2005, the Audi A2 was a fu­tur­is­tic super mini, born from the Al2 con­cept, with many fea­tures that helped re­gain con­sumer con­fi­dence, like the alu­minium space frame, which was a first in pro­duc­tion car de­sign. In the A2 Audi fur­ther ex­panded their TDI tech­nol­ogy through the use of fru­gal three-cylin­der en­gines. The A2 was ex­tremely aero­dy­namic and was de­signed around a wind tun­nel. The Audi A2 was crit­i­cised for its high price and was never re­ally a sales suc­cess but it planted Audi as a cut­ting-edge man­u­fac­turer. The model, a Mer­cedes-Benz A-Class com­peti­tor, sold rel­a­tively well in Eu­rope. How­ever, the A2 was dis­con­tin­ued in 2005 and Audi de­cided not to de­velop an im­me­di­ate re­place­ment.

The next major model change came in 1995 when the Audi A4 re­placed the Audi 80. The new nomen­cla­ture scheme was ap­plied to the Audi 100 to be­come the Audi A6 (with a minor facelift). This also meant the S4 be­came the S6 and a new S4 was in­tro­duced in the A4 body. The S2 was dis­con­tin­ued. The Audi Cabri­o­let con­tin­ued on (based on the Audi 80 plat­form) until 1999, gain­ing the en­gine up­grades along the way. A new A3 hatch­back model (shar­ing the Volk­swa­gen Golf Mk4‘s plat­form) was in­tro­duced to the range in 1996, and the rad­i­cal Audi TT coupé and road­ster were de­buted in 1998 based on the same un­der­pin­nings.

The en­gines avail­able through­out the range were now a 1.4 L, 1.6 L and 1.8 L four-cylin­der, 1.8 L four-cylin­der turbo, 2.6 L and 2.8 L V6, 2.2 L turbo-charged five-cylin­der and the 4.2 L V8 en­gine. The V6s were re­placed by new 2.4 L and 2.8 L 30V V6s in 1998, with marked im­prove­ment in power, torque and smooth­ness. Fur­ther en­gines were added along the way, in­clud­ing a 3.7 L V8 and 6.0 L W12 en­gine for the A8.

Audi AG today

Audi’s sales grew strongly in the 2000s, with de­liv­er­ies to cus­tomers in­creas­ing from 653,000 in 2000 to 1,003,000 in 2008. The largest sales in­creases came from East­ern Eu­rope (+19.3%), Africa (+17.2%) and the Mid­dle East (+58.5%). China in par­tic­u­lar has be­come a key mar­ket, rep­re­sent­ing 108,000 out of 705,000 cars de­liv­ered in the first three quar­ters of 2009. One fac­tor for its pop­u­lar­ity in China is that Audis have be­come the car of choice for pur­chase by the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment for of­fi­cials, and pur­chases by the gov­ern­ment are re­spon­si­ble for 20% of its sales in China. As of late 2009, Audi’s op­er­at­ing profit of €1.17-bil­lion ($1.85-bil­lion) made it the biggest con­trib­u­tor to par­ent Volk­swa­gen Group’s nine-month op­er­at­ing profit of €1.5-bil­lion, while the other mar­ques in Group such as Bent­ley and SEAT had suf­fered con­sid­er­able losses. May 2011 saw record sales for Audi of Amer­ica with the new Audi A7 and Audi A3 TDI Clean Diesel. In May 2012, Audi re­ported a 10% in­crease in its sales—from 408 units to 480 in the last year alone.

Audi man­u­fac­tures ve­hi­cles in seven plants around the world, some of which are shared with other VW Group marques al­though many sub-as­sem­blies such as en­gines and trans­mis­sions are man­u­fac­tured within other Volk­swa­gen Group plants.

Audi’s two prin­ci­pal as­sem­bly plants are:

  • Ingolstadt, Opened by Auto Union in 1964, (A3, A4, A5, Q5)
  • Neckarsulm, Acquired from NSU in 1969 (A4, A6, A7, A8, R8 & all RS variants)

Out­side of Ger­many, Audi pro­duces ve­hi­cles at:

In Sep­tem­ber 2012, Audi an­nounced the con­struc­tion of its first North Amer­i­can man­u­fac­tur­ing plant in Puebla, Mex­ico. This plant is ex­pected to be op­er­a­tive in 2016 and pro­duce the sec­ond gen­er­a­tion Q5.

From 2002 up to 2003, Audi headed the Audi Brand Group, a sub­di­vi­sion of the Volk­swa­gen Group’s Au­to­mo­tive Di­vi­sion con­sist­ing of Audi, Lam­borgh­ini and SEAT, that was fo­cused on sporty val­ues, with the mar­ques’ prod­uct ve­hi­cles and per­for­mance being under the higher re­spon­si­bil­ity of the Audi brand.

On Jan­u­ary 2014, Audi, along with the Wire­less Power Con­sor­tium, op­er­ated a booth which demon­strated a phone com­part­ment using the Qi open in­ter­face stan­dard at the Con­sumer Elec­tron­ics Show (CES). In May, most of the Audi deal­ers in UK falsely claimed that the Audi A7, A8, and R8 were Euro NCAP safety tested, all achiev­ing five out of five stars. In fact none were tested.

In 2015, Audi ad­mit­ted that at least 2.1 mil­lion Audi cars had been in­volved in the Volk­swa­gen emis­sions test­ing scan­dal in which soft­ware in­stalled in the cars ma­nip­u­lated emis­sions data to fool reg­u­la­tors and allow the cars to pol­lute at higher than gov­ern­ment-man­dated lev­els. The A1, A3, A4, A5, A6, TT, Q3 and Q5 mod­els were im­pli­cated in the scandal. Audi promised to quickly find a tech­ni­cal so­lu­tion and up­grade the cars so they can func­tion within emis­sions regulations. Ul­rich Hack­en­berg, the head of re­search and de­vel­op­ment at Audi, was sus­pended in re­la­tion to the scandal. De­spite wide­spread media cov­er­age about the scan­dal through the month of Sep­tem­ber, Audi re­ported that U.S. sales for the month had in­creased by 16.2%. Audi’s par­ent com­pany Volk­swa­gen an­nounced on 18 June 2018 that Audi chief ex­ec­u­tive Ru­pert Stadler had been arrested.

In No­vem­ber 2015, the U.S. En­vi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency im­pli­cated the 3-liter diesel en­gine ver­sions of the 2016 Audi A6 Quat­tro, A7 Quat­tro, A8, A8L and the Q5 as fur­ther mod­els that had emis­sions reg­u­la­tion de­feat-de­vice soft­ware installed. Thus, these mod­els emit­ted ni­tro­gen oxide at up to nine times the legal limit when the car de­tected that it was not hooked up to emis­sions test­ing equipment.

In No­vem­ber 2016, Audi ex­pressed an in­ten­tion to es­tab­lish an as­sem­bly fac­tory in Pak­istan, with the com­pany’s local part­ner ac­quir­ing land for a plant in Ko­rangi Creek In­dus­trial Park in Karachi. Ap­proval of the plan would lead to an in­vest­ment of $30 mil­lion in the new plant.


Audi AI

Audi AI is a dri­ver as­sist fea­ture of­fered by Audi. The com­pany’s stated in­tent is to offer fully au­tonomous dri­ving at a fu­ture time, ac­knowl­edg­ing that legal, reg­u­la­tory and tech­ni­cal hur­dles must be over­come to achieve this goal. On June 4, 2017, Audi stated that its new A8 will be fully self-dri­ving for speeds up to 60 km/h using its Audi AI. Con­trary to other cars, the dri­ver will not have to do safety checks such as touch­ing the steer­ing wheel every 15 sec­onds to use this fea­ture. The Audi A8 will there­fore be the first pro­duc­tion car to reach level 3 au­tonomous dri­ving, mean­ing that the dri­ver can safely turn their at­ten­tion away from dri­ving tasks, e.g. the dri­ver can text or watch a movie. Audi will also be the first man­u­fac­turer to use a 3D LIDAR sys­tem in ad­di­tion to cam­eras and ul­tra­sonic sen­sors for their AI.


Audi pro­duces 100% gal­vanised cars to pre­vent cor­ro­sion, and was the first mass-mar­ket ve­hi­cle to do so, fol­low­ing in­tro­duc­tion of the process by Porsche, c. 1975. Along with other pre­cau­tion­ary mea­sures, the full-body zinc coat­ing has proved to be very ef­fec­tive in pre­vent­ing rust. The body’s re­sult­ing dura­bil­ity even sur­passed Audi’s own ex­pec­ta­tions, caus­ing the man­u­fac­turer to ex­tend its orig­i­nal 10-year war­ranty against cor­ro­sion per­fo­ra­tion to cur­rently 12 years (ex­cept for alu­minium bod­ies which do not rust).

Space frame

2012 Audi R8 - Alexandre Prevost
The Audi R8 uses Audi Space Frame technology

Audi in­tro­duced a new se­ries of ve­hi­cles in the mid-1990s and con­tin­ues to pur­sue new tech­nol­ogy and high per­for­mance. An all-alu­minium car was brought for­ward by Audi, and in 1994 the Audi A8was launched, which in­tro­duced alu­minium space frame tech­nol­ogy (called Audi Space Frame or ASF) which saves weight and im­proves tor­sion rigid­ity com­pared to a con­ven­tional steel frame. Prior to that ef­fort, Audi used ex­am­ples of the Type 44 chas­sis fab­ri­cated out of alu­minium as test-beds for the tech­nique. The dis­ad­van­tage of the alu­minium frame is that it is very ex­pen­sive to re­pair and re­quires a spe­cial­ized alu­minium bodyshop. The weight re­duc­tion is some­what off­set by the quat­tro four-wheel drive sys­tem which is stan­dard in most mar­kets. Nonethe­less, the A8 is usu­ally the light­est all-wheel drive car in the full-size lux­ury seg­ment, also hav­ing best-in-class fuel economy. The Audi A2Audi TT and Audi R8 also use Audi Space Frame de­signs.



For most of its lineup (ex­clud­ing the A3, A1, and TT mod­els), Audi has not adopted the trans­verse en­gine lay­out which is typ­i­cally found in econ­omy cars (such as Peu­geot and Citroën), since that would limit the type and power of en­gines that can be in­stalled. To be able to mount pow­er­ful en­gines (such as a V8 en­gine in the Audi S4 and Audi RS4, as well as the W12 en­gine in the Audi A8L W12), Audi has usu­ally en­gi­neered its more ex­pen­sive cars with a lon­gi­tu­di­nally front-mounted en­gine, in an “over­hung” po­si­tion, over the front wheels in front of the axle line – this lay­out dates back to the DKW and Auto Union sa­loons from the 1950s. But while this al­lows for the easy adop­tion of all-wheel drive, it goes against the ideal 50:50 weight dis­tri­b­u­tion.

In all its post Volk­swa­gen-era mod­els, Audi has firmly re­fused to adopt the tra­di­tional rear-wheel drive lay­out fa­vored by its two archri­vals Mer­cedes-Benz and BMW, fa­vor­ing ei­ther front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive. The ma­jor­ity of Audi’s lineup in the United States fea­tures all-wheel drive stan­dard on most of its ex­pen­sive ve­hi­cles (only the en­try-level trims of the A4 and A6 are avail­able with front-wheel drive), in con­trast to Mer­cedes-Benz and BMW whose lineup treats all-wheel drive as an op­tion. BMW did not offer all-wheel drive on its V8-pow­ered cars (as op­posed to crossover SUVs) until the 2010 BMW 7 Se­ries and 2011 BMW 5 Se­ries, while the Audi A8 has had all-wheel drive avail­able/stan­dard since the 1990s. Re­gard­ing high-per­for­mance vari­ants, Audi S and RS mod­els have al­ways had all-wheel drive, un­like their di­rect ri­vals from BMW M and Mer­cedes-AMG whose cars are rear-wheel drive only (al­though their per­for­mance crossover SUVs are all-wheel drive).

Audi has re­cently ap­plied the quat­tro badge to mod­els such as the A3 and TT which do not use the Torsen-based sys­tem as in prior years with a me­chan­i­cal cen­ter dif­fer­en­tial, but with the Haldex Trac­tion elec­tro-me­chan­i­cal clutch AWD sys­tem.


Prior to the in­tro­duc­tion of the Audi 80 and Audi 50 in 1972 and 1974, re­spec­tively, Audi had led the de­vel­op­ment of the EA111 and EA827 in­line-four en­gine fam­i­lies. These new power units un­der­pinned the wa­ter-cooled re­vival of par­ent com­pany Volk­swa­gen (in the Polo, Golf, Pas­sat and Scirocco), whilst the many de­riv­a­tives and de­scen­dants of these two basic en­gine de­signs have ap­peared in every gen­er­a­tion of VW Group ve­hi­cles right up to the pre­sent day.

In the 1980s, Audi, along with Volvo, was the cham­pion of the in­line-five cylin­der, 2.1/2.2 L en­gine as a longer-last­ing al­ter­na­tive to more tra­di­tional six-cylin­der en­gines. This en­gine was used not only in pro­duc­tion cars but also in their race cars. The 2.1 L in­line five-cylin­der en­gine was used as a base for the rally cars in the 1980s, pro­vid­ing well over 400 horse­power (300 kilo­watts) after mod­i­fi­ca­tion. Be­fore 1990, there were en­gines pro­duced with a dis­place­ment be­tween 2.0 L and 2.3 L. This range of en­gine ca­pac­ity al­lowed for both fuel econ­omy and power.

For the ul­tra-lux­ury ver­sion of its Audi A8 full­size lux­ury flag­ship sedan, the Audi A8L W12, Audi uses the Volk­swa­gen Group W12 en­gine in­stead of the con­ven­tional V12 en­gine fa­vored by ri­vals Mer­cedes-Benz and BMW. The W12 en­gine con­fig­u­ra­tion (also known as a “WR12”) is cre­ated by form­ing two imag­i­nary nar­row-an­gle 15° VR6 en­gines at an angle of 72°, and the nar­row angle of each set of cylin­ders al­lows just two over­head camshafts to drive each pair of banks, so just four are needed in total. The ad­van­tage of the W12 en­gine is its com­pact pack­ag­ing, al­low­ing Audi to build a 12-cylin­der sedan with all-wheel drive, whereas a con­ven­tional V12 en­gine could have only a rear-wheel drive con­fig­u­ra­tion as it would have no space in the en­gine bay for a dif­fer­en­tial and other com­po­nents re­quired to power the front wheels. In fact, the 6.0 L W12 in the Audi A8L W12 is smaller in over­all di­men­sions than the 4.2 L V8 that pow­ers the Audi A8 4.2 variants. The 2011 Audi A8 de­buted a re­vised 6.3-litre ver­sion of the W12 (WR12) en­gine with 500 PS (370 kW; 490 hp).

Fuel Stratified Injection

New mod­els of the A3, A4, A6 and A8 have been in­tro­duced, with the age­ing 1.8-litre en­gine now hav­ing been re­placed by new Fuel Strat­i­fied In­jec­tion (FSI) en­gines. Nearly every pe­tro­leum burn­ing model in the range now in­cor­po­rates this fuel-sav­ing tech­nol­ogy.

2007 Audi R8 Engine
2007 V8 FSI engine

Direct-Shift Gearbox

In 2003 Volk­swa­gen in­tro­duced the Di­rect-Shift Gear­box (DSG), a type of dual clutch trans­mis­sion. It is an au­to­mated semi-au­to­matic trans­mis­sion, dri­vable like a con­ven­tional au­to­matic trans­mis­sion. Based on the gear­box found in the Group B S1, the sys­tem in­cludes dual elec­tro­hy­drauli­cally con­trolled clutches in­stead of a torque con­verter. This is im­ple­mented in some VW GolfsAudi A3Audi A4 and TT mod­els where DSG is called S-tronic.

LED daytime running lights

Be­gin­ning in 2005, Audi has im­ple­mented white LED tech­nol­ogy as day­time run­ning lights (DRL) in their prod­ucts. The dis­tinc­tive shape of the DRLs has be­come a trade­mark of sorts. LEDs were first in­tro­duced on the Audi A8 W12, the world’s first pro­duc­tion car to have LED DRLs, and have since spread through­out the en­tire model range. The LEDs are pre­sent on some Audi bill­boards.

Since 2010, Audi has also of­fered the LED tech­nol­ogy in low- and high-beam head­lights.

LED Daytime Running Lights
The DRL (LED Daytime Running Lights) in an Audi A4 B8

Multi Media Interface

2014 Audi TT virtual cockpit
Multi Media Interface-Menu on Audi virtual cockpit, 1984 Audi TT Mk3

Audi cars

2012 Audi A1 Sportback 1.4 TFSI Ambition

2012 Audi A1 Sportback 1.4 TFSI Ambition – A1 – Supermini –

3-door Hatchback – 5-door Hatchback – Sportback (5-door Hatchback)

2017 Audi A3 SportBack 2.0 TFSI S-line

2017 Audi A3 SportBack 2.0 TFSI S-line – A3 – Small Family car

3-door Hatchback – Saloon (Sedan) – Sportback (5-door Hatchback) – Cabriolet

2017 Audi A4 (8W) S-Line quattro sedan

2017 Audi A4 (8W) S-Line quattro sedan – A4 – Compact
Executive Car – 
Saloon (Sedan) – Avant (Estate/Wagon) – Allroad (Crossover

2016 Audi A5 II coupé

2016 Audi A5 II coupé – A5 – Compact
Executive Car – 
Coupé – Sportback (5-door Hatchback) – Cabriolet (Convertible)

2017 Audi A6 2.0

2017 Audi A6 2.0 – A6 – Executive Car – Saloon (Sedan) – Avant (Estate/Wagon) – Allroad (Crossover Estate/Wagon)

2018 Audi A7 55 TFSI Quattro

2018 Audi A7 55 TFSI Quattro – A7 – Executive Car – Sportback (5-door Hatchback)

2017 Audi A8L 55 TFSI Quattro D5

2017 Audi A8L 55 TFSI Quattro D5 – A8 – Full-size
Luxury Car – 
Saloon (Sedan)

Audi coupés and SUVs

2015 Audi TT (20444900760)

2015 Audi TT (20444900760) – TT – Compact Sports Car – Coupé – Roadster (Convertible)

2015 Audi A8V10plus

2015 Audi R8 V10 Plus – R8 – Sports Car – Coupé – Spyder (Convertible)

2017 Audi Q2 Sport TDi 1.6

2017 Audi Q2 Sport TDi 1.6 – Q2 – Subcompact Crossover SUV – SUV

2016 Audi Q3 quattro Sport (Facelift)

2016 Audi Q3 quattro Sport (Facelift) – Q3 – Compact Crossover SUV – SUV

2016 Audi Q5 2.0 T quattro

2016 Audi Q5 2.0 T quattro – Q5 – Compact Crossover SUV – SUV

2016 Audi Q7 3.0 TDI quattro S-line (II)

2016 Audi Q7 3.0 TDI quattro S-line (II) – Q7 – Full-size Crossover SUV – SUV

2018 Audi Q8

2018 Audi Q8 – Q8 – Full-size Crossover SUV – SUV

Audi S and RS models

S (Sport) models

2018 Audi S1 Competition Quattro 2.0

2018 Audi S1 Competition Quattro 2.0 – S1 – Supermini – 3-door Hatchback – Sportback (5-door Hatchback)

2017 Audi S3 (26176952539)

2017 Audi S3 (26176952539) – S3 – Small Family Car – 3-door Hatchback – Sportback (5-door Hatchback)

2015 Audi S4 IAA 2015

2015 Audi S4 IAA 2015 – S4 – Compact Executive Car – Saloon (Sedan) – Avant(Estate/Wagon)

2018 Audi S5 TFSi Quattro Automatic 3.0

2018 Audi S5 TFSi Quattro Automatic 3.0 – S5 – Compact Executive Car – Coupé – Cabriolet (Convertible) – Sportback (5-door Hatchback

2015 Audi S6

2015 Audi S6 – S6 – Executive Car – Saloon (Sedan) – Avant (Estate/Wagon)

2015 Audi S7 Sportback C7 facelift 03

2015 Audi S7 Sportback C7 facelift 03 – S7 – Executive Car – Sportback (5-door Hatchback)

2015 Audi S8 plus

2015 Audi S8 plus – S8 – Full-size Luxury Car – Saloon (Sedan)

2015 Audi TTS (8S)

2015 Audi TTS (8S) – TTS – Compact Sports Car – Coupé – Roadster (Convertible)

2018 Audi SQ5 3.0

2018 Audi SQ5 3.0 – SQ5 – Mid-size SUV – Crossover

2017 Audi SQ7

2017 Audi SQ7 – SQ7 – Full-size SUV – Crossover

RS (RennSport/Racing Sport) models

2018 Audi TT RS Coupe

2018 Audi TT RS Coupe – TT RS – Compact Sports Car – Coupé – Roadster (Convertible)

2016 Audi RS Q3 performance

2016 Audi RS Q3 performance – RS Q3 – Compact SUV – Crossover

2016 Audi RS 3 quattro

2016 Audi RS 3 quattro – RS 3 – Small Family Car – Saloon (Sedan) – 5-door Hatchback

2017 Audi RS4 Avant

2017 Audi RS4 Avant

2018 Audi RS4 Avant

2018 Audi RS4 Avant – RS 4 – Compact Executive Car – Avant (Estate/Wagon)

2017 Audi RS5 Coupe Quattro

2017 Audi RS5 Coupe Quattro – RS 5 – Compact Executive Car – Coupé – Cabriolet (Convertible)

2015 Audi RS6 Avant TFSi Quattro Automatic 4.0

2015 Audi RS6 Avant TFSi Quattro Automatic 4.0 – RS 6 – Executive Car – Avant (Estate/Wagon)

2016 Audi RS7 Sportback Performance Quattro

2016 Audi RS7 Sportback Performance Quattro – RS 7 – Executive Car – Sportback (5-door Liftback)

Electric vehicles

Audi is plan­ning an al­liance with the Japan­ese elec­tron­ics giant Sanyo to de­velop a pilot hy­brid elec­tric pro­ject for the Volk­swa­gen Group. The al­liance could re­sult in Sanyo bat­ter­ies and other elec­tronic com­po­nents being used in fu­ture mod­els of the Volk­swa­gen Group. Con­cept elec­tric ve­hi­cles un­veiled to date in­clude the Audi A1 Sport­back Concept, Audi A4 TDI Con­cept E, and the fully elec­tric Audi e-tron Con­cept Supercar.

Production figures

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 Q3 Q5 Q7 TT R8
1998 143,974 271,152 174,867 15,355 13,682
1999 143,505 252,514 162,573 14,636 52,579
2000 32,164 136,141 231,869 180,715 12,894 56,776
2001 49,369 131,082 308,778 186,467 11,708 39,349
2002 37,578 125,538 360,267 178,773 10,942 34,711
2003 27,323 159,417 353,836 168,612 21,748 32,337
2004 19,745 181,274 345,231 195,529 22,429 23,605
2005 10,026 224,961 337,705 215,437 21,515 1,185 12,307
2006 231,752 341,110 487 229,021 22,468 72,169 23,675 164
2007 231,117 289,806 25,549 243,842 22,182 162 77,395 56,766 4,125
2008 222,164 378,885 57,650 214,074 20,140 20,324 59,008 41,789 5,656
2009 206,747 282,033 84,883 182,090 8,599 105,074 27,929 22,821 2,101
2010 51,937 198,974 306,291 111,270 211,256 8,496 22,435 154,604 48,937 26,217 3,485
2011 117,566 189,068 321,045 111,758 241,862 37,301 38,542 19,613 183,678 53,703 25,508 3,551
2012 123,111 164,666 329,759 103,357 284,888 28,950 35,932 106,918 209,799 54,558 21,880 2,241
  • Data from 1998 to 2010. Figures for different body types/versions of models have been merged to create overall figures for each model.


Audi has com­peted in var­i­ous forms of mo­tor­sports. Audi’s tra­di­tion in mo­tor­sport began with their for­mer com­pany Auto Union in the 1930s. In the 1990s, Audi found suc­cess in the Tour­ing and Super Tour­ing cat­e­gories of motor rac­ing after suc­cess in cir­cuit rac­ing in North Amer­ica.


1984 Portugal Audi Quattro A2
Walter Röhrl with his Quattro A2 during the 1984 Rally Portugal

In 1980, Audi re­leased the Quat­tro, a four-wheel drive (4WD) tur­bocharged car that went on to win ral­lies and races world­wide. It is con­sid­ered one of the most sig­nif­i­cant rally cars of all time, be­cause it was one of the first to take ad­van­tage of the then-re­cently changed rules which al­lowed the use of four-wheel drive in com­pe­ti­tion rac­ing. Many crit­ics doubted the vi­a­bil­ity of four-wheel drive rac­ers, think­ing them to be too heavy and com­plex, yet the Quat­tro was to be­come a suc­cess­ful car. Lead­ing its first rally it went off the road, how­ever the rally world had been served no­tice 4WD was the fu­ture. The Quat­tro went on to achieve much suc­cess in the World Rally Cham­pi­onship. It won the 1983 (Hannu Mikkola) and the 1984 (Stig Blomqvistdri­vers’ ti­tles, and brought Audi the man­u­fac­tur­ers’ title in 1982 and 1984.

In 1984, Audi launched the short-wheel­base Sport Quat­trowhich dom­i­nated rally races in Monte Carlo and Swe­den, with Audi tak­ing all podium places, but suc­cumbed to prob­lems fur­ther into WRC con­tention. In 1985, after an­other sea­son mired in mediocre fin­ishes, Wal­ter Röhrl fin­ished the sea­son in his Sport Quat­tro S1, and helped place Audi sec­ond in the man­u­fac­tur­ers’ points. Audi also re­ceived rally ho­n­ours in the Hong Kong to Bei­jing rally in that same year. Michèle Mou­ton, the only fe­male dri­ver to win a round of the World Rally Cham­pi­onship and a dri­ver for Audi, took the Sport Quat­tro S1, now sim­ply called the “S1”, and raced in the Pikes Peak In­ter­na­tional Hill Climb. The 1,439-me­tre (4,721 ft) climb race pits a dri­ver and car to drive to the sum­mit of the 4,302-me­tre (14,114 ft) Pikes Peak moun­tain in Col­orado, and in 1985, Michèle Mou­ton set a new record of 11:25.39, and being the first woman to set a Pikes Peak record. In 1986, Audi for­mally left in­ter­na­tional rally rac­ing fol­low­ing an ac­ci­dent in Por­tu­gal in­volv­ing dri­ver Joaquim San­tos in his Ford RS200. San­tos swerved to avoid hit­ting spec­ta­tors in the road, and left the track into the crowd of spec­ta­tors on the side, killing three and in­jur­ing 30. Bobby Unser used an Audi in that same year to claim a new record for the Pikes Peak Hill Climb at 11:09.22.

In 1987, Wal­ter Röhrl claimed the title for Audi set­ting a new Pikes Peak In­ter­na­tional Hill Climb record of 10:47.85 in his Audi S1, which he had re­tired from the WRC two years ear­lier. The Audi S1 em­ployed Audi’s time-tested in­line-five-cylin­der tur­bocharged en­gine, with the final ver­sion gen­er­at­ing 441 kW (600 PS; 591 bhp). The en­gine was mated to a six-speed gear­box and ran on Audi’s fa­mous four-wheel drive sys­tem. All of Audi’s top dri­vers drove this car; Hannu Mikkola, Stig Blomqvist, Wal­ter Röhrl and Michèle Mou­ton. This Audi S1 started the range of Audi ‘S’ cars, which now rep­re­sents an in­creased level of sports-per­for­mance equip­ment within the main­stream Audi model range.

In the United States

As Audi moved away from ral­ly­ing and into cir­cuit rac­ing, they chose to move first into Amer­ica with the Trans-Am in 1988.

In 1989, Audi moved to In­ter­na­tional Motor Sports As­so­ci­a­tion (IMSA) GTO with the Audi 90, how­ever as they avoided the two major en­durance events (Day­tona and Se­bring) de­spite win­ning on a reg­u­lar basis, they would lose out on the title.

Touring cars

In 1990, hav­ing com­pleted their ob­jec­tive to mar­ket cars in North Amer­ica, Audi re­turned to Eu­rope, turn­ing first to the Deutsche Touren­wa­gen Meis­ter­schaft (DTM) se­ries with the Audi V8, and then in 1993, being un­will­ing to build cars for the new for­mula, they turned their at­ten­tion to the fast-grow­ing Super Tour­ing se­ries, which are a se­ries of na­tional cham­pi­onships. Audi first en­tered in the French Su­per­tourisme and Ital­ian Su­per­tur­ismo. In the fol­low­ing year, Audi would switch to the Ger­man Super Touren­wa­gen Cup (known as STW), and then to British Tour­ing Car Cham­pi­onship (BTCC) the year after that.

The Fédéra­tion In­ter­na­tionale de l’Au­to­mo­bile (FIA), hav­ing dif­fi­culty reg­u­lat­ing the quat­tro four-wheel drive sys­tem, and the im­pact it had on the com­peti­tors, would even­tu­ally ban all four-wheel drive cars from com­pet­ing in 1998, but by then, Audi switched all their works ef­forts to sports car rac­ing.

By 2000, Audi would still com­pete in the US with their RS4 for the SCCA Speed World GT Chal­lenge, through dealer/team Cham­pion Rac­ingcom­pet­ing against Corvettes, Vipers, and smaller BMWs (where it is one of the few se­ries to per­mit 4WD cars). In 2003, Cham­pion Rac­ing en­tered an RS6. Once again, the quat­tro four-wheel drive was su­pe­rior, and Cham­pion Audi won the cham­pi­onship. They re­turned in 2004 to de­fend their title, but a new­comer, Cadil­lac with the new Omega Chas­sis CTS-V, gave them a run for their money. After four vic­to­ries in a row, the Audis were sanc­tioned with sev­eral neg­a­tive changes that deeply af­fected the car’s per­for­mance. Namely, added bal­last weights, and Cham­pion Audi de­cid­ing to go with dif­fer­ent tyres, and re­duc­ing the boost pres­sure of the tur­bocharger.

In 2004, after years of com­pet­ing with the TT-R in the re­vi­talised DTM se­ries, with pri­va­teer team Abt Racing/Chris­t­ian Abt tak­ing the 2002 title with Lau­rent Aïello, Audi re­turned as a full fac­tory ef­fort to tour­ing car rac­ing by en­ter­ing two fac­tory sup­ported Joest Rac­ing A4 DTMcars.

24 Hours of Le Mans

Audi began rac­ing pro­to­type sports­cars in 1999, de­but­ing at the Le Mans 24 hour. Two car con­cepts were de­vel­oped and raced in their first sea­son – the Audi R8R (open-cock­pit ‘road­ster’ pro­to­type) and the Audi R8C (closed-cock­pit ‘coupé’ GT-pro­to­type). The R8R scored a cred­i­ble podium on its rac­ing debut at Le Mans and was the con­cept which Audi con­tin­ued to de­velop into the 2000 sea­son due to favourable rules for open-cock­pit pro­to­types.

How­ever, most of the com­peti­tors (such as BMW, Toy­ota, Mer­cedes and Nis­san) re­tired at the end of 1999. The fac­tory-sup­ported Joest Rac­ing team won at Le Mans three times in a row with the Audi R8 (2000–2002), as well as win­ning every race in the Amer­i­can Le Mans Se­ries in its first year. Audi also sold the car to cus­tomer teams such as Cham­pion Rac­ing.

In 2003, two Bent­ley Speed 8s, with en­gines de­signed by Audi, and dri­ven by Joest dri­vers loaned to the fel­low Volk­swa­gen Group com­pany, com­peted in the GTP class, and fin­ished the race in the top two po­si­tions, while the Cham­pion Rac­ing R8 fin­ished third over­all, and first in the LM­P900 class. Audi re­turned to the win­ner’s podium at the 2004 race, with the top three fin­ish­ers all dri­ving R8s: Audi Sport Japan Team Goh fin­ished first, Audi Sport UK Veloqx sec­ond, and Cham­pion Rac­ing third.

At the 2005 24 Hours of Le Mans, Cham­pion Rac­ing en­tered two R8s, along with an R8 from the Audi PlaySta­tion Team Oreca. The R8s (which were built to old LM­P900 reg­u­la­tions) re­ceived a nar­rower air inlet re­stric­tor, re­duc­ing power, and an ad­di­tional 50 kg (110 lb) of weight com­pared to the newer LMP1 chas­sis. On av­er­age, the R8s were about 2–3 sec­onds off pace com­pared to the PescaroloJudd. But with a team of ex­cel­lent dri­vers and ex­pe­ri­ence, both Cham­pion R8s were able to take first and third, while the Oreca team took fourth. The Cham­pion team was also the first Amer­i­can team to win Le Mans since the Gulf Ford GTs in 1967. This also ends the long era of the R8; how­ever, its re­place­ment for 2006, called the Audi R10 TDI, was un­veiled on 13 De­cem­ber 2005.

The R10 TDI em­ployed many new and in­no­v­a­tive fea­tures, the most no­table being the twin-tur­bocharged di­rect in­jec­tion diesel en­gine. It was first raced in the 2006 12 Hours of Se­bring as a race-test in prepa­ra­tion for the 2006 24 Hours of Le Mans, which it later went on to win. Audi has been on the fore­front of sports car rac­ing, claim­ing a his­toric win in the first diesel sports car at 12 Hours of Se­bring (the car was de­vel­oped with a Diesel en­gine due to ACO reg­u­la­tions that favor diesel en­gines). As well as win­ning the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 2006 mak­ing his­tory, the R10 TDI has also shown its ca­pa­bil­i­ties by beat­ing the Peu­geot 908 HDi FAP in 2007, and beat­ing Peu­geot again in 2008, (how­ever Peu­geot won the 24h in 2009) and, in a podium clean-sweep by prov­ing its re­li­a­bil­ity through­out the race (com­pared to all four 908 en­tries re­tired be­fore the end of the race) while break­ing a new dis­tance record (set way back by the Porsche 917K of Mar­tini Rac­ing in 1971), in 2010 with the R15 TDI Plus.

Audi’s sports car rac­ing suc­cess would con­tinue with the Audi R18‘s vic­tory at the 2011 24 Hours of Le MansAudi Sport Team Joest‘s Benoît Tréluyer earned Audi their first pole po­si­tion in five years while the team’s sis­ter car locked out the front row. Early ac­ci­dents elim­i­nated two of Audi’s three en­tries, but the sole re­main­ing Audi R18 TDI of Tréluyer, Mar­cel Fässler, and André Lot­terer held off the trio of Peu­geot 908s to claim vic­tory by a mar­gin of 13.8 sec­onds.


Car Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
1 Position 4 3 1 1 4 3 3 3 1 6 3 3 Ret 1 5 2 3 4
2 3 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 Ret 1 Ret 2 1 2 1 1 4 3
3 Ret 2 Ret 3 Ret 5 4 Ret 4 17 1 Ret 5 3 Ret 7
4 Ret Ret 7 2 3

American Le Mans Series

Audi en­tered a fac­tory rac­ing team run by Joest Rac­ing into the Amer­i­can Le Mans Se­ries under the Audi Sport North Amer­ica name in 2000. This was a suc­cess­ful op­er­a­tion with the team win­ning on its debut in the se­ries at the 2000 12 Hours of Se­bring. Fac­tory backed Audi R8s were the dom­i­nant car in ALMS tak­ing 25 vic­to­ries be­tween 2000 and the end of the 2002 sea­son. In 2003 Audi sold cus­tomer cars to Cham­pion Rac­ing as well as con­tin­u­ing to race the fac­tory Audi Sport North Amer­ica team. Cham­pion Rac­ing won many races as a pri­vate team run­ning Audi R8s and even­tu­ally re­placed Team Joest as the Audi Sport North Amer­ica be­tween 2006 and 2008. Since 2009 Audi has not taken part in full Amer­i­can Le Mans Se­ries Cham­pi­onships, but has com­peted in the se­ries open­ing races at Se­bring, using the 12-hour race as a test for Le Mans, and also as part of the 2012 FIA World En­durance Cham­pi­onship sea­son cal­en­dar.


Year Manufacturer Chassis Team Rd1 Rd2 Rd3 Rd4 Rd5 Rd6 Rd7 Rd8 Rd9 Rd10 Rd11 Rd12
2000 Germany Audi R8
United States Audi Sport North America 2 20 3 Ret 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1
1 6 4 3 2 Ret 1 4 2 2 1 15
2001 Germany Audi R8 United States Audi Sport North America 1 1 1 1 1 5 Ret 2 Ret Ret
2 2 2 2 2 2 1 4 1 1
2002 Germany Audi R8 United States Audi Sport North America 5 14 1 2 3 2 Ret 1 1 6
1 2 1 2 1 1 4 3 1
2003 Germany Audi R8 United States Audi Sport North America 1 2 2 1 1 7 1 2 3
United States Champion Racing 2 1 3 2 20 1 4 1 1
2004 Germany Audi R8 United Kingdom Audi Sport UK 1
United States Champion Racing 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
2005 Germany Audi R8 United States Champion Racing 1 1 18 1 3 Ret 3 2 7 4
2 3 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 2
2006 Germany Audi R8 United States Audi Sport North America 1 3 1
R10 Ret 1 2 1 4 7 2
1 4 1 2 1 1 1
2007 Germany Audi R10 United States Audi Sport North America 4 1 7 3 2 5 5 2 2 3 1 1
1 2 12 6 23 3 3 4 2 17 3
2008 Germany Audi R10 United States Audi Sport North America 3 Ret 2 Ret 21 2 2 2 DSQ 1 2
6 1 1 7 4 1 1 1 Ret 3 1
2009 Germany Audi R15 United States Audi Sport North America 5
2010 Germany Audi R15 United States Audi Sport North America 1
2012 Germany Audi R18 Germany Audi Sport Team Joest 16
2013 Germany Audi R18 Germany Audi Sport Team Joest 1

European Le Mans Series

Audi par­tic­i­pated in the 2003 1000km of Le Mans which was a one-off sports car race in prepa­ra­tion for the 2004 Eu­ro­pean Le Mans Se­ries. The fac­tory team Audi Sport UK won races and the cham­pi­onship in the 2004 sea­son but Audi was un­able to match their sweep­ing suc­cess of Audi Sport North Amer­ica in the Amer­i­can Le Mans Se­ries, partly due to the ar­rival of a fac­tory com­peti­tor in LMP1, Peu­geot. The French man­u­fac­turer’s 908 HDi FAP be­came the car to beat in the se­ries from 2008 on­wards with 20 LMP wins. How­ever, Audi were able to se­cure the cham­pi­onship in 2008 even though Peu­geot scored more race vic­to­ries in the season.


Year Manufacturer Chassis Team Rd1 Rd2 Rd3 Rd4 Rd5
2003 Germany Audi R8 Japan Audi Sport Japan 1
2004 Germany Audi R8 United Kingdom Audi Sport UK 2 1 1 Ret
1 2 3 1
Japan Audi Sport Japan 3 4 2 2
2005 Germany Audi R8 France Team Oreca Ret 1 2 2
2008 Germany Audi R10 Germany Audi Sport Team Joest 5 6 4 4 1
2 2 2 3 4
2010 Germany Audi R15 Germany Audi Sport Team Joest 1 3 Ret
5 3

World Endurance Championship


In 2012, the FIA sanc­tioned a World En­durance Cham­pi­onship which would be or­gan­ised by the ACO as a con­tin­u­a­tion of the ILMC. Audi com­peted won the first WEC race at Se­bring and fol­lowed this up with a fur­ther three suc­ces­sive wins, in­clud­ing the 2012 24 Hours of Le Mans. Audi scored a final 5th vic­tory in the 2012 WEC in Bahrain and were able to win the in­au­gural WEC Man­u­fac­tur­ers’ Cham­pi­onship.


As de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons, Audi once again en­tered the Audi R18 e-tron quat­tro chas­sis into the 2013 WEC and the team won the first five con­sec­u­tive races, in­clud­ing the 2013 24 Hours of Le Mans. The vic­tory at Round 5, Cir­cuit of the Amer­i­cas, was of par­tic­u­lar sig­nif­i­cance as it marked the 100th win for Audi in Le Mans prototypes. Audi se­cured their sec­ond con­sec­u­tive WEC Man­u­fac­tur­ers’ Cham­pi­onship at Round 6 after tak­ing sec­ond place and half points in the red-flagged Fuji race.


For the 2014 sea­son Audi en­tered a re­designed and up­graded R18 e-tron quat­tro which fea­tured a 2 MJ en­ergy re­cov­ery sys­tem. As de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons, Audi would once again face a chal­lenge in LMP1 from Toy­ota, and ad­di­tion­ally from Porsche who re­turned to en­durance rac­ing after a 16-year ab­sence. The sea­son open­ing 6hrs of Sil­ver­stone was a dis­as­ter for Audi who saw both cars re­tire from the race, mark­ing the first time that an Audi car has failed to score a podium in a World En­durance Cham­pi­onship race.


Year Manufacturer Chassis SEB
United States
United Kingdom
2012 Germany Audi R18 e-tron quattro 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 173 (209) 1st
Year Manufacturer Chassis SIL
United Kingdom
United States
2013 Germany Audi R18 e-tron quattro 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 207 (207) 1st
Year Manufacturer Chassis Car SIL
United Kingdom
United States
2014 Germany Audi R18 e-tron quattro 1 Ret 2 1 1 5 4 4 3 244 2nd
2 Ret 5 2 2 6 5 5 5

Formula E

Audi pro­vide fac­tory sup­port to Abt Sport­sline in the FIA For­mula E Cham­pi­onship, The team com­peted under the title of Audi Sport Abt For­mula E Team in the in­au­gural 2014-15 For­mula E sea­son. On 13 Feb­ru­ary 2014 the team an­nounced its dri­ver line up as Daniel Abtand World En­durance Cham­pi­onship dri­ver Lucas di Grassi.

Team Chassis Driver CHI
United States
United States
United States
United Kingdom
Germany Audi Sport Abt Formula E Team Spark-Renault SRT 01E Daniel Abt 10 10 15 2015 62
Lucas di Grassi 1 2 3 2015

Formula One

Audi has been linked to For­mula One in re­cent years but has al­ways re­sisted due to the com­pany’s opin­ion that it is not rel­e­vant to road cars, but hy­brid power unit tech­nol­ogy has been adopted into the sport, sway­ing the com­pany’s view and en­cour­ag­ing re­search into the pro­gram by for­mer Fer­rari team prin­ci­pal Ste­fano Domeni­cali.



The logo used by Audi, 1985–2009

The logo used by Audi, 1985–2009
The typeface Audi Sans (used 1997-2009)
The typeface Audi Sans (used 1997-2009)
The typeface Audi Type (used since 2009)
The typeface Audi Type (used since 2009)

The Audi em­blem is four over­lap­ping rings that rep­re­sent the four mar­ques of Auto Union. The Audi em­blem sym­bol­ises the amal­ga­ma­tion of Audi with DKW, Horch and Wan­derer: the first ring from the left rep­re­sents Audi, the sec­ond rep­re­sents DKW, third is Horch, and the fourth and last ring Wanderer. The de­sign is pop­u­larly be­lieved to have been the idea of Klaus von Oertzen, the di­rec­tor of sales at Wan­derer – when Berlin was cho­sen as the host city for the 1936 Sum­mer Olympics and that a form of the Olympic logo sym­bol­ized the newly es­tab­lished Auto Union’s de­sire to succeed. Some­what iron­i­cally, the In­ter­na­tional Olympic Com­mit­teelater sued Audi in the In­ter­na­tional Trade­mark Court in 1995, where they lost.

The orig­i­nal “Audi” script, with the dis­tinc­tive slanted tails on the “A” and “d” was cre­ated for the his­toric Audi com­pany in 1920 by the fa­mous graphic de­signer Lu­cian Bern­hard, and was res­ur­rected when Volk­swa­gen re­vived the brand in 1965. Fol­low­ing the demise of NSU in 1977, less promi­nence was given to the four rings, in pref­er­ence to the “Audi” script en­cased within a black (later red) el­lipse, and was com­monly dis­played next to the Volk­swa­gen roundel when the two brands shared a dealer net­work under the V.A.G ban­ner. The el­lipse (known as the Audi Oval) was phased out after 1994, when Audi formed its own in­de­pen­dent dealer net­work, and promi­nence was given back to the four rings – at the same time Audi Sans (a de­riv­a­tive of Univers) was adopted as the font for all mar­ket­ing ma­te­ri­als, cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tions and was also used in the ve­hi­cles them­selves.

As part of Audi’s cen­ten­nial cel­e­bra­tion in 2009, the com­pany up­dated the logo, chang­ing the font to left-aligned Audi Type, and al­ter­ing the shad­ing for the over­lap­ping rings. The re­vised logo was de­signed by Rayan Abdullah.

Audi de­vel­oped a Cor­po­rate Sound con­cept, with Audi Sound Stu­dio de­signed for pro­duc­ing the Cor­po­rate Sound. The Cor­po­rate Sound pro­ject began with sound agency Klangerfinder GmbH & Co KG and s12 GmbH. Audio sam­ples were cre­ated in Klangerfinder’s sound stu­dio in Stuttgart, be­com­ing part of Audi Sound Stu­dio col­lec­tion. Other Audi Sound Stu­dio com­po­nents in­clude The Brand Music Pool, The Brand Voice. Audi also de­vel­oped Sound Brand­ing Toolkit in­clud­ing cer­tain in­stru­ments, sound themes, rhythm and car sounds which all are sup­posed to re­flect the AUDI sound character.

Audi started using a beat­ing heart sound trade­mark be­gin­ning in 1996. An up­dated heart­beat sound logo, de­vel­oped by agen­cies KLANGERFINDER GmbH & Co KG of Stuttgart and S12 GmbH of Mu­nich, was first used in 2010 in an Audi A8 com­mer­cial with the slo­gan “The Art of Progress.”


Audi’s cor­po­rate tagline is Vor­sprung durch Technik, mean­ing “Progress through Technology”. The Ger­man-lan­guage tagline is used in many Eu­ro­pean coun­tries, in­clud­ing the United King­dom, and in other mar­kets, such as Latin Amer­ica, Ocea­nia and parts of Asia in­clud­ing Japan. A few years ago, the North Amer­i­can tagline was “In­no­va­tion through technology”, but in Canada the Ger­man tagline Vor­sprung durch Technik was used in ad­ver­tis­ing. Since 2007, Audi has used the slo­gan “Truth in En­gi­neer­ing” in the U.S. How­ever, since the Audi emis­sions test­ing scan­dal came to light in Sep­tem­ber 2015, this slo­gan was lam­basted for being dis­cor­dant with reality. In fact, just hours after dis­graced Volk­swa­gen CEO Mar­tin Win­terkorn ad­mit­ted to cheat­ing on emis­sions data, an ad­ver­tise­ment dur­ing the 2015 Prime­time Emmy Awards pro­moted Audi’s lat­est ad­vances in low emis­sions tech­nol­ogy with Ker­mit the Frog stat­ing, “It’s not that easy being green.”

It was first used in Eng­lish-lan­guage ad­ver­tis­ing after Sir John Hegarty of the Bar­tle Bogle Hegarty ad­ver­tis­ing agency vis­ited the Audi fac­tory in 1982. In the orig­i­nal British tele­vi­sion com­mer­cials, the phrase was voiced by Ge­of­frey Palmer. After its re­peated use in ad­ver­tis­ing cam­paigns, the phrase found its way into pop­u­lar cul­ture, in­clud­ing the British com­edy Only Fools and Horses, the U2 song “Zooropa” and the Blur song “Park­life“. Sim­i­lar-sound­ing phrases have also been used, in­clud­ing as the punch­line for a joke in the movie Lock, Stock, and Two Smok­ing Bar­rels and in the British TV se­ries Peep Show.


Audi Sans (based on Univers Ex­tended) was orig­i­nally cre­ated in 1997 by Ole Schäfer for MetaDe­sign. MetaDe­sign was later com­mis­sioned for a new cor­po­rate type­face called Audi Type, de­signed by Paul van der Laan and Pieter van Ros­malen of Bold Mon­day. The font began to ap­pear in Audi’s 2009 prod­ucts and mar­ket­ing materials.


2008 Allianz arena at night Richard BartzAudi sponsors Bundesliga club Bayern Munich

Audi is a strong part­ner of dif­fer­ent kinds of sports. In foot­ball, long part­ner­ships exist be­tween Audi and do­mes­tic clubs in­clud­ing Bay­ern Mu­nichHam­burger SV1. FC Nürn­bergHertha BSC, and Borus­sia Mönchenglad­bach and in­ter­na­tional clubs in­clud­ing ChelseaReal MadridFC BarcelonaA.C. MilanAFC Ajax and Per­spo­lis. Audi also spon­sors win­ter sports: The Audi FIS Alpine Ski World Cup is named after the com­pany. Ad­di­tion­ally, Audi sup­ports the Ger­man Ski As­so­ci­a­tion (DSV) as well as the alpine ski­ing na­tional teams of Switzer­land, Swe­den, Fin­land, France, Liecht­en­stein, Italy, Aus­tria and the U.S. For al­most two decades, Audi fos­ters golf sport: for ex­am­ple with the Audi quat­tro Cup and the Hy­poVere­ins­bank Ladies Ger­man Open pre­sented by Audi. In sail­ing, Audi is en­gaged in the Med­cup re­gatta and sup­ports the team Luna Rossa dur­ing the Louis Vuit­ton Pa­cific Se­ries and also is the pri­mary spon­sor of the Melges 20 sail­boat. Fur­ther, Audi spon­sors the re­gional teams ERC In­gol­stadt (hockey) and FC In­gol­stadt 04 (soc­cer). In 2009, the year of Audi’s 100th an­niver­sary, the com­pany or­ga­nized the Audi Cup for the first time. Audi also spon­sor the New York Yan­kees as well. In Oc­to­ber 2010 they agreed to a three spon­sor­ship year-deal with Ever­ton. Audi also spon­sors the Eng­land PoloTeam and holds the Audi Polo Awards.

Multitronic campaign

Audi Centre Sydney, Zetland, New South Wales, Australia
Audi Centre Sydney, Zetland, New South Wales, Australia

In 2001, Audi pro­moted the new mul­ti­tronic con­tin­u­ously vari­able trans­mis­sion with tele­vi­sion com­mer­cials through­out Eu­rope, fea­tur­ing an im­per­son­ator of mu­si­cian and actor Elvis Pres­ley. A pro­to­typ­i­cal dash­board fig­ure – later named “Wackel-Elvis” (“Wob­ble Elvis” or “Wob­bly Elvis”) – ap­peared in the com­mer­cials to demon­strate the smooth ride in an Audi equipped with the mul­ti­tronic trans­mis­sion. The dash­board fig­ure was orig­i­nally in­tended for use in the com­mer­cials only, but after they aired the de­mand for Wackel-Elvis fans grew among fans and the fig­ure was mass-pro­duced in China and mar­keted by Audi in their fac­tory out­let store.

Audi TDI

As part of Audi’s at­tempt to pro­mote its Diesel tech­nol­ogy in 2009, the com­pany began Audi Mileage Marathon. The dri­ving tour fea­tured a fleet of 23 Audi TDI ve­hi­cles from 4 mod­els (Audi Q73.0 TDI, Audi Q5 3.0 TDI, Audi A4 3.0 TDI, Audi A3 Sport­back 2.0 TDI with S tronic trans­mis­sion) trav­el­ling across the Amer­i­can con­ti­nent from New York to Los An­ge­les, pass­ing major cities like Chicago, Dal­las and Las Vegas dur­ing the 13 daily stages, as well as nat­ural won­ders in­clud­ing the Rocky Moun­tains, Death Val­ley and the Grand Canyon.

Audi e-tron

The next phase of tech­nol­ogy Audi is de­vel­op­ing is the e-tron elec­tric drive pow­er­train sys­tem. They have shown sev­eral con­cept cars as of March 2010, each with dif­fer­ent lev­els of size and per­for­mance. The orig­i­nal e-tron con­cept shown at the 2009 Frank­furt motor show is based on the plat­form of the R8 and has been sched­uled for lim­ited pro­duc­tion. Power is pro­vided by elec­tric mo­tors at all four wheels. The sec­ond con­cept was shown at the 2010 De­troit Motor Show. Power is pro­vided by two elec­tric mo­tors at the rear axle. This con­cept is also con­sid­ered to be the di­rec­tion for a fu­ture mid-en­gined gas-pow­ered 2-seat per­for­mance coupe. The Audi A1 e-tron con­cept, based on the Audi A1 pro­duc­tion model, is a hy­brid ve­hi­cle with a range ex­tend­ing Wankel ro­tary en­gine to pro­vide power after the ini­tial charge of the bat­tery is de­pleted. It is the only con­cept of the three to have range ex­tend­ing ca­pa­bil­ity. The car is pow­ered through the front wheels, al­ways using elec­tric power.

It is all set to be dis­played at the Auto Expo 2012 in New Delhi, India, from 5 Jan­u­ary. Pow­ered by a 1.4 litre en­gine, and can cover a dis­tance up to 54 km s on a sin­gle charge. The e-tron was also shown in the 2013 block­buster film Iron Man 3 and was dri­ven by Tony Stark (Iron Man).

In video games

In PlaySta­tion Home, the PlaySta­tion 3‘s on­line com­mu­nity-based ser­vice, Audi has sup­ported Home by re­leas­ing a ded­i­cated Home spacein the Eu­ro­pean ver­sion of Home. Audi is the first car­maker to de­velop a space for Home. On 17 De­cem­ber 2009, Audi re­leased the Audi Space as two spaces; the Audi Home Ter­mi­nal and the Audi Ver­ti­cal Run. The Audi Home Ter­mi­nal fea­tures an Audi TV chan­nel de­liv­er­ing video con­tent, an In­ter­net Browser fea­ture, and a view of a city. The Audi Ver­ti­cal Run is where users can ac­cess the mini-game Ver­ti­cal Run, a fu­tur­is­tic mini-game fea­tur­ing Audi’s e-tron con­cept. Play­ers col­lect en­ergy and race for the high­est pos­si­ble speeds and the fastest play­ers earn a place in the Audi apart­ments lo­cated in a large tower in the cen­tre of the Audi Space. In both the Home Ter­mi­nal and Ver­ti­cal Run spaces, there are tele­ports where users can tele­port back and forth be­tween the two spaces. Audi has stated that ad­di­tional con­tent will be added in 2010.

The pictures I collected the last 15 years on the www:

1896 Audibert-lavirotte F1913 Audi 18-45PS, Staff Car1913 Audi Typ C1923 Audi Jaray1923 Audi Typ E1930 Audi dresden s1930 audi nmve1930 Audi Typ SS1931 Audi zwickau cabrio typ-ss 20-100ps by seegers1933 Audi front sport cabrio glaser1934 Audi uw1935 Audi 225 Special Roadster1935 Audi front 225 spezial roadster1935 Model Audi 225 Front Special Roadster1936 Audi front sedan1937 Audi 225 special cabrio1938 Audi 920 cabrio glaser1938 audi 920 limousine1939 Audi 920 cabrio1939 Audi Typ 9201939 Audi1940 Audi 920 limousine1960 Audi 621962 Audi 721963 Prachtige Audi Politieauto1965 Audi F103 series Audi front design proposal made by Bertone in 1965 to replace DKW F102 after VW ownership back1965 Audi F103 series Audi front design proposal made by Bertone in 1965 to replace DKW F102 after VW ownership1965 Audi1966 Audi 60 2T Limousine1966 Audi 80 VariantHannover, Internationale Polizeiausstellung1966 Audi variant1967 Audi Super 90, 90 PS (1966-1969)1968 Audi 601968 Audi 75 variant1968 Audi 1001968 Audi super 901968-69 Audi-F1031968-73 Audi 100OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA1969 Audi 1001969 Audi lav189 -1970s Audi 100 LS (10711003326)1971 Audi 75L1971 Audi modelrangen1972 Audi 60 L, 1500 cm³, 4 Zyl., 55 PS1972 Audi 75 in central Germany1972 Audi 75 Variant1972 Audi 751972 Audi 100 GL1972 Audi 100 LS1972 Audi Super 901972-76 Audi 80Wolfsburg, VW Autowerk1973 Audi Karmann Asso di Picche by ItalDesign1974 Audi 80 Fox Station Wagon1974 Audi 100 C1 Coupe S Automatic1974 Audi 100 C1, 1600 cm³, 85 PS (1974-1976)Landscape1974 Audi 100 Viertürer (1973–1974)1975 Audi 501976 Audi 80 B1 (1976-1978)1976 Audi 100 Coupé (C1)1976 Audi 100 Coupé S (1974–1976)1977 Audi 80 GLS1977 Audi Fox (US-Version)1979 Audi 80 B1 Estate England1979 Audi 100 2 door Belgian Coast1979 Audi 200 Park Terrace1980 Audi 80 b21981 Audi 801981 Audi 1001981 Audi 4000 US-spec 2-door version, shown by the headlamp configuration and large bumpers1981 Audi 50001982 Audi 100 C31982-91 Audi 1001983 Audi 80 1.8 GL mint1983 Audi 100 Avant (10066143816)1984 Audi quattro A2 at the 1984 Rally Portugal1986 Audi 80 GT (white)1986 Audi Coupe GT5E1987 Audi 80 1.8, 75PS - first registered 19 Nov 19871987 Audi 90Q Typ891987 Audi 100 C31988 Audi 80 quattro1989 Audi 80 avant1989 Audi 801989 Audi 90 quattro 20 valve 125kW (170 Bhp) inline 5-cylinder engine quattro all-wheel-driveIM000280.JPG1990 Audi 100 Avant TDI1990 Audi Coupe in ginstergelb1992 Audi 80 (8A) 2.0 E sedan1992 Audi 801993 Audi 80 quattro 2,5 DTM B41993 Audi 100 (4A) 2.8 E quattro sedan (2012-10-26)1994 Audi S2 Coupé1995 Audi 80 (8C) 2.6 E sedan1995 Audi 80 TDi SE 1.91995 Audi Cabriolet (8G) 2.6 E convertible1996 Audi A6 C41996 Audi S2 Coupe1998 Audi Cabriolet a1998 Audi cabriolet2003 Audi lemans quattro-studie cropped2004 Audi TT Coupé2004 Cammy~Conversions~Audi~5000~SEL~C42005 Audi AS4 Avant ABT2005 Audi S8 (4.2l, 265 kW))2006 Audi 200 quattro vl black2006 Audi A4 B7 Cabriolet2006 Audi R10 TDI2006 Hongqi CA7202 in Shanghai Chinese version of Audi 1002006 Volkswagen W12 engine2007 Audi 100 C4 front 200710072007 Audi A3 silver vl2007 Audi Quattro S1 driven during the 2007 Rallye Deutschland2007 Audi R8 Engine 4,2L V8 DOHC FSI2007 Audi tt2007 Audi TT-R, ABT Sportsline Tuning2008 Allianz arena at night Richard Bartz2008 Audi A3 Cabriolet (8P)2008 Audi A3 Sportback rear2008 Audi A32008 Audi A4 B6 Cabriolet2008 AUDI A4 B8 LED DaytimeRunningLights2008 Audi A8 D32008 Audi Quattro 20V2008 Audi TT 3.2 Roadster2009 Audi A5 Cabriolet2010 Audi A1 1.4 TFSI Ambition Pro Line S-Tronic2010 Audi A8 D4 4.2 TDI quattro2010 Audi TT Roadster TFSI (8J) Facelift

2011 Audi A5 Coupé 2.0 TFSI quattro S tronic Gletscherweiß Facelift2011 Audi A6 3.0 TDI quattro (C7)2012 Audi A1 S-line2012 Audi A1 Sportback 1.4 TFSI Ambition2012 Audi A1 Sportback Ambition 1.6 TDI2012 Audi A2 1.2 TDI2012 Audi A2 back2012 Audi A22012 Audi A3 8V 1.4 TFSI2012 Audi A6 C7 allroad quattro Phantomschwarz2012 Audi A6 Hybrid2012 Audi R8 - Alexandre Prevost2012 Audi R8 GT2012 Audi S5 sideleft2012 Audi S5 Sportback2013 AUDI A8 W122013 Audi S7 Sportback2014 Audi A1 Sportback 1.6 TDI S Line Style Edition 5d2014 Audi TT 8S2014 Audi TT virtual cockpit2015 Audi A4 B9 3.0 TDI quattro V6 200 kW S line Tango Red Front View2015 Audi A8V10plus2015 Audi RS6 Avant TFSi Quattro Automatic 4.02015 Audi S42015 Audi S62015 Audi S7 Sportback C7 facelift 032015 Audi S8 plus2015 Audi TT (20444900760)2015 Audi TTS (8S)2015 Audi-A3-TDI-1022015 Audi-A3-TDI-110Audi A1 Sportback2016 Audi A4 allroad quattro A4allroad Detroit_Auto_Show_20162016 Audi A5 II coupé2016 Audi Q3 quattro Sport (Facelift)2016 Audi Q5 2.0 T quattro2016 Audi Q7 3.0 TDI quattro S-line (II)2016 Audi RS 3 quattro2016 Audi RS Q3 performance2016 Audi RS7 Sportback Performance Quattro2016 Audi RS7 Sportback2017 Audi A1 Sportback 1.4 TFSI Sport Manual 1.4L 5D Hatchback2017 Audi A3 SportBack 2.0 TFSI S-line2017 Audi A4 (8W) S-Line quattro sedan2017 Audi A6 SE Executive TDI Ultra S-A 2.02017 Audi A8 D5 TFSI Quattro2017 Audi Q2 Sport TDi 1.62017 Audi RS4 Avant2017 Audi RS5 Coupe Quattro2017 Audi S32017 Audi SQ72018 Audi A6 Monrepos2018 AUDI A7 55 TFSI quattro-Geneva_International_Motor_Show_2018,_Le_Grand-Saconnex_(1X7A1755)2018 Audi Q82018 Audi RS4 Avant2018 Audi S1 Competition Quattro 2.02018 Audi S5 TFSi Quattro Automatic 3.02018 Audi SQ5 3.02018 Audi TT RS CoupeAudi 2 DAudi 60 L LimousineAudi 75 Variant (1968–1970)Audi 75Audi 80 (B1) faceliftAudi 80 (B1) pre-facelift (rear)Audi 80 B1 backAudi 80 B1Audi 80 B2Audi 80 B4Audi 80 GLS 4dAudi 80 L 02Audi 80 Variant (F103)Audi 90 (1984-1986)Audi 100 C1 4dAudi 100 C1Audi 100 C2 (CD 5S)Audi 100 C2 4d L50Audi 100 C2 avantAudi 100 C4Audi 100 Coupé S (1970–1973)Audi 100 GL (1971–1973)Audi 100 LS 2dAudi 100 LS Viertürer (1971–1973)Audi 100 LS Zweitürer (1969–1971)Audi 100 LSAudi 100 US-Modell (1974–1977)Audi 200 quattro vl blackAudi A NotartztAudi A2 ArtsenuitvoeringAudi A3 RVV ArtsenuitvoeringAudi A4 allroad quattro PhantomschwarzAudi A4 B5 AvantAudi A4 B5Audi A4 B6 8EAudi A4 B7 SedanAudi A4 B8 Limousine Ambiente 2.0 TDI EissilberAudi A5 leftAudi A6 allroad quattro 3.0 TFSI (C6, Facelift)Audi A6 C5Audi A6 C6 FaceliftAudi A6-C4Der neue Audi A7 Sportback auf der Weltpremiere in Muenchen.Audi allroad quattroAudi AllroadAudi CoupeAudi head office in IngolstadtAudi IAudi Laurent Aiello DTM(ThKraft)AUDI LIMOAudi NLAudi Q3 quattro /Standaufnahmeaudi q3Audi Q5 (2)audi q5audi r8 gtr razoAudi R8 V-10 de Heffner ElfaroAUDI R18 7Audi Rosemeyer ModellMINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAAudi RS4 B5Audi RS4 Cabrioletaudi RS6Audi S6 EmblemAudi S6 FähnchenAudi S8 1Audi sponsors Bundesliga club Bayern Munich Allianz ArenaAudi Sport RacewagenOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAudi TTAudi TT-RSAudi TTS GlutorangeAudi Typ 89Audi Urban conceptAudi v8 dtmAudi V8 QuattroAudi V8. VFAudiaudi-a3-clubsport-quattro-concept-1audi-a3-clubsport-quattro-concept-2audi-allroad-shooting-brake-concept-1audi-allroad-shooting-brake-concept-2Audi-Logo unter der Auto Unionaudi-prologue-conceptaudi-prologue-concept-2DKW F 102 Audi F103's body closely followed that of the earlier DKW F102, shown here, though the Audi's engine was a break with the two-stroke DKW traditionDKW F102 (l) + Audi F103 (r)DKW-Logo – die vier Ringe der Auto Union entsprechen den vier Marken Audi, DKW, Horch und WandererEntwicklung Audi KühlergrillFAW Hongqi Audi 100 C3 (Typ 44) - in einer werksseitig verkauften Sonderversion als BestattungsfahrzeugGedenktafel am ersten Firmensitz in IngolstadtHongqi CA7180A2EL1 01 China 2016-04-11IFA F9, Typ 309-1LED Daytime Running Lightslogo used by Audi, 1985–2009Logos AudiThe typeface Audi Sans (used 1997-2009)The typeface Audi Type (used since 2009)

That’s it as far as my pictures go.

See also


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  114. ab Rice-Oxley, Mark; Topham, Laurence; Alsaker, Ole (18 September 2012). “Vorsprung durch Technik: how a catchphrase was coined – video”The Guardian. Retrieved 16 May 2013.
  115. ^ Official U2 Website - Zooropa Lyrics
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  122. ^ “Audi Wackel-Elvis commercial (2001, British version)”Youtube. Retrieved 2 August 2010.
  123. ^ “Audi Wackel-Elvis commercial (2001, German version)”Youtube. Retrieved 2 August 2010.
  124. ^ “Fans Waiting in Line for Release of Wackel-Elvis”Die Welt (in German). 11 June 2001. Retrieved 2 August 2010.
  125. ^ Abuelsamid, Sam (8 September 2008). “Audi to kick off diesel push with cross country Mileage Marathon”. Retrieved 2 August 2010.
  126. ^ Fernandez, Joe (10 December 2009). “Audi to launch PlayStation download game”Marketing Week. Retrieved 10 December 2009.
  127. ^ “Audi creates virtual Audi Space within PlayStation Home”CNETReviews.


  • Oswald, Werner (2001). Deutsche Autos 1920–1945, Band (vol) 2 (in German). Motorbuch Verlag. ISBN3-613-02170-6.

External links

DODGE Cars and Trucks Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA Part III


1910 Dodge Brothers emblem ca. 1910, removed from the gate of the Dodge Main plant before its 1981 demolition

Cars and Trucks Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA Part III

In Part III I hope there is place for the rest.

Dodge Lancer

Not to be confused with Mitsubishi Lancer or Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution.
Dodge Lancer
1962 Dodge Lancer 170 2-Door Sedan

1962 Dodge Lancer 170 2-Door Sedan
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Production 1955–1959
Body and chassis
Platform FR layout A-body (for 1961–62)
FF layout H-body (for 1985–89)
Successor Dodge Dart (for 1963)
Dodge Spirit (for 1989)

The Dodge Lancer is a passenger car from the Dodge division of Chrysler Corporation. Dodge used the Lancer name on three different vehicles over the years.

1955–1959 Coronet Lancer, Royal Lancer and Custom Royal Lancer


 1956 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer

Dodge used the Lancer name from 1955 to 1959 to designate the two- and four-door hardtop (no B-pillar) models in the full-sized Coronet, Royal, and Custom Royal lines. The Custom Royal Lancer was a hardtop only and top-of-the-line model for Dodge in 1959. There were 6,278 two-door and 5,019 four-door hardtops made in 1959. A total of 11,397 Custom Royal Lancers were made.

The Custom Royal Lancer featured a big-block V8 engine, the 361 cu in (5.9 L) producing 305 hp (227 kW; 309 PS). A D-500 option was available, which included a 383 cu in (6.3 L) engine with a single Carter four-barrel carburetor rated at 320 hp (239 kW; 324 PS), as well as a Super D-500 version with dual four-barrel carburetors producing 340 hp (254 kW; 345 PS).

The Custom Royal Lancer also featured a padded dashboard and steering wheel, Lancer emblems on the fenders, steering wheel, hubcaps, foot-operated windshield wipers, dual radio antennas, deluxe side trim, and thick chrome eyebrows. Optional equipment included power windows and brakes, air conditioning, and swivel seats. The Lancer designation was dropped for 1960.

1961–1962 Lancer

1962 Dodge Lancer

1962 Dodge Lancer 4-Door Sedan
Production 1961–1962
Assembly United States: Detroit, Michigan
Hamtramck, Michigan
Los Angeles, California
Newark, Delaware
St. Louis, Missouri
Mexico: Mexico City
Switzerland: AMAG Automobil- und MotorenSchinznach
Body and chassis
Class Compact
Body style 2-door hardtop
2-door sedan
4-door sedan
4-door station wagon
Layout FR layout
Platform A-body
Related Plymouth Valiant
Chrysler Valiant
Engine 170 cu in (2.8 l) Slant-6
225 cu in (3.7 l) Slant-6
Transmission 3-speed manual
3-speed A904 automatic
Wheelbase 106.5″
Length 188.8″

For the 1961 model year, Dodge applied the Lancer nameplate to its higher-priced, upmarket badge-engineered clone of Chrysler’s very popular Valiant compact. The model was introduced when Chrysler officially assigned the Valiant to the Plymouth division for 1961, leaving Dodge dealers without a compact to sell. All the same body variants available on the Valiant were also available on the Lancer: two- and four-door sedans, two-door coupes and four-door wagons.

Styling & trim

1961 Dodge Lancer 770 Station Wagon

 1961 Dodge Lancer 770 Station Wagon
1962 Dodge Lancer 170 2-Door Sedan a

 1962 Dodge Lancer 170 2-Door Sedan
1962 Dodge Lancer GT 2-Door Hardtop

 1962 Dodge Lancer GT 2-Door Hardtop

The Lancer wheelbase and body shell were identical to those of the Valiant, but interior and exterior trim were fancier on the Lancer. Lancers featured round taillights and a full-width grille, instead of the Valiant’s cat’s-eye taillights and central grille. For 1961, trim levels were the basic “170” and the premium “770”. In 1961, the two-door hardtop was marketed as the “Lancer 770 Sports Coupe”, essentially a performance appearance package. For 1962, the Sports Coupe was given the more concise model name of “GT” and carried premium trim; two-tone paint was available and instead of the front bench seat, there were two bucket seats. Also for the 1962 model, “Lancer GT” medallions were mounted on the doors’ interior trim panels below the vent window and on the sides of the front fenders just aft of the headlamps. “GT” emblems were placed on the hood, the deck lid and on the vinyl dash pad. The headlamp bezels and the grille’s horizontal slats were blacked-out. The GT also lacked certain ornamentation found on the 170s and 770s such as the “Lancer” door scripts, the slanted chrome hash marks on the lower quarter panel, and the hook-ended stainless steel door-to-fender spears.


The Lancer used the slant-6 engine. The base engine was the 170 cu in (2.8 l) unit, rated at 101 bhp (75 kW). The optional power package consisted of the larger 225 cu in (3.7 l) engine, rated at 145 bhp (108 kW). After the start of the 1961 model year, a die-cast aluminum version of the 225 engine block was made available. The aluminum 225 weighed 45 pounds (20 kg) less than the iron 170 and 80 pounds (36 kg) less than the iron 225. Any of the available engines could be equipped at the dealer with Chrysler’s Hyper Pak parts kit for a significant power upgrade: the 170 Hyper Pak’s published output was 148 bhp (110 kW), while the 225 Hyper Pak’s was 196 bhp (146 kW). The Hyper-Pak shaved more than four seconds off the 0 to 60 mph (97 km/h) time versus the standard 225, and was over a second quicker and seven miles per hour faster in the quarter mile. With the Hyper Pak, a 225 Lancer could go from 0 to 60 mph (97 km/h) in 8.6 seconds and turn in a standing quarter mile time of 16.4 seconds. 1962 cars had the engine and transmission moved for a flatter front floor.

Transmission options were a Chrysler-built A903 three-speed manual with the shifter on the floor in 1961 and on the steering column in 1962, or a pushbutton-operated A904 Torqueflite three-speed automatic.

Drag strip & sales competition

In the 1962 NHRA Winternatonals, Wayne Weihe took home the win in the C/FX (Factory Experimental) class with his Hyper-Pak-equipped Lancer, clocking a 15.67 E.T. Although the bigger Dodges were beginning to appear at drag strips around the country, the “Golden Lancer” of Dode Martin and Jim Nelson was just about the fastest compact on the strips in 1962. Stuffed into the engine compartment was a 413 cu in (6.77 liters) Chrysler RB V8 engine modified by the Chrysler engineers’ “Ramchargers” racing team. The Golden Lancer raced successfully in A/FX class and could do the quarter mile in 12.68 seconds at 113 mph.

Lancer sales did not meet expectations and sold about half as well as the Valiant. As a late part of the total redesign of Dodge’s compact car for 1963, the Lancer name was discontinued. Dodge compacts for 1963 through 1976 were named Dart, a name that had previously been assigned to a larger car produced by Dodge from 1960 to 1962.

South African market

In South Africa, a right hand drive version of the Lancer was sold from 1961 through 1963, badged as the “DeSoto Rebel” not very long after the DeSoto name was discontinued in the U.S. All Rebels were equipped with the 170 cu in (2.8 l) Slant 6 engine, and most were equipped with the three-speed manual transmission. As with the Australian RV1 and SV1 Valiants, the Rebel used the instrument cluster from the U.S. 1961 Plymouth Valiant. White reflectors were mounted to the front bumper, in compliance with South African vehicle equipment regulations. The Rebel name was re-introduced by Chrysler South Africa in 1967 as the economy-priced “Valiant Rebel”.

1985–1989 Lancer

1988 Dodge Lancer ES with turbo sports package.

1988 Dodge Lancer ES Turbo
Production 1985–1989
Assembly Sterling Heights, Michigan, United States
Body and chassis
Class Mid-size
Body style 5-door hatchback
Layout Transverse front-engine, front-wheel drive
Platform H-body
Related Chrysler LeBaron GTS
Chrysler LeBaron
Chrysler GTS (Europe)
Shelby Lancer
Engine 2.2 l (134 cu in) K I4
2.2 l (134 cu in) Turbo I I4
2.2 l (134 cu in) Turbo II I4
2.5 l (153 cu in) K I4
Transmission 5-speed manual
3-speed A413 automatic

The Dodge Lancer was re-introduced in 1985 as a mid-sized 5-door hatchback. It was a rebadged version of the more expensive Chrysler LeBaron GTS and was based on the Chrysler H platform, a stretched version of the Chrysler K platform. The Lancer eventually slotted between the Aries and the 600. All Lancers were built in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Production ended on April 7, 1989, replaced by the Spirit.

Lancer Shelby

The 1988 to 1989 “Lancer Shelby” was a factory appearance and handling package including upgraded sway bars, shorter springs, and quicker steering along with an assortment of comfort and convenience features including leather seats, power locks, windows, seats and mirrors, a tilt steering wheel and a two-position cup holder. It was inspired by the 1987 Shelby Lancer, which was built by Shelby Automobiles in Whittier, California. Chrysler took over production starting with the 1988 model year, building them in the same Sterling Heights plant as regular Lancers.

The intercooled Turbo II engine with the manual transmission provided 175 hp (130 kW). The automatic variant was equipped with the 146 hp (109 kW) Turbo I. Although it was not planned as a limited edition, only 279 Lancer Shelbys were produced in 1988 and 208 in 1989.

European market

In April 1988, Chrysler started offering some models on the European market. One of them was the “Chrysler GTS”, a rebadged version of the Dodge Lancer ES. Due to European vehicle regulations, the exterior appearance was slightly different. The rear turn signals were amber rather than red, the front sidemarkers and the centre high mount stop lamp (CHMSL) were blanked off, small round repeaters were installed into the front fenders and the sideview mirrors were of spring-hinged rather than rigid design. The engine options included the naturally aspirated 2.2 l (134 cu in) Four, and a turbocharged version of the same engine. From 1989 on, the 2.5 l (153 cu in) Four became available with or without a turbocharger. The 2.2 engine was dropped, except for the Turbo II version that was standard equipment on the Chrysler GTS Shelby, the European sibling of the Dodge Lancer Shelby. A five-speed manual gearbox was standard, with a three-speed automatic transmission as an extra cost option. The GTS Shelby came only with the manual transmission.

The Chrysler GTS had few buyers in Europe; the competition was too hard. Even the comparatively low prices could not help, and sales figures were very low. By the end of 1989, the GTS was replaced by the Saratoga.

  • Magnum (1978–1979, 2005–2008)

Dodge Magnum

Dodge Magnum
2008 Dodge Magnum (2)
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation (1978–1988)
DaimlerChrysler (2005–2007)
Chrysler LLC (2008)

The Dodge Magnum is nameplate used by several Dodge vehicles, prominently as a large coupe marketed from 1978 to 1979 in the United States as well as a rear-wheel drive station wagon introduced in 2004 for the 2005 model year and produced until the end of the 2008 model year and assembled at Brampton Assembly Plant, near Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

In Brazil, the Magnum nameplate was a top of the line version of the local Dodge Dart from 1979 to 1981.

In Mexico, the Dodge Magnum was a sporty rear-wheel drive two-door car based on Chrysler’s M body (American Dodge Diplomat/Plymouth Gran Fury). It had a 360 CID (5.9L) V-8 engine with a single 4 barrel carburetor rated at 300 hp (224 kW). From 1983 to 1988 Dodge marketed a sporty two-door K-car with available turbocharger from 1984 on as the Magnum. Four engines were offered for the Mexican Magnum K, a SOHC I-4 2.2L (K-Trans-4), a turbocharged SOHC I-4 2.2L (1983–86) and two other 2.5L SOHC I-4s, with and without turbocharger (1987–88). The Mexican front-wheel drive Magnum was officially called “Dodge Magnum 400” between 1983 and 1984, as it was a sporty Mexican variation of the American Dodge 400 of the early eighties. For 1985, the “400” suffix was dropped. For the 1987 season, the turbocharger received an intercooler and the power from the turbo engine changed from 140 to 150 hp (112 kW).


Dodge Magnum 2014
Production 1978–1979
Assembly Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Body and chassis
Class Mid-size
Body style 2-door coupe
Layout FR layout
Platform B-body
Related Chrysler 300 (1979)
Chrysler Cordoba
Dodge Charger
Dodge Monaco
Plymouth Fury
Engine 318 cu in (5.2 L) LA V8
360 cu in (5.9 L) LA V8
400 cu in (6.6 L) B V8
Transmission 3-speed A727 automatic
Wheelbase 115.0 in (2,921 mm)
Length 215.7 in (5,479 mm)
Width 77.2 in (1,961 mm)
Height 53.1 in (1,349 mm)
Predecessor Dodge Charger
Successor Dodge Mirada

The 1978 and 1979 Dodge Magnum in the United States and Canada was an addition to the Chrysler line up that allowed Richard Petty to continue racing with a Mopar. The Magnum was sold in two forms; the “XE” and the “GT”. It was the last vehicle to use the long running Chrysler B platform. The appearance was somewhat of a rounded off Charger, and was in response to getting a car that would be eligible for NASCAR that would be more aerodynamic, something the 1975-78 Charger was not. Styling features included four rectangular headlights behind retractable clear covers, with narrow opera windows, and an optional T-bar or power sunroof. The Magnum was well-featured with power steering, brakes and seats; the suspension included Chrysler’s standard adjustable, longitudinal torsion bars, lower trailing links, and front and rear anti-sway bars. The base engine was the 318 in³ V8 with Lean Burn, while two and four-barrel carbureted 360 and 400 V8s were also available; weight was nearly 3,900 lb (1,800 kg). The 400 was dropped from the option list in 1979 as Chrysler stopped production of big-block V-8’s in production cars at the end of 1978. A performance model, the “GT” was available with the 400 V8 in 1978 and the “E58” police interceptor (360 V8-195 HP) engine in 1979 along with HD suspension, special axle, special “GT” badging and a “turned metal” dash applique. Technology was advanced for the time with an onboard spark control computer from inception, electronic ignition, and a lockup torque converter. The Magnum name was discarded quickly in favor of the Mirada, a smaller car that was also shared an all new body with the Chrysler Cordoba. The Magnum has something of a cult following today, with several clubs and enthusiasts who are dedicated to the recognition and preservation of Chrysler’s “last B-body”. In 1979, they made 3,704 Dodge Magnums with the T-Top.


For the 1978 NASCAR season, the 1974 Charger that Chrysler teams had continued to use was no longer eligible for competition. Chrysler worked on several car designs to smooth out the current 1975 bodied Charger into something that would be reasonably aerodynamic for the big racetracks and the Magnum design was settled on early in 1977 for use in the 1978 racing season. While not as aerodynamic as the previous 1974 Charger body, the shape of the Magnum showed promise, and the Petty Enterprise built test cars easily reached 190 mph (310 km/h) on test runs. At first it seemed that out on the tracks the cars ran well with Richard Petty almost winning his Daytona 125 (finishing 2nd), and lead 30+ laps of the Daytona 500 until a blown front tire caused him to wreck. However, the lack of factory development support of the small-block Chrysler 360 V8 as a race engine was becoming more of a problem, and in high speed racing traffic the Magnum did not handle well. Richard Petty was particularly harsh in his criticism of the car.

By the latter half of the 1978 season, Petty and Neil Bonnett (the two top Mopar teams) gave up on the cars inconsistent performance and switched to Chevrolets, leaving independent drivers Buddy Arrington (who bought a few of Petty’s Magnums, along with some parts) and Frank Warren, and C&W singer Marty Robbins to soldier on without any substantial (Chrysler did provide sheet metal and some engine parts to teams driving Magnums) factory support. From August 1978, 2-5 independent teams showed up with Magnums in NASCAR races until January 1981, when NASCAR switched to smaller bodied cars. The Magnum never enjoyed the racing heritage of its predecessors, but it was not without its own glorious moments. Petty scored 7 top five finishes in his 17 races with the car, and Neil Bonnett won three poles and scored 5 top five finishes with his. Richard Petty recognized the Magnum with a commemorative decal, depicting his famous number 43 emblazoned on a Magnum for his 1992 Fan Appreciation Tour. Though Petty never won a race in a Magnum, his son, Kyle Petty drove one of his father’s year-old Dodge Magnums in his first race (1979 Daytona ARCA 200), and won. Kyle raced in 5 NASCAR races using the left-over Magnums in 1979, but wrecked them beyond reasonable repair by the 1980 Daytona 125. As of DEC 2012, only two NASCAR Magnums still exist; one (an ex-Petty car) resides in the Talledega NASCAR museum, and the other; (Marty Robbins‘ 1978 Magnum #42) has been restored and is owned by a private party in southern California. The owner occasionally races it in the vintage NASCAR series.

Dodge Magnum (Brazil)

Brazilian Dodge Magnum (1979–1981)
1979 Dodge Magnum from Brazil
Production 1979–1981
Assembly São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil
Body and chassis
Body style 2-door coupe
Layout FR layout
Platform A-body
Related Dodge Dart
Engine 318 cu in (5.21 L) LA V8
Transmission 4-speed manual,
3-speed automatic

In the old Simca Factory in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil, the Dodge Dart was produced from 1969 until 1981 (more than 92,000 cars were sold). They were built with minor changes from the original model, starting in 1969, and were all largely based on the 1968 Dart GT (and GTS). For its last three years of production, a two-door upper trim level version of the Dart was sold as the Magnum, featuring the 318 in³V8 engine used in all Dodge coupe and sedan models in Brazil. A unique fiberglass front fascia that included four headlights to give it a more modern look was used, while the rear end was very similar to the American Dart 1975 (the Dart model from the same year having been identical to the Swinger from USA). The Magnum (top of the line) was sold as a separate model from the Dart (bottom line), despite being technically almost identical to the Dart.

The Dodge was very well received in Brazil. Today one can find car clubs with many Dodge coupes in good condition. The coupe and sedan models in Brazil were (all variations from the Dart 1968 model): Dart [1969-1981] (as a 2-door coupe from 1970 until 1981 or as a four-door sedan from 1969 until 1981), sporting but lower priced Dart SE, better equipped Dart DeLuxo (two or four doors), Gran Coupe (more luxurious yet than the Dart DeLuxo, with two doors only), Gran Sedan (above the Dart DeLuxo model, with four doors only), Charger R/T [1971-1980] (coupe bodywork only, from 1971 to 1980 it was the top model in sport segment), LeBaron (replacing the ‘Gran Sedan’ with four-door sedan body, from 1979 to 1981) and Magnum (substitute for the ‘Gran Coupe’, Brazil’s top model in the luxurius segment from 1979 to 1981).

Dodge Magnum, showing different front clip, Brasil.

 Dodge Magnum, showing different front clip

Dodge Magnum (Mexico)

First generation Mexican Dodge Magnum (1981–1982)
1981-82 Dodge Magnum Mexico
Production 1981–1982
Assembly Toluca, Mexico (Toluca Car Assembly)
Body and chassis
Body style 2-door coupe
Layout FR layout
Platform M-body
Related Dodge Diplomat
Plymouth Gran Fury
Chrysler LeBaron
Plymouth Caravelle Salon
Engine 360 cu in (5.9 L) LA V8
Transmission 4-speed A833 manual
3-speed A727 automatic
Predecessor Dodge Valiant Super Bee

First generation

In 1980, the F-body cars were discontinued in Mexico, as well in the U.S, so the compact cars Dodge Dart (using the front of the volare and the rear of the aspen) and the Valiant Volare (using the front of the aspen and the rear of the volare) were dropped for this year. The sport compact, the Super Bee that share the F-Body platform was also discontinued, so Chrysler of Mexico had to replace it with a new sport car. In 1979, Chrysler de México introduced the Chrysler LeBaron based in the M-Body Platform, and two years later it introduced the Dodge Diplomat as Dodge Dart. This Mexican M-body Dart was very similar to the American Plymouth Gran Fury in appearance/trim, but had Chrysler’s Rallye road wheels instead of deluxe wheel covers. As the same case that in 1970, Chrysler de Mexico used a small platform and the name of an American sports car (the B-Body Dodge Magnum) and equipped it with the 360 LA V8 engine. The Mexican Dodge Magnum had the 360 CID (5.9L) engine with a Carter Thermoquad four barrel carburetor rated in 300 hp (224 kW), Mopar oil cooler, a 3-Speed A727 automatic transmission, with the 4-speed A833 manual transmission optional, heavy duty suspension, power brakes, stabilizer bars in the front and rear and a Dana 44 differential with positive pass and positraction. All the windows and windshield chromed metals were painted flat black, only the bumpers and the front grill were chromed, and the front fascia wore “Magnum” logo, in the side of the front fenders was put again the “Magnum” logo with a 5.9L decal. The Mexican RWD Dodge Magnum was offered only for the 1981-1982 model years.

Second generation

Second generation Mexican Dodge Magnum 400/Magnum K (1983–1988)
1983-88 Chrysler Magnum Mexico
Production 1983–1988
Assembly Toluca, Mexico (Toluca Car Assembly)
Body and chassis
Body style 2-door coupe
Layout FF layout
Platform K-body
Related Dodge 400 (USA)
Plymouth Caravelle K (Canada)
Dodge Aries K (USA)
Plymouth Caravelle (USA)
Engine Chrysler SOHC K-Trans-4 engine 2.2L-2.5L I4
Chrysler Turbo SOHC K-Trans-4 engine 2.2L I4 Turbo
Transmission 4-speed manual
5-speed manual
3-speed automatic
Successor Chrysler Shadow GTS

The K-car based Mexican Dodge Magnum was a sporty 2-door compact, based on the Dodge Aries coupe body (with blackout 1982-1985 Dodge 400 grille in 1983-1985 and a blackout 1986-1988 Plymouth Caravelle grille in 1986-1988) offered from 1983 to 1988 with available turbocharger (“TurboChrysler” engine) from 1984 on. Four engines were offered for the Mexican Dodge Magnum K, a SOHC I-4 2.2L (K-Trans-4, 1983–86), a turbocharged SOHC I-4 2.2L (1984–1986) and two other 2.5L SOHC I-4s, with and without turbocharger (1987–88). When it was introduced, the Mexican Dodge Magnum 400 Turbo was advertised as “Mexico’s fastest car” in the TV commercials of the time, and it surely was in 1985, when the “Fox” (1979–1984) 5.0L Mexican Ford Mustang was dropped from the catalog of Ford Mexico. The Mexican front-wheel drive Magnum was officially called “Dodge Magnum 400” between 1983 and 1984, as it was a sporty Mexican variation of the American Dodge 400 of the early eighties (without the vinyl roof of the US version and with high output 2.2L engine (available turbocharger from 1984 on), heavy-duty suspension, sporty wheels, tires, dash, steering wheel, console, shifter and seats). In 1984, the Mexican Magnum 400 Turbo was the closest thing to an American Dodge Daytona Turbo south of the border. For 1985, the “400” suffix was dropped. For the 1987 season, the turbocharger received an intercooler and the power from the turbo engine changed from 140 to 150 hp (112 kW). The K-car based Magnum was replaced by the Mexican Chrysler Shadow GTS for the 1989 model year.


Dodge Magnum (2004–2008)
2008 Dodge_Magnum_SE
Production 2004–2008
Model years 2005–2008
Assembly Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Designer Ralph Gilles
Freeman Thomas
Body and chassis
Class Full-size
Body style 5-door station wagon
Layout Front engine, rear-wheel drive /four-wheel drive
Platform Chrysler LX platform
Related Chrysler 300
Dodge Charger
Engine 2.7 L (167 cu in) EER V6
3.5 L (215 cu in) EGJ V6
5.7 L (345 cu in) EZB HEMI V8
6.1 L (370 cu in) ESF HEMI V8
Transmission 4-speed 42RLE automatic
5-speed W5A580 automatic
Wheelbase 120.0 in (3,048 mm)
Length 197.7 in (5,022 mm)
Width 74.1 in (1,882 mm)
Height 2005-07: 58.4 in (1,483 mm)
2008-present: 58.3 in (1,481 mm)
SRT8: 57.9 in (1,471 mm)
Predecessor Dodge Intrepid
Successor Dodge Journey

The Magnum name was revived in 2004 as a 2005 station wagon on the Chrysler LX platform. The new Magnum was a badge engineered station wagon version of the Chrysler 300 manufactured at the same plant inBrampton, Ontario, Canada.

The Magnum is the last mid-size station wagon (140 to 160 cubic feet of combined passenger and cargo volume) sold by an American automobile manufacturer in the United States, though Chrysler marketed the Chrysler 300 Touring variant in Europe and Australia.

The Magnum had four engine options; the SE features the 190 hp 2.72 L LH V6, the SXT had the 250 hp (190 kW) 3.5 L V6, and the RT had the new 340 hp 5.7 L Hemi V8. The SRT-8 has a 425 hp 6.1 L Hemi engine.

All-wheel drive became an option in 2005 on SXT and RT models. The SRT8, AWD SXT, and the RT use a Mercedes-Benz-derived 5-speed automatic transmission, while all other models use a four-speed automatic.

The Magnum was on Car and Driver‘s Ten Best list for 2005.


A high performance SRT-8 version debuted at the 2005 Los Angeles Auto Show. The SRT-8 was based on a concept car that was displayed at the 2003 Los Angeles Auto Show. It went on sale in 2005 as a 2006 model. Like the 300C SRT-8, it featured the new 6.1 L (370 cu in) Hemi engine, which produces 425 hp (317 kW). 20″ wheels, firmer suspension, bigger brakes (Brembo), new lower-body treatment, and a revised front and rear-fascia completes the transformation. The SRT-8 was named Best New Modern Muscle Car in the 2006 Canadian Car of the Year contest.

Motor Trend Test Results:

  • 0-60 mph: 5.1 sec
  • 0-100 mph: 11.7 sec
  • Standing 1/4-mile: 13.1 sec @ 108 mph (174 km/h)

Europe and Australia

In Europe and Australia, the Magnum was sold as the Chrysler 300 Touring. It was essentially the same as the U.S.-market Magnum, but with the Chrysler 300C’s front end and interior, and right-hand-drive for Australia and the U.K. The 300C Touring added an available 3.0L CRD Turbo Diesel version. The 300C Touring was assembled in Austria.

2008 changes

2008 Dodge Magnum SRT-8

 2008 Dodge Magnum SRT-8

For the 2008 model year, the Magnum received a facelift as well as an updated interior in line with that of the Dodge Charger. The front fascia sported new aggressively squared off headlights and a smaller rectangular grille more reminiscent of the Charger. The SRT-8 variant gained a new hood scoop. A new bright red paint scheme was introduced. The new changes brought the car closer to its Charger platform mate, away from the Chrysler 300.


On November 1, 2007, Chrysler announced that, as part of its restructuring plans, the Dodge Magnum would be one of four models discontinued after the 2008 model year. In Chrysler’s words: “The Magnum, along with the PT Cruiser convertible, the Crossfire, and the Pacifica were not earning their keep”. Production ended on March 28, 2008. The Dodge Magnum, (along with the short-wheelbase Dodge Caravan), has been replaced by the Dodge Journey.

Dodge Matador

Dodge Matador
1960 Dodge Matador NL

1960 Dodge Matador
Manufacturer Chrysler
Production 1960
Designer Virgil Exner
Body and chassis
Class Full-size
Body style 2-door hardtop
4-door sedan
4-door hardtop
4-door station wagon
Layout FR layout
Related Dodge Polara
Engine 361 cu in (5.9 L) V8
Transmission 3-speed manual
2-speed PowerFlite auto
Wheelbase 122 in (3,099 mm)
Predecessor Dodge Coronet (Fourth generation)
Successor Dodge Polara

The Dodge Matador was a full-sized automobile produced for the 1960 model year by the Dodge division of the Chrysler Corporation.


The Matador (“bullfighter” in Spanish) was one of two new models produced by Dodge in 1960 when the marque dropped its long-running Coronet, Custom, Custom Royal, and Lancer models. Sharing the same newly engineered unibody platform as the slightly smaller Dodge Dart, the Matador was designated Dodge’s full-size base trim vehicle, with the Dodge Polara becoming the make’s full-sized premium model. The 1960 Matador and Polara were built on 4-inch (102 mm) longer wheelbase along with the 1960 DeSoto and Chrysler models. All Matadors featured a standard “Super Red Ram” 295 hp (220 kW; 299 PS) 361 cu in (5.9 L) V8 engine. The “D-500 with Ram Induction” 383 cu in (6.3 L) with dual four-barrel carburetors was optional, along with a three-speed TorqueFlite automatic transmission.

The Matador (and the similar, better-trimmed Polara) featured styling cues that were carried over from 1959 models, themselves an evolution of Virgil Exner‘s “Forward Look” cars introduced in 1957. Now built on a new unibody chassis, the 1960 Matador continued the Dodge styling hallmarks of stacked “jet pod” taillights, however, the size of the lights was greatly exaggerated, with the lower light set into the rear bumper. The design also incorporated Dodge’s trademark (shortened) tailfins, which included small vertical taillight lenses placed on the vertical surface at the back of the fin; again. The purpose of the shortened fin was meant to exaggerate the length of the “jet pods” holding the taillights. The front end featured a small grille comprising six stacks of aluminum rectangles nested in a massive (and complex) front bumper assembly.

All 1960 Dodge station wagons used the 122 in (3,099 mm) wheelbase providing 98.5 cubic feet (2.79 m3) of cargo space with the back seats folded flat. The Matador trim was available in six- or nine-passenger (with rear-facing third row bench seat) versions featuring a roll-down rear window into the tailgate.

The Matador had less exterior chrome trim and plainer interiors than found on the Polara. The majority of cars built by Dodge and sold during the 1960 model year were in Dodge’s new “smaller” and less expensive full-sized model, the Dodge Dart, which fielded three sub-series (Seneca, Pioneer and Phoenix) of its own.

A total of 27,908 Dodge Matadors were produced for 1960. Low sales volume — and the popularity of the Dart model — led Dodge to drop the Matador nameplate for the 1961 model year.


The name was subsequently used by American Motors Corporation from 1971 to 1978 for the mid- and full-sized AMC Matador cars. The automaker was purchased in 1987 by Chrysler Corporation.

Dodge Mayfair

The Dodge Mayfair was an automobile built by Chrysler Corporation of Canada Ltd. This vehicle was produced solely for the Canadian market from 1953 to 1959. Its American equivalent was the Plymouth Belvedere. It was based on the Plymouth, a vehicle that Chrysler of Canada had been offering since 1935 and Chrysler in Detroit started offering in export markets in 1936.

1956 Dodge Mayfair Convirtible

1956 Dodge Mayfair Convirtible

The Mayfair name first appeared as a 2-door hardtop in the 1951 Dodge Regent series, just as the Belvedere appeared in the Cranbrook series. The 1952 Mayfair adopted the same paint scheme as the 1952 Belvedere with the roof color sweeping down onto the rear trunk.

1956 Dodge Mayfair

1956 Dodge Mayfair ad.

When the 1953 models were introduced, the Mayfair was again the hardtop in the Dodge Regent series. In April, 1953, though, Chrysler of Canada introduced a new, upscale series to do battle with the Chevrolet Bel Air and Pontiac Laurentian.

Thus the D43-3 Dodge Mayfair was introduced in both hardtop and sedan models. (Contrary to published articles, the D43-3 series was not a wagon). The exterior had the front fender trim extend onto the front door and backup lamps were standard. Interiors were two-tone, in either blue or green, with a matching steering wheel. With the new D43-3 Mayfair, the Regent Mayfair hardtop was dropped.

1957 Dodge Mayfair Sedan (Canada)

1957 Dodge Mayfair Sedan (Canada)

Under the hood, the engine was increased from 218.0 CID to 228.1 CID. And Chrysler of Canada introduced Hy-Drive on Plymouth and Dodge models. The system was a torque converter that shared its oil with the engine, along with a clutch and a 3-speed manual transmission.


1958-dodge-mayfair coupé

For 1954 the Mayfair used the interiors of the new full-line Plymouth Belvedere. The engine continued to be a 228.1 CID unit, and Hy-Drive continued as an option. For the first time since 1937, Chrysler of Canada offered a convertible in its Plymouth-based models, importing the Mayfair convertible from Detroit, being a Dodge Kingsway Custom convertible with Mayfair nameplates.

The V8 engine came to Chrysler of Canada’s low-priced models in 1955. The engines were imported from Detroit with various covers, manifolds, electrical pieces and rubber parts added in Windsor. Only the Mayfair offered the V8. And both Plymouth and Dodge offered PowerFlite, 2-speed automatic with its new dash-mounted control lever. The Hy-Drive unit was eliminated.

Dodge-mayfair Powerflite, Dodge Mayfair

 Powerflite, Dodge Mayfair.

Things changed in 1956 when Chrysler of Canada opened a new V8 engine plant. The Mayfair was now V8 only, while the lower-priced Dodge Crusader and Dodge Regent could be had with either the six or V8. Early in the model the 270 cubic inch engine was installed while later in the year the all new 277 cubic inch version was introduced. A 4-door hardtop was added to the Mayfair line and the Powerflite automatic was controlled by new dash-mounted pushbuttons.

Totally new bodies designed by Virgil Exner debuted for 1957. They were a styling sensation with their low lines, plenty of glass and thin roof designs. Body engineering and tooling errors, though, resulted in a car that quickly gained a reputation for poor quality and rust. Chrysler Corporation’s new 3-speed Torqueflite automatic was now available on all Mayfair models, still only with the 303 CID V8 engine, and all Chrysler Corporation cars adopted Torsion-Aire torsion bar front suspension.

Sales for 1957 were down from 1956 for all Canadian built Dodge models, but 1958 was a disaster with sales falling over 40%. Grilles, taillights and trim were all that were new for 1958. The Dodge Mayfair adopted the 313 CID poly V8 engine.

The Mayfair’s last year was 1959, when it was downgraded a notch to take the place of the Regent, while the Crusader was dropped from the line up. The 1959 Mayfair still came in two and four door versions of the sedan and hardtop, plus the imported 3-seat Custom Suburban station wagon and convertible. Although the wagon models were 318 CID V8 only, the other models were now available with either the 251 CID flathead six or the 313 CID V8.

For 1960 the Canadian Dodge based on the Plymouth would be replaced by another Plymouth-based car, the Dodge Dart. The Mayfair would become a sub-model of the Dart line for 1960, and renamed the Phoenix.

The vehicle has been commonly referred to as a Plodge because of the extensive use of Plymouth components with Dodge front grilles and sold at Dodge sales outlets.

Dodge Meadowbrook

Dodge Meadowbrook
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Production 1949–1954
Body and chassis
Class Full-size
Body style 2-door coupe
4-door sedan
2-door station wagon
Layout FR layout

The Dodge Meadowbrook is a full-size car produced by Chrysler in the United States from 1949 to 1954.


First Generation
1952 Dodge Meadowbrook 4 dr Sedan
Production 1949–1954
Body and chassis
Body style 2-door coupe
4-door sedan
2-door station wagon
Engine 230.2 cu in (3.8 L) 1-bbl., L-head, I6103 hp (77 kW) engine(1949-1953); 2-bbl., 110hp(1954)
Wheelbase 123.5 in (3,137 mm) (1949), 119 in (3,023 mm) (1954)
Length 203.6 in (5,171 mm) (1949), 205.5 in (5,220 mm) (1954)
Width 74 in (1,880 mm) (1949), 73.5 in (1,867 mm) (1954)

The Dodge Meadowbrook was produced by Dodge and offered as the base line trim level from 1949-1954. In its first year it made up 30% of Dodge’s sales, and came with “Safe-Guard Hydraulic Brakes” which included 2-cylinders per front brake. Dodge also advertised a new “cradled” ride, which was supposedly softer than all the others makers cars. For 1950, the six-cylinder was called the “Get-Away” engine. It had a wide, 42.7 ft (13.0 m) turning circle. In 1952, the Meadowbrook made up 32.50% of Dodge’s sales. A two door model and a station wagon were added for 1953. 1954 was the last year of the Meadowbrook, and it had a new Powerflite automatic.

Dodge Mirada

Dodge Mirada
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Production 1980–1983
Assembly Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Body and chassis
Class Mid-size
Body style 2-door coupé
Layout FR layout
Platform J-body
Related Chrysler Cordoba
Engine 225 cu in (3.7 L) Slant 6 I6
318 cu in (5.2 L) LA V8
360 cu in (5.9 L) LA V8
Transmission 3-speed A904 automatic
3-speed A727 automatic
Wheelbase 112.7 in (2,863 mm)
Length 209.5 in (5,321 mm)
Width 72.7 in (1,847 mm)
Height 53.3 in (1,354 mm) (1980)
53.2 in (1,351 mm) (1981–83)
Curb weight 3,373 lb (1,530 kg) (1980)
3,380 lb (1,533 kg) (1981–83)
Predecessor Dodge Magnum

The Dodge Mirada was a mid-sized, rear-wheel drive coupe built from 1980–83, and was one of the three cars based on the Chrysler J platform, the other models being the second generation Chrysler Cordoba and the Imperial, these three vehicles being Chrysler’s response to the downsizing of its car lines. The Mirada was 800 lb (360 kg) lighter and its wheelbase 2.3″ shorter (112.7″ vs 115″) than the Magnum it replaced. Production numbers were low, with just under 53,000 units sold during its production run. The Mirada would stay relatively unchanged during its 4-year run, with the exception of paint colors and engines. Because of the low production and survival rate, Miradas today are garnering some limited interest from collectors, particularly models with the 5.9 liter V8.


The Mirada was marketed as a personal luxury car, an extremely popular segment at the time. Advertising and marketing were limited, as the car was introduced when Chrysler was in deep financial difficulty.


1983 Buddy Arrington driving his #67 Dodge Mirada at the 1983 Van Scoy 500

 Buddy Arrington driving his #67 Dodge Mirada at the 1983 Van Scoy 500

It was hoped that the Mirada would reopen the door to Dodge success in NASCAR racing, as the nameplate had not won a race since November 1977. Lee Iacocca personally called Richard Petty, a longtime Dodge driver, in late October 1980 and asked him to build and test a race spec Mirada, saying Chrysler would supply Petty Enterprises the necessary body sheetmetal and engine parts Petty would need to build and campaign the car. Petty, who had left Dodge for General Motors in 1978, agreed, and had his team immediately set about and build a Mirada based race-car. A few other teams including Junior Johnson’s team built race-spec Mirada’s to test. Johnson’s team would have been a major coup for Dodge, as they had been running GM cars since the team’s inception and the team had just signed Darrell Waltrip away from DiGard Motorsports to drive for them (Waltrip having won 22 races in GM cars prior to this).

After their car was built, the Petty team thought the Mirada looked like a great race car, and some initial testing pleased the longtime Dodge driver. A January 17, 1981 test session at Daytona Speedway (where 15,000 or so Petty fans showed up to watch) however, showed the Mirada to be 8 mph (13 km/h) slower than the GM and Ford cars of the day.[2] This testing of the car, as well as the Junior Johnson teams testing, revealed that while it looked fairly aerodynamic, the bodystyle actually had a very high coeficient of drag that made it incapable of speeds over 185 mph. The Petty team removed the Mirada sheet metal (passing it to Buddy Arrington) and like the Johnson team elected to build Buick Regal bodied racecars, and this put an end to Chrysler’s attempt to re-establish itself in NASCAR. However, two small and independent racing teams, Arrington Racing (which was using, strangely enough, secondhand rebadge Petty Dodges) and Negre Racing, decided to make a go of the car and campaigned it during the 1981 to 1984 racing seasons. Buddy Arrington managed 17 top-ten finishes during those years, though all were on short (1 mile or less) length tracks. A few other drivers (Dave Marcis in four races, and Dick May in three) ran Mirada’s occasionally in 1981, but the cars were either plagued with mechanical issues, or finished several laps off the leaders. Up until the end of 1984, Miradas raced from time to time, but without much success, and ultimately lead to Dodge disappearing from NASCAR until 2001.


The 3.7 L inline slant-6 engine was available in the base Mirada, with the 5.2 L V8 offered as optional, and the 5.9 L V8 available in the Mirada CMX. All of these engines were mated to the A904 automatic transmission except the 360 (5.9L), which received the beefier A727.

engine displacement, type,
carburetor type
max. motive power
at rpm
max. torque
at rpm
225 cu in (3,687 cc) Slant 6 I6
90 bhp (67 kW; 91 PS) (1980)
85 bhp (63 kW; 86 PS) (1981–83)
@ 3,600
160 lb·ft (217 N·m) (1980)
165 lb·ft (224 N·m) (1981–83)
@ 1,600
3-speed A904 automatic
318 cu in (5,211 cc) LA V8
120 bhp (89 kW; 122 PS) (1980)
130 bhp (97 kW; 132 PS) (1981–83)
@ 3,600
245 lb·ft (332 N·m) (1980)
230 lb·ft (312 N·m) (1981–83)
@ 1,600
360 cu in (5,899 cc) LA V8
185 bhp (138 kW; 188 PS)
@ 4,000
275 lb·ft (373 N·m)
@ 2,000
3-speed A727 automatic


The suspension of the Mirada utilized transverse torsion bars in the front and leaf springs with a sway bar in the rear. A “Sport Handling Package” was offered, which included heavy-duty shock absorbers, torsion bar bushings, springs, as well as anti-sway bars in both the front and rear. The braking system used power assisted disc brakes in the front and drum brakes in the rear.

Trims and options

There were several different types of rooflines offered. The base models all received a basic metal roof with a chrome beauty strip extending from the bottom of the opera windows and across the roof. Those who chose to have their Mirada look a bit sportier could opt for either a power sunroof, or a glass T-top roof; and those who wanted a more luxurious look could choose either chose a vinyl Landau roof or a Cabriolet roof, which was basically a mock convertible top. The T-tops and Landau would be offered every year except for 1983, and the Cabriolet top would be offered every year. However, the power sunroof was not very popular and was only offered for 1980 and 1981.

There were a few basic wheel options. The base models came with 15” steel wheels with turbine-like hubcaps, or polished ten-spoke, 15” aluminum wheels with painted section and bright chrome center caps.

Mirada was offered in the following trims:

  • Base
  • S (also referred to as “SE”)
  • CMX


The interior of the Mirada was offered in a variety of materials and colors. The base model dashboard was black with a faux woodgrain finish, which surrounded the gauges and center console, but the CMX came with a brushed aluminum finish replacing the woodgrain. The seat options were either vinyl bucket seats, leather bucket seats, or a 60/40 split cloth bench seat. Since the Mirada could be chosen with either a column shift or floor shift, the bench seat was only offered with the column shifter. Buyers had the choice of either an AM/FM stereo or an AM/FM/cassette stereo, an AM/FM/8-Track stereo, and a Chrysler CB radio could be chosen as well. The steering wheels offered were either an interior-matched two-spoke wheel with horn buttons in the spokes. The standard steering wheel for the CMX in 1980 and 1981 was the Mopar “Tuff Wheel”, which was similar to the sport wheel found on the vintage Mopar muscle cars such as the early 1970s Dodge Challenger. Manual windows were standard on the base model, but the power windows from the CMX could be ordered on the base models as well. A rare option was a Cabriolet mock-convertible roof, featuring a blocked-out quarter window.

  • Monaco (1965–1978, 1990–1992)

Dodge Monaco

Dodge Monaco
1976 Dodge Royal Monaco 2-door hardtop

1976 Dodge Royal Monaco 2-door hardtop
Manufacturer Dodge Division of Chrysler Corporation
Production 1965–1978
Predecessor Dodge Custom 880 (For 1965)
Dodge Diplomat (For 1990)
Successor Dodge St. Regis (for 1979)
Dodge Intrepid (for 1993)

The Dodge Monaco was a full-size automobile built and sold by the Dodge division of the Chrysler Corporation from 1965 to 1978, and 1990 to 1992.


First generation
1968 Dodge Monaco 2-door hardtop

1968 Dodge Monaco 2-door hardtop
Production 1965–1968
Body and chassis
Class Full-size
Body style 2-door hardtop
4-door sedan
4-door hardtop
4-door station wagon
2-door convertible (Canada)
Layout FR layout
Platform C-body
Engine 225 cu in (3.69 L) Slant-6
318 cu in (5.21 L) LA V8
360 cu in (5.9 L) LA V8
383 cu in (6.28 L) B V8
400 cu in (6.6 L) B V8
440 cu in (7.2 L) RB V8
Wheelbase 121 in (3,100 mm)
Length 213.3 in (5,420 mm)
Width 80 in (2,000 mm)
Height 56.4 in (1,430 mm)

On introduction for 1965, the Dodge Monaco was intended to compete with the Pontiac Grand Prix in what came to be known as the personal luxury market, but ended up filling in for Dodge in the full-size, luxury line instead. Introduced on September 25, 1964, the 1965 Monaco was based on the Custom 880 two-door hardtop coupe body. The Monaco received special badging, different taillight and grille treatment, and a sportier interior with a full-length center console, as well as a 383 cu in (6.28 L) 315 hp (235 kW) V8 engine as standard equipment. Larger, more powerful engines were also available as options. Ford came out with its luxury LTD (the top-of-the-line model in the Galaxie 500 series) at the same time, and both the Monaco and LTD no doubt forced Chevrolet to introduce the luxurious Caprice package for its Impala Sport Sedan later in the model year, and Plymouth to issue a luxurious VIP model for its Fury series (for 1966). These models provided serious competition for mid-priced sedans like Chrysler, Oldsmobile, Buick,and Mercury.

Chrysler Canada Ltd. fielded a Dodge Monaco which was Dodge’s version of the Plymouth Sport Fury in Canada. It was available in hardtop coupe or convertible body styles. However, Canadian Monacos were equipped with Plymouth dashboards in 1965 and 1966. Unlike the American Monaco, the Canadian Monaco could be had with the 318 cu in (5.21 L) V8 or even the slant six.

Taking over for the Custom 880

For 1966, in the U.S., the Monaco replaced the Custom 880 series and the former Monaco became the Monaco 500. The basic Monaco was available in hardtop coupe, 4-door (pillarless) hardtop sedan, conventional 4-door (pillared) sedan, and 4-door station wagon bodystyles. In the U.S., the Monaco 500 was available only as a hardtop coupe. Although there was no convertible in the 1966 US Monaco range, there was in the 1966 Canadian Monaco lineup. The Canadian Dodge hung onto the “Monaco” name for the Sport Fury equivalent and Polara 880 for the Fury III competitor.

For 1967, all full-sized Dodges, the Monaco included, received a significant facelift with all-new exterior sheet metal. Chief designer Elwood Engel‘s work featured generally flat body planes with sharp-edged accent lines. The hardtop coupes got a new semi-fastback roofline with a reverse-slanted trailing edge on the rear quarter window.

In Canada, the Monaco name was applied for ’67 to all of the premium full-sized Dodge cars, replacing the Polara 880 at the top of the Dodge line. Taking the Monaco’s place as a premium full-size model was the Monaco 500, which was available only as a two-door hardtop and convertible.

Changes were minimal for 1968. The Monaco 500 was dropped at the end of the 1968 model year in the United States and at the end of the 1970 model year in Canada.


Second generation
1973 Dodge Monaco 2-door Hardtop.

1973 Dodge Monaco 2-door Hardtop
Also called Chrysler 383 (South Africa)
Production 1969–1973
Body and chassis
Class Full-size
Body style 2-door hardtop
4-door sedan
4-door hardtop
4-door station wagon
Layout FR layout
Platform C-body
Wheelbase 122.0 in (3,100 mm)

For the 1969 model year, the wheelbase of the Monaco was increased from 121 inches to 122 inches, and the length was increased to about 220 inches. Returning for ’69 was the “500” option, which in the U.S. market gave the Monaco front bucket seats and a center armrest. In Canada, the Monaco 500 was a separate series that used the side trim of the Polara 500 sold in the U.S. Canadians could also buy a Monaco convertible; U.S. Dodge full-size convertible shoppers had only the lower-end Polara and Polara 500 to choose from.

All full-sized Dodge cars including the Monaco adopted Chrysler Corporation’s new “fuselage” styling, in which the upper and lower body were melded into a uniformly curved unit. Curved side glass added to the effect, as did the deletion of the “shoulder” along the rear. The look started in the front of the car, with a nearly straight-across bumper—demanded by a Chrysler executive after a Congressional committee attacked him over the seeming inability of car bumpers to protect cars from extensive damage in low-speed collisions—and a five-segment eggcrate grille that surrounded the headlamps. When the cars failed to spark buyers’ interest, Dodge executives demanded a change. By the summer of 1969, the division released new chrome trim for the front fender caps and leading edge of the hood as an option, which gave the appearance of a then-fashionable loop bumper without the tooling expense. At the rear, Dodge’s signature delta-shaped taillamps were presented in a new form that required the top of the bumper to slope downward toward each end.

The standard-equipment engine on the 1969 Monaco was Chrysler’s 290-horsepower (220 kW) B-block 383 cu in (6.3 L) V8 engine with a two-barrel carburetor. Buyers could order the 383 with a four-barrel carburetor that increased power to 330 hp (250 kW), or they could opt for the 375-horsepower (280 kW) 440 cu in (7.2 L) Magnum RB-block engine. Wagon buyers choosing the 440 got a 350 horsepower (260 kW) version.

The 1969 Monaco offered, as a $50 option, the first modern polyellipsoidal (projector) automotive road lamp. Called Super-Lite and mounted in the driver’s side of the grille. This auxiliary headlamp was produced in a joint venture between Chrysler Corporation and Sylvania. It used an 85 watt halogen bulb and was intended as a mid-beam, to extend the reach of the low beams during turnpike travel when low beams alone were inadequate but high beams would produce excessive glare to oncoming drivers.

Available models for 1969 included a two-door hardtop coupe, four-door hardtop sedan, four-door pillared sedan, and four-door station wagons with six- or nine-passenger capacity. A new Brougham option package included a vinyl roof on sedans and hardtops and a split-bench front seat with a reclining mechanism on the passenger side (except on the two-door hardtops). Monaco wagons received woodgrained vinyl trim along their sides and across the dual-action (side- and bottom-hinged) tailgate.

Sales of the Polara and Monaco were down by nearly 20,000 cars compared with 1968, with the Monaco line accounting for 38,566 of the 127,252 full-size cars made by Dodge for the year.


The 1970 models got completely new front and rear styling that included expensive-to-make loop bumpers front and rear. In the front, the new bumper enclosed a new diecast grille and the headlamps. At the rear, the double-loop bumper enclosed the taillamps. Reversing lamps were moved up into the endcaps that terminated the quarter panels, in slotted body-color housings. The designers chose to emphasize the length of the hood this year, which meant that the redesigned front end grew by three inches. However, the new rear end was four inches (102 mm) shorter.

Improvements to the suspension were promoted as the new “Torsion-Quiet” system, which used strategically-placed rubber isolators to reduce road noise and vibrations. The rear wheel track was broadened by nearly three inches as Dodge installed the rear axle previously used only on Wagons on all 1970 Monaco models.

The Brougham and 500 option packages continued, as did the availability of the Super-Lite, but the 440 Magnum V8 was dropped. The 350 horsepower (260 kW) version 440, available only in wagons for ’69, became the new top engine for all Monacos. Despite all of the changes, which cost Chrysler a rather large sum of money, Monaco (and Polara) sales tanked. Only 24,692 Monacos were built for the model year.


The 1971 Monaco got less of a facelift than had been originally planned, but did get a new grille within the bumper that had been used the previous year, and other minor styling changes that were focused mainly at the rear. The Super-Lite was no longer available because of a lack of consumer interest and challenges to its legality in some states. A new single-loop rear bumper and larger taillamps were installed.

The 500 option package was deleted although a stereo cassette player/recorder with microphone was new on the option list. Bucket seats remained available despite the loss of the 500 package, and the Brougham package was also still available for $220, despite the addition of a separate Polara Brougham series.

All available engines had their compression ratio reduced so they could all run satisfactorily on regular-grade gasoline. As a result, the two-barrel 383’s power rating dropped to 275 hp (205 kW), the four-barrel 383 dropped to 300 hp (220 kW), and the 440 dropped to 335 hp (250 kW).

Monaco station wagons, which in 1969 and ’70 had worn their woodgrain trim on the lower bodysides, got completely new woodgrain up high on the sides, even around the windows. The new vinyl decals were translucent, allowing some of the paint color to show through.

Despite the power losses and mild styling change, sales slightly rose. About 900 more Monacos were built for ’71 (approximately 25,544 — an exact number isn’t known).


For the 1972 model year, the full-sized Dodges finally got the all-new sheetmetal that had originally been planned for 1971.

Setting off the new look for the Monaco was a new front end with hidden headlamps set above a completely new bumper-grille assembly. The sides of the car lost their previous plump appearance in favor of a new, lean look with a new feature line that started on the front fenders and ran back through the doors, kicking up ahead of the rear wheels. Sedan and hardtop rooflines were new and more formal-looking. At the rear, there was yet another new loop bumper and full-width taillamp which, like the rest of the car, looked much more expensive and impressive. Station wagons got a new rear appearance, too, with stacked vertical taillamps.

The Monaco got a smaller standard V8 for ’72. The 360 cu in (5.9 L) A-block V8 engine, which had been introduced in ’71 as an option on Polaras, developed 175 horsepower (130 kW), now measured as net instead of gross. Replacing the 383 was a new 400 cu in (6.6 L) B-block V8. The 440 remained available, but it now produced 230 horsepower (170 kW) (net). 1972 sales nearly matched 1969 levels, with 37,013 built for the model year.


For its last year in the fuselage body, the Monaco continued with its 1972 styling, except for another new rear bumper with redesigned taillamps, along with a new decklid and rear-quarter endcaps. Large black rubber guards were added to the bumpers to comply with new Federal five-mile-per-hour impact standards. Hardtop and sedan models gained about 6.5 in (16.5 cm) due mostly to the bumper guards.

Inside, new fire-retardant materials in virtually every visible part of the interior meant added safety. Under the hood, all three available engines gained reliability with the addition of Chrysler’s new electronic ignition system as standard equipment, which extended spark plug life and virtually eliminated periodic ignition system maintenance.

Despite the cars’ improvements, sales dropped again to 29,396.

1973 proved to be the Monaco’s final year as Dodge’s top-of-the-line full-size car. After 14 years, the Polara name was dropped and, for 1974, all big Dodges carried the Monaco name.


Third generation
1975 Dodge Monaco 4-door sedan. Blues Brothers

1975 Dodge Monaco 4-door sedan
Production 1974–1977
Body and chassis
Class Full-size
Body style 2-door hardtop
4-door sedan
4-door hardtop
4-door station wagon
Layout FR layout
Platform C-body
Engine 360 cu in (5.9 L) V8
400 cu in (6.6 L) V8
440 cu in (7.2 L) V8

The 1974 Dodge was completely redesigned with an all-new unibody platform and all-new sheet metal. Unfortunately, within days of their introduction, the 1973 oil crisis began. Chrysler was excoriated in the media for bringing out huge new cars, and sales suffered accordingly. Many in the automotive press also criticized the car’s new design as being too derivative of what they thought resembled a 3-year-old Buick or Oldsmobile full-size car.

For 1974, the long-running Polara and Polara Custom models were discontinued. They were replaced by a basic Monaco and Monaco Custom respectively. The previous Monaco was renamed Monaco Brougham. The Brougham name had long been used on the luxury option package which was available from 1969 to 1973. The hidden headlamps of the previous models were replaced by fixed headlamps on all Monacos.

For the 1975 model year, changes to the base Monaco were minimal. However, the Monaco Custom was renamed the Royal Monaco, and the Monaco Brougham became the Royal Monaco Brougham. These newly named models featured hidden headlamps. 1975 was the last year the four-door hardtop was available. Some models, depending on equipment and the state they were sold in, received catalytic converters to comply with increasingly strict vehicle emissions control regulations. After the start of the 1975 model year, a limited-production option for Royal Monaco Brougham coupes was introduced: the Diplomat package featured a landau vinyl roof with opera windows and a wide steel roof band. It was available in only 3 colors—Cold Metallic, Silver Cloud Metallic and Maroon Metallic. Engine options were the 400 cu in (6.6 L) with a 2- or 4-barrel carburetor, or a 440 cu in (7.2 L) with a 4-barrel carburetor. The car weighed over 4000 pounds with a top speed of 127 mph.

Exterior changes to the 1976 model were minimal, though Chrysler’s new Lean Burn system was introduced to reduce exhaust emissions. The virtually unchanged 1977 models (except for bumper corner tip radius details) were the last big full-size Dodges. All full-size models were badged Royal Monaco for ’77, as the mid-size Coronet was renamed Monaco.

Popular culture

The 1974–1977 Monacos received star treatment as the Bluesmobile in the 1980 feature film The Blues Brothers, directed by John Landis. In it, a 1974 Monaco which was formerly a Mount Prospect, Illinois police cruiser is purchased by Elwood Blues (Dan Aykroyd) and used as the brothers’ transportation. Jake, just released from prison, disapproves of the vehicle, but Elwood states its technical specifications as “It’s got a cop motor, a 440-cubic-inch plant. It’s got cop tires, cop suspension, cop shocks. It’s a model made before the catalytic converter so it’ll run good on regular gas.” Monacos from 1975 to 1977 are also featured as Illinois State Trooper cars and Chicago city police cars.

The California Highway Patrol cruisers used in the first three seasons of CHiPs were of this generation Monaco.

Also in the 1980 feature film Smokey and the Bandit 2, a world-record automobile jump was captured on film during the “roundup sequence,” when stuntman Buddy Joe Hooker jumped a 1974 Dodge Monaco over 150 feet. Hooker suffered a compressed vertebra as a result of a hard landing.

Hill Street Blues Theme 1981 - 1987

 The title sequence of the 1980s TV-series Hill Street Blues features three white 1977 Dodge Royal Monaco sedans.

1977–1978 (B platform)

Fourth generation
1977 Dodge Monaco 4-door sedan

1977 Dodge Monaco 4-door sedan
Production 1977–1978
Body and chassis
Class Full-size car
Body style 4-door sedan
2-door hardtop
4-door station wagon
Layout FR layout
Platform B-body
Engine 225 cu in (3.69 L) Slant 6
318 cu in (5.21 L) LA V8
360 cu in (5.9 L) LA V8
400 cu in (6.6 L) B V8
440 cu in (7.2 L) RB V8 (police)

As a lingering result of the 1973-74 energy crisis, Chrysler decided to shift the Monaco nameplate to the mid-size B platform for 1977 while the previous year’s full-size C platform Monaco carried on one more year as the Royal Monaco. The “new” 1977 mid-sized Monaco replaced the previous Coronet 4-door sedan, 4-door station wagon and Charger hardtop coupe. The Monaco Brougham replaced the previous Coronet Brougham 4-door sedan and Charger Sport hardtop coupe, while the Monaco Crestwood station wagon replaced the previous Coronet Crestwood. The Charger S.E., which at this point became the sole Charger still available, continued unchanged.

The “new” Monacos, for all of the marketing hype, were little-changed from the Coronets which had gone before. A revised front end design with stacked rectangular headlamps gave the cars a resemblance to the contemporary Chevrolet Monte Carlo when viewed head-on. With Chrysler Corporation in dire financial straits during these years, there was little that could be done to give the cars a fresh look, so changes had to be minimal and as inexpensive as possible.

The 1977 and 1978 models can be seen as the police vehicles in the 1980–1985 seasons of The Dukes of Hazzard, also the TV Police Drama Hunter (U.S. TV series) as Rick Hunter’s L56 (also known “Lincoln 56”). Large numbers of still-unsold vehicles were bought inexpensively and then suffered ignominious ends, destroyed in stunt crashes but due to the toughness of the design, were often repaired and reused repeatedly.

The Monaco nameplate disappeared at the end of the 1978 model year. Both the mid-sized Monaco and the full-sized Royal Monaco were replaced by the St. Regis for the 1979 model year. While it never came close to matching the Monaco it replaced in sales to the general public, the St. Regis did relatively well as a police car. In fact, after its first year, the vast majority of St. Regis sales were to law enforcement agencies. However, even those sales couldn’t save the car, which, along with its Chrysler and Plymouth siblings, was killed off halfway through the 1981 model year.


Fifth generation
1990-92 Dodge Monaco ES

1990-1992 Dodge Monaco ES
Production 1990–1992
Assembly Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Body and chassis
Class Full-size
Body style 4-door sedan
Layout Longitudinal front-engine, front-wheel drive
Platform B-body
Related Eagle Premier/Renault Premier
Eagle Medallion/Renault Medallion
Renault 21
Renault 25
Engine 3.0 L (180 cu in) PRV V6
Transmission 4-speed automatic
Wheelbase 106.0 in (2,690 mm)
Length 192.8 in (4,900 mm)
Width 70.0 in (1,780 mm)
Height 54.7 in (1,390 mm)
Main article: Eagle Premier

Chrysler management determined that the Premier alone could not sell in sufficient numbers to meet the requirements of the Renault contract. The solution to fulfill their obligation was to create another model using Premier parts.

With Dodge being the company’s highest-volume division (Though Dodge already had a large front-wheel-drive car in the Dynasty), the new rebadged Premier was designated a Dodge. The Monaco name was revived for the car, which differed from the Premier only in its crosshair grille, different taillights and badging. The car became Dodge’s top-of-the-line model and replaced the rear-wheel drive Diplomat, which was discontinued after the 1989 model year. Chrysler Canada did not replace the Dodge Diplomat as Chrysler was discontinuing all larger Dodge & Plymouth vehicles at the time and moving them to the Chrysler brand.

Fewer Monacos were sold than Premiers. The similarly-sized yet less technically sophisticated K-car based Dynasty, which had been introduced only two years earlier as a 1988 model, outsold the new Monaco. Fleet buyers such as rental companies and government agencies liked the fact that the Dynasty could be equipped with any of three different engines and sold for a lower price. The Monaco, on the other hand, came with only one engine and was more expensive.

The Monaco did not gain wide acceptance from a public that was wary of the reliability of previous French-designed AMC cars. The Premier and Monaco did indeed suffer from significant mechanical and electrical problems related to the mandated Renault-based components.

The Monaco, built at the Brampton, Ontario plant alongside the Premier, was never sold in Canada. At that time, the Dodge Spirit ES was Dodge’s top-line sedan in that market. The Monaco and Premier were discontinued during the 1992 model year. The French-designed platform, its state of the art manufacturing plant, and the key executive from American Motors behind the Premier/Monaco design, Francois Castaing, would lead to the successful and highly rated “cab-forward” LH Dodge Intrepid, Chrysler Concorde and Eagle Vision in late 1992 when production resumed at Brampton Assembly.

1990–92 Dodge Monaco LE

 1990–1992 Dodge Monaco LE
  • Neon (1995–2005)

Chrysler Neon

Chrysler Neon
2001 Chrysler Neon, model year 2001 (Finnish made)
Manufacturer Chrysler
Also called Dodge Neon
Chrysler Neon (Europe)
Dodge SX 2.0 (Canada)
Production 1993–2005
Assembly United States: Belvidere, Illinois(Belvidere Assembly)
Mexico: Toluca, Mexico State(Toluca Car Assembly)
Venezuela: Valencia, Carabobo(Carabobo Assembly)
Body and chassis
Class Compact
Layout Transverse front-engine, front-wheel drive
Platform Chrysler PL platform
Related Dodge SRT-4
Chrysler PT Cruiser
Successor Dodge Caliber

The Plymouth/Dodge Neon, sold in United States, and elsewhere outside Europe, Mexico, Canada, as the Chrysler Neon, is a compact front wheel drive car introduced in January 1994 for the 1995 model year byChrysler Corporation‘s Dodge and Plymouth brands. It was branded as a Chrysler model in Japan, Europe, and Australia export markets (where it was the first car to be sold as a Chrysler since 1981), as well as inMexico, Canada, and Egypt. It replaced the Dodge Shadow and Plymouth Sundance models and the Dodge Colt. The two-door model also replaced the Plymouth Laser in Plymouth’s lineup. The Neon was offered in multiple versions and configurations over its production life, which ended on September 23, 2005.

First generation (1994–1999)

First generation
1995 Plymouth Neon Sport Coupe
Also called Chrysler Neon
Dodge Neon
Plymouth Neon
Production November 10, 1993–August 1999
Designer Thomas Gale (1991)
Body and chassis
Body style 2-door coupe
4-door sedan
Engine 1.8 L EBD I4 (gasoline)
2.0 L A588 I4 (gasoline)
2.0 L ECC I4 (gasoline)
Transmission 5-speed NVG T-350 manual
3-speed TorqueFlite 31TH automatic
Wheelbase 104.0 in (2,640 mm)
Length 171.8 in (4,360 mm)
Width 67.5 in (1,710 mm)
Height 54.9 in (1,390 mm)

The first generation Neon was introduced in January 1994 and manufactured until August 1999. It was available as a four-door sedan and a two-door coupe. Available engines were SOHC and DOHC versions of Chrysler’s 2.0 L 4-cylinder engine producing 132 hp (98 kW) at 6000 rpm and 129 lb·ft (175 N·m) at 5000 rpm or 150 hp (110 kW) at 6500 rpm and 133 lb·ft (180 N·m) at 5600 rpm, respectively; transaxle options were a 3-speed Torqueflite automatic or a five-speed manual.

The car was badged and sold as both a Dodge and a Plymouth in the United States and Canada; in Mexico, Europe, Australia and other export markets it was sold as the Chrysler Neon. At the Neon’s release, then president of Chrysler Corporation Bob Lutz said, “There’s an old saying in Detroit: ‘Good, fast, or cheap. Pick any two.’ We refuse to accept that.”  The Japanese press touted the Neon as the “Japanese car killer”, due to a spiralling Yen and the lower production cost of the Neon. The Neon received praise for its appearance, price, and power when compared to competing cars such as the Honda Civic DX at 102 hp (76 kW), the Civic EX at 127 hp (95 kW), the Nissan Sentra at 115 hp (86 kW), the Ford Escort ZX2 at 130 hp (97 kW), the Toyota Corolla at 115 hp (86 kW), and the Chevrolet Cavalier Base and LS models at 120 hp (89 kW), among others. Car and Driver tested the DOHC 5-speed equipped Neon R/T and reported that it could run 0-60 in 7.6 seconds and 15.9 seconds in the quarter mile. First-generation Neons were competitive in SCCA Solo autocross and showroom-stock road racing.


Neons had unconventional option availability, including the lack of power windows in the rear doors. Certain color base-model Neons, including red and black, had bumper covers molded in color rather than painted. These covers, while textured and not as glossy as paint, absorbed scuffs and scrapes with less visible damage. The mid-level Highline models in 95 & 96 used wheel covers with a bubble design. Initially, Neons were available in many bold colors including Nitro yellow-green, Lapis Blue, Aqua, and Magenta, however paint color choices became more subdued by the 1998-1999 model years, as the majority of buyers opted for more traditional colors.

The Australian-market Chrysler Neon came in two models, the SE and the better-equipped LX. Later, the LX model was replaced by the LE with the updated model in 1999.

It was the first Chrysler small car sold in Japan, starting in 1996-1998, but only the sedan was offered, and was available at Japanese Mitsubishi dealerships as well as Yanase dealerships. Very similar to the Australian version, it was installed with right hand drive, and had amber turn signal indicators next to the tail lights to comply with Japanese regulations, and a side indicator behind the front wheel installed in the fender. Sales were curtailed by the fact that the width dimension did not comply with Japanese Government dimension regulations, so it was regarded as too expensive in comparison to Japanese products of the same class. The Neon offered in Japan was available with very limited optional equipment to justify the annual tax Japanese consumers had to pay for choosing a Neon. Sales were also affected by the Japanese economic recession due to the collapse of the Japanese asset price bubble, otherwise known as the “bubble economy”.

In the United States, the lineup started out as Base, Highline, and Sport, with different styles and options in each line, but the lineup titles changed frequently (other trim lines included Expresso, SE, ES, SXT, ACR, and R/T).

In Europe, the car was available with a 1.8 L engine. Europe received one limited edition model, the CS, which came only in Platinum paint. It was fitted with the 131 bhp (98 kW) SOHC engine, American R/T specification suspension (slightly lower, 3.5 cm (1.4 in) rear, 2.7 cm (1.1 in) front), rear spoiler, unique alloy wheels, standard leather interior, double stainless steel exhaust, 6CD changer and a shorter 5-speed manual gearbox.

Trim levels


 1994-99 Dodge Neon sedan (US)

Plymouth Neon: 1994–1999

  • base – 1994-1995
  • Highline – 1994–1999
  • Sport – 1994–1996
  • Expresso – 1995–1999
  • EX – 1997–1999
  • ACR – 1994–1999
  • Style – 1997–1999

Dodge Neon: 1994–1999

  • base – 1994-1995
  • Highline – 1994–1999
  • Sport – 1994–1999
  • EX– 1997–1999
  • ACR – 1994–1999
  • R/T – 1997–1999

Chrysler Neon (Canada): 1999–2002

  • LE – 1999–2002
  • LE “Limited Edition” – 2000-2001 (automatic R/T version)

Chrysler Neon (Europe): 1994–1999

  • LE – 1994–1999
  • LX – 1994–1999
  • SLX – June 1997-1999
  • GLX – October 1997–1999
  • CS – February 1998–1999


The ACR Neon, available with either the SOHC or DOHC engine, featured four-wheel disc brakes, Arvin non-adjustable struts for 1995–1996 models and Koni adjustable dampers for 1997–1999 models, thicker anti-sway bars, stiffer suspension bushings, fast-ratio steering, heavy-duty wheel hubs, and a five-speed manual transmission with a shorter .81 fifth gear and final drive ratio of 3.94 for quicker acceleration. 1995 through 1997 models featured adjustable camber. The computer-controlled speed limiter was removed from 1995 ACR models (limited to 130 mph (210 km/h) on later models), and ABS was also, to save weight. The ACR offers no badging to distinguish it from other Neon models; the only visible differences are a bumper with fog light holes, but no fog lights and a lack of side moldings. For 1995, the ACR was only offered to SCCA members, but in subsequent years it was available to the general public. The name “ACR” was initially the internal ordering code for the “Competition Package”, as it was termed in dealer materials; however, as knowledge of the model spread, the ACR name stuck. The backronym “American Club Racer” was coined due to its popularity with club and grassroots racers.


The R/T model (Road/Track) debuted in the 1998 model year. Offered only with a 5-speed DOHC configuration, the R/T featured many of the ACR’s mechanical upgrades including the numerically higher ratio 3.94 5-speed manual transmission, with the .81 5th gear and 130 mph speed limit. The R/T, however, was intended for the street, with more comfort and convenience features standard or available, and specialized parts like the adjustable dampers removed, although the dampers as well as the front coil springs found on R/T models were slightly stiffer, offering an advantage over standard model Neons. R/Ts featured optional stripes over the top of the car, silver “R/T” badging on the front door panels and the right side of the trunk deck lid, and a functional wing. The “Stripe Delete” option was available from the factory, but with no credit to the Neon’s price. All striped R/Ts (black, red, blue) had silver colored stripes, with the exception of the White R/Ts, which came with dark blue colored stripes. The R/T also came in 4-door form with limited numbers made.

Second generation (1999–2005)

Second generation
2000-2001 Plymouth Neon 2nd
Also called Chrysler Neon
Dodge Neon
Plymouth Neon
Dodge SX 2.0
Production 1999–2005
Designer Robert McMahan; Robert Boniface (1996)
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
Related Dodge SRT-4
Engine 1.6 L EJD I4 (gasoline)
2.0 L A588 I4 (gasoline)
Transmission 5-speed NVG T-350 manual
3-speed TorqueFlite 31THautomatic
4-speed Ultradrive 40TE automatic
4-speed Ultradrive 41TE automatic
Wheelbase 105.0 in (2,670 mm)
Length 174.4 in (4,430 mm)
Width 67.4 in (1,710 mm)
Height 56.0 in (1,420 mm)

Sales of the second generation model started with model year 2000 and production ended with the 2005 model year. The second generation Neon was only available as a four-door sedan. In some global sales regions, including the U.S., the sole engine was the 2.0 L SOHC engine, the power output remaining at 132 hp (98 kW). An optional Magnum engine configuration (with an active intake manifold) that produced 150 hp (110 kW) was available. Both engines had a redline of 6762 rpm.

2003 Dodge Neon 2.0i LX

 Chrysler Neon

The second generation was more refined than the first generation car. It was advertised that the second generation Neon had over 1,000 refinements from the original generation. The first generation’s frameless windows were replaced with a full-framed door. Other NVH refinements were implemented. The new interior and greater size increased weight. The DOHC engine (Chrysler code name ECC) was no longer available.

In 2000, The R/T trim returned after a one-year hiatus. The R/T consisted of a new 150 hp (110 kW) SOHC Magnum 2.0 L Engine, 16 in (41 cm) wheels, spoiler, dual chrome exhaust tips, quicker steering box and stiffer springs. The 2001 and 2002 R/Ts had a flat, ‘hammerhead’ spoiler. From 2000-2003, the R/T was sold as a Chrysler in Europe. The Neon was offered with a sport package for the 2001 model year only commemorating Dodge’s return to the NASCAR scene. It consisted of an R/T wing, R/T 16 in (41 cm) wheels, R/T springs, Goodyear NASCAR raised yellow-lettering tires, ‘Dodge Motorsports’ side decals, white instrument cluster and R/T steering box. It was an R/T visually except for the lack of dual exhaust, R/T lower mouldings, fog lamps and R/T exclusive front bumper. The Sport only came equipped with the base model’s 132 hp (98 kW) engine and was available with an automatic transmission (unlike the manual-only R/T model). 2001 was the last year for the Plymouth Neon, and the Plymouth brand as well. The last Plymouth Neon, which was also the last Plymouth ever produced (a silver four-door sedan), rolled off the assembly line on June 28, 2001.

The former Dodge and Plymouth Neon were briefly sold under the Chrysler name in Canada from 1999–2002, until being renamed as Dodge SX 2.0 for 2003. In Europe, Australia, Mexico, and Asia, the car had always been sold as a Chrysler, as Dodge and Plymouth passenger cars were not marketed outside the U.S. and Canada at the time. Besides the 2.0 L engine, it used the same Tritec 1.6 L unit found in the MINI prior to 2007. The 1.6 L unit is a variation of the 2.0 L SOHC engine designed by Chrysler and built by Tritec.

Originally, the second generation Neon featured a five-speed manual transmission using the former ACR gear ratios to improve acceleration. However, this hurt gas mileage and made the car noisier on the highway, and eventually the original gear ratios were restored. A four-speed automatic (41TE) was offered in the Neon for the 2002-05 model years, replacing the earlier 3-speed 31TH.

2003–05 Dodge Neon (US)

 2003–2005 Dodge Neon (US)

The Neon’s name was changed to SX 2.0 in Canada in 2002. In Australia and Canada, the Chrysler Neon was discontinued in 2002. In 2002, the front clip was changed slightly to match the R/T and ACR front clip with the exception of missing a lower lip. This was done by making the grille smaller.

The Neon was facelifted once again for 2003 with large “crosseyed” headlights and crosshair grille to make it look more like a Dodge Caravan and Dodge Stratus.

The ACR model was discontinued for 2003; the R/T model for 2004. The Chrysler Neon continued to be sold in Europe until 2004.

In Brazil, the Neon was marketed as a luxury mid-size sedan; for Mexico it was a competitor to the Ford Escort, and sold as a Chrysler with either the 1.6 or 2.0 L engine and European-style taillights (with separate amber indicator lights), except for the R/T model, which was a Dodge, with U.S.-style taillights.

For the Dutch market, the Neon proved more successful than for the rest of the Continent. Trim levels were 2.0 LX and 2.0 SE. However, some grey import versions came in from Mexico.

This generation continued to be offered in Japan from 1999-2001, but as with the previous generation, the width dimension did not comply with Japanese Government dimension regulations which affected sales. The Japanese version was installed with leather interior, and was marketed as a small luxury car to Japanese consumers. In 2002, the Neon was replaced by the Chrysler PT Cruiser in Japan.

Trim levels

Dodge Neon: 2000–2005

  • Highline – 2000–2001
  • ES – 2000–2002
  • SE – 2001–2005
  • R/T – 2001–2004
  • Motorsports Edition – 2001
  • ACR – 2002
  • base – 2002
Chrysler Neon 2000 LE dashboard

 European Chrysler Neon 2000 LE dashboard
  • S – 2002
  • SST – 2002
  • SXT – 2002–2005
  • SRT-4 – 2003–2005

Plymouth Neon: 2000–2001

  • Highline – 2000–2001
  • LX – 2000–2001

Chrysler Neon: 2000–2004 (Europe)

  • R/T – 2000–2003
  • LX – 2000–2004
  • SE – 2000–2003

Chrysler Neon: 2000–2004 (Canada)

  • LE – 2001 Limited Edition
  • SE – 2000–2004

Dodge Nitro

Dodge Nitro
2007-09 Dodge Nitro
Manufacturer Chrysler Group LLC
Production August 2006–December 16, 2011
Model years 2007–2012
Assembly Toledo, Ohio, United States
Body and chassis
Class Compact SUV
Body style 4-door SUV
Layout Front engine, rear-wheel drive /four-wheel drive
Platform Chrysler KA platform
Related Jeep Liberty
Engine 3.7 L (226 cu in) PowerTech V6
4.0 L (241 cu in) SOHC V6
2.8 L VM Motori I4 Diesel (Europe only)
Transmission 6-speed NSG-370 manual (2006–2008)
4-speed 42RLE automatic
5-speed A580/5G-Tronic Mercedes automatic
Wheelbase 108.8 in (2,764 mm)
Length 178.9 in (4,544 mm)
Width 73.1 in (1,857 mm)
Height 69.9 in (1,775 mm)
Curb weight 4,162 lb (1,888 kg)

The Dodge Nitro is a compact SUV from the Dodge division of Chrysler produced from the 2007 to the 2012 model year. The Nitro shared its platform with the second generation Jeep Liberty. It was assembled at theToledo North Assembly Plant in Toledo, Ohio. The Jeep facility is part of an automobile complex which includes the Toledo South Assembly Plant, home to the Jeep Wrangler since the 1940s.


The Nitro made its debut in February 2005 at the Chicago Auto Show, as a concept car featuring an aluminum themed interior design. Aluminum-trimmed vents behind the front fenders, and other aluminum trim around the door handles and rear hatch, were routinely displayed as the center stack and shifter also included a finish in satin silver.

The Nitro became Dodge’s first compact SUV model since the Raider was discontinued in 1990. It also became the first modern Dodge branded automobile to be sold in Europe since its introduction in early 2007. In the U.S., the Nitro went into production in August 2006 and went on sale in September of the same year as a 2007 model. All Nitros were available with rear-wheel drive, and part-time four-wheel drive was available as an option. The Nitro was Dodge’s entry-level SUV until the 2009 model year, when the larger, car-based Dodge Journey crossover SUV priced below it, arrived in showrooms. Compared to its shared platform with the Jeep Liberty, the Nitro is longer, lower, and wider. The extra length is split between the rear seat and the cargo area.

The Nitro originally came equipped with an SUV class-leading 5,000-pound (2,300 kg) towing capacity. Safety features such as electronic roll mitigation, traction control, and side curtain airbags, as well as a functional sliding cargo floor called Load ‘N Go were also offered as standard equipment. Similar to a system offered on the Saab 9-5 station wagon, the floor can be extended through the rear hatch by 18 in (457 mm) to ease loading. Another attribute of the SUV, is its aggressive hot rod styling; complete with a bulged muscular appearance and pronounced fenders.

Model years

For its initial debut in 2007, two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive drivetrains were offered, along with a choice of a 3.7 L or 4.0 L V6 engines. The model designations were the SXT, SLT, and R/T. There were three types of upholstery made available; basic cloth, stain-repellant cloth, and perforated leather. Standard safety features included; front and rear side airbags, side curtain airbags, an electronic stability program with traction control and brake assist, electronic roll mitigation and a tire-pressure monitor. The four-cylinder version was sold exclusively in Europe.

During 2008, the Nitro came in both a 4×2 and a 4×4 versions with each offering two trims: SXT and SLT. Both trims came with a standard 210-hp 3.7 L V6 engine. The SXT trim included a standard six-speed manual transmission with an optional four-speed automatic. The SLT trim came with a standard four-speed automatic, but the optional R/T package increased the level of equipment with a 260-hp 4.0 L V6 engine mated to a five-speed automatic transmission. The Nitro’s SXT trim included standard power mirrors, windows and door locks with remote keyless entry, satellite radio, air conditioning, and seating for five. The SXT and R/T added alloy wheels, power driver’s seat, stain repellent cloth, the Load ‘N Go retractable cargo floor, cruise control, and an overhead console with a trip computer, compass, and exterior temperature display. Standard safety features included; front airbags, side curtain airbags, traction and stability control with roll-over mitigation, brake assist, and a tire-pressure monitor.

Dodge Nitro RT

 Dodge Nitro R/T

In 2009, the Nitro was offered in both a 4×2 and a 4×4 versions with two trims levels: SE and SLT. Both came with a standard 210-hp 3.7 L V6 engine mated to a four-speed automatic transmission. The SXT with its six-speed manual transmission had been replaced by the SE trim that featured the automatic transmission. The SLT trim offered the optional R/T package which was made available with a 260-hp 4.0 L V6 engine mated to a five-speed automatic transmission. The Nitro’s SE trim standards included power mirrors, windows and door locks with remote keyless entry, satellite radio, air conditioning, and seating for five. The SXT and R/T added alloy wheels, power driver’s seat, stain repellent cloth, the Load ‘N Go retractable cargo floor, cruise control and an overhead console with a trip computer, compass, and exterior temperature display. Standard safety features included; front airbags, side curtain airbags, traction and stability control with roll-over mitigation, brake assist, and a tire-pressure monitor.

For the 2010 model year, three new model designations became available: Heat, Detonator, and Shock trim levels in either 4×2 or 4×4 versions. The Heat trim was equipped with a 210-hp 3.7 L V6 engine mated to a four-speed automatic transmission. The Detonator and Shock trims included a 260-hp 4.0 L V6 engine mated to a five-speed automatic transmission. The Heat trim level had power mirrors, windows and door locks with remote keyless entry, satellite radio, and air conditioning. The Detonator added a rear-park assist, remote start system, power driver’s seat, cruise control, an overhead console with a trip computer, compass, and exterior temperature display. The Shock trim added heated front seats, leather trim interior, and a power sunroof. Among standard safety features were: front airbags, side curtain airbags, active head restraints, traction and stability control with roll-over mitigation, brake assist, and a tire-pressure monitor. The Load ‘N Go sliding trunk floor feature was discontinued.

2011 Dodge Nitro Detonator

 2011 Dodge Nitro Detonator

The 2011 model year continued the previous models in 4×2 or 4×4 versions with the same engines and transmissions. New for 2011 was the Heat 4.0 lifestyle package. The Heat 4.0 came standard with a five-speed automatic transmission, Uconnect Phone, and an upgraded eight-speaker sound system. Also, select models came with upgraded interiors with new cloth and leather with premium colored stitching. Detonator and Shock were branded with Dodge Brand’s signature racing stripes. Additionally, all models became available with nine exterior colors, including Bright White Clear Coat, Blackberry Pearl Coat, Toxic Orange Pearl Coat, and Redline Two Coat Pearl.

Chrysler built 2012 model year Dodge Nitros for the fleet market only. The final Nitro came off the assembly line on December 16, 2011.


Dodge Nitro SXT in service with the New South Wales Police

 A Dodge Nitro SXT in service with the New South Wales Police during an Australia Day public relations event on January 26, 2012.

In Australia, versions could be had only as the 3.7 L V6 in SXT trim with automatic transmission. No manual option was offered, but diesels were on sale until 2010 MY.


In early 2007, a TV advertisement in the U.S. for the Nitro with the tag line: “charged with adrenaline”, showed a dog getting electrocuted after touching the SUV’s front wheel. The ad gained a substantial amount of negative attention and was quickly pulled.

Dodge Omni 024

Dodge Omni 024
1979 Plymouth Horizon TC3
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Also called Dodge 024
Plymouth Horizon TC3
Plymouth TC3
Production 1979–1982
Body and chassis
Class Subcompact
Body style 3-door hatchback
Layout Transverse front-engine, front-wheel drive
Platform L-body
Related Dodge Omni
Dodge Rampage
Plymouth Horizon
Engine 1.7 L Volkswagen I4
2.2 L K I4
Wheelbase 97 in (2,453 mm)
Length 174 in (4,419 mm)
Width 67 in (1,694 mm)
Height 51 in (1,290 mm)
Curb weight 2,551 lb (1,157 kg)
Successor Dodge Charger / Plymouth Turismo

The Dodge Omni 024 was a modified version of the popular Dodge Omni made from 1979 to 1982. Analogous to the VW Scirocco, this car was a lower, sportier version of the Chrysler/Simca Horizon, using the four-door hatchback’s floor pan and chassis as a basis. The cars were designed in-house at the prompting of Lee Iacocca.

It used the same chassis and engine options as the Omni but had a fastback and a new front fascia. The base engine was a 1.7 L Volkswagen inline four producing 70 hp (52 kW), with a 2.2 L, 84 hp (63 kW) Chrysler inline four as an option beginning in 1981. For the first year, the wheels were painted in the exterior color, and had a folding back seat. The car’s looks promised more performance than the engine could deliver, and the car was not as practical as the Omni. Both the Omni and Horizon prefixes were dropped for 1981, making them the “024” and “TC3”, respectively.

1979-80 Dodge Omni 024

 Rear view of 1979-1980 Dodge Omni 024

The 024 did not sell well and was renamed as the Dodge Charger for the 1983 model year, a name which had been gradually introduced as part of a special “Charger 2.2” package beginning in 1981. The 024 had a twin called the Plymouth Horizon TC3. (The name “TC3” may have referred to the car being a Touring Coupe with 3 doors.) It, too, was renamed in the 1983 model year: to the Plymouth Turismo. The “Turismo” label had already been used on a sport package beginning in 1980.

In its last year, many parts from the 024 and TC3 were recycled into the Dodge Rampage and Plymouth Scamp coupe utilities. This included the chassis, engine and front fascia.

In 1980 the Plymouth Horizon TC3 also became available with the Turismo sport package. For the Dodge Omni 024 this was called the DeTomaso package, with De Tomaso designed trim and wheels but the standard drivetrain. 1,333 De Tomaso 024’s were built in 1980, followed by 619 more in 1981. The 1981 De Tomasos were only available with the new 2.2 litre engine.

Also in 1980, in cooperation with Chrysler partner Mitsubishi, the Chrysler Omni 024 was briefly sold in Japan. It was available for two years at Mitsubishi dealerships and it complied with Japanese Government dimension regulations. Unfortunately it didn’t sell well, with only 1491 finding Japanese buyers.

Dodge Phoenix

Not to be confused with Pontiac Phoenix.
Dodge Phoenix
1960 Dodge PD4 Phoenix Australia

1960 Dodge PD4 Phoenix
Manufacturer Chrysler Australia
Production 1960 to 1972
Assembly Mile End, Australia
Tonsley Park, Australia
Port Melbourne, Australia
Body and chassis
Class Full-size
Body style 4-door sedan
4-door hardtop
Layout FR layout
Related Dodge Dart
Dodge 440
Plymouth Fury
Engine 318 cu in (5.2 L) V8
383 cu in (6.3 L) V8
Transmission 3spd automatic
Wheelbase (1968) 119.0 in (3023 mm)
Length (1968) 213.1 in (5413 mm)
Width (1968) 77.7 in (1974 mm)
Predecessor Dodge Custom Royal
Successor Chrysler by Chrysler

The Dodge Phoenix is an automobile which was produced by Chrysler Australia from 1960 to 1972.

The Phoenix was introduced in May 1960 as an Australian assembled version  of the American Dodge Dart, positioned above the locally developed Chrysler Royal as Chrysler Australia’s luxury model. It borrowed its name from the top Dart, the Dodge Dart Phoenix, but unlike its American namesake it was offered only as a four-door sedan and only with a 318 cubic inch V8 engine.

The Phoenix was subsequently restyled in line with the 1961 and 1962 Dodge Dart. For 1963 the new TD2 series Phoenix was derived from the US Dodge 440, and for 1965 and beyond the Phoenix was based on the Canadian Plymouth Fury III. Like the 1965 Fury, the 1965 Phoenix featured vertically stacked headlamps. A four-door hardtop body style joined the sedan in 1967. The hardtop was fitted with a 383 cubic inch V8 engine whilst the sedan continued with the smaller 318 cubic inch V8. The two body styles continued to be offered until the Australian Phoenix was discontinued.

Although the 1965 and later Phoenixes were basically Plymouth Furys, they did feature the North American style full size Dodge Polara instrument panel (adapted for right hand drive). They also continued to use the old-fashioned “clapper” windshield wipers (while North American models used modern parallel-action wipers).

After the Phoenix was discontinued, the Australian developed Chrysler by Chrysler inherited the role of the top level luxury model in Chrysler Australia’s model range.

Model history


The first Australian Dodge Phoenix, coded the PD4, was released in May 1960. A Canadian Dodge with a Plymouth dashboard, it was imported in CKD packs and assembled at Chrysler Australia‘s Mile End facility. The PD4 Phoenix was offered only as a 4 door sedan, in two trim levels, the De Luxe and the Luxury Liner. The PD4 had a 118 inch wheelbase and was powered by a 318 cubic inch OHV V8 engine. The Phoenix name was derived from the Dodge Dart Phoenix.


The RD4 Phoenix of 1961 used the cabin section the RD4 with new front and rear bodywork. Dimensions remained unchanged, as did the mechanical specifications.


The SD2 of 1962 featured a shorter 116 inch wheelbase and a completely new body which was both shorter and narrower than its predecessor.


The TD2 of 1963 was the first Phoenix to be based on the Dodge 440 model. The 4 door sedan body style and the 318 cubic inch engine were retained.


The VD2 Phoenix was introduced in 1964. The wheelbase was now 119 inches and the overall length increased by four inches to 212.


The AP2D Phoenix was introduced in 1965. This model was a rebadged Canadian Plymouth Fury III, a strategy that Chrysler Australia would continue through to the end of 1972. The 1965 model featured vertically stacked four-headlight frontal styling. The 318 cubic inch engine were retained.


The 1966 Phoenix was coded DP6. Changes included a new grille, revised rear panels, new taillights and a new bootlid.


The 1967 Phoenix was coded as the DC series. It was the first Phoenix to be available with a choice of bodystyles, a 4 door hardtop now offered in addition to the 4 door sedan. The sedan retained the 313 cid V8 engine and while the hardtop was fitted with a 383 cid V8. In the later part of 1967 Chrysler Australia shifted Phoenix assembly from Tonsley Park to its Port Melbourne facility.


The 1968 Phoenix was coded DD. The main changes for 1968 were new rear sheet metal and new taillights.


The DE Phoenix was introduced in 1969. The new model featured horizontal dual headlights, and a 120 inch wheelbase. Overall length was now 214.5 inches. It was marketed as the 400 Limited Edition series with each car carrying a numbered dashboard badge. 371 examples of the DE were built at Chrysler Australia’s Port Melbourne facility in 1969 and a further 385 in 1970.


The DF Phoenix was introduced in 1970. 298 were built at Port Melbourne in 1970 and 110 in 1971.


The DG Phoenix was introduced in 1971. 298 were built at Port Melbourne in 1971.


The DH Phoenix was introduced in 1972. 73 were built at Port Melbourne in that year. A decision to close the outdated Port Melbourne facility led to the discontinuation of the Phoenix.


Dodge Polara

Dodge Polara
1972 Dodge Polara 4-Door Sedan

1972 Dodge Polara 4-Door Sedan
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Production 1960–1973
Body and chassis
Class Full-size
Layout FR layout

The Dodge Polara was an automobile introduced in the United States for the 1960 model year as Dodge‘s top-of-the-line full-size car; after the introduction of the Dodge Custom 880 in 1962, the Polara nameplate designated a step below the full sized best trimmed Dodge model; the Polara that year had been downsized to what as in effect intermediate status. In its various forms, the Polara name was used by Dodge until 1973, when its position in Dodge’s line-up was replaced by the Dodge Monaco. The name Polara is a reference to the Polaris star, in a marketing attempt to appeal to the excitement surrounding the Space Raceduring the early 1960s. The Polara was a competitor to the Ford Galaxie 500 and the Chevrolet Impala.

1960 marked the first year that all Chrysler models, save the Imperial, used unibody construction.


First generation
1960 Dodge Polara 4-Door Hardtop

1960 Dodge Polara 4-Door Hardtop
Production 1960–1961
Assembly Detroit, Michigan, United States
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
2-door coupe
2-door convertible
4-door station wagon
Related Dodge Dart
Dodge Matador
Wheelbase 3,099 mm (122.0 in)
Length 217.0 in (5,512 mm)

The 1960 Polara and other full-sized Dodges featured styling cues carried over from 1959 models, itself an evolution of Virgil Exner‘s “Forward Look” cars introduced in 1957. The top-of-the line Polara and Dodge Matador continued to ride on the 122-inch (3,099 mm) wheelbase of their predecessors, while a new line-up of still full-sized Dodge Darts rode on a shorter 118-inch (2,997 mm) wheelbase. The Polara was available as a 2-door convertible, 2-door hardtop coupe, 4-door hardtop sedan, 4-door hardtop station wagon, and conventional (pillared) 4-door sedan.

Like these cars, both 1960 full-sized Dodges continued with the make’s styling hallmarks of stacked “jet pod” tail lights, however, the size of the lights was greatly increased compared to the previous year’s lamps, with the lower lights set into the rear bumper. The design also incorporated Dodge’s trademark shortened tail fins, which, on the Polara, included small vertical tail light lenses placed on the vertical surface at the back of the fin; again, the purpose of the shortened fin was meant to exaggerate the length of the “jet pods” holding the tail lights. The fins on Darts were shorter both in length and height because unlike the full sized Dodge’s, the Polara and Matador, the Darts were based on the Plymouth and used much Plymouth sheet metal forms and the Plymouth rear door. The Plymouth rear door did not have any part of the fin whereas on the full sized Dodges the fin actually started on the rear door (on the 4-doors) and continued back from there. This allowed the fin to start sooner, on the door, and end sooner, relative to the tip of the round tail light and still appear as long or longer than on the Dart. The net effect was that the fins on the Dart look stunted whereas on the Polara and Matador the fins appear in proper proportion to the rest of the car. Up front, the car featured a small grille consisting of eight stacks of anodized aluminum rectangles nested in a massive (and complex) chrome front bumper assembly. As the top model in the line-up, the Polara featured better interior fabrics and trim treatments. Polaras also received more trim on the outside of the car, most notably a chrome stone guard aft of the rear wheel housings, a full-length chrome spear, and a wide chrome base to the chrome spear atop the headlight housings.

For 1961, Dodge dropped the Matador, leaving the Polara as the sole “senior” Dodge model. Darts on the shorter wheelbase continued. For 1961, Exner’s styling department reversed the car’s fins, making them taller as they flowed toward the rear window. As the fins sloped towards the rear of the car, they cut slightly towards the center (to allow the single tail light housing on each side) of the rear of the vehicle, wrapping downward and then back along the side fender to form a C-shaped line accentuated in chrome. The overall effect made the rear of the car seem to “pucker” from the angles the design created. Up front, the massive bumper treatments that had been a Dodge hallmark since 1957 were replaced with a simple bar design, above which was a massive concave grille shared with the Dodge Dart.

The 1961 styling overhaul of the Dodge line-up was different from anything else on the US market at that time (save the 1961 Plymouth, which was equally unique in its styling) and consumers voted on the 1961 restyle with their car-shopping dollars. Sales of fullsize Dodges plunged to their lowest levels since the firms founding in 1914, with only 14,032 units produced in the United States. For the second straight year, the make was carried by the Dart which saw sales of 142,000 units for the year. Total Dodge sales for 1961 were down 53% compared to 1960, dropping the make from sixth in the American market to ninth place.


Second generation
1964 Dodge Polara 500 convertible - front

1964 Dodge Polara 500 Convertible
Production 1962–1964
Assembly Detroit, Michigan, United States
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
2-door coupe
2-door convertible
4-door station wagon
4-door Hardtop
Wheelbase 1962: 2,946 mm (116.0 in)
1963-64: 3,023 mm (119.0 in)

All Dodge models were given a smaller, lighter, sculpted body with a 116-inch (2,946 mm) wheelbase for 1962. This move came after Chrysler’s president overheard and misunderstood Chevrolet chief Ed Cole to have said Chevrolet’s largest cars would be downsized for 1962. Chrysler designers were forced to take the planned 1962 Dodge full-size line and shorten the design to fit a more compact wheelbase in a last-minute effort to compete with what was supposed to be a smaller new Chevrolet. However, Chevrolet in fact offered a range of truly full-size cars for 1962, and Dodge and Plymouth alike were stuck with smaller cars the public and motoring press found stylistically awkward. The new Dodge models were sized closer to Ford‘s new intermediate Fairlane than to Ford’s or GM’s full-size models.

Quickly realizing the critical mistake they had made, Dodge hurriedly put together a new full-size car using the front end from the 1961 Dodge Polara and the body from the 1962 Chrysler. This new full-size model was known as the Custom 880, and became Dodge’s top-of-the-line model when it was introduced on January 21, 1962. In 1963 a lower specification version was offered, known simply the Dodge 880. A/C was $455.

Among the “sized in the middle of the big and little” 1962 Dodges was a bucket-seated sporty 2-door hardtop called the Polara 500. It was also available as a convertible, and a 4-door hardtop was added in December. Positioned beneath the Polara 500 in descending order were the Dart 440 and the Dart 330. These models were marketed in Canada as the Dodge 440 and Dodge 330, and a Canada-only basic-specDodge 220 model was offered as well.

This model proved somewhat popular, but Dodge failed to capitalize on its success and never developed it to its full potential. The Dodges were available with optional V8 engines of up to 413 cu in (6.8 L). These mid-sized Dodges (and similar models from Plymouth) competed successfully as stock cars in NASCAR races, where their smaller size and lighter weight gave them an advantage over the larger competitive cars from Ford and General Motors.

The basic body of the 1962 model continued until 1964, revised and lengthened by the new Chrysler Vice President of styling Elwood Engel. The Polara range eventually grew to include a 4-door sedan. The Polara 500 was available only as a convertible or hardtop coupé.

For the 1963 model year, the wheelbase was increased to 119 inches (3,023 mm) and the car received new sheet metal. The Dart name was reassigned to Dodge’s line of compact cars that had previously been known as the Dodge Lancer. Positioned below the Polara were the plain 440 and 330. The 1964 models received a revised front end and new tail lamps to distinguish them from the 1963 cars. Rear end treatment took its inspiration from the Chevrolet Impala, the Polara models now featuring six small, square-shaped taillights (three on each side) surrounded by an attractive bright trim panel. Lesser big Dodges featured only four taillights (two on each side) and lacked the bright trim panel. A sensational new “C” pillar for the hardtop coupes, combined with the more attractive front and rear end styling, made the ’64s look totally new (and longer/ lower/wider as well), resulting in a significant increase of sales over 1963.

The Polara 500 continued as Dodge’s sporty full sized model, competing with the Ford Galaxie 500/XL and Chevrolet’s Impala Super Sport, featuring an engine-turned anodized aluminum trim strip along the car’s flanks, bucket seats and deluxe vinyl upholstery.


1965 Polara convertible

 1965 Polara convertible
Third generation

1966 Dodge Polara 2-door hardtop
Production 1965–1968
Assembly Detroit, Michigan, United States
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
2-door coupe
2-door convertible
4-door station wagon
Platform C-body
Engine 440 cu in (7.2 L) V8 (1966-68)
426 cu in (7.0 L) V8 (1965)
413 cu in (6.8 L) V8 (1965)
383 cu in (6.3 L) V8 (1965-1968)
318 cu in (5.2 L) V8 (1965-1968)
Wheelbase 121.0 in (3,073 mm) 1965-66; 122.0 in (3,099 mm) 1967-on
Width 80.0 in (2,032 mm)
Height 62.0 in (1,575 mm)
1965 Polara convertible back

 1965 Polara convertible
1967 Polara coupe with non-OEM hood scoops

 1967 Polara coupe with non-OEM hood scoops
1968 Dodge Polara coupe

 1968 Polara coupe
1968 Dodge Polara convertible

 1968 Polara convertible

For 1965, Chrysler moved the Polara back to a Chrysler “C” fullsize platform that was shared with Chrysler and Plymouth models. Once again offered in a full range of bodies (sedans, hardtops, station wagons, etc.), the Polara, in effect, replaced the 880 and remained a step below the Custom 880, and the new Monaco hardtop coupe was now Dodge’s top model. The previous mid-sized Dodges that were sold under the names Polara 500, Polara, 440, and 330 continued in production under the name Dodge Coronet, their wheelbase shrinking to 117 inches (2,972 mm). These Polaras were criticized for low fuel economy, with some configurations going only 12 miles on a gallon of gasoline. In the 1966 model year, the Monaco would replace the Custom 880 as the mid-level model while a new Monaco 500 would replace the previous 1965 Monaco. 1967 models received a facelift and the hardtop coupe adopted a semi-fastback roof style with a reverse-slant rear quarter window. 1967 models also saw a new U.S. Government-required safety package that included an energy-absorbing steering column and safety steering wheel, blunt dashboard controls, more interior padding, and a dual-circuit brake master cylinder. 1968s got outboard front shoulder belts and side marker lights in addition to the ’67 safety equipment.

One constant of the 1965 to 1968 models was taut, square-edged styling, which was updated each year. From 1965 to 1970, the Polara would be the only full-sized Dodge available in the U.S. as a convertible.


Fourth generation
1973 Dodge Polara Custom

1973 Dodge Polara 2-door Hardtop
Production 1969–1973
Assembly Detroit, Michigan, United States
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
2-door coupe
2-door convertible
4-door station wagon
Platform C-body
Engine 318 cu in (5.2 L) V8
360 cu in (5.9 L) V8
383 cu in (6.3 L) V8
400 cu in (6.6 L) V8
440 cu in (7.2 L) V8
225 cu in (3.7 L) I6
Transmission 3-speed automatic
3-speed manual
Wheelbase 122.0 in (3,099 mm)
Length 1969-1970: 220.8 in (5,608 mm)
1971-73: 220.0 in (5,588 mm)
Width 1969-1970: 79.3 in (2,014 mm)
1971-73: 79.0 in (2,007 mm)
Height 1969-1970: 56.8 in (1,443 mm)
1971-73: 63.4 in (1,610 mm)

Where the previous four years’ Dodges had been very straight-lined and lean (thanks to the talents of Elwood Engel), the new 1969 Polara wore a broad-shouldered and far more streamlined look. Called the “Fuselage Look”, this style would persist through five model years, with subtle variations. The resulting look made these Polaras and Monacos appear much larger than the 1968 and earlier models. 1969 models got front outboard head restraints as required by Federal law.

For 1969, the Polara 500 was reintroduced as a mid-level series between the standard Polara and top-of-the-line Monaco. The Polara 500 was available as either a convertible or hardtop coupe. Available powerplants included 318, 383, and 440 cubic-inch V8 engines, along with a 225 cubic-inch slant-6 I6 engine. The 1969 Dodge Polara models offered the Super-Lite option, which placed a quartz auxiliary “turnpike beam”headlamp in the driver side grille.

1970 Dodge Polara

 1970 Dodge Polara

In 1970, the Polara would receive new front and rear styling that included a bumper that wrapped around the grill and headlights. The Polara 500 was replaced by the Polara Custom in hardtop coupe, 4-door hardtop sedan, and conventional 4-door sedan body styles. There was also a stripped-down Polara Special available as either a 4-door sedan or station wagon. 1970 was the last year that the Polara would be available in a convertible body style (with a scant 842 produced, making it extremely rare today), and Dodge would never again offer a full-sized convertible. Also exceptionally rare for 1970 was the “medallion” rear bumper. This bumper featured in all of the sales literature was discontinued after late August or early September 1969 production and replaced with a plain bumper lacking the center Fratzog medallion. Despite the fanfare, Dodge dropped the “Super-Lite” option at the end of the 1970 model year because of lack of consumer interest and various challenges to its legality in certain states. 1970s also received a new locking steering column which locked the steering wheel and column shift lever when the key was removed.

'1971 Dodge_Polara_Coupe_(Auto_classique_Bellepros_Vaudreuil-Dorion_'11)

 1971 Polara coupe

 1971 Polara station wagon

The Polara Special disappeared for 1971, but a new sub-series was the Polara Brougham positioned above the Polara Custom, but still a step below the Monaco, the Polara Brougham was available only as a hardtop coupe or 4-door hardtop sedan.

The 1972 model year would see a fairly significant facelift with new sheet metal and the disappearance of the Polara Brougham model. 1973 models received new front-end styling (which resembled the big 1970 Chevrolet), in which they lost the previous wrap-around front bumper.

Sales of the Polara were falling by this time, however. Having been eclipsed by the Monaco, Dodge decided to drop the Polara after 1973. The energy crisis in the fall of 1973, spurred on by the Arab/OPEC oil embargo, resulted in a serious drop in sales of all full-size American automobiles, which were seen as gas-guzzling monsters. The Polara shared the same fate as the other big cars from Detroit. The redesigned 1974 Monaco would only serve for four model years before being replaced by the unsuccessful Dodge St. Regis.

In Argentina

Dodge Polara (Argentina)

 Argentinean Dodge Polara

Variants of the North American Dodge Dart — using the same 111 in (2,819.4 mm) wheelbase but different sheet metal) were produced in Argentina from 1968 to 1980 by Chrysler-Fevre Argentina S.A.. Sedan models were called Coronado, but the Polara name was applied to coupé models, in conjunction with R/T and GTX designations for special sport coupés. Available engines were the 225 cu in (3.7 L) Slant-6, a 318 cu in (5.2 L) Chrysler V8, and a diesel. The 318 was rarely ordered in Argentina, as local market preferences leaned more towards 4- or 6-cylinder engines. Three- and four-speed manual and 3-speed automatic transmissions were offered. The general impression of these cars, designed exclusively for the Argentine market, are that they look like the 1968 Plymouth Satellite for the sedan and the Dodge ChargerPlymouth Road Runner for the coupé, but they are smaller (although larger than the Dodge Dart). However, the interior, especially the dashboard, are similar to those of the early 70s Dodge Dart–Plymouth Valiant. These coupes were not available in large numbers, but are collected by enthusiasts. They are hard to sell, since gas consumption is high, compared to the 4- and 6-cylinder cars the Argentine consumer is used to. Several restyling jobs of the whole line with new front and rear ends were carried out within its lifetime.

Dodge_Polara_Coupe Argentina

 Argentine Dodge Polara GTX coupé
Dodge_Polara 3700_GT_hl Spanish

 Spanish-market Dodge 3700 GT version

An automobile magazine, Corsa, road-tested a Polara GTX coupé with a V8 rated at 212 hp (158 kW) at 4400 rpm, 308 lb·ft (418 N·m) at 2600 rpm and 8.5:1 compression ratio and obtained 189 km/h (117 mph) of top speed and 10.2 seconds from 0–100 km/h (0–62 mph).

There was also a version of this model built from 1971 to 1978 as a CKD imported from Argentina known as the Dodge 3700 in Spain. A 3700 GT is seen in the first Batman movie directed by Tim Burton.

Dodge Polara GTXTechnical Data (in Spanish)

In Brazil

In Brazil, the Dodge Polara was revived – in name only – in 1977, on a version of the British Chrysler Avenger (which in the early 1970s had been sold in North America as the Plymouth Cricket). They were sold until 1981.

There was also a version of this model in sedan and station wagon built in the 1970s in Argentina of the same car known as the Dodge 1500 until Volkswagen took over Chrysler Fevre Argentina SAIC, and the tooling for the car, in 1980. From then until 1988 the car was sold in Argentina as the Volkswagen 1500 (not to be confused with the Volkswagen Type 3, also sold as the Volkswagen 1500 in most markets including Brazil).

Dodge Power Wagon

For the World War II truck the Power Wagon derived from, see Dodge WC series.
Dodge Power Wagon
1946 Dodge Power Wagon magazine advertisement
Manufacturer Chrysler
Production 1945–1980
Model years 1946–1980
Assembly Warren, Michigan, United States
Body and chassis
Class Full-size pickup truck
Layout Front engine, four-wheel drive
Wheelbase 126 in (3,200 mm)
Successor Dodge Ram

The Dodge Power Wagon is a four wheel drive light truck produced in various model series from 1945 through the present. The original version was based on Dodge’s 3/4 ton WC series of World War II military trucks. The civilian Power Wagon continued the Dodge lineage of four wheel drive trucks from the 1930s, proving basic four wheel drive design concepts and representing a significant predecessor to the many four wheel drive trucks in modern use today. UPdated variants continued in production until 1980.

The Power Wagon nameplate was reintroduced under the Ram Trucks brand in 2005, and became an official model in 2013.


Derived from the Dodge 3/4 ton WC series World War II military trucks, the Power Wagon was introduced in 1946 as the first civilian 4×4. Meant to compete with military-based Ford/Marmon-Herrington and GMC trucks, it had an enclosed all-weather civilian cab and a purpose-designed 8-foot cargo box. It had a 126 inch (3,200 mm) wheelbase chassis and featured the 230 cubic-inch flathead inline-six engine, a two-speed transfer case, a 4-speed manual transmission with a power take off (PTO) which would send power front or rear for operating auxiliary equipment, and 9.00/16-8 ply tires on 16×6.50 inch 5-stud wheels. In 1961 the 230 was replaced with the 251 cubic-inch flat head six.[1]

The nominal one-ton rated Power Wagon’s gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) was 8,700 pounds. Its maximum payload was 3,000 pounds. A big-block 383 V8 engines became an option starting in 1967. From 1961 to 1971 the body was called the “Sweptline,” then transitioned to a more modern body image from 1972 through 1980 with varied grilles and paint schemes. In 1975 the 4-wheel drive became full-time with a 2-speed transfer case; this was changed back to part-time 4-wheel drive in 1980 due to the energy crisis. A huge boost in sales followed the 1974 release of the extended “Club Cab,” popular with families and camper towing. The 4-door Crew Cab was far less common and is quite desirable to collectors for restoration. Utility and function was unmatched by few competing models, as the towing, payload, and snow plowing capacity of the Power Wagon equipped with “Dana 60” 8-lug axles was very popular with municipal and regional road crews.

The Power Wagon was sold through the 1980 model year. A number of engineering and styling improvements were made over the years as the truck grew in size and weight, but the basic package remained generally constant throughout its life and underwent one last major body change in 1972. If you are interested in test driving a power wagon please call PowerWagonMotorSports LLC at (800)-382-5633


W100 and W200

The first light-duty Power Wagons came out in 1957 with the introduction of the W100 and W200 pickups (beginning in 1957 12-ton 2WDs were D100s and 4WDs were W100s). These trucks featured conventional cabs and front sheet metal and the cargo boxes used on the 2WD models. Their 4WD mechanical components—axles, transfer cases and transmissions—were sourced from outside manufacturers. Chrysler Corporation owned the New Process Gear Company (competitors generally used Spicer (Dana) transfer cases and Borg-Warner or in-house transmissions).


A one-ton W300 light-duty/civilian type Power Wagon was released in 1958. For the next ten years the Power Wagon lineup consisted of the “military-type” W300M, and the W100, W200, and W300 “civilian-type” Power Wagons. Standard models included pickups and chassis cabs only. 1957 Through 1966, W100 Power Wagon Town Panels and Town Wagons were also standard models. In 1961 a W200 Crew Cab pickup was added to the line. Dana 70 axles were used in the front and rear of these trucks.


The two-ton W500 Power Wagon (only a chassis cab was built) was introduced in 1956 as the C3-HW, and lasted through the 1971 model year. This was replaced in 1972 with the W600 (also cab and chassis only), which was produced until 1977, when all Dodge medium-duty models were discontinued. To compensate for the loss of the medium-duty W600 a new W400 chassis cab was introduced in 1977.

Willock Chassis Swivel

From about 1952 through 1958 an option known as the Willock Chassis Swivel was available. With this option the frame was split into two pieces at the point where the bed of the truck met the rear of the cab. A longitudinal swivel system allowed these two pieces to rotate with respect to each other, with the result that almost without regard to the terrain all four wheels would always be on the ground. Somewhere between 50 and 100 examples were built. While Willock is no longer in business the chassis swivel is still manufactured by third-party vendors and can be incorporated into existing vehicles.

Replacement by Dodge Ram

The Power Wagon nameplate was discontinued in 1981 with the introduction of the Dodge Ram, with the four-wheel-drive models being sold under the “Power Ram” nameplate through 1993. 1989 to 1993 models saw the addition of an optional 6-cylinder CumminsTurbo-diesel engine.

First generation gallery

Power Wagon WM-300. This model was sold into the mid-1960s
Power Wagon WM-300. This model was sold into the mid-1960s
1963 Power Wagon ambulance, on display at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana
1963 Power Wagon ambulance, on display at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana
1942 Fargo Power Wagon truck in Batey ha-Osef Museum, Israel.
1942 Fargo Power Wagon truck in Batey ha-Osef Museum, Israel.
Red Dodge Power Wagon
Red Dodge Power Wagon
Custom conversion to 6 wheel drive
Custom conversion to 6 wheel drive
1976 Dodge W200 CUCV
1976 Dodge W200 CUCV
1958 WM-300 carryall in US Navy livery
1958 WM-300 carryall in US Navy livery


For 2005, Dodge resurrected the Power Wagon name on a version of the Dodge Ram 2500. It was a special off-road version of the Ram 2500 with a 5.7L Hemi V8 as the only engine option. Interior configurations remain similar to standard production Ram. As of 2010, the Power Wagon is only available as a Crew Cab Short Bed model. Special features of the Power Wagon include:

  • Electronically controlled locking differentials (front and rear)
  • Electronically disconnecting front sway bar
  • Integrated 12,000 lb electric Warn winch
  • 17 inch diameter Alcoa forged wheels
  • Large 33 inch diameter BF Goodrich All Terrain T/A 285/70R17 tires
  • Bilstein Monotube Gas Charged Shocks
  • Extensive skidplating: front stabilizer bar, transfer case, fuel tank, special skid plate crossmembers welded to the frame with open bars bolted to them across the midsection.
  • 1.4″ factory lift in front, 1.0″ in rear (0.4″ front and rear due to larger tires). Softer rate springs.
  • Strengthened torque converter
  • 4.56:1 axle ratios (4.10 as of the 2014 model)
  • Revised clutch fan
  • Strengthened steering gear
  • Low range 4×4 throttle mapping changed.

Upgraded suspension and larger tires naturally give the truck a taller ride height. Clearance lights and tow hooks are standard equipment. Fender flares are standard equipment as well. The fender flares assist with tire coverage due to the Power Wagon’s wider tires.



A six speed manual transmissions was standard, with an automatic transmission optional. As of 2010 the manual transmission is no longer an option. 2012 models have the 66RFE 6 speed automatic transmission, instead of the 545RFE 5 speed automatic in the previous models.

Transfer case

The transfer case was a New Venture 271 and had a 2.72:1 low range gear ratio. A transfer case skid plate was and is standard equipment. A manual shift-on-the-fly transfer case is the only available, the electronic shift on-the-fly has never been an option. As of the 2012 model year, the transfer case has changed to a Borg-Warner 44-47 manual shift-on-the fly. Low range is now 2.64:1.


The axles are manufactured by American Axle & Manufacturing, Inc. The front is an AAM 9.25 and the rear is a hybrid AAM 10.5 with the larger axle shafts from the AAM 11.5. Despite the fact the axles have locking differentials, the rear axle is also a helical-type limited slip differential when unlocked. The axles are only available with a 4.56:1 gear ratio. Non Power Wagon 2500 Ram trucks only have 3.42:1, 3.73:1, or 4.10:1 gear ratios. 2010 models (along with other Ram trucks) received larger universal joints.

2012 Weight ratings:

  • GVWR – 8510 lbs
  • GCWR – 17,000 lbs
  • GAWR (front) – 4500 lbs
  • GAWR (rear) – 6200 lbs
  • Max payload – 1880 lbs
  • Max towing – 10,250 lbs
  • Curb weight – 6800 lbs

2013 updates

The New Venture Gear transfer case is replaced by a Borg-Warner unit. Interior updated ala 1500 Rams.

2014 updates

The RAM Power Wagon will have a 6.4 Hemi V8 as the standard engine; the 5.7 Hemi V8 goes away. The 6.4 has 410 horsepower and is also available in standard Rams. The transmission and transfer case remain unchanged (Borg Warner 44-47). The axle gears change from 4.56:1 gear ratios to 4:10 gear ratios. The rear axle is now a 11.5 AAM axle (with selectable locker). The rear suspension now has a 5-link coil spring arrangement instead of leaf springs. The front suspension has been changed to a radius arm arrangement (3-link) instead of the 5-link used since 2005.

2011 Dodge Power Wagon
2011 Dodge Power Wagon
Locker selection control sway bar disconnect control
Locker selection control/sway bar disconnect control
Locker selection control sway bar disconnect control a
Locker selection control/sway bar disconnect control

See also

1983 Dodge Ram 50

1983 Dodge Ram 50

Dodge Ram 50 (US)

Dodge Ram 50 (US)

Dodge Ram SRT-10

Dodge Ram SRT-10
Dodge Ram SRT was created by DaimlerChrysler's PVO (Performance Vehicle Operations) division
Manufacturer Chrysler
Production 2004–2006
Assembly Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico (Saltillo Truck Assembly)
Body and chassis
Class Sport pickup truck
Body style Pickup truck
Layout FR layout
Platform Chrysler DR/DH/D1 platform
Related Dodge Ram
Engine 8.3 L (505 cid) V10
Transmission 6-speed manual
4-speed automatic
Wheelbase Regular: 120.5 in (3,061 mm)
Quad: 140.5 in (3,569 mm)
Length Regular: 203.1 in (5,159 mm)
Quad: 227.7 in (5,784 mm)
Width 79.9 in (2,029 mm)
Height Regular: 74.4 in (1,890 mm)
Quad: 74.7 in (1,897 mm)

The Dodge Ram SRT-10 is a sport pickup truck that was produced by American automaker Dodge in limited numbers. It was introduced at the January 2002 North American International Auto Show, but was not put into production until 2004. Unlike previous Ram trucks, the SRT-10 was built solely for the purpose of speed.


The Dodge Ram SRT was created by DaimlerChrysler’s PVO (Performance Vehicle Operations) division, using Dodge Viper and Plymouth Prowler engineers. Extensive wind tunnel testing was used in styling the exterior of the Ram SRT-10. This is the second time that Dodge has put a Viper engine into a Ram pickup. At the 1996 Chicago Auto Show, Dodge introduced a concept Dodge Ram with a Viper Generation 2 engine, but it was not put into production. The Dodge Ram VTS was painted Banzai Blue with dual white skunk stripes, housed a 8.0 L (488 cid) V10, a six-speed Borg-Warner manual gearbox, and 17-inch (430 mm) Viper GTS wheels wrapped in BF Goodrich 275/60-HR17 Comp T/A HR4 tires.


Dodge Ram SRT-10 engine (with aftermarket intake tube)

 Dodge Ram SRT-10 engine (with aftermarket intake tube)

The SRT-10 featured an 8.3 litres (Chrysler 8.3 L Viper V10) V10. This engine produced 500 bhp (373 kW; 507 PS) at 5,600 rpm and 525 lb·ft (712 N·m) of torque at 4,200 rpm. The regular cab, with a total curb weight of 5,130 lb (2,330 kg), reached a top speed of 154 mph (248 km/h), and could accelerate from 0 to 60 mph (97 km/h) in 4.9 seconds, whereas the Quad Cab, weighing 5,618 lb (2,548 kg), achieved 0-60 mph in 5.6 seconds and reached a top speed of 147 mph (237 km/h). The regular cab could complete the 14 mi (400 m) in 13.6 seconds at 106 mph (171 km/h), the Quad Cab in 13.7 seconds at 100 mph (160 km/h). The engine produced one horsepower for every 10.3 lbs of vehicle weight in the regular cab. The regular cab generated .86 g of grip on a 300 ft (91 m) skidpad, while the Quad Cab generated .83 g. The regular cab was rated by the EPA at 9 MPG city/15 highway, while the Quad Cab was rated at 9 city/12 MPG highway.


The V10 Viper engine delivered 90 percent of its torque from 1500 to 5600 rpm. The cast aluminum cylinder block had cast-iron liners and cross-bolted main caps. The bore and stroke had been increased over previous Viper models. Compression ratio, firing order, rod length, block height and block length were unchanged from the second-generation Viper engine. The regular cab featured a Tremec T-56 transmission, while the Quad Cab utilized a 48RE four-speed automatic transmission modified from the Ram Heavy Duty transmission. Both regular cab and Quad Cab used a Dana 60 rear axle.


Gear 1 2 3 4 Final Drive
Ratio 2.45:1 1.45:1 1:1.00 0.69:1 4.56:1


PVO engineers modified the Ram Heavy Duty’s rack and pinion steering and independent front suspension for use in the Ram SRT-10. A fully hydroformed Dodge Ram frame was used in conjunction with a custom-tuned suspension, lowering the Ram SRT-10’s ride height one inch in the front and 2.5 inches in the rear. Bilstein shock absorbers, performance-tuned springs and unique aerodynamic aids were used to enhance the Ram SRT-10’s higher-speed performance. An additional 5th shock was used on the rear axle to prevent wheel hop during wheel-spin.


The Ram SRT-10 had a unique hood that featured a wide power bulge and honeycomb grill hood scoop. The hood scoop allowed cool air to enter as well as forcing hot air to exit from the engine bay, thus helping the engine to run cooler. “Viper Powered” badges were added to the sides of the power bulge, to indicate the SRT-10 engine under the hood. Large chrome Srt-10 logos were mounted to the driver and passenger side doors and rear tailgate right side on the Quad cab and Single Cab 2005 models replaced in 2006 by smaller chrome and red srt10 logo badges . All models were outfitted with large molded kickerpanels painted to match body color. Another exterior feature was a tonneau cover with an attached spoiler that was supposed to come standard on the 2005 Quad Cab version and all 2006 models, but due to manufacturing problems was not installed on nearly half of the Ram SRT-10s intended. To help remedy this situation, Dodge added a $1000 credit and a regular spoiler to the Ram SRT-10s that did not receive the tonneau cover. In addition to style, the spoiler also helped with air flow and provided a reduction in lift and drag. The Ram SRT-10 had a bed size of 6 ft 3 in (1.91 m), giving the regular cab an overall length of 17 ft 7 in (5.36 m), and 19 ft 2 in (5.84 m) overall length for the Quad Cab. The Ram SRT-10 also had a lower ride height than regular Ram trucks.


The Truck audio had 3 options of the Dodge Ram SRT-10 by 2006 and consisted of 8 Infinity brand speakers with a DVD based large color lcd map navigation system and a mid tier CD turn by turn graphics cd based system with small color lcd finally a standard led Radio with cd player; all built and designed by Alpine audio and 10 inch sub woofer mounted under the rear passenger seat with silver bezel and 575 watts of total system output, Bluetooth by uconnect for hands free communication through your car stereo as a factory option also full digital Satellite radio. The doors on both the Standard cab and Quad can had silver large accents along the middle above the arm rest. It also came with a leather trimmed steering wheel and with heavily bolstered racing-derived suede-trimmed charcoal leather seats. The center stack was adorned with silver trim, and a silver trim strip with the SRT-10 logo resided under the passenger-side air bag cover. Taking a cue from the Dodge Viper, the Ram SRT-10 came with a red start button on the dash. The manual transmission regular cab featured a Hurst shift lever, which sprouted from a silver metal shift bezel and was fitted with a Viper shift knob. Aluminum performance-inspired pedals replaced the stock setup. The gauge cluster featured satin silver-faced gauges and Viper font and graphics. The speedometer and tachometer were re-calibrated to match the Ram SRT-10’s increased performance.


Excluding the special editions, the 2004-2005 Ram SRT-10 came in three colors: Brilliant Black Crystal Pearl Coat, Bright Silver Metallic Clear Coat, and Flame Red Clear Coat. The redesigned 2006 Ram SRT-10 came in Mineral Gray Metallic, Inferno Red, and Brilliant Black Crystal Clear Coat.

Wheels and brakes

The stock 22-inch (560 mm) wheels were fitted with Pirelli Scorpion P305/40R-22 performance tires and modeled after the 10-spoke wheels available on the Viper. The brakes for the 2004 model (front and rear) and 2005-06 (rear) were modified from the Ram Heavy Duty truck for use in the Ram SRT-10. The standard ABS-equipped brakes were fitted with 15-inch (380 mm) rotors in front and 14-inch (360 mm) rotors out back. 2004 models used red-painted two-piston sliding brake calipers front and rear; these were replaced with larger four-piston monoblock calipers up front in 2005-06, designed by TRW and unique to the SRT-10. Two NASCAR-inspired brake cooling ducts integrated into the front fascia provide cooling for the Ram SRT-10’s brakes.

Quad cab

2004-'06 Dodge_Ram_SRT-10

 2005 Dodge Ram SRT-10 crew cab

Following the success of the Ram SRT-10 regular cab, Dodge decided to introduce a Quad Cab version starting in the 2005 model year. The new Quad Cab was aimed at the performance truck enthusiast who wanted a performance pickup, but not at the expense of room for passengers and towing capacity. The Dodge Ram SRT-10 Quad Cab was fitted with a 4.56 final-drive gear ratio to improve low-end acceleration and was rated at 7,500-pound (3,400 kg) towing capacity. A body-color aluminum tonneau cover with an aerodynamic spoiler came standard on the Quad Cab. The Quad Cab was only offered with a 4-speed automatic transmission, a 48RE borrowed from the Ram Heavy Duty with Cummins turbo diesel. The 48RE was rated to handle up to 700 ft lbs of torque.

Special editions

Dodge released several limited editions of the Ram SRT-10 alongside the standard regular cab and Quad Cab versions.

  • VCA (Viper Club of America) Edition – 52 produced, released at the 2004 Daytona Motor Speedway Race in February. Where people were able to enter a raffle, And only the winners of the raffle were able to purchase the vehicle, but, of course the winners were able to sell them again to a third-party. Its paint scheme was white rally stripes on Electric Blue. Engine was also signed by Wolfgang Bernhard, Chrysler Group’s former Chief Operating Officer. Available as a 2004 model.
  • Yellow Fever – 500 produced, painted in Solar Yellow exterior paint and black “fanged” stripe on top of hood, came with two-tone interior which featured a yellow center stack bezel, yellow door spears, yellow stitching on steering wheel, seats and Regular Cab manual transmission shifter and yellow embroidering on the SRT-10 floor mats. Also came with special Yellow Fever Edition badges and a serialized Yellow Fever dash plaque. Available as a 2005 model.
2005 Dodge Ram SRT-10 Commemorative Edition.

 Dodge Ram SRT-10 Commemorative Edition.
  • Commemorative Edition – 200 produced, featured Bright White exterior paint with Electric Blue stripes. Interior enhancements included blue stitching on the seats, shift boot, shift knob and steering wheel. Floor mats were embroidered in matching stitching with the SRT-10 logo. In addition, the Commemorative Edition included standard polished wheels, brushed aluminum scuff plates, and a hard tonneau cover. Available as a 2005 model.
  • Night Runner – 400 produced, painted in Brilliant Black exterior paint, came with Dark Nickel Pearl finish 22-inch (560 mm) wheels, black chrome grill inserts, unique Night Runner badges, a black center stack and center console bezel overlay, and a serialized Night Runner dash plaque. Available as a 2006 model.

End of production

2006 Dodge Ram SRT-10 crew cab

 2006 Dodge Ram SRT-10 crew cab

The first SRT-10 was produced November 11, 2004. Ram SRT-10 production ended after the 2006 model year Total production for the 2004 Dodge Ram SRT-10 was 3,057. For 2005, the total production was 4,097 and the 2006 total production was 2,373. Over the 3-year lifespan of this truck, just 9,527 Dodge Ram SRT-10s were manufactured.

2004 Color Breakdown Regular Cab
Flame Red 1040
Black 1269
Bright Silver Metallic 698
VCA Edition 50
Total 3057
2005 Color Breakdown Regular Cab Quad Cab Year Total
Black 471 1136 1607
Flame Red 453 777 1230
Bright Silver Metallic 280 280 560
White (CE) 200 0 200
Yellow Fever 200 300 500
Total 1604 2493 4097
2006 Color Breakdown Regular Cab Quad Cab Year Total
Brilliant Black Crystal 220 465 685
Inferno Red 221 417 638
Mineral Gray 131 310 441
Black Clear Coat 87 93 180
Night Runner 200 200 400
Flame Red 7 8 15
Bright Silver Metallic 6 8 14
Total 872 1501 2373

World record

2004 February 2004 World Record

 February 2004 World Record

In February 2004, a Dodge Ram SRT-10, driven by NASCAR driver Brendan Gaughan set both the Guinness World Record and Sports Car Club of America‘s record for the world’s fastest production truck with an average speed of 154.587 mph (248.784 km/h). As of August 2014 it is still the Worlds fastest full size factory pickup truck. Note: There were a total of three Dodge Ram SRT10 trucks used to break the world speed record. Vin # 3D3HA16H44G257254 reached a top speed of 157.327 mph but was disqualified because of what was considered an illegal exhaust system. 154.587 is the official speed that is used.

Dodge Ram Van

Dodge Ram Van
Dodge Recreational_Vehicle
Assembly Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Body and chassis
Class Van
Body style 3-door van
4-door van
3-door wagon
4-door wagon
Platform Chrysler B platform
Predecessor Dodge A100
Successor Dodge Sprinter

The Dodge B-Series was a full-size van marketed under the Dodge brand by the Chrysler Corporation (1971–1998) and later DaimlerChrysler (1998–2003). Starting in 1981, the B-Series was sold as the Dodge Ram Van; the passenger variant was known as the Dodge Ram Wagon and Plymouth Voyager.

DaimlerChrysler discontinued production of the Ram Van and Ram Wagon after more than 30 years of production following the 2003 model year, replacing them with the Dodge Sprinter. All Ram Vans and Wagons were built at the Pillette Road Truck Assembly plant in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, which has since been demolished.


Built on the B platform (later AB), the full-size vans entered production for the 1971 model year. Due to a one-welded-piece “Uniframe” design, the Dodge platform was lighter and stronger and featured a lower cargo floor than the competition, at the expense of NVH. The resulting lower center of gravity improved handling versus the competing products. The B-series van was popular for cab-over motorhome conversion until Chrysler Corporation’s egress from that market during their financial difficulties in the late 1970s.

All generations of the B-series van feature similar construction, with only small variation from era to era. The most pronounced changes were to the front fenders, hood, grille, and bumpers, which tended to follow their full-size truck counterparts in each era. Much of this was a result of the need to meet Federal “crashworthiness” standards. Additionally, the first generation’s side door was mounted back several inches, using a fixed panel between the passenger’s side front door and the side door, allowing for more access to the side door without interfering with the front passenger’s seat. This panel was eliminated in 1978 which was a transitional year for the B-series van. Similar construction for the entire 32 years of production made the Dodge Van very popular with upbuilders, service companies, and other fleets due to the compatibility of installable options from year to year without necessitating a redesign.

Dodge first pioneered the extended-rear 15-passenger van favored by school and church groups and dominated this market until overtaken by Ford in the 1990s. It offered a sliding side door as well as a unique side-swinging tail door with a full-width window.

It was also popular in class-C RV and ambulance conversions.

The minivan, pioneered by Chrysler, eventually took over the passenger wagon market. With the Sprinter, Chrysler left behind American-style full-sized vans in favor of more fuel efficient European-style models.

3rd-generation Dodge Ram Van engine bay

 3rd-generation Dodge Ram Van engine bay

The B-series van was available with nearly every engine used in a rear-wheel-drive Chrysler product during its production. Six-cylinder engines included the 225 in3 Slant Six I6 (1971–1987), the 3.9 L LA V6 (1988–1991), and the 3.9 L Magnum V6 (1992–2003). Small-block V8 engines included the LA-series 318 in3 (1971–1991), 360 in3 (1972–1992), the Magnum 5.2 L (1992–2003), and the Magnum 5.9 L (1993–2003). Big-block V8 engines were the 400 in3 and 440 in3 (1976–1978). Certain model years came with an optional 5.2-liter engine utilizing Compressed Natural Gas, with a range of up to 300 miles (480 km) on a full tank, and CNG-powered Ram Vans were classified as an Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle in 1999.

Dodge was the last of the four major full-size van makers to market a short-wheelbase van and passenger wagon. The rest of the Big Three took their shortest full-size vans off the market early in the 1990s.

DaimlerChrysler discontinued production of the Ram Van and Ram Wagon after the 2003 model year, replacing them with the M-B-based Dodge Sprinter.

Original B-Series

First generation
1974-78 Dodge Sportsman
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Production 1971–1978
Body and chassis
Class Full-size van
Body style 2-door or 8–15 passenger van
Engine 225 cu in (3.7 L) Slant-6
360 cu in (5.9 L) LA V8
318 cu in (5.2 L) LA V8
400 cu in (6.8 L) B V8
440 cu in (7.2 L) RB V8
1972 Dodge Tradesman

 1972 Tradesman
1977 Sportsman B 100

 1977 Sportsman

For the first eight model years, the different configurations of B vans were given names. Sportsman passenger vans had side windows and passenger seating not present in the otherwise identical Tradesman models. The same range of gasoline-powered slant-6 and V8 engines was offered in these vans as was offered in the Dodge D Series pickup truck.

Dodge pioneered the American 15 passenger van genre with the introduction of the Maxiwagon along with the other front engine B series vans that were new for 1971. Ford didn’t produce a 15 passenger van until 1978, and GM did not introduce theirs until 1990. Little changed on Dodge vans produced between 1971 and 1977, with only a grille change from metal to plastic for the 1974 model year. 1978 was a transition year for B series vans, consisting of the nose from 1977 and earlier vans (with a one-year only Dodge symbol in the grille) but with a completely new dashboard and rear end cap. On the standard length vans, the rear end cap just contained new larger tail lamps, but the extended length Maxivan and Maxiwagon had a completely redesigned rear extension which was longer and had large windows that wrapped around the corners for better visibility. This was unique to the B vans, and this same extension was used until the B vans were discontinued in 2003. On the 1971-77 models, the rear side doors were set back about two feet towards the rear wheelwells, with a filler panel between them and the front doors. Passenger models had a small window between the front and rear doors. In 1978, the filler panel was removed and the doors were moved forward to be next to the front passenger door, similar to the Ford and Chevrolet vans.

In the late 1970s, Chrysler marketed the B van in their lineup of “Adult Toys”, along with the D-Series-based Dodge Warlock, Dodge Lil’ Red Express Truck, and Dodge Macho Power Wagon, plus the Dodge Macho Ramcharger.

Street Van

1978 Dodge Street Van

 1978 Dodge Street Van

Dodge vans, particularly Tradesman vans from the 1971–1977 model years, were very popular as the basis for many custom vans during the custom van craze that occurred during the mid to late ’70s and early ’80s. Dodge capitalized on this craze, creating a factory customization package called the “Street Van” package. This was advertised alongside the Lil’ Red Express and Warlock trucks as “Adult Toys”. The Street Van package consisted of a “Street Van” logo on the passenger and driver’s side door in lieu of the Tradesman logos, chrome trim on the grille and windshield, simulated wood grain inlays in the steering wheel horn cover and passenger side glare shield, five slot chrome wheels or white spoked “off-road” type wheels, chrome front and rear bumpers, chrome trim on the gauges, smaller chrome side view mirrors, patterns and plans to create custom interiors, and membership in the “Dodge Van Clan”. This package was available from the 1976 model year until it was discontinued in the early ’80s. This was not an overly popular option from the factory, and Street Vans are somewhat rare. The chrome metal Street Van emblems found on later Street Vans (emblems through mid-1978 were stickers) in good shape are quite valuable to collectors or restorers.


The name “Kary Van” comes from the cube shape of the cargo section of the van. Dodge used the van body for the front end of its 1973–1978 cube-vans usually with dual rear axles and heavy-duty 1-Ton suspensions. Many examples of these cube-vans can still be found on the streets today as they were typically owned by companies that kept them in service for some time. Thanks to regular maintenance, some still see service.

Rebadged variants

During the last two years of its existence Fargo offered a rebadged variant of the Tradesman and Sportsman in Canada for 1971 and 1972 only. Plymouth also received a rebadged variant of the Sportsman, called the minivan for the 1974 model year. While never as popular as the Dodge version, Plymouth marketed the Voyager in this format through 1983, after which the nameplate was transferred to the new minivan that was introduced for 1984 as a rebadged Dodge Caravan.

Second generation

Second generation
Production 1979–1993
Body and chassis
Related Plymouth Voyager (1979–1983)
Engine 3.7L (225cid) I6 110 HP (79–88)
3.9L (239cid) V6 (88–03)
5.2L (318cid) V8 (79–03)
5.9L (360cid) V8 155 HP (79–03)
6.6L (400cid) V8 190 HP (71–78)
7.2L (440cid) V8 195 HP (71–78)Horsepower figures for 1978
Transmission 3-speed automatic
4-speed automatic
3-speed manual (column shift)
4-speed (floor shift) manual5-speed manual (floor shift)
Wheelbase 150 SWB: 109.6 in (2,784 mm)
LWB: 127.6 in (3,241 mm)
Length 1988–1990 150 SWB: 178.9 in (4,544 mm)
1988–1990 150 LWB, 250 & 350 SWB: 196.9 in (5,001 mm)
1998–1990 250 & 350 LWB: 222.9 in (5,662 mm)
1991–93 B150 (Wagon Only): 187.2 in (4,755 mm)
1991–93 B250 & B350 SWB (Wagon Only): 205.2 in (5,212 mm)
1991–93 B250 & B350 LWB (Wagon Only): 231.2 in (5,872 mm)
Width 1988–1990: 79.2 in (2,012 mm)
1991–93 Wagon: 79.0 in (2,007 mm)
1991–93 Van: 79.8 in (2,027 mm)
Height 1988–1990 150: 78.3 in (1,989 mm)
1988–1990 250: 79.9 in (2,029 mm)
1988–1990 350: 80.5 in (2,045 mm)
1991–93 B150 Wagon: 78.1 in (1,984 mm)
1991–93 B250 Wagon: 78.6 in (1,996 mm)
1991–93 B350 Wagon: 80.5 in (2,045 mm)
1991–93 B150 Maxi Wagon: 80.7 in (2,050 mm)
1991–93 Van (Extended): 80.1 in (2,035 mm)

In 1979 the van received a redesigned front end, including a new grille with wraparound turn signals. Lower end models had single round headlights, while Royal Sportsman and other high-end vans received four rectangular headlights. The van would keep this body style and the 1978 dash intact with only grille changes all the way through the 1993 model year. The Sportsman, Tradesman, and Adventurer names were phased out after 1980, replaced with the Ram Van moniker, which included the Ram Wagon for passenger models. As with the D-series trucks, B100 and B150 models were 1/2-ton rated, B250 models were 3/4-ton, and B350s were one-ton. The body shell and most fixtures would be one of the longest running of any US vehicle, remaining nearly identical from the vans’ introduction in 1971 through their discontinuance in 2003, while Ford and GM would go through two or three generation platform redesigns.
In 1986 the Ram Van was given a new grille to resemble those of the 1986 Ram trucks. In 1994 the entire front end was redesigned with flush headlamps to resemble the all new Dodge Ram pickups, and new taillights wrapped around the sides of the van. The 1978-style dash was kept.

Third generation

Third generation
Production 1994–2003
Engine Magnum 3.9L 175 hp (130 kW) V6
Magnum 5.2L 230 hp (170 kW) V8
Magnum 5.2L 220 HP V8 (CNG)Magnum 5.9L 250 hp (190 kW) V8
Transmission 3-speed automatic4-speed automatic
Wheelbase 1998–2003 1500 SWB: 109.4 in (2,779 mm)
1994–97 1500 SWB: 109.6 in (2,784 mm)
2500 & 3500: 127.6 in (3,241 mm)
Length 1500: 187.2 in (4,755 mm)
2500: 205.2 in (5,212 mm)
3500: 231.2 in (5,872 mm)
Width 79.8 in (2,027 mm)
1994–96 Van: 79.0 in (2,007 mm)
Height 79.5 in (2,019 mm)
3500 & 2500: 79.9 in (2,029 mm)

In 1994 the entire front end was redesigned with flush headlamps to resemble the all new Dodge Ram pickups, and new taillights wrapped around the sides of the van. The 1978-style dash was kept. In 1998, the van went through the most thorough update since its introduction in 1971. The engine was moved forward in the chassis to improve crash protection, and the front end sheetmetal was redone with a longer nose to accommodate this change. Moving the powertrain forward also resulted in a smaller dog house (engine access cover) which increased front interior room and allowed better access when moving between the front seats. The 1978-style dashboard and door panels were finally replaced with a modern design using components from contemporary Chrysler products. The side view mirrors were now break-away units mounted to the sail portion of the front window openings. This change resulted in the elimination of the front door vent windows. The van remained mostly unchanged until it was discontinued after the 2003 model year.

Revival of the Ram Van

In 2012 a Dodge Caravan-based cargo van, previously sold as the Dodge Caravan C/V, was renamed the Ram C/V Tradesman. In 2013, a new full-sized van based on the Fiat Ducato was introduced and sold under the name Ram ProMaster, which is the modern descendant of the original Dodge B-Series full-size van. The Ram ProMaster City, a Fiat Doblo-based replacement for the Ram C/V Tradesman will be introduced in 2014. The Promaster City is said to be a modern descendant of the Dodge A100 compact van.

Dodge Ramcharger

Dodge Ramcharger
1991-93 Dodge Ramcharger
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Production 1974–2001
Body and chassis
Class Full-size SUV
Body style 2-door SUV
Platform Front engine, rear-wheel drive /four-wheel drive
Successor Dodge Durango (2004)

The Dodge Ramcharger was a large sport utility vehicle built by Dodge from 1974 to 1993 (and from at least 1986 until 2001 in Mexico) based on the shortened wheelbase of the Dodge D Series/Ram pickup truck chassis. A Plymouth version, named the Trailduster was offered from 1974 to 1981, the brand’s only SUV, though one can argue that with similar classifications of early Plymouth station wagons, and the Plymouth Voyager minivan.

First and second generations

First generation
1979 Plymouth Trail Duster
Also called Plymouth Trailduster (1974–1981)
Production 1974–1980
Body and chassis
Platform Chrysler AD platform
Related Dodge D Series
Dodge Ram
Engine 225 cu in (3.7 L) I6
318 cu in (5.2 L) V8
360 cu in (5.9 L) V8
400 cu in (6.6 L) V8
440 cu in (7.2 L) V8
Transmission 4-speed manual
3-speed TorqueFlite automatic
Second generation
Production 1981–1993 (1988–1996 In Mexico)
Body and chassis
Platform Chrysler AD platform
Related Dodge Ram
Engine 318 cu in (5.2 L) V8
360 cu in (5.9 L) V8
Transmission 3-speed automatic
4-speed manual
Wheelbase 106.0 in (2,692 mm)
Length 1988–1990: 184.6 in (4,689 mm)
1991–93: 188.0 in (4,775 mm)
Width 79.5 in (2,019 mm)
Height 1988–1990 2WD: 69.7 in (1,770 mm)
1988–1990 4WD: 73.1 in (1,857 mm)
1991–93 4WD: 74.1 in (1,882 mm)
1991–93 2WD: 70.6 in (1,793 mm)

The Ramcharger was primarily produced as a full-time four wheel drive vehicle, although a two-wheel drive version was available starting in 1975. During development, it was known as the “Rhino”.[1] 1974 through 1980 models have a removable hard top, although dealer-installed soft tops were available. The first year model differs from the others in that its door pillars are attached to the removable roof.

Like many vehicles, the Ramcharger was used in rallying, although its use was very limited. It did have some success, as demonstrated by achieving first place at Sno*Drift in 1975. In 1978 and 1979 the 360 CID’s horsepower was bumped up to 195 horsepower (145 kW). 1978 was the last year for the 440 CID, which by then only put out 215 horsepower (160 kW).

The Ramcharger and Trailduster followed the D-series pickup’s 1981 redesign into the Ram and is considered the second generation. These models had a non-removable welded steel top instead of the removable top. The Trailduster was only available for one year with the Ram design and steel non-removable top, as it was dropped after 1981.


The vehicle was usually powered by a Chrysler LA engine, the most common being the 318 cu in (5.2 L) V8. Optional was the 360 cu in (5.9 L) V8 and even big-block B series 400 cu in (6.6 L) V8 and RB 440 cu in (7.2 L) V8 were offered in the early years. Initially a normally aspirated carburetor, in 1988 the 318 gained throttle-body fuel injection with the 360 following in 1989. Power output for the TBI 318 was 230 horsepower (170 kW) and 280 lb·ft (380 N·m) of torque. The TBI 360 had 240 hp (180 kW) and 283 to 295 lb·ft (400 N·m). In 1992 the multiport fuel injected Magnum 318 was the standard engine while the LA 360 with TBI was still offered. In 1993 the Magnum 360 replaced the LA engine version.

Many manual transmissions were offered throughout the years, starting with the A-230 three-speed and ending with the A-535 five-speed in 1992. The NP435 “granny gear” 4 speed was the most common in 4WD models, as well as the close ratio version, the NP445. In 1988 the clutch was converted from a mechanical linkage to a hydraulic system. Automatic transmission models had the Chrysler Loadflite TF-727A or B until, in 1991, it was replaced with the A-500/A-518 four-speed.

A full-time four-wheel drive NP-203 transfer case was standard until 1980, when it was replaced with the part-time NP-208. This was supplanted by the NP-241 in 1988.

Axles were Dana 44 front and 9¼” rear. Full time 4WD models (1973–1979) were equipped with the full time version of the Dana 44 that had no provision for locking hubs and had a front wheel bearing design with a somewhat dubious reputation. In 1980 when the part time 4WD system was introduced, the front Dana 44 was equipped with a more conventional front wheel bearing design and automatic locking hubs. Late in the 1984 model year the Dana 44 was switched to a CAD (Center Axle Disconnect) version. The CAD Dana 44 was vacuum actuated by a switch on the transfer case and powered by engine vacuum. The CAD Dana 44 was carried on until the end of Ramcharger production in 1993. Users often ran into problems with the CAD system. The vacuum switch on the transfer case would occasionally fail and either leave the CAD engaged or not engage the CAD at all. Limited slip differentials were available for the 9¼” rear axle. The full-time 4WD versions used a 5 on 4½” wheel bolt circle and the part time models used a 5 on 5½” bolt circle.

Dodge Ramcharger 1st gen

 First generation Dodge Ramcharger equipped with an aftermarket lift kit

Third generation

Third generation
1999-01 Dodge Ram Charger (Mexico)
Production 1999–2001
Assembly Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico
Body and chassis
Related Dodge Ram
Engine 360 cu in (5.9 L) V8
318 cu in (5.2 L) V8
Transmission 4-speed automatic
4-speed manual
Wheelbase 113.7 in (2,888 mm)
Length 198 in (5,029 mm)
Curb weight 5,300 lb (2,404.0 kg)

In 1999, a new Ramcharger was produced in Mexico based on the second generation Ram pickup and using parts from the Dodge Ram pickups and other Chrysler vehicles. Sold only in Mexico, where the previous generation Ramcharger had been quite successful, it was not offered in the U.S. Because of this and other issues, this generation never enjoyed the sales of the previous generations of Ramchargers. Powered by the 5.9 and 5.2 Liter (360 CID and 318 CID) Magnum V8 and offered only in 2WD versions, it was discontinued around 2002. One of the most interesting features of this generation was a small folding seat in the cargo area, facing sideways, not a full-sized seat, making it uncomfortable for long trips. The rear hatch door was borrowed from 1996–2000 model Dodge Caravan. The Mexican-market Ramcharger was probably not marketed in the U.S.because the SUV market was favoring 4 or 5-door SUVs as opposed to 2-doors. Also, DaimlerChrysler already had two successful mid-sized SUVs (Jeep Grand Cherokee and Dodge Durango). Two-door SUV sales had been declining, to which GM ended production of its 2-door Tahoe and Yukon, and Ford replaced the long-running 2-door only Ford Bronco around the same time with the 4-door only Ford Expedition.

Dodge Rampage

Dodge Rampage
1983 Dodge Rampage
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Also called Plymouth Scamp
Production 1982–1984
Body and chassis
Class Coupe Utility
Body style two-door truck
Layout Transverse front-engine, front-wheel drive
Platform L-body
Engine 2.2 L K I4

The Dodge Rampage was a subcompact, unibody[1] coupe utility based on Chrysler‘s L platform and manufactured from 1982–1984. First released as a 1982 model, the Rampage was later joined by its rebadgedvariant, the Plymouth Scamp.

The Rampage borrows the car’s unibody construction and the front fascia from the sporty 024/Charger variant.

It was available with a Chrysler built and designed 2.2 L carbureted straight-4 engine with 96 hp (72 kW) and a curb weight of around 2,400 lb (1,100 kg). In the first year, it had leisurely performance due to the four-speed manual transmission along with a three-speed automatic transmission.

1984 Dodge Rampage

 1984 Dodge Rampage

Performance was improved with the introduction of a five-speed manual transmission in 1983. The truck had a load capacity of 1,145 lb (519 kg), for a true “half ton” rating. This compared favorably to General MotorsChevrolet El Camino‘s rating of 1250 lbs. The Volkswagen Rabbit Sportruck and Subaru BRAT were the Rampage’s only real competition in the United States market.

The Dodge Rampage was based on the popular Dodge Omni and Plymouth Horizon. Their fuel economy (21 MPG city/29 MPG highway, according to the EPA) and price were good for the time.[citation needed] The Rampage’s front-wheel drive configuration was a source of either love or hate depending on one’s preferences. A front-wheel drive layout is not usually used for trucks in North America; however, it gave the Rampage great road-holding and traction when unladen without the “fish-tailing” that comes with most rear-wheel-drive pickups. In short, the Rampage drove less like a truck and more like a compact car. A re-badged version,the Plymouth Scamp, was only sold in 1983. The Rampage lasted three years before being dropped from production after the 1984 model year. There are many myths about the existence of a “Shelby Rampage”, but the there is no official record of the existence of such a vehicle.

While a radical and unique design, the Dodge Rampage (17,636 sold in 1982, 8,033 in 1983, 11,732 in 1984, its final season) didn’t take off in the market as had been expected. Its Plymouth Scamp clone would only last for one year—1983. Sales totals for the Scamp were 2184 “base” models and 1,380 in GT trim, almost all of which were taken from its Dodge twin. The market for “car-trucks” was fast drying up in the mid-1980s as one after another was dropped from automakers’ North American product lines. Even the El Camino was not immune and it was also withdrawn from production before the decade was through.

1955 Dodge

1956 Dodge

1956 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Also called Dodge Coronet
Dodge Suburban
Dodge Royal
Dodge Sierra
Dodge Royal Lancer
Dodge Custom Royal
Dodge Custom Royal Lancer
Production 1955–1956
Body and chassis
Class Full-size
Body style 2-door coupe
4-door sedan
2-door hardtop coupe
2-door wagon
4-door wagon
2-door convertible
Layout FR layout
Engine 230 in³ (3.8 L) Getaway I6
270 in³ (4.4 L) Red Ram V8
325 cu in (5.3 L) V8
350 cu in (5.7 L) V8
361 cu in (5.9 L) V8
Transmission 2-speed automatic
3-speed manual
3-speed automatic
Wheelbase 120 in (3048 mm)
Length 212.1 in (5387 mm)
Successor 1957 Dodge

The 1955 Dodge lineup, consisting of the entry-level Coronet, Royal, and ornate Custom Royal, was a major departure for the company. Driven almost out of business in 1953 and 1954, the Chrysler Corporation was revived with a $250 million loan from Prudential and new models designed by the legendary Virgil Exner. The Dodge lineup was positioned as the mainstream line in Chrysler’s hierarchy, between Plymouth and DeSoto.


The 1955 Dodge was all-new with a longer 120 in (3048 mm) wheelbase and 212.1 in (5387 mm) overall length than the 1954 cars. They shared their basic mechanicals with the De Soto, but featured special styling. These cars lasted through the 1955 and 1956 model years before being replaced by the all-new 1957 design.


The Coronet (and Suburban station wagon) was the base model. This was the only line to feature the 230 in³ (3.8 L) Getaway I6 as well as the 270 in³ (4.4 L) Red Ram V8. Coronets were available in all body styles except the convertible. Sedans feature “Coronet” badges on the fenders, while the station wagons are called “Suburban”. Although the hardtop coupe was officially named “Lancer”, it wore only “Coronet” badges.Turn signals were standard on the Royal and Custom Royal models but optional on the base Coronet.


The Royal (and Sierra wagon) were the next step up. Featuring only the V8 engine, the Royal also lacked the 2-door sedan and wagon models available in the Coronet line. Early hardtop coupes lack the “Lancer” script, although they were officially Lancers, but later models wore “Royal Lancer” badges.

Custom Royal

1956 Dodge Coronet Royal Lancer with custom chrome flipper hubcaps

 1956 Coronet Royal Lancer with custom chrome flipper hubcaps

The flagship model was the Custom Royal. All hardtop coupe and Custom Royal-only convertible models were called “Custom Royal Lancer”, and the “Custom Royal” sedan gained the Lancer badge soon after its introduction as well. The Custom line featured unique chrome tailfins (although early model year cars went without this trim), special tail light surrounds, and an upscale interior. Backup lights were standard on the Custom line but optional on all others. The Custom Royal also featured the hemi 270CID Super Red Ram engine.

La Femme

See also Dodge La Femme

The La Femme was a special package oriented towards women, who made up an increasing share of Dodge buyers. It came in Heather Rose and Sapphire White colors and included a cape, boots, umbrella, and shoulder bag that matched the floral tapestry-like fabrics. Changes to the car include built-in compartments in the seatbacks to hold these accessories.


The 1956 D-500 was a high-performance model derived from the standard 1956 Dodge but differing in many ways. It included a heavy duty suspension and other chassis upgrades from the New Yorker and Imperial lines, upgraded brakes, and a high-performance 315 in³ (5.2 L) Hemi-head V8. A four-barrel Carter carburetor pushed output to 260 hp (194 kW) and 330 lb·ft (447 N·m). The 3-speed manual transmission was standard, with the PowerFlite 2-speed automatic as an option. A rare NASCAR-specific option was the D-500-1(Dash-1), which upped power to 285 hp (213 kW). The D-500 originally used only the Coronet 2-door sedan and Royal Lancer hardtop and convertible bodies.


1957 Dodge Custom Royal 4-Door Sedan

 1957 Dodge Custom Royal 4-Door Sedan

For the 1957 model year, Chrysler embarked on a second total linewide redesign. Virgil Exner’s “Forward Design” brought about cars that were bigger and more sleek than anything before, and instantly put a company that had traditionally regarded styling as unimportant on the forefront of automotive design. Unfortunately, two total redesigns in as many years resulted in severe build quality and rust problems, so that many 1957 Chryslers, Dodges, and Plymouths were off the road within three years of their purchase.


While many of the quality issues were resolved for the 1958 model year, which brought about some minor styling tweaks, a recession struck that was particularly damaging to sales of mid-range cars. Dodge production had exceeded 337,000 cars for 1957 but the 1958 total fell by over half to less than 140,000, although some of this loss was due to negative publicity from the cars’ poor quality control.


1959 Dodges were facelifted to gain a heavy, drooping look with hooded headlamps. Swivel-out seats became an option. Production for the model year totaled 156,395 cars, a modest increase over 1958. The highlight of the lineup was the performance-oriented D-500 package.

Dodge Shadow

Dodge Shadow
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Also called
  • Chrysler ES
  • Chrysler Shadow
  • Plymouth Sundance
Production 1986–1994
Model years 1987-1994
Body and chassis
Class Compact
Body style
Layout Transverse front-engine, front-wheel drive
Platform Chrysler P platform
Related Shelby CSX
  • 3-speed A413 automatic
  • 4-speed A604 automatic
  • 5-speed manual
  • 97.0 in (2,464 mm) (1987-1992)
  • 97.2 in (2,469 mm) (1993-1994)
  • 171.9 in (4,366 mm) (1987-1989)
  • 171.7 in (4,361 mm) (1990-1992)
  • 171.9 in (4,366 mm) (1993-1994)
Width 67.3 in (1,709 mm)
  • 52.7 in (1,339 mm) (1987–1989)
  • 52.6 in (1,336 mm) (1990)
  • 52.7 in (1,339 mm) (1991–1993)
  • 53.1 in (1,349 mm) (1994)
Curb weight
  • 2,608 lb (1,183 kg) (3-door)
  • 2,643 lb (1,199 kg) (5-door)
Successor Dodge / Plymouth Neon

The Dodge Shadow and Plymouth Sundance are compact 3-door and 5-door hatchbacks that were introduced for the 1987 model year. For 1991, a 2-door convertible variant was added to the Shadow lineup; but not the Sundance lineup. The 3-door hatchback model replaced the Dodge Charger (L-body) model, while the 5-door hatchback model replaced the Dodge Omni model; of their respective marque. With the 1987 acquisition of American Motors by Chrysler from Renault, the Shadow/Sundance also replaced the American Motors-built Renault Alliance sedan and convertible marking the official withdraw of Renault from the United States and Canadian markets.

The first vehicle rolled out of Sterling Heights Assembly on August 25, 1986. In late 1988, production of the Mexican market version called the Chrysler Shadow began at Toluca Car Assembly. The Shadow/Sundance was also sold in Europe from 1988 to 1991 as the Chrysler ES. Production ended on March 9, 1994, with the Shadow/Sundance being replaced by the Chrysler Neon.


The Shadow/Sundance employed a variant of the K-car platform, the P-body, which was based on a combination of the Dodge Daytona‘s suspension (alongside some of its interior styling cues) with a shortened version of the Dodge Lancer‘s body. While they appeared to have a trunk, it was actually a hatchback. Chrysler considered this a special feature and advertising literature referred to it as “hidden hatchback versatility”. The relatively large storage capacity of these vehicles was a major selling point for the company. The Peugeot 309 which had been developed to replace the European Chrysler Horizon used a similar layout.


A motorized passenger’s side seat belt was added to US-market Shadows/Sundances in 1994, to comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208’s requirement for passive restraints. These motorized seat belts do not comply with Canada’s safety standards; Canadian-market Shadows/Sundances continued to use a manual passenger seatbelt, and 1994 Sundances/Shadows cannot legally be imported across the US-Canada border in either direction.

At the time, the Shadow/Sundance was the lowest-priced car on the market with a standard driver’s side airbag, which had been made standard on all US-market domestic Chrysler Corporation cars in 1990. Giving them a remarkable crash test rating for a car its size at the time.

1991-1993 Shadow/Sundance NHTSAscores
Year Frontal Driver Frontal Passenger
1991 4/5 stars 5/5 stars
1992 4/5 stars 5/5 stars
1993 4/5 stars 5/5 stars


The Shadow/Sundance was offered with variety of four cylinder engines, all either of 2.2 or 2.5 L, some were turbocharged. Naturally aspirated versions were fuel injected, except those sold in Mexico. The engines were tuned for torque rather than horsepower, resulting in horsepower and torque numbers that appear to be reversed from competitors such as the Honda Civic. A Mitsubishi-built 3.0 L V6 engine was added later, replacing the turbocharged engines. All engines were available with a five-speed manual transmission, while a 3 speed automatic was optional on the four cylinder equipped cars and a 4-speed automatic transmission was optional on the V6 powered cars.

1987-1994 Shadow/Sundance engines
Years Engine Power Torque Notes
1987-1994 2.2 L K I4 93 hp (69 kW) 122 pound-feet (165 N·m)
1987-1988 2.2 L Turbo I I4 146 hp (109 kW) 170 pound-feet (230 N·m)
1988-1994 2.5 L K I4 100 hp (75 kW) 135 pound-feet (183 N·m)
1989-1992 2.5 L Turbo I I4 150 hp (110 kW) 190 pound-feet (260 N·m) Shadow
1989-1991 Sundance
1990 2.2 L Turbo IV I4 175 hp (130 kW) 205 pound-feet (278 N·m) Shadow
1992-1994 3.0 L 6G72 V6 142 hp (106 kW) 171 pound-feet (232 N·m)

Year to year changes

1991 Dodge Shadow convertible

 1991 Dodge Shadow convertible
  • 1989, the Shadow/Sundance received a facelift, with the sealed-beam headlamps discarded in favor of more aerodynamic composite units. All-new grilles and tail lights were among the changes as well.
  • 1990, the manual transmission was modified to make shifting into reverse easier by moving from the “left of first” position to the ” below fifth gear” position.
  • 1991, a convertible version of the Shadow debuted, the same year the coupe and sedan models’ “base” submodel was split into the entry-level “America” or S (S was used on Canadian market versions) version and mid-level Highline submodels.
  • 1992, a Mitsubishi-built 3.0 L V6 was added to the lineup, replacing the turbocharged engines.
  • 1993, a low pressure Bendix-4 ABS was available.


1989 Plymouth Sundance RS

 1989 Plymouth Sundance RS

Features varied with years, but some features included: power windows, power adjustable mirrors, power door locks, power adjustable driver seat, cruise control, tilt steering wheel, variable intermittent delay windshield wipers, overhead console with map lights and compass/temperature display, upgraded “highline” instrument cluster with tachometer, “light package” that added lighting in the trunk, glove box, under-hood mounted light and rear door dome light switches (4 door models), remote trunk release, rear window defroster, Fog lights, mag wheels, Four wheel disc brakes, Infinity sound system, a cassette player, a sunroof, anti-lock brake systems and on turbocharger equipped cars, there was also a vacuum/boost gauge and a message center that monitored four vehicle functions, door ajar, washer fluid level, etc..

Trim levels


  • Base 1987-1990, 1993-1994
  • America/S 1991-1992
  • Highline 1991-1992
  • ES 1987-1994 (Shadow)
  • RS 1988-1991 (Sundance)
  • Duster 1992-1994 (Sundance)


  • ES 1991-1993
  • Highline 1991-1993

Plymouth Sundance

1987-88 Plymouth Sundance 3-door

 1987-1988 Plymouth Sundance 3-door

For the Sundance’s first year, it was available in a single base model. For 1988, a higher-end RS model was available. The RS model, which stood for Rally Sport, came with standard features that included two-tone paint, fog lights, and a leather-wrapped steering wheel. It was also available with a turbocharged 2.2L I4 engine, and other amenities like an Infinity sound system, tinted window glass, and dual power mirrors. For 1991, the base split into two distinct models: entry-level America and mid-level Highline, in addition to the high-end RS. The stripped-down America, had previously been offered for the Plymouth Horizon‘s final year in 1990.

For 1992, the RS model was dropped, in favor of the revival of the Duster name for a performance version of the Sundance. The Duster featured a 3.0 L V6, special alloy wheels, “Duster” graphics, a body-colored grille & trim, as well as other equipment. Although the Sundance was criticized by some as being a poor choice to bear the “Duster” name, the car offered very good performance and decent handling at a low cost (only about $2,000 more than a base Sundance), which was said to be part of the reason why Chrysler used the “Duster” name, as those were the qualities the original car offered.

For the 1993 model year the America model was replaced by a better-equipped base model, the Highline would also be dropped for 1993.

European market

Between April 1988 and mid-1991, Chrysler offered the Dodge Shadow in numerous European markets. Called Chrysler ES, it was based on the Dodge Shadow ES and was virtually the same car, just without any “Shadow”-badges. Offered only as a 3-door hatchback, the standard engine was the fuel injected 2.2 L, with an optional turbocharger. For 1989, the 2.2 L was replaced by the more modern 2.5 L unit. Engines were linked to a standard five-speed manual transmission, with a three-speed automatic available as an extra-cost option. As European sales figures turned out to be very poor, sales of the Chrysler ES ended in mid-1991, leaving the segment without any direct successor until the introduction of the Chrysler Neon in 1995.

Shelby CSX

Shelby CSX-T 2

 Shelby CSX
Main article: Shelby CSX

Carroll Shelby Enterprises modified Shadows into several performance-oriented vehicles such as the Shelby CSX, which was equipped with a turbocharged 2.2 L engine producing 174 hp (130 kW). Because of the car’s light weight and good engine in an era of government emissions choked engines, it was capable of acceleration equal or greater than that of many contemporary muscle and sports cars of the time. A version without the intercooler, rated at 150 hp (112 kW), was sold to Thrifty as the CSX-T.

Dodge Spirit

Dodge Spirit
1991 Dodge Spirit RT

1991 Dodge Spirit R/T
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Also called Plymouth Acclaim
Chrysler Spirit
Chrysler Saratoga
Production 1989–1995
Model years 1989–1995
Assembly Newark Assembly, Delaware, U.S.
Toluca Car Assembly, Toluca,Mexico
Body and chassis
Class Mid-size
Body style 4-door sedan
Layout Transverse front-engine, front-wheel drive
Platform AA-body
Related Chrysler LeBaron
Chrysler Saratoga
Plymouth Acclaim
Engine 2.2 L Turbo III I4
2.5 L K I4
2.5 L Turbo I4
3.0 L Mitsubishi 6G72 V6
Transmission 5-speed A523 manual
5-speed A568 manual
3-speed A413 automatic
3-speed A670 automatic
4-speed A604 automatic
Wheelbase 1989–1990: 103.3 in (2,624 mm)
1991–95: 103.5 in (2,629 mm)
Length 181.2 in (4,602 mm)
Width 1991–95: 68.1 in (1,730 mm)
1989–1990: 67.3 in (1,709 mm)
Height 53.5 in (1,359 mm)
Curb weight 2,901 lb (1,316 kg)
Predecessor Dodge 600
Dodge Aries
Dodge Lancer
Successor Dodge Stratus

The Dodge Spirit is a mid-size 5- or 6-passenger sedan that was introduced in January 1989 as a replacement for the similarly sized Dodge 600. The Spirit was Dodge’s version of the Chrysler AA platform, a stretched variation of the Chrysler K platform. It was assembled at Newark Assembly in Newark, Delaware as well as Toluca Car Assembly in Toluca, Mexico, and shared its basic design with the 1990 to 1994 Chrysler LeBaron sedan, the 1989 to 1995 Plymouth Acclaim, and the export-only 1989 to 1995 Chrysler Saratoga.

The Spirit has also been described as a replacement for the smaller Aries and the hatchback Lancer, though the Shadow launched in 1987 is closer than the Spirit in most dimensions to the Aries and Lancer. A total of 60,000 Dodge Spirits were sold in its first year, enough that Aries production was stopped mid-season. Spirit production ended on December 9, 1994, along with the Plymouth Acclaim and it was marketed through 1995. The “cab-forwardStratus was introduced as a replacement.


The Spirit could seat six passengers with an optional front split-bench seat. It had a large trunk, a solid-beam rear axle, and a MacPherson strut front suspension. The Spirit differed from the other A-bodies primarily in the grille and rear lamp styling, and in the availability of a sportier, higher-performing R/T version.

The Spirit is dimensionally comparable to its contemporaneous Ford Tempo, and was also compared with the Ford Taurus, Honda Accord, and Toyota Camry by Consumer Reports. The Spirit sold well; with higher consumer acceptance than the Stratus that replaced it.

Changes through the years

1992 Dodge Spirit RT

 1992 Dodge Spirit R/T
1993–95 Dodge Spirit

 1993–1995 Dodge Spirit
  • 1991 – Antilock four-wheel disk brake system was added as a new option.
  • 1992 – A 3-speed automatic transmission became available with the V6 engine.
  • 1993 – A facelift included a body-color grille with the Dodge crossbars theme and new full-width taillamps that despite their amber lower sections, did not include amber rear turn signals. Only two trim levels went on sale: Highline and ES. The Chrysler corporate pentastar emblem was replaced with the brand’s new RAM emblem. Stainless steel exhaust system and tinted glass became standard on all Spirits.
  • 1994 – A motorized passenger’s side seat belt was added to U.S.-market Spirits to comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208‘s requirement for passive restraints. These motorized belts do not comply with Canada‘s safety standards; Canadian-market Spirits continued to use a manual passenger seatbelt, and 1994–1995 Spirits therefore cannot legally be permanently imported across the US/Canada border in either direction.
  • 1995 – The 2.5 L engine received a slightly revised cylinder head, and both the 4-speed A604 automatic transmission and anti-lock brakes were dropped from the option list. Otherwise, the Spirit remained mostly unchanged, much as it had throughout its six-year run.


  • 1989–95: Base
  • 1989–91: LE
  • 1989–93: ES
  • 1991–92: R/T

The Spirit ES and R/T featured Eurocast (also called Snowflake) alloy wheels through 1991. For 1992, the Turbo Blade wheel was introduced. Some of the alloy wheels were color-keyed to the vehicle body:

  • White body with white painted wheels (ES, R/T)
  • Black, silver, or dark red body with clear-coated wheels (ES only)
  • Bright Red body with bright red painted wheel inserts (R/T only, 1991)

Starting in 1993, the Spirit was offered with a Gold package similar to that offered on the 1993-94 Plymouth Acclaim and Dodge Caravan/Plymouth Voyager minivans. This included goldtone-trimmed alloy wheels and gold pinstripes. The Gold package was available with both 4- and 6-cylinder models, with certain body colors.


The base engine for Spirit and Spirit LE models was a 2.5 L (150 cu in) TBI 4-cylinder engine producing 100 hp (75 kW; 101 PS). Optional on all models except the Spirit ES was a 141 hp (105 kW; 143 PS), 3.0 L (180 cu in) L V6 made by Mitsubishi. Also available in 1989 through 1992—and standard equipment on the Spirit ES—was a 150 hp (112 kW; 152 PS) turbocharged version of the 2.5 L engine. In 1993, 1994, and 1995, a flexible-fuel Spirit was offered, powered by a 107 hp (80 kW; 108 PS) multipoint fuel injected version of the 2.5 L engine specially modified to run on fuel containing up to 85% methanol. The R/T version came with a powerful 2.2 L (135 cu in)DOHC turbo III with cylinder head engineered and made by Lotus. This engine was rated at 224 hp (167 kW; 227 PS) and 217 lb·ft (294 N·m).


Several five-speed manual transmissions were available with the naturally aspirated and turbocharged 4-cylinder engines, but relatively few Spirits were equipped with manual transmissions. All the Spirit R/Ts came with the A-568 heavy-duty 5-speed manual transmission. From 1989 to 1991, all V6 Spirits came with the electronic four-speed A604 overdrive automatic, which became optional equipment in 1992 and remained optional until 1995. The three-speed Torqueflite automatic was the most popular installation on 4-cylinder Spirits, and was also standard equipment with the V6 engine from 1992 through 1995. A 5-speed manual was offered with the V6 engine in the smaller Shadow, but this combination was not available in the Spirit.


Dodge Spirit RT interior

 Dodge Spirit R/T interior
1991 Dodge Spirit RT at the Road America racetrack

 1991 Dodge Spirit R/T at the Road America racetrack
1991 Dodge Spirit RT engine bay

 1991 Dodge Spirit R/T engine bay

In 1991, Chrysler introduced the Spirit R/T, featuring a version of the 2.2 L engine with a 16-valve DOHC head designed by Lotus, who won a design competition against Maserati and Hans Hermann. Fed by a Garrettintercooled turbocharger, the Turbo III engine produced 224 hp (167 kW; 227 PS) and 217 lb·ft (294 N·m). The R/T also featured unique interior and exterior trims. The only transmission was a heavy-duty A568 5-speed manual transmission built by Chrysler’s New Process Gear division, with a gearset supplied by Getrag. Heavy-duty vented four wheel disc brakes were standard equipment, with optional anti-lock brakes. Color-keyed 15-inch alloy wheels were standard, with P205/60R15 tires.

At the time, the R/T was advertised as “the fastest sedan made in America”, and one of the quickest performance sedans under $40,000, with Chrysler placing its performance above the BMW M5. It could reach 60 mph (97 km/h) in 5.8 seconds, according to Car and Driver, making it one of the quickest front wheel drive cars ever offered in the American market. It was chosen as Motor Trend magazine’s “Domestic Sport Sedan of the Year”, beating the Ford Taurus SHO for 1991 and 1992.

All R/Ts were built in Mexico. A total of 1,208 were sold in the U.S. in 1991 — 774 in red and 434 in white. An additional 191 were sold in the U.S. in 1992 — 92 red, 68 white, and 31 silver. The only discernible changes for 1992 were a lower first gear ratio for reduced turbo lag, woodgrain dashboard trim as used on the Chrysler LeBaron sedan, blacked out upper and lower grille inserts, clear rather than amber lenses for the front parking and turn signal lights, and a speedometer calibrated to 150 mph (240 km/h) rather than 120 mph (190 km/h).

Mexican and South American markets

1994 Mexican Chrysler Spirit RT

 Mexican 1994 Chrysler Spirit R/T
1990 Mexican Chrysler Spirit 2,5l carburated

 Carbureted 2.5 L engine installed in 1990 Mexican Chrysler Spirit
1994 MPFI 2.5 L engine installed Mexican Chrysler Spirit

 MPFI 2.5 L engine installed in 1994 Mexican Chrysler Spirit

Spirits were marketed in Mexico. They were badged as Chryslers rather than Dodges, since the Dodge brand at the time was used only on trucks. The Spirit was introduced in the Mexican market for 1990, one year after its début in the U.S. and Canada. The 1990-1991 Mexican versions were equipped with the U.S. market Plymouth Acclaim tail lights. The initial 1990-model Spirits used a version of the 2.5 L engine operating on leaded gasoline, equipped with a carburetor, a tubular exhaust header, and electronic control of ignition timing. This induction and ignition system used technology and components very similar to those employed in Chrysler’s U.S.-market Lean Burn emission control systems of the late-1970s.

For the 1991 model year, Mexico enacted new-vehicle emission regulations similar to those in the U.S. and Canada. The carbureted leaded-fuel engine was too dirty to comply with the new regulations, so a fully integrated engine management system with fuel injection was added to the Spirit. This was not the TBI system used in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Rather, the Mexican-market Spirits came with a more advanced MPFI setup. The MPFI 2.5 improved performance and driveability, as well as achieved cleaner emissions than its TBI counterpart, but was not used in the U.S., Canadian, or rest-of-world export markets except on turbocharged and FFV models. The Chrysler Spirit with MPFI 2.5 L engine was sold in Mexico from 1991 through 1995, and was exported to Argentina and Brazil from 1993 through 1995. It was employed by the Argentine police in Buenos Aires.

Chrysler de Mexico also sold two versions of the Spirit R/T. The base R/T, sold from 1991 through 1995, used a Mexico-only 168 hp (125 kW; 170 PS) intercooled Turbo II version of the 8-valve SOHC 2.5 L engine and the 3-speed A413 automatic transmission. These R/Ts were used by Mexican police departments.

The top-line R/T. called “R/T DOHC”, available from 1992 through 1993, came with the same 2.2 L 16-valve DOHC engine that was used in the American-market in the 1991 to 1992 R/T with a 5-speed manual transmission. More options and higher equipment levels were available in Mexico, including leather upholstery, sunroof, and 16-inch alloy wheels, none of which was offered on the R/T in America. In addition, Mexican-market R/Ts could be ordered in a variety of different colors, not just the red, white, and silver offered in the U.S. All Mexican-market Spirit R/Ts were badged as Chryslers. A variant of the R/T family, the Chrysler Phantom R/T, was a special-order Mexico-only premium version of the LeBaron coupe equipped with the 2.2 L 16-valve DOHC engine and the Getrag 5-speed manual transmission.



Dodge Neon SRT-4

Dodge Neon SRT-4
Dodge SRT-4
Manufacturer Dodge
Production 2003–2005
Assembly Belvidere, Illinois, United States
Body and chassis
Class Sport Compact
Body style 4-door sedan
Layout Transverse front-engine, front-wheel drive
Platform Chrysler PL platform
Related Dodge Neon
Engine 2.4 L turbocharged DOHC I4
Transmission 5-speed NVG T-850 manual
Wheelbase 105.0 in (2,670 mm)
Length 174.4 in (4,430 mm)
Width 67.4 in (1,710 mm)
Height 56.0 in (1,420 mm)
Curb weight 2,900 lb (1,300 kg)
Successor Dodge Caliber SRT-4

The Dodge Neon SRT-4 is a sport compact car manufactured by Dodge from 2003 to 2005. A turbocharged variant of the Neon, the car was developed by DaimlerChrysler‘s in house PVO (Performance Vehicle Operations) tuner group. PVO was officially renamed SRT (Street and Racing Technology) in 2004. The “4” in the SRT-4’s name denotes the number of cylinders of the engine. ACR (American Club Racing) and Commemorative Edition models were later introduced as well.


In 1998, Tom Gale, (then Executive Vice President of Chrysler Product Development and Design), attended the 1998 Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Show in Las Vegas. Gale noted a list of performance features he saw on the sport compact cars at the show, and wanted to integrate those features into Chrysler’s compact production car, the Dodge Neon. Gale was the design chief of the original Dodge Viper concept vehicle, and recognized an opportunity to build a sport compact that would appeal to the younger auto generation who grew up on tuner cars, who may prefer a new car with the same performance appeal right off the showroom floor.

A group of young Dodge and Chrysler talent was assembled to put together a vehicle to meet Gale’s request, with all of the team members sharing first-hand knowledge and familiarity of the existing Dodge Neon. They created a concept car, the 2000 Neon SRT, in just 4 months, with a 2.0 L 16-valve four-cylinder topped with a 45-cubic-inch Eaton supercharger, which produced 208 hp (155 kW) and 180 lb·ft (240 N·m) of torque at the flywheel on 11 psi (0.76 bar) of boost. (Sport Compact Car magazine tested the car in the Feb. 2001 issue and dynoed 179 hp (133 kW) and 149 lb·ft (202 N·m) torque at the wheels.)

The group put more than 1000 miles on the test track with the vehicle in under two weeks. In November of 1999, the car was shown at the SEMA show with a glowing response. The vehicle was then shown at the Los Angeles Auto Show in January 2000, center stage on a turntable. The team continued to work on the car, to try to bring it to the level of production vehicle, creating a second car using more production-oriented parts in an effort to lower the costs necessary to justify production. They even parked the second car in Gale’s parking spot in order to get it noticed. Regardless, in fall of 2000, the executive committee rejected the production car proposal. The team put together a list of reasons why the car was not approved, and worked through the list item by item to find solutions to every issue presented. After three more versions of the car, the company’s Specialty Vehicle Engineering (SVE) team took over the project. The executive committee once again considered the vehicle in the spring of 2001, and this time gave the go ahead for the project.

During that time, SVE became known as Performance Vehicle Operations (PVO). The PVO group was responsible for developing the concept car into a production car. A turbocharged 2.4 liter inline-4 gasoline engine (A853 engine) was used. This engine was nearly identical to the 2003 Chrysler PT Cruiser (A855 engine), except the SRT-4 did not have the unique intake manifold required to fit the engine into the PT Cruiser engine bay. The car was then given a New Venture Gear T-850 five-speed manual transmission (based on the unit from the European turbodiesel minivans), equal-length half shafts, and a high capacity Sachs performance clutch. The suspension had stiffer springs, SRT-tuned Tokico struts (with travel reduced to provide clearance for the larger wheels), and larger front and rear sway bars were added. A unique steering gear, PT Cruiser steering knuckles, and an updated K member were also incorporated. Front brakes used 11.0 in (280 mm) vented disc brakes with extra thick rotors to prevent warping, and 10.6 in (270 mm) non-vented disc brakes in the rear, with single piston calipers (57mm front, 36mm rear).

17 x 6 inch cast aluminum wheels were used, with an offset of 43mm, along with 205/50/17 Michelin Pilot Sport performance tires. The wheels were designed with a unique spoke pattern to allow for improved airflow to the brakes, and were similar to that of the TSW VX1 wheels used on the original 2000 Neon SRT. Unique side skirts, rear fascia, and a large rear wing (spoiler) were used to upgrade the exterior look of the vehicle. The cooling ducts (front nostrils) were added to the pre-production car in late 2002 on the front fascia to help reduce temperatures in the engine bay of the vehicle.

On the interior, the standard agate-colored front seats were modeled after the Dodge Viper SRT-10 seats, and featured enhanced lumbar and lateral side bolsters to stabilize occupants during performance driving. In 2004, base Neon side air-bag seats were added as an option. A faux carbon fiber steering wheel and shift boot were used, along with a satin silver “cue ball” type shift knob and silver aluminum floor pedals. Unique gauge designs in the SRT-4 (which were exclusive to the SRT lineup) featured special silver faces with satin silver ring accents, and the SRT-4 logo on the facing. The same satin metal trim was also featured on the instrument panel center stack, climate control knobs and on the door handles. A silver (white in early 2003 models) Auto-Meter brand turbo boost/vacuum gauge was set to the right of the instrument cluster. Like all other Neon models, the SRT-4 had power front windows, and manual rear windows, a costs saving feature. Overall, the vehicle’s entire powertrain (engine and transmission), suspension, braking system, exhaust, wheels, and tires were upgraded from that of the base model Neon, along with the interior upgrades. The production model was produced in Belvidere, Illinois, with 84% US content.

PVO would later become Street & Racing Technology (SRT), Chrysler’s high-performance automotive group, and in 2003, the Dodge Neon SRT-4 went on sale to the public. At the time, the car was the second fastest stock production vehicle in the Chrysler/Dodge lineup, second only to the Viper. The 2004 model was updated with more power and torque, and included a torque-sensing Quaife limited-slip differential, larger fuel injectors, new engine management software, BF Goodrich g-Force T/A KDW-2 three season ultra-high-performance tires, and paint/trim changes. Dodge removed the “Neon” designation from the vehicle in 2004, marketing the car simply as the “SRT-4”. In 2005, an American Club Racer (ACR) package and limited edition numbered Commemorative version of the SRT-4 were also offered.

Initially, Dodge expected to sell a conservative number of only 2,500 units per year. However, during the three year production run (2003 through 2005), more than 25,000 Neon SRT-4s were produced. With the demise of the PL platform after model year 2005, the SRT-4 ceased production. In 2008 Dodge introduced the Caliber SRT-4 as a replacement.


Dodge SRT-4 NEON engine

Dodge SRT-4 engine

Power: SAE 215 hp (160 kW) (2003 model)
SAE 230 hp (170 kW) (2004–2005 models) In 2004, the SRT-4 received a power increase, with larger fuel injectors and a recalibrated engine computer.Manufacturer’s specification when the SRT-4 was released was 230 hp (170 kW). However, several independent tests have produced results indicating 230-238 whp and 250-262 lb-ft. This would indicate that the SRT-4 produces more power than the manufacturer claims. The flywheel power is estimated to be around 265-270 hp(194-198 kW) and around 285-300 lb-ft (386-406 N·m)
Torque: 245 lb·ft (332 N·m) @ 3200-4200 rpm (2003 model)
250 lb·ft (339 N·m) @ 2400-4400 rpm (2004–2005 models)
0-60 mph (97 km/h) time: 5.6s (2003) 5.3s (2004, 2005) (Car and Driver)
Rev Limiter/Redline: 6240
14 mile (400 m) time: 14.1s (2003) 13.9s (2004, 2005)
14 mile speed: 102 mph (164 km/h) (2003) 103 mph (166 km/h) (2004, 2005)
Top speed: Car and Driver magazine achieved a maximum speed of 153 mph (246 km/h).

Engine details

The SRT-4 used the same basic engine block as the naturally aspired 2003+ 2.4L, and was different from the years previous used in the naturally aspirated Chrysler 2.4L mid-size cars such as the PT Cruiser and four-door Stratus. The SRT4 engine had many improvements, including: stronger crank case webbing, a thicker deck with 11 mm head bolts (vs 10 mm), an oil drain back for the turbo, a cast aluminum structural oil pan, a higher capacity oil pump, a crankshaft of higher hardness steel, improved machining of bearing journals, oil squirters (to cool underside of pistons), eutectic aluminum alloy pistons made specially by Mahle, and forged connecting rods with cracked caps and 9 mm bolts. The cylinder head was also different for turbo engines, from naturally aspirated. The turbo version (PT Cruiser GT Turbo and SRT-4) included: larger diameter valves and seats, exhaust valves made of Inconel, improved cooling and larger oil drain back passages, different camshafts. The PT Cruiser Turbo engine package differs from the SRT-4 because the intake manifold, turbocharger plumbing and intercooler are different. The SRT-4 intercooler was a front-mounted cast aluminum 8-row unit produced by Valeo, unique in its efficiency and computer designed end tanks for air flow.

The turbocharger was a reverse rotation Mitsubishi TD04LR-15Gk with a 6 cm2 (0.93 sq in) turbine inlet. Tight packaging forced some creative thinking on the turbocharger. The TD04 compressor has a compressor bypass valve built right into the compressor housing. The exhaust manifold and turbine housing were cast in one piece by Mitsubishi from high-nickel Ni-Resist steel. The one-piece design improved flow, reduced size and reduced thermal mass for quicker cat light-off. The turbine discharge was also part of the manifold/turbine housing casting, and it looped back around and hit the manifold again on its way to the catalytic converter. Where they met, there was a wastegate valve; keeping the wastegate valve away from the turbine housing improved flow where it mattered most. Maximum boost in stock form was around 14 psi (97 kPa). Piston velocities and valve-train components force a rev limit of 6240 rpm although MOPAR upped the ante with their Stage 2 and 3 kits which have a rev limit of 6500 rpm.

The exhaust system for the vehicle consists of 2.25-inch (57.15 mm) steel tubing, which is run first through the catalytic converter, then through two resonators. The exhaust then splits into two separate sections of piping, exiting through two 3.75 in (95 mm) stainless steel tips at the rear of the vehicle. The exhaust system is unique in that there is no muffler, instead relying on the turbocharger and resonators to reduce the exhaust volume. The end result is a very distinctive and audible exhaust note, specific only to the SRT-4.

Block height: 9.375 in (238.1 mm)
Displacement: 2,429 cc (148.2 cu in)
Stroke: 3.976 in (101.0 mm)
Bore: 3.445 in (87.5 mm)
Rod length: 5.944 in (151.0 mm)
Main journal diameter: 2.36 in (60 mm)
Deck clearance: 0.200 in (5.1 mm)
Combustion chamber volume: 50.0 cc (3.05 cu in)
Head gasket thickness: 0.040 in (1.0 mm)
Compression ratio: 8.1:1

ACR model

This factory competition version included:

  • Wider 16×7-inch (410×180 mm) BBS RX racing wheels with 40 mm (1.6 in) offset
  • Wider 225/45/16 BFG KDW2 tires
  • Lowered ride height (Front: 10 mm (0.39 in) from spring seat lowering, additional 22 mm (0.87 in) through smaller diameter tire; Rear: 23.5 mm (0.93 in) from spring seat lowering, additional 22 mm (0.87 in) through smaller diameter tire)
  • 5 position adjustable performance Tokico Illumina dampers. Proportional compression and rebound damping adjustment is accomplished via multiple oil bleed orifices within the damper.
  • Thicker rear stabilizer bar (19 mm)
  • Stiffer bushings in the rear tension struts
  • ACR embroidered, Viper-styled, racing seats with pass-throughs for a racing harness
  • ACR decals on the bottoms of the front doors
  • Full diameter P205/60R15 spare tire
  • Vehicle Speed Sensor gear changed from 20 tooth to 21 tooth to correct speedometer for different stock tire heights.
  • There were a total of 1,175 SRT-4 ACR’s produced for the public: 225 Flame Red (PR4), 211 Orange Blast (PVK), 306 Stone White (PW1), 433 Black (PX8).

2005 Commemorative Edition

In 2005, Dodge released an SRT-4 Commemorative Edition. This model (along with the Commemorative Edition versions of the Viper SRT-10 and Ram SRT-10) was created to celebrate the SRT vehicles.

This limited, numbered version included:

  • “Electric Blue” painted “Viper” stripes over the “Stone White” colored body.
  • Blue stitching on the floor mats, shift boots, seats, and steering wheel.
  • Stainless steel “SRT-4” door sill plates.
  • A total of 200 Commemorative Edition SRT-4’s were built.
  • A “XXX/200” numbered plaque, inset just ahead of the cup holders.
  • A Commemorative Edition booklet (same booklet included with the Commemorative Vipers and Ram SRT-10’s).
  • No performance extras were added on the Commemorative Edition.

2003 SRT-4 Extreme LightWeight

In 2003, Dodge engineers built a special SRT-4 Extreme LightWeight for the 2003 SEMA show. It was designed to showcase the factory upgrade parts available for the SRT-4 from Mopar. The vehicle featured lightweight, carbon fiber body pieces (produced in-house), a polycarbonite rear window, and the front window glass removed for weight reduction. The interior was stripped completely, with only the stock dash remaining. A single Recaro racing seat, a harness, and a roll cage were installed for safety. The car featured the first stage 3R Mopar engine performance kit and stage 3R coilovers. Overall, the weight of the vehicle was reduced by 405 lbs, to 2,500 lb (1,100 kg) wet, and was dyno’d at 360 hp (270 kW) and 383 lb•ft (519 N•m) (at the wheels) by SportCompactCar magazine. On drag slicks, it ran an 11.83-second pass at 123 mph (198 km/h) in 70 °F (21 °C) weather. This one-off SRT-4 was used for media events and testing of the Mopar development parts, and was destroyed as an asset reduction move in 2009.


  • Car and Driver magazine’s 2005 John Lingenfelter Memorial Trophy
  • Was one of “Eight Great Rides” as decided by Sport Compact Car magazine (SCC) in 2003, 2004, and 2005 – all three years the SRT-4 was produced.
  • Named the 2003 Car of the Year by SCC.
  • Won numerous comparisons in several U.S. automotive magazines from 2003 to 2005, including:
    • 1st place -, Car and Driver magazine, November 2005. The SRT-4 competed against 14 other performance vehicles, finishing 1st in the front-wheel-drive division.
    • 1st place -, Serial Thrillers comparison test, Car and Driver magazine, May 2004.
    • 1st place -, Automobile magazine, March 2004.
    • 1st place -, Sport Sedans Comparison, Edmunds, August 2003
    • 1st place -, Sport Compact Car Shootout, January 2003.


In 2003, Cory O’Brien and Erich Heuschele drove an SRT-4 to a 1st in class and 8th overall finish in the Tire Rack Cannonball One Lap of America.

In SCCA ProRally racing, the SRT-4 (and more recently the ACR version) has dominated the Group 5 (2WD) class since 2003. In just its first year competing, the Dodge ended the stranglehold that the FWD DSMs and Volkswagens had on the class. With three competing the following year, the SRT-4 won every 2004 series race and end-of-season award. The SRT-4 has won every Group 5 and 2-Wheel-Drive class championship in US ProRally and Sno Drift since 2003, and its unprecedented dominance in 2004 helped Dodge earn its first US ProRally Manufacturers Championship in 28 years.

In 2005, Jeff Lepper drove the SRT-4 to its first ever national road racing win in the NASA US Touring Car Championship at California Speedway in Fontana.

In 2005, Dale Seeley, Kolin Aspergren, and Jamin Cummings drove an SRT-4 to a 1st in class and 8th overall finish in the Tire Rack Cannonball One Lap of America.

In 2006, the Dodge SRT-4 officially became the world’s fastest production 4-cylinder car, averaging 221 mph (356 km/h) at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah in a car driven by Jorgen Moller. The vehicle was tuned by Dave Harris and Phil Hurst for Racedeck Racing.

Two Dodge SRT-4's at Road Atlanta

Robb Holland and Dan Aweida’s SPEED World Challenge SRT-4s

Multiple SRT-4s were raced in the SCCA SPEED World Challenge – Touring Car Series, and in 2006 – their second year of competition – had become one of the more successful platforms in the series. Robb Holland, of 3R Racing, became the first Pro driver to put the SRT-4 on the podium with his 3rd place finish at Road America in August 2006. This was Dodge’s first podium and first manufacturer’s points in World Challenge Touring Car competition. Holland would finish the season with 3 top 10 finishes and two top 5 qualifying efforts in the SRT-4.

In 2007, Doug Wind, Devin Clancy, and Ken Brewer drove an SRT-4 to a 1st in class and 5th overall finish in the Tire Rack Cannonball One Lap of America.

In 2007, Curt Simmons won the U.S. Touring Car Championship in an SRT-4  and Dodge won the season manufacturers points championship by 29 points over Honda behind the strength of several SRT-4’s.

In 2007, Stan Wilson won the Speed World Challenge Touring Car Rookie Driver of the Year and the Sunoco Hard Charger of the Year awards driving the Sorted Performance Dodge SRT-4. This was Dodge’s first title in Speed World Challenge Touring Car.

In 2008, Curt Simmons attempts to defend his USTCC series championship, winning most recently June 29, 2008 at Infineon Raceway in Sonoma, CA.

Dodge St. Regis

Dodge St. Regis
Dodge St. Regis
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Production 1979–1981
Assembly Detroit, Michigan, USA (Lynch Road Plant)
Body and chassis
Class Full-size
Body style 4-door sedan
Layout FR layout
Platform R-body
Related Chrysler Newport
Chrysler New Yorker
Plymouth Gran Fury
Engine 225 in³ Slant 6 I6
318 in³ LA V8
360 in³ LA V8
Transmission 3-speed A727 automatic
3-speed A904 automatic
Predecessor Dodge Monaco

The Dodge St. Regis is a full-size Dodge automobile built by Chrysler from 1979 to 1981.


1980 Dodge St.Regis

 1980 Dodge St.Regis

The St. Regis was based on Chrysler’s rear wheel drive R-body platform, itself based on a modified version of the circa 1971 B-body design that provided the foundation for such cars as the Dodge Charger and the Chrysler Cordoba. Available engines included the 225 in³ (3.7 L) straight-6, the 318 in³ (5.2 L), and the 360 in³ (5.9 L) V8s.

“St. Regis” was originally an uplevel trim package on the 1956 Chrysler New Yorker hardtop coupe, and again on the 1974–78 Chrysler New Yorker Brougham coupe.

Offered only as a four-door sedan, the St. Regis was differentiated from its sister models, the Plymouth Gran Fury, Chrysler Newport, and Chrysler New Yorker by retractable, transparent plastic headlight covers (introduced a year earlier on the 1978 Dodge Magnum).

Market timing

1979 Dodge St. Regis

 1979 Dodge St. Regis

The new cars (like their 1974–78 predecessors) arrived at precisely the wrong time. A second gasoline crisis hit the U.S. in 1979, and despite the fact that the St. Regis was somewhat smaller than its predecessor, the Dodge Monaco, it was not much more fuel efficient. Also, under the sheet metal, the St. Regis was mainly the same old B-body that dated back to 1962, and could not compete with the completely new GM B-bodies and Ford’s Panther platform vehicles. At the same time, higher interest rates and Chrysler’s ongoing corporate and financial problems, all combined to keep sales low. The St. Regis, and the other R-body models, were dropped midway through the 1981 model year, leaving the Dodge Diplomat, (a mid-size car), to soldier on as the marque’s sole “full-sized” model, until the introduction of the Dodge Monaco in 1990.

Fleet use

After 1979, the bulk of St. Regis sales were for fleet use. The St. Regis, along with the Plymouth Gran Fury and even the Chrysler Newport, did sell very well as a police car during the early 1980s, although it is generally accepted that the cars were not as powerful or as fast as previous Chrysler Corporation police cars. Despite this, the 1979 St Regis, when equipped with the 360 cu in (E58 option) and 49-state police specification package, is considered one of the all-around, best performing and handling, police cars of the century. Most perceptions that the St. Regis was slower comes from police officers moving out of 440-powered cruisers. Using the same final drive ratio, the Michigan State Police tests found the 1979 St. Regis to be a superior performer to the 400 powered 1978 Monaco, in all areas except gas consumption, though performance definitely dropped as drive ratio and engine sizes went down.

Performance comparison 78 Fury 78 Monaco 79 St. Regis 80 St. Regis 81 St. Regis
Engine (cid) 440 400 360 360 318
HP, SAE 255 bhp 190 bhp 195 bhp 185 bhp 165 bhp
Axle ratio 2.71:1 3.21:1 3.21:1 2.94:1 2.94:1
Weight (lbs) 4,413 4,369 4,530 4,100 4,086
Wheelbase (in) 117.4 117.4 118.5 118.5 118.5
Road course lap time 91.1 93.6 91.65 91.8 93.93
0–60 mph NA NA 10.1 11.3 12.76
0–100 mph 24.8 34.4 30.2 36.7 45.72
Top Speed, mph 133 117 122.9 122.7 114.7
Braking, ft/sec2 23.3 22.6 21.4 23.5 23.67
1/4 mi. time NA NA NA 18.4 19.63
1/4 mi speed NA NA NA 77.5 74.50
Fuel, EPA city 10 13 12 11 15.5


There was a controversy in 1980 with the police version of the St. Regis. The California Highway Patrol (CHP) used the St. Regis in 1979 with the 190 hp 360 cu in four-barrel V8 and it was deemed acceptable for patrol use. In 1980 all that was available in California was a 155 hp 318 cu in 4 bbl V8 with the California emissions package, mandated by the California Air Resources Board.

Officers began to complain about the underpowered engine and its inability to pace and intercept speeders. Many officers claimed that the car’s top speed was below 100 MPH with a lightbar and 65 MPH on a steep mountain grade. This issue was so severe that limited modifications were permitted to the vehicle, such as replacing the muffler with a straight pipe, removing the emission control flap, and advancing the timing. In addition, the cars were put on beats to reach the CHP’s 70,000-mile sell-off quota as quickly as possible; some were even sold outright simply to get rid of these cars, before the mileage limit was reached. Because of this problem, the CHP adopted the ‘Ford Mustang Severe Service Package’ in 1982 as a pursuit vehicle.

Television and collectors

The St. Regis also served as a workhorse on police-based television series in the 1980s, most prominently on Sledge Hammer! and T.J. Hooker.

Although the St. Regis does not hold much collector value today, fans of Chrysler products sometimes search junkyards for the cars’ disc brakes as an upgrade for earlier cars such as the Dodge Dart and Plymouth Barracuda. With the small number built, and the high percentage that were destroyed in film and TV work in the 1980s, very few St. Regis survive today.

1991 Dodge Stealth Indy 500 Official Car

1991 Dodge Stealth Indy 500 Official Car

1991 Dodge Stealth RT.

1991 Dodge Stealth RT

Dodge Stratus

Dodge Stratus
2004-06 Dodge Stratus
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Mitsubishi Motors (coupes only)
Also called Chrysler Stratus (Europe)
Production 1995–2006 (sedan)
2001–2005 (coupe)
1995–1999 (Canada)
Body and chassis
Class Mid-size
Layout Transverse front-engine, front-wheel drive
Predecessor Dodge Spirit & Dodge Dynasty(sedan)
Dodge Avenger (coupé)
Successor Dodge Avenger (sedan)

The Dodge Stratus is a mid-size car that was introduced in 1995, and was based on the 4-door sedan Chrysler JA platform. The Stratus, Plymouth Breeze, and Chrysler Cirrus were all on Car and Driver magazine’sTen Best list for 1996 and 1997. It received critical acclaim at launch, but ratings fell over time. An updated version of the Stratus was introduced for 2001, with the Cirrus being renamed as the Chrysler Sebring, and acoupé model was also added to the range. However, production ended at the Sterling Heights Assembly Plant in early 2006 which had built 1,308,123 Stratus and Sebrings since 2000.[1] The Dodge Avenger replaced the Stratus nameplate in early 2007 for the 2008 model year.

After the discontinuation of the Stratus sedan in 2006, the assembly line and tooling were sold to the Russian concern, GAZ, which manufactured 9,000 examples of a very slightly modified Stratus from 2008 through 2010 called the Volga Siber.

First generation (1995–2000)

1996 Dodge_Stratus_ES
Main article: Chrysler Cirrus

The Dodge Stratus was the middle entry of the Chrysler JA platform (with the Cirrus being the higher-end model and the Breeze being the lower-end model). The three cars differed only in the front fascia, rear bumper, taillights, and wheels. The interiors also had little variation between the three models; being almost identical, save for the name on the steering wheel, and a few available options. The Stratus directly replaced the high-volumeSpirit (United States only)

Second generation (2000–2006)

Second generation
2001-03 Dodge Stratus

2001-2003 Dodge Stratus sedan
Production 2000–2006 (Sedan)
2000–2005 (Coupé)
Assembly United States: Sterling Heights, Michigan (Sterling Heights Assembly) (sedan)
United States: Normal, Illinois(Mitsubishi Motor Manufacturing of America) (Coupé)
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
2-door coupé
Platform Sedan:Chrysler JR platform
Coupé:Chrysler ST-22 platform
Related Sedan:
Chrysler Sebring sedan
Volga Siber
Chrysler Sebring coupé
Mitsubishi Eclipse
Engine 2.4 L EDZ I4 (gasoline)
2.4 L 4G64 I4 (gasoline)
2.4 L EDV/EDT I4 (t/c gasoline)
2.7 L EER V6 (gasoline)
3.0 L 6G72 V6 (gasoline)
Transmission 5-speed manual
4-speed F4A42/F4A51 automatic
4-speed Ultradrive 41TE automatic
Wheelbase Sedan: 108.0 in (2,743 mm)
Coupé: 103.7 in (2,634 mm)
Length Sedan: 191.2 in (4,856 mm)
Coupé: 190.9 in (4,849 mm)
Width 2003–06 Sedan: 70.6 in (1,793 mm)
2001–02 Sedan: 71.9 in (1,826 mm)
Coupé: 70.3 in (1,786 mm)
Height Sedan: 54.9 in (1,394 mm)
2003–06 R/T Sedan: 54.4 in (1,382 mm)
2003–05 Coupé: 53.9 in (1,369 mm)
2001–02 Coupé: 53.7 in (1,364 mm)

In 2000, the Stratus became the last of the surviving Cloud Cars, with the Cirrus renamed as the Sebring, and the Breeze discontinued (along with the Plymouth brand). This generation of the Dodge Stratus was not sold in Canada, although 1999 was the last year for Dodge Stratus sales in Canada. 2002 models dropped the “DODGE” badges from the doors.


 2004–2006 Dodge Stratus sedan

The Stratus and Sebring sedans for the second generation used a revised version of the Chrysler JA platform named JR. The coupe models with the same names were entirely different cars; they were actually based on the Mitsubishi Eclipse.

During this time, sales declined as its ratings from consumer and auto magazines fell below average among mid-size cars, while the sedan market had shifted and pushed the larger Intrepid and later Charger to record sales. 2004 brought styling revisions, which did not reverse this trend. The Stratus was discontinued in May 2006[1] (the Sebring name was continued).

In Mexico, the Stratus R/T came in a turbocharged version. The Stratus R/T’s turbocharged 2.4 L engine went through some improvements in 2001, when power was increased to 215 hp (160 kW). This improved engine would later be used in the U.S. in the Dodge SRT-4 and PT Cruiser GT. Stratus R/T engines built from March 2004 and later generated 225 hp (168 kW) at 5200 rpm and 235 lb·ft (319 N·m) of torque at 4200 rpm. Stratus R/T models with the turbocharged engine could be recognized by a rear badge saying “Turbo”.


Stratus coupe

2001 Dodge Stratus SE coupe

 2001 Dodge Stratus SE coupe
2003–05 Dodge Stratus RT coupe

 2003–2005 Dodge Stratus R/T coupe

For 2001, Dodge introduced the Stratus coupe, replacing the discontinued Avenger. This model along with the Chrysler Sebring coupe were built at the former Diamond Star Motors plant by Mitsubishi, using the ST-22 platform. Like its Chrysler counterpart the coupe models shared very little other than the name and a few exterior styling cues with sedan and convertible models. The Stratus coupe was restyled for the 2003 model year. The coupe was discontinued after 2005, one year before the sedan. The next midsize Dodge, the Avenger, did not include a coupe version.


Dodge Town Panel and Town Wagon


 Advertisement for 1963 DodgeTown Wagon carryall.
1963 Power Wagon carryall.

 1963 Power Wagon carryall. 2010 photo.

The Dodge Town Panel and Dodge Town Wagon are respectively a Panel truck and a Carryall, manufactured between 1954 and 1966 by Chrysler‘s Dodge division. The model resembles what would be called an SUVnowadays. A competitor with the Chevrolet Suburban, it was initially available in 2 wheel drive only, but the 4 wheel drive model was ultimately more popular. The Dodge “Town Wagon” model was a “twin” passenger version of the Town Panel. The Town Panel had no windows or seats behind the driver and was more of a commercial-use vehicle. Dodge had previously built panel trucks prior to the Town Panel, but the name didn’t exist for these trucks until the Town Wagon was built along with them.

The Town Wagon in four wheel drive configuration was called the Power Wagon Town Wagon, and had a “Power Wagon” badge linking it to the Dodge Power Wagon. The Town Panel and Town Wagon trucks were based upon the design of the Dodge C Series Pickup trucks with round fenders and wraparound windshields. Even after the Dodge D Series pickup trucks with square fenders and flat windshields were released, the Town Wagons retained the 1958 sheet metal design of the C Series pickups and heavy-duty trucks.

That’s it.

There will be a part IV with only pictures, and further there is a special chapter about Dodge buses, DeSoto, Commer, Askam and Karrier Buses.

DODGE Cars and Trucks Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA Part II

Dodge Mitchell's 1938

for Dodge Buses and Schoolbuses:

Past models

Dodge 100 “Commando”

Dodge 100

 Dodge 100

The Dodge 100 “Commando” trucks were 7.5–28 short tons (6.8–25.4 t) trucks built by Dodge in Britain, primarily in the 1970s and 1980s. A previous Dodge 100, known informally as the “parrot-nose” or “Kew Dodge”, had been produced in the 1950s at a factory in Kew, London.

History and development

Originally developed by Commer, the range was first built as a concept in 1965-66, to replace the Commer VC and VE range with 8–24 short tons (7.3–21.8 t) gross vehicle weight (GVW). As Chrysler Europe acquired a controlling interest in Commer’s owner, the Rootes Group, the truck design and name were changed to complement the Dodge 500 trucks.


The Dodge 100 was intended to use a Rootes diesel engine, but noise regulations ruled out the reliable but noisy Rootes units. In the end, naturally aspirated and turbocharged four- and six-cylinder Perkins diesel engines (locally made in the UK) were used for lighter weights, with the Mercedes-Benz OM352 offered as a premium engine (due largely to the reputation of Mercedes in Europe, where Perkins was relatively unknown). Also Valmet DSA diesels were installed for some limited market areas. Four-, five-, and six-speed synchromesh manual transmissions from Rootes were used, while rear axles were a mixture of Rootes Groups’ own hypoid design and Eaton Corporation‘s single- and two-speed axles. The chassis used a special alloy for greater strength and lighter weight.

Final capacity ranged from 7.5–16 short tons (6.8–14.5 t) GVW for full vehicles and 24/28 tons GCW for tractors.



 Dodge-Renault 100 Mk 2 Note the double badging

The 100 Series was in production for around 15 years in most areas of the world (though not in the United States, due to the costs that would be involved in meeting local regulations). It was sold as a Commer, Dodge, DeSotoFargo, and Renault (by Renault Trucks). A Mark 2 version upgraded the engine and made other minor refinements. Eventually the Dodge 100 was eliminated by Renault, which had acquired the former Rootes Group truck operations after the car operations were purchased by Peugeot, though a Renault version of the Dodge 100 was built for a time; by 1987, it was being marketed as simply the Renault Commando. Renault later switched production at the former Rootes factory to Renault’s own bus and truck engines.

Dodge 50 Series

Dodge 50 with refrigeration unit for Benna-Milk in Malta

 Dodge 50 with refrigeration unit for “Benna”-Milk in Malta
Not to be confused with Dodge D50.
Renault Dodge 50 B56 (5600kg) with crew-cab and box body, formerly of British Gas, seen here working for Aid Convoy on a humanitarian project to the former Yugoslavia

 Renault Dodge 50 “B56” (5600kg) with crew-cab and box body, formerly of British Gas, seen here working for Aid Convoy on a humanitarian project to the former Yugoslavia.

The Dodge 50 Series, later known as the Renault 50 Series were light commercial vehicles produced in the UK by Chrysler Europe and later Renault Véhicules Industriels (at that time part of Renault, now Volvo) between 1979 and 1993.

The 50 series included a wide range of chassis and body configurations, including two distinctly different cab designs, and spanned the 3,500–7,500 kg (7,700–16,500 lb) revenue weight range. Various engines were offered, including the Perkins Phaser and 4.236, and there was also a four-wheel-drive version, the RB44, built by Reybolds Boughton (now known as Boughton Engineering).


Bodybuilding companies converted many into various configurations from tipper trucks to buses. Many were built as “chassis cabs” to have box bodies fitted; these were widely used by utility companies in the UK. They often came fitted with compressors and generators. Gradually this kind of vehicle fell out of favour, partly due to reliability issues relating to combining plant equipment with the vehicle drivetrain. The vehicle is otherwise toughly built. The utility companies today favour smaller vans with towed generators. The four-wheel-drive version saw some use with the British army since it was one of very few British-built trucks of the class, and it could carry considerably more stores and equipment than even the largest Land Rover models.

Chrysler received financial assistance from the British Government which was desperate to support the ailing British motor industry. However, having inherited various struggling car and commercial vehicle marques (and factories) from the Rootes Group, notably the commercial marques Commer and Karrier, in addition to various French concerns, Chrysler Europe struggled to return a profit. In 1978, Chrysler pulled out of their European operations altogether, selling them to Peugeot. The cars and small vans became known as Talbots.

Peugeot takeover

Dodge 50 British Army Renault 50 series

 4×4 Reynolds Boughton RB44 of the British Army

However, Peugeot had little interest in commercial vehicles and the factory for the heavier models was run in partnership with Renault Véhicules Industriels, who sought a UK production site for engines for their existing Renault-branded models. They continued to manufacture the 50 Series, along with the small Dodge (formerly Commer) Spacevan, and the large Dodge 100 / Commando 2 Series of 7,500–23,000 kg (16,500–50,700 lb) trucks. The transition to Renault branding was slightly muddied by some vehicles bearing both a Dodge name and a Renault-diamond badge.

Renault 50

By 1987, the 50 Series had been updated and was badged as the Renault 50 Series or Desoto 50 Series in Bermuda; the UK incarnation of the Dodge marque ceased to be used for new vehicles. (Chrysler maintained an entirely separate Dodge brand in the U.S., and in 2006 began re-introducing Dodge car models from the USA into the UK market.) Renault continued to manufacture the 50 Series until 1993, but it was never a great sales success, even being forced to compete with other Renault products, in the form of the Master van, which Renault favoured in its export markets.

In 1994, Renault — keen to clear the factory for large-scale engine production — sold the production tooling to a Chinese manufacturer. The 50 series is still being produced in China under a different name, details are scarce but there are two pictures of them with accompanying text from the website of the company who performed the transition (link to website in external links)

The vehicle is still a common sight on British roads, having become a popular choice for conversion to live-in vehicles including professionally built campers and workshops. There are also a number still in service as horseboxes, and a few remain in active service with the army. There is a friendly community amongst the owners and users of these vehicles.

See also

Dodge 500

1968 Dodge Brothers Lorries K Typr
 1968 Dodge K, originally sold as the “500”

The Dodge 500 was a heavy duty truck introduced in 1964 and built in the United Kingdom by Dodge. It replaced Dodge UK’s earlier 300 series cab over trucks.

History and development

Popular in Britain, and also used in some export markets, the Dodge 500 was also sometimes badged as a DeSoto or Fargo. The trucks were sold as a cab and chassis and the operators arranged for the purchase of the bodies or trailers. Later this range came to be known as the “K”-series.

The 500 Series was developed in the early 1960s, with styling by Ghia and engineering by Rootes Group in Kew, England. The suspension used leaf springs in front and rear with optional rear auxiliary springs. The truck was diesel powered, with forward control and a tilt cab; it was launched in December 1964. Customers obtained the trucks in primer and painted them. The cabs were noted for their styling, roominess and comfort, visibility of the road, and engine placement with minimal intrusion into the cab.

Payload capacities ranged up to 11 short tons (10.0 t) for two-axle units, up to 16 short tons (15 t) for three-axle units, or a gross combined vehicle weight of up to 67,000 lb (30,000 kg) for the tractors. Those desiring lighter capacity trucks were directed to the Dodge 100.

With the help of the supplier, a special high tensile steel alloy was developed to lighten the frame. Tubular and channel section cross members were bolted to the frame side-members. Spring hanger brackets were also bolted to the frame, utilizing the cross members where possible. Cummins and Perkins diesel engines were used.

Buyers had a choice of a Cummins diesel — V6 or V8 — producing 130–170 hp (97–127 kW) and 248-328 pound-feet of torque, or a locally made Perkins diesel with 120 hp (89 kW) and 260 lb·ft (353 N·m) of torque. These were known to be reliable powerplants. An existing time-tested manual transmission was used.

Dodge Commando

Dodge Commando © Len Rogers Collection

Dodge horsebox

Dodge Horsebox

 330 (1963–1964)

Dodge 330

Dodge 330
Dodge 330 model1963 Dodge 330 diecast model

1963 Dodge 330 (model)
Manufacturer Dodge
Production 1962-1964
Body and chassis
Class Full size
Body style
  • 2-door sedan
  • 4-door sedan
Layout FR
Platform B-body
  • 3.7 litres (225 cu in) Slant-6 I6
  • 5.2 litres (318 cu in) A V8
  • 5.9 litres (361 cu in) B V8
  • 6.3 litres (383 cu in) B V8
  • 7.0 litres (426 cu in) RB V8
Wheelbase 3,022.6 mm (119 in)
Length 5,285.7 mm (208.1 in)
Successor Dodge Polara

The Dodge 330 was a Full Size automobile sold by the Dodge division of the Chrysler Corporation in 1962, 1963, and 1964, based on the B-body. The coupe often used a 6-cylinder engine. The car was available as a 2dr Sedan or 4dr Sedan. Base motor was the 225 Slant-Six. The 318 2bbl, 361 2bbl, 383 2bbl, 383 4bbl, and 426 4bbl were optional. As an intermediate trim level above the Dart, it came standard with a cigarette lighter, front foam cushions, and rear arm rests. The car rode a 119″ wheelbase and was 208.1 inches long along with the higher trimmed 440 and Polara. In 1965, full sized Dodge’s got bigger on the new C Body with 121 in (3,073 mm) wheelbase, and the 330 and 440 were both replaced by the new, bigger Polara. The 880 now took the Polara’s former place in the lineup.

1st 63 Dodge 330 Red-2 1st 1963 Dodge 330 Red 1st 1963 dodge 330 red-1 1st 1963 Dodge 330 Red-5 1st 1963 Dodge 330 Red-7 1st 1963 Dodge Red-3

The Dodge 330 Max Wedge was a 330 2 door sedan powered by the 426 Max Wedge with dual 4 Barrel Carburetors and 425 hp (317 kW). It was available in both years, mostly ordered as a super stocker for the race tracks. Civilian versions are rare today.

Dodge/1963_Dodge/1963_Dodge_Standard_Size_Brochure”. Retrieved 2011-11-20.

1963 Dodge Standard Size-13

  • 400 (1982–1983)

Dodge 400

Dodge 400
1982 Dodge 400
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Production 1981–1983
Model years 1982–1983
Body and chassis
Class Mid-size
Body style 2-door convertible
2-door coupe
4-door sedan
Layout FF layout
Platform K-body
Related Chrysler LeBaron
Chrysler Town & Country
Dodge Aries
Plymouth Reliant
Engine 2.2 L K I4
2.6 L Mitsubishi G54B I4
Transmission 3-speed A413 automatic
3-speed A470 automatic
Predecessor Dodge Aspen
Successor Dodge 600

The Dodge 400 was Dodge‘s second K-car in the early 1980s. It was similar to the Chrysler LeBaron of the same era. The 400 was introduced for the 1982 model year, yet was renamed and added to the midsize Dodge 600 lineup just two years later.


The 400 was intended to be a more upmarket version of the Aries. It was available in three bodystyles: two-door coupe or convertible and a four-door sedan.

This was Dodge’s first convertible since the 1971 Challenger and the first domestically-manufactured convertible since 1976, when Cadillac had phased out the Eldorado convertible.

Chrysler’s chairman Lee Iacocca believed he could revive interest in convertibles, which at the time were no longer part of any major manufacturer’s range, except Volkswagen.

The 400 was available in two trim levels: base and LS. Engine choices were limited to a 2.2 L I4 engine or an optional Mitsubishi-sourced 2.6 L “Silent Shaft” 4-cylinder. The convertible came with the Mitsubishi-sourced engine as standard.

31,449 vehicles were produced.


There were no major changes made for 1983 other than the LS trim being omitted from the lineup. Production figures for 1983 were 25,952 vehicles.

During 1983, the 400 sedan was replaced by the Dodge 600. The coupes and convertibles were rebadged as Dodge 600 from 1984.

Dodge 600

Dodge 600
1984 Dodge 600 ES Turbo Convertible
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Also called
  • Chrysler Dart Europa
  • Volare E By Chrysler
  • Hongqi CA750F (China)
Production 1983–1988
Body and chassis
Class Mid-size
Body style 2-door convertible
2-door coupe
4-door sedan
Layout FF layout
Platform E-body (sedan)
K-body (convertible and coupe)
Related Chrysler E-Class
Chrysler New Yorker
Plymouth Caravelle
Transmission 5-speed A520 manual
5-speed A525 manual
3-speed A413 automatic
3-speed A470 automatic
Wheelbase 103.3 in (2,624 mm)
Length 185.2 in (4,704 mm)
Width 68.0 in (1,727 mm)
Height 53.1 in (1,349 mm)
Predecessor Dodge 400
Successor Dodge Spirit (Canada)
Dodge Dynasty (United States)

The 600 was Dodge‘s version of the Chrysler E-Class luxury car of the 1980s. It was introduced in 1982, as a 1983 model, as a small mid-size car on the Chrysler E platform and was discontinued after the 1988 model year. It was Chrysler‘s answer to the GM A-body, whereas the M-body Dodge Diplomat would compete with full-size cars. It replaced both the 400. (Dodge 600 coupes and convertibles were, essentially, rebadged 400s.) Like the preceding 400, it slotted between the Aries and Diplomat.


The 600 was intended to be Dodge’s answer to the European sedans of the day. Its numerical name and rear-end styling was designed to evoke thoughts of Mercedes-Benz models, however it fell more in line with North American contemporaries such as the Chevrolet Celebrity, Pontiac 6000 and the Ford Fairmont (the 600 actually resembled the Dodge Mirada more than any European car). It debuted as a four-door sedan, available in two trims: Base and ES (“Euro/Sedan”). Power was provided by Chrysler’s 2.2 L 4-cylinder engine, with the Mitsubishi-built 2.6 L 4-cylinder available as an option.

1983–85 Dodge 600 coupe
1983–1985 Dodge 600 coupe
1986 Dodge 600 convertible
1986 Dodge 600 convertible
1988 Dodge 600 sedan
1988 Dodge 600 sedan
1986-88 Dodge 600 SE sedan
Rear of 1986-1988 600 SE sedan

Sales of the 600 nearly doubled in its second year. This was in large part due to the addition of the former 400’s coupe and convertible body styles to the 600’s range (which continued to stay on the K platform). Like most midrange-to-upscale K-car derivatives, digital dashboards and the Electronic Voice Alert were options.

ES Turbo

Mid-way into 1984 Dodge introduced a sporty new “ES Turbo” package for convertibles. It featured Chrysler’s new 2.2 L 142 hp (106 kW) Turbocharged engine (which also became an option on sedans and coupes) and a special sport-tuned “ES” suspension. The interior came with standard leather seats, digital dashboard, and four-spoke steering wheel (redesigned in 1985). Visual exterior cues differentiate ES models from base convertibles by way of blacked-out trim (replacing much of the chrome), 15-inch “pizza” style aluminum wheels, “ES” decklid badges, Turbo fender badges, and functioning dual hood vents.

Sales of the ES Turbo were initially slow, with only 1786 copies being sold for the 1984 model year. Output increased to 5621 for 1985, then eased to 4759 for 1986, after which the model was discontinued along with all 600 convertibles. Base price for the 1986 ES Turbo convertible was $14,856.

Midlife changes and end of production

Year Units
1983 33,488
1984 61,637
1985 58,847
1986 59,677
1987 40,391
1988 55,550
Total 309,590

Several changes were made to the 600 in 1985. The 600 sedan was moved to a longer wheelbase and the former base and ES trims were dropped, replaced by a new SE trim. This was due in part to the new Lancer, which would have competed directly with the 600 (the 5-speed manual transmission was no longer offered as well, in an attempt to keep competition between the Lancer and 600 to a minimum). The coupe and convertible remained relatively unchanged except for minor trim and interior changes. The only significant advancement was the replacement of the 2.2 L engine’s two-barrel Holley electronic feedback carburetor by an electronic throttle-body fuel injection system.

The sedan’s base trim returned in 1986, while all 600s were given new, restyled front and rear fascias (the front in particular adopted the now familiar “crosshair” grille, dropping the Mirada-inspired horizontal slats). The 2.6 L engine was replaced by a larger 2.5 L version of the Chrysler 2.2 L.

The 600 was nearing its end. The coupe and convertible were dropped for 1987, while the sedan would only last another year, ending production in 1988. The 600 was replaced by the 1988 Dynasty(badged as a Chrysler in Canada, whereas the Canadian successor is the Dodge Spirit).

  • A100 (1964–1970)

Dodge A100

Dodge A100
Dodge A100, the sort of car your likely to find in an area with lots of artists and ex-hippies.
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Also called Fargo
Production 1964–1970
Body and chassis
Class Compact pickup truck
Compact van
Body style 2-door pickup truck
2-door van
Layout MR layout
Engine 170 cu in (2.8 L) Slant-6 I6
225 cu in (3.7 L) Slant-6 I6
273 cu in (4.5 L) LA V8
318 cu in (5.2 L) LA V8
Transmission 3-speed manual
3-speed automatic
Wheelbase SWB: 90 in (2,300 mm)
LWB: 108.0 in (2,743 mm)
Successor Dodge B-series

The A100 line was a model range of American compact vans and trucks manufactured and marketed from 1964–1970 by Chrysler Corporation for the Dodge marque in the United States and the Fargo marque in Canada.

The A100 competed with the Ford Econoline and Chevrolet Van, as well as the Volkswagen Type 2. The range included a pickup truck and van, both with a “forward control” design. The implementation of situating the driver on top of the front axle with the engine near the front wheels is called internationally a “cab over” vehicle. The nose was flat, with the engine placed between the driver and passenger, who sat above the front axle. The unibody vehicles used a short, 90 in (2,300 mm) wheelbase. An A108 was also available from 1967–1970, with a longer 108 in (2,700 mm) wheelbase. The A108 was popular with camper conversion companies. A substantially modified, Hemi-powered A100 wheelstanding exhibition pickup called the “Little Red Wagon” driven by Bill “Maverick” Golden was a popular drag strip attraction in the 1960s through the early 2000s.


  • 1964-1966 170 in³ (2.8 L) Slant-6 I6, 101 hp (75 kW)
  • 1970 198 in³ (3.2 L) Slant-6 I6, 125 hp (93 kW)
  • 1964-1970 225 in³ (3.7 L) Slant-6 I6, 145 hp (108 kW)
  • 1965-1966 273 in³ (4.5 L) LA V8
  • 1967-1970 318 in³ (5.2 L) LA V8, 210 hp (160 kW)

L-Series trucks

From 1966-1971, Dodge built L-Series medium-duty Cabover Engine trucks based on the A-100.

Dodge A100 in popular culture

The Dodge A100 was featured in the American television series That 70’s Show episode Red’s Last Day. It also appeared in the movie Cars as the character Dusty Rust-eze.


Plymouth Reliant

  (Redirected from Dodge Aries)
“Reliant K” redirects here. For the Christian rock band, see Relient K.
Plymouth Reliant
Dodge Aries
1985-89 Plymouth Reliant K LE
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Production 1981–1989
Assembly Newark, Delaware (Newark Assembly), United States
Detroit, Michigan (Jefferson Avenue Assembly), United States
Toluca, Mexico (Toluca Car Assembly)
Body and chassis
Class Compact
Body style 4-door sedan
2-door coupe
4-door station wagon
Layout Transverse front-engine, front-wheel drive
Platform K-body
Related Chrysler LeBaron
Chrysler Town & Country
Dodge 400
Transmission 4-speed A460 manual
5-speed A465 manual
5-speed A520 manual
5-speed A525 manual
3-speed A413 automatic
3-speed A470 automatic
Wheelbase 100.3 in (2,548 mm)
Wagon: 100.4 in (2,550 mm)
Length 178.6 in (4,536 mm)
Wagon: 178.5 in (4,534 mm)
Width 68.0 in (1,727 mm)
Height Sedan: 52.9 in (1,344 mm)
Coupe: 52.5 in (1,334 mm)
Wagon: 53.2 in (1,351 mm)
Curb weight 2,300 lb (1,043 kg)
Predecessor Dodge Aspen / Plymouth Volaré

The Plymouth Reliant and Dodge Aries were introduced for model year 1981 as the first “K-cars” manufactured and marketed by the Chrysler Corporation. As Rebadged variants, the Reliant and Aries were manufactured in Newark, Delaware, Detroit, Michigan, and Toluca, Mexico — in a single generation.

The Reliant replaced the Plymouth Volaré/Road Runner. The Aries replaced the Dodge Aspen. Though similar in overall size to a compact car, the Reliant’s interior volume and six-passenger seating gave it a mid-sizedesignation from the EPA.

Ford and Chrysler would compare the K cars with the Fairmont and Tempo. The Aries was sold as the Dart in Mexico.

The Reliant and Aries were selected together as Motor Trend magazine’s Car of the Year for 1981 — and sold almost a million (Aries) and 1.1 million units (Reliant).


The Aries and Reliant debuted in 1981, with Chrysler added a small “K” emblem to the rear of each, shortly after their introduction. The Reliant was available as a 2-door coupe, 4-door sedan, or as a 4-door station wagon, in three different trim lines: base, Custom and SE (“Special Edition”). Station wagons came only in Custom or SE trim. Unlike many small cars, the K cars retained the traditional 6 passenger 2 bench seat with column shifter seating arrangement favored by many Americans. The Reliant was powered by a then-new 2.2 L I4 SOHC engine, with a Mitsubishi “Silent Shaft” 2.6 L as an option (curiously this engine also featured hemispherical combustion chambers, and all 1981 models equipped with it featured “HEMI” badges on the front fenders). Initial sales were brisk, with the both Reliant and Aries each selling over 150,000 units in 1981.

1982–84 Dodge Aries coupé

 1982–1984 Dodge Aries coupé
1985–89 Dodge Aries coupé

 1985–1989 Dodge Aries coupé
1986–88 Dodge Aries wagon

 1986–1988 Dodge Aries wagon

Changes for 1982 included a new hood ornament (changed from either a Plymouth “frog legs” hood ornament or a Dodge badge mounted flat on the hood to an upright Chrysler Pentastar), roll-down rear door windows vs. the former stationary glass with rear quarter pop-outs, a counterbalanced hood, and black painted valve cover on the 2.2L engine (vs. the former blue). In 1984, the hood ornament was removed and the Chrysler Pentastar moved to the grille. Also, the tail lights received chrome trim, and the interior received a padded dash and new black instrument cluster with round gauges. The first major changes occurred in 1985, when the K’s received a new front fascia, featuring either a new egg-crate or crosshair grille (for the Plymouth and Dodge, respectively) and a new rear fascia featuring five-section taillights. A new trim line, the top-tier LE (“Luxury Edition”), was added (it also replaced the Custom trim level on the wagon).

Powertrain changes for 1986 included replacement of the 2.2 L engine’s carburetor by a new throttle-body electronic fuel injection system, while a new 2.5 L four-cylinderengine, also fuel-injected, was added to the option list, replacing the Mitsubishi 2.6 L. The four-speed manual transmission – previously offered as standard equipment – was dropped.

The Reliant underwent only minor changes throughout the rest of its production run. The SE trim line was dropped after 1986, while the LE and base trim remained the only trims till the end of production. The base trim line was renamed America in 1988, offered as relatively inexpensive, basic transportation. 1988 was the last year for station wagons. The Aries and Reliant were replaced by the Dodge Spirit/Plymouth Acclaim, with the sedan and two-door only being sold for 1989.


The Reliant and Aries were downsized replacements for the six-passenger Volare and Aspen, which in turn were modernized version of the original Valiant and Dart compact cars of the 1960s. Based on experience gained with subcompact Omni/Horizon of 1978, the roomier K-cars set out to build a family sized car with a front-wheel drive design powered by a four cylinder engine. They were offered as 2 and 4 door notchback sedans and wagons and retained six-passenger seating on two bench seats. While the Chevrolet Citation introduced front-wheel drive in the 1980 model year to replace the Nova, its unusual styling and problems with recalls hampered its success. They achieved nearly a million in sales between the two original nameplates before being rebadged and upgraded, not counting the numerous stretched, sporty or minivan derivatives. Ford would not replace its family-sized Fairmont with a front-wheel drive design until the 1986 Ford Taurus, while cars like the Chevrolet Cavalier and Ford Tempo would be marketed as upscale compacts rather than family sedans.

After their introduction, the Reliant and Aries were marketed as the “Reliant K” and “Aries K”. A small “K” badge was also added after the word “Reliant” to the rear of the car. The Reliant and Aries were Motor Trendmagazine’s Car of the Year for 1981.

After launcd in 1981, sales of the Reliant and Aries got off to a bad start; this can be attributed to Chrysler’s inadequate preparation. Early advertisements for the K-cars promoted the low $5,880 base price. Rather than honoring that by producing a sufficient amount of base models, Chrysler was producing a larger number of SE and Custom models. When consumers arrived at Plymouth (and Dodge) dealers, they were shocked to find that the Reliant they were planning on purchasing would end up costing hundreds or thousands of dollars more. As a result of this, Chrysler corrected their mistake and began building more base models. After this, sales of the Reliant skyrocketed.

The Reliant was available in standard “base”, mid-level SE, and high-end Custom (later renamed LE) trim levels. Unlike the coupe and sedan, the station wagon was not available in base trim. “Custom/LE” Reliant wagons came standard with exterior woodtone siding, although it could be deleted if the buyer wanted it to be. All models except base could be ordered with front bucket seats rather than the standard bench.

1981 Dodge Aries coupé

 1981 Dodge Aries coupé

6-passenger seating

The Aries and Reliant were classified by the EPA as mid-size and were the smallest cars to have 6-passenger seating — with a 3 seat per row setup, similar to larger rear-wheel drive cars such as the Dodge Dart and other front-wheel drive cars such as the Chevrolet Celebrity. Chrysler marketed the car as being able to seat “six Americans.”

Changes through the years

1983 Plymouth Reliant coupe

 1983 Plymouth Reliant coupe
1988 Plymouth Reliant wagon

 1988 Plymouth Reliant wagon

Changes for 1982 included a revised hood ornament (changed from a Plymouth logo to a Chrysler Pentastar), roll-down rear door windows vs. the former stationary glass with rear quarter pop-outs, a counterbalanced hood, a Pentastar trunk medallion, and black painted valve cover on the 2.2L engine (vs. the former blue). Changes for 1983 were limited to a blacked out grille. In 1984, the hood ornament was removed and the Chrysler Pentastar moved to the grille; the Mercedes Benz-styled grille used on the Reliant was modified. Also, the tail lights received chrome trim, and the interior received a padded dash and new black instrument cluster with round gauges. For 1985, the Reliant received a substantial restyle, with new, rounder front and rear fascias. This included new head & tail lights and a new grille that was the same height as the headlights (rather than going all the way up to the hood as with previous model years). The base engine was a transverse mounted Chrysler designed 2.2 L (135 cid) inline-four engine with an electronic two-barrel carburetor (later replaced by a fuel injection system in 1986), rated at 82 hp (61 kW). Transaxles were a 4-speed floor shift manual or a 3-speed automatic with either a floor or column shift. A Mitsubishi motor was optional, and cars so equipped for 1981 were badged as 2.6 HEMI. Reliants equipped with this engine accelerated 0–60 mph in the 13-second range. The Mitsubishi 2.6 L G54B engine was a popular option, but driveability and reliability problems led to the Mitsubishi engine being replaced by a fuel-injected Chrysler 2.5 L I4 for 1986. For 1987, the coupe’s fixed rear windows got a small pivoting vent at the trailing edge of the rear doors. Also for 1987, the base model was renamed America in the U.S (this was later done to the base models of the Horizon and Sundance). After 1987, only minimal changes were made through the end of the production run.

The last Reliant rolled off the assembly line on December 9, 1988. The 1989 Reliant was a carryover from the 1988 model year. Only the America trim was available on these models. No station wagon models were sold in 1989. The Reliant was replaced by the Acclaim for 1989, with the coupe replaced by the Plymouth Laser liftback.

Dodge Aspen

Not to be confused with Chrysler Aspen.
Dodge Aspen
Dodge Aspen two-door sedan (coupe) in Chicago

Dodge Aspen Coupe
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Also called Plymouth Volaré, Dodge Dart, Chrysler Valiant Volaré
Production 1976–1980
Assembly Hamtramck, Michigan, United States
Bogotá, Colombia
Mexico City, Mexico
Body and chassis
Class Compact
Body style 2-door coupe
4-door sedan
4-door station wagon
Layout FR layout
Platform F-body
Engine 225 cu in (3.7 L) Slant-6 I6
318 cu in (5.2 L) LA V8
360 cu in (5.9 L) LA V8
Transmission A230 3-speed manual
A833 4-speed manual
A904 3-speed TorqueFliteautomatic
A998/A999 3-speed TorqueFliteautomatic
Wheelbase 108.7 in (2,761 mm) (coupe)112.7 in (2,863 mm) (sedan & wagon)
Length 198.8 in (5,050 mm) (coupe)
201.2 in (5,110 mm) (sedan & wagon)
Width 73.3 in (1,862 mm)
Height 53.3 in (1,354 mm) (coupe) 55.3 in (1,405 mm) (sedan)55.7 in (1,415 mm) (wagon)
Curb weight 3,200 lb (1,500 kg) (base coupe)

The Dodge Aspen, produced from 1976 to 1980, was a compact car from Chrysler Corporation‘s Dodge division; its Plymouthbranded counterpart was the Volaré (“volare” is Italian, and it means “fly, soar, fly by, fall off, or pass quickly”). It was launched as a two-door coupe, a four-door sedan, and a unique-for-the-segment station wagon. By the end of their production run, the Aspen and Volaré would be considered intermediate cars.

The Dodge Aspen and Plymouth Volaré were introduced in the fall of 1975 as 1976 models, and were collectively named Motor Trend’s “Car of the Year” for 1976. They were the successors to the A-body Plymouth Valiant, Duster, and Dodge Dart. The Dart, Valiant, and Duster were sold alongside the Aspen and Volaré for part of the 1976 model year, then discontinued.

The Aspen and Volaré were produced for 5 model years, 1976 through 1980. For 1981, they were replaced by the smaller front-wheel-drive K-cars — the Dodge Aries and Plymouth Reliant — and the M-body Dodge Diplomat and Plymouth Gran Fury, which were very similar in structure, size, and engineering to the F-body Aspen and Volaré.

The Aspen and Volaré were designed to be somewhat more luxurious than the A-body models, at least in the most expensive models. The new cars also continued the A-body pattern of different wheelbases forcoupés versus the sedans and wagons. Aspen and Volaré 2-doors had a 108.7-inch (2,760 mm) wheelbase. Sedans and wagons got a 112.7-inch (2,860 mm) wheelbase.

Production history

1977 Plymouth Volaré sedan

 1977 Plymouth Volaré sedan

The vehicle was wind-tunnel tested to be aerodynamically sound in its fuel conservation potential as the complete aerodynamics development program included a wide range studies from drag reduction to crosswind stability, wind noise and ventilation performance. The effects of this testing resulted in softened front end contours, removal of drip troughs and helped shaped internal air flow ducting. Body engineering in the Aspen was executed using computer technology; unit body engineering was conducted by use of clear plastic stress models that showed up stress points before any sheet metal was formed. Weight reduction to provide maximum fuel economy was achieved through use of thinner glass, lighter weight side door beams and high-strength, low-alloy brackets and reinforcements that were four times as strong as conventional mild steel. A reduced number of stampings resulted in better panel fits and fewer welds. The Aspen had improved visibility and compared with other Dodge compacts, the Aspen provided a total glass area increase of 25% on two-door models and 33% on sedans.

Wheel alignment adjustments such as caster and camber could be made by removing plates over the wheel housings. The new isolated tranverse suspension system was a substantial departure from the longitudinal torsion bars Chrysler had introduced in 1957 and used on all models since that year, until the release of the F-bodies. The transverse (side-to-side) bars weren’t as geometrically favorable but saved space and weight. In addition, the new front suspension system was touted as giving a “big car ride” as the suspension had a low, or softer, fore and aft compliance which allowed the wheel to move rearward instead of straight up and down when the tire encountered an object, dampening the blow and rolling with the condition of the road. The two parallel torsion bars and an anti-sway bar were mounted forward of the front wheels, integrated into a spring-strut front suspension. These components were attached to a K-shaped structural crossmember. The K-shaped crossmember was isolated from the unitized car body by four rubber mounts. This transverse torsion bar suspension was also incorporated into the M- and J-body cars. The conventional leaf spring rear suspension was also rubber-isolated, so there was no metal-to-metal path through which road noise or vibration can be transmitted to the body; even the steering column was isolated.


The Aspen and Volaré are perhaps best known within the industry for a series of product recalls, caused by defects, that nearly bankrupted Chrysler and led to permanent changes in the organization’s management and in North American automobile production.

In 1978, Chrysler recalled every 1976 and 1977 Aspen and Volaré for possible replacement of the front fenders, which were prematurely rusting. Many cars got new fenders, painted in the proper color. Galvanized sheet metal was phased in for the body, along with full inner front fender liners made of polyethylene (plastic) to solve the rust problem once and for all. A large number of powertrain changes, particularly in ignition and fuel delivery, were also made to improve driveability. After 1977, F-bodies had few problems with rusting or quality control.


R. M. “Ham” Schirmer, manager of Dodge car and corporate advertising for Chrysler, said that the Aspen name originated from the codename Aspen-Vail when the project for it and the Plymouth “sister car” began in 1971. “Aspen is a very pleasant name, ” Schirmer said, “people think of the outdoors, but not necessarily skiing when they hear it. . . It won’t inhibit where we want to position the car because it’s basically neutral. ” Nonetheless, Chrysler sponsored the 1976 Dodge Aspen Team K2 Freestyle and opened up World Pro Skiing’s seventh season in Aspen, Colorado as the Dodge Aspen Cup running courses on Aspen Highlands and Aspen Mountain. In print and media actor Rex Harrison was spokesman for the Aspen, whose advertising campaign was inspired by the “Ascot Gavotte” scene in Harrison’s My Fair Lady. A patter song was spoken in rhythm, by Harrison, as “Unbelievable.” Singer Sergio Franchi was the spokesman for the Volaré and sang the pop song Volare, with altered lyrics, in TV and radio commercials. The accent mark used in the car’s name is not in the Italian word or the song title; Volaré commercials described it as an “accent on quality”; incidentally, “volaré” in Spanish with the accent translates as “I will fly”.

Aspen R/T

Dodge Aspen R/T 76

 Modified R/T coupe

The Aspen R/T coupe model offered features including wider E70x14 tires, Rallye wheels, grille blackout treatment, body striping, and ‘R/T’ decals and medallion. A 360 V8 option, with a net 170 hp (130 kW) and 280 lb·ft (380 N·m) of net torque, was along with the Overdrive-4 transmission unavailable in California as the engine delivered an average fuel economy of 15.2 mpg-US (15.5 L/100 km; 18.3 mpg-imp). In a Motor Trend road test, a 360 R/T turned in a standing quarter mile (~400 m) at 17.4 seconds at a speed of 86.1 miles per hour (138.6 km/h). In an exercise normally reserved for quicker sports cars, the R/T made a 60 to 95 mph (97 to 153 km/h) run in 13.8 seconds. The R/T was about as quick from zero to sixty miles per hour as the 1977 Camaro Z28 and Corvette L82, both with four barrel 350 engines. The Aspen was a bit slower by the clock but faster through the traps in the quarter mile than all of the other three from GM. The Plymouth version was the Volaré Road Runner.

Station wagons

Station wagons were available in both model lines, all featuring liftgates with fixed rear windows. These models had a cargo volume of 71.9 cubic feet (2.04 m3) and load capacity of 1,100 lb (500 kg), which was 100 lb (45 kg) less than the intermediate and standard size Chrysler wagons. The liftgate opening was nearly 4 ft (1.2 m) wide and 27.6 in (70 cm) high. With the rear seat folded down, the cargo area was 74 in (190 cm) long at the belt line and 43.2 in (110 cm) wide between the wheel houses. Premium station wagons in either the Aspen SE or Volaré Premier series featured simulated woodgrain on its exterior side panels. On Aspen SEs, the woodgrain was framed in simulated blond (painted metal) wood-look trim. On the Premiers, the side panels were trimmed in stainless steel frames accented in matte black. Aside from the brand badging and grilles unique on each brand, this station wagon trim element remains one of the few visual clues that differentiated the Aspen from the Volaré. Side covers of the cargo area were made of one-piece injection molded polypropylene. Covered, lockable stowage compartments of 1.5 cu ft (0.042 m3) capacity were provided in these panels; these compartments were standard on the Aspen SEs and optional on the low-line wagons.


The first year of the Aspen was met with much fanfare and sales. The replacement for the venerable Dart, the Aspen would share the same engines and three-box body style with its predecessor, but not much else.

The Aspen was dubbed “the family car of the future”. Available as a 2-door coupé, 4-door sedan or 4-door station wagon, it came in three trim levels – base, Custom and SE (Special Edition). Coupes featured frameless door glass but a thick “B” pillar was used, replacing the popular hardtop body style of the Dart. The performance R/T package came only on the coupe and featured a 318 cu in (5.2 L) V8 standard or an optional 360 cu in (5.9 L) V8 with either a 2- or 4-barrel carburetor. The 225 cu in (3.7 L) Slant Six was standard across the line, and was available in most states with a choice of 1- or 2-barrel carburetion. Total production was 189,900 (Aspen) and 255,008 (Volaré).


Nothing much changed for the Aspen’s second year. A new T-top was added to the coupé’s option list this year. The R/T package added a “Super Pak” option. This consisted of front and rear spoilers, wheel opening flares and louvred rear windows. A new stripe kit was also added as well. An R/T equipped with this package became a “Super R/T”. The Volaré was Canada’s top selling car this year. Total production was 266,012 (Aspen) and 327,739 (Volaré).


1978 Dodge Aspen coupe

 1978 Dodge Aspen coupe

The Aspen went through numerous changes for 1978. The three trim lines were consolidated into one. The Custom and Special Edition lines were still available but were now reduced to option packages. The Aspen also received a new front fascia, similar to the Volaré, while the Volaré’s grille was restyled with an eggcrate pattern. Chrysler added a “Duster” trim package in an attempt to bolster waning sales, relying on the popularity of the time-tested 1970–1976 A-Body of the same name. There were new performance packages, the Super Coupe and Kit Car. Both packages used the same performance exterior add-ons as the “Super Pak”, now renamed the “Sport Pak”, but came in different colors as well as different options.

The Super Coupe came with GR60x15 Goodyear GT radial tires mounted on 15×8 wheels, a heavy-duty suspension with rear sway bar, a matte black finish on the hood and came only in one color – Sable Tan Sunfire Metallic. Special three color (orange, yellow and red) stripes separated the body color from the matte black colors. Only 531 were built.

The Kit Car, made in honor of NASCAR legend Richard Petty, was supposed to look as much like a race car as possible. The wheels had no hubcaps, the wheel opening flares had a bolted on look, and even the windshield had metal tie downs just like the race cars. Unlike a race car, the Kit Car came standard with an automatic transmission. A special addition was a decal kit with large door mountable “43” decals and 360 decals for the hood. These decals were shipped in the trunk either to be installed by the dealer or by the owner. Most people however, left them in the trunk. It only came in one color – a special two-tone red. The Kit Car would prove to be one of the rarest Aspens ever built, as only 145 were ever built.

1979 Plymouth Volaré sedan

 1979 Plymouth Volaré sedan

A new Sunrise package, similar to the Volaré Duster package, was also new for 1978. This was available only on the coupé, and consisted mainly of new stripes and louvred rear windows.

Wider tail light lenses with amber turn signals replaced the Plymouth Valiant/Duster-styled lenses on both Aspen and Volaré coupés and sedans. Total production came to 166,419 (Aspen) and 217,795 (Volaré).


1979 Dodge Aspen RT coupé

 1979 Dodge Aspen R/T coupé

Not much would change for the Aspen in its second to last year of production. The only readily visible change was the replacement of the amber rear turn signals with red ones again. The 1978 option packages continued into 1979, with the exception of the Super Coupe and Kit Car. A new 85 mph (137 km/h) speedometer, new colors and a diagnostic connector for the engine were added. The station wagon was available as a “Sport Wagon” with special stripes, a front airdam, and wheel arch flares. Total production came to 121,354 (Aspen) and 178,819 (Volaré).


1980 Plymouth Volaré with the Duster trim package that included Duster badge

 1980 Plymouth Volaré with the Duster trim package that included Duster badges, a white stripe along the body and cloth-and-vinyl plaid bucket seats.

For its last year of production, the Aspen and Volaré gained a new front end with rectangular headlamps, and shared the hood, fenders and front bumper with the Dodge Diplomat. Special Edition and Premier packages were available, while the Special Edition package was now only available on the sedan and coupe. The less popular “Duster” trim package was also available for the 1980 model year. The R/T package was installed only on 285 Aspens for this year before the Aspen name as well as the R/T badge would be discontinued. Total production came to 67,318 (Aspen) and 90,063 (Volaré). The 360 cu in (5.9 L) V8 was dropped this year, leaving the 318 cu in (5.2 L) V8 as the top engine—even for the R/T. Power from the 318 dropped from 140 horsepower (104 kW) at 4,000 rpm to 120 horsepower (89 kW) at 3,600 rpm in two barrel models. Four barrel models actually increased from 140 horsepower (104 kW) (non-California) at 4,000 rpm to 155 horsepower (116 kW) at 4,000 rpm. The 225 cu in (3.7 L) inline six-cylinder remained the base engine. The “Super Six” two barrel option was dropped, leaving the Holley 1945 single barrel set up as the sole choice. The “slant-six” produced 90 horsepower (67 kW) at 3,600 rpm. The Dodge Aspen was replaced with the front-wheel drive Dodge Aries for the 1981 model year.

Around the world

Between 1977 and 1979, the small Swiss specialty automaker Monteverdi built a modified version of this car, called the Sierra, intended to compete in Europe’s luxury car market.

The Dart name (rather than Aspen) was applied to Dodge-branded F-body cars in Mexico and Colombia, corresponding to the local Chrysler-branded F-body cars badged as Valiant Volaré. The Mexican F-body Volarés were not marketed as Plymouth, because that brand was dropped after 1969. Chrysler de México also sold cheaper versions of the American K-cars -Plymouth Reliant and Dodge Aries- (in 1982–1987) and Plymouth Caravelle (1988) as Chrysler Volarés. As a matter of fact, the 1988 Chrysler Volaré E (an inexpensive version of the 1988 Plymouth Caravelle with a 1986–1988 Plymouth Reliant front end attached to it) served as Mexican Highway Patrol (“Policía Federal de Caminos” in Spanish) units from 1988 to 1990. They got a Chrysler Turbo II 2.2L engine and 3-speed automatic transmission (shifter on the dash, like US patrols) and were known in Mexico as “Turbo-patrols”.

The Volaré also became known as the Volaré “Duster” in Canada.

After the F-body

The F-body cars were withdrawn from production worldwide after 1980, but spawned two platforms, the Chrysler J platform and the Chrysler M platform. The Aspen model name was revived in 2007 for the Chrysler Aspen luxury sport utility vehicle (SUV).

  • Avenger (1995–2000; 2008–2014)

Dodge Avenger

This article is about the 1990s and 2000s Dodge Avenger. For other models named Avenger, see Hillman Avenger.
Dodge Avenger
2008-Dodge-Avenger SE
Production 1995–2000
Body and chassis
Class Mid-size

The Dodge Avenger is a front-wheel drive, mid-size sedan, built by the Chrysler Corporation for the Dodge marque is listed as #21 in the most affordable midsize cars as of 2014. The Dodge Avenger made its North American debut in 1995 as a two-door coupe, which was produced until 2000. It was re-introduced to the market as a four-door sports sedan starting in 2008. The 2014 model year marked the last production for the Avenger after the release of its replacement, the 2015 Chrysler 200.

Dodge Avenger Coupe (1995–2000)

Dodge Avenger Coupe
1995-00 Dodge-Avenger-coupe
Also called Chrysler Sebring coupe
Production 1995–2000
Assembly United States: Normal, Illinois(Mitsubishi Motor Manufacturing of America)
Body and chassis
Body style 2-door coupe
Layout Transverse front-engine, front-wheel drive
Platform Chrysler FJ platform
Related Eagle Talon
Mitsubishi Eclipse
Engine 2.0 L 420A I4 (gasoline)
2.5 L 6G73 V6 (gasoline)
Transmission 5-speed manual
4-speed Ultradrive 41TE automatic
Wheelbase 103.7 in (2,634 mm)
Length 190.2 in (4,831 mm) (1998–2000)
187.2 in (4,755 mm) (1995–97)
Width 69.1 in (1,755 mm) (1998–2000)
68.5 in (1,740 mm) (1995–97)
Height 53.0 in (1,346 mm) (1998–2000)
51 in (1,295 mm) (1995–97)
Predecessor Dodge Stealth, Dodge Daytona
Successor Dodge Stratus coupe

Introduced as a two-door coupe in North America, the Dodge Avenger was built from 1995 to 2000 in a similar size and price class as the Dodge Daytona, which was discontinued in 1993. The Avenger, along with the similar Chrysler Sebring coupe, was built by Diamond Star Motors (DSM), a joint venture between Chrysler Corporation and Mitsubishi Motors, on a version of the Mitsubishi Galant platform (which also spawned the similar Mitsubishi Eclipse). Mitsubishi purchased Chrysler’s share of the joint venture in 1995. Avengers and Sebring coupes built from 1995 to 1996 both have DSM markings in their engine compartments.

The Avenger was built on a 103.7 in (2,634 mm) wheelbase and used either a 2.0 L inline-four engine (the Chrysler 420A) or a Mitsubishi-designed 2.5 L V6. The four-cylinder was coupled to either a five-speedmanual transmission, shared with the Mitsubishi Eclipse and Eagle Talon, or a four-speed automatic. The V6 engine was only available with the A604 transmission. The Avengers featured a fully independent double wishbone suspension and variable speed rack and pinion steering.


ABS was used in all ES models to 1999. In 1997, the front fascia, trunklid, and rear bumper were changed; 16-inch wheels were standard, and the license plate was moved from the decklid to the rear bumper. In 2000, the V6 and automatic transmission combination was made standard on all Avengers, and ABS was made an “option” for ES models. The four-cylinder engine was dropped for 2000.


  • 1995–2000 – “Highline” base model (V6 among other options made standard in 2000)
  • 1995–2000 – ES

From 1997, a “Sport Appearance Package” was made available on Base model. This package included 16″ wheels, a deck lid spoiler, along with other standard and optional features.

Year Event
1995 Initial introduction – replaces the Daytona. A DOHC 16-valve 2.0 L I4 engine (140 hp, 130 lb·ft (176 N·m) of torque) is standard. A SOHC 24-valve 2.5 L V6 engine and an automatic transmission (155 hp, 160 lb·ft (217 N·m) of torque) are made optional on the ES. Fog lamps and ABS are also optional on the ES.
1996 Power and torque ratings for the V6 are increased (163 horsepower, 170 lb·ft (230 N·m). torque), ES Coupes had new seat fabric.
1997 Sport model introduced (in addition to the base and ES). The Avenger Sport package consisted of exclusive 16-inch aluminum wheels and a body-color spoiler. New front and rear fascias are added. Added a body-color rear spoiler, P215/50HR17 tires, and 17-inch cast aluminum wheels for the ES. The V6 is also standard for the ES, as well as rear disc brakes.
1998 An on-board recycling vapor recovery system, cafe latte exterior color and a black and gray interior color combination are added.
1999 Next generation driver and front passenger airbags are added, as well as a new exterior color: Shark Blue. The V6 engine and automatic transmission are standard on all models in mid-year, as well as several options.
2000 Last year for the Avenger. V6/automatic drive train are standard. ABS an option on ES models. Gained a number of standard features that had previously been optional, including power windows and locks. Base models added cruise control and 4-wheel disc brakes. ES coupes now come with standard leather upholstery, keyless remote entry, and a power driver’s seat.

In 2000, the Avenger was discontinued and replaced by the Dodge Stratus coupe for 2001. This model was also made at the former Diamond Star plant by Mitsubishi, using the Eclipse platform and architecture, though the Stratus sedan was engineered and built by Chrysler.

Dodge Avenger sedan (2007–2014)

Dodge Avenger sedan
2008-10 Dodge Avenger
Also called Dodge GTS (Mexico)
Production February 2007– December 2013
Model years 2008–2014
Assembly United States: Sterling Heights, Michigan (Sterling Heights Assembly)
Mexico: Chihuahua (2013-2014)ine = 2.0 L World I4(gasoline)
2.0 L VW I4 (t/c diesel)
2.4 L World I4 (gasoline)
2.7 L EER V6 (gasoline)
3.5 L EGF V6 (gasoline)
3.6 L Pentastar V6 (gasoline)
Designer Ryan Nagode
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
Layout Transverse front-engine, front-wheel drive / all-wheel drive
Platform Chrysler JS platform
Wheelbase 108.9 in (2,766 mm)
Length 190.9 in (4,849 mm)
Width 71.8 in (1,824 mm)
Height 58.9 in (1,496 mm)
Predecessor Dodge Stratus
Successor Chrysler 200

The Dodge Avenger name returned in February 2007 as a MY2008 model as a sedan to replace the Dodge Stratus, whose coupe version had replaced the original Avenger in 2001. According to some reports, the Avenger, along with the redesigned Chrysler Sebring, shares a DaimlerChrysler/Mitsubishi Motors platform called JS which used the Mitsubishi GS as a starting point, then was heavily modified. The base engine in theSE and SXT trim levels is the 2.4 L GEMA I4 naturally aspirated “World Engine”, a joint venture between DaimlerChrysler, Mitsubishi and Hyundai. Additional engines include an optional 2.7 L V6 in the SXT and a standard 3.5 L V6 in the R/T trim level. In addition to the 2.4 L “World Engine” and the V6s, export vehicles were offered with the 2.0 L naturally aspirated “World Engine”, as well as a 2.0 L turbocharged diesel (Pumpe-Düse) made by Volkswagen. As a 2008 model, the Dodge Avenger came to showrooms in February 2007.

2008-10 Dodge Avenger rear

 Rear view

Features on the new Avenger include optional heated/cooled cup holders as well as Dodge’s new “Chill Zone”, a feature that comes standard on all Avenger models, which can store up to four 12-US fl oz cans in the glove box and chill them to 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Like its Dodge Journey stablemate, the Avenger’s exterior was styled by Chrysler’s Ryan Nagode. The interior was styled by Ben S. Chang.

The Avenger replaced the Charger as Dodge’s car in NASCAR in 2007 for Car of Tomorrow races. It got its first win with former Formula One driver Juan Pablo Montoya in the2007 Toyota/Save Mart 350 at the Infineon Raceway.

The Avenger was officially unveiled at the Paris Motor Show on September 28, 2006 as a concept car. It was launched in Europe and was sold in the United Kingdom, filling a gap in the Chrysler range that was left by the Neon’s demise four years earlier. It was also launched in Australia, although with only the 2.4 L engine.

In the United Kingdom, it has been discontinued, although sales continued in the Republic of Ireland and in Western Europe until late 2009 following Fiat’s takeover of Chrysler Group. This new version continued with SE, SXT trim levels and is not badged the same way as North American or the South American versions. The Avenger competed directly with the Chevrolet Malibu and Ford Fusion, with the 2007 and later Chrysler Sebring being aimed at the higher priced American cars such as the Mercury Milan, Pontiac G6 and Saturn Aura.

In the US, the Avenger was launched with a 30 second television ad, “Tuned Up,” that debuted Sunday, March 4, 2007 during NHL hockey, an ad in which a lab technician discovers he can play Smoke on the Waterby Deep Purple on the Avenger’s transmission. Another television spot likened the Avenger to the “superhero” vehicle for the everyman, depicting a driver piloting his Avenger through Gotham-like streets and alleys, speaking to the MyGig entertainment system in distinctly Batman-reminiscent tones, to arrive home, pull into a two-car garage and open the rear door to a sleeping child in the rear car-seat.[7]


In the 2009 model year, like its Caliber, Charger, Grand Caravan, Journey & Nitro models, the “AVENGER” badge at the trunklid’s left was pushed to the right to make way for “DODGE” at the left.

Changes for 2011

2011 Dodge Avenger Heat

 2011 Dodge Avenger Heat

For 2011, the Avenger received its first major overhaul since its 2008 re-introduction. Exterior changes include slightly revised sheet metal with a new crosshair grille displaying the new Dodge logo on the lower right corner of the grille, a sleeker bumper cut design, and standard LED combination tail lights. Changes to the interior are more noticeable with a completely redesigned dashboard and instrument panel featuring an available 6.5-inch navigation/media center screen. Higher-quality soft-touch plastics for dashboard, door, and trim panels replaces the old materials, which were criticized for their poor fit and finish quality, as well as being unpleasant to the touch. The seats receive better cushioning and higher-grade upholstery. Two-tone interior color combinations will be available.

Mechanically, the 2011 Avenger came standard with the existing 173 hp (129 kW) 2.4 L GEMA I4, although it was now paired with a six-speed automatic as well as the option of the previous four-speed. Also available is the new 3.6 L Pentastar V6, which generates 283 hp (211 kW) and 260 lb·ft (350 N·m) of torque. The suspension was heavily revised to improve handling and ride quality. Trim level designations were also new, with existing trims being replaced by Express, Mainstreet, Lux and Heat models.

The Dodge Avenger was ranked the “Most American Made” sedan by The Kogod Made in America Auto Index in 2013. The Dodge Avenger also has an overall rating of 6.7


2008-10 Dodge Avenger inside

 2008-2010 model dashboard
  • SE: (2007–2009, 2012–2013)
    • 2.4L GEMA I4 DOHC 16V Dual VVT 4-speed automatic
  • SXT: (2007–2010, 2012–2013)
    • 2.4L GEMA I4 DOHC 16V Dual VVT 4-speed automatic
    • 2.7L EER V6 DOHC 24-valve MPI 4-speed automatic
    • 2.4L GEMA I4 DOHC 16V Dual VVT 6-speed automatic
  • SXT Plus: (2012)
  • R/T: (2007–2010, 2012–2013)
    • 3.5L EGF High Output V6 24V MPI 6-speed automatic
    • 3.6L Pentastar V6 DOHC 24V MPI 6-speed automatic
  • R/T AWD: (2007–2009)
    • 3.5L EGF High Output V6 24V MPI 6-speed automatic
  • Express: (2011)
    • 2.4L GEMA I4 DOHC 16V MPI 4-speed automatic
  • Mainstreet: (2011)
    • 2.4L GEMA I4 DOHC 16V MPI 6-speed automatic
  • Lux: (2011)
    • 2.4L GEMA I4 DOHC 16V MPI 6-speed automatic
    • 3.6L Pentastar V6 DOHC 24V MPI 6-speed automatic
  • Heat: (2011)

Total American sales

Calendar Year Sales
2007 83,804
2008 61,963
2009 38,922
2010 50,923
2011 64,023
2012 96,890
2013 93,842
2014 51,705


The 2008-2013 Avenger, also sold as the Chrysler Sebring from 2008-2010, and the Chrysler 200 from 2011-2013, receives an overall “Good” rating with no significant injuries. In the small overlap test, also conducted by the IIHS, the car received an overall “Acceptable” rating, due to marginal dummy kinematics and slight intrusion into the passenger compartment. In the side test, the Avenger earns a “Good” rating, however, rib fractures would be possible for the driver. In the roof strength evaluation, it earns a “Good” rating, as well as its head restraints and seats. The Avenger earned the “Top Safety Pick” award in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, and earned the “Top Safety Pick+” award for 2013.


Production of Dodge Avenger ended on December 20, 2013 as, with remaining 2014 model year vehicles produced in 1Q 2014. It was in export production for Canadian market until 1 July 2014, and sold in Canada as a 2014 model until stock depletion.

Chrysler plans to replace the Avenger with the newly-introduced 2015 Chrysler 200 starting mid-2014, and to lure the appropriate clientele range towards slightly more-price, but much more offering luxury sedan variant.


The first-generation Dodge Avenger body style was widely used in the National Hot Rod Association, but came to the most prominence being driven by Darrell Alderman, and Scott Geoffrion, during their run from 1994–2000, as the celebrated Dodge Boys. The car was also used for the 1994 and 1995 incarnations of the International Race of Champions. The second-generation Dodge Avenger was used in the 2007 NASCAR Nextel Cup Season as the Car of Tomorrow model from Dodge. In 2008, the Dodge CoT was changed back to the Charger.

Dodge B Series

Dodge B-Series
1948-53 Dodge B Series pickup truck, made 1948-53

Dodge B-Series, with a C-Series grille.
Manufacturer Chrysler
Model years 1948-1953
Assembly Los Angeles, California
Stockton, California
Warren, Michigan
Body and chassis
Class Full-size pickup truck
Body style 2-door pickup truck
Layout FR layout
Transmission 3-speed manual
Wheelbase 116 in (2,900 mm)
108 in (2,700 mm)
Successor Dodge C Series

Chrysler‘s Dodge division has used the B Series name on two different vehicles, a pickup truck and a van.

Pickup truck

1952 Dodge B-Series

 1952 Dodge B-Series

The B-series pickup trucks were sold from 1948-1953. They replaced the prewar Dodge Truck and were replaced by the Dodge C Series in 1954. The B Series trucks came in several different variants. The B1-B were ½ ton trucks standard with a 95 hp (71 kW) flathead-straight-six engine while the B1-C were ¾ ton trucks with a standard 108 hp (81 kW) flathead-straight 6 engine. It also came in several other variants such as the B1-T and B1-V which were semi-truck cabs and vans, respectively. A woodie version, the “Suburban”, was also available from outside companies.

1949 Dodge B-series woodie carryall

 1949 Dodge B-series woodie carryall

The B Series trucks featured a high-visibility “pilot-house” cab with optional rear quarter windows. The engine was shifted forward and the front axle moved back on the frame for better weight distribution as well as a shorter wheelbase, moving from 116 in (2,900 mm) to 108 in (2,700 mm). The cargo bed sides were made higher to increase capacity by 40%. The redesigned cab could seat three people, with 2.5 in (64 mm) more height, 6 in (150 mm) more width and 3 in (76 mm) additional in length. The cab was mounted on rubber mounts for an improved ride. Another innovation for the time was the use of cross-steering arrangement, giving the trucks a 37° turning radius. The cargo box space was increased over previous models and overload springs made optional on all variants to increase hauling capacity. In 1950, more new features were added as the 3-speed manualshift lever was relocated to the steering column instead of on the floor. A fluid drive standard transmission, with 3 or 4 speeds, became an available option. The front end and dashboard/gauge layout were redesigned for 1951.

1953 was the last year of the Pilot-house, but brought many new changes. The Truck-O-Matic transmission, a fully automatic transmission was available for ½ and ¾ton models. A longer 7 ft 6 in (2.29 m) bed became available, which would increase the wheelbase to 116 in (2,900 mm). And the new wide “step-style” rear fenders were added, which would continue to be used by Dodge up until the 1980s.


See also: Dodge Ram Van
1996 Dodge Ram Van Wagon

 1996 Dodge Ram Van Wagon

The B Series also refers to full-sized vans made by the Dodge division of Chrysler Corporation from 1970 (as early 1971 models) through 2003. During that time, they were originally numbered B100, B200, and B300; the numbers were later upped by 50 (B150, etc.) and finally multiplied by 10 (B1500, B2500, B3500) in the mid-1990s. The actual names were Dodge Sportsman, Dodge Tradesman, Dodge Van, at first; they later changed to Ram Van, Ram Wagon, and, briefly. There was also a Kary Van extended height model.

The cargo and passenger vans used the same frame and powerplants (both 6- and V8 engines), but the passenger vans had seats for up to 15 passengers (on the extended length, long-wheelbase Maxivans), dual air-conditioning systems (in later years), and large windows on both sides. The 15-passenger vans are today commonly used by military, commuters, church groups, scouts, urban camping, and some corporations. Throughout their run, two wheelbases were used: 109 in (2,800 mm) and 127 in (3,200 mm), with an extended length version based on the 127 in (3,200 mm) wheelbase. Engines ranged from the 198 in³ Slant Six (available only in 1970-71), to the 440 in³ V8 (only briefly available in the late 1970s), with factory compressed-natural-gas 318 in³ (5.2 L) engines available from around 1995 onwards, to fleet buyers only. A popular Kary Van (basically a factory-built cube van, instead of upfitted by an aftermarket company), which extended the cargo area height to 6 ft 2 in (1.88 m), was added in 1972. A sliding door was made optional in 1974; that same year, the original stamped aluminum grille was also replaced with a molded plastic part. A one-piece rear door and hard-service interior were made optional in 1975.

For many years, Dodge was the sales leader for vans, including conversions for tradespeople, ambulances, school buses, and campers, working with numerous upfitters to provide alternatives for customers. However, in 1979, the RV market crashed, and Dodge stopped making RV chassis; their van sales also dropped roughly in half. After that, upgrades to the “B-vans” came more slowly, especially as the vans’ utility was in some ways duplicated by the company’s own popular Plymouth Voyager and Dodge Caravan minivans.

In 1988, a 239 in³ (3.9 L) V6 originally developed for the Dodge Dakota mid-size pickup replaced the 225 in³ (3.7 L) Slant Six, and throttle body injection was given to the 318 V8. The 360 in³ (5.9 L) V8 gaining fuel injection and a roller camshaft in 1989. In 1990, rear wheel antilock brakes were made optional, along with a heavy-duty four-speed automatic transmission.

In 1992, the V6 and 5.2L V8 engines were fitted with sequential multiple-port fuel injection (SMPI) and a “barrel”-type intake manifold, which boosted power dramatically, and the outboard positions of the rear seat gained three-point belts. In the same year, compressed natural gas 5.2 L engines became optional for fleet buyers. The 5.9 L received the new intake and SMPI for 1993.

Numerous changes to the drivetrain, body, and suspension were made after 1993, as Dodge tried to make the vans more competitive, leading to a fairly sizeable redesign in 1998, which added numerous features, made the vans more driveable and safer, and added power to the 5.9 L V8 engine. More, and also substantial, changes were made for the 2000 model year, but little was changed from then until the final vans. Dodge stopped making the vans in June 2003, citing the expense of meeting future safety standards and slow sales. The Pillette Road plant in Windsor, Ontario which made the vans was closed down and later demolished.


1971 Dodge sportsman-van

1975 Dodge superior-ambulance

Dodge C Series

Dodge C Series
1957 Dodge pickup
Manufacturer Chrysler
Production 1954-1960
Assembly Warren, Michigan, United States
Los Angeles, California, United States (until 1955)
Body and chassis
Class Full-size pickup truck
Body style 2-door pickup
Layout FR layout
Engine 241 cu in (3.9 L) V8
315 cu in (5.2 L) V8
318 cu in (5.2 L) V8
331 cu in (5.4 L) V8
Transmission 3-speed automatic
2-speed automatic
Wheelbase 108 in (2,743 mm)
116 in (2,946 mm)
Predecessor Dodge B Series
Successor Dodge D Series

The C Series was a line of pickup trucks sold by Chrysler‘s Dodge division from 1954 to 1960. It replaced the Dodge B Series of trucks and was eventually supplanted by the Dodge D Series, introduced in 1961.

Unlike the B Series, which were closely related to Dodge’s prewar trucks, the C Series was a complete redesign. Dodge continued the “pilot house” tradition of high-visibility cabs with a wraparound windshield introduced in 1955. A two-speed “PowerFliteautomatic transmission was newly available that year.

Chrysler called the Hemi-powered Dodge trucks “Power Giant” in 1957, and introduced power steering and brakes, a three-speed automatic, and a 12-volt electrical system.

1957 Dodge Sweptline pickup truck

 1957 Dodge Sweptline pickup truck

A flat-sided (and thus wider) “Sweptline” cargo box came in 1959. The company also adopted the standard pickup truck numbering scheme, also used by Ford and GM at that time. Thus, the ½ ton Dodge was now called the D100. A traditional separate-fender body “Utiline” version was also built which had a GVWR of 9,000 lb (4,100 kg).

Engines (light-duty):

  • 1957-1960; Flathead I6, 120 hp (89 kW)
  • 1969; 241 in³ Red Ram V8, 133 hp (99 kW)
  • 1959; 331 in³ FirePower V8, 172 hp (128 kW)
  • 1957-1959; 315 in³ Red Ram V8, 204 hp (152 kW)
  • 1959; 318 in³ A-type V8, 200 hp (150 kW)

Medium-Duty/Heavy-Duty C Series

Main article: Dodge LCF Series

Since it still utilized the older cab design, the C Series name was continued for Dodge’s line of medium- and heavy-duty trucks (better known as the LCF Series) through the 1975 model year, long after most of Dodge’s other trucks had moved to the newer D Series designation.

External links

Dodge Caliber

Dodge Caliber
2007-09 Dodge Caliber RT
Manufacturer Dodge
Production August 2006–November 2011
Model years 2007–2012
Body and chassis
Class Compact car
Body style 5-door hatchback
Layout Transverse front-engine, front-wheel drive / all-wheel drive
Platform Chrysler PM/MK platform
Wheelbase 103.7 in (2,634 mm)
Length 173.8 in (4,415 mm)
Width 68.8 in (1,748 mm)
  • 60.4 in (1,534 mm)
  • SRT-4: 59.7 in (1,516 mm)
Curb weight 3,052 lb (1,384 kg)
Predecessor Dodge Neon
Successor Dodge Dart (PF)

The Dodge Caliber is a compact car that was produced by the Dodge division of Chrysler from model years 2007 to 2012. It replaced the Neon, which Chrysler had discontinued in 2005. The Caliber went on sale in March 2006 as a five-door hatchback; but with its appearance, it is sometimes considered a station wagon or a crossover. The Caliber was the smallest and the least expensive vehicle in the brand’s line-up until the 2013 Dodge Dart (PF) succeeded it.


The Caliber concept was revealed at the 2005 Geneva Motor Show and featured styling elements derivative of larger Dodge vehicles (notably Dodge Magnum), such as a crosshair grille, rough border angles, and flared fenders. The pre-production version showed some improvements over the concept model and has debuted on January 10, 2006 at the North American International Auto Show, with dealership availability starting in April.

The Caliber was built at the Belvidere Assembly (Illinois) plant, where its predecessor was produced. The Caliber was developed and released solely as a five-door hatchback during its run.

The Caliber was an important vehicle for Chrysler in its quest to expand globally. The Caliber was one of Dodge’s first modern offerings in Europe and in Asian markets such as Japan and Singapore, as it established new distribution channels there. It was also introduced in China in 2008 as Dodge’s second modern vehicle offering in that market. Dodge vehicles were last officially sold in China during the World War II era. The introduction of the Caliber had marked the return of the Dodge brand to Australia, for the first time since the early 1970s.

The Caliber in Japan joined the Chrysler PT Cruiser in 2007, as the PT Cruiser was offered since 2001, but as with previous Chrysler products sold in Japan, the width dimension exceeded Japanese Governmentdimension regulations, and Japanese consumers were liable for annual taxes for driving a larger car which affected sales. As Chrysler products were considered large to the Japanese market, Chrysler offered products that offered spacious interiors with four doors and one piece liftgates to broaden their appeal to the Japanese as a compromise for paying the annual tax for large vehicles.

The marketing plan for the first year of the Caliber’s production included 20% of the budget going towards online marketing, a blitz of print ads, and TV commercials.[4] The Caliber was a reasonable sales success despite various criticisms” as Dodge’s entry-level model.


The Dodge Caliber offers a continuously variable transmission (dubbed CVT2 by Dodge) sourced from Jatco (a Nissan subsidiary), the second DaimlerChrysler model to employ this technology after the Mercedes-Benz A-Class. It uses a four-cylinder 1.8-2.4 L World gasoline engine, designed jointly by Chrysler, Mitsubishi, and Hyundai.

The car features an optional electronically controlled all-wheel drive system with variable torque at speeds of 25 to 65 mph (40 to 105 km/h) for optimal handling.

The Caliber rides on a heavily modified GS platform, co-designed with Mitsubishi Motors. The modified GS platform is now called the JS platform by Chrysler for mid-size cars and PM/MK for compact cars. It shares a portion of the platform with the Mitsubishi Lancer, but is most similar to the Jeep Compass and Jeep Patriot. The Caliber wheels have a 5-hole pattern with a 114.3 mm bolt circle.


The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) gave the Caliber an overall Good score in frontal crash testing. The Dodge Caliber was standard with side curtain airbags, but torso side airbags were optional. The IIHS had scored the Caliber Marginal overall in their side impact test. However, that Caliber was not equipped with the optional torso side airbag.


Three models were available at the Caliber’s launch, with a fourth available in mid-2006.


Dodge Caliber SE

 Dodge Caliber SE (US)

The base SE model features front-wheel drive and a 1.8 L 148 hp (110 kW) World I4 attached to a Magna Drivetrain T355 5-speed manual transmission. A 2.0 L 158 hp (118 kW) version of the engine paired with the CVT2 transmission was available as an option.

The standard configuration for the SE lacks air conditioning, power windows, door locks, or mirrors. The grille surround is body-colored, while that of all other models is chromed. Canadian SXT and R/T models feature body color grilles instead of chrome grilles. The Caliber SE doesn’t have a tachometer or assist handles, 15 in (38 cm) steel wheels with wheel covers are standard. Some options were not available on the SE.

For 2011, this model was named Express, reverting to SE for 2012. For 2012, the CVT transmission option was dropped only for the SE, leaving the five-speed manual transmission as the only available transmission option for the SE. The CVT continued to be offered in the SXT and SXT Plus models for 2012.


Dodge Caliber 2.0 CRD SXT front Europe

 Dodge Caliber SXT (Europe)

The SXT has the same engine choices as the SE but many more features are available as standard. Air conditioning is standard equipment at this level, including the Chill Zone beverage cooler inside the front lower glove compartment. The gauge cluster gains a tachometer and an (optional) trip computer. The driver’s seat adds height adjustment, the passenger seat folds flat for load-carrying, and the rear seats recline. Power windows, locks, mirrors, and remote keyless entry are included. The grille is chromed and 17 in (43 cm) steel wheels are standard, with 17 in (43 cm) aluminum wheels as an option. The cargo area light includes a removable and rechargeable flashlight while the front dome light incorporates two reading lamps.

Dodge Caliber (Japan spec)

 Dodge Caliber (Japan spec)

Some Dodge publications mention a SXT Sport Wagon model, while others (e.g. the Dodge website) list a SXT “E” package with identical features. This consists of 17 in (43 cm) aluminum wheels, color-keyed cloth seat inserts, color-matched instrument panel trim, along with fog lamps.

The UK SXT Sport model has 18 in (46 cm) alloy wheels, color-keyed cloth seats and instrument panel, and a 9-speaker audio system as standard; early UK models did not have the chrome grille. The UK SXT Sport was available with a Volkswagen 2.0 L diesel engine mated to a six-speed manual transmission.

For 2011, the Heat, Uptown, and Mainstreet were three available trim levels of the Caliber, reverting to SXT and SXT Plus in 2012.


Dodge Caliber RT

 Dodge Caliber R/T

The R/T model has a 2.4 L 172 hp (128 kW) version of the World engine, equipped with the CVT2 transmission, and programmed with an ‘AutoStick’ feature giving six simulated fixed ratios in a clutchless manual mode in addition to the standard CVT ‘Drive’ mode. All-wheel-drive was an option on the R/T model until 2009, but with automatic transmission only. Eighteen-inch aluminum wheels were standard, while chromed versions were optional. At launch, the CVT2 with all-wheel drive was the only powertrain combination available for the R/T. A front-wheel drive variant with the T355 5-speed manual transmission commenced production in late summer 2006.ABS was standard, and the suspension and steering systems were tuned for performance.

Externally, the R/T is distinguishable by body-color/chrome door handles (replacing black on other models), a chrome side molding, chromed exhaust tip, and front fog lights as standard, as well as R/T badging.

Internally, the car came standard with color-keyed fabric seat inserts, while leather seats were an option as on the SXT. Color-keyed instrument panel trim was also standard, as well as a leather-wrapped steering wheel with audio controls and speed control, and a cargo area cover (all options on the SXT).

The R/T model was discontinued in 2010.


Dodge Caliber SRT4

 Dodge Caliber SRT4

The SRT4 model that was introduced at the Chicago Auto Show in February 2006, was a replacement for the original Neon-based SRT-4 produced by Chrysler’s Street and Racing Technology group.

It was a hatchback set to compete with the Volkswagen GTI and the Mazdaspeed3. It featured a 2.4 L DOHC 16V turbocharged I4 with dual variable valve timing (DVVT). The engine produces 285 hp (213 kW) at 6,400 rpm, and 265 lb·ft (359 N·m) of torque at 5,600 rpm using the Mitsubishi TD04HL4S-20 turbo. tested a Caliber SRT4 on a chassis dynamometer and obtained 281 hp (210 kW) and 261 lb·ft (354 N·m) of torque at the wheels. Edmunds called the manufacturer’s rating conservative; putting more power to the road than cars costing twice as much. This engine is mated to a Getrag six-speed manual transmission, and utilizes a front-wheel drive drivetrain. The Caliber SRT4 utilizes a MacPherson strut front suspension, and a multilink rear suspension. The SRT4 came with large 13.4 in (34 cm) vented front disc brakes (from the Dodge Charger Police Pack version) with dual-piston calipers and 11.9 in (30 cm) rear single-piston disc brakes. It also featured four-wheel ABS, with electronic assistance. The wheels are 19 in (48 cm), five-spoke, SRT-stamped, painted aluminum and equipped with Goodyear RSA 225/45R19 tires. Package options included polished aluminum wheels, Goodyear Eagle F1 Supercar tires, SIRIUS satellite radio with Kicker SRT livin’ loud audio, EVIC with performance pages, security alarm, and optional paint colors.

The SRT4 model of the Caliber was available through 2009.


Dodge Caliber SRT4 2,4L14 Engine 285hp

 Turbocharged 2.4 L I4 World Engine (285 hp) Dodge Caliber SRT-4
Model Year Engine type Power Torque Notes
SE, SXT 2007–2009 1.8 L World I4 148 bhp (110 kW) 125 lb·ft (169 N·m) 5-Speed Manual, FWD
2007–2011 2.0L World I4 158 bhp (118 kW) 141 lb·ft (191 N·m) CVT2 (2007–present), 5-Speed Manual (2010–2012), FWD
Diesel 2006–2007 2.0 L I4 turbo (from Volkswagen 140hp TDI BKD) 138 bhp (103 kW) 229 lb·ft (310 N·m) Europe & Australia only, FWD (without DPF)
Diesel 2008–2011 2.0 L I4 turbo (from Volkswagen 170hp TDI BMR) 168 bhp (125 kW) 229 lb·ft (310 N·m) Europe & Australia only, FWD (with DPF)
R/T 2007–2011 2.4 L World I4 172 bhp (128 kW) 165 lb·ft (224 N·m) AWD: CVT2 (2007–2008), FWD: CVT2/5-Speed manual (2007–2011)
SRT-4 2008–2009 2.4 L World I4 turbo (“Warhawk”) 285 bhp (213 kW) 265 lb·ft (359 N·m) 6-Speed Getrag Manual, FWD

Total U.S. sales.

Calendar Year Sales
2006 92,224
2007 101,079
2008 84,158
2009 36,098
2010 45,082
2011 35,049
2012 10,176
2013 45



For the 2009 model, the Caliber underwent a minor facelift. The plain plastic black-colored door handle available on base models were replaced by painted car-colored handles previously available only on R/T. In addition, the trunk lid was reduced in weight and simplified in opening. In the interior, all panels were made black instead of grey. The “DODGE” badge that was on top of the Ram logo at the middle was shifted to the left, while “CALIBER” badge was moved to the right from the left, both equal in font size. The car model title, previously indicated on the right, was moved to the bottom right of the gate lid.


The 2010 model year was unveiled at the 2009 Frankfurt Motor Show, featuring a refreshed interior design composed of metallic outlines and parts of glass to suppress the abundance of plastic materials on previous models, as well as the addition of an 8-way power drivers seat, heated mirrors, and an automatic climate control system previously available only on R/T. The dashboard also features the relocation of the glove box due to many customer complaints, which now occupies the spot over the radio panel and comprises a “push-open” lock instead of the previous “squeeze-and-pull” opening mechanism.

The 1.8 L engine was dropped from the SE and SXT models, and the SRT-4 model is discontinued. European market models receive a new 2.2 L diesel engine with 163 hp (122 kW) and 236-pound-force-foot (320 N·m) of torque that provides a combined city and highway fuel efficiency of 40.6 miles per US gallon (5.79 L/100 km; 48.8 mpg-imp).

For the North-American markets, the models were renamed and re branded, with SE becoming “Main Street”, SXT — “Heat” and R/T — “Rush”. Two more models were launched in 2010: a luxury all-included variant “Uptown” and a base variant “Express” in which the black plastic handles returned. “Express” was the only model not to feature the automatic climate control as an option, the “Main Street” featured speed control, anti-lock brake system and electronic stability control, which were previously unavailable as options for SE. All models except “Express” featured 17-inch wheels.


The 2011 model brought six new paint schemes, standard stability control except on Express models, Sirius traffic when equipped with a navigation system, 18-inch chrome-clad wheels available on Uptown models (17″ painted are standard), updated steering except on Express models, and new shocks and a thicker rear anti-roll bar on Rush and Heat models. The Caliber and the Nitro were the only two cars in the Dodge vehicle line-up to still feature the Ram logo on both fascia, rear and the steering wheel. The Dodge Nitro also featured driver and passenger’s floor mats. The logo was removed from the mats in Calibers with the 2009 model.


For the 2012 model year, the models were renamed back to SE, SXT, and SXT Plus. The Plus version includes all the SXT items and 18-inch aluminum wheels with performance tires, as well as a 6-way power adjustable driver seat.[15]


In October 2013, Top Gear magazine placed the Caliber on its list of “The 13 worst cars of the last 20 years”, describing the car as “Kind of like Kid Rock in car form, although marginally less annoying.”


The 2010 Caliber was the last model sold in Europe. The 2011 model ended production on November 23, 2011 in United States, with the remainder being sold as the 2012 model year Caliber in both U.S. and Canada. A successor called the Dart, based on the Alfa Romeo Giulietta‘s platform, went on sale in June 2012 as the compact vehicle in Dodge’s lineup.

Dodge Charger (B-body)

For the full series, see Dodge Charger.
Dodge Charger
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Production 1966–1978
Body and chassis
Class Mid-size
Body style 2-door coupe
Layout FR layout
Platform B-body
Successor Dodge Magnum

The Dodge Charger is a mid-size automobile produced by Chrysler. The 1966–1978 Chargers were on the Chrysler B platform.

Origin of the Dodge Charger

1965 Dodge Charger II Show Car

 1965 Dodge Charger II Show Car

During the early-1960s, automakers were exploring new ideas in the personal luxury and specialty car segments. Chrysler, fast to enter the specialty car market, selected their Dodge Division to enter the marketplace with a bigger model to fit between the “pony carFord Mustang and the “personal luxuryFord Thunderbird. The intention was to use the B-body for a sporty car with fastback look while sharing as much of their existing hardware as possible.

The fastback Charger was introduced in mid-season of the 1966 model year “in retaliation to the AMC Marlin, Ford Mustang, and Plymouth Barracuda“, but even though based on the existing Coronet, “it was style-wise a complete departure from the Dodge’s mainstream cars.” The 1965 Rambler Marlin, along with the Dodge Charger that arrived during the 1966 model year, were “the two cars set the standard for radical fastback design in American mid-size automobiles.” According to Richard M. Langworth, “because it was an intermediate like the Rambler Marlin, the Charger could have been an aesthetic disaster, but long side windows prevented its sweeping roof from looking too heavy.”

Burt Bouwkamp, Chief Engineer for Dodge during the 1960s and one of the men behind the Dodge Charger, related his experience during a speech in July 2004.

Lynn Townsend was at odds with the Dodge Dealers and wanted to do something to please them. So in 1965 he asked me to come to his office – for the second time. He noted that one of the Dodge Dealer Council requests was for a Barracuda type vehicle. The overall dealer product recommendation theme was the same – we want what Plymouth has. The specific request for a Mustang type vehicle was not as controversial to Lynn. His direction to me was to give them a specialty car but he said ‘for God’s sake don’t make it a derivative of the Barracuda‘: i.e. don’t make it a Barracuda competitor.
So the 1966 Charger was born.
“We built a Charger ‘idea’ car which we displayed at auto shows in 1965 to stimulate market interest in the concept. It was the approved design but we told the press and auto show attendees that it was just an “idea” and that we would build it if they liked it. It was pre-ordained that they would like it.”

First generation

First generation
Dodge Charger 383
Production 1966–1967
Assembly United States: Detroit, Michigan(1966)
Hamtramck, Michigan (1967)
Body and chassis
Related Dodge Coronet
Plymouth Belvedere
Plymouth Satellite
Plymouth GTX
Engine 318 cu in (5.2 L) 2bbl A V8 (1966)
318 cu in (5.2 L) 2bbl LA V8 (1967)
361 cu in (5.9 L) 2bbl B V8 (1966)
383 cu in (6.3 L) 2bbl B V8 (1967)
383 cu in (6.3 L) 4bbl B V8
426 cu in (7.0 L) 2×4bbl Hemi RB V8
440 cu in (7.2 L) 4bbl RB V8 (1967)
Transmission A230 3-speed manual
A833 4-speed manual
TorqueFlite 3-speed automatic
Wheelbase 117.0 in (2,970 mm)
Length 203.6 in (5,170 mm)
Width 75.8 in (1,930 mm)

A “mid-1966 surprise was Dodge’s Coronet-based Charger fastback.” Sharing its chassis and front-end sheet-metal with the mid-sized Dodge Coronet, the Charger “still looked a lot like a Coronet or AMC’s conceptually similar Rambler Marlin … [and] substantially more expensive than either. The Charger with a $3,100 base price “was immediately paired up in the automotive press with American Motors’ year-old Marlin, another fastback specialty machine that came in at around $2,850” and some called the Charger “a good-looking Marlin.”

The Charger’s interior was different from all other cars with its back seats that folded down and created a station wagon or camper usefulness. “The Charger didn’t begin with the performance/ muscle car image, though you could get a Hemi with it.” The Charger evolved into possibly the top Chrysler-made muscle car.

The 1966 and 1967 model years of the Charger are also the only Dodge cars that displayed the Fratzog Emblem on the grill as well as the trunk hatch.


On January 1, 1966, viewers of the Rose Bowl were first introduced to the new “Leader of the Dodge Rebellion”, the 1966 Charger. The Charger’s debut also followed by a half model year the introduction of a new street version of the 426 cu in (7.0 L) Chrysler Hemi engine. With the Charger, Dodge had a new model to build a performance image to go along with this engine.

Designed by Carl “CAM” Cameron, the Dodge Charger introduced a fastback roofline and a pot-metal “electric shaver” grille. The grille used fully rotating headlights (180 degree) that when opened or closed made the grille look like one-piece unit. Hidden headlamps were a feature not seen on a Chrysler product since the 1942 DeSoto. In the rear of the new Dodge, the fastback design ended over a full-width six-lamp taillight that featured chromed “CHARGER” lettering.

1966 Dodge Charger Dash

 1966 Charger instrument panel

Inside, the standard Charger featured a simulated wood-grain steering wheel, four individual bucket seats with a full length console from front to rear. The rear seats and rear center armrest pad also folded forward while the trunk divider dropped back, which allowed for generous cargo room. Numerous interior features were exclusive to the Charger including door panels, courtesy lights, as well as premium trim and vinyl upholstery. The instrument panel did not use regular bulbs to light the gauges, but rather electroluminescence lit the four chrome-ringed circular dash pods, needles, radio, shifter-position indicator in the console, as well as clock and air conditioning controls if equipped. The dash housed a 0 to 6000 rpm tachometer, a 0 to 150 mph (240 km/h) speedometer, as well as alternator, fuel, and temperature gauges as standard equipment.

Engine selections consisted of only V8s, though a straight-six engine became standard by 1968. 1966 transmissions included a three-speed steering-column mounted manual with the base engine, a console mounted four-speed manual, or three-speed automatic. In 1966, four engines were offered: the base-model 318 cu in (5.2 L) 2-barrel, the 361 cu in (5.9 L) 2-barrel, the 383 cu in (6.3 L) 4-barrel, and the new 426 Street Hemi. Only 468 Chargers were built with the 426.

Total production in 1966 came to 37,344 units for the mid-model year introduction.

1967 Dodge Charger Nascar Spoiler

 1967 Charger NASCAR Spoiler

In 1966, Dodge took the Charger into NASCAR in hopes that the fastback would make their car a winner on the high-banks. However the car proved difficult to handle on the faster tracks because its body generatedlift. Drivers would later claim that “it was like driving on ice.” To solve this problem Dodge installed a small lip spoiler on the trunk lid that improved traction at speeds above 150 mph (240 km/h). This was made a dealer-installed option in late-1966 and in 1967 because of NASCAR rules (with small quarter panel extensions in 1967). The 1966 Charger was the first U.S. production vehicle to offer a spoiler. David Pearson, driving a #6 Cotten Owens-prepared Charger, went on to win the NASCAR Grand National championship in 1966 with 14 first-place finishes.


The 1967 model year Charger received minor changes. Outside, new fender-mounted turn signals were introduced and this would serve as the main external identifier between a 1966 and 1967 Charger. A vinyl roof became available. Inside, the full length console was eliminated to satisfy customer complaints about the difficulty for entry and exit from the back seats. It was replaced with a regular sized console. Bucket seats were standard, but a folding armrest/seat and column shifter was an option allowing three people to sit up front.

The 440 “Magnum” was added and the 361 cu in (5.9 L) V8 was replaced by a 383 cu in (6.3 L) engine. The 440 was rated at 375 bhp (280 kW) with a single 4-barrel carburetor. The 318 two-barrel “LA” Chrysler LA engine was now the base engine with wedge-shaped combustion chambers, unlike the previous 1966 polyspherical (or “poly”) design, it was rated at 230 bhp (170 kW). The 383 4-barrel rated at 325 bhp (242 kW) and the 426 Street Hemi rated at 425 bhp (317 kW) remained as options. A mere 27 Chargers were built with the 426 engine.

Sales of the 1967 Chargers dropped to half of the previous introductory half-year with a total of 15,788 units. According to automotive historian Patrick Foster, both the AMC Marlin and the very similar looking first generation Dodge Charger “flopped on the market as sporty car buyers were showing their preference for compact pony cars.”

Second generation

Second generation
Dodge Charger RT (Gibeau_Orange_Julep)
Production 1968–1970
Assembly United States: Detroit, Michigan
Hamtramck, Michigan
Los Angeles, California
St. Louis, Missouri
Body and chassis
Related Dodge Coronet
Plymouth Belvedere
Plymouth Satellite
Plymouth GTX
Plymouth Road Runner
Engine 225 cu in (3.7 L) 1bbl I6 (1969-70)
318 cu in (5.2 L) 2bbl LA V8
383 cu in (6.3 L) 2bbl B V8
383 cu in (6.3 L) 4bbl B V8
426 cu in (7.0 L) Hemi 2×4bbl RB V8
440 cu in (7.2 L) 4bbl RB V8
440 cu in (7.2 L) 2×3 RB (1970)
Transmission A904 3-speed automatic
A727 3-speed automatic
A230 3-speed manual
A833 4-speed manual
Wheelbase 117 in (3,000 mm)
Length 208 in (5,300 mm) (1968)
207.9 in (5,280 mm) (1969-70)
Width 76.7 in (1,950 mm) (1968-69)
76.6 in (1,950 mm) (1970)
Height 53.2 in (1,350 mm) (1968-69)
53.0 in (1,350 mm) (1970)


The entire B-body lineup for 1968 was redesigned and the Charger was further differentiated from the Dodge Coronet models. Designer Richard Sias developed a double-diamond coke bottle profile with curves around the front fenders and rear quarter panels. Front and rear end sheet metal was designed by Harvey J. Winn. The rear end featured a “kick up” spoiler appearance, inspired by Group 7 racing vehicles. On the roof, a “flying buttress” was added to give the rear window area a look similar to that of the 1966-67 Pontiac GTO. The Charger retained its full-width hidden headlight grille, but a vacuum operated cover replaced the electric motor rotating headlights. The previous full-width taillights were replaced with dual circular units at the direction of Styling Vice President, Elwood P. Engel. Dual scallops were added to the doors and hood.

Inside, the interior was new with a conventional fixed rear seat replacing the folding bucket seat design. The conventional trunk area included a vinyl mat, rather than the previous model’s carpeted cargo area. The center console in the front remained, but there was no center armrest. The tachometer was now optional instead of standard and the electroluminescent gauges disappeared in favor of a conventional design.

The standard engine was the 318 cu in (5.2 L) 2-bbl V8, until it was replaced in mid-year with a 225 cu in (3.7 L) slant-six. The 383-2 and 383-4 remained unchanged. A new high-performance package was added, the R/T (“Road/Track” with no ‘and’ between Road and Track). The R/T came standard with the previous year’s 440 “Magnum” and the 426 Hemi was optional.

In 1968, Chrysler Corporation began an ad campaign featuring a cartoon bee with an engine on its back featuring models called the “Scat Pack”. The Coronet R/T, Super Bee, Dart GTS, and Charger R/T received bumble-bee stripes (two thin stripes framing two thick stripes). The stripes were standard on the R/Ts and came in red, white, or black, but could be deleted at no extra cost.

The 1968 model year Charger sales increased to 96,100, including over 17,000 Charger R/Ts.


1969 Dodge-Charger-1969-Front

 1969 Dodge Charger

There were two different 383 engines available in 1969: 2-barrel and 4-barrel. The 2-barrel was rated at 290 hp. The four barrel engine was rated at 330 hp and was identified by the “pie tin” on the air cleaner as “383 / FOUR BARREL”. The 330-hp engine was unique to the Charger model in 1969. While this engine was available with an un-silenced air cleaner option, it differed internally from the 335-hp 383 “Magnum”. In 1969 the B-series engines were all painted turquoise with the exception of the 383 four speed, 440 Magnum and 426 hemi which were painted Street Hemi Orange. The 335-hp 383 Magnum engines were also painted Street Hemi Orange. The 383 Magnum motor was used in Road Runners and Super Bees, but did not appear in a Charger body until 1971. Differences between the 330-hp 383 4-barrel and 335-hp 383 magnum were mostly internal. Both versions used the Carter AVS carb and the larger exhaust manifolds from the 440 magnum engines, but the magnum had a windage tray in the oil pan. The cams shaft profiles were different, as were the valve springs.

The 1969 model year brought few modifications. Exterior changes included a new grille with a center divider and new longitudinal taillights both designed by Harvey J. Winn. A new trim line called the Special Edition (SE) was added. This could be available by itself or together with the R/T, thus making an R/T-SE. The SE added leather inserts to the front seats only, chrome rocker moldings, a wood grain steering wheel, and wood grain inserts on the instrument panel. A sunroof was added to the option list, but was ordered on only 260 Chargers. The bumble bee stripes returned as well, but were changed slightly. Instead of four stripes, it now consisted of a wide stripe framed by two smaller stripes. In the middle of the stripe, an R/T cutout was placed. If the stripe was deleted, a metal R/T emblem was placed where the R/T cutout was. Total production was around 89,199 units.

1969 Dodge Charger R-T Dukes of Hazard Bo + Luke Duke

 Bo & Luke Duke popularized the 1969 Dodge Charger in The Dukes of Hazzard

The television series The Dukes of Hazzard (1979–1985) featured a 1969 Dodge Charger that was named The General Lee. “The General” sported the Confederate battle flag painted on the roof and the words “GENERAL LEE” over each door. The windows were always open, as the doors were welded shut. The number “01” is painted on both doors. Also, when the horn button was pressed, it played the first 12 notes from the de facto Confederate States anthem “Dixie“. The car performed spectacular jumps in almost every episode, and the show’s popularity produced consumer interest in the car.

Charger 500

Dodge Charger 500

 Dodge Charger 500

In 1968, the NASCAR inspired Charger R/T failed to beat the Ford cars (the Ford Torino Talladega and the Mercury Cyclone Spoiler II) on the high-banks oval-tracks. Wind tunnel tests showed the tunneled rear window caused lift and the gaping mouth induced drag. As a result, Dodge made the rear window flush with the rest of the roof and put a 1968 Coronet grille in the front.

The original Charger 500 prototype was a 1968 Charger R/T with a 426 Hemi and automatic transmission. The prototype was painted in B5 Blue with a white stripe, as well as a white interior. The Charger 500 was one of three models introduced in September 1968. Standard engine was the 440 Magnum, but factory literature claims the 426 Hemi was standard. The Charger 500 had the Torqueflite standard and the same equipment standard as the R/T.

A total of 500 Charger 500s were made, of which only 67 had the 426 Hemi engine; 27 with a 4-speed and 40 with an automatic transmission.

Charger Daytona

Main article: Dodge Charger Daytona
Dodge Charger Daytona

 Dodge Charger Daytona

Dodge was not satisfied with the results of the Charger 500. The car was not enough to beat the other aerocars on the NASCAR circuit. After months of research and development, including at the aftermarket shop, Creative Industries, the Dodge Charger Daytona was introduced on April 13, 1969. It quickly received over 1,000 orders.

Chrysler made many attempts at improving the aerodynamics of the 500 by adding noses rumored to be up to 23 in (580 mm) long. The Charger Daytona finally received an 18 in (460 mm) nose. The full size Charger Daytona was tested with an 18 in (460 mm) nose at the Lockheed-Martin Georgia facility. The test was a success and the project was greenlighted. The nose piece was only part of the innovation. The Charger Daytona also received a 23 in (580 mm) tall wing in rear. This wing was bolted through the rear quarter panels and into the rear subframe. Although proven to be less effective than shorter wing designs, the tall wing was considered necessary to avoid interfering with operation of the trunk lid. The tall wing also helped out in an unintended way, by giving the car directional stability due to its deeply splinted sides.

The Charger Daytona engineering model was tested on the Chelsea, Michigan Chrysler Proving Grounds on July 20, 1969. Driven by Charlie Glotzbach and Buddy Baker, it was clocked at 205 mph (330 km/h) with a small 4-bbl. carb. The Charger Daytona’s nose made 1,200 pounds of downforce and the wing made 600 pounds of downforce. The Dodge styling department wanted to make changes to the Charger Daytona as soon as they saw it, but was told by Bob McCurry to back off; he wanted function over finesse.

The Charger Daytona introduced to the public had a fiberglass nose without real headlamps and a wing without streamlined fairings. The media and public loved the car, but were mystified by the reverse scoops on the front fenders. The PR representatives claimed it was for tire clearance. Actually, they reduced drag 3%.

The Charger Daytona came standard with the 440 Magnum Engine with 375 hp (280 kW) and 480 lb·ft (650 N·m) of torque, A727 Torqueflite Automatic Transmission, and a 3.23 489 Case 8 3/4 Chrysler Differential. Optional was the 426 Hemi with 425 hp (317 kW) and 490 lb·ft (660 N·m). The 426 Hemi was also available with the no cost option of the A833 4-Speed Manual. Only 503 Charger Daytonas were built, 433 were 440 Magnum 139 4-Speed and 294 Torqueflite; 70 were 426 Hemi power, 22 4-Speed and 48 Torqueflite.

In the end, the Daytona was brought down by the decision to make the 1970 Plymouth Superbird the only Chrysler winged car for the model year. While Daytonas were raced through the 1970 season, only one Daytona was raced until 1971 (in the 1971 Daytona 500) when NASCAR decreed that engine displacement of wing cars would be limited to 305 cu in (5.0 L). That particular car, driven by Dick Brooks finished in seventh place.


1970 Dodge Charger

 1970 Dodge Charger

In 1970, the Charger was changed slightly. This would be the last year of the 2nd generation Charger and featured a large wraparound chrome bumper and the grille was no longer divided in the middle. New electric headlight doors replaced the old vacuum style. The taillights were similar to those used in 69, but 500 and R/T models came with a new more attractive taillight panel. On the R/T, new rear-facing scoops with the R/T logo were mounted on the front doors, over the door scallops. A new 440 or HEMI hood cutout made the option list for this year only.

Dodge painted the hood scallop inserts black and put the silver engine callouts on top. New “High Impact” colors were given names, such as Top Banana, Panther Pink, Sublime, Burnt Orange, Go Mango and Plum Crazy (sometimes nicknamed “Statutory Grape”). The 500 returned for another year, but as a regular production Charger.

Interior changes included new high-back bucket seats, the door panels were also revised and the map pockets were now optional instead of standard. The ignition was moved from the dash to the steering column (as with all Chrysler products this year), and the glove box was now hinged at the bottom instead of the top as in 1968-69. The SE “Special Edition” trim option added luxury features and was available in as the 500 SE and R/T SE models. The all new pistol grip shifter was introduced, along with a bench seat, a first for the Charger since its debut.

A new engine option made the Charger’s list for the first time, the 440 Six Pack. With three two-barrel carburetors and a rating of 390 hp (290 kW), it was one of the most exotic setups since the cross-ram Max Wedge engines of the early 1960s. The Six Pack was previously used on the mid-year 1969 Dodge Super Bee and Plymouth Road Runner. Despite this new engine, production slipped again to 46,576 mainly due to the new E-body Dodge Challenger pony car, as well as rapidly increasing automobile insurance rates. In the 1970 NASCAR season, the 1970 Charger had ten wins, more than any other car, including the 1969 Dodge Charger Daytonas and Plymouth Superbirds, thus giving Bobby Isaac the Grand National Championship.

Third generation

Third generation
1971 Dodge Charger

1971 Dodge Charger
Production 1971–1974
Body and chassis
  • 225 cu in (3.7 L) I6
  • 318 cu in (5.2 L) V8
  • 340 cu in (5.6 L) V8
  • 360 cu in (5.9 L) V8
  • 400 cu in (6.6 L) V8
  • 426 cu in (7.0 L) V8
  • 440 cu in (7.2 L) V8
Wheelbase 115.0 in (2,921 mm)
Length 205.0 in (5,207 mm)
Height 53.0 in (1,346 mm)


The 1971 model year introduced a new third generation Charger that was characterized by a new split grille and more rounded “fuselage” bodystyle. The interiors were like those of the E-body and were now shared by the Plymouth B-body, the Plymouth Satellite Sebring and Road Runner. The hidden headlights were now optional. A rear spoiler and a “Ramcharger” hood were new options. This hood featured a pop-up scoop mounted above the air cleaner controlled by a vacuum switch under the dash. On Plymouth Road Runners it was called the “Air Grabber” hood, and it was previously used on the Coronet R/T and Super Bee.

Dodge also merged its Coronet and Charger lines. From 1971, all four-door B-bodies were badged as Coronets and all two-door B-bodies as Chargers. Thus for one year only, the Charger Super Bee became part of the Charger lineup. From 1971 to 1974, Charger models used the Coronet’s VIN prefix of “W”.

The Dodge Super Bee made the move from the Coronet line to the Charger line for 1971 only, after which this model was discontinued. Several other models were carried over from 1970, including the 500, R/T, and SE. Sales of the R/T declined due in part to higher insurance costs. A total of 63 Hemi versions were built, and 2,659 were built with other engines that year. Increasing insurance rates, combined with higher gasoline prices, reduced sales of most muscle cars and 1971 was the last year of availability for the 426 Hemi “Elephant engine” in any car. The 1971 model year was the last for the 440 Six-Pack engine (although some early Dodge literature (August 1971 press) stated that this engine was available for 1972. However, a few factory installed six-pack Chargers and 6BBl Road Runners were built early in the production run). In the Super Bee’s final year, the 340 became a $44 option over the standard, low-compression 383 .

The “Hi-Impact” colors were discontinued after the 1971 model year; with a 1971-only “Citron Yella”.

1972 Dodge Charger

 1972 Dodge Charger


The 1972 Charger introduced a new “Rallye” option to replace the R/T version. The SE was differentiated from other 1972 Chargers by a unique formal roof treatment and hidden headlights. The 383 engine was replaced with a lower compression 4-barrel 400, while the 440 engine were still available, rated at net 280 hp (209 kW; 284 PS) rating instead of the previous 350 hp (261 kW; 355 PS) gross values. The ratings went down as the net horsepower measure was more realistic. Also beginning in 1972, all engines featured hardened valve seats to permit the use of regular leaded or unleaded gasoline rather than leaded premium fuel as in past years due to tighter emissions regulations. Though the 440+6 (designating a triple 2-barrel carb setup and 310 bhp (231 kW; 314 PS) was listed in the early 1972 sales literature, it was found in the August 1971 testing that this engine would not meet the new and more stringent 1972 emissions laws. The low-compression 4-barrel 440 Magnum 280 hp (209 kW; 284 PS) with a 4-barrel carburetor became the top engine, and the optional Pistol-Grip 4-speed Hurst manual shifter could be coupled to the 340, 400, and 440 Magnum engines. The Ramcharger hood scoop was discontinued, as well as elimination of optional lower geared performance rear axle ratios and extra heavy duty suspensions. It was also the final year for the Dana 60 differential, and was available only in combination with the 440/4 speed, heavy duty suspension, and the 3.54:1 rear axle ratio.

The only remaining “Hi-Impact” color choices were “Hemi Orange” (EV2) and “Top Banana” (FY1), the latter was available under different names through 1974.


1973 Dodge Charger

 1973 Dodge Charger
1973 Dodge Charger SE Opera Window

 Unusual triple opera window on 1973 Dodge Charger SE

For 1973, the Chargers received new sheet metal (though at first glance only the rear roof “C-Pillars” looked different) and were in fact longer, wider, and slightly taller than the 1971-72 cars. Also new were vertically slatted taillights and new grills. Hidden headlights were dropped, even as an option. The 318 was still standard, with the 340 (available only on the Rallye), 360 (2-barrel only), 400 (low power 2-barrel/single exhaust and high performance 4-barrel/dual exhaust) and 440 remaining as options. The SE models had a new roof treatment that had a “triple opera window” surrounded by a canopy-style vinyl roof. All other models had a new quarter window treatment, discontinuing its AMC Gremlin-style window in favor of a more conventional design. Total sales this year were around 108,000 units, the highest ever for the 1971-74 Charger generation, though more than 60 percent of the cars had the non-high performance engines. The 1973 Chargers, and all Chrysler products, were equipped with 5 mph bumpers, front and rear.


1974 Dodge Charger

 1974 Dodge Charger

The 1974 model year saw only minor changes that included new color choices, a softer grain pattern on interior surfaces, and a slight increase in the size of the rubber bumper tips. The 340 option was dropped and the 360 4-bbl replaced the 340 as the small block performance engine. All other engine options remained the same. Several performance rear end ratios, including a 3.23 “Sure Grip” rear end were still available. A four speed transmission was still an option except with the 440 engine. Emphasis now turned to luxury instead of performance with higher sales for the SE model. The Charger, was no longer considered a performance model as it turned into a personal luxury car. The muscle car era came to a close, and the 1974 Dodge Charger would be the final year. The 1974 also came with a 360 cu in (5.9 L) 2-bbl V8, with a K in the fifth symbol in the vehicle identification number.

The 1971-74 Chargers were campaigned in NASCAR, with Buddy Baker, Bobby Isaac, Dave Marcis, and Richard Petty scoring several wins. Richard Petty won 25 races with this body style between 1972 and 1977 as NASCAR allowed the Chargers to run a few years longer than normal, as Chrysler did not have anything else to replace it. A 1974 bodied Charger driven by Neil Bonnett scored Dodge’s last NASCAR victory (until 2001) at the December 1977 Los Angeles Times 500. Richard Petty has proclaimed this body style as his favorite car that he ran during his career.

Fourth generation


Fourth generation
1975 Dodge Charger
Production 1975–1978
Assembly United States: Detroit, Michigan
Hamtramck, Michigan
St. Louis, Missouri
Body and chassis
Related Dodge Coronet
Chrysler Cordoba
Plymouth GTX
Plymouth Fury
Engine 318 cu in (5.2 L) V8
360 cu in (5.9 L) V8
400 cu in (6.6 L) V8
Transmission 3-speed automatic
3-speed manual
4-speed manual
Wheelbase 115.0 in (2,921 mm)
Length 216.0 in (5,486 mm)
Height 52.0 in (1,321 mm)
Dodge Charger half open

 Dodge Charger

In 1975, the Dodge Charger and Chrysler Cordoba shared the same all new body based on the B platform. The Chrysler Cordoba had replaced the Plymouth Satellite Sebring. The Charger SE (Special Edition) was the only model offered. It came with a wide variety engines from the 318 cu in (5.2 L) “LA” series small block V8 to the 400 cu in (6.6 L) big block V8. The standard engine was the 360 cu in (5.9 L) small block. Sales in 1975 amounted to 30,812. Because of the extreme squareness of the bodystyle, NASCAR teams were forced to rely on the previous years (1974) sheetmetal for race-spec cars. In order for Dodge to be represented, NASCAR allowed the 1974 sheetmetal to be used until January 1978, when the new Dodge Magnum was ready for race use. In 1976 a Dodge Charger was one of two NASCAR stock cars to compete in the 24hrs at LeMans, having been modified with head-lamps, tail-lamps and windshield wipers. It was driven by Herschel and Doug McGriff and sponsored by Olympia Beer, earning the nickname “Oly Express”.


In 1976, the model range was expanded to four models; base, Charger Sport, Charger SE and the Charger Daytona. The base and Sport models used a different body than the SE and Daytona, and were essentially a rebadging of what had been the 1975 Dodge Coronet 2-door models — and available with a 225 cu in (3.7 L) Slant Six, which was not offered on the SE and Daytona. The Charger Daytona was introduced as an appearance package with either the 360 or 400 engine. Sales increased slightly to 65,900 units in 1976.


In 1977, the base Charger and Charger Sport were dropped as this body style became part of the newly named B-body Monaco line, and only the Charger SE and Charger Daytona were offered. Sales dropped to 36,204.


In 1978, its final year as a B-Body, only 2,735 Chargers were produced. Charger sold in the same market segment as the Magnum that also was a B-body car.

Dodge Colt

For the 1992 and later Dodge/Plymouth Colt wagons, see Mitsubishi RVR.
Dodge Colt
1993-94 Dodge Colt
Manufacturer Mitsubishi Motors
Also called Plymouth Champ
Plymouth Colt
Eagle Summit
Plymouth Cricket
Model years 1971–1994
Assembly Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan
Body and chassis
Class Compact (1971–1979)
Subcompact (1979–1994)
Successor Dodge/Plymouth Neon
Eagle Summit (For sedan, U.S. only)

The Dodge Colt and the similar Plymouth Champ and Plymouth Colt, were subcompact cars sold by Dodge and Plymouth from 1970 (MY1971) to 1994. They were captive imports from Mitsubishi Motors, initially twins of the rear-wheel drive Galant and Lancer families before shifting to the smaller front-wheel drive Mitsubishi Mirage subcompacts in 1979. With the 1994 introduction of the Dodge/Plymouth Neon, Chrysler felt no need to continue selling captive imports under these badges, although the Eagle Summit (also a Mirage clone) continued to be available until 1996.

First generation

First generation
Also called Mitsubishi Colt Galant
Mitsubishi Galant
Plymouth Cricket (CDN)
Production 1971–1973
Body and chassis
Body style 2-door coupe
2-door hardtop (pillarless coupe)
4-door sedan
5-door station wagon
Layout FR layout
Engine 1.6 L 4G32 I4
Wheelbase 2,420 mm (95 in)
1973 Dodge(Mazda) Colt HT Coupe

 1973 Dodge Colt HT Coupe

Introduced in 1970 as model year 71, the first generation Dodge Colt was a federalized first generation Mitsubishi Colt Galant. Available as a two-door pillared coupe, two-door hardtop, 4-door sedan, and 5-door wagon, the Colt had a 1,597 cc (97.5 cu in) four-cylinder engine. The unibody layout was traditional, front engine and rear-wheel drive withMacPherson struts in front and a live rear axle. Standard transmission was a four-speed manual, with a three-speed automatic being an option. The engine initially produced 100 hp, but this dropped to 83 in 1972 when stricter emissions standards took effect. For 1973 a sporty GT hardtop coupe was added, featuring rally stripes, sport wheels and a center console amongst other features. The Dodge Colt was originally intended to be Chrysler’s answer to the AMC Gremlin, Ford Pinto and Chevrolet Vega but because it came from Mitsubishi and was not a true Chrysler product, the first Colts actually competed more directly with Japanese imports, such as the Toyota Corolla and Datsun 510.

Second generation

Second generation
1974-77 Dodge Colt coupé.
Also called Mitsubishi Galant
Chrysler Galant/Valiant Galant (AUS)
Plymouth Colt (CDN)
Plymouth Cricket (CDN)
Production 1974–1977
Body and chassis
Body style
Layout FR layout
Wheelbase 2,420 mm (95 in)
1978 Dodge Colt wagon

 Lightly modified Dodge Colt wagon with post-1975 larger bumpers

Based on the underpinnings of the first generation model, Galant sedans and coupes received a new, somewhat rounder body in 1973, while wagons continued with the old body and new nose. The new version, with single headlights rather than the doubles of the previous generation, became the 1974 Dodge Colt in the US, available in the same bodystyles as the first one. The base engine also remained the same, but a larger G52B “Astron” engine became optionally available (standard in the GT coupe). This one developed 96 hp at 5,500 rpm. Ratings varied from 79-83 hp for the smaller one and 89-96 hp for the larger engine in different publications.

A four-speed manual or three-speed automatic remained available, but for 1977 a five-speed became available (standard in the GT and Carousel coupes). The Carousel, introduced in 1975 along with larger bumpers, was more luxurious and carried a blue and white paintjob. For 1977, the “Silent Shaft” version of the smaller engine became available, and was fitted as standard equipment in GT and Carousels. The introduction of the new Dodge Colt “Mileage Maker” meant there was a mix of second and third generation models in 1977. Second generation 2-door hardtops and wagons continued alongside 2- and 4-door “Mileage Makers”. The wagon was also available with an “Estate” package, including wood grain applique and adjustable reclining seats.

Third generation

1978 Plymouth Colt (Canada)
1978 Plymouth Colt
Front view
1978 Plymouth Colt-rear
Rear view
Third generation “Mileage Maker”
1977-78 Dodge Colt Mileage Maker 6M21 or 6H21 model. Mitsubishi Lancer-based.
Also called Mitsubishi Lancer
Plymouth Colt
Production 1977–1979
Body and chassis
Body style 2-door coupe
4-door sedan
Layout FR layout
Engine 1.6 L 4G32 I4
Wheelbase 2,340 mm (92 in)
Third generation wagon
Also called Mitsubishi Galant Sigma
Chrysler Sigma
Mitsubishi Sigma, Colt Sigma
Production 1978–1981
Body and chassis
Body style 5-door station wagon
Layout FR layout
Related Mitsubishi Galant Lambda
Dodge Challenger
Wheelbase 2,515 mm (99 in)

The third generation Dodge Colt was effectively made up of two lines: coupes and sedans were of a smaller, Lancer-based series, while the Wagons were based on the new Mitsubishi Galant Sigma. In late 1976, for the 1977 model year, the smaller A70-series Mitsubishi Lancer became the Dodge Colt, with two-door coupe and four-door sedan bodies. While the wheelbase was only slightly shorter than that of the second generation Colt, overall length was down from 171.1 to 162.6 inches (4,346 to 4,130 mm). The new Colt was also referred to as the Dodge Colt “Mileage Maker” to mark it as different from its larger predecessor. Second generation Coupe and Wagon versions remained for the 1977 model year.

The engine was the familiar 4G32 iteration of Mitsubishi’s Saturn engine family, of 1,597 cc and still with 83 hp at 5,500 rpm. A “Silent Shaft” (balance shaft) version of this engine along with a five-speed manual transmission (instead of the standard four speeds) were part of a “Freeway Cruise” package, which also included a maroon/white paintjob. For ’78 power dropped to 77 hp with the introduction of the “MCA-Jet” high-swirl system.

For 1978 a new, larger Dodge Colt Wagon arrived, a rebadged Mitsubishi Galant Sigma. It came with the same 1.6-litre MCA-Jet four as the smaller sedans and coupes, but a 2.6-litre, 105 hp (78 kW) Astron engine was an option. While the last year for the Lancer-based Colts was 1979, the wagon lingered on alongside the front-wheel drive Mirage-based fourth generation until 1981 when it was effectively replaced by the domestic Dodge Aries K wagon.

Fourth generation

Fourth generation
1979-82 Plymouth Champ- Dodge Colt
Also called Mitsubishi Mirage/Colt
Mitsubishi Lancer Fiore
Plymouth Colt
Plymouth Champ
Production 1978–1984
Body and chassis
Body style 3-door hatchback
5-door hatchback
Layout FF layout
Engine 1.4 L 4G12 I4
1.6 L 4G32 I4
1.6 L 4G32T turbo I4

From late-1978 for model year 1979, the Dodge Colt and Plymouth Champ nameplates were applied to the front-wheel-drive Mitsubishi Mirage imports into North America. The Colt and Champ (Plymouth Colt after 1982) was a 3-door hatchback, and came in Standard or Custom equipment levels. These imports used a 70 hp Mitsubishi Orion 4G33 1.4-liter overhead-cam, four-cylinder engine at first, which received the highestUnited States Environmental Protection Agency fuel economy rating in its debut year. This engine was joined by the 1.6-liter 4G32 Saturn engine (80 hp) at the end of the year. There were three manual transmissions and one automatic transmission available. There was a KM110 four-speed manual transmission, or a novel “Twin Stick” (Mitsubishi Super Shift) version of the transmission that used a two-speed transfer case to give 8 forward and 2 reverse speeds. There was also the option of a KM119 five-speed manual transmission or a TorqueFlite three-speed automatic transmission.

Colt US Sales[5]
Year 3-door 5-door
1979 60,521
1980 83,711
1981 84,144
1982 52,355 22,675
1983 46,479 27,192
1984 44,724 19,657

For 1982 a five-door hatchback joined the lineup. The names of the equipment levels changed to “E” and “DL”. At some point claimed power dropped to 64 and 72 hp respectively for the small and large engines, while the 1.6 was only available with the automatic transmission. In August 1983, for the 1984 model year (which was to be the last year of this model of Colt), the GTS Turbo model arrived along with a naturally aspirated GTS package. Unique for North America – the turbocharged Colt/Mirages sold elsewhere had a 1.4-litre engine – this used the fuel-injected 1.6-litre 4G32T engine also seen in the next-generation Colt, providing 102 hp (76 kW) at 5500 rpm and considerable performance. It, too, featured the eight speed Twin Stick transmission and also received ventilated brakes in front. Both GTS models, available with three-door bodywork only, received a larger 13.2 US gal (50 L) gas tank rather than the E and DL’s 10.6 US gal (40 L) tank.[9] They also featured a sporty appearance with uprated suspension, blacked out trim details, and a sizable front air dam.

Fifth generation

For the Dodge/Plymouth Colt Vista, see Mitsubishi Chariot.
Fifth generation
1987-88 Dodge-Plymouth-Mitsubishi Colt

1987-1988 Dodge Colt three-door
Also called Mitsubishi Mirage
Mitsubishi Colt
Mitsubishi Lancer
Eagle Vista (CDN)
Plymouth Colt
Production 1984–1988
Body and chassis
Body style
Layout Front engine, front-wheel drive /four-wheel drive
Transmission 3-speed automatic
4/5-speed manual
Wheelbase 93.7 in (2,380 mm)
Length Hatch: 157.3 in (3,995 mm)
Sedan: 157.3 in (3,995 mm)
Width 63.8 in (1,621 mm)
Height 50.8 in (1,290 mm)
1985 Dodge Colt E5-dr hatch, front

 1985 Dodge Colt E five-door (US)

In 1984, the fifth generation Dodge/Plymouth Colt appeared (model year 1985). A carbureted 68 hp 1468 cc four was the base engine, while the upscale Premier four-door sedan and GTS Turbo models received the 4G32BT turbocharged 1.6-litre already seen in the last model year of the previous Colts. A first for FWD Colts was the availability of a three-box sedan body, though this was no longer available after 1986. From 1988 (and lasting until 1991), this car was also marketed as the Eagle Vista in Canada. There was also a five-door minivan/station wagon called the Dodge/Plymouth “Colt Vista”; this was simply a rebadged Mitsubishi Chariot.

Early cars have small rectangular headlights in black inserts, while later models received more aerodynamic, flush-fitting units. The lowest priced model was the “E” (for Economy), followed by the “DL” and topped by the turbocharged (but shortlived) Premier and GTS Turbo.

The Colt Wagon, while never available with the turbocharged engine, did receive a more powerful 1,755 cc engine in the four-wheel-drive version. Unlike the FWD version, the DL 4×4 was not available with an automatic transmission. While the Hatchback Colts were replaced for 1989, the Colt Wagon continued to be available until the 1991 introduction of the Mitsubishi RVR-based Colt Wagon, which also replaced the Colt Vista. This car was also marketed as the Eagle Vista Wagon in Canada.

Sixth generation

Sixth generation
Also called Mitsubishi Mirage/Lancer
Plymouth Colt
Eagle Summit
Production 1989–1992
Assembly Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan(Hatchback)
Normal, Illinois (Sedans)
Body and chassis
Body style 3-door hatchback
4-door sedan
Layout FF layout
Engine 1.5 L 4G15 I4
1.6 L 4G61 I4
1.6 L 4G61T turbo I4
Transmission 3-speed automatic
4-speed manual
5-speed manual
Wheelbase 93.9 in (2,385 mm)
Length 158.7 in (4,031 mm)
Width 65.5 in (1,664 mm)
Height 52.0 in (1,321 mm)

In 1989, the Eagle Summit joined the array of nameplates describing the Mitsubishi Mirage.

Since the demise of the Dodge Omni/Plymouth Horizon in 1990, the Colt was the only subcompact in the Dodge and Plymouth lineups. The Colt sedan was not sold in the United States for the sixth generation (though it was sold in Canada), as it would be replaced by the Dodge Shadow/Plymouth Sundance liftbacks in the Dodge/Plymouth lineup for 1989. In Canada only the Eagle Vista, a carryover model that replaced the Colt sedan continued when the Colt underwent a redesign. The sedan bodywork was available to American consumers as an Eagle Summit however, and the Dodge/Plymouth Colt sedans returned for 1993-94 as a variant of the next generation Eagle Summit. The Dodge/Plymouth Colt, Eagle Summit, and Mitsubishi Mirage of this generation used a 1.5 or 1.6-litre inline-four engine.

A model powered by the 1.6-litre 4G61T 135 hp (101 kW) turbocharged four-cylinder was produced for the 1989 model year only. There are a rumored 1500 of these special editions to have been produced. The engine was only offered in the Mirage and the Colt GT Turbo, which were distinguished by their ground effects and spoilers (although these parts were also available for a price as add-ons to other model ranges) and by their extra features not normally found on base model ranges such as power seats, power windows, power locks, and power mirrors, special colored interior and seats, as well as a 150 mph/9000 rpm gauge cluster. The Turbo Colt/Mirage Turbo was one of Car and Driver magazine’s Ten Best for 1989. A naturally aspirated version of this engine was available for the following years Colt GT, with power down to 113 hp.

Dodge Plymouth-Colt-Rear 6th gen

 Sixth generation Plymouth Colt 3-door

Power of the 1.5-litre 4G15 was up to 82 hp (61 kW) thanks to multi-point fuel injection. Top speed was 160 km/h (99 mph).

The Colt Wagon was redesigned in 1991, now based on the RVR, and continued in production until the 1996 model year.

Seventh generation

Seventh generation
1993-'94 Plymouth Colt Sedan
Also called Mitsubishi Mirage
Eagle Summit
Plymouth Colt
Production 1993–1994
Body and chassis
Body style 2-door coupe
4-door sedan
3-door van (see Mitsubishi RVR)
Layout FF layout
Related Mitsubishi Lancer
Engine 1.5 L 4G15 I4
1.8 L 4G93 16V I4
Transmission 5-speed manual
3/4-speed automatic
Wheelbase Sedan: 98.4 in (2,499 mm)
Coupe: 96.1 in (2,441 mm)
Length Sedan: 174.0 in (4,420 mm)
Coupe: 171.1 in (4,346 mm)
Width Base: 66.1 in (1,679 mm)
ES: 66.5 in (1,689 mm)
Height Sedan: 51.4 in (1,306 mm)
Coupe: 51.6 in (1,311 mm)
1993-'94 Plymouth Colt GL Coupe

 Plymouth Colt GL coupe

The seventh generation of the Colt was the same as Plymouth’s version, and also the same as the Eagle Summit. As usual, they were all simply badge-engineered versions of the Mitsubishi Mirage/Lancer. The two-door coupe bodystyle was unique to the North American market, where hatchbacks are generally unpopular and space is rarely a concern. There was no hatchback version of the seventh generation Dodge/Plymouth Colt. Originally available in Base and GL versions, the ES (with supposedly more sporting intentions) was added later.

1.5 and 1.8 litre four-cylinder engines were used, with the larger engine originally only available to four-door Colts. While the sporting variants offered in the sixth generation were not renewed, the two-door ES was available with the more powerful sixteen-valve SOHC 1.8 for the 1994 model year. The smaller engine has 92 hp (69 kW) while the larger version has 113 hp (84 kW). The previous Colt Wagon (Mitsubishi RVR) continued to be sold until 1996, while the Dodge Colt was replaced by the new Neon after the 1994 model year.


Not unlike the related Mirage, the Colt and other similar vehicles were well utilized in rallying, both in the United States and abroad. The Colt was the most widely utilized of these variants, appearing in events through the 1970s and 1980s. A Colt was run to a third-place finish in the first ever Sno*Drift rally in 1973, and repeated the feat the following year, as well as a third time in 1982.

Related versions

The Plymouth Cricket nameplate was used (in addition to Dodge Colt) on Galants sold in Canada between mid-1973 and 1975, after Chrysler stopped using the Plymouth Cricket name for a rebadged Hillman Avenger-based model sourced from the United Kingdom (and sold across North America between 1971 and 1973).

The Plymouth Arrow was offered from 1976 to 1980 as a rebadged version of the Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste, not to be confused with the rebadged Mitsubishi truck sold as the Plymouth Arrow starting in 1979.

  • Coronet (1949–1959, 1965–1976)

Dodge Coronet

Dodge Coronet
Dodge Coronet 500
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Production 1949–1976
Body and chassis
Class Full-size (1949–1959)
Mid-size (1965–1976)
Layout FR layout
Successor Dodge Monaco (Downsized)

The Coronet was a full-size car from Dodge in the 1950s, initially the division’s highest trim line but, starting in 1955, the lowest trim line. In the 1960s, the name was transferred to Dodge’s mid-size entry.

First generation (1949–1952)

1949 Dodge Coronet station wagon

 1949 Dodge Coronet station wagon
First generation
1949 Dodge Coronet 15
Production 1949–1952
Body and chassis
Body style 2-door coupe
2-door hardtop
4-door sedan
4-door limousine (8 passenger)
4-door station wagon
Engine 230 cu in (3.8 L) 103hp I6
Transmission “Gyromatic or Fluid drive”
Wheelbase 123.5 in (3,137 mm)
Length 203.6 in (5,171 mm) (1949)
202.8 in (5,151 mm) (1950)
Width 74″


The Dodge Coronet was introduced with the division’s first postwar body styles. Lower trim lines were the Wayfarer and Meadowbrook. The only engine for Dodge was a 230-cubic-inch (3,800 cc) flat-head straight six cylinder engine with a single barrel Stromberg carburetor, producing 103 horsepower (77 kW) (gross). The stock Dodge Coronet was a smooth running car, and the six-cylinder engine could power the car to 90 miles per hour (140 km/h)+ . A limited production model was a four-door, eight passenger limousine, an extended version of the stock Dodge Coronet. One of the most notable features of the first-generation Coronet was a three-speed, fluid-driven transmission that was operated by a foot pedal on the floor. It required no shifter. It had full instrumentation.


Dodge received a facelift for 1950 but like the 1949 models were still divided into Wayfarer, Meadowbrook and Coronet lines. The 1950 models can be identified easily by the new grille design which featured 3 heavy horizontal bars. The upper and lower bars formed a stylish oblong shape. Within this oblong grille was a thick center bar with parking lights on each end and a large chrome plaque in the center bearing the Dodge crest. The 8-passenger sedan’s length was 216.8 inches.


1951 Dodge Coronet coupe

 1951 Dodge Coronet coupe
1952 Dodge Coronet

 1952 Dodge Coronet

Dodge received yet another facelift in 1951 but this time the cars remained virtually unchanged for two model years. Busy manufacturing military vehicles for use in Korea, they chose not to dedicate valuable resources to completely redesign civilian vehicles. Still divided into Wayfarer, Meadowbrook and Coronet lines through 1952, by 1953 the Wayfarer line had been discontinued. The grille of the 1951–52 model was similar in shape to the 1950 grille, but with the elimination of the thick vertical center bar and the addition of six vents running horizontally between the top and center bars, a whole new look was achieved. The Coronet Diplomat was Dodge’s first hardtop-convertible, featuring a pillarless steel roof styled after the contemporary Chrysler Newport. The speedometer was now circular, and the other four gauges were rectangles.

Second generation (1953–1954)

Second generation
1954 Dodge Coronet after hurricane catrina New orleans
Model years 1953–1954
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
2-door coupe
Engine 241 cu in (3.9 L) V8
230 cu in (3.8 L) I6
Transmission 3-speed manual
Gyrol fluid Drive
Gyro-Torque Drive
Wheelbase 119 in (3,023 mm)
Length 201.4 in (5,116 mm)


For 1953, the Coronet was totally redesigned. It gained an optional 241 cu in (3.9 L) “Red Ram” Hemi Engine and set over 100 land speed records at the Bonneville Salt Flats. The windshield became one-piece. Electric windshield wipers were standard, while the radio cost $83.


The Dodge Royal line was added above the Coronet in 1954. Dodge was putting more luxury into all of its models which included the Meadowbrook, Coronet and new Royal lines. Still, styling changes for 1954 were modest. The chrome molding on the hood lip was wider than on the 1953 models and a large chrome upright in the center of the grille replaced the five vertical dividers used previously. It still came with full instrumentation. 1954 saw Chrysler’s first fully automatic transmission, two-speed PowerFlite, offered as an extra-cost option on all Dodges.

Third generation (1955–1956)

See also 1955 Dodge
1956 Dodge Coronet Lancer

 1956 Dodge Coronet Lancer
1956 Dodge Coronet coupe

 1956 Dodge Coronet coupe

The 1955 Coronet dropped to the lower end of the Dodge vehicle lineup, with the Wayfarer and Meadowbrook names no longer used and the Dodge Custom Royal added above the Dodge Royal, Dodge Lancer,Dodge La Femme . Bodies were restyled with help from newly hired Virgil Exner to be lower, wider, and longer than the lumpy prewar style, which in turn generated a healthy boost in sales over 1954. Power came from either a 230 cu in (3.8 L) Chrysler Flathead engine straight-6, now producing 123 hp (92 kW) Two v8 were offered 270 cu in (4.4 L) Polyspheric (poly or semi-hemi) heads V8 175 hp (130 kW) and Hemi engine 315 cu in (5.2 L) (the “Hemi“) Power windows were new. Wheelbase was 120 inches. They were 212.1 inches long. A number of trim lines were available:

1956 (:See also Plymouth Fury) was the last year of this body style before the change in 1957, the only differences offered in 1956 from ’55 were trim packages and the new Dodge D-500. The D-500 was the first Dodge factory high performance made in honor of the (D-500-1) “Super Stock” model with the only external clues being discreet crossed checkered flags and “500” lettering on its hood and lower rear deck it was also available for order from the dealer on Coronet models, including station wagons and two-door sedans. The standard D-500 trim included a 315 cid V8 with hemispherical heads (unlike other Dodge V8s ( List of Chrysler engines) which used Polyspheric heads), a unique camshaft, valve lifters, pushrods, carburetor, ignition, and pistons. With a compression ratio of 9.25:1, four-barrel Carter WCFB carburetor, and dual-point distribution, peak horsepower was 260 bhp (190 kW) while torque was a solid 330 lb·ft (450 N·m). The D-500 also received an upgraded suspension with very stiff front coil springs; heavy duty Oriflow shock absorbers, with the same valving specified for Dodge police cars, were mounted in the springs. Similar units were used in the rear. Overall height of the D-500 was 1.5 inches (38 mm) lower than its standard Dodge counterpart. The D-500 came standard with 15×5.5 inch wheels with 7.60×15 inch tubeless tires. New for safety were safety door locks. The D-500-1 (the first 500 made required by NASCAR, was intended for NASCAR competition. The D-500-1 had an even stiffer suspension than the D-500. Under the hood, the engine received larger valves (about 18% larger), a full-race camshaft, and a double log intake manifold that used two four-barrel Carter WCFB carburetors and a shaved deck for 8.25:1 compression. This all added up to 285 bhp (213 kW). It was the fastest car that year from the factory.

Fourth generation (1957–1959)

See also 1957 Dodge
1958 Dodge Coronet coupe

 1958 Dodge Coronet coupe
1959 Dodge Coronet coupe

 1959 Dodge Coronet coupe

1957 saw the debut of the new D-501, which replaced the D-500 from the year before as the top Coronet. The D-501 received Chrysler’s proven 354 cid Hemi V8, which were actually left over engines from the 1956 Chrysler 300B production. Camshafts from the 1957 Chrysler 392 cid engines were installed in the 354 V8s for added kick. Topped with a pair of Carter four barrel carbs and sporting a 10.0:1 compression ratio, the new engine put out 340 bhp (250 kW). Other changes included the addition of the Torsion-Aire Ride (torsion bar) front suspension and a heavy duty suspension with heavy duty shock absorbers and a heavy duty leaf sprung rear. A 3.73:1 rear axle was standard with the three-speed manual transmission, but automatic cars received a 3.18:1 rear axle. There were 13 optional rear axles available, ranging from 2.92:1 through 6.17:1. The D-501 received 7.60×15 tires wrapped around 15×8 inch wheels. Brakes were impressive 12-inch (300 mm) diameter drums. Only 101 D-501s were produced. A padded dash was optional.

The 1958 and 1959 Coronet, Royal, and Custom Royal used a DeSoto chassis but had less ornate trim. Power came from the 230 cu in (3.8 L) “Getaway” L-head straight-6 or the 325 cu in (5.3 L) “Red Ram” V8. In 1959 a Silver Challenger model was also offered on the Coronet line. This was a six-cylinder or V-8 model available only in silver paint and only on a two-door body. It came with many extra features at no cost, such as wall-to-wall deep pile carpeting, premium white wall tires and wheel covers, luxury fabrics and upgraded interior and electric windshield wipers. The car grew to 217.4 inches long.

The Dodge Custom Royal was also assembled by Chrysler Australia from early 1958 to 1960.

Fifth generation (1965–1970)

Fifth generation
1967 Dodge Coronet
Production 1965–1970
Assembly Highland Park, Michigan, United States
Los Angeles Assembly, Maywood, California
Body and chassis
Body style 2-door coupe
2-door hardtop
2-door convertible
4-door sedan
4-door station wagon
Platform B-body
Related Plymouth Belvedere
Plymouth Savoy
Dodge Charger
Plymouth GTX
Plymouth Road Runner
Engine 225 cu in (3.7 L) Slant-6 I6
273 cu in (4.5 L) LA V8
318 cu in (5.2 L) A V8
318 cu in (5.2 L) LA V8
361 cu in (5.9 L) B V8
383 cu in (6.3 L) B “Magnum” V8
426 cu in (7.0 L) Hemi V8
440 cu in (7.2 L) RB “Magnum” V8
Transmission 3-speed manual
4-speed manual
3-speed automatic
Wheelbase 116.0 in (2,946 mm)
Wagon: 117.0 in (2,972 mm)
Length 209.7 in (5,326 mm)


After brief absence, the Coronet name was attached to the former full-size models in 1965 to become Dodge’s intermediate-sized car. The 1965 models were basically refreshed Dodge Polaras in the same B-body style offered in 1963 and 1964, riding on a 117 wheelbase. For 1965, Dodge sold slightly over 209,000 units, making the Coronet the most popular model sold by Dodge that year. Trim levels initially were base Coronet including a Deluxe version, Coronet 440 and Coronet 500. The base Coronet and Deluxe were available as two-door sedans, four-door sedans and station wagons. For 1965 only, Dodge also sold only 101 units of a modified wheelbase version of the base Coronet two-door sedan and 440 hardtop used for NHRA drag racing. The model known as A990 came with a racing version of the 426 Hemi engine. The car A990 was stripped of all features and included base bucket seats from Dodge’s truck-van line of vehicles. The altered wheelbase eventually became commonly known as Funny Cars because of their stretched front clips. Front seat belts and padded dash were standard. The middle of the Coronet line-up was the 440 and was available as a two-door hardtop, convertible or station wagon. The 440 designation did not indicate engine displacement as commonly assumed. The nomenclature was a carryover theme from the 1963–64 Polara series. The top of the Coronet line-up was the Coronet 500 and was available only as a two-door hardtop or convertible in 1965. Slightly over 33,300 units were sold in 1965 and included as standard, a V8 engine (273 cubic inches), exterior trim and badging, bucket seats, padded dash and chrome floor console. Coronets were manufactured at Chrysler’s Los Angeles assembly plant and at Lynch Road assembly plant in Detroit. Engines offered for 1965 included the base 225 Slant-Six, 273, 318 (Polyhead), 361 (the last year for this big block engine was 1966), 383 and 426 in multiple HP choices. Sales brochures list the 413 (its last year offered) as available, but no records exist of this engine commonly used in Imperials, being installed in Coronets for 1965. A tachometer was optional.

There would be no Coronet 500 wagon until 1968. Coronet received a redesign in 1966, and a facelift in 1967. Trim levels initially were base Coronet, Coronet 440 and Coronet 500. In 1966, the Coronet Deluxe was introduced, fitting between the base Coronet and the Coronet 440. The Coronet R/T was introduced in 1967. The Coronet R/T was available as a two-door hardtop or convertible. Standard engine was Chrysler’s largest, the 440-cid V-8, it was tweaked to 375 bhp and christened the Magnum. The only engine option was the 426-cid Hemi, now in its second year in “Street” trim and again rated at 425 bhp. It added $908. Transmission choices were Mopar’s excellent heavy-duty three-speed TorqueFlite automatic or a four-speed manual.

When the 426ci Hemi was made available to the general public for the 1966 model year, it could be ordered in any Coronet model or trim level. No Hemi-powered Coronet wagons have been verified, but a few Coronet Deluxe four-door sedans are known to exist. A total of just 136 Coronet 500 Street Hemis were built for 1966. Beginning in 1967, Chrysler decided that the Hemi should be available only in their badged muscle cars: the Dodge Charger and Coronet R/T and the Plymouth Belvedere GTX. The top engine option for the rest of the Coronet line was supposed to be the 383 ci 4 bbl V8. Despite this, some Hemi-powered 1967 Coronet Deluxe two-door sedans were produced. There is also one Hemi-powered 1967 Coronet 440 two-door hardtop known, and One Hemi-powered 1967 Coronet 500 two-door hardtop known, which is not among the 55 WO23 Super Stock cars produced for Dodge drag racers.


The Coronet and similar Plymouth Belvedere received complete redesigns in 1968, as did the Dodge Charger, which shared the B-body platform. There was a mild facelift in 1970. Trim levels initially included the base Coronet, Coronet Deluxe, Coronet 440, Coronet 500 and Coronet R/T. The Coronet Super Bee was introduced in early 1968 as a companion to the Plymouth Road Runner. In keeping with Dodge’s position as a step above Plymouth, the Super Bee shared the Charger’s Rallye instrument cluster and the Coronet 440’s rear finish panel.

As in 1967, the 440ci RB V8 was only available in the Coronet R/T in 1968. The 426ci Hemi V8 was supposed to be limited to the R/T and Super Bee, but two 1968 Coronet 440s are known to have been built with this engine.

In mid-1969, the A12 package was introduced on the Super Bee. It included a 390 hp (291 kW) version of the 440 with three 2bbl Holley carburetors on an aluminum intake manifold, a black fiberglass lift-off hood secured with metal pins, heavy-duty suspension and 15″ steel wheels with no hubcaps or wheel covers. The hood had an integrated forward-facing scoop which sealed to the air cleaner assembly and bore a decal on each side with the words “SIX PACK” in red letters, “Six Pack” being the name used for the 6-bbl induction setup when installed on a Dodge (Plymouth went with “440 6bbl” on the A12 Road Runners). The A12 Super Bee could be had with most Super Bee options, with the exception of air conditioning and tire-wheel packages. The A12 option was a 1969-only package, but the 440 6bbl returned in 1970 as an optional engine on both the Super Bee and the Coronet R/T.

The base Coronet and Deluxe were available as 2-door coupes, 4-door sedans or station wagons. The base Coronet was dropped in 1969, leaving the Deluxe as the lowest trim level through 1970.

The Coronet 440 convertible was dropped for 1968, but a 2-door coupe was added along with the 2-door hardtop, 4-door sedan and station wagon. This would remain the lineup through 1970.

Coronet 500 retained its 2-door hardtop, convertible and 4-door sedan through 1970. A Coronet 500 station wagon made its debut in 1968, continuing through 1970. Simulated woodgrain trim was standard on the Coronet 500 wagon.

The Coronet R/T 2-door hardtop and convertible continued through 1970.

The Super Bee was only available as a 2-door coupe or 2-door hardtop. Chrysler did display a convertible with Super Bee stripes at car shows in 1968, but never offered it as a production model. Some enthusiasts have created “phantom” Super Bee convertibles by adding the appropriate trim and stripes to Coronet 500 convertibles.

1969 Dodge Coronet Super Bee

 1969 Dodge Coronet Super Bee

The Dodge Super Bee was a limited production muscle car from Dodge division produced from 1968–1971. The original Super Bee was based on the Dodge Coronet, a 2-door model only and was produced from 1968–1970. It was Dodge’s low-priced muscle car, the equivalent to Plymouth Road Runner, and was priced at $3,027. Available with Hemi engine, this option increased by 33%, only 125 models were sold with this engine option. The Super Bee included a heavy-duty suspension, an optional Mopar A-833 four-speed manual transmission, with high performance tires, and a stripe (with the bee logo) wrapped around the tail. The name “Super Bee” was derived from the “B” Body designation given Chrysler’s midsized cars which included the Coronet.

1968 Dodge Coronet 500

 1968 Dodge Coronet 500
1970 Dodge Coronet Super Bee

 1970 Dodge Coronet Super Bee

A “six-pack” (three two-barrel carburetors) version of the 440 engine was added to the list mid-year. This engine was between the standard engine and the Hemi as a $463 option. The 1969 model year gave customers several engines to choose from, the base 383 hp (high performance), 440 six pack, and the 426 Hemi V8. The 440 Magnum (4bbl) was not available as an option, it was reserved for the Coronet R/T.

In 1970, the Super Bee was given a different front end look that consisted of a dual ovaled grill that was referred to as “bumble bee wings”, this new look turned off many buyers. Despite the new looks, the engines, as well as the “ramcharger” hood (that carried over from 1969 model), sales plummeted for the 1970 model. In 1970, Dodge also produced four Super Bee convertibles; the whereabouts of the four cars are unknown.

Sixth generation (1971–1974)

Sixth generation
Dodge Coronet Custom
Production 1971–1974
Assembly Highland Park, Michigan, United States
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door sedan
4-door station wagon
Related Plymouth Belvedere
Plymouth Savoy
Dodge Charger
Plymouth GTX
Plymouth Road Runner
Engine 225 cu in (3.7 L) Slant-6 I6
318 cu in (5.2 L) 318 LA V8
383 cu in (6.3 L) B “Magnum” V8
400 cu in (6.6 L) B V8
440 cu in (7.2 L) RB “Magnum” V8
Transmission 3-speed manual
3-speed automatic
Wheelbase 118.0 in (2,997 mm)
Length Sedan: 207.0 in (5,258 mm)
Wagon: 213.4 in (5,420 mm)
Width Sedan: 77.7 in (1,974 mm)
Wagon: 56.4 in (1,433 mm)
Height Sedan: 53.7 in (1,364 mm)
Wagon: 63.4 in (1,610 mm)


The new Coronet was a twin of the four-door Plymouth Satellite and featured more flowing styling. It was offered only as a sedan and station wagon, the related and also restyled Dodge Charger covering the coupe market. Slight alterations of the front grille, headlights, and taillights followed in 1972. Sales of the Coronet were fairly low from this point onwards, with around 80–90,000 produced each year through 1973 (compared with 196,242 as recently as 1968), due both to the fuel crisis and to a proliferation of Dodge and Plymouth models, and the growing effect of overlap with the other Chrysler Corporation brands.


In addition to the usual changes in grille, lights, and interior, Dodge introduced its “TorsionQuiet” system of additional silencers and rubber vibration insulators, providing a much smoother ride and a quieter interior.


The front and rear fascias were redesigned, most notably the rear bumper, which met the 1974 DOT requirements. The sedan bodystyle would be the basis of the later Coronets (and its twin, the Plymouth Fury) until the 1978 model year.

Seventh generation (1975–1976)

Seventh generation
1975 Dodge Coronet Crestwood station wagon
Production 1975–1976
Assembly Highland Park, Michigan, United States
Body and chassis
Body style 2-door coupe
4-door sedan
4-door station wagon
Engine 225 cu in (3.7 L) Slant-6 I6
318 cu in (5.2 L) LA V8
360 cu in (5.9 L) LA V8
400 cu in (6.6 L) B V8
Transmission 3-speed manual
3-speed automatic
Wheelbase Sedan & Wagon: 118.0 in (2,997 mm)
Coupe: 115.0 in (2,921 mm)
Length Sedan: 217.9 in (5,535 mm)
Coupe: 213.8 in (5,431 mm)
Wagon: 225.6 in (5,730 mm)
Width Sedan: 77.7 in (1,974 mm)
Coupe: 77.4 in (1,966 mm)
Wagon: 79.2 in (2,012 mm)
Height Sedan: 53.9 in (1,369 mm)
Coupe: 52.6 in (1,336 mm)
Wagon: 56.5 in (1,435 mm)

1942 dodge-custom-series-club-coupe-d-22-1942

1942 dodge-custom-series-club-coupe-d-22-1942

Ashland Oregon

1946 Dodge Custom

Dodge Custom 880

1964 Dodge 880 four-door sedan
 1964 Dodge 880 four-door sedan

The Dodge Custom 880 was an automobile sold under the Chrysler Corporation‘s Dodge brand from 1962 through the end of the 1965 model year. It was brought to market quickly to remedy Dodge’s vulnerability in the mid-price fullsize field, as well as to help fill the void in Chrysler’s lineup left by the discontinuation of DeSoto in 1961.


Dodge Custom 880
Model years 1962–1965
Engine 361CID 265 hp (198 kW) 265hp OHV V8
Transmission 3-speed manual
3-speed Torqueflite automatic
Wheelbase 122 in (3,099 mm)
Length 213.5 in (5,423 mm)

The Custom 880 was a quick solution to consumer demand for a full-size Dodge passenger car during the 1962 model year.

The 1962 Dodges introduced in the fall of 1961 had their origins in a rumor heard by a Chrysler executive that Chevrolet was planning to downsize their full-sized automobiles for the 1962 model year. Not wanting Chrysler to play catch-up, and wanting to beat Chevrolet at its own game, Plymouth and Dodge designs were placed in an emergency downsizing program that took the previously approved full-size designs and shrank them to smaller vehicles that would compete head-to-head with the rumored smaller Chevrolet.

But to Chrysler’s shock and dismay, Chevrolet’s 1962 full-size lineup emerged slightly larger than the 1961 models, with the mid-range Chevrolet Bel Air (on a 119 in (3,000 mm) wheelbase) growing a .5 in (13 mm) longer in its body, although the car weighed 45 lb (20 kg) less than its 1961 predecessor. The rumored “small Chevrolet” turned out to be the new Chevy II compact, which was intended to bolster Chevy’s position where the Corvair had faltered in that segment of the market.

The “full-size” Dodge Polara and Dart that emerged for 1962 were built on a 3 in (76 mm) shorter (116 in (2,900 mm)) wheelbase and were 7 in (180 mm) shorter overall than the comparable Chevrolet, placing Dodge in the precarious position with consumers of not offering a true full-sized automobile. Ford also brought their new intermediate- or mid-size Fairlane and Mercury Meteor to market for 1962 with a 115 in (2,900 mm) wheelbase. They were roughly the same size as the new standard-size Dodges, which made the new Mopars intermediates by default.

Compounding the size issue were the designs themselves, which did not translate well from their full-size origins to what amounted to intermediate size. In the rush to shrink the cars, the proposed curved side glass was deleted in favor of flat glass, which blunted the effect of the graceful curve of the body sides. They also reduced the total glass area, which made the cars look smaller as well.

An unpopular design for second year in a row — the 1961 models had awkward-looking “reversed” tailfins and a pinched grille, among other unusual features — combined with the cars’ smaller overall size, threatened Dodge’s viability enough that Chrysler was forced to move immediately to stem Dodge’s financial and market share losses.


Without lead time sufficient to develop an all new full-sized Dodge, Chrysler approved the sharing of the full-size body used by the Chrysler Newport and the non-letter 300 series. The models were differentiated by mating a modified 1961 Dodge Polara front clip to the Newport’s definned rear quarter panels and passenger compartment. This body sharing allowed Dodge to launch the car in January 1962.

The only visible cue at the front of the car that was different from the 1961 Dodge was the addition of Dodge’s new three-pointed “Fratzog” emblem in place of the stylized star bar from the 1961 Polara. From the rear, the 1962 Custom 880 was identical to the Chrysler Newport except for Dodge badging.

The model name Custom 880 was derived from Dodge’s numerical sub-model naming structure that was also used on the Dart and sportier models of the Polara, although the model designation was not physically present on the car. Only “Dodge” badges on the rear quarter panels and decklid of the car were applied. A six-way power seat was optional.

For the short 1962 run, the Custom 880 was available as a four-door sedan, two- or four-door hardtop, a two-door convertible, and a choice of six- or nine-passenger station wagons which featured Chrysler’s hardtop styling.

Despite its late arrival, the Custom 880 proved to be a success. A total of 17,500 vehicles were produced, earning sales that Dodge would have otherwise lost.


For 1963, the Custom 880 returned with a full offering of body styles, and a new base model, simply named the 880. Chrysler-branded cars were redesigned for 1963, leaving the 880’s body unique to Dodge, although the car was still produced alongside the now totally different Chrysler.

In what must have been near-record time, Dodge designers created an entirely new look for the car ahead of the cowl, fronted by a new convex grille in the shape of a very long oval. Straighter front fenders flanked a hood with a depressed central section featuring the Dodge name in block letters above the grille. Designers cleverly integrated the new Chrysler’s front bumper into the design as well.

At the rear there was less change, although the car received restyled taillights. Set in heavy chromed housings, they were mounted to the carryover quarter panels and imparted a Dodge familial appearance to the rear, as one of Dodge’s styling hallmarks of the time was round taillights.

The new base-model 880 station wagons utilized the pillared body in both six and nine passenger models, while the Custom-series wagons featured the pillarless hardtop design. With Chrysler no longer using the body and its interior trim elements, Custom 880s were better appointed than they had been during the 1962 model year.

A total of 28,200 vehicles were produced for 1963, of which 5,600 were station wagons.


The 880 and Custom 880 received their most significant and final redesign of the 1960 body for 1964. This time, the rear body contours were squared up somewhat, with new decklids, wraparound rectangular taillights, and new quarter panels. Four-door models received a new roofline, although this was actually the same as had been used on the Chrysler New Yorker until 1962. Regardless, it did impart a fresh appearance. The grille was also updated, this time featuring a concave design with a central horizontal break spanning the distance between the headlights.

Custom 880s received stainless steel rocker panel trim, foam-padded seats, and a grooved stainless steel panel that spanned the distance between the taillights. The Customs, as the top of the 880 line, also received better interior appointments than the base models.

Because of tooling expenses, station wagon bodies — which were also shared with Chrysler models — did not receive all of the changes applied to non-wagon models. Most notably, wagons continued to feature the heavy rear horizontal blade stamping first seen on the 1961 Plymouth wagons. The station wagons continued in both pillared (880) and hardtop (Custom 880) models, although this would be the final year for the hardtop wagon — Dodge and Chrysler being the last American automotive brands to offer the style. Station wagons also received rectangular taillights that wrapped around the sides of the vehicle.

All 880s and Custom 880s received a revised instrument cluster layout, replacing the previous design which had been in use with little change since 1961. An oil pressure gauge was standard. Front leg room was 41.9 inches.

The 880 and Custom 880 received favorable press reviews, especially for their redesign. Evidently, the public also agreed, as they bought 31,800 vehicles, a record for the model.


Dodge Custom 880 1965
Layout FR
Transmission 3-speed manual
4-speed manual
Wheelbase 121″
Length 212.3″
Width 79″

1965 marked the first time that Elwood Engel‘s influence on Chrysler’s corporate overall design themes was fully expressed, although he had joined the company in 1961. Gone were the relatively extreme curves and angles that were a legacy from the final Virgil Exner-styled cars. Engel’s design philosophy, which was encouraged by Chrysler chairman Lynn Townsend, took Chrysler’s products in the direction of rectilinear geometric angles; rectangular and trapezoidal shapes dominated Dodge’s fullsize designs for the year.

The introductions of the 1965 models also allowed Chrysler to rectify its 1962 mistake and reintroduced a full-sized Dodge Polara to the public. The “new” Polara took the position formerly held by the 880, with the Custom 880 taking the top trim level. The sporty new Dodge Monaco, which was available only as a two-door hardtop, was the top-of-the-line model produced by Dodge in 1965 and was designed to compete against the Pontiac Grand Prix. An AM/FM radio and a 7-position tilt steering wheel were optional.

All big Dodges, 880, Monaco, and Polara, now featured the same body and styling. Gone was the 1961 Chrysler design. All Custom 880s came with the standard features found in the Polara and added foam-padded seats and stainless steel window frames on station wagons and sedans. Hardtops and convertibles featured all-vinyl interiors. Custom 880s also featured a pillared six-window “town sedan” body that was unavailable in the Polara series. The series also featured the first Dodge-brand “wood” trimmed station wagon since the early 1950s, a look achieved through the use of Di-Noc appliqué framed in stainless steel trim. A total of 23,700 Custom 880s, all with V8 engines, were built during the model year.

End of the line

Dodge discontinued the Custom 880 nameplate at the end of the 1965 model year in the United States. In an effort to move its top full-size series upscale for 1966, the division adopted the Monaco name for all of the former Custom 880 models, with the exception of the six-window sedan, which was discontinued. The original Monaco hardtop added the 500 label for ’66, and was still promoted as a competitor to the Pontiac Grand Prix.

Production figures

Combined Dodge 880 and Custom 880 annual production figures rounded to the nearest 100:

  • 1962, 17,500
  • 1963, 28,200
  • 1964, 31,800
  • 1965, 23,700
  • Total: 101,200

Dodge Custom Royal

Dodge Custom Royal
1957 Dodge Custom Royal 4-Door Sedan

1957 Dodge Custom Royal 4-Door Sedan
Manufacturer Dodge
Production 1955–1959
Body and chassis
Class Full-size
Body style 4-door sedan
2-door hardtop
4-door hardtop
2-door convertible
Layout FR layout
Successor Dodge Polara

The Dodge Custom Royal is an automobile which was produced by the Dodge division of the Chrysler Corporation in the United States for the 1955 through 1959 model years. In each of these years the Custom Royal was the top trim level of the Dodge line, above the mid level Dodge Royal and the base level Dodge Coronet.

Australian production

The Custom Royal was assembled by Chrysler Australia at its Mile End plant in South Australia from early 1958 utilizing CKD kits imported from Detroit. It was offered only as a four-door sedan.

Dodge D Series

Dodge D Series
Dodge D100
Manufacturer Chrysler
Also called Dodge Ram (1981–1993)
Dodge W-Series (4×4 models)
Dodge Power Ram (4×4 models from 1981–1993)
Production 1961–1993
Assembly Warren, Michigan, United States
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Body and chassis
Class Full-size pickup truck
Body style 2-door truck
4-door truck
Layout Front engine, rear-wheel drive /four-wheel drive
Platform Chrysler AD platform
Predecessor Dodge C Series
Successor Dodge Ram (newer platforms have “D” prefixed in its identity)

The D Series was a line of pickup trucks sold by the Dodge division of American automaker Chrysler from 1961 to 1980. After 1980, the trucks were renamed the Dodge Ram and the same basic design was retained until the 1994 introduction of a completely redesigned Ram. The D Series shared its AD platform with the Dodge Ramcharger/Plymouth Trailduster twins.


First generation
1961 Dodge D-100
Production 1961–1964
Engine 170 cu in Slant-6 I6
225 cu in Slant-6 I6
426 cu in RB V8, 365 hp (272 kW) and 470 lb·ft (637 N·m) gross
318 cu in A V8
Transmission 3-speed push button automatic
Wheelbase 114 in (2,896 mm) (short bed)
122 in (3,099 mm) (long 8 ft (2,438 mm) bed)

The body offered the then-traditional step-style bed, with distinct fenders as an option.

The D Series used the familiar Chrysler Slant-6 engine in displacements of 170 cu in, 198 cu in, and 225 cu in as the base models, depending on the year. (The 198 was relatively rare, available as the base engine only from 1969–1973.) All of Chrysler’s larger engines, with the notable exception of the Chrysler Hemi engine were available as factory options.

Another innovation was the introduction of an alternator rather than a generator for electrical power. A three-speed automatic transmission was a major advance—the truck used a two-speed automatic less than a decade earlier.

Yet another innovation, a “Crew Cab” (four-door) body style was introduced in 1963, a first for a factory pickup. Prior crew cabs were custom conversion jobs. A “Club Cab” was also available for 1973, providing transverse seating for either a single third passenger or two small third and fourth passengers (most often, the Club Cab was used as extra cargo space).

The first generation of the D-series was manufactured in Argentina. They were given the Dodge and Fargo brands, as Dodge D-100 and Fargo De Soto. The trucks were produced by the Argentinian subsidiary Chrysler-Fevre Argentina S.A.

Custom Sports Special and High Performance Package

1964 saw the introduction of the sporty Custom Sports Special. The Custom Sports Special included bucket seats, console, carpeting and racing stripes. The optional High Performance Package could be ordered with a CSS truck or by itself on a base model truck complete with Chrysler’s big 426 cu in wedge-head V8. This engine produced 365 hp (272 kW) and 470 lb·ft (637 N·m)—in-line with the muscle car revolution that was then sweeping Detroit. The High Performance Package also included the LoadFlite automatic transmission, a 6000 rpm-rated Sun tachometer with heavy-duty gauges, power steering, dual exhaust and rear axle torque rods (traction bars) sourced from 1961 Imperials. Custom Sports Special trucks were produced from 1964 to 1967. The High Performance Package was only offered from 1964 to early 1966.


Second generation
1971 Dodge D-100
Production 1965–1971
Engine 170 cu in Slant-6 I6
225 cu in Slant-6 I6
318 cu in A V8
273 cu in LA V8
383 cu in RB V8, 258 hp (192 kW) and 375 lb·ft (508 N·m) gross
318 cu in LA V8, 160 hp (119 kW)
Transmission 3-speed dash mounted or column mounted lever shifted automatic
1966 Fargo, sold only in Canada as a Dodge D Series clone.

 1966 Fargo, sold only in Canada as a Dodge D Series clone.

The D Series was redesigned for 1965. Updates included a wider tailgate and the replacement of the A series engines with the updated LA series. In 1967, the D Series trucks received big-block 383 2-barrel engines as a standard option.

From 1965 until the early 80s, the D series were assembled by the Automotive Equipment Group (מכשירי תנועה בע”מ) in Israel at a new factory located at Nazareth-I’llit (תעשיות רכב נצרת-עלית), using straight-4 and -6 gasoline engines with manual transmission. This factory also produced the Jeep Wagoneer SUV for the Israeli army, and UK Ford Escort and Ford Transit vehicles for the civilian market. The D Series were made both for the civilian market and for the Israeli army. The models were D100 & D200 light trucks, D500 truck, and the D600 truck with the straight-6 engine and having on-demand four-wheel drive. There was also a bus version made (mainly for army use). This bus was a 20-seat bus built on the chassis of the D500 truck using the straight-4 engine with front & rear hydraulic doors, complete D500 front end & hood, and D500 dashboard.


1968–1970 Dodge D-Series

 1968–1970 Dodge D-Series

The 1968 models received a new front grille—two rows of four holes each. A new Adventurer trim package replaced the old Custom Sports Special; basically, it included a padded front seat with vinyl trim (either full bench or buckets with console) and carpeting, plus other hallmarks such as extra chrome trim and courtesy lighting.

By 1970, the Adventurer would be expanded into three separate packages: the base Adventurer, the Adventurer Sport and the top-line Adventurer SE. The Adventurer SE included such things as a chrome grille, wood trim on the dashboard, the padded vinyl front seat with color-keyed seatbelts, full courtesy lighting, extra insulation, dual horns, full carpeting, luxury door panel trim, a vinyl-embossed trim strip ran along the sides of the truck, full wheel discs and a woodgrain-insert panel on the tailgate. The 1970 models also featured a new four-section grille (two rows of two holes each).

1970 Dodge The Dude pickup

 1970 Dodge “The Dude” pickup

“The Dude”

In August 1969, the “Dude Sport Trim Package” was released. This was essentially the D100 already in production, with an added black or white body-side “C” stripe decal; a Dodge Dude decal on the box at the rear marker lamps; tail lamp bezel trim; and dog dish hub caps with trim rings. The Dude’s tailgate was unique, featuring a Dodge decal on a flat tailgate surface, without the typical tailgate’s embossed logo. The Dudes were only offered in the 1970 and 1971 model years and only 1500 to 2000 Dudes were produced.


Third generation
Dodge D100 Custom
Production 1972–1980
  • 170 cu in Slant-6 I6
  • 225 cu in Slant-6 I6
  • 383 cu in RB V8, 258 hp (192 kW) and 375 lb·ft (508 N·m) gross
  • 360 cu in LA V8, 180 hp (134 kW) net
  • 400 cu in RB V8, 200 hp (149 kW) net
  • 440 cu in RB V8, 235 hp (175 kW) net
  • 243 cu in (3,988 cc) 6DR5 I6 Diesel
Transmission 3-speed column shifted Automatic transmission
1978 Dodge D100 Li'l Red Express Truck

 1978 Li’l Red Express Truck

A redesign of the D Series for 1972 that lasted until 1980 introduced a more rounded look, similar to the 1973–1987 GM C/K series. This redesign for the third generation, that spanned until 1993 with minor changes, included new features such as an independent front suspension and pocketed taillights (the distinctive reverse on top lights were recessed to .25 in (6.4 mm) to avoid damage in loading docks and confined spaces). Styling cues, such as the scalloped hood and rounded fenderwells, were similar to the rounded, smooth look of the 1971 Plymouth Satellite. These trucks were built with a considerable amount of galvanized steel to resist rust and corrosion making them very durable. Because of this, today these trucks make great restoration projects.

Dodge pioneered the extended cab pickup with the introduction of the Club Cab with the 1972 models. This was a two-door cab with small rear windows which had more space behind the seats than the standard cab, but not as long as the four door Crew Cab. 1972 also saw the introduction of the 440 cu in engine as an option for the light trucks.

The 1972 D Series was made famous in the television show Emergency!, where it was the featured paramedic rescue squad vehicle for the entire seven seasons of the popular show.

Notable models produced during this era were the 1978–1979 Li’l Red Express, the Warlock, the Macho Power Wagon, the Macho Power Wagon Top Hand, Macho Power Wagon Palomino, and the Adventurer . The colors of the Dodge Macho Power Wagon Palomino were the same as a Palomino horse. (Note: All Li’l Red Express Trucks were Adventurers, though not vice versa). Another rare model is the Midnight Express which was available for the 1978 model year only. This truck was equipped much like the Li’l Red Express with exhaust stacks, wheels, and gold pinstriping. The Midnight Express was painted black instead of red and featured a “Midnight Express Truck” decal on the door. Most Midnight Express trucks were powered by the 440 engine, instead of the 360 like the Li’l Red Express. All of these trucks were considered “lifestyle” pickups and were marketed to an audience that wanted specialty, personal use trucks.

The 1978 models also saw the introduction of the first Diesel powered Dodge pickup truck. Available as an economy choice in the light duty trucks was Mitsubishi’s 6DR5 4.0 L inline 6-cylinder naturally aspiratingdiesel, rated at 105 hp (78 kW) at 3500 rpm, and ~230 N·m (~169 lb·ft) at 2200 rpm. The diesel used standard Dodge manual and automatic transmissions via specially made adapter plate which had the LA V8 bolt pattern. This rare factory option, VIN code H, was the result of fuel crisis and the collaboration of Chrysler and Mitsubishi. The engine, while being trustworthy and having far better economy than any other engine in the Dodge lineup at the time, suffered from its low power output and was considered to be underpowered by American standards, even though it was previously used in the Japanese 3.5-ton cab-over Mitsubishi T44 Jupiter Truck and in industrial applications. Because of the low sales it was phased out quickly and as a result it became practically a single year specialty.

Thousands of D Series trucks entered military service as the M880 series CUCV.


Main article: Dodge Ram
1983 Dodge Ram D150 shortbed Sweptline

 1983 Dodge Ram D150 shortbed

This final generation was face lifted in 1981 when the D Series was a rebadge as the Dodge Ram pickup around when Lee Iacocca took charge of the ailing Chrysler Corporation. Such things including an embossed “DODGE RAM” name on the tailgate along with other obvious changes like the grille and hood, the taillights, and the entire interior. More subtle was the addition of a “shoulder” line reminiscent of the GM competition. Beginning in 1981, even more corrosion-resistant steel was used in the construction of the trucks. This body style continued until 1993 and many of these vehicles are still on the road. Many body panels are interchangeable for all models from 1972–1993, so it is not uncommon to see a “hybrid” with, as an example, a 1978 grille mounted with a 1974 hood and a 1991 cab. Sometimes the bed is swapped with a moving truck style box for models like these. In most jurisdictions, the year is dictated by the year of the truck’s chassis regardless of the body which has been bolted to it. Also kept was the Utiline step-side model that had the same truck bed that dated back to the 1940s. This was dropped during this last era of the W/D Dodge trucks.

A narrower range of engines was offered: the base power plant was the 225 cu in (3.7 L) slant-6, now with top-fed hydraulic tappets, and the 318 cu in (5.2 L) and 360 cu in (5.9 L) LA-series V8s. The slant-6 was supplanted by the 3.9 L (237 cu in) V6 for 1988; in 1992 it and the V8s became Magnum engines. The 6BT 5.9 L (360 cu in) 12-Valve Cummins B Series diesel engine became an option in 1989.

Sales were good during the Sweptline era and into the late 1970s. A combination of stagnant styling nearly two decades old plus brand loyalty primarily to Chevrolet and Ford during the 1980s and 1990s reduced sales volume for the first generation Dodge Ram. A wholly new Dodge Ram was released for the 1994 model year.

Dodge Dakota

Dodge Dakota
2008 Dakota crew cab
Manufacturer Chrysler (1987–1998; 2007–2011)
DaimlerChrysler (1998–2007)
Production 1987–2011
Assembly Warren, Michigan, United States
Body and chassis
Class Mid-size pickup truck
Layout Front engine, rear-wheel drive /four-wheel drive

The Dodge Dakota is a mid-size pickup truck from Chrysler‘s Ram (formerly Dodge Truck) division. From its introduction through 2009, it was marketed by Dodge. The first Dakota was introduced in 1986 as a 1987 model alongside the redesigned Dodge Ram 50. The Dakota was nominated for the North American Truck of the Year award for 2000. The Dakota has always been sized above the compact Ford Ranger andChevrolet S-10 but below the full-sized pickups such as Dodge’s own Ram. It is a conventional design with body-on-frame construction and a leaf spring/live axle rear end. The Dakota is the first mid-size pickup with an optional V8 engine. One notable feature was the Dakota’s rack and pinion steering, a first for work trucks. Dakotas have been used by police and fire departments, as off-road vehicles, patrol trucks, or even brush trucks.

First generation (1987–1996)

See also: Shelby Dakota
First Generation
Production 1987-1996
Body and chassis
Body style 2-door pickup truck
2-door convertible
2-door extended cab
Related Shelby Dakota
Engine 2.2 L (134 cu in) K I4
2.5 L (150 cu in) K I4
2.5 L (150 cu in) AMC I4
3.9 L (238 cu in) LA/Magnum V6
5.2 L (318 cu in) LA/Magnum V8
Transmission 3-speed automatic
4-speed automatic
5-speed manual
Wheelbase 111.9 in (2,842 mm)
123.9 in (3,147 mm)
130.9 in (3,325 mm) (ext. cab)
Length 1987–1990: 185.9 in (4,722 mm)/204.4 in (5,192 mm)
1989–1990 Club Cab: 211.1 in (5,362 mm)
1991–93: 184.2 in (4,679 mm)/202.7 in (5,149 mm)
1991–93 Club Cab: 203.2 in (5,161 mm)
1994–96: 195.3 in (4,961 mm)/213.8 in (5,431 mm)
1994–96 Club Cab: 214.3 in (5,443 mm)
Width 1987–88: 68.4 in (1,737 mm)/68.1 in (1,730 mm)
1989–1996: 69.4 in (1,763 mm)
Height 1987–1990: 64.2 in (1,631 mm)/67.1 in (1,704 mm)
1989–1993 Club Cab: 64.7 in (1,643 mm)
1991–93 Club Cab 4WD: 67.7 in (1,720 mm)
1994–96 4WD: 67.3 in (1,709 mm)
1994–96 Club Cab 4WD: 68.5 in (1,740 mm)
1994–96 2WD: 65.0 in (1,651 mm)
1994–96 2WD Club Cab: 65.6 in (1,666 mm)

The Dodge Dakota was conceived by Chrysler management as the first mid-sized pickup combining the nimble handling and fuel economy of a compact pickup with cargo handling capacity approaching that of full-sized pickups. To keep investment low, many components were shared with existing Chrysler products and the manufacturing plant was shared with the full-sized Dodge D-Model. The name Dakota means “friend” or “ally” in the Sioux language, though it could have also referred to The Dakotas states North Dakota and South Dakota.

The first generation of the Dakota was produced from 1987 through 1990. It was slightly updated for the 1991 model year. Straight-4 and V6 engines were offered along with either a 5-speed manual or 4-speedautomatic transmission. Four-wheel drive was available only with the V6. Both six and eight-foot beds were offered. Fuel injection was added to the 3.9 L V6 for 1988 but the output remained the same.

In 1988, the Sport package was added as a mid-year release. Exterior colors came in Black, Bright White and Graphic Red. Available in both 2wd and 4×4, the Sport included:

  • AM/FM Stereo radio with cassette player
  • Carpeted logo floor mats
  • Center armrest bench seat
  • Charcoal/Silver Deluxe Cloth interior with fold-down arm rest
  • Color-keyed leather-wrapped sport steering wheel
  • Deluxe wipers
  • Dual remote control outside mirrors
  • Floor Carpet
  • Gauge Package
  • Mopar Air Dam with Bosch Fog Lamps
  • Mopar Light Bar with Bosch Off-Road lamps (4×4 only)
  • Unique bodyside tape stripes
  • Euro-style black out grille and bumpers
  • Sliding rear window
  • 3.9 L V6 engine
  • 15″ aluminum wheels (5 bolt: 5 x 4.5in / 5 x 114.3 mm)

The N-body platform was the result of operational efforts by Harold K. Sperlich, who was in charge of Chrysler’s Product Planning in the early 1980s; in which Japanese-inspired compact pickups of the time lacked the size and features necessary to meet the demands of American buyers. In the late-1970s, Chrysler was still recovering from their near-bankruptcy and resources were in short supply. Sperlich challenged the N-Body team to search for all opportunities to reuse existing components to create the Dakota. The resulting highly investment-efficient program enabled Chrysler to create an all-new market segment at low cost. Key individuals involved in making this product a reality included Glenn Gardner, Glen House, Robert Burnham, Don Sebert, Jim Hackstedde, and Clark Ewing. The basic Dakota vehicle was ultimately used as a foundation to create the Dakota extended cab version and the Dodge Durango SUV.

1989 Dodge Dakota Sport convertible

 1989 Dakota Sport convertible
1989 Dakota Sport convertible

 1989 Dakota Sport convertible

1989 saw the unusual Dakota convertible. The first American convertible pickup since the Ford Model A, it featured a fixed roll bar and a simple manual top. Roughly 2,482 were sold that first year. Another important addition that year was Carroll Shelby‘s V8-powered Shelby Dakota, his first rear-wheel drive vehicle in two decades.

An extended “Club Cab” model was added for 1990, still with two doors. This model allowed the Dakota to boast capacity for six passengers, even though the rear seat was best suited for cargo or children and shorter adults.

1991–96 Dodge Dakota Club Cab

 1991–1996 Dodge Dakota Club Cab

In 1991, the front of the Dakota received a new grille and hood which extended the engine compartment to better fit the optional 170 hp (127 kW) 5.2 L V8, which was inspired by the earlier Shelby Dakota V8 option. By 1992, the standard square sealed beam glass headlamps were phased out for the aerodynamic style molded plastic headlamps attached to the grill components. It was equipped with halogen lights, making 1991 the only year for a unique front-end for the Dakota, though it is mechanically possible to fit sealed beams on 1992 to 1996 model years as this model year was an overlap between new grille introduction and new headlamp introduction. Also debuting in 1991 were six-bolt wheels (replacing the earlier five-bolt wheels) based on Dodge’s marketing attempting to differentiate the Dakota from competing manufacturers’ trucks and the upcoming introduction of the redesigned Ram. 1991 was also the first year for an optional driver side airbag (made standard in 1994) and the last year for the Dakota convertible.

In order to fulfill the Dodge division’s commitment to the American Sunroof Company (who were responsible for the modifications to these trucks), production of the “drop top” Dakota was extended into the 1991 model year. Production was extremely limited, with just 8 produced in total, making them the most rare of all Dakotas. Unlike the previous years, colors and options varied more than before as the manufacturer picked each of these trucks in a somewhat random fashion. No advertising was given to these trucks, and they do not appear in sales literature. This is most likely due to the fact that the majority of them were pre-sold (sold before getting to their dealer lots).

Both of the V-configuration engines were updated to Magnum specs the next year, providing a tremendous power boost. Along with the introduction of the Magnum engine came multi-port electronic fuel injection (EFI). The EFI computer (called a PCM by Chrysler) was partially responsible for the improved performance. The new engine/computer combination produced about 230 hp (172 kW)

1994 saw a few minor changes, with the most notable being the addition of a driver’s side airbag, located in a new, two spoke design steering wheel (also found in the Ram). Other changes included the discontinuation of the “SE” and “LE” trims. In following with the all-new Ram full-sized pickups, the top end trim was renamed to “SLT”, with these models (along with select others) wearing the new chrome finished, styled 6-bolt steel wheels styled similar to the 5-bolt type found on the larger Ram. Other changes included revisions to color and overall trim options. SRS airbags were also added for 1994. A CD player became optional, as did a combination cassette player and CD player unit. Leather seats were also available on LE models. New alloy wheels were available.

In 1996, the first generation’s final year, the base K-based 2.5 L SOHC I4 engine option was out of production and had been considered vastly underpowered compared to the competition, so Dodge replaced it with another 2.5 L I4 engine; this being of American Motors heritage with an OHV valvetrain and rated at 120 hp (89 kW). This was the only major change for 1996, and the AMC 2.5 L would also be carried over as the base engine in the new, larger 1997 model.

Li’l Red Express Dakota & Dakota Warrior

Two special editions of the first were constructed with step-side beds. Both were constructed by L.E.R. Industries of Edwardsburg, Michigan. The step-side beds were constructed out of fiberglass and galvineel. Wooden bed rails were also available.

The Li’l Red Express Dakota was made to resemble the original Express, which was based on the Dodge D-Series. It featured the classic-looking step-side bed and also had dual vertical exhaust stacks just behind the cab, which were purely cosmetic (though they could be made to be functional). The Dakota Warrior was made to resemble the Warlock trucks of the late 1970s. Warriors featured the same custom bed as the Dakota Express, but lacked the vertical exhaust stacks. Both the Express and Warrior Dakotas had a graphics package made to resemble those of the original Express and Warlocks, respectively.

Production numbers for the Express and Warriors were very low, in the hundreds. The rarest of those came with the 5.2 L Magnum V8 engine, which was only an option during 1992, the final year of Express and Warrior production.


1991 Dodge Dakota with sealed-beam headlights

 1991 only facelifted Dodge Dakota with sealed-beam headlights
  • 1987–1988 – 2.2 L (135 cu in) K I4, SOHC, 97 hp (72 kW)
  • 1987–1991 – 3.9 L (238 cu in) LA V6, 125 hp (93 kW)
  • 1989–1995 – 2.5 L (150 cu in) K I4, 99 hp (74 kW)
  • 1991 – 5.2 L (318 cu in) LA V8, 170 hp (130 kW)
  • 1992–1993 – 3.9 L (238 cu in) Magnum V6, 180 hp (130 kW)
  • 1992–1993 – 5.2 L (318 cu in) Magnum V8, 230 hp (170 kW)
  • 1994–1996 – 3.9 L (238 cu in) Magnum V6, 175 hp (130 kW)
  • 1994–1996 – 5.2 L (318 cu in) Magnum V8, 225 hp (168 kW)
  • 1996 – 2.5 L (150 cu in) AMC I4, 120 hp (89 kW)

Second generation (1997–2004)

Second generation
1997-04 Dodge Dakota
Production 1997–2004 (North America)
1998–2001 (Brazil)
Body and chassis
Body style 2-door pickup truck
4-door pickup truck
Related Dodge Durango
Engine 2.5 L PowerTech I4
2.5 L 425 OHV I4 Diesel
3.9 L Magnum V6
5.2 L Magnum V8
5.9 L Magnum V8
4.7 L PowerTech V8
3.7 L PowerTech V6
Transmission 4-speed 42RE automatic
4-speed 44RE automatic
4-speed 46RE automatic
4-speed 45RFE automatic
5-speed 545RE automatic
5-speed NV1500 manual
5-speed NV3500 manual
5-speed AX-15 manual
Wheelbase 111.9 in (2,842 mm) (reg. short)
123.9 in (3,147 mm) (reg. long)
131.0 in (3,327 mm) (ext. cab)
Length 1997–2001 Regular Cab: 195.8 in (4,973 mm)
1997–2001 Extended Cab & 2002-04 Quad Cab: 215.1 in (5,464 mm)
1997–2001 Club Cab: 214.8 in (5,456 mm)
2002–04: 196.0 in (4,978 mm)/215.0 in (5,461 mm)
Width 71.5 in (1,816 mm)
Height 1997–99 4WD: 68.0 in (1,727 mm)
1997–99 & 2002–04 Club Cab 4WD: 68.5 in (1,740 mm)
1997–2001 2WD: 65.6 in (1,666 mm)/65.3 in (1,659 mm)
2000–01 4WD: 67.9 in (1,725 mm)
2000–01 Club Cab 4WD: 68.6 in (1,742 mm)
2000–01 Quad Cab Sport 4WD: 68.8 in (1,748 mm)
2000–01 Quad Cab Sport 2WD: 66.3 in (1,684 mm)
2002–04 4WD: 67.3 in (1,709 mm)
2002–04 Club Cab 4WD: 67.4 in (1,712 mm)
2002-04 Quad Cab 4WD: 68.5 in (1,740 mm)
2002–04 2WD: 64.7 in (1,643 mm)
2002–04 Club Cab 2WD: 64.9 in (1,648 mm)
2002–04 Quad Cab 4WD: 65.6 in (1,666 mm)

The second generation Dakota was built from 1997 through 2004. It inherited the semi truck look of the larger Ram but remained largely the same underneath. 1998 saw the introduction of the R/T model with the big 5.9 L 250 hp (186 kW) Magnum V8. At the time of its introduction, it was seen as one of the most radical in its class, not only for its styling, but for the fact it remained the only truck in its class with an available V8 engine that rivaled many V8s found in full size trucks with payloads of up to 1500 pounds.

Four-door “Quad-Cab” models were added for 2000 with a slightly shorter bed, 63.1 in (160.2 cm), but riding on the Club Cab’s 130.9 in (332.5 cm) wheelbase. The aging 5.2 L Magnum V8 was replaced by a new high-tech 4.7 L SOHC PowerTech V8. The Quad-Cab featured a full-size flip up rear seat to provide room for 3 passengers in the back or lots of dry, interior room for cargo.

In spring 1998, a new limited edition R/T package was available as an option on the Dakota Sport model. This version is considered a true street/sport truck, only available in RWD. Factory modifications such as a 250 hp 360 cid/5.9 liter V8, heavy duty 46RE 4-speed automatic transmission, performance axle, limited-slip differential, sport suspension and steering, upgraded brakes, performance exhaust, special cast aluminum wheels, monotone paint, bucket seats, and many other standard options came with the package. Chrome wheels were available on 2002 models. Some of the last models made in 2003 came with the new stampede lower body cladding package and chromed version of the original cast aluminum wheels at no extra charge. This version of the R/T Dakota was produced through 2003, with the newer 2003 R/T trucks designated as their own trimline and no longer as part of an option package on the Dakota Sport trim.

Also, in 1998 the Dakota R1 was released for production in Brazil thru the efforts of a small team known as Truck Special Programs and featured a base 4-cylinder engine and offered a 2.5L VMI turbo-diesel along with a V8, all designed around a reinforced 4 wheel drive chassis used on both 2 wheel and 4 wheel drive models. Altogether there were 28 roll-in-chassis R1 configurations designed for the Brazil market to be built at the Curitiba assembly facility as CKDs. This program was cancelled when Chrysler was purchased by Daimler.

Dodge Dakota Sport Quad-Cab

 Dodge Dakota Sport Quad-Cab

2000 saw the introduction of the 4.7 liter V8 and 45RFE automatic transmission.

2001 saw a fairly extensive revision of the Dakota’s interior, including a completely redesigned dash, door panels and revised seats. Other minor trim revisions were made, including redesigned aluminum wheels on various models. All vehicles also got new radio options. Only the standard AM/FM radio (with no cassette deck) was discontinued, making an AM/FM radio with a cassette deck standard on all models. AM/FM stereo CD and cassette/CD variants were also available.

2002 was the final year for the four-cylinder engine in the Dakota, as Chrysler ended production of the former AMC design. Most buyers ordered the V6 or V8 engines, which were considerably more powerful and, in the case of the V6, which was made standard for 2003, nearly as fuel-efficient with a manual transmission. Also, an automatic transmission was not available with the 4-cylinder. SIRIUS Satellite Radio was also now available as an option, and revised radios with new wiring harnesses could accommodate this new feature. A CD changer radio was also available, eliminating the need for a separately-mounted unit located elsewhere inside of the truck. The driver could load up to six discs into the unit at a time, and could switch out the discs at any time, something that the driver could not do with the old unit. Radio Data System became standard equipment on some radios.

2003 was the end of the old OHV V6 and the big R/T V8; the 2004 model year vehicles were available with a new 3.7 L PowerTech V6 engine to go along with the 4.7 L V8 variant.

In 2004, the cassette deck option was discontinued, and a CD player became standard equipment on all models.

This generation was also assembled and sold in Brazil from 1998 to 2001.

The IIHS gave this generation a Poor rating in the frontal offset crash test.


  • 1997–2002 – 2.5 L (150 cu in) AMC I4, 120 hp (89 kW)
  • 1997–2003 – 3.9 L (238 cu in) Magnum V6, 175 hp (130 kW)
  • 1997–1999 – 5.2 L (318 cu in) Magnum V8, 225 hp (168 kW)
  • 1998–2003 – 5.9 L (360 cu in) Magnum V8, 250 hp (190 kW)
  • 1999–2000 – 2.5 L (152.5 cu in) VM425 OHV I4, 114 hp (85 kW)
  • 2000–2004 – 4.7 L (287 cu in) PowerTech V8, 230 hp (170 kW)
  • 2004 – 3.7 L (226 cu in) PowerTech V6, 210 hp (160 kW)

Third generation (2005–2011)

Third generation
Also called Ram Dakota (2009–2011)
Production 2005–2011
Body and chassis
Body style 4-door pickup truck
Platform ND
Related Mitsubishi Raider
Dodge Durango
Engine 3.7 L (226 cu in) PowerTech V6
4.7 L (287 cu in) PowerTech V8
Transmission 4-speed 42RLE automatic
5-speed 545RFE automatic
6-speed Getrag 238 manual
Wheelbase 131.3 in (3,335 mm)
Length 218.8 in (5,558 mm)
Width 71.7 in (1,821 mm)
Height Club Cab: 68.6 in (1,742 mm)
Quad Cab: 68.7 in (1,745 mm)

The redesigned 2005 Dakota still shared its platform with the new Dodge Durango SUV (which is now similar to the Ram platform). This model is 3.7 in (94 mm) longer and 2.7 in (69 mm) wider, and features a new front and rear suspension, and rack-and-pinion steering. This new generation model also reverted the wheels back to five lug wheels from the prior generation’s six lug wheels due to cost and assembly time saving measures. The Dakota is built at the Warren Truck Assembly plant in Warren, Michigan.

There was a V6 and two V8 engines available: The standard engine is a 3.7 L PowerTech V6; the two 4.7 L V8 engines are the standard PowerTech V8 and the V8 High Output or HO. The 3.7 L V6 produces 210 horsepower (160 kW) and 235 lb·ft (319 N·m) of torque. The standard-output 4.7 L V8 produces 230 hp (170 kW) and 295 lb·ft (400 N·m) of torque. The high-output 4.7 L V8 produces 260 horsepower (190 kW) and 310 lb·ft (420 N·m) of torque. Both the 3.7 L and standard output 4.7 L V8s were available with the 6-speed manual transmission in 2005 and 2006. For 2007, that option was deleted on the V8 models.

In addition to a refresh of the Dakota’s styling, this generation was not offered in a regular cab model. Only the club cab and quad cab configurations were available. 2006 saw the Dakota R/T return, however only with cosmetic modifications. Despite the “R/T” moniker which signifies “Road and Track”, the newest Dakota R/T was simply an option package, characterized by a non functional hood scoop, exclusive gauge cluster, and hockey-stick style side stripes. The package was available on both 2 and 4 wheel drive models.

2008 Dakota crew cab

 2008 Dakota crew cab

The facelifted third generation Dakota was unveiled at the 2007 Chicago Auto Show. The Dakota received another facelift and interior upgrade along with a few other upgrades including built-in cargo-box utility rails, heated bench seats, best-in-class towing (up to 7,050 pounds), the largest and longest standard bed in the class, and the largest mid-size truck cab. Its new 4.7 liter V8 produces 310 hp (231 kW) and 330 lb·ft (447 N·m) of torque. The standard engine remained the 3.7 liter V6 with 210 horsepower (160 kW) and 235 lb·ft (319 N·m). of torque. Production began in August 2007.

As of 2010, the Dakota was considered a part of the Ram lineup. However, the “Dodge” emblem still existed on the tailgate, and the truck was interchangeably referred to as a Ram Dakota or Dodge Dakota. Its Mitsubishi Raider sibling was discontinued in 2009, and Chrysler was readying the Ram brand to launch in the 2010 model year, making the Ram Dakota replace the Mitsubishi Raider & Dodge Dakota.

2007 Dodge Dakota SLT 4x4 Crew Cab, rear view

 Rear view of a 2007 Dakota Crew Cab

The IIHS gave this generation a Good rating in the frontal offset crash test.


The third-generation Dakota was discontinued in 2011, with the last unit coming off the assembly line on August 23, 2011, ending the truck’s 25-year run. As of 2011, according to Sergio Marchionne, the CEO of Chrysler Group, the Dakota will probably not be replaced by a similar vehicle, mostly due to declining popularity of compact trucks on the North American market (see Ford Ranger for similar outcome). Another problem was that buyers complained that the smaller pickup was not priced lower than the full-sized Ram 1500; nevertheless, there continue to be reports of the Dakota’s return since 2012. However, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles announced in September 2014 an agreement with Mitsubishi Motors to codevelop the next generation Mitsubishi L200 to be sold globally by both companies.

1946 dodge deluxe-coupe-sedan

1946 dodge deluxe-coupe-sedan

1947 Dodge Deluxe Club Coupe Old

1947 Dodge Deluxe Club Coupe

1947 Dodge Special Deluxe 4 door (Canadian)

1947 Dodge Special Deluxe 4 door (Canadian)

1947 DODGE special deluxe sedan

1947 DODGE special deluxe sedan

Dodge Diplomat

Dodge Diplomat
1977 Dodge Diplomat
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Also called Dodge Dart, Dodge Magnum (Mexico)
Dodge Coronet (Colombia)
Plymouth Caravelle (Canada; 1977–1981)
Production 1977–1989
Assembly St. Louis, Missouri, United States
Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Bogotá, Colombia
Body and chassis
Class Mid-size
Body style 2-door coupe
4-door sedan
4-door station wagon
Layout FR layout
Platform M-body
Related Chrysler Fifth Avenue
Chrysler LeBaron
Dodge Aspen
Chrysler New Yorker
Chrysler Town and Country
Plymouth Gran Fury
Outside the US:
Dodge Coronet
Dodge Dart
Plymouth Caravelle
Dodge Magnum (Mexico)
Engine 225 cu in (3.7 L) Slant 6 I6
318 cu in (5.2 L) LA V8
360 cu in (5.9 L) LA V8
Transmission 4-speed A833 manual
3-speed A727 automatic
3-speed A904 automatic
3-speed A999 automatic
Wheelbase Coupe: 112.7 in (2,863 mm)
1977–1979, 108.7 in (2,761 mm)
1980–1981, Sedan & Wagon: 112.7 in (2,863 mm)
1977–1989 (wagons through 1981 only)
Length Coupe: 201.2 in (5,110 mm)
1980–83 Sedan: 206.1 in (5,235 mm)
1987–89 Sedan: 204.6 in (5,197 mm)
Wagon: 205.5 in (5,220 mm)
Width Coupe & Wagon: 74.2 in (1,885 mm)
1980–83 Sedan: 72.8 in (1,849 mm)
1987–89: 72.4 in (1,839 mm)
Height Coupe: 53.4 in (1,356 mm)
Wagon: 55.5 in (1,410 mm)
Sedan: 55.1 in (1,400 mm)
Predecessor Dodge Dart
Successor Dodge Monaco

The Dodge Diplomat is an American mid-size car made from 1977 to 1989. It is essentially identical to the Plymouth Gran Fury in the U.S. market and the Plymouth Caravelle in Canada. It was also sold in Mexicobetween 1981 and 1982 as the Dodge Dart, and in Colombia as the Dodge Coronet. The Diplomat was initially offered in a coupe and sedan. In 1978, station wagons were added as replacements for the departed full-size C-body Wagons.

The Diplomat was offered with a base 225 cu in (3.7 L) straight-six-cylinder engine, in 318 cu in (5.2 L) V8 form, and an optional 360 cu in (5.9 L)) Diplomat, along with its Plymouth Gran Fury/Caravelle twin, were widely favored as a police car both in the US and Canada. Aside from the 3-speed Torqueflite automatic transmission, a manual transmission was available in some years and markets on six-cylinder and 318 engines; the 360s were automatics only.


The Diplomat name was originally used by Dodge on 2-door hardtop models from 1950 to 1954. It was also used on the export version of the DeSoto from 1946 through 1961. Between 1975 and 1977, the Diplomat name was also used on a trim package available on the Royal Monaco two-door hardtop.

1977-79 Dodge Diplomat rear

 Rear view of 1977-1979 Diplomat

Starting with the 1977 model year, the Diplomat became a full model line, rather than as the name of a particular body style. It was a longer, fancier up-market version of the F-body Aspen. The chassis and mechanical components are identical, and doors and various other body panels are interchangeable.

The 1980 model year brought new exterior sheet metal for the Diplomat, although wagons were unchanged, from the doors back. Manual transmissions were dropped. Following the demise of the Dodge St. Regis R-body in 1981, the Diplomat remained, becoming the largest sedan in the Dodge lineup, despite technically being a mid-size car. Dodge would not market another truly full-size car (at least based upon United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) passenger volume statistics) until the Monaco debuted as a 1990 model.

By 1981, Chrysler was switching to smaller front-wheel drive designs. However, its older and larger rear-wheel drive Dodge Diplomat (as well as the Chrysler LeBaron and Fifth Avenue) continued to sell. Chrysler’s then executive vice president for manufacturing, Steve Sharf, met with officials at American Motors (AMC) to use the extra capacity at an assembly plant in Kenosha, Wisconsin to build the full-size cars. Chrysler’s tooling was moved from St. Louis to Kenosha, and over the next two and a half years, about 250,000 Chrysler and Dodge models were built by AMC at a lower cost than Chrysler could. This relationship evolved into Chrysler’s purchase of AMC in 1987.

 Dodge Diplomat coupe

In 1982, the coupe and station wagon were discontinued and Canada’s Plymouth version of the Diplomat came south of the border. The Plymouth Caravelle was offered in the US as the Plymouth Gran Fury. 1983 was the last year for the Slant Six, and afterwards, the only available engine was the 318-cid V8 with a two-barrel carburetor. A four-barrel 318 and a 360-cid V8 remained the optional engine choices for the police package.

For 1984, an upscale series was added to the American-market Diplomat, the SE. The SE used the Fifth Avenue’s front end with its parking lights located above the headlights. The grille insert used thin vertical bars with a wide trim strip dividing the grille vertically as well as horizontally. The SE had more exterior trim and an interior that placed the SE between the Diplomat Salon and the Chrysler Fifth Avenue.

As the 1980s progressed, fewer private customers purchased the Diplomat, and the M-body was eventually dropped during the 1989 model year. One reason behind the drop-off in sales was fuel economy. Despite lower gas prices in the mid- to late-1980s and a 2.26:1 rear-end gear ratio, the Diplomat’s carburated engine and lack of an overdrive gear on its TorqueFlite automatic transmission resulted in poor fuel economy compared with its larger competitors from Ford and General Motors, as evidenced by comparing the EPA estimates for 1986 models:

  • Dodge Diplomat (5.2 L V8, 3-speed automatic): 16 city, 21 highway, 18 combined
  • Chevrolet Caprice (5.0 L V8, 4-speed automatic with overdrive): 17 city, 25 highway, 20 combined
  • Ford LTD Crown Victoria (5.0 L V8, 4-speed automatic with overdrive): 18 city, 26 highway, 21 combined
1980 Dodge Diplomat station wagon1980 Station wagon

Late in the Diplomat’s run, the car was subject to the federal “Gas Guzzler Tax.”

Diplomats built from mid-1988 until the end of production were among the first Chrysler-built products to have a driver’s side airbag as standard equipment, some two model years before the remainder of Chrysler’s lineup (they were also among the only cars at the time to offer a tilt steering column with an airbag). Diplomats with airbags differed from earlier models in that they were also equipped with a padded, color-keyed knee blocker which extended out from beneath the instrument panel in front of the driver.

When the Diplomat and similar Plymouth Gran Fury were discontinued, it marked the last rear-wheel drive non-truck model (aside from the Dodge Viper) sold by the corporation until the Plymouth Prowler was introduced in 1997. The Diplomat’s other rear-wheel drive sibling, the Chrysler Fifth Avenue, also ended production, but the nameplate was continued on a front-wheel drive chassis. In the Dodge lineup, the Monaco became the top-of-the-line sedan.

Dodge D300-dreamer


1978 Dodge dreamer

Dodge 3500 1 ton D300 Dreamer Perfect COE
Dodge DREAMER in Wyo
1978 Dodge Dreamer 1 Ton Dually Van

Dodge Dynasty

Not to be confused with Hyundai Dynasty.
Dodge Dynasty
1991-93 Dodge Dynasty
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Also called Chrysler Dynasty (Canada)
Production 1988–1993
Assembly Belvidere, Illinois, United States
Body and chassis
Class Mid-size
Body style 4-door sedan
Layout Transverse front-engine, front-wheel drive
Platform C-body
Related Chrysler New Yorker
Engine 2.5 L K I4
3.0 L Mitsubishi 6G72 V6
3.3 L EGA V6
Transmission 3-speed A413 automatic
3-speed A670 automatic
4-speed A604 automatic
Wheelbase 1988–1990: 104.3 in (2,649 mm)
1991–93: 104.5 in (2,654 mm)
Length 192.0 in (4,877 mm)
Width 1988–1990: 68.5 in (1,740 mm)
1991–93: 68.9 in (1,750 mm)
Height 1988–1990: 53.5 in (1,359 mm)
1991–93: 53.6 in (1,361 mm)
Predecessor Dodge 600
Chrysler LeBaron GTS (Canada)
Successor Dodge Intrepid

The Dodge Dynasty is a front-wheel drive sedan that was introduced in 1987 as a 1988 model to replace the 600 as Dodge‘s mid-size car. Although fairly popular, the Lee Iacocca-dictated styling was boxy and conservative compared to more aerodynamically styled competitors such as the Ford Taurus.

The Dodge Dynasty is related to the Chrysler New Yorker; both car lines were built on the Chrysler C platform in Belvidere, Illinois. It is also similar to the Chrysler New Yorker Fifth Avenue and Chrysler Imperial, which were available from 1990 to 1993 on an extended wheelbase platform of the Chrysler New Yorker. Dynasty trim levels included base and LE. Additionally, a “Brougham” package was offered on 1992 and 1993 LE models which added a padded landau roof.

A 2.5-litre inline-4 Chrysler engine, a Mitsubishi-sourced 3.0-litre V6, the 6G72 engine, and a Chrysler-built 3.3-litre V6 were available, although the 3.3 L V6 was not available until 1990. The four-cylinder came equipped with a TorqueFlite three-speed automatic transmission (the A413). The 3.0L and the 3.3L were offered solely with Chrysler’s then-new electronically controlled four-speed automatic transmission, known as the Ultradrive or A604 (List of Chrysler transmissions).

Dynasty models were all equipped with a driver’s side airbag from 1990 to 1993. A Bendix anti-lock braking system was available on all models during those years as well. The 1993 models were the only year to feature a stainless steel exhaust system and a tamper-proof odometer.

International versions

Chrysler Dynasty (Canada)

 Chrysler Dynasty (Canada)

In Canada and Mexico it was marketed as the Chrysler Dynasty. The Chrysler Dynasty was identical to the 1990 Chrysler New Yorker Salon (sold in the U.S.), their only difference being their names. In Mexico, the cars were only available with the V6 engine. In Canada the four-cylinder variant was available, but seldom ordered, and it replaced the Chrysler LeBaron GTS hatchback since Chrysler Canada did not want to market the Dodge Diplomat‘s successor, the Monaco in 1990. Chrysler Canada, however, replaced the Dynasty’s predecessor, the 600 with the Dodge Spirit instead. The Chrysler Dynasty was meant to fill a void between the Chrysler LeBaron sedan and the Chrysler New Yorker, just like what the LeBaron GTS did in Canada.

Dodge Intrepid

Dodge Intrepid
2000 Dodge Intrepid ES
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation (1993–1998)
DaimlerChrysler (1998–2004)
Also called Chrysler Intrepid (Canada)
Production 1993–2004
Assembly Canada: Brampton Assembly(Ontario)
Body and chassis
Class Full-size
Body style 4-door sedan
Layout Longitudinal front-engine, front-wheel drive
Platform Chrysler LH platform
Predecessor Chrysler/Dodge Dynasty (North America)
Dodge Monaco (United States)
Successor Dodge Charger
Dodge Magnum
Chrysler 300 (Canada)

The Dodge Intrepid is a full-size automobile available as a front-wheel drive four-door sedan that was produced for model years 1993 to 2004. It was related to the Chrysler Concorde, Chrysler LHS, Chrysler New Yorker, Eagle Vision, and also the 300M sedans. The Intrepid, Concorde, and Vision were collectively designated the LH, Chrysler’s codename for the platform which underpinned them.

The Intrepid was sold in Canada as the Chrysler Intrepid. It replaced the Chrysler Dynasty (Canada) and Dodge Monaco (United States) as Dodge’s largest car. With Dodge’s introduction to Mexico that time, it was badged as a Dodge, replacing the Dynasty when it was sold under the Chrysler brand.


The Intrepid’s design goes back to 1986, when designer Kevin Verduyn completed the initial exterior design of a new aerodynamic concept sedan called Navajo. The design never passed the clay model stage.

It was also at this time that the Chrysler Corporation purchased bankrupt Italian sports car manufacturer Lamborghini. The Navajo’s exterior design was reworked and became the Lamborghini Portofino, released as a concept at the 1987 Frankfurt Auto Show. The Portofino was heralded as a design triumph, setting in motion Chrysler’s decision to produce a production sedan with the Portofino’s revolutionary exterior design, called “cab-forward“.

The cab forward design was characterized by the long, low slung windshield, and relatively short overhangs. The wheels were effectively pushed to the corners of the car, creating a much larger passenger cabin than the contemporaries of the time.

Design of the chassis began in the late 1980s, after Chrysler had bought American Motors Corporation (AMC) in 1987. During this time, Chrysler began designing the replacement for the then-new Dodge Dynasty, which was a mid-size car. Initial proposals bore resemblance to the Dynasty, but this design approach was scrapped entirely in 1988 by François Castaing, the former AMC Vice President of product engineering and development. As AMC was purchased by Chrysler, Castaing became new Vice President for Vehicle Engineering for the new company. The acquiring automaker was in desperate need to replicate the AMC and Renault corporate culture where work was conducted in an atmosphere “of constant change”. Castaing organized Chrysler’s departments into AMC-style cross-function teams, as well as incorporated the use of simultaneous engineering. Moreover, the new vehicle’s design, under Castaing’s leadership, began with the Eagle Premier platform.

The Premier’s longitudinal engine mounting layout was inherited, as was the front suspension geometry, and parts of the braking system. The chassis itself became a flexible architecture capable of supporting front or rear-wheel drive (designated “LH” and “LX” respectively).

The chassis design was continually refined throughout the following years, as it underpinned more Chrysler prototypes: the 1989 Chrysler Millennium and 1990 Eagle Optima.

The transmission was inspired by the Premier’s Audi and ZF automatics. Borrowing heavily from Chrysler’s A604 (41TE) “Ultradrive” transversely mounted automatic, it became the A606 (also known as 42LE).

The initial standard 3.3 L pushrod V6 engine engine was joined in 1990 with a 3.5 L SOHC engine with four valves per cylinder. For the second generation Intrepid R/T the block was recast in aluminum as part of a comprehensive upgrade.

First generation (1993–1997)

First generation
Dodge Intrepid 1st
Production 1993–1997
Assembly Newark, Delaware, United States
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Body and chassis
Related Chrysler LHS
Chrysler Concorde
Chrysler New Yorker
Eagle Vision
Engine 3.3 L EGA V6
3.5 L EGE V6
Transmission 4-speed 42LE automatic
Wheelbase 113 in (2,870 mm)
Length 1993–94: 201.7 in (5,123 mm)
1995–97: 201.8 in (5,126 mm)
Width 74.4 in (1,890 mm)
Height 56.3 in (1,430 mm)
Curb weight 3,318 lb (1,505 kg)

The first generation of LH cars debuted at the 1992 North American International Auto Show in Detroit as three 1993 models: the Chrysler Concorde, Dodge Intrepid (badged as a Chrysler in Canada), and the Eagle Vision (badged as a Chrysler in Europe).

The Intrepid was available in two trim levels: base and the sportier, better-equipped ES, which added four-wheel disc brakes, 16″ wheels with better tires, and stiffer “touring” suspension damping. All Intrepids received driver and front passenger airbags, a rarity at the time, as well as air conditioning and the four-speed automatic transmission. Anti-lock brakes were optional, as was traction control and the more powerful 3.5 L SOHC engine rated at (214 hp).

The Intrepid’s launch marked a new image for the Dodge brand, which began to market itself as “The New Dodge” with a marketing campaign featuring actor Edward Herrmann, who would go on to serve as the brand’s spokesperson for the rest of the decade.

Changes were few over the Intrepid’s initial five-year production. A new variable-assist power steering rack replaced the original for 1994, allowing for easier parking while maintaining a firmer feel at speed. The touring suspension tuning was also made standard equipment in the base model this year. Anti-lock brakes were made standard in the ES in 1995, and in 1996 a new manual shift function for the automatic transmission, called Autostick, was inherited from the Eagle Vision TSi: the first transmission of its kind available in a mainstream car. In addition, Chrysler updated the Dodge Intrepid for the 1995 model year, adding the previous Dodge Ram logo, one used from 1994-2009. Each exterior treatment uses a hoodline and chrome accented daytime running lights with body colored accents. The Intrepid was often compared with theChevrolet Lumina and Ford Taurus, and to a lesser extent, the Toyota Camry and Honda Accord.[3]

Intrepids were built at American MotorsBrampton Assembly facility, originally established to manufacture the Eagle Premier, in Brampton, Ontario, Canada; and at the Chrysler plant at Newark, Delaware.


  • 3.3 L pushrod V6
  • 3.5 L SOHC V6

Second generation (1998–2004)

Second generation
1998-04 Dodge Intrepid
Production 1998–2004
Assembly Brampton Assembly in
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Designer Bob Boniface
Body and chassis
Related Chrysler LHS
Chrysler 300M
Chrysler Concorde
Engine 2.7 L EER V6
3.2 L V6
3.5 L EGJ V6
3.5 L EGG V6
Transmission 4-speed 42LE automatic
Wheelbase 113 in (2,870.2 mm)
Length 203.7 in (5,174 mm)
Width 2000–01: 74.6 in (1,895 mm)
1998–99 & 2002–04: 74.7 in (1,897 mm)
Height 55.9 in (1,420 mm)
Curb weight 3,422 lb (1,552 kg)

The LH cars were redesigned for 1998 the second generation intrepid’s design was inspired by the 1996 ESX I concept car. The engines were replaced by two new all-aluminum units: a DOHC 2.7 L ( 2736 cc), 200 hp (150 kW) V6 for base models, and a SOHC 3.2 L (3231 cc), 225 hp (168 kW) V6 for the ES. A new, top-of-the-line R/T model was added in 2000, the centerpiece of which was a redesigned version of the 3.5 L (3518 cc) V6, now producing 242 hp (180 kW) and 234 hp (174 kW) for the ES. At the same time the 3.2 L was reduced to an option in the ES. 1998: The Intrepid was completely redesigned for the 1998 model year. Body shells were designed to be stronger and stiffer, as well as incorporating double-shear suspension mounts and integrated side impact protection.

  • 1999: Minor changes to interior panels. The Chrysler Sentry Key theft-deterrent system disabled the ignition unless the proper key was used to start the engine.
  • 2000: New variable-assist steering, and an optional 4-disc in-dash CD changer.
  • 2002: The 3.5L replaced the 3.2L, and the water pump issues on the 2.7L were now resolved, New wheel covers were available for 2002. the R/T received an extra 2 hp (1.5 kW) from PCM programming changes which allowed it to have 244 hp (182 kW) on 89-octane fuel. This was also the year when DaimlerChrysler began cost-cutting that led to the deletion of various features from the Intrepid. Most notable were the deletion of the illuminated headlight switch, illuminated traction control switch, illuminated lock and window switches, door courtesy lights (replaced with red reflectors), illuminated ashtray receptacle, trunk lid liner, armrest power outlet, door emblems, driver’s seat map pocket, and the blacked-out front fascia paint scheme. Cost-cutting was one of the reasons why sales of the Intrepid started to slump.
  • 2003: No major changes were made except the optional 4-disc in-dash CD changer was replaced with the optional 6-disc in-dash CD changer. The R/T was discontinued in 2003, but a new SXT model kept the 3.5 L High Output engine with an increase to a 250 hp (186 kW) rating. The SXT moniker was eventually used across the Dodge product line as a trim level. The Intrepid SXT was basically a base model Intrepid SE with the 3.5 H.O. engine taken from the R/T, with some “sportier” features such as a sunroof and spoiler. It was a value trim model actually classified as an ES (SXT), but had less features than the ES did with a more powerful engine.

Fleet sales

2003 Dodge Intrepid police car with the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary

 2003 Intrepid police car with the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary

The second generation was marketed to the commercial and government markets. Vehicles were used to make police interceptors, fire chief cars, and taxis similar to the earlier Chevrolet Caprice or Ford Crown Victoria. These packages had distinctive styling differences (such as small hub caps) and additional wiring to support strobes and flashers in the trunk compartment and in the front by the grill. These packages and some non-police (non-commercial) packages featured plastic front-end intake vents that routed air onto the rotors for additional cooling and stopping power.


  • 1998–2004 – 2.7 L V6 200 hp (150 kW)
  • 1998–2001 – 3.2 L V6 225 hp (168 kW)
  • 2000–2004 – 3.5 L V6 234 hp (174 kW)
  • 2000–2001 – 3.5 L HO V6 242 hp (180 kW)
  • 2002–2003 – 3.5 L HO V6 244 hp (182 kW)
  • 2003–2004 – 3.5 L HO V6 250 hp (186 kW)


In 2001, the Intrepid made its debut on the NASCAR circuit, signifying the return of Dodge to NASCAR competition after an 18-year hiatus. Drivers in the initial Dodge campaign included Bill Elliott, Jason Leffler, Ward BurtonSterling Marlin, John Andretti, Buckshot Jones, Kyle Petty, Stacy Compton, Dave Blaney, and Casey Atwood. Marlin was the first to win in a Dodge, giving the marque its first victory since 1977, with Neil Bonnett driving. The Intrepid continued in NASCAR until 2006 when the Dodge Charger was only used.

Hybrid electric concepts

Main article: Dodge Intrepid ESX

In the late 1990s, Chrysler used the Intrepid as a research platform for a hybrid electric vehicle in a diesel-electric configuration. Three variations were built, the Intrepid ESX, ESX II, and ESX III. The first vehicle was built in a series hybrid configuration, while the next two were considered mild hybrids. These were attempted in the time frame of 1997 to 1998.

The ESX design team set a high goal of making the vehicle capable of sipping gasoline at the rate of 80 miles per US gallon (2.9 L/100 km; 96 mpg-imp), but the eventual vehicle only achieved an estimated 55 miles per US gallon (4.3 L/100 km; 66 mpg-imp). The figure was impressive for such a vehicle. However, the car used a number of exotic materials, which made the cost excessive if it were ever to go into full-scale production. It was estimated that the car would cost $80,000, or roughly $60,000 more than a regular Intrepid. Part of this price increase was caused by the use of lead-acid batteries.

The ESX II team set a somewhat more modest goal of 70 miles per US gallon (3.4 L/100 km; 84 mpg-imp). The vehicle was made much lighter than normal by using an aluminum frame and carbon fiber composite material. This version only cost around $37,000, or about $15,000 more than a standard Intrepid. This version used nickel metal hydride batteries.

The third vehicle, the ESX III, had a target mileage of 72 miles per US gallon (3.3 L/100 km; 86 mpg-imp). It used less expensive materials, such as injection-molded thermoplastic instead of carbon fiber. The estimated cost was only about $7,500 more than a standard vehicle, which would give a total somewhere around $30,000. The ESX III used lithium ion batteries.

Dodge La Femme

See also: 1955 Dodge
Dodge La Femme
1955 Dodge La Femme

1955 Dodge La Femme
Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation
Production 1955–1956
Body and chassis
Class Full-size
Body style 2-door hardtop
Layout FR layout
Related Dodge Coronet
Engine V8
Wheelbase 120 in (3,048 mm)
Length 212 in (5,385 mm)
1956 Dodge La Femme

 1956 Dodge La Femme
1956 Dodge La Femme interior

 1956 La Femme interior
1956 Dodge La Femme fenderF

 Gold-colored “La Femme” fender script

The Dodge La Femme was a product of the Chrysler Corporation‘s Dodge division between 1955 and 1956. The automobile was specifically designed for women. Although a marketing flop, it was later revered as a step forward in gender equality, as cars at the time were generally seen as a tool for men.


The La Femme’s raison d’être stemmed from Chrysler’s marketing department’s observation that more and more women were taking an interest in automobiles during the 1950s, and that women’s opinions on which color car to buy was becoming part of the decision making process for couples buying an automobile. The La Femme was an attempt to gain a foothold in the women’s automobile market.

The La Femme concept was based upon two Chrysler show cars from the 1954 season. Named Le Comte, and La Comtesse, each was built from a Chrysler Newport hardtop body, and each was given a clear plastic roof over the entire passenger compartment. While the Le Comte was designed using masculine colors, the La Comtesse was painted “Dusty Rose” and “Pigeon Grey” in order to convey femininity. Favorable responses encouraged Chrysler to pursue the La Comtesse concept.


Dodge received the project and renamed the concept the La Femme, which began as a 1955 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer “spring special” hardtop two-door coupe, painted “Sapphire White” and “Heather Rose”. From there, the exterior received special gold-colored “La Femme” scripts that replaced the standard “Custom Royal Lancer” scripts on the cars front fenders.

The interior of the car also received attention and features. 1955 La Femme interiors were upholstered in a special tapestry material featuring pink rosebuds on a pale silver-pink background and pale pink vinyl trim. The La Femme came with a keystone-shaped, pink calfskin purse that coordinated with the interior of the car. The purse could be stowed in a compartment in the back of the passenger seat, and its gold-plated medallion faced outward. This brushed-metal medallion was large enough to have the owner’s name engraved on it.

Each purse was outfitted with a coordinated set of accessories inside, which included a face-powder compact, lipstick case, cigarette case, comb, cigarette lighter and change purse, all made of either faux-tortoiseshell plastic and gold-tone metal, or pink calfskin and gold-tone metal, and all were designed and made by “Evans”, a maker of women’s fine garments and accessories in Chicago.

On the back of the drivers seat was a compartment that contained a raincoat, rain bonnet and umbrella, all made from a vinyl patterned to match the rosebud interior fabric. Marketing brochures stated that the car was made“By Special Appointment to Her Majesty… the American Woman.”


For 1956, the La Femme returned, with no less fanfare; letters to dealers from Dodge’s marketing department called the La Femme a “stunning success”. For 1956, Dodge replaced the Heather Rose and Sapphire White scheme with a Misty Orchid and Regal Orchid color scheme. The interior of the car in 1956 did not take its cue from the 1955 model, and instead featured “La Femme”-only seat patterns, headliner, interior paint and carpet. The fabrics used have proven difficult to reproduce. The seat coverings were made of a heavy white cloth with random, organic-seeming patterns of short lavender and purple loops, in a manner similar to loop-pile carpeting. The headliner cloth was heavy white fabric, with many tiny random splashes of gold paint. The carpeting was loop pile with several shades of lavender and purple. The boxes behind the seats were changed for 1956 to accommodate the rain coat, rain cap and umbrella provided with the model. Both boxes were identical this year, because there was no need to accommodate a purse, which was only offered with the 1955 La Femme.


Dodge dropped the La Femme for 1957 and did not revisit the concept. Because the La Femme was an option package ($143), its total production was never broken out from Dodge’s production numbers, although research suggests fewer than 2,500 were made over the two-year period. At least 40 known examples exist of the 1955 version and over 20 for the 1956 version, including at least 3 verifiable D-500 optioned 1956 La Femmes.

Many theories exist concerning the low sales of the La Femme trim package. No evidence of magazine, television, radio, or other La Femme advertisements have been found since 1986. Given the large number of Dodge dealerships in the U.S. at the time, few of them received a demonstration La Femme for their showroom. Instead, single-sheet dealer pamphlets were the only clue that Dodge La Femmes were available, when other trim-special models such as the Chrysler 300 letter series, Plymouth Fury, and DeSoto Adventurer were widely promoted.

That was part II off Dodge Cars and Truck.

In Part III I hope there is place for the rest.




001 logo FAW

FAW Group logo

First Automobile Works (FAW) is een Chinese fabrikant van auto‘s en vrachtauto‘s. Het is de grootste autofabriek in China, welke in 1953 is opgericht.


Hongqi ZIS Packard Military Museum, Beijing.

Eigen merken  Free Wind Haima Hongqi Hongta Huali Jie Fang Jilin Sichuan-Toyota Xiali Joint Ventures Om in China auto’s te kunnen verkopen moet men auto’s lokaal laten produceren in een joint venture met een Chinese fabriek. FAW gebruikt dit bijvoorbeeld in samenwerking met Toyota, Volkswagen en Daihatsu. Samenwerkingen China FAW Group Harbin Light-Duty Truck Factory FAW Jie Fang (Jiefang Motor Company) FAW Tianjin Xiali Automobile Co., Ltd. FAW-Toyota FAW-Volkswagen Changchun FAW Sichuan Automobile Company Sichuan FAW Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. Tianjin FAW Toyota Motor Company Tianjin FAW Xiali Automobile Company Tianjin Xiali


The entrance to the FAW factory in Changchun


FAW-Jiefang Truck


FAW-Jiefang truck 2175


Lifan Truck in Dali




Faw 12-14CBM Cement Mixer Trucks


FAW CA1031 truck in Russia


FAW world class super heavy truck


FAW images

001 logo FAW


FAW LKW (China)






 FAW » 新大威 (New Williams) 2011


FAW » 矿威 (Mine Wei)


FAW » 赛龙10 (Cellon 10)


FAW » 赛龙Ⅲ (Cellon 3)


FAW » 金铃 (JinLing)


FAW J5K 2011


FAW-Jiefang СА1091К2Е2, 1994


FAW-Jiefang СА2081К2Т5, 4×4, 1997





001 logo FAW






























faw-ca-6440 (austin)

001 logo FAW





























001 logo FAW










 Faw Taihu (2008) Seychellen


FAW Coach


FAW hybrid bus


Faw Taihu (2008)a Seychellen


faw stabilis




Faw Bus


FAW Wuxi bus


2008 FAW Computex Intel Staff Shuttle Bus


All FAW’s




FAW ouder

001 logo FAW


FAW Schoolbus 2012


FAW Schoolbus


FAW Stadsbus


FAW Verlengd




Yaxing Bus with FAW Engine


FAW 2010 Changlong


faw-DD Stadbus


FAW B-33576-40


FAW cvft48_1








FAW Freewind MPV (CA6500)


FAW Freewind


2013 faw haima-1 (Mazda-Ford)


FAW Haima 1 2012 Montevideo Motor Show


FAW HAIMA 2-8-31-19-323471821


faw haima 3 460

001 logo FAW


FAW HAIMA 218052




FAW Haima Yao Concept 92


FAW Haima 1 Uruguay


FAW Haima2-C-Sport-04


faw haima-3-hatch


FAW HAIMA-7 Santiago


FAW Haima-7 3cedb


FAW Haima-Sedan-Car-Family 2


FAW zhengzhou-haima1-aishang-002


FAW Haima-Fushida-2009


faw-city-fire + rescue


faw-city-fire + rescue


faw-city-fire + rescue


faw-unknown (BMW)


faw-unknown (BMW)


faw-unknown aeroplane


Hongqi ZIS Packard Military Museum, Beijing.


Cars of Mao & Zhou


FAW Trumpeter 1-24th Hong Qi CA770


faw hongqi-ca-770


faw hongqi-romania


faw hongqi-l9



001 logo FAW


faw hongqi-ca-770


faw hongqi-ca-770


faw hongqi-ca-770


faw hongqi-ca-72


Hongqi CA 72 Ja


faw hongqi-ca-72


Hongqi CA 72


FAW Hongqi 1959 CA72


Faw Hongqi 3


FAW Hongqi 12V


FAW Hongqi H7


President Yahya Khan & Premier Zhou in FAW HONGQI in Beijing, Circa (1970)


Jiang-Tse-Ming-in-a-FAW Hongqi-Car

001 logo FAW


faw hongqi ca 770 b bw 1985


faw hongqi open


Mao Zedong’s Unused Superlong Faw Hongqi Limousine


Old Faw Hongqi limousines


Faw Hongqi limousines


FAW Hongqi CA770


FAW Hongqi C601 Audi A6 Killer


FAW hongqi hqe V12 (Rolls Royce-Bentley)


FAW Hongqi old


Faw Hongqi


Faw Hongqi

001 logo FAW








FAW Huali all electric


faw plus huali 01




FAW HUALI Daihatsu Toyota Rush Terios


faw plus huali 02




FAW Huali images








FAW chinese-mini-clone-to-be-produced-in-russia

001 logo FAW


FAW Hongqi Another Chinese copy of an Audi 100 seen near People’s Square in Shanghai


faw-hongqi a6-01


faw-hongqi a6-02


faw-hongqi a6-03


faw-hongqi audi-02


faw-hongqi a6-06










FAW Sichuan Toyota Land Cruiser Prado


FAW Sichuan Toyota Land Cruiser Prado


FAW Sichuan Toyota Land Cruiser Prado


FAW Sichuan Toyota-Corolla-L


faw sichuan toyota-ft-ht


FAW Porsche


Faw Volkswagen


FAW Volkswagen Chengdu engine factory




FAW Vita front 2008 Montevideo Motor Show China















001 logo FAW


FAW chengdu-yema-taxi














Sichuan FAW Toyota Motor Company Land Cruiser




FAW Haima-Fushida-2009


Faw yema sqj6451 prototype austin







197 faw T50




faw yema-f99-cur-1


What a lot of copies where that

Filed Under: AIRPLANESAUDIAUSTINBentleyBMWBUSESCarsCHINADAIHATSU,FAWFIRE & RESCUEFordFreewindHAIMAHongqiHongtaHualiHYBRIDJie Fang,JilinLandmarkLIFANMazdaMercedes BenzPorscheRolls RoyceSichuan-Toyota,TOYOTATrucksVWXIALI