
Audi AG
Traded as FWBNSU
Industry Automotive
Predecessor Auto Union GmbH
NSU Motorenwerke AG
Founded Historic
Zwickau, Germany
(25 April 1910; 108 years ago)
Neckarsulm, Germany
(1 January 1969; 49 years ago)
Founder August Horch
Headquarters IngolstadtGermany
Number of locations
11 production facilities in 9 countries
Area served
Key people
  • Abraham Schot, Chairman of the Board of Management
  • Marc Lichte, Head of Design
  • Ulrich Hackenberg, Head of Technical Development
Products Luxury vehicles
Production output
Increase 2,024,881 units
Revenue Increase €58.42 billion (2015)
Increase €4.836 billion (2015)
Increase €4.297 billion (2015)
Total assets Increase €16.832 billion (2009)
Total equity Increase €3.451 billion (2009)
Owner Volkswagen Group (99.55%)
Number of employees
84,435 (2015)
Footnotes / references
Audi History: Chronicle, 2011 Annual Financial Report

Audi AG (Ger­man: [ˈʔaʊ̯diː ʔaːˈgeː] (About this soundlis­ten)) is a Ger­man au­to­mo­bile man­u­fac­turer that de­signs, en­gi­neers, pro­duces, mar­kets and dis­trib­utes lux­ury ve­hi­cles. Audi is a mem­ber of the Volk­swa­gen Group and has its roots at In­gol­stadtBavaria, Ger­many. Audi-branded ve­hi­cles are pro­duced in nine pro­duc­tion fa­cil­i­ties world­wide.

The ori­gins of the com­pany are com­plex, going back to the early 20th cen­tury and the ini­tial en­ter­prises (Horch and the Au­di­w­erke) founded by en­gi­neer Au­gust Horch; and two other man­u­fac­tur­ers (DKW and Wan­derer), lead­ing to the foun­da­tion of Auto Union in 1932. The mod­ern era of Audi es­sen­tially began in the 1960s when Auto Union was ac­quired by Volk­swa­gen from Daim­ler-Benz. After re­launch­ing the Audi brand with the 1965 in­tro­duc­tion of the Audi F103 se­ries, Volk­swa­gen merged Auto Union with NSU Mo­toren­werke in 1969, thus cre­at­ing the pre­sent day form of the com­pany.

The com­pany name is based on the Latin trans­la­tion of the sur­name of the founder, Au­gust Horch. “Horch”, mean­ing “lis­ten” in Ger­man, be­comes “audi” in Latin. The four rings of the Audi logo each rep­re­sent one of four car com­pa­nies that banded to­gether to cre­ate Audi’s pre­de­ces­sor com­pany, Auto Union. Audi’s slo­gan is Vor­sprung durch Technik, mean­ing “Being Ahead through Tech­nol­ogy”. How­ever, Audi USA had used the slo­gan “Truth in En­gi­neer­ing” from 2007 to 2016, and have not used the slo­gan since 2016. Audi, along with BMW and Mer­cedes-Benz, is among the best-sell­ing lux­ury au­to­mo­bile brands in the world.


Birth of the company and its name

Au­to­mo­bile com­pany Wan­derer was orig­i­nally es­tab­lished in 1885, later be­com­ing a branch of Audi AG. An­other com­pany, NSU, which also later merged into Audi, was founded dur­ing this time, and later sup­plied the chas­sis for Got­tlieb Daim­ler‘s four-wheeler.

On 14 No­vem­ber 1899, Au­gust Horch (1868–1951) es­tab­lished the com­pany A. Horch & Cie. in the Ehren­feld dis­trict of Cologne. In 1902, he moved with his com­pany to Re­ichen­bach im Vogt­land. On 10 May 1904, he founded the Au­gust Horch & Cie. Mo­tor­wa­gen­werke AG, a joint-stock com­pany in Zwickau (State of Sax­ony).

After trou­bles with Horch chief fi­nan­cial of­fi­cer, Au­gust Horch left Mo­tor­wa­gen­werke and founded in Zwickau on 16 July 1909, his sec­ond com­pany, the Au­gust Horch Au­to­mo­bil­w­erke GmbH. His for­mer part­ners sued him for trade­mark in­fringe­ment. The Ger­man Re­ichs­gericht(Supreme Court) in Leipzig, even­tu­ally de­ter­mined that the Horch brand be­longed to his for­mer company.

Since Au­gust Horch was pro­hib­ited from using “Horch” as a trade name in his new car busi­ness, he called a meet­ing with close busi­ness friends, Paul and Franz Fikentscher from Zwickau. At the apart­ment of Franz Fikentscher, they dis­cussed how to come up with a new name for the com­pany. Dur­ing this meet­ing, Franz’s son was qui­etly study­ing Latin in a cor­ner of the room. Sev­eral times he looked like he was on the verge of say­ing some­thing but would just swal­low his words and con­tinue work­ing, until he fi­nally blurted out, “Fa­ther – au­diatur et al­tera pars… wouldn’t it be a good idea to call it audi in­stead of horch?” “Horch!” in Ger­man means “Hark!” or “hear”, which is “Audi” in the sin­gu­lar im­per­a­tive form of “au­dire” – “to lis­ten” – in Latin. The idea was en­thu­si­as­ti­cally ac­cepted by every­one at­tend­ing the meeting. On 25 April 1910 the Audi Au­to­mo­bil­w­erke GmbH Zwickau (from 1915 on Au­di­w­erke AG Zwickau) was en­tered in the com­pany’s reg­is­ter of Zwickau reg­is­tra­tion court.

The first Audi au­to­mo­bile, the Audi Type A 10/22 hp (16 kW) Sport-Phaeton, was pro­duced in the same year, fol­lowed by the suc­ces­sor Type B 10/28PS in the same year.

Audi started with a 2,612 cc in­line-four en­gine model Type A, fol­lowed by a 3,564 cc model, as well as 4,680 cc and 5,720 cc mod­els. These cars were suc­cess­ful even in sport­ing events. The first six-cylin­der model Type M, 4,655 cc ap­peared in 1924.

Au­gust Horch left the Au­di­w­erke in 1920 for a high po­si­tion at the min­istry of trans­port, but he was still in­volved with Audi as a mem­ber of the board of trustees. In Sep­tem­ber 1921, Audi be­came the first Ger­man car man­u­fac­turer to pre­sent a pro­duc­tion car, the Audi Type K, with left-handed drive. Left-hand drive spread and es­tab­lished dom­i­nance dur­ing the 1920s be­cause it pro­vided a bet­ter view of on­com­ing traf­fic, mak­ing over­tak­ing safer.

The merger of the four companies under the logo of four rings

In Au­gust 1928, Jørgen Ras­mussen, the owner of Dampf-Kraft-Wa­gen (DKW), ac­quired the ma­jor­ity of shares in Au­di­w­erke AG. In the same year, Ras­mussen bought the re­mains of the U.S. au­to­mo­bile man­u­fac­turer Rick­en­backer, in­clud­ing the man­u­fac­tur­ing equip­ment for eight-cylin­der en­gines. These en­gines were used in Audi Zwickau and Audi Dresden mod­els that were launched in 1929. At the same time, six-cylin­der and four-cylin­der (the ”four” with a Peu­geot en­gine) mod­els were man­u­fac­tured. Audi cars of that era were lux­u­ri­ous cars equipped with spe­cial body­work.

In 1932, Audi merged with Horch, DKW, and Wan­derer, to form Auto Union AG, Chem­nitz. It was dur­ing this pe­riod that the com­pany of­fered the Audi Front that be­came the first Eu­ro­pean car to com­bine a six-cylin­der en­gine with front-wheel drive. It used a pow­er­train shared with the Wan­derer, but turned 180-de­grees, so that the drive shaft faced the front.

Be­fore World War II, Auto Union used the four in­ter­linked rings that make up the Audi badge today, rep­re­sent­ing these four brands. How­ever, this badge was used only on Auto Union rac­ing cars in that pe­riod while the mem­ber com­pa­nies used their own names and em­blems. The tech­no­log­i­cal de­vel­op­ment be­came more and more con­cen­trated and some Audi mod­els were pro­pelled by Horch or Wan­derer built en­gines.

Re­flect­ing the eco­nomic pres­sures of the time, Auto Union con­cen­trated in­creas­ingly on smaller cars through the 1930s, so that by 1938 the com­pany’s DKW brand ac­counted for 17.9% of the Ger­man car mar­ket, while Audi held only 0.1%. After the final few Audis were de­liv­ered in 1939 the “Audi” name dis­ap­peared com­pletely from the new car mar­ket for more than two decades.

Post-World War II

Like most Ger­man man­u­fac­tur­ing, at the onset of World War II the Auto Union plants were re­tooled for mil­i­tary pro­duc­tion, and were a tar­get for al­lied bomb­ing dur­ing the war which left them dam­aged.

Over­run by the So­viet Army in 1945, on the or­ders of the So­viet Union mil­i­tary ad­min­is­tra­tion the fac­to­ries were dis­man­tled as part of war repa­ra­tions. Fol­low­ing this, the com­pany’s en­tire as­sets were ex­pro­pri­ated with­out compensation. On 17 Au­gust 1948, Auto Union AG of Chem­nitz was deleted from the com­mer­cial register. These ac­tions had the ef­fect of liq­ui­dat­ing Ger­many’s Auto Union AG. The re­mains of the Audi plant of Zwickau be­came the VEB (for “Peo­ple Owned En­ter­prise”) Au­to­mo­bil­w­erk Zwickau or AWZ (in Eng­lish: Au­to­mo­bile Works Zwickau).

With no prospect of con­tin­u­ing pro­duc­tion in So­viet-con­trolled East Ger­many, Auto Union ex­ec­u­tives began the process of re­lo­cat­ing what was left of the com­pany to West Ger­many. A site was cho­sen in In­gol­stadtBavaria, to start a spare parts op­er­a­tion in late 1945, which would even­tu­ally serve as the head­quar­ters of the re­formed Auto Union in 1949.

The for­mer Audi fac­tory in Zwickau restarted as­sem­bly of the pre-war-mod­els in 1949. These DKW mod­els were re­named to IFA F8 and IFA F9 and were sim­i­lar to the West Ger­man ver­sions. West and East Ger­man mod­els were equipped with the tra­di­tional and renowned DKW two-stroke en­gines. The Zwickau plant man­u­fac­tured the in­fa­mous Tra­bant until 1991, when it came under Volk­swa­gen con­trol—ef­fec­tively bring­ing it under the same um­brella as Audi since 1945.

New Auto Union unit

A new West Ger­man head­quar­tered Auto Union was launched in In­gol­stadt with loans from the Bavar­ian state gov­ern­ment and Mar­shall Plan aid. The re­formed com­pany was launched 3 Sep­tem­ber 1949 and con­tin­ued DKW’s tra­di­tion of pro­duc­ing front-wheel drive ve­hi­cles with two-stroke engines. This in­cluded pro­duc­tion of a small but sturdy 125 cc mo­tor­cy­cle and a DKW de­liv­ery van, the DKW F89 Lat In­gol­stadt. The In­gol­stadt site was large, con­sist­ing of an ex­ten­sive com­plex of for­merly mil­i­tary build­ings which was suit­able for ad­min­is­tra­tion as well as ve­hi­cle ware­hous­ing and dis­tri­b­u­tion, but at this stage there was at In­gol­stadt no ded­i­cated plant suit­able for mass pro­duc­tion of au­to­mo­biles: for man­u­fac­tur­ing the com­pany’s first post-war mass-mar­ket pas­sen­ger car plant ca­pac­ity in Düssel­dorf was rented from Rhein­metall-Bor­sig. It was only ten years later, after the com­pany had at­tracted an in­vestor, when funds be­came avail­able for con­struc­tion of major car plant at the In­gol­stadt head of­fice site.

In 1958, in re­sponse to pres­sure from Friedrich Flick, then the com­pany’s largest sin­gle shareholder, Daim­ler-Benz took an 87% hold­ing in the Auto Union com­pany, and this was in­creased to a 100% hold­ing in 1959. How­ever, small two-stroke cars were not the focus of Daim­ler-Benz’s in­ter­ests, and while the early 1960s saw major in­vest­ment in new Mer­cedes mod­els and in a state of the art fac­tory for Auto Union’s, the com­pany’s aging model range at this time did not ben­e­fit from the eco­nomic boom of the early 1960s to the same ex­tent as com­peti­tor man­u­fac­tur­ers such as Volk­swa­gen and Opel. The de­ci­sion to dis­pose of the Auto Union busi­ness was based on its lack of profitability. Iron­i­cally, by the time they sold the busi­ness, it also in­cluded a large new fac­tory and near pro­duc­tion-ready mod­ern four-stroke en­gine, which would en­able the Auto Union busi­ness, under a new owner, to em­bark on a pe­riod of prof­itable growth, now pro­duc­ing not Auto Unions or DKWs, but using the “Audi” name, res­ur­rected in 1965 after a 25-year gap.

In 1964, Volk­swa­gen ac­quired a 50% hold­ing in the busi­ness, which in­cluded the new fac­tory in In­gol­stadt, the DKW and Audi brands along with the rights to the new en­gine de­sign which had been funded by Daim­ler-Benz, who in re­turn re­tained the dor­mant Horch trade­mark and the Düssel­dorf fac­tory which be­came a Mer­cedes-Benz van as­sem­bly plant. Eigh­teen months later, Volk­swa­gen bought com­plete con­trol of In­gol­stadt, and by 1966 were using the spare ca­pac­ity of the In­gol­stadt plant to as­sem­ble an ad­di­tional 60,000 Volk­swa­gen Bee­tles per year. Two-stroke en­gines be­came less pop­u­lar dur­ing the 1960s as cus­tomers were more at­tracted to the smoother four-stroke en­gines. In Sep­tem­ber 1965, the DKW F102 was fit­ted with a four-stroke en­gine and a facelift for the car’s front and rear. Volk­swa­gen dumped the DKW brand be­cause of its as­so­ci­a­tions with two-stroke tech­nol­ogy, and hav­ing clas­si­fied the model in­ter­nally as the F103, sold it sim­ply as the “Audi”. Later de­vel­op­ments of the model were named after their horse­power rat­ings and sold as the Audi 60, 75, 80, and Super 90, sell­ing until 1972. Ini­tially, Volk­swa­gen was hos­tile to the idea of Auto Union as a stand­alone en­tity pro­duc­ing its own mod­els hav­ing ac­quired the com­pany merely to boost its own pro­duc­tion ca­pac­ity through the In­gol­stadt as­sem­bly plant – to the point where Volk­swa­gen ex­ec­u­tives or­dered that the Auto Union name and flags bear­ing the four rings were re­moved from the fac­tory build­ings. Then VW chief Heinz Nord­hoff ex­plic­itly for­bade Auto Union from any fur­ther prod­uct de­vel­op­ment. Fear­ing that the Volk­swa­gen had no long term am­bi­tion for the Audi brand, Auto Union en­gi­neers under the lead­er­ship of Lud­wig Kraus de­vel­oped the first Audi 100 in se­cret, with­out Nord­hoff’s knowl­edge. When pre­sented with a fin­ished pro­to­type, Nord­hoff was so im­pressed he au­tho­rised the car for pro­duc­tion, which when launched in 1968, went on to be a huge suc­cess. With this, the res­ur­rec­tion of the Audi brand was now com­plete, this being fol­lowed by the first gen­er­a­tion Audi 80 in 1972, which would in turn pro­vide a tem­plate for VW’s new front-wheel-drive wa­ter-cooled range which de­buted from the mid-1970s on­ward.

In 1969, Auto Union merged with NSU, based in Neckar­sulm, near Stuttgart. In the 1950s, NSU had been the world’s largest man­u­fac­turer of mo­tor­cy­cles, but had moved on to pro­duce small cars like the NSU Prinz, the TT and TTS ver­sions of which are still pop­u­lar as vin­tage race cars. NSU then fo­cused on new ro­tary en­gines based on the ideas of Felix Wankel. In 1967, the new NSU Ro 80 was a car well ahead of its time in tech­ni­cal de­tails such as aero­dy­nam­ics, light weight, and safety. How­ever, teething prob­lems with the ro­tary en­gines put an end to the in­de­pen­dence of NSU. The Neckar­sulm plant is now used to pro­duce the larger Audi mod­els A6 and A8. The Neckar­sulm fac­tory is also home of the “quat­tro GmbH” (from No­vem­ber 2016 “Audi Sport GmbH“), a sub­sidiary re­spon­si­ble for de­vel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion of Audi high-per­for­mance mod­els: the R8 and the “RS” model range.

Modern era

The new merged com­pany was in­cor­po­rated on 1 Jan­u­ary 1969 and was known as Audi NSU Auto Union AG, with its head­quar­ters at NSU’s Neckar­sulm plant, and saw the emer­gence of Audi as a sep­a­rate brand for the first time since the pre-war era. Volk­swa­gen in­tro­duced the Audi brand to the United States for the 1970 model year. That same year, the mid-sized car that NSU had been work­ing on, the K70, orig­i­nally in­tended to slot be­tween the rear-en­gined Prinz mod­els and the fu­tur­is­tic NSU Ro 80, was in­stead launched as a Volk­swa­gen.

After the launch of the Audi 100 of 1968, the Audi 80/Fox (which formed the basis for the 1973 Volk­swa­gen Pas­sat) fol­lowed in 1972 and the Audi 50 (later re­badged as the Volk­swa­gen Polo) in 1974. The Audi 50 was a sem­i­nal de­sign be­cause it was the first in­car­na­tion of the Golf/Polo con­cept, one that led to a hugely suc­cess­ful world car. Ul­ti­mately, the Audi 80 and 100 (prog­en­i­tors of the A4 and A6, re­spec­tively) be­came the com­pany’s biggest sell­ers, whilst lit­tle in­vest­ment was made in the fad­ing NSU range; the Prinz mod­els were dropped in 1973 whilst the fa­tally flawed NSU Ro80 went out of pro­duc­tion in 1977, spelling the ef­fec­tive end of the NSU brand. Pro­duc­tion of the Audi 100 had been steadily moved from In­gol­stadt to Neckar­sulm as the 1970s had pro­gressed, any by the ap­pear­ance of the sec­ond gen­er­a­tion C2 ver­sion in 1976, all pro­duc­tion was now at the for­mer NSU plant. Neckar­sulm from that point on­ward would pro­duce Audi’s higher end mod­els.

The Audi image at this time was a con­ser­v­a­tive one, and so, a pro­posal from chas­sis en­gi­neer Jörg Bensinger was ac­cepted to de­velop the four-wheel drive tech­nol­ogy in Volk­swa­gen‘s Iltis mil­i­tary ve­hi­cle for an Audi per­for­mance car and rally rac­ing car. The per­for­mance car, in­tro­duced in 1980, was named the “Audi Quat­tro“, a tur­bocharged coupé which was also the first Ger­man large-scale pro­duc­tion ve­hi­cle to fea­ture per­ma­nent all-wheel drive through a cen­tre dif­fer­en­tial. Com­monly re­ferred to as the “Ur-Quat­tro” (the “Ur-” pre­fix is a Ger­man aug­men­ta­tive used, in this case, to mean “orig­i­nal” and is also ap­plied to the first gen­er­a­tion of Audi’s S4 and S6 Sport Sa­loons, as in “UrS4” and “UrS6”), few of these ve­hi­cles were pro­duced (all hand-built by a sin­gle team), but the model was a great suc­cess in ral­ly­ing. Promi­nent wins proved the vi­a­bil­ity of all-wheel drive race­cars, and the Audi name be­came as­so­ci­ated with ad­vances in au­to­mo­tive tech­nol­ogy.

In 1985, with the Auto Union and NSU brands ef­fec­tively dead, the com­pany’s of­fi­cial name was now short­ened to sim­ply Audi AG. At the same time the com­pany’s head­quar­ters moved back to In­gol­stadt and two new wholly owned sub­sidiaries; Auto Union GmbH and NSU GmbH, were formed to own and man­age the his­tor­i­cal trade­marks and in­tel­lec­tual prop­erty of the orig­i­nal con­stituent com­pa­nies (the ex­cep­tion being Horch, which had been re­tained by Daim­ler-Benz after the VW takeover), and to op­er­ate Audi’s her­itage op­er­a­tions.

In 1986, as the Pas­sat-based Audi 80 was be­gin­ning to de­velop a kind of “grand­fa­ther’s car” image, the type 89 was in­tro­duced. This com­pletely new de­vel­op­ment sold ex­tremely well. How­ever, its mod­ern and dy­namic ex­te­rior be­lied the low per­for­mance of its base en­gine, and its base pack­age was quite spar­tan (even the pas­sen­ger-side mir­ror was an op­tion.) In 1987, Audi put for­ward a new and very el­e­gant Audi 90, which had a much su­pe­rior set of stan­dard fea­tures. In the early 1990s, sales began to slump for the Audi 80 se­ries, and some basic con­struc­tion prob­lems started to sur­face.

In the early part of the 21st cen­tury, Audi set forth on a Ger­man race­track to claim and main­tain sev­eral world records, such as top speed en­durance. This ef­fort was in-line with the com­pany’s her­itage from the 1930s rac­ing era Sil­ver Ar­rows.

Through the early 1990s, Audi began to shift its tar­get mar­ket up­scale to com­pete against Ger­man au­tomak­ers Mer­cedes-Benz and BMW. This began with the re­lease of the Audi V8 in 1990. It was es­sen­tially a new en­gine fit­ted to the Audi 100/200, but with no­tice­able body­work dif­fer­ences. Most ob­vi­ous was the new grille that was now in­cor­po­rated in the bon­net.

By 1991, Audi had the four-cylin­der Audi 80, the 5-cylin­der Audi 90 and Audi 100, the tur­bocharged Audi 200 and the Audi V8. There was also a coupe ver­sion of the 80/90 with both 4- and 5-cylin­der en­gines.

Al­though the five-cylin­der en­gine was a suc­cess­ful and ro­bust pow­er­plant, it was still a lit­tle too dif­fer­ent for the tar­get mar­ket. With the in­tro­duc­tion of an all-new Audi 100 in 1992, Audi in­tro­duced a 2.8L V6 en­gine. This en­gine was also fit­ted to a face-lifted Audi 80 (all 80 and 90 mod­els were now badged 80 ex­cept for the USA), giv­ing this model a choice of four-, five-, and six-cylin­der en­gines, in Sa­loonCoupé and Cabri­o­let body styles.

The five-cylin­der was soon dropped as a major en­gine choice; how­ever, a tur­bocharged 230 hp (170 kW) ver­sion re­mained. The en­gine, ini­tially fit­ted to the 200 quat­tro 20V of 1991, was a de­riv­a­tive of the en­gine fit­ted to the Sport Quat­tro. It was fit­ted to the Audi Coupé, and named the S2 and also to the Audi 100 body, and named the S4. These two mod­els were the be­gin­ning of the mass-pro­duced S se­riesof per­for­mance cars.

Audi 5000 unintended acceleration allegations

Sales in the United States fell after a se­ries of re­calls from 1982 to 1987 of Audi 5000 mod­els as­so­ci­ated with re­ported in­ci­dents of sud­den un­in­tended ac­cel­er­a­tion linked to six deaths and 700 accidents. At the time, NHTSA was in­ves­ti­gat­ing 50 car mod­els from 20 man­u­fac­tur­ers for sud­den surges of power.

60 Min­utes re­port aired 23 No­vem­ber 1986, fea­tur­ing in­ter­views with six peo­ple who had sued Audi after re­port­ing un­in­tended ac­cel­er­a­tion, show­ing an Audi 5000 os­ten­si­bly suf­fer­ing a prob­lem when the brake pedal was pushed. Sub­se­quent in­ves­ti­ga­tion re­vealed that 60 Minutes had en­gi­neered the fail­ure – fit­ting a can­is­ter of com­pressed air on the pas­sen­ger-side floor, linked via a hose to a hole drilled into the transmission.

1982-91 Audi 100
Audi 100 C3, sold as the Audi 5000 in the U.S.

Audi con­tended, prior to find­ings by out­side investigators, that the prob­lems were caused by dri­ver error, specif­i­cally pedal misapplication. Sub­se­quently, the Na­tional High­way Traf­fic Safety Ad­min­is­tra­tion (NHTSA) con­cluded that the ma­jor­ity of un­in­tended ac­cel­er­a­tion cases, in­clud­ing all the ones that prompted the 60 Minutes re­port, were caused by dri­ver error such as con­fu­sion of pedals. CBS did not ac­knowl­edge the test re­sults of in­volved gov­ern­ment agen­cies, but did ac­knowl­edge the sim­i­lar re­sults of an­other study.

In a re­view study pub­lished in 2012, NHTSA sum­ma­rized its past find­ings about the Audi un­in­tended ac­cel­er­a­tion prob­lems: “Once an un­in­tended ac­cel­er­a­tion had begun, in the Audi 5000, due to a fail­ure in the idle-sta­bi­lizer sys­tem (pro­duc­ing an ini­tial ac­cel­er­a­tion of 0.3g), pedal mis­ap­pli­ca­tion re­sult­ing from panic, con­fu­sion, or un­fa­mil­iar­ity with the Audi 5000 con­tributed to the sever­ity of the incident.”

This sum­mary is con­sis­tent with the con­clu­sions of NHTSA’s most tech­ni­cal analy­sis at the time: “Audi idle-sta­bi­liza­tion sys­tems were prone to de­fects which re­sulted in ex­ces­sive idle speeds and brief unan­tic­i­pated ac­cel­er­a­tions of up to 0.3g [which is sim­i­lar in mag­ni­tude to an emer­gency stop in a sub­way car]. These ac­cel­er­a­tions could not be the sole cause of [(long-du­ra­tion) sud­den ac­cel­er­a­tion in­ci­dents (SAI)], but might have trig­gered some SAIs by star­tling the driver. The de­fec­tive idle-sta­bi­liza­tion sys­tem per­formed a type of elec­tronic throt­tle con­trol. Sig­nif­i­cantly: mul­ti­ple “in­ter­mit­tent mal­func­tions of the elec­tronic con­trol unit were ob­served and recorded … and [were also ob­served and] re­ported by Trans­port Canada.”

With a se­ries of re­call cam­paigns, Audi made sev­eral mod­i­fi­ca­tions; the first ad­justed the dis­tance be­tween the brake and ac­cel­er­a­tor pedal on au­to­matic-trans­mis­sion models. Later re­pairs, of 250,000 cars dat­ing back to 1978, added a de­vice re­quir­ing the dri­ver to press the brake pedal be­fore shift­ing out of park. A legacy of the Audi 5000 and other re­ported cases of sud­den un­in­tended ac­cel­er­a­tion are in­tri­cate gear stick pat­terns and brake in­ter­lock mech­a­nisms to pre­vent in­ad­ver­tent shift­ing into for­ward or re­verse. It is un­clear how the de­fects in the idle-sta­bi­liza­tion sys­tem were ad­dressed.

Audi’s U.S. sales, which had reached 74,061 in 1985, dropped to 12,283 in 1991 and re­mained level for three years. – with re­sale val­ues falling dramatically. Audi sub­se­quently of­fered in­creased war­ranty protection and re­named the af­fected mod­els – with the 5000 be­com­ing the 100 and 200 in 1989 – and reached the same sales lev­els again only by model year 2000.

A 2010 Busi­ness­Week ar­ti­cle – out­lin­ing pos­si­ble par­al­lels be­tween Audi’s ex­pe­ri­ence and 2009–2010 Toy­ota ve­hi­cle re­calls – noted a class-ac­tion law­suit filed in 1987 by about 7,500 Audi 5000-model own­ers re­mains un­set­tled and is re­mains con­tested in Chicago‘s Cook Countyafter ap­peals at the Illi­nois state and U.S. fed­eral levels.

Model introductions

In the mid-to-late 1990s, Audi in­tro­duced new tech­nolo­gies in­clud­ing the use of alu­minum con­struc­tion. Pro­duced from 1999 to 2005, the Audi A2 was a fu­tur­is­tic super mini, born from the Al2 con­cept, with many fea­tures that helped re­gain con­sumer con­fi­dence, like the alu­minium space frame, which was a first in pro­duc­tion car de­sign. In the A2 Audi fur­ther ex­panded their TDI tech­nol­ogy through the use of fru­gal three-cylin­der en­gines. The A2 was ex­tremely aero­dy­namic and was de­signed around a wind tun­nel. The Audi A2 was crit­i­cised for its high price and was never re­ally a sales suc­cess but it planted Audi as a cut­ting-edge man­u­fac­turer. The model, a Mer­cedes-Benz A-Class com­peti­tor, sold rel­a­tively well in Eu­rope. How­ever, the A2 was dis­con­tin­ued in 2005 and Audi de­cided not to de­velop an im­me­di­ate re­place­ment.

The next major model change came in 1995 when the Audi A4 re­placed the Audi 80. The new nomen­cla­ture scheme was ap­plied to the Audi 100 to be­come the Audi A6 (with a minor facelift). This also meant the S4 be­came the S6 and a new S4 was in­tro­duced in the A4 body. The S2 was dis­con­tin­ued. The Audi Cabri­o­let con­tin­ued on (based on the Audi 80 plat­form) until 1999, gain­ing the en­gine up­grades along the way. A new A3 hatch­back model (shar­ing the Volk­swa­gen Golf Mk4‘s plat­form) was in­tro­duced to the range in 1996, and the rad­i­cal Audi TT coupé and road­ster were de­buted in 1998 based on the same un­der­pin­nings.

The en­gines avail­able through­out the range were now a 1.4 L, 1.6 L and 1.8 L four-cylin­der, 1.8 L four-cylin­der turbo, 2.6 L and 2.8 L V6, 2.2 L turbo-charged five-cylin­der and the 4.2 L V8 en­gine. The V6s were re­placed by new 2.4 L and 2.8 L 30V V6s in 1998, with marked im­prove­ment in power, torque and smooth­ness. Fur­ther en­gines were added along the way, in­clud­ing a 3.7 L V8 and 6.0 L W12 en­gine for the A8.

Audi AG today

Audi’s sales grew strongly in the 2000s, with de­liv­er­ies to cus­tomers in­creas­ing from 653,000 in 2000 to 1,003,000 in 2008. The largest sales in­creases came from East­ern Eu­rope (+19.3%), Africa (+17.2%) and the Mid­dle East (+58.5%). China in par­tic­u­lar has be­come a key mar­ket, rep­re­sent­ing 108,000 out of 705,000 cars de­liv­ered in the first three quar­ters of 2009. One fac­tor for its pop­u­lar­ity in China is that Audis have be­come the car of choice for pur­chase by the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment for of­fi­cials, and pur­chases by the gov­ern­ment are re­spon­si­ble for 20% of its sales in China. As of late 2009, Audi’s op­er­at­ing profit of €1.17-bil­lion ($1.85-bil­lion) made it the biggest con­trib­u­tor to par­ent Volk­swa­gen Group’s nine-month op­er­at­ing profit of €1.5-bil­lion, while the other mar­ques in Group such as Bent­ley and SEAT had suf­fered con­sid­er­able losses. May 2011 saw record sales for Audi of Amer­ica with the new Audi A7 and Audi A3 TDI Clean Diesel. In May 2012, Audi re­ported a 10% in­crease in its sales—from 408 units to 480 in the last year alone.

Audi man­u­fac­tures ve­hi­cles in seven plants around the world, some of which are shared with other VW Group marques al­though many sub-as­sem­blies such as en­gines and trans­mis­sions are man­u­fac­tured within other Volk­swa­gen Group plants.

Audi’s two prin­ci­pal as­sem­bly plants are:

  • Ingolstadt, Opened by Auto Union in 1964, (A3, A4, A5, Q5)
  • Neckarsulm, Acquired from NSU in 1969 (A4, A6, A7, A8, R8 & all RS variants)

Out­side of Ger­many, Audi pro­duces ve­hi­cles at:

In Sep­tem­ber 2012, Audi an­nounced the con­struc­tion of its first North Amer­i­can man­u­fac­tur­ing plant in Puebla, Mex­ico. This plant is ex­pected to be op­er­a­tive in 2016 and pro­duce the sec­ond gen­er­a­tion Q5.

From 2002 up to 2003, Audi headed the Audi Brand Group, a sub­di­vi­sion of the Volk­swa­gen Group’s Au­to­mo­tive Di­vi­sion con­sist­ing of Audi, Lam­borgh­ini and SEAT, that was fo­cused on sporty val­ues, with the mar­ques’ prod­uct ve­hi­cles and per­for­mance being under the higher re­spon­si­bil­ity of the Audi brand.

On Jan­u­ary 2014, Audi, along with the Wire­less Power Con­sor­tium, op­er­ated a booth which demon­strated a phone com­part­ment using the Qi open in­ter­face stan­dard at the Con­sumer Elec­tron­ics Show (CES). In May, most of the Audi deal­ers in UK falsely claimed that the Audi A7, A8, and R8 were Euro NCAP safety tested, all achiev­ing five out of five stars. In fact none were tested.

In 2015, Audi ad­mit­ted that at least 2.1 mil­lion Audi cars had been in­volved in the Volk­swa­gen emis­sions test­ing scan­dal in which soft­ware in­stalled in the cars ma­nip­u­lated emis­sions data to fool reg­u­la­tors and allow the cars to pol­lute at higher than gov­ern­ment-man­dated lev­els. The A1, A3, A4, A5, A6, TT, Q3 and Q5 mod­els were im­pli­cated in the scandal. Audi promised to quickly find a tech­ni­cal so­lu­tion and up­grade the cars so they can func­tion within emis­sions regulations. Ul­rich Hack­en­berg, the head of re­search and de­vel­op­ment at Audi, was sus­pended in re­la­tion to the scandal. De­spite wide­spread media cov­er­age about the scan­dal through the month of Sep­tem­ber, Audi re­ported that U.S. sales for the month had in­creased by 16.2%. Audi’s par­ent com­pany Volk­swa­gen an­nounced on 18 June 2018 that Audi chief ex­ec­u­tive Ru­pert Stadler had been arrested.

In No­vem­ber 2015, the U.S. En­vi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency im­pli­cated the 3-liter diesel en­gine ver­sions of the 2016 Audi A6 Quat­tro, A7 Quat­tro, A8, A8L and the Q5 as fur­ther mod­els that had emis­sions reg­u­la­tion de­feat-de­vice soft­ware installed. Thus, these mod­els emit­ted ni­tro­gen oxide at up to nine times the legal limit when the car de­tected that it was not hooked up to emis­sions test­ing equipment.

In No­vem­ber 2016, Audi ex­pressed an in­ten­tion to es­tab­lish an as­sem­bly fac­tory in Pak­istan, with the com­pany’s local part­ner ac­quir­ing land for a plant in Ko­rangi Creek In­dus­trial Park in Karachi. Ap­proval of the plan would lead to an in­vest­ment of $30 mil­lion in the new plant.


Audi AI

Audi AI is a dri­ver as­sist fea­ture of­fered by Audi. The com­pany’s stated in­tent is to offer fully au­tonomous dri­ving at a fu­ture time, ac­knowl­edg­ing that legal, reg­u­la­tory and tech­ni­cal hur­dles must be over­come to achieve this goal. On June 4, 2017, Audi stated that its new A8 will be fully self-dri­ving for speeds up to 60 km/h using its Audi AI. Con­trary to other cars, the dri­ver will not have to do safety checks such as touch­ing the steer­ing wheel every 15 sec­onds to use this fea­ture. The Audi A8 will there­fore be the first pro­duc­tion car to reach level 3 au­tonomous dri­ving, mean­ing that the dri­ver can safely turn their at­ten­tion away from dri­ving tasks, e.g. the dri­ver can text or watch a movie. Audi will also be the first man­u­fac­turer to use a 3D LIDAR sys­tem in ad­di­tion to cam­eras and ul­tra­sonic sen­sors for their AI.


Audi pro­duces 100% gal­vanised cars to pre­vent cor­ro­sion, and was the first mass-mar­ket ve­hi­cle to do so, fol­low­ing in­tro­duc­tion of the process by Porsche, c. 1975. Along with other pre­cau­tion­ary mea­sures, the full-body zinc coat­ing has proved to be very ef­fec­tive in pre­vent­ing rust. The body’s re­sult­ing dura­bil­ity even sur­passed Audi’s own ex­pec­ta­tions, caus­ing the man­u­fac­turer to ex­tend its orig­i­nal 10-year war­ranty against cor­ro­sion per­fo­ra­tion to cur­rently 12 years (ex­cept for alu­minium bod­ies which do not rust).

Space frame

2012 Audi R8 - Alexandre Prevost
The Audi R8 uses Audi Space Frame technology

Audi in­tro­duced a new se­ries of ve­hi­cles in the mid-1990s and con­tin­ues to pur­sue new tech­nol­ogy and high per­for­mance. An all-alu­minium car was brought for­ward by Audi, and in 1994 the Audi A8was launched, which in­tro­duced alu­minium space frame tech­nol­ogy (called Audi Space Frame or ASF) which saves weight and im­proves tor­sion rigid­ity com­pared to a con­ven­tional steel frame. Prior to that ef­fort, Audi used ex­am­ples of the Type 44 chas­sis fab­ri­cated out of alu­minium as test-beds for the tech­nique. The dis­ad­van­tage of the alu­minium frame is that it is very ex­pen­sive to re­pair and re­quires a spe­cial­ized alu­minium bodyshop. The weight re­duc­tion is some­what off­set by the quat­tro four-wheel drive sys­tem which is stan­dard in most mar­kets. Nonethe­less, the A8 is usu­ally the light­est all-wheel drive car in the full-size lux­ury seg­ment, also hav­ing best-in-class fuel economy. The Audi A2Audi TT and Audi R8 also use Audi Space Frame de­signs.



For most of its lineup (ex­clud­ing the A3, A1, and TT mod­els), Audi has not adopted the trans­verse en­gine lay­out which is typ­i­cally found in econ­omy cars (such as Peu­geot and Citroën), since that would limit the type and power of en­gines that can be in­stalled. To be able to mount pow­er­ful en­gines (such as a V8 en­gine in the Audi S4 and Audi RS4, as well as the W12 en­gine in the Audi A8L W12), Audi has usu­ally en­gi­neered its more ex­pen­sive cars with a lon­gi­tu­di­nally front-mounted en­gine, in an “over­hung” po­si­tion, over the front wheels in front of the axle line – this lay­out dates back to the DKW and Auto Union sa­loons from the 1950s. But while this al­lows for the easy adop­tion of all-wheel drive, it goes against the ideal 50:50 weight dis­tri­b­u­tion.

In all its post Volk­swa­gen-era mod­els, Audi has firmly re­fused to adopt the tra­di­tional rear-wheel drive lay­out fa­vored by its two archri­vals Mer­cedes-Benz and BMW, fa­vor­ing ei­ther front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive. The ma­jor­ity of Audi’s lineup in the United States fea­tures all-wheel drive stan­dard on most of its ex­pen­sive ve­hi­cles (only the en­try-level trims of the A4 and A6 are avail­able with front-wheel drive), in con­trast to Mer­cedes-Benz and BMW whose lineup treats all-wheel drive as an op­tion. BMW did not offer all-wheel drive on its V8-pow­ered cars (as op­posed to crossover SUVs) until the 2010 BMW 7 Se­ries and 2011 BMW 5 Se­ries, while the Audi A8 has had all-wheel drive avail­able/stan­dard since the 1990s. Re­gard­ing high-per­for­mance vari­ants, Audi S and RS mod­els have al­ways had all-wheel drive, un­like their di­rect ri­vals from BMW M and Mer­cedes-AMG whose cars are rear-wheel drive only (al­though their per­for­mance crossover SUVs are all-wheel drive).

Audi has re­cently ap­plied the quat­tro badge to mod­els such as the A3 and TT which do not use the Torsen-based sys­tem as in prior years with a me­chan­i­cal cen­ter dif­fer­en­tial, but with the Haldex Trac­tion elec­tro-me­chan­i­cal clutch AWD sys­tem.


Prior to the in­tro­duc­tion of the Audi 80 and Audi 50 in 1972 and 1974, re­spec­tively, Audi had led the de­vel­op­ment of the EA111 and EA827 in­line-four en­gine fam­i­lies. These new power units un­der­pinned the wa­ter-cooled re­vival of par­ent com­pany Volk­swa­gen (in the Polo, Golf, Pas­sat and Scirocco), whilst the many de­riv­a­tives and de­scen­dants of these two basic en­gine de­signs have ap­peared in every gen­er­a­tion of VW Group ve­hi­cles right up to the pre­sent day.

In the 1980s, Audi, along with Volvo, was the cham­pion of the in­line-five cylin­der, 2.1/2.2 L en­gine as a longer-last­ing al­ter­na­tive to more tra­di­tional six-cylin­der en­gines. This en­gine was used not only in pro­duc­tion cars but also in their race cars. The 2.1 L in­line five-cylin­der en­gine was used as a base for the rally cars in the 1980s, pro­vid­ing well over 400 horse­power (300 kilo­watts) after mod­i­fi­ca­tion. Be­fore 1990, there were en­gines pro­duced with a dis­place­ment be­tween 2.0 L and 2.3 L. This range of en­gine ca­pac­ity al­lowed for both fuel econ­omy and power.

For the ul­tra-lux­ury ver­sion of its Audi A8 full­size lux­ury flag­ship sedan, the Audi A8L W12, Audi uses the Volk­swa­gen Group W12 en­gine in­stead of the con­ven­tional V12 en­gine fa­vored by ri­vals Mer­cedes-Benz and BMW. The W12 en­gine con­fig­u­ra­tion (also known as a “WR12”) is cre­ated by form­ing two imag­i­nary nar­row-an­gle 15° VR6 en­gines at an angle of 72°, and the nar­row angle of each set of cylin­ders al­lows just two over­head camshafts to drive each pair of banks, so just four are needed in total. The ad­van­tage of the W12 en­gine is its com­pact pack­ag­ing, al­low­ing Audi to build a 12-cylin­der sedan with all-wheel drive, whereas a con­ven­tional V12 en­gine could have only a rear-wheel drive con­fig­u­ra­tion as it would have no space in the en­gine bay for a dif­fer­en­tial and other com­po­nents re­quired to power the front wheels. In fact, the 6.0 L W12 in the Audi A8L W12 is smaller in over­all di­men­sions than the 4.2 L V8 that pow­ers the Audi A8 4.2 variants. The 2011 Audi A8 de­buted a re­vised 6.3-litre ver­sion of the W12 (WR12) en­gine with 500 PS (370 kW; 490 hp).

Fuel Stratified Injection

New mod­els of the A3, A4, A6 and A8 have been in­tro­duced, with the age­ing 1.8-litre en­gine now hav­ing been re­placed by new Fuel Strat­i­fied In­jec­tion (FSI) en­gines. Nearly every pe­tro­leum burn­ing model in the range now in­cor­po­rates this fuel-sav­ing tech­nol­ogy.

2007 Audi R8 Engine
2007 V8 FSI engine

Direct-Shift Gearbox

In 2003 Volk­swa­gen in­tro­duced the Di­rect-Shift Gear­box (DSG), a type of dual clutch trans­mis­sion. It is an au­to­mated semi-au­to­matic trans­mis­sion, dri­vable like a con­ven­tional au­to­matic trans­mis­sion. Based on the gear­box found in the Group B S1, the sys­tem in­cludes dual elec­tro­hy­drauli­cally con­trolled clutches in­stead of a torque con­verter. This is im­ple­mented in some VW GolfsAudi A3Audi A4 and TT mod­els where DSG is called S-tronic.

LED daytime running lights

Be­gin­ning in 2005, Audi has im­ple­mented white LED tech­nol­ogy as day­time run­ning lights (DRL) in their prod­ucts. The dis­tinc­tive shape of the DRLs has be­come a trade­mark of sorts. LEDs were first in­tro­duced on the Audi A8 W12, the world’s first pro­duc­tion car to have LED DRLs, and have since spread through­out the en­tire model range. The LEDs are pre­sent on some Audi bill­boards.

Since 2010, Audi has also of­fered the LED tech­nol­ogy in low- and high-beam head­lights.

LED Daytime Running Lights
The DRL (LED Daytime Running Lights) in an Audi A4 B8

Multi Media Interface

2014 Audi TT virtual cockpit
Multi Media Interface-Menu on Audi virtual cockpit, 1984 Audi TT Mk3

Audi cars

2012 Audi A1 Sportback 1.4 TFSI Ambition

2012 Audi A1 Sportback 1.4 TFSI Ambition – A1 – Supermini –

3-door Hatchback – 5-door Hatchback – Sportback (5-door Hatchback)

2017 Audi A3 SportBack 2.0 TFSI S-line

2017 Audi A3 SportBack 2.0 TFSI S-line – A3 – Small Family car

3-door Hatchback – Saloon (Sedan) – Sportback (5-door Hatchback) – Cabriolet

2017 Audi A4 (8W) S-Line quattro sedan

2017 Audi A4 (8W) S-Line quattro sedan – A4 – Compact
Executive Car – 
Saloon (Sedan) – Avant (Estate/Wagon) – Allroad (Crossover

2016 Audi A5 II coupé

2016 Audi A5 II coupé – A5 – Compact
Executive Car – 
Coupé – Sportback (5-door Hatchback) – Cabriolet (Convertible)

2017 Audi A6 2.0

2017 Audi A6 2.0 – A6 – Executive Car – Saloon (Sedan) – Avant (Estate/Wagon) – Allroad (Crossover Estate/Wagon)

2018 Audi A7 55 TFSI Quattro

2018 Audi A7 55 TFSI Quattro – A7 – Executive Car – Sportback (5-door Hatchback)

2017 Audi A8L 55 TFSI Quattro D5

2017 Audi A8L 55 TFSI Quattro D5 – A8 – Full-size
Luxury Car – 
Saloon (Sedan)

Audi coupés and SUVs

2015 Audi TT (20444900760)

2015 Audi TT (20444900760) – TT – Compact Sports Car – Coupé – Roadster (Convertible)

2015 Audi A8V10plus

2015 Audi R8 V10 Plus – R8 – Sports Car – Coupé – Spyder (Convertible)

2017 Audi Q2 Sport TDi 1.6

2017 Audi Q2 Sport TDi 1.6 – Q2 – Subcompact Crossover SUV – SUV

2016 Audi Q3 quattro Sport (Facelift)

2016 Audi Q3 quattro Sport (Facelift) – Q3 – Compact Crossover SUV – SUV

2016 Audi Q5 2.0 T quattro

2016 Audi Q5 2.0 T quattro – Q5 – Compact Crossover SUV – SUV

2016 Audi Q7 3.0 TDI quattro S-line (II)

2016 Audi Q7 3.0 TDI quattro S-line (II) – Q7 – Full-size Crossover SUV – SUV

2018 Audi Q8

2018 Audi Q8 – Q8 – Full-size Crossover SUV – SUV

Audi S and RS models

S (Sport) models

2018 Audi S1 Competition Quattro 2.0

2018 Audi S1 Competition Quattro 2.0 – S1 – Supermini – 3-door Hatchback – Sportback (5-door Hatchback)

2017 Audi S3 (26176952539)

2017 Audi S3 (26176952539) – S3 – Small Family Car – 3-door Hatchback – Sportback (5-door Hatchback)

2015 Audi S4 IAA 2015

2015 Audi S4 IAA 2015 – S4 – Compact Executive Car – Saloon (Sedan) – Avant(Estate/Wagon)

2018 Audi S5 TFSi Quattro Automatic 3.0

2018 Audi S5 TFSi Quattro Automatic 3.0 – S5 – Compact Executive Car – Coupé – Cabriolet (Convertible) – Sportback (5-door Hatchback

2015 Audi S6

2015 Audi S6 – S6 – Executive Car – Saloon (Sedan) – Avant (Estate/Wagon)

2015 Audi S7 Sportback C7 facelift 03

2015 Audi S7 Sportback C7 facelift 03 – S7 – Executive Car – Sportback (5-door Hatchback)

2015 Audi S8 plus

2015 Audi S8 plus – S8 – Full-size Luxury Car – Saloon (Sedan)

2015 Audi TTS (8S)

2015 Audi TTS (8S) – TTS – Compact Sports Car – Coupé – Roadster (Convertible)

2018 Audi SQ5 3.0

2018 Audi SQ5 3.0 – SQ5 – Mid-size SUV – Crossover

2017 Audi SQ7

2017 Audi SQ7 – SQ7 – Full-size SUV – Crossover

RS (RennSport/Racing Sport) models

2018 Audi TT RS Coupe

2018 Audi TT RS Coupe – TT RS – Compact Sports Car – Coupé – Roadster (Convertible)

2016 Audi RS Q3 performance

2016 Audi RS Q3 performance – RS Q3 – Compact SUV – Crossover

2016 Audi RS 3 quattro

2016 Audi RS 3 quattro – RS 3 – Small Family Car – Saloon (Sedan) – 5-door Hatchback

2017 Audi RS4 Avant

2017 Audi RS4 Avant

2018 Audi RS4 Avant

2018 Audi RS4 Avant – RS 4 – Compact Executive Car – Avant (Estate/Wagon)

2017 Audi RS5 Coupe Quattro

2017 Audi RS5 Coupe Quattro – RS 5 – Compact Executive Car – Coupé – Cabriolet (Convertible)

2015 Audi RS6 Avant TFSi Quattro Automatic 4.0

2015 Audi RS6 Avant TFSi Quattro Automatic 4.0 – RS 6 – Executive Car – Avant (Estate/Wagon)

2016 Audi RS7 Sportback Performance Quattro

2016 Audi RS7 Sportback Performance Quattro – RS 7 – Executive Car – Sportback (5-door Liftback)

Electric vehicles

Audi is plan­ning an al­liance with the Japan­ese elec­tron­ics giant Sanyo to de­velop a pilot hy­brid elec­tric pro­ject for the Volk­swa­gen Group. The al­liance could re­sult in Sanyo bat­ter­ies and other elec­tronic com­po­nents being used in fu­ture mod­els of the Volk­swa­gen Group. Con­cept elec­tric ve­hi­cles un­veiled to date in­clude the Audi A1 Sport­back Concept, Audi A4 TDI Con­cept E, and the fully elec­tric Audi e-tron Con­cept Supercar.

Production figures

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 Q3 Q5 Q7 TT R8
1998 143,974 271,152 174,867 15,355 13,682
1999 143,505 252,514 162,573 14,636 52,579
2000 32,164 136,141 231,869 180,715 12,894 56,776
2001 49,369 131,082 308,778 186,467 11,708 39,349
2002 37,578 125,538 360,267 178,773 10,942 34,711
2003 27,323 159,417 353,836 168,612 21,748 32,337
2004 19,745 181,274 345,231 195,529 22,429 23,605
2005 10,026 224,961 337,705 215,437 21,515 1,185 12,307
2006 231,752 341,110 487 229,021 22,468 72,169 23,675 164
2007 231,117 289,806 25,549 243,842 22,182 162 77,395 56,766 4,125
2008 222,164 378,885 57,650 214,074 20,140 20,324 59,008 41,789 5,656
2009 206,747 282,033 84,883 182,090 8,599 105,074 27,929 22,821 2,101
2010 51,937 198,974 306,291 111,270 211,256 8,496 22,435 154,604 48,937 26,217 3,485
2011 117,566 189,068 321,045 111,758 241,862 37,301 38,542 19,613 183,678 53,703 25,508 3,551
2012 123,111 164,666 329,759 103,357 284,888 28,950 35,932 106,918 209,799 54,558 21,880 2,241
  • Data from 1998 to 2010. Figures for different body types/versions of models have been merged to create overall figures for each model.


Audi has com­peted in var­i­ous forms of mo­tor­sports. Audi’s tra­di­tion in mo­tor­sport began with their for­mer com­pany Auto Union in the 1930s. In the 1990s, Audi found suc­cess in the Tour­ing and Super Tour­ing cat­e­gories of motor rac­ing after suc­cess in cir­cuit rac­ing in North Amer­ica.


1984 Portugal Audi Quattro A2
Walter Röhrl with his Quattro A2 during the 1984 Rally Portugal

In 1980, Audi re­leased the Quat­tro, a four-wheel drive (4WD) tur­bocharged car that went on to win ral­lies and races world­wide. It is con­sid­ered one of the most sig­nif­i­cant rally cars of all time, be­cause it was one of the first to take ad­van­tage of the then-re­cently changed rules which al­lowed the use of four-wheel drive in com­pe­ti­tion rac­ing. Many crit­ics doubted the vi­a­bil­ity of four-wheel drive rac­ers, think­ing them to be too heavy and com­plex, yet the Quat­tro was to be­come a suc­cess­ful car. Lead­ing its first rally it went off the road, how­ever the rally world had been served no­tice 4WD was the fu­ture. The Quat­tro went on to achieve much suc­cess in the World Rally Cham­pi­onship. It won the 1983 (Hannu Mikkola) and the 1984 (Stig Blomqvistdri­vers’ ti­tles, and brought Audi the man­u­fac­tur­ers’ title in 1982 and 1984.

In 1984, Audi launched the short-wheel­base Sport Quat­trowhich dom­i­nated rally races in Monte Carlo and Swe­den, with Audi tak­ing all podium places, but suc­cumbed to prob­lems fur­ther into WRC con­tention. In 1985, after an­other sea­son mired in mediocre fin­ishes, Wal­ter Röhrl fin­ished the sea­son in his Sport Quat­tro S1, and helped place Audi sec­ond in the man­u­fac­tur­ers’ points. Audi also re­ceived rally ho­n­ours in the Hong Kong to Bei­jing rally in that same year. Michèle Mou­ton, the only fe­male dri­ver to win a round of the World Rally Cham­pi­onship and a dri­ver for Audi, took the Sport Quat­tro S1, now sim­ply called the “S1”, and raced in the Pikes Peak In­ter­na­tional Hill Climb. The 1,439-me­tre (4,721 ft) climb race pits a dri­ver and car to drive to the sum­mit of the 4,302-me­tre (14,114 ft) Pikes Peak moun­tain in Col­orado, and in 1985, Michèle Mou­ton set a new record of 11:25.39, and being the first woman to set a Pikes Peak record. In 1986, Audi for­mally left in­ter­na­tional rally rac­ing fol­low­ing an ac­ci­dent in Por­tu­gal in­volv­ing dri­ver Joaquim San­tos in his Ford RS200. San­tos swerved to avoid hit­ting spec­ta­tors in the road, and left the track into the crowd of spec­ta­tors on the side, killing three and in­jur­ing 30. Bobby Unser used an Audi in that same year to claim a new record for the Pikes Peak Hill Climb at 11:09.22.

In 1987, Wal­ter Röhrl claimed the title for Audi set­ting a new Pikes Peak In­ter­na­tional Hill Climb record of 10:47.85 in his Audi S1, which he had re­tired from the WRC two years ear­lier. The Audi S1 em­ployed Audi’s time-tested in­line-five-cylin­der tur­bocharged en­gine, with the final ver­sion gen­er­at­ing 441 kW (600 PS; 591 bhp). The en­gine was mated to a six-speed gear­box and ran on Audi’s fa­mous four-wheel drive sys­tem. All of Audi’s top dri­vers drove this car; Hannu Mikkola, Stig Blomqvist, Wal­ter Röhrl and Michèle Mou­ton. This Audi S1 started the range of Audi ‘S’ cars, which now rep­re­sents an in­creased level of sports-per­for­mance equip­ment within the main­stream Audi model range.

In the United States

As Audi moved away from ral­ly­ing and into cir­cuit rac­ing, they chose to move first into Amer­ica with the Trans-Am in 1988.

In 1989, Audi moved to In­ter­na­tional Motor Sports As­so­ci­a­tion (IMSA) GTO with the Audi 90, how­ever as they avoided the two major en­durance events (Day­tona and Se­bring) de­spite win­ning on a reg­u­lar basis, they would lose out on the title.

Touring cars

In 1990, hav­ing com­pleted their ob­jec­tive to mar­ket cars in North Amer­ica, Audi re­turned to Eu­rope, turn­ing first to the Deutsche Touren­wa­gen Meis­ter­schaft (DTM) se­ries with the Audi V8, and then in 1993, being un­will­ing to build cars for the new for­mula, they turned their at­ten­tion to the fast-grow­ing Super Tour­ing se­ries, which are a se­ries of na­tional cham­pi­onships. Audi first en­tered in the French Su­per­tourisme and Ital­ian Su­per­tur­ismo. In the fol­low­ing year, Audi would switch to the Ger­man Super Touren­wa­gen Cup (known as STW), and then to British Tour­ing Car Cham­pi­onship (BTCC) the year after that.

The Fédéra­tion In­ter­na­tionale de l’Au­to­mo­bile (FIA), hav­ing dif­fi­culty reg­u­lat­ing the quat­tro four-wheel drive sys­tem, and the im­pact it had on the com­peti­tors, would even­tu­ally ban all four-wheel drive cars from com­pet­ing in 1998, but by then, Audi switched all their works ef­forts to sports car rac­ing.

By 2000, Audi would still com­pete in the US with their RS4 for the SCCA Speed World GT Chal­lenge, through dealer/team Cham­pion Rac­ingcom­pet­ing against Corvettes, Vipers, and smaller BMWs (where it is one of the few se­ries to per­mit 4WD cars). In 2003, Cham­pion Rac­ing en­tered an RS6. Once again, the quat­tro four-wheel drive was su­pe­rior, and Cham­pion Audi won the cham­pi­onship. They re­turned in 2004 to de­fend their title, but a new­comer, Cadil­lac with the new Omega Chas­sis CTS-V, gave them a run for their money. After four vic­to­ries in a row, the Audis were sanc­tioned with sev­eral neg­a­tive changes that deeply af­fected the car’s per­for­mance. Namely, added bal­last weights, and Cham­pion Audi de­cid­ing to go with dif­fer­ent tyres, and re­duc­ing the boost pres­sure of the tur­bocharger.

In 2004, after years of com­pet­ing with the TT-R in the re­vi­talised DTM se­ries, with pri­va­teer team Abt Racing/Chris­t­ian Abt tak­ing the 2002 title with Lau­rent Aïello, Audi re­turned as a full fac­tory ef­fort to tour­ing car rac­ing by en­ter­ing two fac­tory sup­ported Joest Rac­ing A4 DTMcars.

24 Hours of Le Mans

Audi began rac­ing pro­to­type sports­cars in 1999, de­but­ing at the Le Mans 24 hour. Two car con­cepts were de­vel­oped and raced in their first sea­son – the Audi R8R (open-cock­pit ‘road­ster’ pro­to­type) and the Audi R8C (closed-cock­pit ‘coupé’ GT-pro­to­type). The R8R scored a cred­i­ble podium on its rac­ing debut at Le Mans and was the con­cept which Audi con­tin­ued to de­velop into the 2000 sea­son due to favourable rules for open-cock­pit pro­to­types.

How­ever, most of the com­peti­tors (such as BMW, Toy­ota, Mer­cedes and Nis­san) re­tired at the end of 1999. The fac­tory-sup­ported Joest Rac­ing team won at Le Mans three times in a row with the Audi R8 (2000–2002), as well as win­ning every race in the Amer­i­can Le Mans Se­ries in its first year. Audi also sold the car to cus­tomer teams such as Cham­pion Rac­ing.

In 2003, two Bent­ley Speed 8s, with en­gines de­signed by Audi, and dri­ven by Joest dri­vers loaned to the fel­low Volk­swa­gen Group com­pany, com­peted in the GTP class, and fin­ished the race in the top two po­si­tions, while the Cham­pion Rac­ing R8 fin­ished third over­all, and first in the LM­P900 class. Audi re­turned to the win­ner’s podium at the 2004 race, with the top three fin­ish­ers all dri­ving R8s: Audi Sport Japan Team Goh fin­ished first, Audi Sport UK Veloqx sec­ond, and Cham­pion Rac­ing third.

At the 2005 24 Hours of Le Mans, Cham­pion Rac­ing en­tered two R8s, along with an R8 from the Audi PlaySta­tion Team Oreca. The R8s (which were built to old LM­P900 reg­u­la­tions) re­ceived a nar­rower air inlet re­stric­tor, re­duc­ing power, and an ad­di­tional 50 kg (110 lb) of weight com­pared to the newer LMP1 chas­sis. On av­er­age, the R8s were about 2–3 sec­onds off pace com­pared to the PescaroloJudd. But with a team of ex­cel­lent dri­vers and ex­pe­ri­ence, both Cham­pion R8s were able to take first and third, while the Oreca team took fourth. The Cham­pion team was also the first Amer­i­can team to win Le Mans since the Gulf Ford GTs in 1967. This also ends the long era of the R8; how­ever, its re­place­ment for 2006, called the Audi R10 TDI, was un­veiled on 13 De­cem­ber 2005.

The R10 TDI em­ployed many new and in­no­v­a­tive fea­tures, the most no­table being the twin-tur­bocharged di­rect in­jec­tion diesel en­gine. It was first raced in the 2006 12 Hours of Se­bring as a race-test in prepa­ra­tion for the 2006 24 Hours of Le Mans, which it later went on to win. Audi has been on the fore­front of sports car rac­ing, claim­ing a his­toric win in the first diesel sports car at 12 Hours of Se­bring (the car was de­vel­oped with a Diesel en­gine due to ACO reg­u­la­tions that favor diesel en­gines). As well as win­ning the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 2006 mak­ing his­tory, the R10 TDI has also shown its ca­pa­bil­i­ties by beat­ing the Peu­geot 908 HDi FAP in 2007, and beat­ing Peu­geot again in 2008, (how­ever Peu­geot won the 24h in 2009) and, in a podium clean-sweep by prov­ing its re­li­a­bil­ity through­out the race (com­pared to all four 908 en­tries re­tired be­fore the end of the race) while break­ing a new dis­tance record (set way back by the Porsche 917K of Mar­tini Rac­ing in 1971), in 2010 with the R15 TDI Plus.

Audi’s sports car rac­ing suc­cess would con­tinue with the Audi R18‘s vic­tory at the 2011 24 Hours of Le MansAudi Sport Team Joest‘s Benoît Tréluyer earned Audi their first pole po­si­tion in five years while the team’s sis­ter car locked out the front row. Early ac­ci­dents elim­i­nated two of Audi’s three en­tries, but the sole re­main­ing Audi R18 TDI of Tréluyer, Mar­cel Fässler, and André Lot­terer held off the trio of Peu­geot 908s to claim vic­tory by a mar­gin of 13.8 sec­onds.


Car Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
1 Position 4 3 1 1 4 3 3 3 1 6 3 3 Ret 1 5 2 3 4
2 3 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 Ret 1 Ret 2 1 2 1 1 4 3
3 Ret 2 Ret 3 Ret 5 4 Ret 4 17 1 Ret 5 3 Ret 7
4 Ret Ret 7 2 3

American Le Mans Series

Audi en­tered a fac­tory rac­ing team run by Joest Rac­ing into the Amer­i­can Le Mans Se­ries under the Audi Sport North Amer­ica name in 2000. This was a suc­cess­ful op­er­a­tion with the team win­ning on its debut in the se­ries at the 2000 12 Hours of Se­bring. Fac­tory backed Audi R8s were the dom­i­nant car in ALMS tak­ing 25 vic­to­ries be­tween 2000 and the end of the 2002 sea­son. In 2003 Audi sold cus­tomer cars to Cham­pion Rac­ing as well as con­tin­u­ing to race the fac­tory Audi Sport North Amer­ica team. Cham­pion Rac­ing won many races as a pri­vate team run­ning Audi R8s and even­tu­ally re­placed Team Joest as the Audi Sport North Amer­ica be­tween 2006 and 2008. Since 2009 Audi has not taken part in full Amer­i­can Le Mans Se­ries Cham­pi­onships, but has com­peted in the se­ries open­ing races at Se­bring, using the 12-hour race as a test for Le Mans, and also as part of the 2012 FIA World En­durance Cham­pi­onship sea­son cal­en­dar.


Year Manufacturer Chassis Team Rd1 Rd2 Rd3 Rd4 Rd5 Rd6 Rd7 Rd8 Rd9 Rd10 Rd11 Rd12
2000 Germany Audi R8
United States Audi Sport North America 2 20 3 Ret 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1
1 6 4 3 2 Ret 1 4 2 2 1 15
2001 Germany Audi R8 United States Audi Sport North America 1 1 1 1 1 5 Ret 2 Ret Ret
2 2 2 2 2 2 1 4 1 1
2002 Germany Audi R8 United States Audi Sport North America 5 14 1 2 3 2 Ret 1 1 6
1 2 1 2 1 1 4 3 1
2003 Germany Audi R8 United States Audi Sport North America 1 2 2 1 1 7 1 2 3
United States Champion Racing 2 1 3 2 20 1 4 1 1
2004 Germany Audi R8 United Kingdom Audi Sport UK 1
United States Champion Racing 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
2005 Germany Audi R8 United States Champion Racing 1 1 18 1 3 Ret 3 2 7 4
2 3 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 2
2006 Germany Audi R8 United States Audi Sport North America 1 3 1
R10 Ret 1 2 1 4 7 2
1 4 1 2 1 1 1
2007 Germany Audi R10 United States Audi Sport North America 4 1 7 3 2 5 5 2 2 3 1 1
1 2 12 6 23 3 3 4 2 17 3
2008 Germany Audi R10 United States Audi Sport North America 3 Ret 2 Ret 21 2 2 2 DSQ 1 2
6 1 1 7 4 1 1 1 Ret 3 1
2009 Germany Audi R15 United States Audi Sport North America 5
2010 Germany Audi R15 United States Audi Sport North America 1
2012 Germany Audi R18 Germany Audi Sport Team Joest 16
2013 Germany Audi R18 Germany Audi Sport Team Joest 1

European Le Mans Series

Audi par­tic­i­pated in the 2003 1000km of Le Mans which was a one-off sports car race in prepa­ra­tion for the 2004 Eu­ro­pean Le Mans Se­ries. The fac­tory team Audi Sport UK won races and the cham­pi­onship in the 2004 sea­son but Audi was un­able to match their sweep­ing suc­cess of Audi Sport North Amer­ica in the Amer­i­can Le Mans Se­ries, partly due to the ar­rival of a fac­tory com­peti­tor in LMP1, Peu­geot. The French man­u­fac­turer’s 908 HDi FAP be­came the car to beat in the se­ries from 2008 on­wards with 20 LMP wins. How­ever, Audi were able to se­cure the cham­pi­onship in 2008 even though Peu­geot scored more race vic­to­ries in the season.


Year Manufacturer Chassis Team Rd1 Rd2 Rd3 Rd4 Rd5
2003 Germany Audi R8 Japan Audi Sport Japan 1
2004 Germany Audi R8 United Kingdom Audi Sport UK 2 1 1 Ret
1 2 3 1
Japan Audi Sport Japan 3 4 2 2
2005 Germany Audi R8 France Team Oreca Ret 1 2 2
2008 Germany Audi R10 Germany Audi Sport Team Joest 5 6 4 4 1
2 2 2 3 4
2010 Germany Audi R15 Germany Audi Sport Team Joest 1 3 Ret
5 3

World Endurance Championship


In 2012, the FIA sanc­tioned a World En­durance Cham­pi­onship which would be or­gan­ised by the ACO as a con­tin­u­a­tion of the ILMC. Audi com­peted won the first WEC race at Se­bring and fol­lowed this up with a fur­ther three suc­ces­sive wins, in­clud­ing the 2012 24 Hours of Le Mans. Audi scored a final 5th vic­tory in the 2012 WEC in Bahrain and were able to win the in­au­gural WEC Man­u­fac­tur­ers’ Cham­pi­onship.


As de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons, Audi once again en­tered the Audi R18 e-tron quat­tro chas­sis into the 2013 WEC and the team won the first five con­sec­u­tive races, in­clud­ing the 2013 24 Hours of Le Mans. The vic­tory at Round 5, Cir­cuit of the Amer­i­cas, was of par­tic­u­lar sig­nif­i­cance as it marked the 100th win for Audi in Le Mans prototypes. Audi se­cured their sec­ond con­sec­u­tive WEC Man­u­fac­tur­ers’ Cham­pi­onship at Round 6 after tak­ing sec­ond place and half points in the red-flagged Fuji race.


For the 2014 sea­son Audi en­tered a re­designed and up­graded R18 e-tron quat­tro which fea­tured a 2 MJ en­ergy re­cov­ery sys­tem. As de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons, Audi would once again face a chal­lenge in LMP1 from Toy­ota, and ad­di­tion­ally from Porsche who re­turned to en­durance rac­ing after a 16-year ab­sence. The sea­son open­ing 6hrs of Sil­ver­stone was a dis­as­ter for Audi who saw both cars re­tire from the race, mark­ing the first time that an Audi car has failed to score a podium in a World En­durance Cham­pi­onship race.


Year Manufacturer Chassis SEB
United States
United Kingdom
2012 Germany Audi R18 e-tron quattro 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 173 (209) 1st
Year Manufacturer Chassis SIL
United Kingdom
United States
2013 Germany Audi R18 e-tron quattro 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 207 (207) 1st
Year Manufacturer Chassis Car SIL
United Kingdom
United States
2014 Germany Audi R18 e-tron quattro 1 Ret 2 1 1 5 4 4 3 244 2nd
2 Ret 5 2 2 6 5 5 5

Formula E

Audi pro­vide fac­tory sup­port to Abt Sport­sline in the FIA For­mula E Cham­pi­onship, The team com­peted under the title of Audi Sport Abt For­mula E Team in the in­au­gural 2014-15 For­mula E sea­son. On 13 Feb­ru­ary 2014 the team an­nounced its dri­ver line up as Daniel Abtand World En­durance Cham­pi­onship dri­ver Lucas di Grassi.

Team Chassis Driver CHI
United States
United States
United States
United Kingdom
Germany Audi Sport Abt Formula E Team Spark-Renault SRT 01E Daniel Abt 10 10 15 2015 62
Lucas di Grassi 1 2 3 2015

Formula One

Audi has been linked to For­mula One in re­cent years but has al­ways re­sisted due to the com­pany’s opin­ion that it is not rel­e­vant to road cars, but hy­brid power unit tech­nol­ogy has been adopted into the sport, sway­ing the com­pany’s view and en­cour­ag­ing re­search into the pro­gram by for­mer Fer­rari team prin­ci­pal Ste­fano Domeni­cali.



The logo used by Audi, 1985–2009

The logo used by Audi, 1985–2009
The typeface Audi Sans (used 1997-2009)
The typeface Audi Sans (used 1997-2009)
The typeface Audi Type (used since 2009)
The typeface Audi Type (used since 2009)

The Audi em­blem is four over­lap­ping rings that rep­re­sent the four mar­ques of Auto Union. The Audi em­blem sym­bol­ises the amal­ga­ma­tion of Audi with DKW, Horch and Wan­derer: the first ring from the left rep­re­sents Audi, the sec­ond rep­re­sents DKW, third is Horch, and the fourth and last ring Wanderer. The de­sign is pop­u­larly be­lieved to have been the idea of Klaus von Oertzen, the di­rec­tor of sales at Wan­derer – when Berlin was cho­sen as the host city for the 1936 Sum­mer Olympics and that a form of the Olympic logo sym­bol­ized the newly es­tab­lished Auto Union’s de­sire to succeed. Some­what iron­i­cally, the In­ter­na­tional Olympic Com­mit­teelater sued Audi in the In­ter­na­tional Trade­mark Court in 1995, where they lost.

The orig­i­nal “Audi” script, with the dis­tinc­tive slanted tails on the “A” and “d” was cre­ated for the his­toric Audi com­pany in 1920 by the fa­mous graphic de­signer Lu­cian Bern­hard, and was res­ur­rected when Volk­swa­gen re­vived the brand in 1965. Fol­low­ing the demise of NSU in 1977, less promi­nence was given to the four rings, in pref­er­ence to the “Audi” script en­cased within a black (later red) el­lipse, and was com­monly dis­played next to the Volk­swa­gen roundel when the two brands shared a dealer net­work under the V.A.G ban­ner. The el­lipse (known as the Audi Oval) was phased out after 1994, when Audi formed its own in­de­pen­dent dealer net­work, and promi­nence was given back to the four rings – at the same time Audi Sans (a de­riv­a­tive of Univers) was adopted as the font for all mar­ket­ing ma­te­ri­als, cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tions and was also used in the ve­hi­cles them­selves.

As part of Audi’s cen­ten­nial cel­e­bra­tion in 2009, the com­pany up­dated the logo, chang­ing the font to left-aligned Audi Type, and al­ter­ing the shad­ing for the over­lap­ping rings. The re­vised logo was de­signed by Rayan Abdullah.

Audi de­vel­oped a Cor­po­rate Sound con­cept, with Audi Sound Stu­dio de­signed for pro­duc­ing the Cor­po­rate Sound. The Cor­po­rate Sound pro­ject began with sound agency Klangerfinder GmbH & Co KG and s12 GmbH. Audio sam­ples were cre­ated in Klangerfinder’s sound stu­dio in Stuttgart, be­com­ing part of Audi Sound Stu­dio col­lec­tion. Other Audi Sound Stu­dio com­po­nents in­clude The Brand Music Pool, The Brand Voice. Audi also de­vel­oped Sound Brand­ing Toolkit in­clud­ing cer­tain in­stru­ments, sound themes, rhythm and car sounds which all are sup­posed to re­flect the AUDI sound character.

Audi started using a beat­ing heart sound trade­mark be­gin­ning in 1996. An up­dated heart­beat sound logo, de­vel­oped by agen­cies KLANGERFINDER GmbH & Co KG of Stuttgart and S12 GmbH of Mu­nich, was first used in 2010 in an Audi A8 com­mer­cial with the slo­gan “The Art of Progress.”


Audi’s cor­po­rate tagline is Vor­sprung durch Technik, mean­ing “Progress through Technology”. The Ger­man-lan­guage tagline is used in many Eu­ro­pean coun­tries, in­clud­ing the United King­dom, and in other mar­kets, such as Latin Amer­ica, Ocea­nia and parts of Asia in­clud­ing Japan. A few years ago, the North Amer­i­can tagline was “In­no­va­tion through technology”, but in Canada the Ger­man tagline Vor­sprung durch Technik was used in ad­ver­tis­ing. Since 2007, Audi has used the slo­gan “Truth in En­gi­neer­ing” in the U.S. How­ever, since the Audi emis­sions test­ing scan­dal came to light in Sep­tem­ber 2015, this slo­gan was lam­basted for being dis­cor­dant with reality. In fact, just hours after dis­graced Volk­swa­gen CEO Mar­tin Win­terkorn ad­mit­ted to cheat­ing on emis­sions data, an ad­ver­tise­ment dur­ing the 2015 Prime­time Emmy Awards pro­moted Audi’s lat­est ad­vances in low emis­sions tech­nol­ogy with Ker­mit the Frog stat­ing, “It’s not that easy being green.”

It was first used in Eng­lish-lan­guage ad­ver­tis­ing after Sir John Hegarty of the Bar­tle Bogle Hegarty ad­ver­tis­ing agency vis­ited the Audi fac­tory in 1982. In the orig­i­nal British tele­vi­sion com­mer­cials, the phrase was voiced by Ge­of­frey Palmer. After its re­peated use in ad­ver­tis­ing cam­paigns, the phrase found its way into pop­u­lar cul­ture, in­clud­ing the British com­edy Only Fools and Horses, the U2 song “Zooropa” and the Blur song “Park­life“. Sim­i­lar-sound­ing phrases have also been used, in­clud­ing as the punch­line for a joke in the movie Lock, Stock, and Two Smok­ing Bar­rels and in the British TV se­ries Peep Show.


Audi Sans (based on Univers Ex­tended) was orig­i­nally cre­ated in 1997 by Ole Schäfer for MetaDe­sign. MetaDe­sign was later com­mis­sioned for a new cor­po­rate type­face called Audi Type, de­signed by Paul van der Laan and Pieter van Ros­malen of Bold Mon­day. The font began to ap­pear in Audi’s 2009 prod­ucts and mar­ket­ing materials.


2008 Allianz arena at night Richard BartzAudi sponsors Bundesliga club Bayern Munich

Audi is a strong part­ner of dif­fer­ent kinds of sports. In foot­ball, long part­ner­ships exist be­tween Audi and do­mes­tic clubs in­clud­ing Bay­ern Mu­nichHam­burger SV1. FC Nürn­bergHertha BSC, and Borus­sia Mönchenglad­bach and in­ter­na­tional clubs in­clud­ing ChelseaReal MadridFC BarcelonaA.C. MilanAFC Ajax and Per­spo­lis. Audi also spon­sors win­ter sports: The Audi FIS Alpine Ski World Cup is named after the com­pany. Ad­di­tion­ally, Audi sup­ports the Ger­man Ski As­so­ci­a­tion (DSV) as well as the alpine ski­ing na­tional teams of Switzer­land, Swe­den, Fin­land, France, Liecht­en­stein, Italy, Aus­tria and the U.S. For al­most two decades, Audi fos­ters golf sport: for ex­am­ple with the Audi quat­tro Cup and the Hy­poVere­ins­bank Ladies Ger­man Open pre­sented by Audi. In sail­ing, Audi is en­gaged in the Med­cup re­gatta and sup­ports the team Luna Rossa dur­ing the Louis Vuit­ton Pa­cific Se­ries and also is the pri­mary spon­sor of the Melges 20 sail­boat. Fur­ther, Audi spon­sors the re­gional teams ERC In­gol­stadt (hockey) and FC In­gol­stadt 04 (soc­cer). In 2009, the year of Audi’s 100th an­niver­sary, the com­pany or­ga­nized the Audi Cup for the first time. Audi also spon­sor the New York Yan­kees as well. In Oc­to­ber 2010 they agreed to a three spon­sor­ship year-deal with Ever­ton. Audi also spon­sors the Eng­land PoloTeam and holds the Audi Polo Awards.

Multitronic campaign

Audi Centre Sydney, Zetland, New South Wales, Australia
Audi Centre Sydney, Zetland, New South Wales, Australia

In 2001, Audi pro­moted the new mul­ti­tronic con­tin­u­ously vari­able trans­mis­sion with tele­vi­sion com­mer­cials through­out Eu­rope, fea­tur­ing an im­per­son­ator of mu­si­cian and actor Elvis Pres­ley. A pro­to­typ­i­cal dash­board fig­ure – later named “Wackel-Elvis” (“Wob­ble Elvis” or “Wob­bly Elvis”) – ap­peared in the com­mer­cials to demon­strate the smooth ride in an Audi equipped with the mul­ti­tronic trans­mis­sion. The dash­board fig­ure was orig­i­nally in­tended for use in the com­mer­cials only, but after they aired the de­mand for Wackel-Elvis fans grew among fans and the fig­ure was mass-pro­duced in China and mar­keted by Audi in their fac­tory out­let store.

Audi TDI

As part of Audi’s at­tempt to pro­mote its Diesel tech­nol­ogy in 2009, the com­pany began Audi Mileage Marathon. The dri­ving tour fea­tured a fleet of 23 Audi TDI ve­hi­cles from 4 mod­els (Audi Q73.0 TDI, Audi Q5 3.0 TDI, Audi A4 3.0 TDI, Audi A3 Sport­back 2.0 TDI with S tronic trans­mis­sion) trav­el­ling across the Amer­i­can con­ti­nent from New York to Los An­ge­les, pass­ing major cities like Chicago, Dal­las and Las Vegas dur­ing the 13 daily stages, as well as nat­ural won­ders in­clud­ing the Rocky Moun­tains, Death Val­ley and the Grand Canyon.

Audi e-tron

The next phase of tech­nol­ogy Audi is de­vel­op­ing is the e-tron elec­tric drive pow­er­train sys­tem. They have shown sev­eral con­cept cars as of March 2010, each with dif­fer­ent lev­els of size and per­for­mance. The orig­i­nal e-tron con­cept shown at the 2009 Frank­furt motor show is based on the plat­form of the R8 and has been sched­uled for lim­ited pro­duc­tion. Power is pro­vided by elec­tric mo­tors at all four wheels. The sec­ond con­cept was shown at the 2010 De­troit Motor Show. Power is pro­vided by two elec­tric mo­tors at the rear axle. This con­cept is also con­sid­ered to be the di­rec­tion for a fu­ture mid-en­gined gas-pow­ered 2-seat per­for­mance coupe. The Audi A1 e-tron con­cept, based on the Audi A1 pro­duc­tion model, is a hy­brid ve­hi­cle with a range ex­tend­ing Wankel ro­tary en­gine to pro­vide power after the ini­tial charge of the bat­tery is de­pleted. It is the only con­cept of the three to have range ex­tend­ing ca­pa­bil­ity. The car is pow­ered through the front wheels, al­ways using elec­tric power.

It is all set to be dis­played at the Auto Expo 2012 in New Delhi, India, from 5 Jan­u­ary. Pow­ered by a 1.4 litre en­gine, and can cover a dis­tance up to 54 km s on a sin­gle charge. The e-tron was also shown in the 2013 block­buster film Iron Man 3 and was dri­ven by Tony Stark (Iron Man).

In video games

In PlaySta­tion Home, the PlaySta­tion 3‘s on­line com­mu­nity-based ser­vice, Audi has sup­ported Home by re­leas­ing a ded­i­cated Home spacein the Eu­ro­pean ver­sion of Home. Audi is the first car­maker to de­velop a space for Home. On 17 De­cem­ber 2009, Audi re­leased the Audi Space as two spaces; the Audi Home Ter­mi­nal and the Audi Ver­ti­cal Run. The Audi Home Ter­mi­nal fea­tures an Audi TV chan­nel de­liv­er­ing video con­tent, an In­ter­net Browser fea­ture, and a view of a city. The Audi Ver­ti­cal Run is where users can ac­cess the mini-game Ver­ti­cal Run, a fu­tur­is­tic mini-game fea­tur­ing Audi’s e-tron con­cept. Play­ers col­lect en­ergy and race for the high­est pos­si­ble speeds and the fastest play­ers earn a place in the Audi apart­ments lo­cated in a large tower in the cen­tre of the Audi Space. In both the Home Ter­mi­nal and Ver­ti­cal Run spaces, there are tele­ports where users can tele­port back and forth be­tween the two spaces. Audi has stated that ad­di­tional con­tent will be added in 2010.

The pictures I collected the last 15 years on the www:

1896 Audibert-lavirotte F1913 Audi 18-45PS, Staff Car1913 Audi Typ C1923 Audi Jaray1923 Audi Typ E1930 Audi dresden s1930 audi nmve1930 Audi Typ SS1931 Audi zwickau cabrio typ-ss 20-100ps by seegers1933 Audi front sport cabrio glaser1934 Audi uw1935 Audi 225 Special Roadster1935 Audi front 225 spezial roadster1935 Model Audi 225 Front Special Roadster1936 Audi front sedan1937 Audi 225 special cabrio1938 Audi 920 cabrio glaser1938 audi 920 limousine1939 Audi 920 cabrio1939 Audi Typ 9201939 Audi1940 Audi 920 limousine1960 Audi 621962 Audi 721963 Prachtige Audi Politieauto1965 Audi F103 series Audi front design proposal made by Bertone in 1965 to replace DKW F102 after VW ownership back1965 Audi F103 series Audi front design proposal made by Bertone in 1965 to replace DKW F102 after VW ownership1965 Audi1966 Audi 60 2T Limousine1966 Audi 80 VariantHannover, Internationale Polizeiausstellung1966 Audi variant1967 Audi Super 90, 90 PS (1966-1969)1968 Audi 601968 Audi 75 variant1968 Audi 1001968 Audi super 901968-69 Audi-F1031968-73 Audi 100OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA1969 Audi 1001969 Audi lav189 -1970s Audi 100 LS (10711003326)1971 Audi 75L1971 Audi modelrangen1972 Audi 60 L, 1500 cm³, 4 Zyl., 55 PS1972 Audi 75 in central Germany1972 Audi 75 Variant1972 Audi 751972 Audi 100 GL1972 Audi 100 LS1972 Audi Super 901972-76 Audi 80Wolfsburg, VW Autowerk1973 Audi Karmann Asso di Picche by ItalDesign1974 Audi 80 Fox Station Wagon1974 Audi 100 C1 Coupe S Automatic1974 Audi 100 C1, 1600 cm³, 85 PS (1974-1976)Landscape1974 Audi 100 Viertürer (1973–1974)1975 Audi 501976 Audi 80 B1 (1976-1978)1976 Audi 100 Coupé (C1)1976 Audi 100 Coupé S (1974–1976)1977 Audi 80 GLS1977 Audi Fox (US-Version)1979 Audi 80 B1 Estate England1979 Audi 100 2 door Belgian Coast1979 Audi 200 Park Terrace1980 Audi 80 b21981 Audi 801981 Audi 1001981 Audi 4000 US-spec 2-door version, shown by the headlamp configuration and large bumpers1981 Audi 50001982 Audi 100 C31982-91 Audi 1001983 Audi 80 1.8 GL mint1983 Audi 100 Avant (10066143816)1984 Audi quattro A2 at the 1984 Rally Portugal1986 Audi 80 GT (white)1986 Audi Coupe GT5E1987 Audi 80 1.8, 75PS - first registered 19 Nov 19871987 Audi 90Q Typ891987 Audi 100 C31988 Audi 80 quattro1989 Audi 80 avant1989 Audi 801989 Audi 90 quattro 20 valve 125kW (170 Bhp) inline 5-cylinder engine quattro all-wheel-driveIM000280.JPG1990 Audi 100 Avant TDI1990 Audi Coupe in ginstergelb1992 Audi 80 (8A) 2.0 E sedan1992 Audi 801993 Audi 80 quattro 2,5 DTM B41993 Audi 100 (4A) 2.8 E quattro sedan (2012-10-26)1994 Audi S2 Coupé1995 Audi 80 (8C) 2.6 E sedan1995 Audi 80 TDi SE 1.91995 Audi Cabriolet (8G) 2.6 E convertible1996 Audi A6 C41996 Audi S2 Coupe1998 Audi Cabriolet a1998 Audi cabriolet2003 Audi lemans quattro-studie cropped2004 Audi TT Coupé2004 Cammy~Conversions~Audi~5000~SEL~C42005 Audi AS4 Avant ABT2005 Audi S8 (4.2l, 265 kW))2006 Audi 200 quattro vl black2006 Audi A4 B7 Cabriolet2006 Audi R10 TDI2006 Hongqi CA7202 in Shanghai Chinese version of Audi 1002006 Volkswagen W12 engine2007 Audi 100 C4 front 200710072007 Audi A3 silver vl2007 Audi Quattro S1 driven during the 2007 Rallye Deutschland2007 Audi R8 Engine 4,2L V8 DOHC FSI2007 Audi tt2007 Audi TT-R, ABT Sportsline Tuning2008 Allianz arena at night Richard Bartz2008 Audi A3 Cabriolet (8P)2008 Audi A3 Sportback rear2008 Audi A32008 Audi A4 B6 Cabriolet2008 AUDI A4 B8 LED DaytimeRunningLights2008 Audi A8 D32008 Audi Quattro 20V2008 Audi TT 3.2 Roadster2009 Audi A5 Cabriolet2010 Audi A1 1.4 TFSI Ambition Pro Line S-Tronic2010 Audi A8 D4 4.2 TDI quattro2010 Audi TT Roadster TFSI (8J) Facelift

2011 Audi A5 Coupé 2.0 TFSI quattro S tronic Gletscherweiß Facelift2011 Audi A6 3.0 TDI quattro (C7)2012 Audi A1 S-line2012 Audi A1 Sportback 1.4 TFSI Ambition2012 Audi A1 Sportback Ambition 1.6 TDI2012 Audi A2 1.2 TDI2012 Audi A2 back2012 Audi A22012 Audi A3 8V 1.4 TFSI2012 Audi A6 C7 allroad quattro Phantomschwarz2012 Audi A6 Hybrid2012 Audi R8 - Alexandre Prevost2012 Audi R8 GT2012 Audi S5 sideleft2012 Audi S5 Sportback2013 AUDI A8 W122013 Audi S7 Sportback2014 Audi A1 Sportback 1.6 TDI S Line Style Edition 5d2014 Audi TT 8S2014 Audi TT virtual cockpit2015 Audi A4 B9 3.0 TDI quattro V6 200 kW S line Tango Red Front View2015 Audi A8V10plus2015 Audi RS6 Avant TFSi Quattro Automatic 4.02015 Audi S42015 Audi S62015 Audi S7 Sportback C7 facelift 032015 Audi S8 plus2015 Audi TT (20444900760)2015 Audi TTS (8S)2015 Audi-A3-TDI-1022015 Audi-A3-TDI-110Audi A1 Sportback2016 Audi A4 allroad quattro A4allroad Detroit_Auto_Show_20162016 Audi A5 II coupé2016 Audi Q3 quattro Sport (Facelift)2016 Audi Q5 2.0 T quattro2016 Audi Q7 3.0 TDI quattro S-line (II)2016 Audi RS 3 quattro2016 Audi RS Q3 performance2016 Audi RS7 Sportback Performance Quattro2016 Audi RS7 Sportback2017 Audi A1 Sportback 1.4 TFSI Sport Manual 1.4L 5D Hatchback2017 Audi A3 SportBack 2.0 TFSI S-line2017 Audi A4 (8W) S-Line quattro sedan2017 Audi A6 SE Executive TDI Ultra S-A 2.02017 Audi A8 D5 TFSI Quattro2017 Audi Q2 Sport TDi 1.62017 Audi RS4 Avant2017 Audi RS5 Coupe Quattro2017 Audi S32017 Audi SQ72018 Audi A6 Monrepos2018 AUDI A7 55 TFSI quattro-Geneva_International_Motor_Show_2018,_Le_Grand-Saconnex_(1X7A1755)2018 Audi Q82018 Audi RS4 Avant2018 Audi S1 Competition Quattro 2.02018 Audi S5 TFSi Quattro Automatic 3.02018 Audi SQ5 3.02018 Audi TT RS CoupeAudi 2 DAudi 60 L LimousineAudi 75 Variant (1968–1970)Audi 75Audi 80 (B1) faceliftAudi 80 (B1) pre-facelift (rear)Audi 80 B1 backAudi 80 B1Audi 80 B2Audi 80 B4Audi 80 GLS 4dAudi 80 L 02Audi 80 Variant (F103)Audi 90 (1984-1986)Audi 100 C1 4dAudi 100 C1Audi 100 C2 (CD 5S)Audi 100 C2 4d L50Audi 100 C2 avantAudi 100 C4Audi 100 Coupé S (1970–1973)Audi 100 GL (1971–1973)Audi 100 LS 2dAudi 100 LS Viertürer (1971–1973)Audi 100 LS Zweitürer (1969–1971)Audi 100 LSAudi 100 US-Modell (1974–1977)Audi 200 quattro vl blackAudi A NotartztAudi A2 ArtsenuitvoeringAudi A3 RVV ArtsenuitvoeringAudi A4 allroad quattro PhantomschwarzAudi A4 B5 AvantAudi A4 B5Audi A4 B6 8EAudi A4 B7 SedanAudi A4 B8 Limousine Ambiente 2.0 TDI EissilberAudi A5 leftAudi A6 allroad quattro 3.0 TFSI (C6, Facelift)Audi A6 C5Audi A6 C6 FaceliftAudi A6-C4Der neue Audi A7 Sportback auf der Weltpremiere in Muenchen.Audi allroad quattroAudi AllroadAudi CoupeAudi head office in IngolstadtAudi IAudi Laurent Aiello DTM(ThKraft)AUDI LIMOAudi NLAudi Q3 quattro /Standaufnahmeaudi q3Audi Q5 (2)audi q5audi r8 gtr razoAudi R8 V-10 de Heffner ElfaroAUDI R18 7Audi Rosemeyer ModellMINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAAudi RS4 B5Audi RS4 Cabrioletaudi RS6Audi S6 EmblemAudi S6 FähnchenAudi S8 1Audi sponsors Bundesliga club Bayern Munich Allianz ArenaAudi Sport RacewagenOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAudi TTAudi TT-RSAudi TTS GlutorangeAudi Typ 89Audi Urban conceptAudi v8 dtmAudi V8 QuattroAudi V8. VFAudiaudi-a3-clubsport-quattro-concept-1audi-a3-clubsport-quattro-concept-2audi-allroad-shooting-brake-concept-1audi-allroad-shooting-brake-concept-2Audi-Logo unter der Auto Unionaudi-prologue-conceptaudi-prologue-concept-2DKW F 102 Audi F103's body closely followed that of the earlier DKW F102, shown here, though the Audi's engine was a break with the two-stroke DKW traditionDKW F102 (l) + Audi F103 (r)DKW-Logo – die vier Ringe der Auto Union entsprechen den vier Marken Audi, DKW, Horch und WandererEntwicklung Audi KühlergrillFAW Hongqi Audi 100 C3 (Typ 44) - in einer werksseitig verkauften Sonderversion als BestattungsfahrzeugGedenktafel am ersten Firmensitz in IngolstadtHongqi CA7180A2EL1 01 China 2016-04-11IFA F9, Typ 309-1LED Daytime Running Lightslogo used by Audi, 1985–2009Logos AudiThe typeface Audi Sans (used 1997-2009)The typeface Audi Type (used since 2009)

That’s it as far as my pictures go.

See also


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  69. ^ “New Audi S8”. Archived from the original on 25 September 2011. Retrieved 17 September 2011.
  70. ^ Audi Plans To Run On Sanyo Hybrid Batteries. (1 June 2008).
  71. ^ “Audi A1 Sportback concept”. Next Concept Cars. 2 October 2008. Archived from the original on 17 March 2009. Retrieved 27 April 2009.
  72. ^ Korzeniewski, Jeremy (2 October 2008). “Audi unveils A4 TDI concept e”. Archived from the original on 9 June 2009. Retrieved 27 April 2009.
  73. ^ “Audi e-Tron Electric Supercar Concept Unveiled”.
  74. ab Volkswagen AG Annual Report 1999 (Including 1998) p. 50
  75. ^ Volkswagen AG Annual Report 2000. p. 53
  76. ^ Volkswagen AG Annual Report 2001. p. 41
  77. ^ Volkswagen AG Annual Report 2002. p. 77
  78. ^ Volkswagen AG Annual Report 2003. p. 97
  79. ^ Volkswagen AG Annual Report 2004. p. 91
  80. ^ Volkswagen AG Annual Report 2005. p. 41
  81. ^ Volkswagen AG Annual Report 2006. p. 45
  82. ^ Volkswagen AG Annual Report 2007. p. 83
  83. ^ Volkswagen AG Annual Report 2008. p. 83
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  85. ^ Volkswagen AG Annual Report 2010. p. 111
  86. ^ “VWAG FY2011” (PDF).
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  88. ^ “World Rally Championship for Drivers – Champions” Retrieved 30 August 2008.
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  91. ^ motorsport, AUDI (February 2012). Audi at Le Mans (PDF). Audi-Motorsport info. p. 17.
  92. ^ “Audi achieves record victory at Le Mans with new technology”; Audi Sport. Joest Racing. 13 June 2010. Archived from the original on 19 July 2011. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  93. ^ “Audi back on front row for Le Mans 24 Hours”. AFP. 10 June 2011.
  94. ^ Ramsey, Jonathon. “Audi wins everything… add European Le Mans Series to the list”Autoblog. Retrieved 14 July 2015.
  95. ^ “Audi celebrates 100th LMP overall victory with Austin win”Audi MediaCenter. Retrieved 14 July 2015.
  96. ^ “Fuji WEC: Toyota gets victory as rain ends race”Autosport. 20 October 2013.
  97. ^ Baldwin, Alan (15 November 2013). “Audi Sport ABT to enter Formula E series”Reuters.
  98. ^ “Archived copy”. Archived from the original on 21 February 2014. Retrieved 2014-02-13.
  99. ^ Car Logo. “Audi Logo”. Archived from the original on 30 September 2007. Retrieved 10 September 2007.
  100. ^ “History of the Four Rings-Part 1-Audi Auto Union”. Retrieved 27 April 2009.
  101. ^ Harris, Paul (May 25, 1999). Audi: Sutton’s Photographic History of Transport. Sutton Publishing. p. 84. ISBN0750919256.
  102. ^ Dumitrache, Alina. “Audi Reveals Updated Logo”. Retrieved 27 August 2009.
  103. ^ “Audi Unveils Updated Logo Following Centennial Celebration”. Archived from the original on 9 August 2010. Retrieved 2 August 2010.
  104. ^ “”. 20 January 2011. Retrieved 18 November 2011.
  105. ^ “Audi Corporate Sound”. Retrieved 14 July 2015.
  106. ^ “Audi MediaCenter”Audi MediaCenter. Retrieved 14 July 2015.
  107. ^ “Benchmark case: new AUDI Sound Branding”Sound Branding Blog. Retrieved 14 July 2015.
  108. ^ “The new Audi heartbeat”. Audi of America. 9 July 2010.
  109. ^ “Good night, Posterous” (PDF). Retrieved 14 July 2015.
  110. ^ “Eco-Culture”. Audi magazine (3/08): 19.
  111. ^ Lavrinc, Damon. Audi planning TT and R8 lightweight ”Sport” modelsAutoblog. Retrieved 24 April 2010.
  112. ^ “Audi’s ’Truth in Engineering’ ads come back to bite amid probe”. Retrieved 2015-10-03.
  113. ^ Webb, Alex. “Audi Airs Mistimed ’Truth in Engineering’ Ads” Retrieved 2015-10-03.
  114. ab Rice-Oxley, Mark; Topham, Laurence; Alsaker, Ole (18 September 2012). “Vorsprung durch Technik: how a catchphrase was coined – video”The Guardian. Retrieved 16 May 2013.
  115. ^ Official U2 Website - Zooropa Lyrics
  116. ^ “Bold Monday: Audi Type”. Archived from the original on 1 September 2010. Retrieved 6 October 2010.
  117. ^ “Audi Worldwide > Experience > Sponsoring > Sport”. 11 June 2009. Archived from the original on 23 September 2009. Retrieved 7 July 2009.
  118. ^ “FC Bayern”. 4 March 2009. Retrieved 7 July2009.
  119. ^ “Blues agree deal with Audi”. 14 October 2010. Retrieved 16 March 2011.
  120. ^ “British Polo teams”. Retrieved 8 June 2012.
  121. ^ “Audi Polo Awards”. Audi Polo Awards. Retrieved 8 June 2012.
  122. ^ “Audi Wackel-Elvis commercial (2001, British version)”Youtube. Retrieved 2 August 2010.
  123. ^ “Audi Wackel-Elvis commercial (2001, German version)”Youtube. Retrieved 2 August 2010.
  124. ^ “Fans Waiting in Line for Release of Wackel-Elvis”Die Welt (in German). 11 June 2001. Retrieved 2 August 2010.
  125. ^ Abuelsamid, Sam (8 September 2008). “Audi to kick off diesel push with cross country Mileage Marathon”. Retrieved 2 August 2010.
  126. ^ Fernandez, Joe (10 December 2009). “Audi to launch PlayStation download game”Marketing Week. Retrieved 10 December 2009.
  127. ^ “Audi creates virtual Audi Space within PlayStation Home”CNETReviews.


  • Oswald, Werner (2001). Deutsche Autos 1920–1945, Band (vol) 2 (in German). Motorbuch Verlag. ISBN3-613-02170-6.

External links

Eastern Europian Car Combination VII 1954 + 1955 + 1956 + 1957


1954 bmw isetta 1954 Borgward 611 folder2 b611-bus a 1954 Borgward 3000 1954 Borgward B 250 Ottenbacher 3308cc 60p 1954 Borgward B 522 Pritschen-Lkw 1954 Borgward B 2500  Ottenbacher 1954 Borgward B1500 carr. Smit, Joure NS-74-85 1954 Borgward b1500-bus 1954 Borgward b1500-busje 1954 Borgward BO 1500  Schwarze, F. H. 1954 Borgward bus treffen 005 1954 Borgward Hansa 1500 Coupe de course 1954 Borgward Hansa 1500 Sportcoupé, 1954 Borgward Hansa 2400 1954 Borgward Hansa 2400a 1954 Borgward Hansa Pullmann 2400 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 1954 Borgward Isabella 1954 DKW [Auto Union] F89 Meisterklasse Cabriolet 1954 DKW 3=6 02 1954 Dkw advert 1954 DKW Auto Union 721688 1954 DKW F12 Coupe 1954 DKW F89L 1954 dkw -f91universal 1954 DKW F94 Universal & DKW 1000 Coupe 1954 Dkw paris 1954 DKW Universal Station Wagon Mwb 1954 DKW Universal 1954 Dkw Vemag 1954 DKW 1954 dkwf89 links 29 juni 1932 Audi, DKW, Horch en Wanderer opgingen in Auto Union 1954 DKW-IFA F8 1954 Emw 340 tyl 1954 Emw kollektiv 1954 front-dkw-auto-union 1954 gaz 12 1954 gaz 69 1954 GAZ M12 ZIM 1954 gaz Pobeda brosjyre 200 1954 gaz pobieda stream 1954 gaz turbo racing 1954 gaz zim 12 1954 GAZ-63АV, 4x4 1954 Goliath Express 1100. Goliath, part of the German group Borgward 1954 Goliath Rot 1954 Gutbrod Superior Roadster, Count von Schulenburg at a Rally 1954 Gutbrod superior 1954 gutbrod-superior 1954 Horch Typ P 240 Sachsenring, 6 Zylinder, 2407 ccm, 80 PS, 140 km-h 1954 ifa f8glaser 1954 ifa f9 cabrio 1954 IFA H6 1954 1954 IFA S 4000-1 1954 IfA-Postlastkraftwagen H3A-Kastenwagen der Deutschen Post 1954 lloyd amstelkade 1954 lloyd der wagen fur dich 1954 Lloyd LP 600 Limousine 1954 Lloyd LP300 150dpi 1954 Lloyd LP-400 (D) 1954 Lloyd LT 500 1954 Lloyd LT 500a 1954 Publicidad Rastrojero 1954 rastrojero argentina 1954 Tempo Bus2 1954 Tempo Matador E 1954 Tempo Matador Kleinbus 1954 Tempo Matador Westrick Aufbau mit Seitent 1954 TEMPO Vidal WIKING 2cyl Heinkel 452cc 17ps 1954 Tempo-Matador-1400 1954 Tempo-Matador-1400-Pritsche-hellgrau 1954 VEB Automobilwerk AWZ, Zwickau, GDR 1954 Wartburg EMW 1954-61 Borgward 2de serie  B3000 trekker met oplegger 1954-61 Borgward B 2500  B 522, B 2500 A - B 522 A (A=Allrad) b 1954-61 Borgward B 2500  B 522, B 2500 A - B 522 A (A=Allrad) 1954-61 Borgward b2500 1 1954-61 Borgward B2500-1 B 2500  B 522, B 2500 A  B 522 A (A=Allrad) (1954 - 1961) 1954-61 Borgward B2500A-f2 1955 - 1961 Goliath Goli by Georg Sander


1955 Auto Union F800-3 1955 Barkas mit kampher Treffen Werdau 2005 1955 BMW 502 Coupe 1955 BMW 503a 1955 BMW Isetta Jagdwagen hunting car 2 1955 BMW Isetta Jagdwagen hunting car 3 1955 BMW Isetta Jagdwagen hunting car 1955 BMW502-mx 1955 Borgward 3000 1 1955 Borgward B 4500  Ludewig, Essen 1955 Borgward b611-brandweerbus 1955 Borgward B4000-1 1955 Borgward Isabella Cabriolet TS 1955 Borgward Isabella Combi DH-98-43 1955 Borgward Isabella Coupe 1955 Borgward Isabella kombi 1955 Dkw 3=6 cabrio 1955 Dkw 3=6 sedan 1955 DKW Auto Union 3-6 F800-3 1955 DKW Enzmann 500 Spider (2) 1955 DKW Enzmann 500 Spider 1955 DKW F 800 1955 DKW F89L Catalogue 1955 DKW F89L Super Clean Finish 1955 DKW F89L 1955 DKW F89La 1955 DKW Munga 1955 DKW Snelllaster 74-97-GG 1955 Emw 327-2 1955 Framo V 901-2 1955 gaz 12 zim 1955 gaz 21 prototyp 1955 gaz 21o28 1955 GAZ 55 IMCD 1955 gaz m 20 1955 gaz m 72 1955 gaz pobeda sport 1955 gaz post 1955 GAZ-62A, 4x4 1955 GLAS Goggomobil 1955 goggomobil podwozie 1955 goggomobil tyl 1955 goggomobil 1955 goliath-pkw-nach-1945-express-1100-bus-01a 1955 ifa  f9-kombi rf 1955 ifa f9 1955 IFA H6 proh6 2 1955 Lloyd Alexander TS 1955 Lloyd Kleinbus 1955 Lloyd LP 600 1955 lloyd 1955 Phänomen 1 - Kopie 1955 Phänomen Granit 30 K 1955 Robur Garant 30 K Innen 1955 Tempo - Matador 1400 1955 Tempo Matador chassis with trans and engine in front 1955 Tempo Matador I Möbelwagen 1955 Tempo Matador Minibus Ski Express 1955 Tempo Viking PA-93-56 1955 Wartburg Jagdvariante 1955 Wartburg 1955-59 AWZ P70 Coupé, VEB Automobilwerk Zwickau (DDR), 1955–1959 1955-61 Borgward B 2000 A-O ( A=Allrad, O=Ottomotor ) (1962 - 1968 Büssing) 1955-63 Tempo Wiking mit Heinkel-Motor 1955-63 Tempo Wiking mit Heinkel-Motora 1955-awz-p70-kombi-11


1956 Auto Union Dkw schnellaster bus 1956 Auto Union Van 1956 Barkas V 901 1956 BMW 503 Coupe 1956 BMW 503 1956 BMW 503a 1956 BMW Isetta 250 Bubble Window  (D) 1956 BMW Isetta 250 Bubble Window achterkant (D) 1956 BMW Isetta 300 export cabrio (D) 1956 BMW Isetta 300(D) 1956 BMW Isetta 1956 Borgward b 611 34 1956 Borgward B611 autobus SJ-81-13 1956 Borgward B611-bus 1956 Borgward B1500 1956 Borgward B1500-0032 PJ-37-50 1956 Borgward B4500-1 1956 Borgward Brandweerbus 1956 Borgward Combi Argentinië 1956 Borgward folder-arabella-kant-a 1956 Borgward В2000А-О, 4x4 1956 Dkw 3=6 cabrio 1956 Dkw 3=6 cover 1956 Dkw 3=6 schnellaster 1956 DKW 3-6 F800-3 1956 DKW Bronco 4WD 1956 DKW Bus 2 1956 DKW Catalogue 1956 Dkw de auto 1956 DKW F 91-4 Mungo 1956 dkw -f89 luxuscoupe 1956 DKW F91-4, 4x4 1956 DKW NV-03-91 1956 DKW PA-28-38 1 1956 DKW PF-04-38 1956 DKW regenkleding 1956 DKW rood 1956 dkw schnellaster advert 1956 DKW Schnelllaster- museum mobile 2003 1956 DKW todocollection 1956 dkw-bus-10 1956 Dkw-schnellaster-bus 1956 DKW-schnellaster-feuerwehr 1956 Garant 32 Diesel 1956 gaz  zim 1956 gaz 21 1956 gaz 56o 1956 gaz 62a 1956 gaz 72 1956 gaz m-20 1956 GAZ-12 ZIM 1956 goggomobil 01 1956 goggomobil coupe 1956 Goggomobil Pick Up 1956 goggomobil 1956 Goliath 3560ExpressRekla 1956 Goliath Express 23 window 1956 Goliath Goli 1956 goliath gp 1956 goliath-express-08 1956 Heinkel 175 1956 Heinkel kabine 153 (2) 1956 Heinkel Kabine 153 1956 Heinkel Kabine 1956 Horch 920S 1956 Horch Sachsenring 1956 IFA F8 und F9 Kombi 1956 ifa f9 1956 IFA H6 Pritschenkipper (2) 1956 IFA H6 Pritschenkipper 1956 IFA proW45 Digital StillCamera 1956 Lloyd 600 Cabriolimousine 1956 Lloyd Bus T1 1956 Lloyd Bus 1956 Lloyd Kleinbus b 1956 Lloyd Kleinbus 1956 Lloyd LS-400S Kombi (D) 1956 Lloyd LT600LBC 1956 Moskvitch 402 1956 pritschenwagen-garant-30-k 1956 Robur Garant 30 K Omnibus 1956 robur garant K30 (2) 1956 Robur Garant krankentransportwagen 1956 Robur Garant Museum 1956 Robur Garant Phänomen Granit 30K 1956 robur garant-30k-am 1956 Robur Garant-K-30-Thiele 1956 Tempo Matador Camper BGL 1956 Tempo Matador Camper 1956 Tempo Mikafa Wohnmobil 1956 TK-11-38 Borgward Isabella NL 1956 U-9 1956 Wartburg 1956 311 cabrio 1956 Wartburg 1956 zim gaz 12 1956-61 lloyd lt-600-bus-lwb OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


1957 A Magyar P70-es oldal 1957 AWZ P70 Zwickau 1957 awz-zwickau-p70 1957 Barkas-Framo V 901 1957 BMW (2) 1957 BMW 507 (2) 1957 BMW 507 1957 BMW 600 2  achterdeur(D) 1957 BMW 600 2  voordeur(D) 1957 BMW 600 2 (D) 1957 BMW 600 2 1957 BMW 600 1957 BMW Isetta 250(D) 1957 BMW Isetta 300  Convertible 1957 BMW Isetta 300 export 1957 BMW ISETTA 300 1957 BMW Isetta gelb 1957 BMW Isetta Landespolizei 1957 BMW 1957 Borgward B 611 Keinbus-Kombi 1957 Borgward B4500 1957 Borgward Combi 1957 Borgward Isabella cabriolet 1957 Borgward Isabella coupe- 2 1957 Borgward Isabella Coupe und einen Borgward B611 Bus 1957 Borgward Isabella Coupe 1957 Borgward Isabella Kombi VX-30-53 & Mercedes-Benz 220 S 1958 XX-91-98 1957 Borgward Isabella Kombi 1957 Borgward serie-a 1957 Borgward В4500А, 4x4, ambu 1957 Dkw  monza 1957 dkw 3 6 sonderklasse DKW 1956 book 1957 DKW 3-6 DKW 1956 book 1957 Dkw 600 frankfurt 1957 DKW Auto Union Schnellaster vans type F800 1957 DKW Schnellaster [e] 1957 DKW Schnell-Laster 1957 Garaż pełen P-70 1957 gaz  zim 1957 gaz 21 1957 gaz 69 open 1957 gaz 69a 1957 gaz m72 1957 gaz pobieda 1957 GAZ Volgabus 1957 goggomobil coupe genewa 1957 goggomobil isar 1957 goggomobil t 300 1957 Goliath Express 1100a 1957 Goliath F-1957-Express1100Bus-400A OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 1957 Goliath Transporter 1957 goliath-express-11001 1957 heinkel 01 1957 heinkel 02 1957 Heinkel cabin 3 1957 Heinkel Cabin Cruiser 1957 Heinkel Kabine (6) 1957 Heinkel Kabine 01 1957 Heinkel Kabine 153 1957 Heinkel Kabine vl red OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 1957 Heinkel side 1957 Heinkel Trojan 153 BW 1 1957 Heinkel Trojan 153 BW 2 1957 IFA AZ auffolger H6 1957 IFA H6 Pritschenlastzug (2) 1957 IFA H6 Pritschenlastzug 1957 IFA H6B L Kraftverkehr Dresden 1957 IFA P 70 Coupe 1957 Lloyd 600 1957 Lloyd Alexander 600 Cabriolet 1957 Lloyd LT 600 Bus 1957 P70 kombi 1957 Robur Garant 30K 1957 Robur Garant-30К 1957 Robur Garant-K30-Kommunal-JThiele 1957 Rückansicht einer BMW Isetta 250 aus dem Jahr 1957 1957 Tempo Wiking Kombi 1957 veb sachsenring 1957 awz p70 coupe 1957 wartburg camping limousine 1957 wartburg kombi 1957 wartburg pu 1957 Zwickau P70 1957 Zwickau 1957-61 Borgward B 1500 F  B 611 a 1957-61 Borgward B 1500 F  B 611 1957-61 Borgward Isabella Coupé 1957-61 goliath express 1100 1 1957-62 borgward 611 02 1957-62 borgward 611 03 1957-62 Borgward 611 08 1957-62 borgward 611 09 1957-62 Borgward 611 28 1957-62 Borgward 611 folder2 b611-bus a 1957-62 Borgward 622 2 (6) 1957-62 Borgward 622 2 (7) 1957-62 Borgward b 611 19 1957-62 Borgward b 611 25 1957-62 Borgward b 611 26 1957-62 Borgward b 611 27 1957-62 Borgward b 611 30a 1957-62 Borgward b 611 39 1957-62 Borgward b 611 40 1957-62 Borgward b 611 42a 1957-62 Borgward B 622 Pritschen-Lkw (klein) 1957-62 Borgward b611 (2) 1957-91 ROBUR Duitsland Robur-Werke Zittau 1957-1959 Goliath GP1100 ZweiturerEND

Buses + more IFA (Industrieverband Fahrzeugbau) East Germany

Industrieverband Fahrzeugbau

 Flag of East Germany

Flag of East Germany

IFA (Industrievereinigung Fahrzeugbau) was de overkoepelende organisatie van de Oost-Duitse motor- en auto-industrie. Onder de naam IFA werden in de DDR zowel personenauto‘s, vrachtauto‘s, landbouwvoertuigen als motorfietsen en (brom-)fietsen geproduceerd.

IFA Personenauto’s


IFA F8 Export-Cabriolet

Het IFA-Kombinat Personenkraftwagen Karl-Marx-Stadt omvatte de volgende fabrieken:

In de voormalige fabrieken van Audi en Horch in Zwickau werden de IFA F8F9Sachsenring P240,

1957 Sachsenring P240 (Horch) Limousine1957 Sachsenring P240 (Horch) Limousine

 AWZ P70

AWZ P70 limousine

AWZ P70 limousine

 en later de Trabant

Trabant P50

Trabant P50/500


In de voormalige fabriek van BMW in Eisenach werden de EMW 321340 en 327IFA F9 en later de Wartburg gemaakt.

In Karl-Marx-Stadt (nu: Chemnitz) werden de Framo en later de Barkas gemaakt.

Ook de fabrikanten van diverse aanhangwagens, vouwwagens (IFA Camptourist,

1959 Auto Union DKW Flintridge Caravan1959 IFA Camptourist

in Nederland verkocht als Alpen Kreuzer) en caravanmodellen QEKIFA Basteien IFA Intercamp behoorden tot dit Kombinat.

IFA Tweewielers

Het VEB IFA-Kombinat für Zweiradfahrzeuge omvatte de volgende fabrieken:

VEB Motorradwerk Zschopau. In de motorwereld was IFA bekend van de IFA-DKW, die na een rechtszaak van de West-Duitse Auto-Union, waar ook DKW onder viel, nog slechts IFA heette. Vanaf 1956 werd de merknaam MZ. In de IFA-periode werden modellen van 123- tot 346 cc gemaakt. Deze laatste had een tweecilinder tweetaktboxermotor en cardanaandrijving.

1951 AWO 425 op een beurs

1951 AWO 425 op een beurs

1956 IFA BK 3501956 IFA BK 350

MZ 125 RT is in feite een kopie van de vooroorlogse DKW 125 RT

MZ 125 RT is in feite een kopie van de vooroorlogse DKW 125 RT

MZ RT 125MZ RT 125

1964 Spatz (mus) kwam in 1964 als Moped1964 Spatz (mus) kwam in 1964 als Moped

1975 Simson S501975 Simson S50

1977 Simson S50B21977 Simson S50B2

Simson Swalbe 3 variantenSimson Swalbe 3 varianten

In de stad Suhl werden de bekende bromfietsen van het merk Simson geproduceerd. Enkele bekende modellen zijn de Simson Schwalbe en Simson Star. Deze fabriek, beter bekend onder VEB Fahrzeug und Jagwaffenwerk Simson Suhl was een van de grootste fabrikanten van tweewielers ter wereld.

Onder deze divisie vielen ook scooterfabrikant IWL en de fabrikanten van de fietsen Diamant en Mifa.

IFA Vrachtwagens

DCF 1.0IFA L60 W50 Bundeswehrmuseum Dresden 76

Het IFA-Kombinat Nutzfahrzeuge Ludwigsfelde omvatte de volgende fabrieken:

In Werdau is slechts een type, gedurende een vrij korte periode, geproduceerd, de G5. De opvolger IFA W50 werd in Werdau ontwikkeld (vandaar de W in de typenaam) maar geproduceerd in Ludwigsfelde, evenals de IFA L60.

IFA W50 FeuerwehrIFA W50 Feuerwehr

IFA L 60 wywrotka for saleIFA L 60 wywrotkaIFA H6 mit BelarusIFA H6 mit Belarus


IFA 4x4IFA 4×4

Digital StillCameraHorch und IFA H3 H3A g

Ifa Multicar pack Mod for Farming Simulator 2013Ifa Multicar pack Mod for Farming

Multicar M25 Image IFA east germanyMulticar M25 Image IFA east germany


ifa_3d_logo_ma_mb_obj_e4c9350d-6515-408d-8d97-d61a58b04168In Zittau werden vrachtauto’s gebouwd door Robur, voorheen Phänomen.

Uit Waltershausen stamt de Multicar. Van alle IFA-merken is slechts Multicar overgebleven en is nu onderdeel van Hako, een bedrijf dat veegwagens maakt.

Ook de tractoren en grondverzetmachines van IFA (o.a. de Fortschritt) vielen onder deze divisie

IFA H6 B Buses

13-IFA-1IFA Truck Bus Nicaragua © John Veerkamp


IFA Truck Bus Nicaragua © John Veerkamp


IFA Truck Bus Nicaragua © John Veerkamp

1937-53 IFA GRANIT1937-53 IFA GRANIT

1952 IFA mit Ernst Grube H3B aufbau1952 IFA mit Ernst Grube H3B aufbau © J.Zenker Zwickau

1952 Ikarus IFA-Ernst Grube KFZ Werk H3B1952 Ikarus IFA-Ernst Grube KFZ Werk H3B

1953 IFA mit Ernst Grube H3 Busaufbau1953 IFA mit Ernst Grube H3 Busaufbau © J.Zenker, Zwickau

1955 IFA + Ernst Grube H 6 B-S1955 IFA + Ernst Grube H 6 B-S © M.Templin

IFA images

1956 Ernst Grube Omnibus h6b 11956 Ernst Grube Omnibus h6b 1

1956 IFA Bus Leipzig1956 IFA Bus Leipzig

IFA CabineIFA Cabine

1956 IFA H6 Blütengrund1956 IFA H6 Blütengrund

Leipzig IFA Bus 1956 CabinLeipzig IFA Bus 1956 Cabin

1958 IFA H 6 B - L1958 IFA H 6 B – L

1956 IFA H6B Linienbus1956 IFA H6B Linienbus

1956 IFA H6B1956 IFA H6B

1960 IFA H6B Linienbus1960 IFA H6B Linienbus © O. Nordsieck

1981 IFA W 50 LA 4x41981 IFA W 50 LA 4×4

H6 B Bus in MarkleebergIFA H6 B Bus in Markleeberg

IFA 50 50IFA 50 50

IFA Barkas gevangenisbusjeIFA Barkas gevangenis hospital busje

IFA Bus +

IFA Bus + Anhänger

IFA Festival Vogtland 2010IFA Festival Vogtland 2010

IFA DDR EnteignungIFA DDR Enteignung

IFA Garant in SpeyerIFA Garant in Speyer

IFA GRANIT 1937-1953IFA GRANIT 1937-1953

IFA H 6 B mit Anhänger W 701 in Reko-AusführungIFA H 6 B mit Anhänger W 701 in Reko-Ausführung

IFA H 6 B mit Anhänger W 701a in Reko-AusführungIFA H 6 B mit Anhänger W 701 in Reko-Ausführung

IFA H6 B-L  VEB Waggonbau AmmendorfIFA H6 B-L VEB Waggonbau Ammendorf

IFA H6 BusIFA H6 Bus

IFA H6 DresdenIFA H6 Dresden

IFA H6 rood met aanhangerIFA H6 rood met aanhanger

IFA H6B arriving at Bhf SteinbachIFA H6B arriving at Bhf Steinbach

IFA H6B BusgespannIFA H6B Busgespann

IFA H6B-L s vlekem projíždí DělnickouIFA H6B-L s vlekem projíždí Dělnickou

IFA H6LB aus RostockIFA H6LB aus Rostock © Harald Neumann

IFA Image H6 B

IFA Image H6 B

NijmegenIFA ROBUR MAN MB Busje

Rosmo IFA busRosmo IFA bus ©John Veerkamp

Project Heinkel VEB SachsenringHeinkel VEB Sachsenring

Externe links

IFA Mobile 2-Takt Vereniging Nederlandse vereniging voor de merken Trabant, Wartburg, Barkas, Framo, IFA, Zwickau en Melkus

Einde, Ende, Fini,